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Self-Complementary Antennas In the present article, a series o f studies o f

self-complementary antennas are summarized, placing particular

emphasis on the results o f the original work performed by the pre
sent author.
Yasuto Mushiake
2-18 Akebono-cho,
Aobaku, 2. Electrom agnetic fields for a pair o f dual structures
Sendai, Miyagi, 981
Japan A pair o f structures, shown in Figures la and lb are consid
ered, where two planar sheets o f perfect electric and magnetic con
ductors, S, and S2, make up an infinite plane. The electric-current
sources are placed as in la and the magnetic current sources are
1. Introduction placed as in lb. The geometrical shapes o f these two structures are
exactly identical, but the electric properties and the magnetic prop
n antenna with a self-complementary structure has a constant erties are interchanged with each other, as shown in the figures.
A input impedance, independent o f the source frequency and o f
the shape o f the structure. The origin o f such a structure was In this article, such a pair o f structures will be called mutually-
accomplished, and the principle for this marvelous property o f con dual structures. Furthermore, in Figure 1 it is assumed that the
stant impedance was discovered, in 1948, by the present author electric currents, J 0 = N , in (a) are symmetrical, and the magnetic
[l]-[3 ]. Furthermore, various other types o f self-complementary
structures were also developed, successively [4]-[9], during a fairly currents, J 0m = + N , in (b) are anti-symmetrical, with respect to
long period o f time, until quite recently. the conducting plane S| + S2. Then, Maxwell's equations for the
electromagnetic fields E j.H , in (a), and E2,H 2 in (b), and for the
This remarkable principle o f self-complementary antennas was electric- and magnetic-current sources, are given as follows:
introduced into the investigation o f the extremely broad-band
antennas, or frequency-independent antennas, proposed by V. H.
V x E t + ycu/tH] = 0 , 1
Rumsey [10, 11], and it lead to the development o f the log-periodic
antenna [12] and the log-periodic dipole array [13]. However, in V x H j - O c a e + o J E ^ J 0 = N ,J
this connection it should be noted that the log-periodic structure
itself does not assure frequency-independent characteristics for V x E 2 + ./ cdjuH 2 = - J 0m = + N ,l
antennas, as understood from the description in the IEEE Standard
V x H2 - (y 'c o E + o) E 2 = 0 , J
Dictionary o f Electrical and Electronics Terms, while the (2)
self-complementary structures or their modifications ensure the
constant-impedance property o f an antenna. This means that the
where the signs correspond to the right and the left sides o f the
broad-band characteristics o f the log-periodic antenna have their
conducting sheets in Figure 1. At the same time, the electromag
origin not in the log-periodic shape, but in the aspects o f the shape
netic fields must satisfy the boundary conditions for the perfect
which are derived from the self-complementary antenna.1
electric conductor (PEC) and for the perfect magnetic conductor
(PMC) as follows:
However, since the self-complementary property o f an
antenna prescribes nothing about the broad-band nature o f its
radiation properties, information about the radiation characteristics E, x n = H] n = 0, on Sj
o f other existing antennas must be introduced, for the purpose o f H] x n = E] n = 0, on S2
developing practical broad-band antennas. Besides, the self-com
plementary antennas have infinitely-extended structures, and the
reduction o f the effects o f truncation is very important in practice. E2 x n = H 2 n = 0, on S2
Therefore, mostly-experimental hard studies are usually needed H 2 x n = E 2 n = 0, on Sj
for this purpose.

Also, properly-arranged log-periodic structures have various where n is the unit normal on the surfaces Sj and S2.
well-known merits as extremely broad-band antennas, but this is not
true for improperly-arranged log-periodic structures. The reduction Now, let the vectors E2 and H2 in equations (2) and (4) be
o f truncation effects, mentioned above, is satisfactory in log- replaced by the vectors E] and H b using the relations
periodic structures, as it is in other cases o f teeth-type array
structures, in general. [Editors comment: readers not familiar with E 2 = + H i> H 2 = ) E ; (5)
the role o f self-complementary antennas in the development o f log- where
periodic antennas, and/or with the importance o f the effects o f trun
cation on both classes o f structures, can find a discussion o f this in
y = (jwe + o )ljw n (6)
Reference 11.]

