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Glossary - Shipbuilding

Adicional noturno Night shift differential

Aditivo Amendment

Aferio Calibration

Almoxarifado Warehouse

Amarras instaladoras Installation moorings

Antepara Bulkhead

ART (Anotao de Technical Liability Registration

Responsabilidade Tcnica)

Atracador Mooring line

Avulso Separate

BAD (Boletim de Avaliao de Performance Evaluation Bulletin


Baleeira Life Boat

BB/BE Portside/Starboard
Bandeja de conteno Drip tray, containment tray

Boca de Lobo Culvert (Hole)

Boca de Visita Manhole
Bocais de Suco e Descarga Suction Inlets and Discharge
Boletim de medio Measurement report

Borda falsa Bulwark

Borracha de Vedao Sealing Rubber

Boxes de solda Welding boxes

"Braola de sacrifcio" Sacrificial Coaming

Used in connection with

Caminho mecnico Mechanical path (or Mechanical

way; generic term that refers to
Cable trays and supports)
Casario Forecastle
Casco Lower hull

Caverna Frame

CB (Casa de Bombas) Pump House

Chapa Plate

Chapu de Bruxa Conical Filter

Cintado curvo Curved belted (cable?)

Conserto (sometimes wrongly, Repair

Contedo local Local Content

Convs Deck

Decapagem Pickling
Despachante Aduaneiro Customs Broker

Dique seco Drydock

EAP (Estrutura analtica do WBS Work Breakdown

Projeto) Structure

EAS Estaleiro Atlntico Sul

Eletrocalha Raceway

Empeno Warping, bending

EPC Engineering, Procurement and

Construction Contract

Equilibrio economico-financeiro Economic-Financial Balance

Equipamento Outfitting (action); Equipment

(syn. of gear)
ERG (Estaleiro Rio Grande) Rio Grande Shipyard

Estanqueidade Watertightness, tightness

Estojo (parafuso estojo) Stud Bolt

Eventos de controle Checkpoint events

Flange Cego Blind Flange

Flecha de abertura Opening arch? (it could be
sagcontext needed)
Folha de pagamento Payroll

Gaiuta Hatchway

Grade de Piso Floor Grating

Guarda-Corpo Guardrail
Guincho Auxiliar Tugger Winch
HE (horas extra) Overtime

HH (plural of "hora" - horas) Hours

HOA Heads of Agreement

Impacto de prazo Time impact (effects of delay in

construction project)
Lanamento de Cabos Cable Laying

Lastro Ballast

Leme Rudder

Linha de Dilvio Deluge Line

Luminria Light Fixture
Massa Ground (Earth) [common return
point for an electric current]
Medidor de Vazo Flow Meter
Meia Cana Half Round Piping
MOI (mo de obra indireta) Indirect labor

MOD (Mo de obra direta) Direct labor

Monovia Overhead conveyor

NF - Nota Fiscal Invoice

leo diesel Diesel Fuel

P-55 LH Platform 55 Lower Hull

Paiol do Mestre Boatswain's Locker

PM (Praa-de-mquinas) Engine Room

Parcela Portion

Passarela Walkway
Pau de Carga Cargo Derrick
Plano de Montagem Assembly Plan
Plano de Recuperao Recovery Plan

Pleteado (as in Valor Pleteado) Claimed Amount

PNBV Petrobras Netherlands BV

Prtico transversal Gantry crane

Poo (de elevador) Hoistway

Praa de mquinas Engine room

Prensa cabos Cable gland

Processo de aferio Calculation Process

PAE (Proposta Alterao do Scope Modification Proposal


PT (Permisso para Trabalho) Work Permit

Quantidade Garantida Guaranteed Quantity

Raquete Blind Flange

R Stern, aft
R bombordo Aft portside

Receita (Federal) Revenue Service

Receptculos Receptacle Outlets

Relatrio de Controle de Peso Weight Control Report

Resp. (Responsvel) Person in Charge

Reunies de fechamento de Engineering close-out meetings

RM (Requisio de Materiais) Material Requisition

Roda P Baseboard
Rodadas de negociao Rounds of negotiation

Rota de Fuga Escape Route

Sela Saddle
Sistema P.A. G.A. PA/GA System
SMP (solicitao de modificao Project Change Request (or
de projeto) possibly Design Change Request,
depending on the context)
SUAPE (or Suape) Region in the Brazilian State of
Pernambuco with ship-building

Talha Hoist
Torre de Amina Amine Tower
Transbordar 1. To transfer from one vessel
to the other 2. To overflow
Transbordo Overflow, transshipment
Tubulao de Alta High-Pressure Piping
Tubulao de Baixa Low-Pressure Piping
Unio dos 2C Mating of the 2 columns

Usinagem Machining

Valor Pleteado Claimed Amount

Vlvula Borboleta Butterfly Valve

Vlvula de Reteno Check Valve
Vlvula de Vente Vent Valve
Vante Fore, forward
Vaso Vessel, Tank

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