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FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS ‘McGraw-Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering John D. Anderson Jr., University of Marsland Consulting Editor Anderson Alveraf Performance and Design Anderson Computational Fld Dynanies Anderson Fundarentals of Aevodsnanvies Anderson Introduction Fight Anderson ‘Modem Compressible Fluid Flow Barber Inermediate Mechanics of Materials Borman Combustion Engineering aru Anustcal Dynamics Budynas Advanced Srength and Applied Sess Analysis Curtis Fundamentals of Aircraft Siractural Analysis D’Azzo and Houpis Linear Control Sstem Analssis and Design Donaldson Analysis of Aircraft iret: Gitson Principles of Composite Material Mechanics Humble Space Propulsion Anahss and Design Hyer SiressAnalsis of Fiber Rebforced Composte Materials Kay Fuulamentals of Mechanical Wbraions Mattingly Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion Metroviten Element of Vibration Merositen Fundamentals of Vibrations Nelson Flight Stability and Automate Convot Oosthuizen Compressible Fluid Flow Raven uronic Control Engineering Setting Boundary Layer Dheory Shames Mechanics of lds Turns ‘A Introduction to Combustion Ugurat Sireser in Plates and Shells ve Dayamics Systems: Modeling and Anabsis White Viscous Fluid Flow White Fluid Mechanics Wieset Spacefight Dynamics FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS ‘Third Edi John D. Anderson, Jr. Curator of Aerodynamics National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution and Professor Emeritus University of Maryland He Boston Burr Ridge, !L_Dubuave, 'A Madison, WI New York San Francisco St.Louis Bangkok Bogota Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon. London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Talpel Toronto McGraw-Hill Higher Education 82 A Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies FUNDAMENTALS OF AFRODYNAMICS, THIRD EDITION Pblshed by MeCiawil, «business wit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie, 1221 Avenue ofthe ‘Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright ©2001, 1991, 196 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Ine All ight reserved. No par of this plication may be reproduced o distribute in any frm or by ay means sored ina database or retrieval system, without the pice writen consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies. te incudng, bt not inte on any network a othe electronic storage or tansnisson, ‘or broadcast fr distance earning, Some ania, inluding electronic and print components ay not be avilable o customers ouside the United States ‘This bok sprint om acd-ste paper. 12345678 90QPRIQPFO9876543210 ISBN 0.07-237335.0 Vice president nd eitri-chiel: Michal Lange Pblisher: Thomas E:Casson Sponsring eto: Jonas Plant Developmental editor: Kristen Dre Senior marketing manager: John Wamemacher Senia projet manager Kay J Brimeyer Media technology senior producer: Philip Meck Production supervisor: Laura Fuller Coordinator of freelance desig: Michelle D. Whitaker Freeanee cover designer: Rake Design, Ine. Cover lution: Jou Rokusle Senior photo retearch coordinator: Carre K. Burger Digital eaten specialist: Candy M. Kuster Composite: Techeters Ine ‘Typeface: 10/12 Times Roman rite: Quebecor World Faire fe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Anderson, John Davi. Fundamental of aerodynamics John D. Anderson, Je—3al ed . cin —~{MeGraw- Til saris in aeronatical and aoroapice engineering) Includes index ISBN 0-07-257335.0 1. Aerodynamics, 1 ‘TLS10.A677_ 2001 629,1373-d621 oo.0ss0x7 cr he. Serie. swore com ABOUT THE AUTHOR John D. Anderson, Jr., was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on October |, 1937. He attended the University of Florida, graduating in 1959 with high honors and a bachelor cf aeronautical engineering degree. From 1959 to 1962, he was a lieutenant and task scientist at the Aerospace Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, From 1962 to 1966, he attended the Ohio State University under the National Science Foundation and NASA Fellowships, graduating with a Ph.D. in aeronautical and as- tronautical engineering. In 1966, he joined the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory as Chief of the Hypersonics Group. In 1973, he became Chairman of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, and since 1980 has been professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, In 1982, he was designated a Distinguished Scholat/Teacher by the University. During 1986-1987, ‘while on sabbatical from the University, Dr, Anderson occupied the Charles Lind bergh Chair at the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. He continued with the Airand Space Museum one day each week as their Special Assis tant for Aerodynamics, doing research and writing on the history of aerodynamics. In addition to his position as professor of aerospace engineering, in 