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L-UIULt_. L-ctLrr-

l: 9etll

We use be going to:

a) in predictions about the a) for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for the
future usually with the future.
verbs think, believe,
expect, etc.,
the expressions be sure, l'm going to become a
be afraid, etc., and the famous violinist one day.
adverbs probably,
certainly, elc, won't be on time for Now that they've won the
lottery, they are going to buy
a big house. (intentionlplan)

b) for actions we have already decided to do in the

near future.
They are going to get
married in three months,
(They have already decided
to do it.)
BUT: They're getting
married ne month.
(They have decided and
arranged to do it.)

c) for promises (usually with the verbs promise, swear,

guarantee, etc.), threats, warnings, requests, hopes c) in predictions when
(usually with the verb hope) and otfers. there is evidence ihat
something will happen
in the near future.

Look at the clouds! lt's

understand this
going to rain,
exercise. WilI you help me
with it? (equest)
Note: 1) We normally use be going to to talk about
something we intend to do and will to give
details or make comments.
e.g.A: l'm going to have a party ne week, l'll
invite all my friends.
l'll explain it to you.
B: That'Il be great,
2) We normally use the present contlnuous rather
than be going to with verbs which express
movement, especially the verbs go and come.
d) for actions/events/situations which will definitely e,g. Sarn is golng to the market in a few minutes.
happen in the future and which we cannot control. Shel/a is coming to my house for tea this
The temperature will reach 40"C tomorrow. afternoon.

The future simple and be going to are used with the following time expressions: tornorrow, the day after tomorrow,
tonight, soon, next weeklmonthlyear, in a weeklmonthlyear, in twolthree days/weeks, etc.

l:tti-tt t : o triitrtlo t_ts l:tti,ut,e
we use the future continuous: We use the future perfect]
a) for an action which will be in progress at a stated for an action which will be
future time. finished before a stated future

she will have delivered att the

newspapers by 8 o'clock.

The future perfect is used with the fotlowing time

next week, we'll be cruising expressions: before, by, by then, by the time, untilltitt.
round the is/ands.
Note: untilltill are only used in negative sentences.
a) She will have finished the report by tomorrow.
b) for an action which will definitely happen in the
(N OT : .,, aalaeneg)
b) she won't have compteted the report untitltitt 5
future as the result of a routine or arrangement.

: l=ttlt-tte l]etieci C:tri.ltrtct-Ls

" ' " '"""' ",,""

We use the future perlect continuous:

to emphasise the duration

Don't of an action up to a certain
call Julie. l'll be
time in the future.
seeing her later, so
l ll pass the By the end of ne month, she
message on- will have been teaching for
twen years.

c) when we ask politely about someone's plans for the

The future perfect continuous is used wilh: by ... for.
near future (what we want to know is if our wishes
fit in With their plans.) Note: After the time expressions by the time, until,
before, we use the present simple because they
introduce time clauses, The future perfect and
the future perfect continuous may come either
before or after the time clause.
Study the following examples:
a) l won't have finished cleaning the house until you
come back.
b) By the time they reach York, they witt have been
travelling for four hours,
Note: We can use the future simPle, future continuous or future perfect
to make a prediction about the present or
past, that is to say what we believe may be happening or have
Study the following examples:
e.g, a) 'There's somebody on the phone for you.' 'That'll be my mother.'
b) Don't call her now * she'll be s/eeping,
c) lt's seven o'clock. Dad will have teft the office by now.

6A: Are you having a party next weekend?
B: Yes. l hope l ....,............. ......... (finish)
decorating the house by then.
We use the present simple for future actions when we 7A:. What are your plans for tonight?
refer to programmes, timetables, etc. B: Well, l ......,.,. .,.,, (met) Steve at eight
e.g. The bus arrives in Liverpoot at 7:30. o'clock.
A: l must buy some bread.
B: You'd better hurry. The shops
(close) in half an hour.

