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Meeting 13: How to Construct Argument?

What is argument?
Relating to the necessity in scientific writing, it is important to
understand what argument is. At a glance, there are some relevant
definitions of argument which can be a mean of itself in the background of
the study. According to basic definition given by Covey (1985), argument is
an assertion with its complete supports which aim is to convince argument
recipient through logical construction. In the twentieth century, the definition
of an argument is shifted into a reason beyond particular phenomenon which
represents the stance, the principle and also the validity (Kirszner&Mandell,
2009). Kriszner and Mandells definition is relevant to Oslon (2003) that
argument is a unity of elements which is usually used to explain, analyze,
interpret, speculate, evaluate, persuade or reflect. According to Jogja
Debating Forum (2012), based on Handbook of Parliamentary Debating,
argument is a unity of assertion, reason, evidence and link back. However,
the various definition can be simplified that argument is a unit of a claim
supported by evidence and logic reason (Warnick & Inch, 1994; Harrell, 2004;
Cottrell, 2005; Hunter & Besnard, 2008). Moreover, argument includes the
attempt to influence other parties, other meaning is to convince or persuade
by inferring (Warnick & Inch, 1994).
According to Kirszner and Mandell (2009), there are three purposes of
writing argument. First, argument is to attract people to give special
attention and belief toward what ideas have been presented. Attraction is the
simplest way to represent of swaying. Second, argument is to defense what
ideas that need to be stood. In other words, it is the second way of
persuasion by defending what ideas have been explained. The last is,
argument is used to offense particular phenomenon which needs to be
criticized or responded. In order to achieve the aim, the argument should be
explain in logical order. If the logic is not considered as important, the aim
will not be delivered well that may trigger more threats. Therefore, argument
should be delivered in such a good manner.
To fulfill some requirements of good argument, there are 3 basic traits which
are claim, reason and evidence, and attempt to influence (Warnick and Inch,
1994). First, there should be a claim which represents what will be conveyed,
explained, or presented. A claim is used to attract others to have
perspectives either to agree or to disagree. A claim can lead to the further
convocation of unifying ideas, but it tends to be rare. Second, evidence and
reason are meant to give special role in strengthening a claim. Both evidence
and reason will portray logic acceptance for argument recipient. The last is
an attempt of influence which is needed to lead particular party to move in
the opposite, or particular party to move to the better choice. The attempt
includes term of inference to the last chance to be provocative, persuasive
and influential. By paying attention to the 3 traits of argument in depth, a
writer can produce a good argument to convey certain ideas.

What are the elements of argument?

Claim Representing what you want to convey, to state or to
Reason Logical supports to your claim
Evidence Factual supports to your claim
Attempt to In other names, it is conclusion which links back to your
Influence claim

Example 1:
Claim BRICS waste management standard stimulates all private
companies to be environmentally friendly.
Reason 1. It compels the companies to do re-recycle the waste
before it will be thrown away to river.
2. It punishes those who cannot obey the standard by
stopping their operations.
Evidence During 2 months after the legalization, the numbers of
danger waste can be minimized up to 30% compared to
the previous numbers of dangerous chemical
components in wastes.
Attempt to Thus, by this implementation, all private companies raise
Influence their awareness to being nature-friendly.

Assignment 1:
1. Please read closely to the passage above and understand the concept
of making argument!
2. Please make questions addressed to me in connection with how to
construct argument! Please write your question in the following box!

How an argument can be broken?

What should I do to hold my argument?

(Name: YUSUF ARYASA NRP: 0615040009)

3. Please make 1 folder named PPNS DM 4 A Assignment 1
consisting of your work and your friends works (collective submission)
by 23 May 2017, before 23.59 p.m.!

Note: Your questions reflect what you have not understood yet. If you do
not have questions, I assume that you have already mastered the

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