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C o n s t r u c t i o n Te c h n o l o g y U p d a t e N o .

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Detecting Leaks in
Water-Distribution Pipes
by Osama Hunaidi
This Update gives an overview of techniques and equipment used to detect
leaks in water-distribution systems. The information is based on recent research
conducted by IRC.
In most water-distribution systems, a large
percentage of the water is lost in transit from
treatment plants to consumers. The amount
of water that is lost or unaccounted for is
typically 20-30 percent of production.1
Some systems, especially older ones, may
lose as much as 50 percent. Water loss can
be attributed to several causes, including
leakage, metering errors, public usage such
as fire-fighting and pipe flushing, and theft.
Leakage is usually the major cause.
Leakage occurs in different components
of the distribution system: transmission
Figure 1. Leakage leads to damage to the pipe
pipes, distribution pipes, service connec- network, e.g., erosion of pipe bedding and pipe
tion pipes, joints, valves, and fire hydrants. breaks, and to foundations of roads and buildings.
Causes of leaks include corrosion, material
defects, faulty installation, excessive water
pressure, water hammer, ground movement Economic constraints, concern over
due to drought or freezing, and excessive public health risk and the need to conserve
loads and vibration from road traffic. water all motivate water system operators
Leaks waste both money and a precious to implement leakage-control programs.
natural resource, and they create a public Systematic leakage-control programs have
health risk. The primary economic loss is two main components: water audits and
the cost of raw water, its treatment, and its leak-detection surveys. In recent years,
transportation. Leakage leads to additional significant efforts have been made to
economic loss in the form of damage to the develop water audit procedures and
pipe network itself, e.g., erosion of pipe leak-detection methods. As a result, water
bedding and pipe breaks, and to the foun- system operators now have several well-
dations of roads and buildings (Figure 1). established procedures2 and modern equip-
Risk to public health can be caused by con- ment to help them control water loss.
taminants entering the pipe through leak
openings if water pressure in the
distribution system is lost.
Water Audits then be determined whether an increase in
Water audits determine the amount of water flow rate is due to new leaks.
loss in the distribution system. They can District audits and step testing help
be performed on a network-wide basis or identify areas of the distribution system
district by district. Network-wide audits that have excessive leakage. However, they
provide an overall picture of water losses in do not provide the information needed by
the distribution system as a whole. These repair crews on the exact location of leaks;
audits require detailed accounting of water that requires leak-detection surveys.
flow into and out of the distribution
system, usually based on past meter records
Leak-Detection Surveys
In areas that have been identified as having
and flow meter accuracy checks. The
excessive leakage, leaks are commonly
comprehensive nature of network-wide
pinpointed using acoustic devices. These
audits entails significant effort, especially
devices detect the sound or vibration
for large systems.
induced by water leaking from pressurized
For district audits, the distribution sys-
pipes. Leak sounds are transmitted through
tem is divided into small districts or zones
the pipe itself over significant distances
having approximately 20 to 30 km of water
(depending on pipe size and type), and
main. Districts are isolated individually by
through the surrounding soil in the imme-
turning off the appropriate valves except at
diate area of the leak.
control points where portable flow meters
Initially, leak detection crews roughly
are installed to measure water flow over a
bracket leaks in water-distribution systems
24-hour period. To determine if excessive
by listening on all accessible contact points
leakage exists, the ratio between the night-
with the distribution system such as fire
time minimum rate and the average daily
hydrants and valves. Suspected leaks are
rate of water flow is compared to normal
then pinpointed by listening on the ground
ratios or to previously measured ratios of
surface directly above the pipe at very close
the same district. Flow rates from any
intervals (about 1 m). Alternatively,
24-hour commercial use should be sub-
suspected leaks can be pinpointed
tracted from the measured flow rates.
automatically by using modern leak noise
Alternatively, if all service connections in
correlators, which have become popular in
the water system are metered, more
recent years. Normally, leak noise correla-
accurate information about leakage can be
tors are more efficient and more accurate
obtained by monitoring water flow and
than listening devices.
usage in the isolated district over an
Leaks could also be detected using sev-
extended time period.
eral non-acoustic techniques such as tracer
Areas of excessive leakage in a district
gas, infrared imaging, and ground-penetrat-
can be bracketed by step testing. This is
ing radar. The use of these techniques for
done by subdividing the district itself and
this purpose, however, is still very limited
then measuring flow rates while turning off
and their effectiveness is not as well estab-
valves to cut off different subdivisions in
lished as that of acoustic methods.
succession. A significantly lower flow rate
indicates excessive leakage in the last sub- Detection Equipment and
division that is shut off. Techniques
District audits are labour-intensive and Listening Devices
costly, since they are performed at night. These devices include listening rods,
A trend that has emerged in recent years is aquaphones, and geophones or ground
to install permanent flow meters that are microphones (Figure 2), and may be either
connected telemetrically to a SCADA sys- mechanical or electronic. They use sensitive
tem. The transmitted flow rate data are mechanisms or materials such as piezoelec-
automatically analyzed to detect unusual tric elements to sense leak-induced sound
increases in flow patterns. Based on or vibration. Modern electronic devices
experience with the water system, it can have signal amplifiers and noise filters to

