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ZUIVER Natural Fast Dish Cleaner for Merchants Cart from Used

Cooking Oil, Alum, Rambutan Skin and Lemongrass

Ruth Febrina Aritonang*, Bernadeth Ivannia, Widya Wahyuni, Devita Amelia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

I. Introduction
The phenomenon of street vendors (pedagang kaki lima) is a unique phenomenon in
Indonesia. APKLI (Asosiasi Pedagang Kaki Lima) estimates there are about 22 millions of
streets vendor. They typically open a store somewhere, this merchant sells by using a
vehicle that can be carried around, usually shaped as a wagon. It has a relatively high
advantage because many people still like to eat and do not want to be bothered to buy food
outside. In addition there are street vendors who use the nearby rivers and drains to remove
trash and wash water (Rosita, A. F., Wenti. A. W. 2009) Trash and soapy water can be
more damaging rivers with deadly fish and causes eutrophication (the environmental
problems caused by waste). But vendors often provide food or other items at a lower price,
even very, cheaper than buying in the store. Capital and costs are small, so often invite
traders who want to start a business with little capital or the economically disadvantaged
are usually set up business around their homes. But unfortunately, this also still has many
shortcomings, especially about cleanness and hygienist (Wijana, S., Nur.H., dan Arif. H.
2005). There is no special soap for washing dishes for vendors that affect the quality of
their laundry. Coupled with limited equipment when selling in a cart that makes tableware
such as plates, cups, and bowls. The need for quick eating utensils also makes traders lazy
to use soap because it tends to be difficult to rinse. This leads to the decrement of the
hygienist. Poor hygiene cause potential diseases on consumers. This led to declining
consumer confidence and declining profits.( Hanafiah, A. 1991.)

Existing Idea
The dishwashing soap is viscous liquid used to clean tableware such as plates, cups,
spoons/forks and kitchen utensils in general. Dishwasher products can basically be divided
into three types based on physical appearance. The first is in the form of powder or powder,
then paste, and the third liquid. Products in powder or scouring powder rather less known
but also sold in supermarkets. The second product in paste form or more with a dab of soap.
The third product in the form of a viscous liquid is the most widely used. The trend toward
the use of this product from time to time been rising sharply (Amang, B. Pantjar .S., dan
Anas. R. 1996). It can be understood that the pattern of washing dishes (including another
household appliance) began to shift from the old ways / traditional ash and a dab of soap
toward a new, more practical ways. The presence of a liquid makes it practical to use and
distinctive aroma makes liquid products has more value than others dishwashing products.
Dish soap often comes in solid and liquid shape. Most common and cheapest kind is the
liquid soap which is pretty difficult to rinse. Standard soap contains one of three different
active ingredients: sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate. In some
instances, all three of these active ingredients are found in one soap. Manufacturers
interchange these ingredients at will. Some soap has a lot of times to clean and also not
good for the environment.

Target Market
Merchant food seller in Indonesia like meatball or noodle seller that using equipment like
bowl and plate and usually just rinse those with plain water. The food is mostly consistent
of fat so it needs more functional soap than other kind of food. The strategy is to ask them
to give their used cooking oil and sell the soap cheaper for seller who gives more oil.

