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The money has been used for all purposes in everyday and is a requirement in moving
the economy of a country. Even the money that initially first only used as a medium of
exchange, now it has turned into a multifunctional. Similarly, the kind of money that is
already so diverse, mainly used as a means of exchange.
As is known the beginning of the introduction of money is a result of difficulties
human society to changer at the past. Main problem the exchange is difficult to obtain goods
and services desired according to the type of goods and services required. Hambatan seperti
ini terjadi ketika kondisi ekonomi wilayah barter masih menggunakan sistem untuk
mendapatkan barang atau jasa.
The barter system is a system of exchange between goods with goods or goods with services
or otherwise. This system is a system that first dikenal in world trade. However, this system is
becoming usang sebagai akibat dari berbagai rintangan di setiap exchange and begin the
introduction of more efficient means of exchange. Some of the obstacles that are often
experienced in a barter system to exchange among others:

1. It is difficult to determine the value of the goods to be exchanged against the desired
2. It is difficult to find people who want to exchange goods with services owned or
3. It is difficult to find a need that would be redeemed during a fast liking. This means
that to obtain the desired goods sometimes require a relatively long time.
To overcome all the obstacles that exist by experts in think something that can be used
as a medium of exchange that is more efficient and effective. A medium of exchange is that
we are familiar with the name of "money" as it is today. With the discovery of money all the
above constraints can be overcome, even the function of money not only as a medium of
exchange, but rather switch to other functions which is much broader.


Definition of broad money is something that is generally accepted as payment within
a certain region or as a means of repayment or as a tool to make purchases of goods and
services. In other words, that money is a tool that can be used in exchange both goods and
services within a specific region.
In general, money not only serves as a medium of exchange, but also has other
functions such as a unit of account, hoarders of wealth or as a standard installment debt. Then
the money normally only be used in one particular are otherwise, but can be one currency
certain countries applies at all countries like an US Dollars currently.
At modern economy like know uang memainkan peranan yang sangat penting bagi
semua kegiatan masyarakat. Uang sudah merupakan suatu kebutuhan, bahkan uang menjadi
salah satu penentu stabilitas dan kemajuan perekonomian di suatu negara. Namun deikian
bukan berarti sistem barter sudah lenyap, akan tetapi masih digunakan untuk tingkat
perdagangan tertentu saja seperti perdagangan antar negara dan di daerah pedesaan.
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan uang, pemerintah negara yang bersangkutan melalui
Bank Sentral berhak menciptakan uang, terutama uang kartal. Begitu pula dengan jumlah
uang beredar perlu dijaga agar nilai uang tetap stabil. Kemudian kebutuhan akan uang giral
biasanya dicetak oleh bank-bank umum, dimana jumlahnya jauh melebihi jumlah uang kartal
yang beredar. Dalam hal berkaitan dengan uang maka peranan lembaga keuangan terutama
bank sangatlah besar, hal ini sesuai dengan fungsi lembaga keuangan yaitu sebagai perantara
keuangan di masyarakat.
Dari uraian di atas dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya uang maka banyak
sekali manfaat yang dapat diperoleh, baik bagi pihak penerima uang maupun pembayar.
Adapun manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dengan adanya uang antara lain:
1. Ease to obtain and choose goods and services desired quickly .
2. Facilitate the process trade widely .
3. Used as a tempat menimbun kekayan.


As we know thats something can be said as money fulfill some some prerequirement.
The purpose of It is something considered like money can be accepted by all society and also
can be use as exchange tools by the owner. Its mean something considered as a money must
have a criteria, so agar sesuatu yang dianggap uang dapat diterima semua lapisan masyarakat
dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat tukar menukar oleh si pemiliknya. Artinya bahwa sesuatu
yang dianggap sebagai uang harus memiliki beberapa criteria, sehingga dapat diakui sebagai
Something criteria in order to be regarded as money must meet the following
a. Guarantee
Every money publish be guaranteed by the government of a particular country. With the
guarantee given by the government, then so the confidence to use the money for various
purposes won the trust of the public at large. In particular coin is already guaranteed by the
value contained in the money. Oleh karena itu, yang perlu jaminan pemerintahan adalah uang
kartal kertas. Uang jenis ini digunakan hanya berdasarkan kepercayaan (fiat money).
b. Preferable common
Is money can be accept generality, as alat tukar, or as penimbun kekayaan or as standar
pencicilan hutang. Because of that so money theres not sole as alat tukar, but its also
istrument for penimbun kekayaan or as standart pencicilan hutang.
c. Stable value
The value of the money must have stability and the and planted fluktuasinya smallest
possible. Thats the value of the money often find instability , it will be hard to believe by
who use them.
d. Easy to save
Money should be easily kept in various places belongs in the place small but in large
quantities. It means money to be having flexibility , like a physical that is not too large , easy
folded and there are nominal starting from small and nominal maximum .
e. Easy to bring
Money must be easy to carry wherever in other words easy to is transferred from one
place to another or from one hand into the hand of another with physic small and a nominal
large though. Money should be easy to carry for daily needs. Hence in this physical money
neither too large and the earth produces as light as possible.
f. Unbreakable
Money should not easily broken in different states, good torn and wear off especially
the physical condition remember the frequency of the transfer of money from one hand on the
other hand great. Dalam hal ini yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kualitas fisik uang harus
benar-benar dijaga dan terjamin kualitasnya, sehingga uang dapat digunakan untuk waktu
yang relative lama.
g. Dividable
Easy money divided into certain units with various nominal big although. Kemudian
uang tidak hanya agar mudah dibagi tetapi harus mudah dalam pembulatan dengan kelipatan
tertentu, terutama dalam nilai bulat. Hence to have money readily split must be made in
nominal diverse.
h. Supply must elastic
Agar perdagangan dan usaha menjadi lancer jumlah uang yang beredar di masyarakat
haruslah mencukupi. Tersedianya uang dalam jumlah yang cukup disesuaikan dengan kondisi
usaha atau kondisi perekonomian suatu wilayah. Apabila dalam dunia usaha terjadi
kekurangan uang maka berakibat kurang baik demikian pula sebaliknya apabila jumlah uang
melibihi dari jumlah yang dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu jumlah uang harus disesuaikan dengan
kondisi yang ada. Artinya apabila terjadi kekurangan atau kelebihan dengan cepat dapat
diatasi, sehingga tidak mengganggu aktivitas nmasyarakat dalam berbagai hal yang 3/5
berhubungan dengan uang.