9 A: Shall l call you at ten o'clock tomorrow?


We use the present continuous for actions we have B: No. l .,.,.,.... . . . (leave) for work by then,
decided and arranged lo do in the near future. 10 A: Are you coming to the disco on Friday night?
e.g, l'm tlying to Lisbon tomorrow morning, B: l can't. l .. . ., . . . .,.. (study) for my
exam then.
11 A: Are you excited about going to California?
B: Yes! This time tomorrow | .,.. . ....... .... ...,...,.. (fly)
across the Atlantic,
& We use the present simple or present perfect, and -l2 A: lt's seven o'c]ock.
not future forms, after words and expressions such B: Yes. John..,.,,,,. . (leave) the office
as while, before, after, untilltill, as, unless, when, by now.
whenever, if, suppose/supposing, once, as soon as, 13 A: There's somebody at the door.
as long as, by the time, ln cas on condition that, elc, B: Oh. That..,,.,.,..,., (be) the postman.
e.g, Call rne as soon as you get back. 14 A: l've left my jacket at home,
(NOr:..@) B: l ........,.,,. (go) back and get it for you.
15 A: Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport?
@ We use future forms; B: Yes. lt ..,...........,.. (come) at eight o'clock
a) with when when it is used as a question word.
in the morning,
When it is used as a time word we use the present 16 A: Are you nervous about the interview?
simple. B: Yes, This time tomorrow, l ...,...........,...
e.g. When will they get married? (talk) to the managing director.
l'm not sure when they will yisit us.
BUT: l will let you know when l decide,
b) With ff 1= p6"1her) when it is used after ffi|* Fill in the uture sr'mpfe, the present
expressions which show ignorance, unceainty, w";.ff sllnple or the pfesent peect.
etc. such as l don't know, l wonder, I doubt, etc,
e,g. l don't know if lwhether he'll move house, A My car is being repaired and l don't know when it
l doubt if lwhether she'll pass her exams. 1) ...wlll be... (be) ready. l doubt whether l 2) ......,....,.
BUT: lf you call her, give her my regards. ..,,..... (be able to) collect it before the
weekend, lwonder if John 3) ,........,..,......... (give) me
a lift to the pay on Saturday. |'ll ask him when he
4) .................,,... (come) home.
,A Put the verbs in brackets into the correct B l was calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we
--t uture tense.
1) ..,.............. (finish) work tomorrow or if you
2) ....,.,...,... . (want) to watch a video instead.
1 A, Your house is very small, Call me back as soon as you 3) ..,..,..., (get) in.
B: lknow, l;ilitl,; i,j li.i:...(move) to a bigger l'llwait until l 4) (hear) from you.
house next year.
2 A: l have got a newjob! C l will leave the hotel early in case there 1) ........,.,.......
B: Wonderful! l ......,......... (call) Mum and tell
(be) a lot of traffic. l don't know how long the journey
her the good news. 2) ..,.........,,,,,... (take) or what time the plane 3) ...........,..
3 A: How old is your daughter? ,..... (land), but l 4)
B: She ., (be) fourteen next
(call) you as soon as l5) .,.....,..
week. (anive) at the airpo, Then, l will wait until you 6) ..,.,......
4 A: l must phone Julia. .....,... (come) to collect me.
B: Well, don't phone her now. She ..,.......... D Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She
(sleep). wonders if he 1) .,....,. (be) late as usual.
5 A: Have you been living here long? She willwait untilthe clock 2) ,.......,......,,...,.... (strike)
B: Yes. By next month, l ....,......,.,........., ..,..... ... (live) five and then she will call him in case he 3) ..,..............
here for ten years, (forget).