1993, he was made a full faculty member of the Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and in 1996 an affiliate member ofthe History Department at the University of Maryland, In 1996, he became the Glenn L. Martin Distinguished Professor for Education in “Aerospace Engineering, In 1999, he retired from the University of Maryland and was ‘appointed Professor Emeritus, He is currently the Curator for Aerodynamics at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Anderson has published cight books: Gasdynamie Lasers: An Introduc- tion, Academic Press (1976), and under McGraw-Hill, Introduction to Flight (1978, 1984, 1989, 2000), Modern Compressible Flow (1982, 1990), Fundamentals of Aero dynamics (1984, 1991), Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics (1989), Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications (1995), Aircraft Pe formance and Design 1999}, and A History of Aerodynamics and ls Impacton Flying ‘Machines, Cambridge University Press (1997 hardback, 1998 paperback). He is the author of over 120 papers on radiative gasdynamics, reentry aerothermodynamics, gasdynamic and chemical lasers, computational fluid dynamics, applied aerodynam: ies, hypersonic flow, and the history of aeronautics. Dr. Anderson isin Who's Who in America. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIA). He is also a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, London. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, The American Society for Engineering Education, the History of Science Society, and the Society for the History of Technology. In 1988, he was elected as Viee President of the ALAA. for Education. In 1989, he was awarded the John Leland Atwood Award jointly by the American Society for Engineering Education and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics “for the lasting influence of his recent contributions to aerospace engineering education.” In 1995, he was awarded the AAA Pendray Aerospace Literature Award “for writing undergraduate and graduate textbooks in aerospace engineering which have received worldwide acclaim for their readability and clarity of presentation, including historical content." In 1996, he was elected Vice President of the AIAA for Publications. He has recently been honored by the AIAA with its 2000 von Karman Lectureship in Astronautics, From 1987 to the present, Dr. Anderson has been the senior consulting editor on ‘the McGraw-Hill Series in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Dedicated to My Family Sarah-Allen, Katherine, and Elizabeth CONTENTS Preface 1o the First Edition xv Preface to the Third Edition xix FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1 Chapter 1 AERODYNAMICS: SOME InrRODUCTORY THOUGHTS 3 1.1 Importance of Aerodynamics: Historical Examples. 3 1.2. Aerodynamics: Classification and Practical Objectives 10 1.3 Road Map for This Chapter 12 14 Some Fundamental Aerodynamic Variables 12 1.5 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments 15 16 Center of Pressure 28 1,7 Dimensional Analysis: The Buckingham Pi ‘Theorem 30 1.8 Flow Similarity 36 1.9 Fluid Staties: Buoyancy Force 48 1.10 Types of Flow 54 110.1 Continuum Versus Free Molecule Flow 54 1.10.2 Inviscid Versus Viscous Flow S4 110.3 Incompressble Versus Compressible Flows. 56 L104 Mach Number Regimes 57 1.11 Applied Aerodynamics: The Aerodynamic Coetficients—Their Magnitudes and Variations 60 1.12. Historical Note: The Mllusive Center of Pressure 72 1.13. Historical Now: Aerodynamic Coefficients 76 1.14 Summary 79 Problems 80 Chapter 2 AERODYNAMICS: SOME FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND. Equations 85 Introduction and Road Map 85 Review of Vector Relations 87 22.1 Some Vector Algebra 87 ‘Typleal Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 88 22.3 Sealarand Vector Fields. 91 Scalar and Vector Products. 92 Gradient ofa Scalar Field 92 Divergence ofa Vector Field 94 Cun of a Vector Field 95 Line Integrals. 96 Surface Integrals. 97 Volume Intezrals 97 Relations Between Line, Volume Integrals. 98 2212 Summary 99 2.3. Models of the Fluid: Control Volumes and Fluid Elements 99 2.3.1 Finite Control Volume Approach 100 232 Infiitesimal Fluid Element Approach 100 233 Molecular Approach 101 23.4 Physical Meaning of the Divergence of Velocity 101 2.5 Specification ofthe Flow Field 103 24 Continuity Equation 107 2u1 x FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS Momentum Equation 112 An Application of the Momentum Equation: Drag of a Two-Dimensional Body 116 26.1 Comment 125 27 Energy Equation 125 28 Interim Summary 131 2.9 Substantial Derivative 131 2.10. Fundamental Equations in Terms of the Substantial Derivative 134 2.11 Pathlines, Streamlines, and Streaklines of a Flow 136 2.12 Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and Strain 141 2.13 Circulation 151 2.14 Stream Function 153 2.15 Velocity Potential 158 2.16 Relationship Between the Stream Function and Velocity Potential 159 2.17 How Do We Solve the Equations? 