Figure 2. Typical listening devices include listening rods (left) and ground microphones (right).
Photos courtesy of Palmer Environmental Ltd.

make the leak signal stand out. The opera-

tion of listening devices is usually straight-
forward, but their effectiveness depends on
the experience of the user.
Leak Noise Correlators
These are portable microprocessor-based
devices that pinpoint leaks automatically
based on the cross-correlation method
(Figure 3). In this method, acoustic leak
signals are measured with vibration sensors
or hydrophones at two pipe contact points
(usually fire hydrants or valves) that bracket
the location of a suspected leak. Leak
signals are transmitted from the sensors to
the correlator wirelessly. The leak is in
most cases located asymmetrically between
measurement points and consequently there
Figure 3. A leak noise correlator is a portable is a time lag between the measured leak
microprocessor-based device that pinpoints leaks signals. The time lag is found from the
automatically. cross-correlation function of the leak
Courtesy Dantec Measurement Technology. signals. In the presence of a leak, the cross-
correlation function has a distinct peak at
the time shift between leak signals. The
location of the leak is calculated based on

Construction Technology Update No. 40 3

Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the cross-correlation method for pinpointing leaks in water pipes

an algebraic relationship between the time The resulting thermal anomalies above
lag, the sensor-to-sensor distance, and the pipes are detected with handheld, or vehicle-
propagation velocity of sound waves in the or airplane-mounted infrared cameras.
pipe (Figure 4). The distance between sen-
sors is measured on site or read from distri- Ground-penetrating Radar
bution system maps. Propagation velocities Radar can be used to locate leaks in buried
for various pipe types and sizes are usually water pipes either by detecting voids in the
available in most commercial devices, or soil created by leaking water as it circulates
they can be measured easily on site. near the pipe, or by detecting segments of
pipe which appear deeper than they are
Tracer Gas Technique because of the increase in the dielectric
With this technique, a non-toxic, water- constant of adjacent soil saturated by leak-
insoluble and lighter-than-air gas, such as ing water. Ground-penetrating radar waves
helium or hydrogen, is injected into an iso- are partially reflected back to the ground
lated segment of a water pipe. The gas surface when they encounter an anomaly in
escapes at a leak opening and then, being dielectric properties, for example, a void or
lighter than air, permeates to the surface pipe. An image of the size and shape of the
through the soil and pavement. The leak is object is formed by radar time-traces
located by scanning the ground surface obtained by scanning the ground surface.
directly above the pipe with a highly sensi- The time lag between transmitted and
tive gas detector. reflected radar waves determines the depth
of the reflecting object.
The principle behind the use of thermogra- Factors Influencing the
phy for leak detection is that water leaking Effectiveness of Acoustic Methods
from an underground pipe changes the The effectiveness of acoustic leak-detection
thermal characteristics of the adjacent soil, methods depends on several factors includ-
for example, making it a more effective ing pipe size, type, and depth; soil type and
heat sink than the surrounding dry soil. water table level; leak type and size; system
pressure; interfering noise; and sensitivity
and frequency range of the equipment.

