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GEOFSICA INTERNACIONAL (2015) 54-2: 149-159


Source Model of the October 9, 1995 Jalisco-Colima Tsunami as

of the tsunami

Elizabeth Trejo-Gmez*, Modesto Ortiz and Francisco Javier Nez-Corn

Received: October 11, 2013; accepted: June 17, 2014; published on line: March 31, 2015

Resumen Abstract

En este trabajo se modela la fuente ssmica A model of the seismic source of the October
del tsunami de Jalisco-Colima del 9 de 9, 1995 Jalisco-Colima tsunami is obtained
octubre de 1995 ajustando los resultados del using the numerical modeling of the tsunami
modelo numrico del tsunami para reproducir DV FRQVWUDLQHG E\ HOG VXUYH\ UHSRUWV RI
adecuadamente las alturas de inundacin del WVXQDPL UXQXS DQG WKH H[WHQW RI RRGLQJ
tsunami documentadas in situ durante los by considering an earthquake (Mw~8.0) with
trabajos de reconocimiento del rea afectada rupture area A = 9000 km2, L = 150 km, W =
por el tsunami. La fuente ssmica corresponde 60 km, with two different coseismic dislocation
a un sismo de magnitud Mw~8.0 con un rea SDWFKHV  P WKH GLVORFDWLRQ RI WKH UVW 
de ruptura A = 9000 km2, L = 150 km, W = km along the fault plane starting from its NW
60 km, con dislocacin cossmica heterognea: edge, offshore Chalacatepec and Chamela,
dislocacin de 1 m en los primeros 60 km a lo and 3 m the dislocation of the next 90 km;
largo del plano de falla iniciando en el extremo offshore Tenacatita, Navidad and Manzanillo.
NW, mar adentro frente a Chalacatepec y As expected, the seismic source obtained in
Chamela, y dislocacin de 3 m en los restantes WKLVVWXG\LVDVLPSOLHGPRGHOLQFRPSDULVRQ
90 km, mar adentro frente a Tenacatita, of the seismic source obtained by inverting
Navidad y Manzanillo. Como se esperaba, la seismic and GPS data. However, the fact that
fuente ssmica obtenida en este estudio es un WKLV VLPSOLHG PRGHO UHSURGXFHV DGHTXDWHO\
PRGHOR VLPSOLFDGR HQ FRPSDUDFLyQ FRQ OD the location of the rupture area and its
obtenida invirtiendo datos ssmicos y de GPS. coseismic dislocation is still important in order
Sin embargo, el hecho de que este modelo to provide some degree of certainty for the
VLPSOLFDGR UHSURGX]FD DSUR[LPDGDPHQWH OD tsunami source of those historical tsunamis for
dislocacin cossmica y el rea de ruptura y which no seismic nor tide records are available,
su localizacin, es importante para validar la and only testimonies and vague relates of its
fuente ssmica de aquellos tsunamis histricos effects are documented.
de los que nicamente se cuenta con algunos
testimonios y relatos vagos de sus efectos y de Key words: Local Tsunami, Jalisco Block;
los cuales no existen registros ssmicos ni del Southern Coast of Jalisco.
nivel del mar.

Palabras Clave: Tsunami Local, Bloque Jalisco,

Costa sur de Jalisco.

E. Trejo*
F.J. Nez-Corn
Centro de Sismologa y Volcanologa de Occidente
Centro Universitario de la Costa
Universidad de Guadalajara
Avenida Universidad 203, C.P. 48200
Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta
Jalisco, Mxico
*Corresponding author:

M. Ortiz
Departamento de Oceanografa Fsica
y de Educacin Superior de Ensenada

E. Trejo, M. Ortiz and F. J. Nez-Corm

Background west). The connection between the northwest

border of the Jalisco block (the Tamayo Fault
Tectonic frame Zone (Tamayo FZ) and the continent is not
,QWKLVUHJLRQWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQ3DFLFDQG border to the San Blas fault as a continuation of
Rivera lithospheric plates are interacting and the Tamayo FZ or to the Tres Maras escarpment
several models of triple junctions have been (west of Marias Islands) and the Ro Ameca
proposed, but the seismotectonic setting is still graben which crosses the Baha de Banderas
poorly understood. A tectonic unit known as the and continues along the Vallarta graben to
Jalisco block has been proposed in this region join the Tepic-Zacoalco rif zone (Figure 1).
(Luhr et al., 1985). The Jalisco block extends Another possible connection is to the Tres
northward from the Colima graben, along the Maras escarpment. The last two possibilities
3DFLFFRDVWDQGFRQQHFWVDWLWVQRUWKHUQHQG suggest the existence of an additional small
with two other major extensional structures: block, the Tres Maras block, which may be
the Tepic-Zacoalco rif zone (trending roughly experiencing strong crustal stresses as a result
QRUWKZHVWVRXWKHDVW ZKLFKLVGHQHGDVWKH of the convergence direction of the Rivera plate
northern boundary of the Jalisco block; and (Kostoglodov and Bandy, 1995).
the Chapala rift zone (trending roughly east-




Regional seismicity down masonry buildings of the presidio in

Mara Madre island on December 3, 1948.
The seismicity in the coast of Jalisco is
associated with the subduction of the Rivera Shallow thrust earthquakes have also
plate beneath the Jalisco block. Macroseismic occurred resulting from intraplate activity, such
data of seismicity in the region date back as the M7.4 January 22, 2003 earthquake,
to 1544 and are described by Nez-Corn located on the coast near of the city of Armera,
(2011). It is believed that both the 1932 Colima (Nez-Corn et al., 2004, 2010).
earthquakes (Figure 2) ruptured the entire
seismogenic contact between the Rivera plate The last large earthquake (M8.0) and
and the Jalisco block (Singh et al., 1985): tsunami in the southern part of the Jalisco Blok
The June 3, 1932 earthquake (M8.2) with an occurred on October 9, 1995. The rupture area
estimated rupture area of L = 220 km and W was estimated to be L = 160 20 km, W = 60
= 80 km; and the June 18, 1932 earthquake km (Ortiz et al., 1998; and Ortiz et al., 2000),
(M7.8) with an estimated rupture area of with a dislocation of less than 5 m. This rupture
L = 60 km, and W = 80 km. Moreover, the zone represents only the southern half of the
FRPSOH[LW\ RI WKLV WHFWRQLF UHJLRQ UHHFWV WKH area proposed by Singh et al. (1985) for the
existence of unknown or unstudied structures earthquakes of 1932, therefore the northern
which may generate medium size earthquakes coast of Jalisco and Baha de Banderas, Nayarit,
(M7.0-7.6), as the one occurred near Marias remains to break.
Islands, where the M7.0 earthquake turned

Fracture Zone; R1: Armera River; R2: Cohuayana River; MIA: Maximum Intensity Areas for earthquakes in 1932
(dates and magnitudes indicated); AA: Aftershocks Areas; Cities; + 2003 Epicenter of the Armera earthquake
(after Nez-Corn et al., 2004) and + 2010 Marias Islands earthquake.