L'uiuLe ciLr11:l.e Y el,sU l.t g;c[Lrc ic ,,","'
We use the future simplel We use be going to:

o when we make a . when we make a

prediction based on prediction based on
what we think, what we can see
believe or imagine. (evidence) or what we
ln the year 2a20 people know.
will drive electric cars, She is golng to cut the

for actions we have

already decided to do
in the future.

give it to my daughter

13 A: l'm really thirsty after all that hard work.

FiII in the future simple ol be going to. B: l ,.,........,. (make) some tea.
= 14 A: Did you give Steve his present?
'| A: Have you finished your essay yet? B: No. !. . . . . . . ., (give) it to him tonight at
B: No, but l'm sure l ,.,'ll flnigh.., (finish) it on time. dinner.
2A: l have decided what to wear for the party. 15 A: Watch out! You (bang) your
B: Really? What ,......,... (you/wear), then? head on the doorame.
3A: Why do you need hot soapy water? B: Oh! l didn't realise it was so low.
4A: Did you post those letters?
B: No, l forgot. l ...,.........,,..,, (post) them this
afternoon. $ffi*
Underline the correct tense.
5A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
B: Yes, but l don't expect it ........................ (be) busy. A Next Saturday, Daisy 1) is flyingltlies to Paris for a
6A: l'm hungry. business meeting. Her secretary has already booked
B: Me too. l .......,........... (make) us something
the flight. The plane 2) will leavelleaves at nine
to eat,
o'clock in the morning and one of her business clients
7A:. What are you doing this weekend?
B: Oh, l ,....,....,. (probably/visit) 3) will have metlwill be meeting her at the airport
my grandparents. when the plane lands, She doesn't know how long the
8A: Look at that dog! meeting will last, but she 4) will have returnedlwill
B: Oh yes! lt .....,.,.................. (swim) across the river. have been returning home by Thursday evening.
9A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
Yes. He (work) for his father B Florence 1) is going to becomelwill be becoming a
', when he leaves school. doctor when she finishes medical school. she thinks
10 A; Are you going into town today?
she 2) will probably worklwill have probably worked
B: Yes. l ....,.,.., (give) you a lift if you like.
in a hospital for most of her career. This time next
11 A: Your shirt is diy.
month, she 3) witt have revisedlwill be revising hard
B: Oh dear! l ...,,......,..,....
.. (change) into
another one. for her exams. By the time she gets her degree she
12 A: l hope we (not/arrive) late 4) will have been studyinglwill have studied medicine
for the meeting. for five years. Florence hopes she 5) will have
B: Don't worry. There's plenty of tirne. passedlwill pass all the exams with excellent grades,

V{il1l V{ c tr "L.

I':, .L
otlrer Y/(]}/s Oi
t[rc. iui.uLt=
We use:

S wilN yO[J ,,.? to give an order or make a request. We can also express the future with:
e,g.Will you stop talking, please? (= Please stop
& be to + infinitive (formal English).
e,g.The President is to vislt Poland next Monday,
* won't to express unwillingness or an emphatic & b ahout t + infinitive/b 0n the point of + -ing
refusal, even when the subject is not a person. torrn (to refer to the near future).
e,g.l've told him not to do that, but he won't listen, e,g. Look! The bus is about to leave.
(= He refuses to tisten.) The company is on the point ot closing
The washing machine won't work, S be Oue t0 + infinitive (timetables).
We use wouldn't to refer to the past. e.g. Their flight is due to arrive at 6:15,
e,g. l asked him to help me, but he wouldn't. &verbs such as decide, plan, intend, arrange,
(: He was unwilling to help me,) + to -infinitive (for plans or intentions).
e.g, We intend to buy a bigger flat.
S Shall llwe "". ? & be sure to/be certain tolbe bound t + infinitive
a) to make an offer, (to express certainty about the future).
e,g. Shall l do the washing-up for you? (= e.g, This plan is sure tolis bound fo succeed.
Do you
want me to do the washing-up for you?)
The future in the past
b) to make a suggestion.
We use the following patterns to talk about
e.g, Shall we go out for dinner tonight? things we
intended to do or ptans we had for the future,
(= Why don't we go out for dinner tonight?) a) was going toiwas to/was about to/ wa due to +
c) to ask for suggestions or instructions. infinitlve
e.g.'Where shall I put the vase?' 'On the tabte.' e.g. Mr Simon was going to resign, but the
'What shall we do tonight?' 'We offered him a better salary,
could go out,' o he didn't resig.)
b) was on the point of + -lnE fonm
e.g, They were on the point of leaving the
when the phone rang. (So they didn;t leave,)