Then, we find that equations (2) and (4) actually transform to

equations (1) and (3), respectively, by interchanging the order. This
means that the two electromagnetic fields E bHj and E2,H 2, for
It was confirmed that an antenna with a log-periodic structure mutually-dual structures, are related as given by equations (5).
arranged in an anti-complementary manner has a log-periodic input Accordingly, if the electromagnetic fields that satisfy Maxwell's
impedance which varies distinctly with respect to the source equations and the boundary conditions can be solved for either one
frequency [6], This fact suggests that the log-periodic dipole array, o f these mutually-dual structures, then the electromagnetic fields
excited by a feed line without transposition, does not have good for another structure will be determined immediately by the rela
broad-band characteristics. tions (5).

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992 23
E ,,H ,
Figure 2. Excitation o f m utually-com plem entary planar struc

fields. Therefore, we can conclude that the relations (5) are also
true for a pair o f complementary PEC structures, which are derived
from Figures la and lb by eliminating the fictitious PMC sheets. By
the way, in the present theory, the PMC sheets are assumed at first,
but such a technique is quite helpful for developing the theory for
more complicated cases. This is because the introduction o f the
PMC sheets, as in Figure 1, divides the whole space into two per
fectly-shielded independent half spaces.

N ow , a pair o f arbitrarily-shaped complementary PEC struc

tures, shown in Figures 2a and 2b, are considered, where Figure 2b
is equivalent to Figure 2c. The electric-current source in Figure 2a
can be divided into two symmetrical current sources, and the mag
netic-current source in Figure 2b can be considered to be an
anti-symmetrical one. Hence, the relations (5) hold for E ^ H i and
E2,H 2 in Figure 2.

Let the input impedance o f a plate antenna as in Figure 2a be

Z], and that o f a hole antenna as in Figure 2b or 2c be Z2. Then,
these impedances can be expressed by the ratios o f the input volt
ages to the input currents at their feeding terminals, respectively, as

Zi = fd
Figure 1. A pair o f infinite planar sheets o f com pound perfect

( 8)
3. Input im pedances for com plem entary structures
where cA denotes the line element, and the integrations are per
In general, it can be easily verified that symmetrical electric formed in the vicinity o f the input terminals, which are assumed to
currents, such as those in Figures la, induce electrically-symmetrical be sufficiently small compared to the wavelength. The line integrals
electromagnetic fields, and anti-symmetrical magnetic currents, for the magnetic fields should be performed wholly around the fed
such as those in Figure lb, induce magnetically anti-symmetrical currents, but they are expressed in equations (8) by two times the
ones. Hence, w e have integrations on one side o f the conducting sheets, as they are
anti-symmetrical with respect to the conducting sheets.
Ei n = H i x n = 0, on Si + S2
H 2 x n = E2 n = 0, on S] + S2 By taking a product o f Z1 and Z2 as given by equations (8),
and introducing the relations (5) into the integrands, a relation can
be derived as follows:
These relations show that the boundary conditions for PMCs are
automatically satisfied on the symmetry planes. This means that the
PMC sheets on S2 in Figure la and on Sj in Figure lb can be taken
away, without causing any variation in the original electromagnetic

24 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992

where Z0 is the intrinsic impedance o f the medium. The expression
(9) had been shown, by several other authors [e.g., 14], as the rela
tion between the input impedance o f a slot antenna and that o f a
complementary wire antenna. However, it should be stressed here
that the relation (9) in this article was derived with no restriction,
such as slot or wire, to the shapes o f the antennas and, hence, this is
quite an innovative and generalized relation for a pair o f arbitrarily-
shaped complementary planar structures [1-3],

4. Self-com plem entary structures and their constant-

im pedance properties

For the purpose o f giving some adequate examples o f appli

cations which show the distinctive features o f the innovative rela
tion (9), intensive investigations were carried out. As a result o f
those studies, self-complementary planar structures were originated
by the present author [1-3]. Here, the term self-complementary pla Figure 3b. An exam ple o f an unbalanced type o f self-com ple
nar structure means a planar structure the shape o f which is identi m entary planar antenna (Z = 60n2).
cal to that o f a complementary one, as shown in Figures 3a and b.
For such a structure, the original input impedance, Z\, must be
equal to Z2 for the complementary structure, and a common value
Z= Z] = Z2 can be determined [1-3] from the relation (9) as

Z = Z0 / 2 = 1 / / (jcoe + o)' ( 10)

and, in free space, this reduces to

Z = 60/r = 188i. (11)

The relations (10) and (11) mean that the input impedance o f a
self-complementary planar structure is always constant, independ
ent o f its shape and the source frequency, and equation (10) is
known as Mushiake's relation [11],

Figure 4. An exam ple of a four-terminal self-com plem entary

planar turnstile antenna (Z = 3 0 W 2 i l ) .

