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Claremont COURIER/Friday, April 14, 2017 5

Childrens author talks about Claremont roots, tricky emotions

reg McGoon wants to
help kids navigate the
complicated world
around them, and the even more
complicated inner world of their
Hes not one to lecture or offer heavy-
handed advice, though. Instead, the 2004
CHS graduate relies on the power of sto-
ry to change attitudes and lives.
Mr. McGoon has published three chil-
drens books, each marked by an unusual
protagonist. Out of the Box (2014) shares
the adventures of a kid whose oversized
imagination is ignited by a cardboard box,
and who craves a friend to dream along with
The story speaks to anyone whos felt cepting yourself, unconditional love and
like an outlier, offering hope thatthough finding your place in societyit speaks to
it may take timetheyll one day find a kin- all readers, one mother shared.
dred spirit. It also encourages kids, grow- Mr. McGoon emphasizes that while
ing up in a digital world, to savor the pleas- the story features a trans heroine, The Roy-
ure of using simple objects to get creative. al Heart is aimed at all children.
For me as a child, a box could be mag- Anyone who is personally struggling to
ical. Crumbled paper could become trees, reveal a part of themselves can relate to this
and sheets could flow mightier than any wa- story, he said. This fantastical moment
terfall. Jungles, swamps, rivers and deserts of transformation aside, letting yourself be
were no more out of reach than your own free from the burden of denial is powerful
bedroom, Mr. McGoon said. The imag- for anyone. I want everyone to feel like they
ination can translate any idea, no matter how can have their own Once upon a time.
absurd, into a playful, smile-inducing re- Mr. McGoon also hopes the book will
ality. prepare non-transgender kids for the like-
Mr. McGoons second book, The Roy- ly moment when they encounter a peer who
al Heart (2015), is a fairy tale with a trans- struggles with gender identity. It is nev-
gender twist. Illustrated in a Disney-esque er too early to teach children about ac-
style by Jessa Orr, it follows a prince named ceptance, he said.
Lyric who, though his father assures him He plans to write a series of a Royal
hell make a great king, feels like an im- Heart books, focused on main characters
poster rather than royalty. who are on the LGBTQ spectrum.
As the kingdom gathers for his 16th Mr. McGoons non-traditional spin on a
birthday party, Lyric runs away to the for- traditional fairytale is what enticed Pelekine- Photo courtesy of Greg McGoon
sis Press founder Mark Givens to take a Former Claremont resident and author Greg McGoon.
est where he meets the spirit of his grand-
mother. She urges him to reveal who he re- chance on publishing The Royal Heart. Foothill Country Day School and Condit great deal of perseverance, listening, read-
ally is and, at the end of the magical en- Its about whether youre happy and sat- and spending hours in the local confec- ing, reflection, empathy, patience and fo-
counter, hes transformed into a lovely isfied, and the ways the family can support tioners shop owned by his mother, The Can- cus. All those skills are essential to my writ-
young woman. a child. I thought it was really interesting, dy Bar (now Bert & Rockys). This unusual ing as well, he said. Theater challenged
The king and queen are surprised but Mr. Givens said. background informs another childrens me to take the time to learn and understand
welcome Princess Lyra, as she asks to be Mr. McGoons most colorful effort to book he is working on, an autobiograph- myself and, by doing so, I was better
called, with open arms. The king assures date is Traveling the Twisting Trou- ical fantasy in prose and poetry called A equipped to engage with others and em-
her shell always be his child, and that she bling Tanglelows Trail (2015), a childrens Kid From a Candy Store. brace other characters.
possesses all the qualities needed to lead the book that personifies self-defeating thoughts Starting in sixth grade, he participated in Mr. McGoon attended the University of
kingdom. as furry critters that can be tamed, if you the Claremont School of Theater Arts San Diego, earning a degree in psycholo-
People who are transgender often en- know what to look for. (CSTA) summer program. He then threw gy and political science, and eventually set-
counter a less accepting attitude. As many The book, which has also been re- himself into the Claremont High School tled in Manhattan where hes worked as a
as 41 percent of transgender people have leased through Pelekinesis, has met with ap- theater program. He took on numerous roles model, actor, art director and concept
attempted suicide, most often as teens, ac- proval by parents in the blogging com- and dabbled in directing as well as scenic artist. In 2012, he founded a nonprofit proj-
cording to a study by the National Center munity, as well as by educators and ther- painting and design. ect-based arts organization called Artcen-
for Transgender Equality and the Nation- apists. Mr. McGoon said CHS Theater Direc- tricity Inc.
al Gay and Lesbian Task Force. No child should fear self-expression, or tor Krista Elhai instilled a work ethic that Hes now spending the majority of his
Given such telling statistics, The Roy- live in fear of sharing their thoughts, Mr. parallels much of what I have experienced time writing, giving readings and making
al Heart has been hailed as a powerful book McGoon said. By acknowledging the Tan- in the professional world. appearances at schools and other venues.
by media outlets ranging from the Huffin- glelows inside our minds, we can begin to CHS theater also brought him together Mr. McGoon has advice for anyone who,
gton Post to Seventeen Magazine. The book learn how to address some of our fears, wor- with his illustrator, an Upland resident who like him, has story ideas that just wont go
goes above and beyond flipping that ries and doubts. at the time worked as a technical theater in- away.
tired old princess-script in ways that will Mr. Givens noted that Mr. McGoon, structor as well as in scenic design. Whether Write them down. Write the story first,
warm even the coldest and deadest hearts, whose next Tanglelows book is due out next rendering a prince-turned-princess to rival without thinking if any one will read it. If
according to an article. April, is proving to be prolific. Cinderella or depicting negative emotions you arent excited by every word you write
The Royal Heart has also drawn the at- Turns out hes got these stories just com- in a Seussical style, Mr. McGoon said Ms. down, reflect on that, until you have a piece
tention of parents and therapists working ing out his ears, he said. Greg can Orr is an ideal collaborator. Shes able to that you are proud to share, he said.
to help trans kids thrive; its included as a knock these things outhis mind goes interpret my quick sketches and ideas and His books are available through online
recommended resource in the book Rais- more than a mile a minute. turn them into something presentable, he retailers like Amazon, AbeBooks and
ing the Transgender Child: A Complete said. Barnes & Noble. The Royal Heart and the
Guide for Parents, Families and Care- From the stage to the page Though hes left the theater behind for Tanglelows are also available on pelekine-
givers. While he never doubted he wanted to the moment, Mr. McGoon says his on-stage For more information, visit gregm-
It definitely spoke to my transgender 7- work in the arts, Mr. McGoon didnt expect experiences have been hugely influential.
to pursue the literary life. Without theater, I doubt I would be writ- Sarah Torribio
year-old daughter, but it is a story about ac-
He grew up in Claremont, attending ing as much as I do. Theater demands a

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