t3dfo Bep.lace
-; drF snall liwe, the words in bold wihwilllwon'tol
3l Gomp|ete each sentence with two to five
as in the exampIe. - ,*. words, including the word in botd.
1 Can you buy me some milk, please? 1 The Queen will open the new sports centre
you buy ma gome mllk, plaaae?,., next week,
2 ,..Wtll is The Queen ,..i* ii: iji:l6;i... the new sports
What do you want me to do with this shopping?
centre next week.
2 We are planning to go to Spain next summer,
3 l've asked Jane to tidy her room, but she
refuses to do intend We .,......,...., Spain next summer,
it, 3 The guests should have arrived at nine,
but they were
4 Can you open the door for me, please? due The guests at nine, but
they were late.
5 Do you want me to walk the dog for you? 4 Jane was thinking of looking for a new job,
but she
changed her mind.
6 Why don't we go to the theatre tonight? going Jane ....,....... ."..........,....,.. a new
job, but she changed her mind.
7 When do you want me to visit next? The manager will be angry when he hears the
bound Themanager,,................,...,.,.,..,....,.,,. angry
8 Please be quietl when he hears the news,
Hurry upl The bus is going to leave!
9 Ann is unwilling to talk to me.
about Hurry up! The bus .,....,... leavel
Helen will love this present.
sure Helen .......... .......... this present.

32rp, ldentify the tenses, then match them to the correct descriptions.

1 l like these shoes. l'Il buy them, a for offers, promises, threats, etc
2 They will have eaten lunch by two o'clock this afternoon. b action which will definitely happen in the future as a
3 |'m going to open my own business in the future. result of a routine or arrangement
4 ThiS time tomorrow, l'l! be taking my driving test. c for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for the future
5 By the time Jack finishes the race, he will have been d predictions about the future
running for two hours. e asking politely about someone's plans for the near future
6 Everyone believes he will win the competition. f action which will be finished before a stated future time
7 |'ll tell Paul about the party. l'll be seeing him at work s to einphasise the duration of an action up to a ceain
anyway. time in the future
Will you be speaking to Rob |ater? l've got a message action which will be in progress at a stated future time
for him. on-the-spot decision .l

9 Look at them! They are going to catch the thieves. predictions when there is evidence that something will
1O Since you're tired, l'l! cook dinner tonight. happen in the near future

, put the verbs in brackets into the correct

33* A Fill in the gaps with an appropriate
tense form.

.. ]illM|]ill]it:u""

Next month, Maggie 1) ,.. , . ,.. (so) to Australia to

visit her sister, who she hasn't seen for fifteen years. The
plane 2) (leave) early in the morning
and 3) (stop off) at Singapore
before flying on to Sydney. lt 4) ........,....,...,.,............. (be)
a very long, tiring journey, but Maggie is very excited
because this time next month, she 5)
(begin) her adventure on the other side of the world. She
6) ,..,.,........... .,..... (stay) in Australia {or one
month. She has booked her flight, so she 7) ,...........,.,,.,..
....... (fly) back to Britain on 3,1st May. She Dear Lionel,
hopes that she 8) ,...... (visit)
|'m writing to tell you my exciting news. l have won a
lols of fascinating places and seen many interesting competitionI l think my life 1) ...l,iil :;!:r...(change) a
tnings by the time her holidays are over. lot now! l 2) ,.,........... (meet) the competition
organisers next week to get my prize - a cheque for
B which of the tense forms in the text As soon as l 3) .,".,,.... (have) the money, l
above are used to express: 4) ......,..,.,..... (buy) a new car, and l 5)
(also/redecorate) my house,
- 1 timetables/programmes Hopefully, l 6) .....,..,.,... . (finish) the whole
house by the end of June. Then, on the fifth of July, l
finished before a stated 7) .,.,......,,....,
_ Z actions which will have (fly) to Tahiti for an exotic holiday
future time in the sun. l 8) ........,,...., (return) by the end
" of July and then l 9) ......,....,... (throw) a big pay
n 3 plans or intentions for all my friends. l hope you 10) ..,,. (come).

