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Principles, Approaches and Strategies of teaching-learning the subject

Social Studies

- Principles of teaching learning in Social Studies or Social Science


l Integrative

Powerful when they are valued based



Approaches in the Teaching

Problem based learning

Spiral approach

Chronological approach

Conceptual Approach

Causal and Cause and Effect chain approach

1. Problem Based Learning

1. Use of problem as focus of study

2. Application of steps and processes of problem solving in Social Studies

3. Development of life skills (problem solving and decision making)

4. Demonstration and application of practical knowledge and skills

2. Experiential Learning

1. Use of simulation/role playing

2. Actual visits to communities and field trips to historical places

3. Use of interviews, resource persons from the immediate communities and actual
field study.

4. Use of actual real life experiences as springboards for learning.

Collaborative Learning

1. Use of cooperative learning strategies

2. Group/team work as the strategy for social learning

Community Based Learning

1. Use of local and indigenous resources from the community to study topics in
social studies

2. Development of community based projects as programs

Strategies In Teaching of Social Studies

Meta cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies

Social Affective Strategies

E.G. Question of the Day: How can we help todays kids be successful in our
increasingly complex world? Answer: Teach them to think.

A key strategy that teachers, mentors and parents can use to encourage the
development of core thinking skills is asking open- ended questions instead of
providing answers.

Questioning learners encourages thinking, expression, research and interaction.

Core Thinking Skills (ASCDS Dimension of Thinking)

Skills Behavior Indicators

Focusing Skills Directing ones attention to selected information

*Defining Problems -clarifying problem situation
*Setting Goals -establishing direction or purpose

Information Acquiring Relevant Data

Gathering Skills

*Observing -obtaining information through one or more

*Questioning senses - Seeking new information by formulating question

Organizing Skills Arranging information so it can be used more

*Comparing -nothing similarities and differences between two
or more entries
*Classifying -placing entities in groups by common attributes
Analyzing Skills Clarifying existing information by identifying
and distinguishing among
components, attributes and so on
*identifying attributes and -determining characteristics or parts of
components something components recognizing ways
elements are related patterns
*identifying relationships -recognizing and interpretations of patterns

Generating Skills Using prior knowledge to add new information

*inferring -reasoning beyond available information to fill the
*predicting events -anticipating or forecasting future
*elaborating -using prior knowledge to add meaning to new
information and to link it
to existing structures
*representing -adding new meaning by changing the form of

Integrating Skills information Connecting and combining information

*Summarizing -abstracting information efficiently
*Restructuring -changing existing knowledge structures to
incorporate new information
*Synthesizing - Bringing new ideas from information put

Evaluating Skills Assessing the reasonableness quality of ideas

*establishing Criteria -setting standards for making judgments
*verifying - judgment
*Identifying Errors -confirming the accuracy of claims
-recognize the logical fallacies

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