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Case Report Orthodontic extrusion of an impacted tooth

with a removable appliance and a bonded

attachment: A case report with relevant
Pramod Philip, Ashwin Rao1
Departments of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, and 1Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,
Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Ashwin Rao, E-mail:

This case report describes orthodontic extrusion of an impacted central incisor in a 9-year-old child with a removable appliance.
Though orthodontic extrusion with removable appliances has been described previously in literature, the aim of this paper
is to help the practicing clinician understand the biomechanics and biology of orthodontic extrusion and provide practical
tips for using this simple mode of treatment. This will aid the clinician practice orthodontic extrusion in his/her practice in a
predictable manner.


The primary aim of this paper is to provide practical tips to the general dentist in carrying out orthodontic extrusion
predictably with a simple removable appliance.
Orthodontic extrusion is indicated in various clinical situations like management of impacted teeth, crown lengthening,
treatment of vertical bony defects, etc.

Key words: Impacted tooth, orthodontic extrusion, removable appliance

INTRODUCTION Impacted teeth: With the maxillary canine being

the most commonly affected tooth

E xtrusion is defined as the translation of a tooth

along its long axis in a coronal direction. If the
movement of the tooth is accelerated by an applied
Traumatically intruded permanent teeth, which
needs to be orthodontically repositioned into the
occlusal level
traction it is called orthodontic extrusion. Application of Restorative indications like the management of
optimal traction forces will lead to a stress distribution sub-gingival restorations, tooth fractures at the
all around the periodontal ligament leading to marginal cervical margin, implant site development etc
apposition of bone at the alveolar crest.[1] Periodontal indications like management of
vertical bony defects.
Orthodontic extrusion is a relatively common
Orthodontic extrusion can be carried out using fixed
procedure in clinical practice. It is indicated in the
or removable appliances. Orthodontic extrusion is
following situations: discouraging many times for a general practitioner
due to inadequate knowledge on the part of the
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clinician about fixed orthodontic therapy and the
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Website: biomechanics involved. Insufficient number of teeth could compromise the anchorage, thereby complicating
fixed appliance therapy. Though orthodontic extrusion
using removable appliances has been previously
10.4103/2229-5194.135011 described in literature,[2] the aim of this paper is to help
understand the biology and biomechanics behind the
46 Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Jan-Apr 2014 / Vol-4 / Issue-1
Philip and Rao: Orthodontic extrusion with a removable appliance

procedure and aid the general dentist, practice orthodontic A tomogram revealed that the right upper central
extrusion with removable appliances predictably. This case incisor was present well above the adjacent incisor with
report therefore explains the effective use of a removable around 2-3 mm of soft tissue covering the tooth. It was
appliance in conjunction with a single bonded attachment also evident that the tooth is oriented in the correct
in the extrusion of an impacted central incisor. labio-lingual inclination [Figure 1f].

A decision was made to orthodontically extrude tooth

CASE REPORT no. 11. Though a 2 4 appliance was considered, it was
not feasible because of insufficient anchorage, as the
A 9-year-old girl was brought to the Department of permanent lateral incisors had not fully erupted into the
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry by her mother with arch. Hence, it was decided to use a removable appliance
a chief complaint of an un-erupted upper front permanent for extrusion. The procedure was explained to the child
tooth. The medical history and the family histories were and good cooperation was ensured before attempting the
noncontributory. Extra oral examination revealed nothing treatment with the removable appliance. Informed consent
significant. was obtained from the mother for the same. The extrusion
was carried out in the Department of Orthodontics and
Intra-oral examination revealed the presence of a Dentofacial Orthopedics.
retained right primary central incisor (tooth no. 51) and a
supplementary supernumerary deciduous tooth adjacent to The removable appliance was fabricated with the
it. An intra-oral peri-apical radiograph revealed the presence following design. A full acrylic plate spanning the
of another un-erupted supernumerary tooth and right maxillary arch from the upper incisors to the first
permanent upper central incisor (tooth no. 11) [Figure 1a]. permanent molars was made. Adams clasps on first
permanent molars and first premolars provided retention
The un-erupted supernumerary tooth was extracted along of the appliance. A posterior bite-plane was added to
with the supplemental supernumerary tooth and the
the acrylic plate to enhance the stability of the appliance.
retained tooth no. 51 under local anesthesia. The child
A hook made with a 0.8 mm stainless steel wire was
was put on a monthly recall to check for spontaneous
incorporated into the acrylic plate. The tip of the hook
eruption of tooth no. 11.
was positioned slightly labial to the center of the arch to
ensure that the line of action of the force stays along the
At 6 months, there was no spontaneous eruption of tooth
long axis. The anterior open bite created by the posterior
no. 11. Examination revealed that her right upper premolar
bite-plane allowed the hook to be positioned well below
had erupted and the left one was erupting. Upper right
central incisor was conspicuous by its absence, but the the occlusal plane creating sufficient stretch of the elastic
space for the tooth was still intact. The bulge of the crown to provide optimal force levels [Figure 2a and b].
was palpable clinically [Figure 1b-d].
The right permanent upper central incisor tooth was
surgically exposed and a bracket (Begg bracket) was
bonded to the labial surface using light cure composite
material. Elastic was stretched between the bracket
b c bonded on the incisor and the hook in the acrylic plate