in the near luture Well, it's almost lunchtime, so | 11)

: 4 iixed arrangements (say) goodbyefor now. l promise l 12) ............,
progress at a stated future
] S actions which will be in (send) you a postcard from Tahiti.
- time
Best wishes,
- 6 predictions based on what we know Emily
: .......-_,-"-},nn+9+q9$!r...f 3|.aFle*M.-&, .e@P*,t,"*B,##-oe ,._-e,, *n,"F*"

'lt's bad news about Janet crashing her new car, isn't it?'
35*. Fill in the correct pfesent ot utule orms. 'Yes. She ............. for months to buy it.'
A saved B is saving C had been saving
'There's someone here to see you.'
'oh, that my sister. Send her in.'
A will have been B was ,C willbe
'Whose is this earring?'
'l don't know. l found it when l the house,'
A was cleaning B had cleaned C am cleaning
10 'l .........,.., to reach Jane on the phone all day.'
'Don't you know? She's gone on holiday.'
A tried B have been trying C have tried
l{ you ,l) waterspos, you 2) ,.,.,.......,,,.,.,,
...iij,il,., (like)
11 'l want to visit Katie.'
(love) Aquaworld. As soon as you 3) ............
'Well, don't visit her before five o'clock. She
....,..,. (arrive) at this unique theme park, you
4) ,..........,.... (be greeted) by visitor hosts A is working B will be working
who 5) (show) you to a luxury chalet.
c will have worked
Once you 6) .......,........, (be) in your swimsuit, you 12 'That .,...,....... like Dad's car.'
7) ......,........, ........ (be able to) enjoy a wide 'lt is, He must have finished work early.'
variety of watersports, from swimming to water-skiing. A sounds B had sounded c has sounded
You 8) .,, (find) plenty to do and 13 'ls that a new jumper?'
'No, l ,.....,...... it from Laura yesterday.'
exciting activities. Aquaworld 10) ............... A have borrowed B had borrowed c borrowed
(open) at 9 am every day and 11) ........,......
(close) at 8 pm. There 12) ............,.,.... (be)
14 to the library today?'
'Yes. Would you like me to return your books?'
special facilities for children and lifeguards 13) .........,......
,.,,.,. (supervise) all activities. Visit Aquaworld
A Will you have gone B Will you have been going
for an experience you 14) ..,..,.,..,...,.....
C Wil|you be going
(never/forget)! 15 'How is your grandfather?'
'His condition day by day.'
A improves B has improved C is improving
36p Ghoose the correct answer. 16 'When did you speak to Sue?'
'l met her as l ............. to work.'
'l ...A.,. about buying a new car recently.' A had walked B was walking C am walking
'Really? What sort of car?' 17 'Shallwe go shopping?'
A have been thinking B have thought C thought 'l can't go until the babysitter .........,... .'
'l haven't seen Mark for weeks.' A arrives B will arrive c arrived
'Well, l him this afternoon. Why don't you 18 '|'ve invited Sam to my pay,'
come along?' 'l doubt if he ..,.......... . He's studying for an exam.'
A have met B am meeting C meet A comes B will come C is coming
3 'We'd better take a taxi to the station.'
19 '|'m sorry l'm late.'
'Yes. The train ...,..,.,,,.. !n fifteen minutes.'
'l .,,.......,.. here for over an hour,'
A has left B will have left c leaves
A have been waiting B have waited C was waiting
4 'Where is the newspaper?'
20 '|'m having trouble with the car.'
'l threw it away, l thought you .....,..,..,. reading it.'
A have finished B finished c had finished '|'m sure John ,.,.......... you fix it if you ask him.'
A is going to help B helps C will help
5 'l feel very tired,'
'How long
'How can you be tired? You a thing all day,' 21 James?'
A haven't been doing B aren't doing 'Since we were children.'
c haven't done A have you known B do you know

5 'Cathy doesn't study enough.'

