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Q1. Given the opportunity, what value do you bring on to the table?

Q2. Define leadership in your perception?

Q3. How do you motivate your team?
Q4. Have you ever faced any challenges in handling team?
Q5. Technical questions related to Job
Job Description and Interview Questions for a Database Manager
Database managers serve essential functions in many organizations, keeping the c
ompany's core technological component relevant and in working condition. Each or
ganization has slightly different needs for a database manager, so it's essentia
l to craft a clear job description to attract the right talent. This helps the h
iring manager develop the right interview questions, and job-seekers can use the
job description details to help prepare for the interview as well.
Database Administration
A main function of a database manager is to create, maintain and update database
s. This requires a thorough knowledge of the company's database system and the t
echnology often used, such as SQL servers. Interview questions about database ad
ministration might include how much experience the candidate has with the system
; specific questions about coding, such as how to add columns to a table; and th
e processes the candidate goes through to troubleshoot database problems when th
ey occur.
Safety and Security
Database managers typically are tasked with keeping the information in the datab
ase properly backed up and kept safe from accidental loss and data theft. Ask qu
estions about how many redundant backups the candidate believes are important as
well as what types of backups he prefers. Other questions might include what st
eps he normally takes to make sure the data is secure from viruses and theft, as
well as internal security questions such as how often he believes employees sho
uld change their database passwords.
Communication Skills
Managing a database doesn't mean staying hidden in the server room all the time.
The database manager must understand the needs of different departments and ind
ividuals to allocate the correct amount of server space. This requires the manag
er to communicate clearly with other employees, responding promptly as database
needs change. Database managers often train staff on how to use the database and
the proper procedures on how to request server space allocation or changes to t
he database structure. Questions might include how he decides to allocate databa
se space when more than one department needs it at the same time, what type of t
raining materials he's created in the past, and what steps he takes to keep comm
unication current with the staff about database changes or problems.
Upgrades and Maintenance
As technology changes, the database manager must make upgrades to the database s
oftware. He must be able to research the options, suggest the best course of act
ion and implement it without causing a loss of productivity among staff. This of
ten means performing upgrades and regular maintenance when others aren't using t
he system, such as evenings or weekends. Ask candidates about how they've made u
pgrade decisions previously, how they implemented new systems and upgrades, how
long the changes took, and obstacles that occurred during the upgrades. Also ask
what their roles were in the upgrades to ensure they've taken lead roles in the

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