II. Theories and State of The Art

A. Used Cooking Oil
Used cooking oil is cooking oil that has been used many times, causing damage that
affects the quality oil itself. The first factor that can cause damage to fat or oil is bau.
Fat absorption and are easy to absorb oil smell. If the wrapping material can absorb the
fat, then the fat This absorption will be oxidized by the air so broken and smelled. The
smell of These fats are broken part will be absorbed by the fat contained in the package
which causes the entire fat become damaged. The second factor that can cause damage
to the fat or Oil is hidrolisis. With presence of water, fats and oils can be hydrolyzed
fat. Reaction of acid to glycerol and is accelerated by bases, acids, and enzyme-enzim.
In food technology, hydrolysis by the enzyme lipase very important because the
enzymes present in all tissues that contain oil. With the lipase, fat will be described so
that the levels of fatty acids free more than 10%.
The third factor that can cause damage to the fat or Oil is oxidation which can cause
rancidity (rancidity). Damage to the main fats and oils are rancid odor and taste a
process called rancidity. This is caused by the process auto oxidation radical
unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Auto oxidation starting with the formation of the
factors that can accelerate the reaction such as light, heat, fat peroxide or
hydroperoxide, heavy metals, and enzymes lipoksidase (Mahmudatussa, 2006). During
frying, cooking oil will experience warming on 1700-1800oC high temperature in a
long time. This will causing oxidation, hydrolysis and polymerization produce
compounds of oil degradation products such as ketones, aldehydes and polymers that
harm human health. These processes causing oil damage. The main damage is the
emergence smell and taste rancid, while other damage include acid levels fat-free
(FFA), iodine, the emergence of the oil viscosity, formation foam, just dirt from the
spices used and the ingredients are fried (Ketaren, 1986). Fossil fuels many - times with
the frying temperature sufficient high will lead to rapid oil into the smoky or frothy and
improve the color of chocolate and unpopular at groceries fried. Damage cooking oil
that lasted for Fryers will reduce the nutritional value and quality of materials that are
fried. However if the used cooking oil is thrown aside uneconomic will also be pollute
the environment (Wijana, et al., 2005). Damage to the oil will affect the quality and
nutritional value of foodstuffs fried. Oil damaged by oxidation and polymerization
produce material with such unattractive and flavor not tasty, as well as damage to the
majority of vitamins and essential fatty acids contained in the oil. Oxidation of oil will
produce aldehydes, ketones, hydrocarbons, alcohols, lactones and aromatic compounds
that have a smell rancid and bitter taste. The formation of the polymer during the
process of frying occurs because the polymerization reaction, addition of unsaturated
fatty acids. This matter as evidenced by the formation of substance resembling gum
(bubble) which settle to the bottom where fryer (Ketaren, 1986).
During frying oil partly be adsorbed and into fried outer material and filling the empty
space previously filled by water. Results frying usually contain 5% - 40% oil.
Consumption of damaged oil can cause various diseases such as precipitation fat in the
blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and decreases in the digestibility of fat (Luciana, 2005).
Based on previous research possibility carcinogenic in compound heated oil, proved of
material oxidized fatty foods that can lead to liver cancer growth. Selan during frying
also produce the compound acrolein are toxic and cause itching in the throat (Luciana,
2005). In relation to the number of used cooking oil from industrial waste as well as
households in high quantities and is aware of the dangers of used cooking oil
consumption, it is necessary effort to utilize the used cooking oil from being wasted
and polluted environment. Utilization of used cooking oil can be purified that can be
reused as a medium frying pan or use as raw material for oil-based products such as
soaps (Wijana, et al., 2005).