C did you know
'l know. l'm afraid she .........,... her exam.' 22 'You ...,.......,. a good teacher one day.'
A won't pass B won't be passing 'Do you really think so?'
C won't have passed A were B C are being

7 When did Mary move to Liverpool?
lN since How log is it ."""""", """"" to
Study these examples, The second sentence
lt was the first time l had met a film star,
has a similar meaning to the first sentence, never l .........,......... a film star

1 |'ve never heard such a sad story,

We didn't start tidying up until after the
guests had left,
ever lt's the saddest story l have ever heard,
before We waited until the guests
2 He staned painting fifteen years ago, tidying up.
been He has been painting for fifteen years,
1O was about to leave the house when the
3 She hasn't finished decorating the flat yet, Kate

still She is still decorating the flat, carne.

point Kate WaS
4 l've never eaten chinese food before, the house when the postman came,
first lt's the first time l have ever eaten
11 lt's four weeks since l spoke to Pau|,
chinese food, for
5 When did they graduate from college?
have l
four weeks,
since How long is it since they graduated from
12 When did they announce their engagement?
ago How long ago did they graduate from ago How long ..,.......
their engagement?
sat down, 13 We haven't played squash for six months,
6 He didn't begin talking until everyone had last We ..,,..........
before He waited until everyone had sat down
six months ago.
before he began talking, when a
14 Kim was on the point of closing the shop
We haven't been to the theatre for a
customer walked in.
theatre was a
time The iast time we went to the I

year ago. the shop when a customer walked in,

last We last Went to the theatre a year ago,
15 He is the kindest man l've ever met,
8 lt's two years since l went on holiday, never I have ..,.......
have l have not been on holiday for two years, man before,
9 li was the first time they had travelled by boat,before, 16 They are still discussing the problem,
never They had never travelled by boat finished They ......,....
10 Jack was about to have dinner when his boss called, the problem yet,
point Jack was on the point of having dinner 17 Mike staed studying medicine four years
when his boss called, been Mike ......,.......,
four years.
The waiter didn't take our order until everyone
decided what they wanted,
comolete each sentence with two to five
3 r.s ,"o.a'r, including the word in bold, before The waiter waited until everyone had
decided what they wanted
our order,
,1 She began to play tennis when she was 10,
since She...j,;:,,:,l l,,::r:l,; i:ji-!,,.li;,:,:] i,|,:,,:'':i|":':::!"|i:::",
was 10, /A^ put the verbs in brackets into the correct
JO* tense.
2 l bought this coat three years ago,

Kate Teale 1) *haa dacldd", (decide) to

open her own
restaurant. Yesterday, she 2) """" (have) a
3 l haven't finished writing the repo yet,
meeting with her bank manager and she 3) """",
still l ....,...,..,....,.
(ask) him for a loan. He agreed, so Kate 4) """"""""
, ", ,

the report. plans, In fact, she

.................. (be able) to sta making
4 We've never seen such a funny film,
5) ...,............, ." (alreadyfiind) a building for her
ever lt's the
rstaurant and she 6) ........,....... (look) at tables
seen. work on the
and chairs next week, By the end of the month,
5 He's never played football before,
restaurant 7) ...,.....,....,.. (begin) and by the sUmmer,
time lt's the first .,.......,""""
everything will be ready. Kate 8) """""""",_
football. the moment,
(hope) th her business will be a success, At
John hasn't played golf for years,
time The ............. golf was she 9) (interview) people to be
chefs and waiters.
years ago.

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