5. M ulti-term inal self-com plem entary planar antennas

One o f the simplest examples o f a multi-terminal

self-complementary planar antenna is shown in Figure 4, where four
terminals are excited by four phased electric sources in a star con
nection (this is really a turnstile antenna, but the input impedances
for two-phase electric sources in the ordinary turnstile excitation
are twice as large as those for the four-phase sources here). By
examining the directions o f the magnetic-field vectors at the feed
points, w e find that these electric sources are equivalent to mag
netic-current sources in a ring connection, respectively, on the front
and the reverse sides o f the planar structure. Therefore, the electric-
current sources in the complementary structure are in a ring con
nection, although the shapes o f the original and the complementary
structures are identical.

Figure 3a. A n exam ple o f a balanced type o f self-com plem en- Let the input impedance at each terminal o f Figure 4 be Zh
tary planar antenna (Z = 6 0 /d i). and let the impedance for each electric-source current in the ring

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992 25
connection for the complementary structure be Z2. Then, these two Consequently, the total input impedance, Z, for Figure 5 can be
impedances are given by the same expressions as equations (8), and determined to be
the relation (9) is also true, for this case. In the meantime, Z1 for
the star connection, and Z2 for the ring connection, are related by Z = Zp / 4 = Zq / 4 = 30ni2 (jy)

2Z j = Z 2 (12) In general, the input impedance o f a three-dimensional

self-complementary antenna with 2 wings and a wedge angle o f
From equations (9) and (12) w e have (4,6] itIn is given by [5,6,8]

Z ,= Z 0 / 2 V 2 = 3 ( W 2 n (13) Z = Z0 / 2 m = 6 0 n ln 2 (jg )

In general, the input impedance, Zmn, for an -terminal

self-complementary antenna excited by -phase electric sources in a 7. Stacked self-com plem entary antennas
star connection with rth-order rotation can be written as
For the purpose o f increasing the power gain o f
Zm = Z 0 /4 sin (m n /n ) (j4) self-complementary antennas, several types o f stacked antennas
were proposed [7-9,31], Some o f them are discussed in this section.

A more-detailed discussion is given by G. A. Deschamps [15]. A simple way o f stacking is a periodic co-planar arrangement,
shown in Figure 6. The input impedance at each feed point, Z, can
be obtained by the same treatments as used for Figure 3, and w e
6. Three-dim ensional self-com plem entary antennas
have Z = Z0/2. This means that each input impedance is always
constant, including the effects o f mutual coupling among the
An example o f a three-dimensional self-complementary antenna elements.
antenna, shown in Figure 5, will be discussed. Here, the vertical and
the horizontal portions are mutually-complementary PEC planar Another type o f stacked self-complementary antenna is illus
trated in Figure 7, where the antennas are arranged periodically on
equally-spaced parallel planes. Various kinds o f geometrically
At first, PMC planar sheets are assumed to be introduced in self-complementary structures are conceivable for this type o f
Figure 5, so as to constitute a cross o f vertical and horizontal infi arrangement, but they are not always truly self-complementary
nite planes formed o f PEC and PMC sheets. Then, the whole space
when the feeding arrangements o f the electric sources are taken into
is divided into four perfectly-shielded partial spaces, with a wedge
account, and the constant-impedance property can not always be
angle o f tt/2, where one-fourth o f the electric-source current is proven for them. This nature comes from the plus-and-minus signs
assumed to be included. From the symmetry o f this structure, it is in the relations (5) for mutually-complementary planar structures.
understood that the introduction or elimination o f the PMC sheets
does not disturb the original electromagnetic fields. In Figure 7, the antenna elements are alternately reversed in
their periodic arrangement, and they are excited so as to give in-
Next, by considering another structure in a dual relationship, phase radiation. This antenna can be dealt with using theoretical
and following similar steps to the theoretical treatments in Sections
2 and 3, w e have

Zpi = zP2 = i / r =Zq, (is)

where Zpi and Zp2 are input impedances for mutually-complemen
tary structures in each partial space. In this case, they have a com
mon value, ZP , and they are given by

Figure 5. An exam ple o f a three-dim ensional self-com plem en Figure 6. The principle o f the co-planar stacked self-com ple
tary antenna ( = 2, Z s 307t S2). m entary antenna (Z = 60n 2 each).