Pada awalnya fungsi uang hanyalah sebagai alat guna memperlancar pertukaran.
Namun seiring dengan perkembangan zaman fungsi uang pun sudah beralih dari alat tukar ke
fungsi yang lebih luas. Fungsi-fungsi dari uang secara umum yang ada dewasa ini adalah
sebagai berikut :
1. Exchange tool
In this case , money used as an instrument to buy or sell a goods and services .In other
words money can be done to pay of good things to be purchased or accepted as a
result of sale of goods and services .And the use of money as a medium of exchange
can be implemented towards all kinds of goods and services applied .
2. Aritmatic unit
Function money as count showed the value of goods and services sold or bought
by.Big or small the value that serve as a unit of count in determine the price of goods
and services easily.With the money will facilitate uniformity in a unit count.
3. Aset File
Money serves as hoarder of wealth .Because money can be used as an instrument
containers wealth as a result will affect pemegangan money by someone .People trust
money sabagai one of the containers wealth because the belief that if money used in
the present will have value the present and when used in the future will have a future .
4. Standar pencicilan hutang
With the money will facilitate determine standard pencicilan debt receivable precisely
and fast, good in cash or by installments.So it is with the money so easily can be
determined how much value debt receivable that must be accepted or paid now or in
which to come.


Uang dijadikan sebagai alat untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan sehari-sehari terbagi
dalam beberapa jenis. Jenis-jenis uang berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman baik
perkembangan nilai instriknya, nominalnya maupun fungsi uang itu sendiri. Adapun jenis-
jenis uang yang dapat dilihat dari berbagai sisi adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Material Type 4/5
a. Coin,Is money in the form of coins made of metal , better than almunium ,
kupronikel , & apos; s bronze , gold , silver , bronze and other ingredients .Usually
money made of metal with nominal small .
b. Paper money , is money an ingredient made of paper or other material .Money from
the paper usually in nominal great that portable for daily needs .This type of money
made of paper high quality of , namely impervious to water , not easily tear or wear
off .
2. A Value Type
a. Full bodied money, Is money value instrisik equal to its face value ,such as coin,
which is material value to make money as same as Where the value of material for
making the money equal to nominalyang written in money.
b. Representatif full bodied money, Is money value instrinsiknya smaller from its face
value This kind of money is often token money. This type of money often called
money marked or token money .
3. Organization Type
a. Cash ratio, is a publish of Central Bank, kind of coin or paper money.
b. Money giral, is publish of general banksuch as bilyet giro, traveller cheque and
credit card.
Perbedaan kedua jenis uang ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Perbedaan Uang Kartal Uang Giral
Berlaku dan Diseluruh lapisan Masyarakat tertentu saja
digunakan masyarakat
Nominal Sudah tertera dan terbatas Ditulis terlebih dahulu dan
tidak terbatas
Dijamin Pemerintah tertentu Bank yang mengeluarkan
Kepastian Seperti yang tertera Tergantung lembaga yang
Pembayaran mengeluarkan
4. Teritorial Type
a. Local money, isobtain money in certain country.
b. Regional money, is obtain money in certain teritory which larger than local money
such as Europe teritory in use only one that is EURO.
c. International money, is obtain money in certain country such as US Dollar and can
be international standart payment.






Pasal 1
(1) Every the payment of money exceeded the number of Rp 25.000,- to do with
perantaraan Bank Negara Indonesia, Bank Rakyat dan Bank yang ditunjuk oleh Menteri
Keuangan, according to rules the ordinance concerning offered by these banks. Bank yang
ditunjuk oleh Menteri Keuangan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat yang dipandang perlu oleh
Menteri tersebut.

(2) If between two parties that is the same is done several the payment of money , until in
the 4th time days in a row is amount exceed r .25,000 , -- hence the payment of which
resulted in an excess of that number , to be done according to paragraph 1 above .
(3) If is necessary , finance minister may deduct the amount that referred to in ayat ( 1 ) .




Pasal 2
(1) The currency of a country unity of the republic of indonesia is rupiah .
(2) Kind of the rupiah consists of the rupiah paper and the rupiah metal .
(3) The rupiah as referred to in ayat ( 1 ) symbolized with rp.


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