4 Construction Technology Update No. 40

The pipe material and diameter have a Difficulties with Plastic Pipes
significant effect on the attenuation of leak Most professional users consider acoustic
signals in the pipe. For example, leak sig- methods to be effective for finding leaks in
nals travel farthest in metal pipes and are metal pipes but problematic when used for
attenuated greatly in plastic ones. The plastic pipes. Acoustic leak-detection
larger the diameter of the pipe the greater equipment was developed mainly for metal
the attenuation, and the harder it is to pipes. Leak signals in plastic and metal
detect the leak. The pipe material and pipes, however, have substantially different
diameter also affect the predominant fre- acoustical characteristics. Plastic pipes are
quencies of leak signals the larger the quieter and do not transmit sound as effi-
diameter and the less rigid the pipe mater- ciently as metal pipes. Also, leak sounds in
ial, the lower the predominant frequencies. plastic pipes are dominated by low-fre-
This effect makes leak signals susceptible to quency components, unlike leak sounds in
interference from low-frequency vibrations, metal pipes.
e.g., from pumps and road traffic. A recent study3 by IRC funded by the
The strength of leak signals at the ground American Water Works Association
surface is influenced significantly by the Research Foundation showed that leaks in
soil type and the water table level. plastic pipes can be located using acoustic
Experience has shown that leak sounds are techniques; however, there are several
more audible on sandy soils than on clayey difficulties with these techniques. Leak
ones, and on an asphalt or concrete surface noise correlators operated in automatic
than on grass. Leak signals are muffled if mode rarely succeeded in locating leaks,
the pipe is below the water table level. because the frequency range selected by the
The characteristics of leak sounds vary correlator was usually too high. Operators
with the leak type and size. Splits and cor- using the correlators in manual mode also
rosion pits in pipe walls induce stronger tended to select a high frequency range and
leak signals and higher frequencies than therefore missed leaks. It was also found
leaks in joints or valves. Generally, the that accelerometers (a type of vibration
larger the leak the stronger the leak signal, sensor) were effective only for large leaks.
but this may not be true for very large For small leaks, hydrophones were
leaks. The higher the pipe pressure, the necessary.
stronger the leak signals; it is difficult to It was also found that leak-detection
detect leaks in pipes having pressures less professionals were not able to hear leak
than 1.05 kgf/cm2 (15 psi). sounds in plastic pipes using headphones
There is significant variation in the sen- attached to leak noise correlators.
sitivity, frequency range, and signal-condi- According to popular wisdom, if no noise
tioning and processing features of different is heard then no leak exists. The profes-
acoustic leak-detection devices. The more sionals were therefore surprised when they
sensitive the leak sensors and the higher succeeded in locating leaks that they could
the signal-to-noise ratio of the equipment, not hear. Leak signals in plastic pipes were
the smaller the leaks that can be detected. found to be dominated by frequency com-
Modern acoustic equipment incorporates ponents lower than 50 Hz. The human ear
signal-conditioning components such as fil- is not sensitive to sounds in this low fre-
ters and amplifiers to make leak signals quency range. For the same reason, listen-
stand out. Filters remove interfering noise ing rods and aquaphones were not effective
occurring outside the predominant fre- unless they were attached at access points
quency range of leak signals. Amplifiers that were very close to leaks (within about
improve the signal-to-noise ratio and make 5 m). In practice, these results imply that
weak leak signals audible. detecting leaks in plastic pipes may have
to rely solely on leak noise correlators.

High-resolution surveys using ground References
microphones at intervals of, say, 1 m or less 1. Cheong, L.C. Unaccounted for water
can still be used but these surveys are and the economics of leak detection.
time-consuming and therefore impractical. Proceedings of the 18th International
The IRC study revealed several modifica- Water Supply Congress and Exhibition,
tions that can improve the effectiveness of 15-31 May 1991, Copenhagen, published
leak noise correlators in locating leaks in in Water Supply, 9:3&4:IR1.1, 1991.
plastic pipes: revision of automatic mode 2. AWWA. Water audits and leak
algorithms, higher sensitivity sensors detection. Manual of Water Supply
(especially accelerometers), low-frequency Practices No. M36, American Water
capability, and finely tunable high- and Works Association, 1990.
low-pass filters. Several changes to 3. Hunaidi, O., Chu, W., Wang, A., and
practice in the field can also improve Guan, W. Detecting leaks in plastic
the equipments effectiveness: use of low- pipes. Journal AWWA, 92:2:82-94,
frequency components of leak signals, American Water Works Association,
on-site measurement of sound propagation 2000.
velocity in pipes, verification of the proper
functioning of leak sensors (especially
hydrophones), and use of hydrophones or Dr. Osama Hunaidi is a senior research officer in
sensitive vibration accelerometers attached the Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program
to pressurized fire hydrants. of the National Research Councils Institute for
Research in Construction.
Leakage is usually the major cause of water
loss in water-distribution systems. To min-
imize public health risk and economic loss
and to conserve water, utilities regularly
audit their distribution systems and con-
duct leak-detection surveys. Water audits
provide an overall view of water losses and
identify areas of the distribution system
having excessive leakage. Leak-detection
surveys determine the exact location of
leaks by using acoustic listening devices
and modern leak noise correlators. Acoustic
equipment is effective for metal pipes but
could be problematic for plastic. Modifi-
cations were recommended in IRCs leak
detection study to improve the effectiveness
of leak noise correlators as well as field
procedures for plastic pipe. Leaks in both
metal and plastic pipes could also be
located with non-acoustic techniques such
as tracer gas, infrared imaging, and ground-
penetrating radar. The use of these tech-
niques is still very limited and their
effectiveness is not as well established as
that of acoustic methods.

National Research Council of Canada
October 2000
ISSN 1206-1220

Construction Technology Updates is a series of technical articles containing

practical information distilled from recent construction research.

For more information, contact Institute for Research in Construction,

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