APRIL - JUNE 2015 151

E. Trejo, M. Ortiz and F. J. Nez-Corm

Tsunamis in Mexico The tsunami produced on the June 22, 1932

earthquake (M7.7) was the most destructive of
The Mexican tide gauge network began in 1952, all those produced in this region. It destroyed
since then, until 1985 (Sanchez and Farreras, the resort of Cuyutln. The estimated maximum
1993), non-destructive transoceanic or distant KHLJKWZDVKPDQGWKHDYHUDJHH[WHQW
generated tsunamis have been recorded with RI RRGLQJ ZDV  NP DORQJ  NP RI FRDVW
PD[LPXP KHLJKWV LQ WKH UDQJH RI   K  This tsunami was generated probably by a
2.5 m. These distant tsunamis were caused by submarine slump of sediments provided by
major earthquakes in areas of high seismicity, the Armera River and accumulated on the
such as Alaska, Chile, Colombia, Kuril Islands, continental shelf, to one of the creeks of the
Japan, Kermadec, Kamchatka, and Per. Middle America Trench (Ortiz, cited by Pacheco
et al., 1997). Cuyutln was invaded by two
While recent (Sumatra 2004; Chile 2010; tsunami waves of less intensity: one during the
Japan 2011) and historical (Chile 1960; Alaska night of 22 June, and the other in the morning
1964; Aleutians 1957) distant tsunamis have of the next day (Sanchez and Farreras, 1993).
not generated damage on the west coast
of Mexico, historical destructive tsunamis The most recent and well documented
were originated by local earthquakes with tsunami in Jalisco is the one that occurred on
VHLVPLF PRPHQW PDJQLWXGH 0Z DORQJ WKH the morning of October 9, 1995. Historical
interplate contact area located between the testimonies of the inhabitants describing the
coast and the Middle America Trench, such as manner in which the waves invaded the coast
the one occurred off the coast of Oaxaca in were carefully collected, and the extent and
the Jalisco and Colima coasts were documented
Ortiz et al., (1995), where the observed run-
In the case of Jalisco, to the twentieth up heights were corrected or reduced to the
century, there are records of locally generated height (hc) above the tide level at the time
destructive tsunamis, three of them in June RI RRGLQJ 7KH KLJKHVW WVXQDPL UXQXS KF
1932 and one in October 1995. Historical ~ 5m) was observed in Tenacatita Bay in the
reports mixed different tsunami damage in the towns of La Manzanilla and Boca de Iguanas.
month of June 1932, since the three of them )LJXUHLOOXVWUDWHVWKHWVXQDPLRRGLQJPDUNV
occurred in a very short period of time in a inside and outside the temple of La Manzanilla,
sparsely populated and poorly communicated -DOLVFR 7KH H[WHQWV RI RRGLQJ DQG UXQXS
region. There is little information of these heights are shown in Table 1.
tsunamis and no published studies about its
source mechanism. It is estimated that two In spite of the very well documented seismic
RI WKHP ZHUH JHQHUDWHG DIWHU WKH UVW WZR source of the October 9, 1995 Jalisco-Colima
large earthquakes and the other probably by a tsunami by inverting seismic and GPS data (see
submarine slump of sediments provided by the e.g., Courboulex et al., 1997; and Pacheco et
Armera River. al.,1997), inversion of this historical tsunami
run-up records to model the 1995 Jalisco
The June 3, 1932 tsunami, associated to the tsunami source is still important in order
0HDUWKTXDNHZDVREVHUYHGWRRRG%DUUD to provide some degree of certainty for the
GH 1DYLGDG DQG SDUWLDOO\ RRGHG WKH SRUW RI tsunami source of those historical tsunamis for
San Blas, Nayarit. In Manzanillo Bay, the coast which no seismic nor tide records are available,
guard ship was in danger of running aground and only testimonies and vague relates of its
and capsizing due to the rapid sea level change. effects are documented.
In Santiago Bay, the sea level rose about 3 m.
In Cuyutln, the coast seemed to rise and the Method
houses (Sanchez and Farreras, 1993). This paper follows the methodology used
by Nez-Corn et al. (2008) to model the
After the June 18, 1932 earthquake (M7.8), mechanism of the 1787 Tsunami source from
the sea level in Manzanillo Bay decreased and KLVWRULFDOGDWDRIWKHHIIHFWVRIRRGLQJZDYHV
of the port, and large part of the rocky coast The rupture length of the October 9, 1995
lost its previous shape. Some of the shoals Jalisco-Colima earthquake is estimated here
indicated in nautical charts disappeared. as the length along the coast where tsunami



Figure 3. To illustrate the

inside and outside the
temple of La Manzanilla,
Ortiz et al. (1995).

Table 1. Synthetic and observed tsunami run-up heights

Field survey, 1995 Model results

(m) hc hm
(m) (m)

15 105.26 19.67 60 2.60 -1
         &KDPHOD /D+XHUWD
33 105.12 19.59 40 3.4 15
35 105.11 19.58 40 4.9 - 20
40 105.08 19.53 30 3.2 22
40 105.08 19.53 15 3.0 30
         &DUH\HV /D+XHUWD
         (O7HFXiQ /D+XHUWD
78 104.81 19.30 30 4.20 - 14
81 104.79 19.28 172 3.80 - 5
81 104.79 19.28 141 4.00 - 9
81 104.79 19.28 77 3.20 13
92 104.71 19.22 41 4.50 3 (Melaque)
93 104.70 19.22 25 5.10 -9
96 104.68 19.20 17 3.70 26
         3OD\DGH2UR 0DQ]DQLOOR
129 104.35 19.16 - 3.00 13
136 104.31 19.07 3.79 - 11

+ Distance along the fault plane illustrated in Figure 4, starting from its NW edge.
 hc = Obseved tsunami run up height (Ortiz et al.,1995)
hm = Synthetic run-up height

