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Criminal Justice Capstone

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Bullet 3

The prevailing argument is whether juvenile justice system facilitates the criminals to transform

their behavior and integrate back into the society. This argument gains support from Heilbrun,

Goldstein & Redding (2005) who assert that juvenile system has to address delinquency actions

by treating the juveniles therapeutically. This argument is supported by existing evidence from

Hess, Orthmann, and Wright (2012) who finds out that the deprived people in the community can

be likely to steal and commit other criminal offences linked to the economic as well as a social

status that affluent people. Another argument presented by Gaines and Miller (2007), is that

juvenile criminals have to be perceived as criminals who are not concerned about the rights of

others and hence have to get harsher punishments as well as deterrence strategies. These

arguments have both strengths and weaknesses as it regards the treatment of juvenile offenders.

The strength of the above arguments is that when juveniles are treated well even after

committing an offence the probability of them transforming and joining the society is great than

when they get harsh treatments in the correctional units. Further, other than been taken to harsh

punishment correctional units, if juveniles can be initiated in programs that can help them in the

future, they can change for the better. The weakness of the arguments is that there are no existing

justice policies and practices effective in attaining juvenile justice highlighted from the articles.

Bullet 4

The researchers considered multicultural factors in their studies. This is because an efficient

juvenile justice system takes into account the childrens needs together with their families thus

conserving the community safety. The researchers such as Stokes, McCoy & Teplin, 2015,

recognized multicultural issues such as public safety, concealment, and diversion, behavioral
roles out of the home settlement of delinquent youth as well as an affiliation between the

education systems. The multicultural factors that should be included in the future studies that can

enlighten or shed some light in the juvenile justice system include racial disparities, racial

discrimination, and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.

Bullet 5

The ethical issues related to the topic of discussion from the articles involve battling with the

perspective that government involvement in families and the lives of children evades the parents

right in the way they raise their children (Moore, 2003). Another ethical issue highlighted is the

academic success plays an important role in the prevention of delinquent behavior and promotion

of positive outcomes for safer communities and youths in general. Those juveniles who drop out

of school are challenged by opportunities hence the likelihood of involving themselves in

delinquent behavior compared to those who pursue their dreams in school. Another ethical issue

regards sentencing of juveniles as adults. The Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty for

juveniles in the year 2005 (Moore, 2003). It was specified that only youths who have committed

violent offenses like sex offenses murder or robbery are eligible for transfer to adult court. The

decision for transfer can be centered on several factors like age level of crime among others.

Bullet 6

The conclusions of my literature review relate to several specialization areas in criminal justice

in that all the stakeholders must play a role in enhancing juvenile justice. Some of the

specialization areas involve corrections and case management. This area involves officers that

work as probation officers or in prisons. Students who might specialize in this field can have

strong groundings in the history and psychology of prisoners as well as penal systems. Another
area of specialization that relates to the literature review involves the court system. According to

Taylor (2014), a career as a judge is a suitable track for a criminal justice field and practicing in

the psychology of crime will assist students with aspirations of working in a courtroom. A clear

understanding of the court system will prepare students to work as bailiffs or an officer of the

court. Further, a bailiff who can realize when there might be difficulty brewing throughout a trial

and who can also avert something from occurring is a value to any courtroom. According to

Leone & Wruble (2015), some areas of specialization within the criminal justice require a higher

level of commitment than others specifically regarding personal risk. Law enforcement officers

risk their lives daily to maintain the safety of the people. Further, a career as a probation officer

or correctional treatment specialist can bring a higher level of risk to an individuals position.

Gaines, L. K., & Miller, R. L. R. (2007). Criminal justice in action. Belmont, CA: Thomson


Hess K M., Orthmann C. H., and Wright J. P. (2012), Juvenile Justice. Cengage Learning

Heilbrun, K., Goldstein, N. E. S., & Redding, R. E. (2005). Juvenile delinquency: Prevention,

assessment, and intervention. New York: Oxford University Press.

Leone, P. E., & Wruble, P. C. (2015). Education Services in Juvenile Corrections: 40 Years of

Litigation and Reform. Education & Treatment Of Children, 38(4), 587-604.

Moore, L. V. (2003). Juvenile crime: Current issues and background. New York: Nova Science


Stokes, M. L., McCoy, K. P & Teplin, L. A. (2015). Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Youth in

the Juvenile Justice System A Review of the Literature. Journal of Correctional Health

Care,21(3), 222-242.

Taylor, R. (2014). Juvenile justice: Policies, programs, and practices. McGraw-Hill Higher


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