160 2.17.1 Theoretical (Analytical) Solutions. 161 2.172. Numerical Solutions Computational uid Dynamics (CFD) 162 2.173 The Bigger Picture 169 2.18 Summary 170 Problems 173 Parr 2 Inviscip, INCOMPRES Frow 175 Chapter 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF INVISCID, INCOMPRESSIBLE FLow 177 3.1 Introduction and Road Map 177 3.2 Bemoulli’s Equation 180 3.3. Incompressible Flow in a Duct: The Venturi ‘and Low-Speed Wind Tunnel 184 3.4 Pitot Tube: Measurement of Airspeed 194 5 Pressure Coefficient 203 3.6 Condition on Velocity for Incompressible Flow 205 3.7. Governing Equation for Irotational, smpressible Flow: Laplace’s Equation 206 Infinity Boundary Conditions 208 3.7.2. Wall Boundary Conditions. 209 38 Interim Summary 210 3.9 Uniform Flow: Our First Elementary Flow 210 3.10 Source Flow: Our Si Flow 213 3.11 Combination of a Uniform Flow with a Source and Sink 217 3.12. Doublet Flow: Our Third Elementary Flow 221 3.13 Nonlifting Flow Over a Circular Cylinder 223, 3.14 Vortex Flow: Our Fourth Elementary Flow 229 3.15. Lifting Flow Over a Cylinder 232 3.16 ‘The Kutta-Joukowski Theorem and the Generation of Lift. 244 3.17 Nonlifting Flows Over Arbitrary Bodies: ‘The Numerical Source Panel Method 247 3.18 Applied Aerodynamics: The Flow Over a Circular Cylinder—The Real Case 256 3.19 Historical Note: Bernoulli and Euler—The Origins of Theoretical Fluid Dynamics 265 3.20 Historical Note: d'Alembert and His Paradox 269 3.21 Summary 270 Problems 273 scond Elementary Chapter 4 INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOWS OVER AIRFOILS 277 4.1 Introduction 277 4.2 Airfoil Nomenclature 278 43 Airfoil Characteristies 281 44 Philosophy of Theoretical Solutions for Low-Speed Flow over Airfoils: The Vortex Sheet 285 4.9. The Kutta Condition 290 45.1 Without Friction Could We Have Litt 294 4.6 Kelvin’s Circulation Theorem and the Starting Vortex 295 47 Classical Thin Airfoil Theory: The ‘Symmetric Airfoil 208 48 The Cambered Airfoil 306 49 The Aerodynamic Center: Additional Considerations 315 4.10 Lifting Flows over Arbitrary Bodies: The ‘Vortex Panel Numerical Method 319 4.11 Modem Low-Speed Airfoils 325 4.12. Applied Aerodynamics: The Flow over an Airfoil—The Real Case 329 4.13, Historical Note: Early Airplane Design and the Role of Airfoil Thickness 340 4.14. Historical Note: Kutta, Joukowski, and the Circulation Theory of Lift) 345 4.15 Summary 347 Problems 349 Chopter 5 INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW OVER: Finite Wincs 351 5.1 Introduction: Downwash and Induced Drag 351 5.2 The Vortex Filament, the Biot-Savart Law, and Helmholtz’s Theorems 357 5.3. Prandtl’s Classical Lifling-Line Theory 360 53.1 Elliptical Lift Distibution 367 53.2 General Lift Distribution 371 5.33 Effect of Aspect Ratio. 375 534 Physical Significance 381 54 A Numerical Nonlinear Lifting-L.ine Method 387 5.5. The Lifting-Surface Theory and the Vortex Lattice Numerical Method 391 5.6 Applied Aerodynamics: The Delta Wing 398 5.7 Historical Note: Lanchester and Prandt!—The Early Development of Finite-Wing Theory 408 5.8 Historical Note: Prandtl—The Man 412 5.9 Summary 415 Problems 416 ‘CONTENTS x Chapter 6 ‘THREE-DIMENSIONAL INCOMPRESSIBLE FLow 419 6.1 Introduction 419 6.2. Three-Dimensional Source 420 6.3 Three-Dimensional Doublet 422 64 Flow Over a Sphere 424 6.5 General Three-Dimensional Flows: Panel Techniques 426 6.6 Applied Aerodynamics: The Flow Over a Sphere—The Real Case 429 6.7 Summary 432 Problems 432 Part 3 Inviscrp, CoMPRESSIBLE Fiow 435 Chapter 7 COMPRESSIBLE FLow: SOME PRELIMINARY ASPECTS 437 7.1 Introduction 437 7.2. A Brief Review of Thermodynamics 439 721 Perfect Gas 440 7.2.2 Internal Energy and Enthalpy 440 723 FirstLaw of Thermodynamics 442 72.4 Entropy and the Second Law of ‘Thermodynamics 443 72.5 Isentropic Relations 445 7.3. Definition of Compressibility 448 4 Governing Equations for Inviscid, Compressible Flow 449 7.5 Definition of Total (Stagnation) Conditions 451 7.6 Some Aspects of Supersonic Flow: Shock Waves 456 7.7 Summary 460 Problems 462 xii FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS Chopter 8 10.2. Governing Equations for Quasi-One- ne Waves amy Dimensional Flow 558 NORMAL SHOCK WAVES AND i Noe FN ee RELATED Topics 465 104 Diffusers 577 105 Supersonic Wind Tunnels 79 8.1 Introduction 465 106 Summary $84 82. The Basic Normal Shock Equations 467 Problems 585 83 Speed of Sound 471 8.4 Special Forms ofthe Energy Equation 475 Chapter 11 85 When Is aFlow Compressible? 482 Gauadc Cee metho 816 Calculation of Normal Shock-Wave Poopenin a8s OVER AIRFOILS: LINEAR 8.7 Measurement of Velocity ina Compressible THEORY 587 Flow 494 B71 Subsonic Compressible Flow 495 fea 8.7.2 Supersonic Flow 495 HLT Introduction 58: . Seer 11.2 The Velocity Potential Equation 589 Summary 498 113 The Linearized Velocity Potential ems 9 Equation 592 114 Prandtl

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