APRIL - JUNE 2015 153

E. Trejo, M. Ortiz and F. J. Nez-Corm

RRGLQJ ZDV REVHUYHG  NP IURP where A is the area in km2 (Utsu and Seki,
Chalacatepec to Cuyutln; Ortiz et al. (1995). 1954; Wyss, 1979, Singh et al., 1980). To this
,QWXUQWRGHOLQHDWHWKHH[WHQWRIWKHRRGLQJ case, we are using an upper limit of Mw~8.0
of the tsunami we used the observed tsunami obtained by seismic information (Pacheco et
run-up data (Ortiz et al., 1995). The run-up al., 1997).
height (hc) facilitates the delineation of the
H[WHQWRIRRGLQJRQWKHUHJLRQDOGLJLWDOWHUUDLQ The total area is composed by ten segments
elevation model by interpolating hc along the with individual subareas Ai = 3030 km2.
coast. The seismic moment Moi of each one of the
segments may be varied by varying the
The rupture area proposed here (Figure 4), coseismic dislocation (di) according to the
is a buried fault plane of L = 150 km, W = 60 relationship Moi = P Ai di WR W WKH PRPHQW
km, dipping 11 towards the coast at the depth magnitude of the earthquake (Hanks and
of 10 km in the interplate region, corresponding Kanamori, 1979). Moment estimates assume a
to an earthquake of Mw~8.0, according to the rigidity modulus P = 5x1011G\QHFP2):

( Mo) 10.7.
Mw = log10(A) + 4.0, Mw = log10
3 i =1

Figure 4. Map of the region and location of rupture area and subareas (rectangles) assumed in the numerical
modeling of tsunami. Black dots indicate locations where tsunami run-up heights (hc) were surveyed by Ortiz et al.,
(1995). Black triangles indicate VTG locations where model results or synthetic run-up values (hm) were obtained.



The coseismic vertical deformation of the XS YDOXHV DUH GHQHG KHUH DV WKH PD[LPXP
VHDRRUDVSURGXFHGE\WKHEXULHGIDXOWSODQH height (hm) of the synthetic tsunami above the
is computed by using the dislocation model of sea level at the tsunami arrival time, at each
Mansinha and Smylie, (1971), by prescribing one of the VTG locations.
a reverse fault mechanism on each one of the
segments. For the tsunami initial condition, Rupture area and dislocation
the sea-level change was taken to be the
VDPHDVWKHVHDRRUXSOLIWFDOFXODWHGIURPWKH The initial hypothesis considered the offshore
dislocation model. rupture area L = 150 km and W = 60 km
with a maximum coseismic dislocation of 4 m
The propagation of the tsunami was (Pacheco et al., 1997). However, by setting di
simulated by the vertically integrated long- = 4 m for the ten segments, all of the resulting
wave equations (Pedlosky, 1979): synthetic run-up values (hm) overestimate the
corresponding observed ones (hc). Guided by
our prejudice that causal faults slipped with
between hm and hc by setting up to 1 m the
M along the fault plane starting from its NW edge
+ gh = 0 (offshore Chalacatepec and Chamela), and to 3
t m the dislocation of the next 90 km (offshore
Tenacatita, Navidad and Manzanillo). For 19 of
the 23 surveyed sites, the resulting synthetic
In these equations, t is time, K is the UXQXSYDOXHVDUHZLWKLQRIWKHREVHUYHG
vertical displacement of the water surface RQHV /DUJHU GLIIHUHQFHV OHVV WKDQ   DUH
above the equipotential level, h is the depth of observed at the Bays of Chamela, Tenacatita,
the water column, g is the gravity acceleration, and Melaque, probably by the effects of local
and MLVWKHYHFWRURIWKHGLVFKDUJHX[HVLQ bathymetry. Observed and synthetic run-up
longitudinal and latitudinal directions. These values are shown in Table 1. The moment
equations are solved in a spherical coordinate magnitude for this heterogeneous fault model
Leap-Frog scheme (Goto et al., 1997). In the
computation, the time step was set to 1 sec, A series of plots (Figure 5) illustrate the
and a grid spacing of 27 sec was used for the sensitivity of the results (hm) by shifting the
whole region, whereas a grid spacing of 3 sec location of the fault plane 30 km onshore; 30
was used to describe the shallow areas. km NW, and 30 km SW, respectively from our
preferred location illustrated in Figure 4.
For near shore bathymetry, from 1000 m
depth to the coast, we used data from local As expected, by shifting the fault plane
navigational charts, while for depths greater 30 km onshore, most of the synthetic run-
than 1000 m we used data from the ETOPO-2 XS YDOXHV DUH  VPDOOHU WKDW WKH REVHUYHG
data set (Smith and Sandwell, 1997). ones; by shifting the fault 30 km NW, some
A digital terrain model (cells of 10 10 RQHV REVHUYHG LQ &KDPHOD DQG  VPDOOHU
m2) for mapping the observed tsunami run-up in Manzanillo; while by shifting the fault 30
values, as well as the synthetic ones resulting SE, most of the synthetics underestimate the
from the tsunami model, was interpolated observed ones, with exception of the ones in
from the digital topographic data set (GEMA), Manzanillo.
obtained by photogrammetry in a grid spacing
of 3 sec in the years 1980-1990 (INEGI, 1994). Arrival times


