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Examine os anncios para responder s questes 01 at 04.

01. O anncio 1 refere-se

A) ( ) a uma campanha para economia do consumo de gua.
B) ( ) divulgao de uma nova tinta para bancos de jardim.
C) ( ) a uma campanha para embelezar a cidade de denver.
D) ( ) divulgao de reformas nos jardins pblicos em denver.
E) ( ) a uma campanha contra a destruio de patrimnio pblico.

02. O anncio 2 refere-se

A) ( ) a um incentivo para anncios mais iluminados.
B) ( ) a uma empresa de eletricidade chamada wisely.
C) ( ) a um incentivo ao uso de lmpadas fluorescentes.
D) ( ) ao uso mais consciente de energia eltrica.
E) ( ) falta de iluminao suficiente em locais pblicos.

03. Considerando-se o propsito do anncio 2, a orao que poderia fazer parte de um

texto a ser includo nesse anncio :
A) ( ) turn on the lights when a room is not being used.
B) ( ) turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days.
C) ( ) turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room.
D) ( ) turn on the tap before you take a bath or a shower.
E) ( ) turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.

04. Os dois anncios tm em comum o fato de

A) ( ) terem sido produzidos para empresas de pequeno porte.
B) ( ) terem sido produzidos para duas empresas concorrentes.
C) ( ) estimularem o uso de recursos alternativos.
D) ( ) terem sido produzidos pela mesma agncia de publicidade.
E) ( ) estimularem aes embasadas na sustentabilidade.

Some Languages facts

There is no second language in Brazil
There are 6,912 living language in the world
There are 516 nearly extinct languages in the world
There are approximately 250.000, words in English
There are 45 Letters in the longest word in the English language:

05. A leitura correta dos nmeros no texto respectivamente:

a) Six thousand nine hundred and twelve/ five hundred sixteen/ two hundred and
fifty thousand/ forty-five
b) Sixty nine and twelve/ five one six/ two hundred sixteen/forty-five
c) Six thousand hundred and twelve/ five hundred sixteen/ fourteen five
d) Six nine thousand and twelve/ five hundred sixteen/ two hundred and fifty thousand/
e) Six thousand nine hundred and twelve/ five hundred six/ two hundred and fifty
thousand/ forty-five.

Para as questes 06 e 07, marque a resposta que correlaciona a pergunta What

time is it? com a imagem correspondente:

Question 06.
What time is it?

A) ( ) Its eight oh five in the evening.

B) ( ) Itseight oh five in the morning.
C) ( ) Its five to eight in the evening.
PM D) ( ) Its five to eight in the morning.

Question 07.
What time is it?

A) ( ) Its a quarter to eight in the morning.

B) ( ) Its a quarter to seven in the evening.
C) ( ) Its a quarter to seven in the morning.
D) ( ) Its a quarter to eight in the evening.

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