a d e

a b

Figure 1: (a) Intra oral periapical: (1) Tooth no. 21, (2) tooth no. 51, (3)
c d e
tooth no. 52, (4) supplementary supernumerary deciduous tooth, (5) tooth
no. 53, (6) tooth no. 11, (7) un-erupted supernumerary tooth, (8) tooth no. Figure 2: (a) Appliance - occlusal view (b) right lateral view
12, (9) tooth no.13, (b) pretreatment intra-oral pictures-right lateral view (c) schematic diagram explaining the force and the moment generated
(c) left lateral view (d) frontal view (e) maxillary occlusal view (f) tomogram (d and e) dontrix gauge used for measuring the force level by stretching
showing the mesio-distal and labio-lingual position of the incisor the elastic to the desired distance

Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Jan-Apr 2014 / Vol-4 / Issue-1 47

Philip and Rao: Orthodontic extrusion with a removable appliance

to deliver 20 g of force for the extrusion [Figure 3a]. The the case of anterior teeth) or for the placement of proper
elastic was chosen after measuring the force with a dontrix margin of the restorations. Some researchers recommend
gauge [Figure 2d and e]. the weekly excision of the supra-crestal fibers where as
others recommend a single excision at the end of the whole
The child was instructed to wear the appliance procedure depending on the amount of fibrotomy required.
throughout the day except during eating. The elastic A light continuous force is desirable for the remodeling
was changed once a day. The active tr eatment of the periodontal tissue and subsequent bony deposition
continued for a period of 4 months, following which the with in the alveolar socket.
child wore the appliance for another 2 months with a
minimal force of 5 g to retain the tooth in the extruded Rapid extrusion with the application of heavy forces will
position [Figure 3b]. result in a less pronounced migration of supporting tissue as
the tooth tends to move faster than the rate of physiologic
The vertical position of the lower incisors was carefully adaptation of the soft tissue. Hence it requires an extended
monitored during the whole treatment period to ensure period of retention to allow the investing tissues to adapt to
that there is no supra-eruption. the new position of the tooth. There is a risk of periodontal
tear and resultant ankylosis of the tooth.[5] Heavy forces can
also lead to external root resorption.
Care should be taken to have minimal exposure of the
Orthodontic extrusion has become a very common clinical tooth surface for the purpose of bonding an attachment.[4]
procedure with various indications. A clinician who is As the crown bulge was visible through the gingiva, a
attempting the same should have adequate understanding small window was created for the purpose of bonding
of the biological and the biomechanical aspects of the the bracket.
Optimal force needed for orthodontic
Biology of orthodontic extrusion extrusion
Application of light forces lead to coronal migration of the Optimal force for the forceful extrusion depends on the
root along with the bony ridge leading to an increase in tooth involved and it can vary from 15 g for a lower
the attached gingiva. The increase in the attached gingiva incisor to 60 g for a molar. The applied force should be
is initially seen as an eversion of sulcular epithelium which based on the physiologic response of the individual tooth
is nonkeratinized. It gets keratinized over a period of 28- depending on its root size, root length root morphology
42 days.[1,3] The extrusion leads to bone deposition at the root and the periodontal support. It should also be based on
apex as well as the alveolar crest of the extruded tooth and a the rate of tooth movement in individual cases. A rate of
normal relationship will be maintained between the alveolar 1 mm of extrusion per week is considered physiologic for
crest and the cement-enamel junction if the periodontium slow extrusion.[1,3]
is healthy.[1] The gingival tissue, which moves coronally
needs to be surgically excised for optimal esthetics (as in In the present case, a force of 20 g was applied and the
tooth moved at a very slow rate of 1.5 mm/month. This
could be attributed to the presence of scar tissue formed
secondary to the surgical extraction of supernumerary
tooth. As the tooth was an immature permanent tooth, it
was decided to keep the force levels minimum enough to
bring about extrusion without undue damage to the root
and the investing tissues.