B. Dish Wash
Used cooking oil is cooking oil that has been used many times, causing damage that
affects the quality oil itself. The first factor that can cause damage to fat or oil is rancid.
Fat is easy to absorb the smell. The fat will be oxidized by the air so it broke and
smelled. The smell of these fats will be absorbed by the fat contained in the package
which causes the entire fat become damaged. The second factor that can cause damage
to the fat or Oil could be hydrolyzed with the presence of water. The reaction of acid
to glycerol and accelerated by bases, acids, and enzymes. In food technology,
hydrolysis by the enzyme lipase is very important because of enzymes present in all
tissues that contain oil. With the lipase, fat will be described so that the levels of fatty
acids free more than 10%. The third factor that can cause damage to the fat or oil is
oxidation which can cause rancidity (rancidity). Damage to the main fats and oils are
rancid odor and taste a process called rancidity. This is caused by the process auto-
oxidation of radical unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Auto-oxidation starting with the
formation of the factors that can accelerate the reaction such as light, heat, fat peroxide
or hydroperoxide, heavy metals, and enzymes lipoxidase (Mahmudatussa, 2006).
During frying, cooking oil will experience warming on 1700-1800C high temperature
in a long time. This will cause oxidation, hydrolysis and polymerization produce
compounds of oil degradation products such as ketones, aldehydes, and polymers that
harm human health. These processes causing oil damage. The main damage is the
emergence smell and taste rancid, while other damage include acid levels fat-free
(FFA), iodine, the emergence of the oil viscosity, formation foam, just dirt from the
spices used and the ingredients are fried (Ketaren, 1986). Fossil fuels many - times with
the frying temperature sufficient high will lead to rapid oil into the smoky or frothy and
improve the color of chocolate and flavor yang unpopular at groceries fried. Damage
cooking oil that lasted for Fryers will reduce the nutritional value and quality of
materials that are fried. However if the used cooking oil is thrown aside uneconomic
will also be pollute the environment (Wijana, et al., 2005). Damage to the oil will affect
the quality and nutritional value of foodstuffs fried. Oil damaged by oxidation and
polymerization will produce material with such unattractive and flavor not tasty, as
well as damage to the majority of vitamins and essential fatty acids contained in the
oil. Oxidation of oil will produce aldehydes, ketones, hydrocarbons, alcohols, lactones
and aromatic compounds that have a smell rancid and bitter taste. The formation of the
polymer during the process of frying occurs because the polymerization reaction,
addition of unsaturated fatty acids. This matter as evidenced by the formation of
substance resembling gum (bubble) which settle to the bottom where fryer (Ketaren,
During frying oil partly be absorbed and into fried outer material and filling the empty
space previously filled by water. Results frying usually contain 5% - 40% oil. The
consumption of damaged oil can cause various diseases such as precipitation fat in the
blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and decreases in the digestibility of fat (Luciana, 2005).
Based on previous research possibility carcinogenic in compound heated oil, proved of
material oxidized fatty foods that can lead to liver cancer growth. During frying also
formed the compound acrolein are toxic and cause itching in the throat (Luciana, 2005).
In relation to the number of used cooking oil from industrial waste as well as
households in high quantities and is aware of the danger of used cooking oil
consumption, it is necessary effort to utilize the used cooking oil from being wasted
and polluted environment. Utilization of used cooking oil can be purified that can be
reused as a medium frying pan or use as raw material for oil-based products such as
soaps (Wijana, et al., 2005).
C. Rambutan Skin
Rambutan is a tropical fruit plant native Indonesia and Malaysia but currently has
become widespread in temperate regions. Tropical such as the Philippines and Latin
American countries also found also in the mainland which has a subtropical climate.
Rambutan fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, calcium, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus,
and fat. Fruit skin contains saponins, flavonoids, and rambutan tannin. Seed fats and
polyphenols. The leaves contain tannins and saponins. While the bark contains tannins,
saponins, flavonoids, and iron. Benefits part of rambutan in overcoming the disease,
namely, fruit skins for fever and dysentery medicine, the leaves can cure diarrhea and
black hair, while the fruit seeds efficacious lowering blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
Rambutan skin extracts have ie the highest content of tannin and saponin. As well as
with research History by Thitilertdecha et al. (2008), that the skin of rambutan
containing compounds
class of tannins, polyphenols, and saponin. Here is the content of rambutan fruit and its
mechanism of action as antibacterial:
a. Tanin
Tannins are polyphenolic compounds that dissolve in water, glycerol, methanol,
hydroalcoholic, and propylene glycol, but insoluble in benzene, chloroform, ether,
petroleum ether, and carbon disulfide.Tanin has astringent flavor and is antibacterial
and astringent or collapse the wall intestines are damaged due to bacteria or acid.
Tannin inhibitory mechanism against bacteria is by damaging the cell membrane,
inactivation of enzymes essential, and the destruction of material functions
b. Saponin
Saponin is a glycoside which exists in many kinds of plants. Saponins exist in all plants
with high concentrations in certain parts and are influenced by crop varieties and
planting stage. Saponins are surface active compounds and are like soap. These
compounds can be detected because of its ability forming the foam and cause hemolysis