26 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992
were made to the theoretically-derived antenna structures. Several
o f the methods for these approximations and modifications are
briefly explained below, and the published papers and reports which
describe the results o f the related studies are referenced.

8.1 Approximation by truncation. In principle,

self-complementary antennas have infinitely- extended geometrical
structures. For this reason, some adequate truncation for their
structure is always necessary in practice [16-32], but the largest
dimensions o f the truncated antenna determines the low- frequency
Figure 7. An exam ple o f a side-by-side stacked self-com plem en
tary antenna (Z = 6 0 n 2 each).

8.2 Approximation by conducting rods. In general, a strip o f

conducting sheet can be replaced with an equivalent conducting rod
for antenna structures. By means o f such approximations, several
types o f self-complementary antennas were fabricated with
conducting rods [28,30,31],

8.3 Modification with a ground plane. To improve the radia

tion characteristics o f antennas, it is often effective to use a ground
plane. In principle, this disturbs the self-complementary configura
tion, but sometimes the broad-band characteristics o f the input
impedance are preserved, to some extent [19,25,32],

8.4 Modification by deformation. The broad-band character

istics o f self-complementary antennas are well preserved, even
when their planar structures are deformed by bending or folding
[21,29,31,32], although the original values o f their input imped
ances transform to different values. In practice, their radiation char
acteristics can be improved by such deformations.

Figure 8. The principle o f a com pound-stacked self-com ple

m entary antenna (Z = 60 n C2 each).

procedures similar to those in Sections 2-4, where PMC sheets are

introduced and another dual structure is considered. In the course
o f treatment o f such antennas, the symmetries o f the configurations,
including the whole arrangement o f the electric- and magnetic-
source currents, were carefully examined, and it was confirmed that
the introduction and the elimination o f the fictitious PMC sheets
was possible without disturbing the electromagnetic fields.

Finally, it was found that the input impedance for Figure 7 is

Zq/2 at each feed point, including the effect o f mutual coupling
among the antenna elements. Many other kinds o f stacked
self-complementary antennas were studied, but they are omitted
here, except for the one example shown in Figure 8,2 where the
antenna elements are compound-stacked in a two-dimensional way,
and the input impedance is also Z/2 at each feed point [8,9],

8. Developm ental studies o f self-com plem entary antennas

For the purpose o f developing broad-band antennas, intensive

experimental studies o f self-complementary antennas were carried
out at Tohoku University and related institutions [16-32], In the
course o f these studies, various approximations and modifications

Japanese Patent No. 1594525, Compoundly stacked Figure 9. An exam ple o f a m onopole-slot antenna: (a) Struc
self-complementary antenna, Y. Mushiake, December 27, 1990. ture; (b) M easured input im pedance (normalized to SO 1).

