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Listening Listening

Listening = most important

communication skill Speaking
Listening an active process,
requires attention

Most people tend to be hard of
listening rather than hard of hearing.
Listening vs. Hearing

Listening is a process of making evaluation

and judgment of the thought

Hearing is only a simple reception of sound.

Hearing = passive, while listening = active.

Paper format:

3 parts (20 questions)

Types of question:
a) Information transfer,
b) short-answer questions,
In listening, they will ask you
Recognize main ideas
Recognize supporting details
Distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant (filter out
irrelevant information)
Interpret the speakers views, attitudes and intentions
Distinguish fact from opinion
Summarize information
Draw conclusions

I ____________ how many accidents Ive had in my life. Ive had a

few serious ones where Ive ended up in ____________ . Traffic
accidents are the worst. Theyre always painful. I ____________ had
too many work-related accidents. I suppose thats because I do
____________ work and thats not so dangerous. Most of my
accidents are those around the house. Ive lost count of the
____________ of times Ive hit my thumb with a hammer. Im also
really good at standing up and ____________ my head on something.
Im not as bad as my friend ____________ . Hes a real accident
looking for somewhere to happen. Almost every time we meet, he
has some story to tell about his ____________ accident. Hes
____________ unbelievable. I think Id be very ____________ if I
were his mother.

I wonder how many accidents Ive had in my life. Ive had a few
serious ones where Ive ended up in hospital. Traffic accidents are the
worst. Theyre always painful. I havent had too many work-related
accidents. I suppose thats because I do office work and thats not so
dangerous. Most of my accidents are those around the house. Ive
lost count of the number of times Ive hit my thumb with a hammer.
Im also really good at standing up and hitting my head on
something. Im not as bad as my friend though. Hes a real accident
looking for somewhere to happen. Almost every time we meet, he
has some story to tell about his latest accident. Hes quite
unbelievable. I think Id be very worried if I were his mother.
I hate gossip. It really _______________________ nerves. I really
dont understand why people _______________________ other
people. My office is full of gossips. They have nothing
_______________________ . Surely there are more important things
to talk about. Gossip isnt true. Thats why its gossip. OK, it might be
true, _______________________ ? Gossiping is dangerous. It can
make perfectly nice people look bad. Im _______________________
Ive been _______________________ gossip. Im sure I wouldnt like
it if I was. I have some friends who buy gossip magazines. They love
celebrity gossip. Thats _______________________ office gossip. At
least with office gossip you know the people.
_______________________ someone _______________________ tell
me the latest piece of _______________________ or hot gossip, I
tell them Im not interested.

I hate gossip. It really gets on my nerves. I really dont understand

why people gossip about other people. My office is full of gossips.
They have nothing better to do. Surely there are more important
things to talk about. Gossip isnt true. Thats why its gossip. OK, it
might be true, but who cares? Gossiping is dangerous. It can make
perfectly nice people look bad. Im not sure if Ive been the subject of
gossip. Im sure I wouldnt like it if I was. I have some friends who
buy gossip magazines. They love celebrity gossip. Thats even worse
than office gossip. At least with office gossip you know the people.
Any time someone comes to me to tell me the latest piece of juicy
gossip or hot gossip, I tell them Im not interested.
I think humour _______________________ best things in life.
Without it, nothing in life would be funny. Its strange
_______________________ laughing from such a young age. I wonder
what makes tiny babies laugh. What _______________________
funny? Babies laugh and smile all the time. This means we are
_______________________ and make other people laugh. Our sense
of humour develops _______________________ up. Some people
become very good at telling jokes. I always find it difficult to
remember jokes. I dont understand jokes _______________________
countries. I love comedy shows from England, but I cant see whats
funny _______________________ American comedies. I guess
humour is different, even with people _______________________
same language. Anyway, I think I have _______________________ of
humour and I like _______________________.

I think humour is one of the best things in life. Without it, nothing
in life would be funny. Its strange how we start laughing from such a
young age. I wonder what makes tiny babies laugh. What do they
find funny. Babies laugh and smile all the time. This means we are
born to laugh and make other people laugh. Our sense of humour
develops as we grow up. Some people become very good at telling
jokes. I always find it difficult to remember jokes. I dont understand
jokes from other countries. I love comedy shows from England, but I
cant see whats funny when I watch American comedies. I guess
humour is different, even with people who speak the same language.
Anyway, I think I have a good sense of humour and I like a good
Love at first sight
Love is ________________, but is it possible to fall in love with
someone at first sight? Many people say they have done this.
________________ possible? Surely it takes a time to get to know
someone and then fall in love. I think falling in love at first
________________. You dont really know the person. Maybe after
youve ________________ around them youll find lots of faults in
them and suddenly be disappointed. Then youll have to
________________. Anyway, is it really love at first sight or is it love at
first conversation? And ________________ person doesnt fall in love
with you at first sight? This could be a bit painful. It could also be
embarrassing. ________________ the traditional way of falling in love

Love is a wonderful thing, but is it possible to fall in love with

someone at first sight? Many people say they have done this. How
can it be possible? Surely it takes a time to get to know someone and
then fall in love. I think falling in love at first sight is dangerous. You
dont really know the person. Maybe after youve built your life
around them youll find lots of faults in them and suddenly be
disappointed. Then youll have to fall out of love. Anyway, is it really
love at first sight or is it love at first conversation? And what if the
other person doesnt fall in love with you at first sight? This could be
a bit painful. It could also be embarrassing. I think I like the
traditional way of falling in love after 257 dates.
Everybody loves pizza. It _________________ popular food in the
world. I dont know _________________ like it. I absolutely love pizza.
Ill eat any _________________ the day or night. Hot pizza, cold pizza,
pizza with pineapple, whatever. My favourite pizza is, of course,
_________________ made in Naples in Italy. Just the simple dough
with nothing but cheese and tomato it works _________________. I
remember the first pizza restaurant _________________. I was so
happy. I tried out all the different toppings and switched between
deep-pan crusty pizzas _________________ thin base. I love half-and-
half pizzas you get two tastes _________________ one. I also had all-
you-can-eat pizza a few times. Not such a good idea if you worry about
your weight.

Everybody loves pizza. It must be the most popular food in the

world. I dont know anyone who doesnt like it. I absolutely love
pizza. Ill eat any kind any time of the day or night. Hot pizza, cold
pizza, pizza with pineapple, whatever. My favorite pizza is, of course,
the traditional type made in Naples in Italy. Just the simple dough
with nothing but cheese and tomato it works for me every time. I
remember the first pizza restaurant opening in my town. I was so
happy. I tried out all the different toppings and switched between
deep-pan crusty pizzas and those with a thin base. I love half-and-
half pizzas you get two tastes for the price of one. I also had all-
you-can-eat pizza a few times. Not such a good idea if you worry
about your weight.

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