on blood. Saponin alleged antibacterial compounds on the skin of rambutan is because
it has the ability to inhibit the function of the cell membrane so that the membrane
permeability damage resulting in cell wall were damaged or destroyed.
c. Alkaloids
Alkaloids are compounds containing one or more atoms of nitrogen, usually in the form
The combined as part of the system cyclic. Alkaloids are often toxic to humans and
have many physiologic activities that stand out so that it can be widely used in the field
diseases cure. Based research of Jouvenaz et al. (1972) and Karou et al. (2006), the
alkaloid compounds can inhibit the cultivation of Gram positive and Gram negative.
Karou et al. (2006) say that alkaloids can cause cell lysis and change
bacterial morphology.
d. Flavonoids
Flavonoids are the largest group of phenolic compounds found in nature. These
compounds are commonly found in plants that are red, purple, blue, or yellow. Some
major flavonoid compounds found in nature in the form of glycosides. Glycoside is a
combination of a sugar and an alcohol is linked to each other through a glycoside bond.
Sugar is bound to cause a flavonoid flavonoids tend to be soluble in polar solvents such
as ethanol, methanol, butanol, acetone, dimethylsulfoxide, dimethylformamide, and
water. Flavonoid compounds from several natural ingredients reported having activity
as an antibacterial action of flavonoids antibacterial.
e. Triterpenoids
Class of compounds known as triterpenoids has a specific physiological activity, such
as antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, liver damage, menstrual disorders, and overcome
diabetes. Antimicrobial activity of terpenoids by damaging the cytoplasmic membrane.
Phenol compounds most widely used for cleaning compounds that are not only found
in synthetic antibiotics, but there are also the natural compounds known as polyphenols
Selection of rambutan fruit leather as a material for the manufacture of laundry soap
for their
high content of polyphenolic compounds. This is supported by the results of research
conducted by Thitilertdecha, et. al., (2008) who reported antioxidant and antibacterial
properties of the skin and
rambutan seed. Rambutan fruit peel extract has high antibacterial activity against
Staphylococcus epidermis.
D. Alum
Tawas (Alum) are a group of hydrated double salt crystals form and are isomorphous.
Alum crystals are quite soluble in water, and its solubility varies depending on the type
of metal and temperature. Alum is a chemical compound made of molecules of water
and two kinds of salt, one of which is usually Al2 (SO4)3. Potassium alum, also
commonly known as alum, has the formula is K2SO4.Al2 (SO4) 3.24H2O. Alum
potassium alum is the most important kind. Potassium Alum is a compound that is
colorless and has a shape of octahedral crystals or cubes when potassium sulfate and
aluminum sulfate are both dissolved and cooled. Potassium alum solution is acidic.
Alum potassium is highly soluble in hot water. When crystalline potassium alum is
heated chemical separation occurred, and partially dehydrated salts dissolved in water.
Alum has been known as flocculation which serves to agglomerate the impurities in
the water purification process. Tawas often as a water purifier, turbidity in the water
can be removed through the addition of a type of chemical called coagulant. In general,
materials such as aluminum sulfate [Al2 (SO4) 3.18H2O] often called alum or alum,
ferrous sulfate, Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) and poly organic electrolyte can be
used as a coagulant. To determine the optimal dose, appropriate coagulant, and pH to
be used in the water purification process, it can simply be carried out in the laboratory
using a simple test (Alearts & Santika, 1984). The principle is to use a water
purification stability of pollutant particles in colloidal form. Alum as a coagulant in
water treatment and sewage. As coagulant alum sulfate is very effective to precipitate
particles floating in the form of colloid or suspension.
E. Lemon grass
Cymbopogon citrates (DC.) stapf, commonly known as lemongrass and other
Cymbopogon species is a tall, coarse grass with a strong lemon taste. Lemongrass is a
perennial herb widely cultivated in the tropics and sub-tropics, designates two different
species, East Indian Cymbopogon flexuous (DC.) stapf and West Indian, Cymbopogon
citratus (DC.) stapf. Cymbopogon citrates (DC) stapf. has been cultivated over many
years for medicinal purposes in different countries throughout the world. The use of
lemongrass was found in folk remedy for coughs, consumption, elephantiasis, malaria,
ophthalmia, pneumonia and vascular disorders. Researchers have found that
lemongrass holds antidepressant, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal,
fungicidal, nervine and sedative properties. Further, many workers had reported about
the antibacterial activity of lemongrass oil against a diverse range of organisms
comprising gram positive and gram negative organism, yeast and fungi.
The development of bacterial resistance to presently available antibiotics has
necessitated the search for new antibacterial agents. Hence the present study was
carried out to find out the antibacterial activity of lemongrass oil against the selected
pathogenic bacteria. Lemongrass or citronella is a plant tribesmen grasses. As for
spices, lemongrass is used the kitchen for food. Lemongrass scent oil is the essential
oil obtained by distilling the top. Oil of citronella is one of the oil Essential commercial
Indonesia gained through the distillation process. According to Boelens (1994),
Indonesia is a producer of oil of citronella the second-largest in the world after China.
Will However, oil of citronella that produced nearly 75% are exported in the form of
crude oil while the rest is used for purposes in the country. Indonesia also imports
citronella oil fragrance in the form of "pure oil" with prices much more expensive than
the price of crude oil exported.