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992 27
8.5 Modification by partial excision. During studies o f 12. R. H. Duhamel and D. E. Isbell, Broadband logarithmically
three-dimensional self-complementary antennas, it was found that periodic antenna structure, 1957 IRE National Convention
the lower half o f the vertical portion in Figure 5 can be excised, Record, pt. 1, pp. 119-128, March, 1957.
without loosing the constant-impedance property. An example o f
such an antenna is shown in Figure 9 [17,26,27], The simplest case 13. D. E. Isbell, Log periodic dipole arrays, IRE Trans. Ant.
o f this antenna reduces to a unipole-slot (or monopole-slot) Prop., AP-8, No. 3, pp. 260-267, May, 1960.
antenna, whose input impedance was obtained theoretically as Z =
Zq/2, by T. Ishizone [30], 14. H. G. Booker, Slot aerials and their relation to complementary
wire aerials, Proc. IEE, pt. IIIA, 90, 4, pp. 620-629, April, 1946.
9. Conclusion
15. G. A. Deschamps, Impedance properties o f complementary
multiterminal planar structures, IRE Trans. Ant. Prop., AP-7
A series o f studies o f self-complementary antennas, from their
(Special Supplement), p. S371, December, 1959.
origin to the developmental investigations for practical purposes,
have been summarized, placing emphasis on the results obtained by
16. T. Ishizone and Y. Mushiake, A self-complementary antenna
the present author.
composed o f unipole and notch antennas, 1977 International
IEEE AP-S Symposium Digest, pp. 8-1, June, 1977.
The theory o f this antenna provides a firm foundation and
effective technological guidance principles to investigations for
17. T. Ishizone, T. Kasahara, and Y. Mushiake, Modified two
extremely-broad-band antennas [33], and the author earnestly
planes self-complementary antenna," 1978 International Symposium
expects further developments o f this theory and its extensive appli
on Antennas and Propagation Summaries o f Papers, paper A-9-3,
cation, in practice.
pp. 145-148, August, 1978.

18. N. Inagaki, Y. Isogai, and Y. Mushiake, Ichimatsu moyou

antenna-Self-complementary antenna with periodic feeding points,
Trans. IECE Japan, 62-B, 4, pp. 388-395, April, 1979.

19. T. Ishizone and Y. Mushiake, Unipole-notch array antennas,

1. Y. Mushiake, The input impedance o f a slit antenna, in Joint
1981 International IEEE AP-S Symposium Digest, S23-6, June,
Convention Record o f Tohoku Sections o f IEE and IECE o f Japan,
pp. 25-26, June, 1948.

20. K. Yamamoto, K. Sawaya, T. Ishizone, and Y. Mushiake,

2. Y. Mushiake, The input impedances o f slit antennas, J. IEE
Self-complementary monopole-notch array antennas, Trans.
Japan, 69, 3, pp. 87-88, March, 1949.
IECE Japan, J65-B, 1, pp. 70-77, January, 1982.
3. S. Uda and Y. Mushiake, The input impedances o f slit anten
nas, Tech. Rep. o f Tohoku Univ., 14, 1, pp. 46-59, September, 21. T. Kasahara and Y. Mushiake, Monopole-slot array antennas
1949. arranged on a conical surface, 1982 National Convention Record
o f IECE o f Japan, p. 620, March, 1982.
4. Y. Mushiake, Multiterminal constant impedance antenna, 1959
National Convention Record o f IECE o f Japan, p. 89, October 22. T. Kasahara and Y. Mushiake, Axially symmetric and equally
1959. spaced self-complementary array antenna, Trans. IECE Japan,
J65-B, 3, pp. 338-339, March, 1982.
5. Y. Mushiake and H. Saito, Three-dimensional
self-complementary antenna, Joint Convention Record o f Four 23. S. Nishimura, T. Ishizone, and Y. Mushiake, Input impedance
Japanese Institutes Related to Electrical Engineering, pt. 15, No. o f a monopole-notch antenna formed on a printed circuit sub
1212, April, 1963. strate, Joint Convention Record o f Tohoku Sections o f Institutes
Related to Electrical Engineering, 2B14, August, 1982.
6. Y. Mushiake, Constant impedance antennas, J. IECE Japan,
48, 4, pp. 580-584, April, 1965. 24. T. Kasahara and Y. Mushiake, Four-terminal circularly polar
ized self-complementary antenna, Trans. IECE Japan, J65-B, 8,
7. Y. Mushiake, Self-complementary stacked antennas, 1982 pp. 981-988, August, 1982
Optical and Radio Division National Convention Record o f IECE
o f Japan, p. 90, August, 1982. 25. T. Kasahara and Y. Mushiake, Self-complementary
ground-plane antennas in three dimensions, Trans. ICEE Japan,
8. Y. Mushiake, Self-complementary Antennas, Researches on J65-B, 9, pp. 1109-1116, September, 1982.
Elect. Comm., Record o f Elect. Comm. Eng. Conversazione,
Commemorative Issue, RIEC, Tohoku University, pp. 109-116, 26. T. Kasahara, K. Sawaya, and Y. Mushiake, Modified
September, 1985. three-dimensional self-complementary array antenna over a finite
ground plane, Trans. IECE Japan, J66-B, 1, pp. 40-47, January,
9. Y. Mushiake, Compoundly stacked self-complementary anten 1983.
nas, Memoirs o f Tohoku Institute o f Technology, 10, pp. 73-76,
March, 1990. 27. T. Ishizone, Y. Yokoyama, S. Nishimura, and Y. Mushiake,
Unipole-slot array antenna, Trans. IECE Japan, J66-B, 3, PP-
10. V. H. Rumsey, Frequency Independent Antennas, 1957 IRE 281-288, March, 1983.
National Convention Record, pt. 1, pp. 114-118, March, 1957.
28. T. Ishizone, H. Ishikawa, S. Horiguchi, and Y. Mushiake,
11. V. H. Rumsey, Frequency Independent Antennas, N ew York, Dipole array with log periodic parasitic elements, 1983 National
Academic Press, 1966. Convention Record o f IECE o f Japan, p. 716, April, 1983.

