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3.1 PEOPLE ele N TOUTE personality [ya Add the vowels. | knd kind ntlgnt fry fendly kv oknd srs hppy stpd 10 a = LI nfrndly 12 hppy B Write the adjectives from Exercise 1A inthe correct ‘group according to the stress. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TO 200 300 kind 4.000 ‘5000 16 e000 C ®3.i Listen and check. Then listen and repes D Complete the conversations with adjectives from Exercise 1A. 1 As [think Mark’s very friendly. B: Really? He never talks to me! | think he’s very unfiendly 2A: Andrea's realy talkative at breakfast time, Yeah, | don't lke it.I like to be. mornings! Lena’s a serious student. Yes, usually, but she's sometimes very The teachers are kind to Greg. Yes, but some of the children are This cat's very stupi Don’t be horrible! | think she's very: Ben's happy today. Yes, but his teacher's class! inthe he's late for PROP eee > frequency adverbs Underline the correct alternative. 1 Mixing yellow and red always / often / sometimes makes orange. 2 The colour red often / sometimes / hardy ever means “danger or sop" 3 Apples are sometimes / hardly ever / never purple. 4 tn footbal the bllis usualy / hardly ever / never white. 5 A chef ina restaurant never / sometimes / always has 2 white hat. 6 Food iscfien/ hardly ever / neverbue 7 Cola is always / sometimes / never brown. {People always / often / never drink ther coffee white — wth il 9 Taxis in New York are hardy ever / always / sometimes yellow 10 Eggs are usally / never /hardly ever wbite or brown. "3A Read the emails. Are Sandy and Cristina good flatmates? Hi Maria, How are you? I'm fine but I've got anew flatmate, Ciistina, and she's a real problem. ShoNaIS To Tree When she comes home inthe evening | ask her usually about her day. She says ‘ine’ akvays and then she ‘watches usually TV or she goes to her room to sometimes sleep! She wants hardly ever to chat. What can | do? Sandy HiZsurse, How are you? I'm fine but my new flatmate, Sandys real problem, She stops talking never. In the evening alter classes 'm tre often. | want to usualy relaxin front ofthe TV for half an hour or have sometimes a short rest. She wants always to tak about her day. have hardly ever energy to listen ‘Thats my news. Emil me soon! Ctistina B Circle the frequency adverbs and draw a line to their ‘correct position in the emails. EZNa F hha Read the forum and tick the ideas you agree with. HELP! forum Be My frend Sam often asks me for money | usually | Say no, but sometimes I give him ten or twenty | euros The probiern is he never pays me back | don't want to ask fim but I feel bad about the whole thing Help! on, Ontario) Beth writes: Talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel. You say he's your friend and real friends listen to each other. But remember, money and friends don't mix. Good luck! Karl writes: don't think he's a rel friend, I's time to end the friendship — tell him to give you the money and then say goodbye! Steve writes: Forget the money. Friends are ‘everything. Money's not important ~ but don't ive him more money! | work with Joanne and | really tke her but we aren't fhends.The problem is that she thinks we're friends. She often asks me to meet her after work and at the weekend. She phones me three or four limes @ week and she just wants to chat, Hels! (Patsy, Christchurch) Levente writes: Maybe it's a good idea to meet her just once atthe weekend. You say you like ‘her, well, give her a chance. Good hick! Miki writes: That's a problem, Tell Joanne the truth — you're a friendly person but you aren't her friend! [0] & Undertine two names from the forum for each sentence, 1 They're friends, Sam Joanne Jon Patsy 2 They aren't fiends. Sam Joanne Jon Patsy 3. They say: Don’t friends with him/her Beth Karl Levente. Miki 4 They say: Tel the truth, Beth Steve Mik Cymhia 5. They say: Be friends with him/her Kal Steve Levente Cynthia RAG modifiers EE ‘Complete the conversations with very or quite, jonversation | A: [getup early every day. B: Oh, What time do you get up? A Acdam, B: 9am! That isn't very __ early! That’ latet ‘A: Well, my husband gets up at 4am, B: Now that’s ‘early. | get up at Jam. ‘A: OK, OK! That's _ early. Conversation 2 ‘A: LTove this laptop, but it’s €1,000, B That's A Iknow. expensive, 8: How about ths one? I's___ expensive, butit'sa ood make, [As How much isi 8: €£00, Hey look at his one. sn the sale. I's ony 250, That isn't expensive Ac You're right. That's a good price, Conversation 3 AcInuntenklometres every morning. 