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J. Expt. Biosci.

4(2):15-18, July 2013 ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)


M. R. Amin1, M. Faridujjaman1, H. Mehraj1, A.F. Ona and A. F. M. Jamal Uddin1*
*Corresponding author;

The experiment was conducted at the Horticultural farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-
e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, during the period from April, 2009 to March, 2010 to investigate the effect of
potassium levels on growth, flowering and bulb yield of tuberose. The experiment consisted of four
levels of potassium i.e. K0: 0, K1: 170, K2: 180 and K3: 190 kg K2O ha-1. Results showed that potash
application significantly increased the number of leaves plant-1, leaf length, leaf breath, number of side
shoots plant-1; and bulb and flower attributes. Significantly the highest flower (16.4 t ha-1) and bulb (22.0
t ha-1) yields were noted in K3 whereas the lowest flower (11.5 t ha-1) and bulb (17.2 t ha-1) yields were
recorded in K0.
Key words: Fertilizer, K2O and Polianthes tuberose.
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) belonging to the family Amaryllidacaae, produces attractive, elegant and fragrant
white flowers. The flower remains fresh for quite a long time and stands distant transportation and holds a remarkable
place in the flower market (Patel et al., 2006). The growing period of tuberose is normally one year or more. In
Bangladesh, for the last few years, tuberose has become a popular cut flower for its attractive fragrance and beautiful
display in the vase. Now, it is one of the most important commercial cut flowers. Due to multi use, it holds a high
demand in the market and its production is appreciable (Aditya, 1992). Although tuberose is now cultivated in
Bangladesh, very little knowledge of production technology is in hand to the growers (Ahmed, 1985).
Large amount of organic and inorganic fertilizers are needed to maintain sustainable growth and flowering of tuberose
over a long period (Amarjeet and Godara, 1998). Fertilizers have great influence on growth and flower production in
tuberose (Yadav et al, 1985; Polara et al., 2004). Effect of NPK on tuberose production has been reported by several
authors in different geographical regions (Cirrito and Zizzo, 1980; Singh et al, 1976; Nanjan et al, 1980). Potash
appears to help in increasing the number of spike, flower per spike and number of flowers per hill (Singh et al, 1976;
Yadav, et al, 1998; Singh et al., 1976). Duration of flowering in the field was improved through using potassium
fertilizer. However, under Bangladesh condition a few reports are available regarding the fertilizers requirement of
these economically important cut flowers which seemed to be not enough to optimize potash application dose. So,
present investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of different potassium levels on growth, bulb and flower
production of tuberose.
Materials and Methods
The experiment was conducted at Horticulture farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
during the period from April, 2009 to March, 2010. The experiment consisted of different levels of potassium, namely
K0: 0, K1: 170, K2:80 and K3:90 kg K2O ha-1 in a randomized completely block design with three replications. Full dose
of cow dung (20 t ha-1), and TSP were incorporated during final land preparation. The total dose of nitrogen from urea
and potash (as per treatment) were applied in three equal installments. The first installment was applied at 30 days
after planting. The second and third installments were applied at 65 and 100 days, respectively after planting. Bulbs of
tuberose cv. Double were used from Horticulture Farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. Uniform bulbs (2.0
to 3.0 cm in diameter) were selected for planting. The planting distance was 25 cm x 25 cm between row to row and
plant to plant. Data were collected on different growth and yield related parameters and analyzed statistically following
the analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique. The mean differences were adjudged by Duncans Multiple Range Test
(DMRT) using the MSTATC statistical computer package program.
Results and Discussion
Results showed that the tallest plant was recorded in K3 at all growth stages followed by K2 with same statistical rank
(Fig. 1). In contrast, the shortest plant was recorded in control (K0) at all growth stages. This result indicates that
potassium has tremendous effect on growth and development in tuberose. This result is in consistent with Sultana
et al. (2006) who reported that plant height increased with increasing potassium rate of tuberose up to 160 kg K2O ha-1.

Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.

Amin et al.

120.0 12.0
Ko Ko
100.0 K1 K1


Number of leaves plant

10.0 K2
Plant height (cm). 80.0 K3

20.0 6.0

0 30 60 90 120 4.0
Days after Transplanting (DAT) 0 30 60 90
Days after Transplanting (DAT)

Fig. 1. Effect of different levels of potash Fig. 2. Effect of different levels of potash
fertilizer on plant height at different fertilizer on leaf production at
growing stages different growing stages
Leaf production varied significantly due to variation in potassium rates (Fig. 2). The highest leaf production was
recorded in K3 followed by K2 with same statistical rank. In contrast, control (K0) plant produced the lowest number of
leaves plant-1 at all growth stages. This result is in consistent with Singh and Sangama (2000) who reported that leaf
production was higher in potassium applied plants than control ones. Highest leaf length was recorded in K3 at all
growth stages followed by K2 (Fig. 3). Shortest leaf length was recorded in control plant at all growth stages. This
result indicates that potassium has positive effect on leaf growth in tuberose. Singh and Sangama (2000) reported
increased leaf length in potassium applied plants.

50.0 3.0
Ko Ko
K1 K1
40.0 K2 K2
Leaf length (cm).

Leaf breadth (cm).