28 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992
29. T. Kasahara and Y. Mushiake, Equally spaced Yasuto M ushiake was bom in Okayama-ken, Japan, on
monopole-notch array antenna for circularly polarized wave, IEEE March 28, 1921. He received the BEng degree in electrical com
Trans. Ant. Prop., AP-31, 5, pp. 812-814. September, 1983. munications, Graduate Course Certificate, and the DrEng degree by
presenting a thesis on antennas with parasitic elements, all from
30. T. Ishizone, Report o f the studies on high gain and broadband Tohoku (formerly, Imperial) University, Sendai, Japan, in 1944,
antennas derived from modified self-complementary antennas, 1949, and 1954, respectively.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ministry o f Education, Japan,
Project No. 00555131 (1980-1982), 62 pages, March, 1982. From 1949 to 1960, he was an Assistant Professor at Tohoku
University, and from 1954 to 1956, he was a Visiting Research
31. Y. Mushiake, Report o f the studies on self-complementary Associate at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. In 1960,
antennas with modifications and approximations, Grant-in-Aid for he became Professor at Tohoku University, taking over the chair o f
Scientific Research, Ministry o f Education, Japan, Project No. Prof. S. Uda (previously held by Prof. H. Yagi). Prof. Mushiake
56890010(1981-1983), 127 pages, March, 1983. worked there until 1984, when he moved to Tohoku Institute o f
Technology, Sendai, as President. Since his retirement from this in
32. T. Kasahara, Studies on self-complementary broadband anten 1989, he has been Advisor to the same Institute, and also to
nas, Doctorate thesis submitted to Tohoku University, 172 pages, Matsushita Communication Sendai R&D Labs.
October, 1984.
At first, his research was concerned with the Yagi-Uda
33. P. E. Mayes, Frequency-independent antennas and broad-band antenna, including related linear antennas and slot antennas. Then
derivatives thereof, Proc. IEEE, 80, pp. 103-112, January, 1992. these studies were extended to those o f self-complementary anten
nas and antennas in plasma. His research has covered electromag
netic wave theory, radio propagation, millimeter- and optical-wave
transmission. He is the author or co-author o f numerous papers and
nine books. He was also the editor o f Antenna Engineering Hand
book (1EICE, in Japanese) and co-editor o f other handbooks.

Dr. Mushiake was the organizer and Chairman o f the IEEE

Introducing Feature Article Author AP-S Tokyo Chapter, and Chairman o f the Organizing Committee
and Executive Committee for the 1978 International Symposium on
Yasuto Mushiake Antennas and Propagation, Japan. He served as Vice President o f
IEICE, and as chairman o f related committees. He was Visiting
Research Officer at the Communications Research Lab (formerly,
RRL), and a member o f several important technical committees o f
the Japanese government.

He received the Second Order o f Merit with the Sacred

Treasure (1991), Medal o f Honor with Purple Ribbon (1985),
Medal o f Honor o f IEICE (1982), and seven other awards. He is
Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University, and also at Tohoku Insti
tute o f Technology. H e is and Honorary Member o f IEICE and ITE
o f Japan, a Life Member o f the IEE o f Japan, and a Member o f the
Engineering Academy o f Japan. He is a Life Fellow o f the IEEE.

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IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, December 1992 29

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