8B: Really? How long does it tke you? A: Itusually takes about 45 minutes, B: That's nutes A:Oh. Thatisn't 800d. It usually take me about 55 fast 8B: Butin a race it takes 38 minutes! A Wow, that’s good Conversation 4 ‘A: What time does the film start? B: At Rialto Cinema it stats at {|p ALOh, that’s fate! B But at Westwood Cinema it starts at 10pm, A ee Ste for me. | always get up early to g0 5: Wel the early show at Westwood starts at 7pm. A: Thatisn't ——— 2004. It's 7pm. now. Conversation 5 A: You never takin class, B: No, that’s true, A: Infact you never talk, 8 No AtYoure a —___-etet person 2B That's right. rm not ‘A: But your English isn't bad, B: No? Alls peodin 8: Thanks, talkative, fact. Not great, but not bad. VOCABULARY. [aig Be oer ee uncation the same () or different (D)? 1 sister mother § 2 cousin uncle 3 wife rigee 4 aunt father 5 son husband 6 grandfather parents 7 daughter brother 8 nephew friend € ©32 Listen and check. Then listen Akers and repeat. 5 gy Anya Olvia i Diets Oe ey, hora Complete the sentences with family Bu Look at the family tree and complete the conversations. rds. ‘Conversation | 1 tyme father __is my jane: , this is my | mather Julia inves 4 platen ! 2 My father's___is my sister. Chris: Nice to meet you. Mrs Garnet. ‘ 2 is? 3 My sister's ___—_ are my mother Jane: And this is my: (George and his 9————- and father. Elli ca, ae 4 fy eres —— ay es Jane: Ad these ae my Nick and Dan yy cleans st Nick Hi 6 My mother's is my cousin, Conversation 2 Matt. Christ Are these your children, Mariska? 7 My father’s ___is my cousin, Mariska: Oh, let me introduce you. These are my § Anya and Nina, Olivia and this is my & . Ricky. 8 My father’s is my mother, Ricky: Hit 9 My mother’s is my father Mariska: And thsi James, my 7 10 My son's — are my mother Chriss Hello, everyone. and father Ricky: And that’s my @____.. George and my ® Jane. Chris: Yes, know. im friend of Jane’ Richy: And those are my !@_____. Nick and Dan. Conversation 3 Chris: Elle, what's that little gir's name? I forget. Elle: That's my" Anya. Chris: And her !2___ are Mariska and lic: James. We're a big family. A lot of names to remember! LOMITA hoveshas got 3A Read the information in the table end complete ‘Sentences 1-8 with the correct form of have got. [anew laptop _ an MP3 player an old computer |My parens Fytamiy [a four oom fi 1 Nimgat = ana io, 2 Lan MES pte 3 Mysiter a compute. 4 My pares ac 5 Mybrother 2 computer, butts od 6 We howe 7 We fae 8 kro ooms B Complete the questions and short answers, Use the information in the table, 1 Have you got anew laptop? Wes thave, 2 —_____ your brother -a new computer? 3 —__you. house? 4 —___ your sister _ an MP3 player? 5 your fa four rooms? 6 —__your parents a black car? 4: Correct five mistakes with have got and bein each conversation. Conversation | ‘A: Ihaven't got a pen. Are-yourone? Have you got one? _ B: No, I'm not, but ve got a penci ‘A: Has it got black? B: No, it's got red. : Has it got a rubber? B: Yes. itis, ‘A; Can | borrow it? Thanks. Conversation 2 A: Have you got your camera with you? B: No, but Fatima’s an MP3 player. A: Has it got a camera, Fatima? C:No, it isn't. But my mobile phone's gota camera, A: Has it got good? C:Not reall. It's very small and the pictures haven't got very good. ‘A: That's OK. Can you take a photo of me? C:OK, smile! Look. You're a nice smile ESE se talking about their 5A 3.3 Listen to two peopl t a ‘and draw lines to the correct information. There is one extra piece of information. hasn't got a job. has got one sister Lew 3has got one brother. ‘thas got five brothers Shas got a good job. David Meg # — B Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? | Tomis Meg's brother. T 2 Mepis close t her ster. 3. Nickis Dave's brother 4. Nicks quite active 5 Jenny is David's mother 6 David and Jenny are close. 7 Jenny's husband doesnt tke his job. 8 Jenny's got three sons. GA Complete the ‘text with ‘sors, My tend ‘Jean ot an int ¥ "got an intresting family Her broter ‘Super ineligent and She___got a good job with a computer company in Sydney ‘He maria and his Svife__names Grave. Jean_ ‘Sister Fe funy oe in be tami, She ove teting ty Sones are ste Svork_—_as an aces wih the Metoutne Teste Company Jean "e__here in Brstanen my en "Keta__ apartment, "leon the baby of he amily "Ste__ gota bo Heat People aays say tat ¥she___ ery king B Match meanings a)=d} with 1 a) is byhas 1 ~14 in Exercise 5A. 9) possessive 9) he/she form of regular verb C Write about a friend's family. Write 60-80 words. {include information about ther jobs and personalities

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