K3 K3


10.0 0.5
0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90
Days after Transplanting (DAT) Days after Transplanting (DAT)

Fig. 3. Effect of different levels of potassium Fig. 4. Effect of different levels of potash
fertilizer on leaf length at different fertilizer on leaf breadth at different
growing stages growing stages
The leaf breadth varied significantly due to different doses of potassium at different days after planting of tuberose, but
there was no significant difference among the potassium doses at 30 and DAP. The widest leaf was recorded with K 3 at
all growth stages followed by K 2 (Fig. 4). Narrowest leaf was recorded in control plant at all growth stages. This result
is in consistent with Sultana et al. (2006) who reported that leaf breadth was greater in potassium applied plants than
those in control plants.
Highest number of side shoots per plant was recorded in K3 followed by K2 at all growth stages (Fig. 5). The lowest
side shoots plant-1 was recorded in control. Variation in shoots plant-1 due to different levels of potassium was
observed by Pal and Biswas (2005) in tuberose that supports the present experimental result. Highest number of side
bulb was recorded with K3 (13.7 plant-1) which however was not significantly higher than those of K2 and K0 (Table 1).
Lowest number (10.9 plant-1) of side bulb was recorded in control (K0) plant. This result is in consistent with Sultana et
al. (2006 who reported that side bulb production) of tuberose increased in potassium applied plants than those in
control plants.

J. Expt. Biosci. 4(2):15-18, July 2013 ISSN 2223-9626 (Online), ISSN 2077-3358 (Print)


Number of side shoot plant
3.5 K2
3.0 K3
0 30 60 90
Days after Transplanting (DAT)

Fig. 5. Effect of different levels of phosphorous fertilizer on

side shoot production at different growing stages

K2 and K3 had significantly higher bulb length (6.7-6.8 cm). The lowest bulb length was recorded in control (K0) (6.2
cm). Sangama (2000) reported that bulb length was higher in potassium applied plants than those in control plants.
Highest bulb diameter was recorded with K3 (3.4 cm) (Table 1).

Table 1. Effect of potash levels on bulb characters and bulb yield of tuberose
Bulb Bulb
Side bulbs Bulb weight Bulb yield (t
Treatments length diameter
plant-1 (no.) plant-1 (g) ha-1)
(cm) (cm)
K0 10.9 b 6.2 c 3.0 b 123.2 c 17.2 d
K1 12.7 a 6.5 b 3.3 a 137.6 b 19.3 c
K2 13.3 a 6.7 ab 3.4 a 145.0 ab 20.6 b
K3 13.7 a 6.8 a 3.4 a 155.3 a 22.0 a
F-test ** ** ** ** **
CV (%) 9.4 4.7 5.8 8.1 6.5

Table 2. Effect of potash levels on yield attributes and flower yield of tuberose

Spike Spike Number Flower

Rachis Weight
Treatments length diameter of florets yield (t
length (cm) spike-1 (g)
(cm) (cm) spike-1 ha-1)

K0 9.7 c 27.2 c 0.78 c 20.1 d 57.2 c 11.5 d

K1 10.2 b 30.3 b 0.89 b 23.5 c 65.1 b 13.7 c
K2 10.4 ab 31.6 b 0.92 ab 24.4 b 68.9 a 15.0 b
K3 10.6 a 34.0 a 0.93 a 25.2 a 71.7 a 16.4 a
F-test ** ** ** ** ** **
CV (%) 3.9 5.3 2.7 7.5 4.5 6.9

The lowest bulb diameter was recorded in control plant (3.0 cm). Banker and Mukhopadhyay (1985) reported that bulb
diameter was higher in potassium applied plants. Significantly, the highest bulb yield was recorded in K3 (155.3 and
22.0 t ha-1, respectively) followed by K2 (145.0 g plant-1 and 20.6 t ha-1). The lowest bulb yield was recorded in control
(123.2 g plant-1 and 17.2 t ha-1) which might be due to fewer productions of side bulb as well as smaller bulb size.
Sultana et al. (2006) reported that bulb yield was higher in potassium applied plants compared to control plants.
Results showed that rachis length increased with increasing potassium rate. The highest rachis length was recorded in

Amin et al.

K3 (10.6 cm) which was statistically similar to K2 (10.4 cm). Lowest rachis length was recorded in control (K0) (27.2
cm). Bankar and Mukhopadhay (1988) reported that rachis length was higher in potassium applied plants than in
control plants. Longest spike was observed in K3 (34.0 cm) followed by K2 (31.6 cm) (Table 2). Shortest spike was
recorded in control plant (27.2 cm). Pal and Biswas (2005) reported that spike length increased with increasing
potassium levels up to 200 kg K2O ha-1 in tuberose.
Like rachis length, the highest spike diameter significantly increased with K2 and K3 (0.92-0.93 cm). In contrast,
lowest spike diameter was recorded in control (K0) plant (0.78 cm). Singh et al. (1976) reported that spike diameter
was higher in potassium applied plants than in control plants. There was a significantly gradual increase in flower
number per spike with increasing unit of potassium rate (Table 2). Highest number of flowers spike -1 was recorded in
K3 (25.2 spike-1) and the lowest was recorded in control (20.1 spike -1). This result is in consistent with Sultana et al.
(2006) who reported that side bulb production increased in potassium applied plants than control plants. Flower yield
both in terms of per spike and per hectare basis increased with increasing potassium rate. But significantly the highest
flower yield was recorded in K3 (71.7 g spike-1 and 16.4 t ha-1) which was similar to those of K2 (68.9 g spike-1 and
15.0 t ha-1). The lowest flower yield was recorded in control plant (57.2 g spike -1 and 11.5 t ha-1) which may be
attributed to the production of fewer flowers spike-1. Previous workers reported that flower yield increased due to
potassium application in tuberose (Amarjeet and Godara, 1998; Patil et al., 1999; Singh and Sangama, 2000; Pal and
Biswas, 2005; Singh et al., 1976). So, the results of the present study shows that a high dose of potassium has a
positive effect on growth and development of tuberose. For better production of bulb and flower, potassium could be
applied at the rate of 190 kg K20 ha1.


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