III. Market Analysis

Product Comparison

Other Common Dish


Ingredients Natural component like Anionic surfactants (LAS

cooking oil, alum, rambutan and SLES), Urea,
skin extract, lemongrass, Ethanol, EDTA, Citric
KOH and alum Acid, Lemon Juice,
Preservative, Colour,

Antibacterial Activity Medium High

Environment waste Safe and fast degradable Unsafe for living things
waste and hard to degrade

Price Medium because the usage Low because chemical

of natural product and fast component are easy to
to rinse find

Viscocity Medium Low

Appearance Brownish Green or blue

Added Value
The added values of this product are quick used, environment-friendly and water saving.
Current dishwashing soaps are made from chemicals that can pollute the environment, Also
they wear out much water because the need to be rinsed repeatedly. The usage of household
waste can reduce the cost of production. Also, it made from home activity waste like
cooking oil so it reduces the number of direct waste in the environment. This product also
has the potential to become a big industry because of the large number of merchant seller
in Indonesia.

Market Capacity
Availability of used cooking oil is high because household industry like noodles and tofu
meatballs seller certainly produced them for each production process. Rambutan skin waste
can be found in rambutan fruit-producing center and one of them is Central Java.
Lemongrass is a plant that spread in all regions in Indonesia. Alum is a common matter
used for purifying water in Indonesia. Therefore, this cleanser has good potential to be
developed. ZUIVER is targeted to street vendors who spread across country and can be
found almost anywhere. But it can be denied that there are already big bran of dish soap
which is cheaper than ZUIVER. Those product usually sells how strong they can wash or
how good the smell is. But ZUIVER is targeted specifically to the seller who sell goods by
moving around, much different from what other common dish soap targeted which is only
for home usage. So it can be said that ZUIVER is the first and the pioneer of this kind of

IV. Experiment Procedure

As for the materials used in this experiment are :
Used Cooking Oil, alum, rambutan Skin Extract, lemon grass Extract, KOH, NaOH,
H2SO4, Water, aquadest, whatman filter paper
As for the instrumentations used in this experiment is : measure glass, tablespoons, digital
scales, metal containers or glass, stirrer, thermometer, three neck , blender, fabric clothes,
bowls, elemeyer, aluminum foil, trays, plastic wrap, oven.

Figure1. Instrumentation for Saponification


Figure2. Steps of Dish Making Soap

a. Reprocessing of Used Cooking Oil
The reprocessing process of used cooking oil includes despising, neutralization and
bleaching despising Despising process uses steaming method (steam heat). Used
cooking oil 200 ml included in the measuring cup 1000 ml, then poured hot steam from
the appliance steaming containing distilled water at a pressure of 1 atm and a
temperature of 100o C oil ratio: steam = 1: 1. Mix oil and water which has undergone
steaming deposited later discharged portion of the water. Neutralization Water-free oil
from process precipitation is neutralized with NaOH 4 N, the glass beaker above
hotplate incorporating magnetic stirrer during 30 minutes and a temperature of 60o C.
Decision oil do with paper filter Whatman. Bleaching process carried out by heating
oil at a temperature of 70 C. The addition of activated charcoal as much as 5.06% of
heavy oil, stirred for 60 minutes until the temperature reaches 100o C, then oil filtered.
The next reprocessing ready to go through the process of saponification.
b. Rambutan Skin Extraction
The extract of Rambutan fruit peels was prepared by maceration using solvent system
with 96% ethanol:acetone (4: 1). A total of 2.0 kg of Rambutan fruit peels powders
were soaked in 10 L of ethanol 96% and 2.5 L of acetone which kept away from
sunlight and stirred for 3 days. The maceration then filtered with a Buchner funnel. The
remaining pulps were re-maceration for another 2 times. The filtration of extracts was
combined and concentrated using an evaporator to obtain dried extract.
c. Lemon Grass Extraction
Part of lemongrass that will be used in the processing is on the shaft. To take
lemongrass, first cut the root section, then separated from the leaves. After that, cleaned
and then boiled with lemongrass add a little water.
d. Preparation of Alum Powder
Alum which will be used first washed, then cut and polished in a way in a blender with
a little water added to grind. After that squeeze and strain the water. Put it in a plastic
triangle. Let stand for 1 day in the refrigerator.
e. Saponification and Mixing
Prepared used cooking oil that has been filtered in metal or glass containers.Weighed
as much as 36 grams of KOH, then diluted with water to a volume of 100 mL Measured
used cooking oil as much as 100 mL (to one replay) and placed in a metal container.
Measured KOH solution of 50 mL and mixed with used cooking oil that has been
prepared. Stir the mixture with a stirrer for about 45 minutes. Settling for 1 day.
Incorporated extract which has been prepared as alum, rambutan skin and lemongrass
as much as 10 mL per 100 grams of oil into the mixture and stirred.

V. Product Hypothesis
The dish soap produced will have a unique scent of lemongrass and ability to rinse fast
without using much water. The physical properties will be more viscous than common dish
soap. Also, the color of ZUIVER will be brownish unlike the common transparent color of
dish soap. ZUIVER will be sold specifically for streets vendor who sells by moving around
and do not have much time to wash dishes and much space to bring equipment.


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