shown in Figure 6; the synthetic tsunami arrival
Model results or synthetic tsunamis are heights WLPHLQ-DOLVFRLV tPLQXWHVDIWHUWKH
and times of arrival of wave trains within the quake, while the time of the maximum wave
GHQHG KHUH DV YLUWXDO WLGH JDXJHV 97*  at El Tecun where the maximum occurs at t =
distributed along the coasts of Jalisco and 72 minutes.
Colima as illustrated in Figure 4. Synthetic run-

APRIL - JUNE 2015 155

E. Trejo, M. Ortiz and F. J. Nez-Corm

Figure 5. Observed hc versus synthetic hm run-up values obtained for the coast of Jalisco and Colima: a) by
considering the rupture area proposed in Figure 4; b) by shifting the rupture area 30 km onshore; c) by shifting
the rupture area 30 km NW; d) by shifting the rupture area 30 km SE. The origin of the distance axis corresponds
to the NW edge of the fault plane illustrated in Figure 4.

([WHQWRIRRGLQJ As expected, the source mechanism of the

By mapping observed run-up values as well as model in comparison of the seismic source
synthetic ones along the coast, we delineated obtained by inverting seismic and GPS data.
  ,Q JHQHUDO WKH RRGLQJ LV H[WHQGLQJ LQ D reproduces adequately the location of the
strip of 50 m wide from the shoreline. Larger rupture area and its coseismic dislocation, is
RRGLQJ DUHDV DUH REVHUYHG LQ &KDODFDWHSHF still important in order to provide some degree
the northern part of Chamela Bay, and in the of certainty for the tsunami source of those
Bays of Tenacatita and Navidad along rivers historical tsunamis for which no seismic nor tide
beds and wetland areas, where eyewitnesses records are available, and only testimonies and
reported that the tsunami penetrated up to vague relates of its effects are documented.
400 m inland. These maps can be used for
urban planning and preparedness for large Acknowledgments
local tsunamis as the one occurred in 1995.
We thank CONACYT for the scholarship to
Conclusions support the PhD student Elizabeth Trejo in
the graduate program BEMARENA at the
We model the source mechanism of the University of Guadalajara. To anonymous
October 9, 1995 Jalisco-Colima earthquake reviewers for their helpful review. We also
WVXQDPL UXQXS DQG H[WHQW RI RRGLQJ DQG the Project M2012-08-189963 Caracterizacin
on the numerical simulation of the tsunami del Peligro Ssmico y Tsunamignico asociado
by considering an earthquake (Mw~8.0) with a la estructura cortical del contacto Placa
rupture area A = 9000 km2, L = 150 km, W = de Rivera-Bloque Jalisco (TSUJAL). TSUJAL
60 km, with two different coseismic dislocation Project CGL2011-29474-C02-01, Ministerio
SDWFKHVPWKHGLVORFDWLRQRIWKHUVWNP de Ciencia e Innovacin, Direccin General de
along the fault plane starting from its NW edge Investigacin y Gestin del Plan Nacional de
(offshore Chalacatepec and Chamela), and 3 I+D+i, Espaa.
m the dislocation of the next 90 km (offshore
Tenacatita, Navidad and Manzanillo).



Figure 6. Synthetic tsunami waveforms at obtained the VTG locations illustrated in Figure 4.

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E. Trejo, M. Ortiz and F. J. Nez-Corm

as well as synthetic ones along the coast of Jalisco and Colima: a) synthetic run-up values (hm) along the coast
catita, respectively.

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