a Biomechanics
Extrusion can be achieved by the application of a single
force with a point contact of application delivered from an
appropriate anchorage unit with a desired line of action.
The biomechanics of extrusion varies with the design of
the appliance used. Care should be taken to minimize
the effects of reactionary forces on the anchorage unit.
b If fixed appliance is used for extrusion, addition of a
Figure 3: (a) Appliance in the mouth with elastic applied between the sufficient number of teeth in the anchorage unit prevents
bonded bracket and hook (b) posttreatment intra-oral frontal photograph the reciprocal effects on the anchor unit.

48 Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Jan-Apr 2014 / Vol-4 / Issue-1

Philip and Rao: Orthodontic extrusion with a removable appliance

A removable appliance usually provides anchorage from The periodontal status and the quality and the quantity
the palate. Retention of the appliance in the mouth is more of the attached gingiva to be evaluated carefully
critical in case of a removable appliance as the reciprocal The design of the appliance should be contusive for
force tends to dislodge the appliance from the mouth. optimal biomechanics and good retention of the
Properly designed appliance with adequate retentive appliance
clasps ensures the stability of the appliance in the mouth The area of surgical exposure should be kept to the
when traction is applied for orthodontic extrusion. bare minimum to bond an attachment
The force applied should be light and continuous in
The applied force creates a clockwise moment which tends nature and should bring about frontal resorption
to rotate the tooth. The moment is created because the Adequate period of retention should be provided to
point of force application of force (elastic is applied to the prevent any relapse.
bracket) is away from the center of resistance (as shown
by a dot in the root) of the tooth. The force extrudes
the tooth while the moment brings about a lingual CONCLUSION
tipping [Figure 2c].
Orthodontic extrusion is commonly carried out by
Stability of the procedure trained specialists. A simple removable appliance along
with a bonded attachment has been used successfully
Questions are raised regarding the stability when the
in this case to bring about the required extrusion. This
extrusions are carried out at a very rapid rate. That is
should encourage more general practitioners to attempt
attributed to a lag in the coronal migration of the tissue as
an orthodontic extrusion with a removable appliance
against the pace at which the tooth has moved. Mostly,
orthodontic extrusion is carried out over a period of
4-6 weeks with 1 mm of tooth movement per week. This is
followed by a stabilization period of 6-8 weeks during which
the remodeling of the supporting structures occur. Prolonged
retention for a period of 6 months is recommended by some 1. Reitan K. Clinical and histologic observations on tooth
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a very slow rate of 1.5 mm/month and retained for an considerations and applications. J Can Dent Assoc 2004;70:775-80.
additional period of 2 months with the help of elastics. 4. Quirynen M, Op Heij DG, Adriansens A, Opdebeeck HM, van
Clinical examination at that time revealed that the Steenberghe D. Periodontal health of orthodontically extruded
impacted teeth. A split-mouth, long-term clinical evaluation.
patient presented with a mild bi-maxillary dento-alveolar J Periodontol 2000;71:1708-14.
proclination which might require a fixed appliance 5. Oesterle LJ, Wood LW. Raising the root. A look at orthodontic
therapy at an appropriate time because of which the final extrusion. J Am Dent Assoc 1991;122:193-8.
leveling of the four incisors was not attempted. 6. Mantzikos T, Shamus I. Case report: Forced eruption and implant
site development. Angle Orthod 1998;68:179-86.
Clinical considerations
Certain clinical guidelines need to be followed while How to cite this article: Philip P, Rao A. Orthodontic extrusion of an impacted
attempting orthodontic extrusion with a removable tooth with a removable appliance and a bonded attachment: A case report
with relevant biomechanics. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2014;4:46-9.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
Ensure adequate patient compliance

Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Jan-Apr 2014 / Vol-4 / Issue-1 49

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