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World History

Ms. Erin Gillespie (505) 345-9021 ext. 54159 Classroom C-23

Course Description
During the next several m onths, w e w ill become detectives,
explorers, and problem-solvers as w e travel through the
history of the w orld. We w ill uncover the m ysteries of the
past through a series of projects, assignments, and
discussions. We w ill analyze and interpret the m ajor eras and
important turning points in w orld history w ith a review of
ancient history and focusing on the development of the
modern w orld, from the Age of Enlightenment to the present.
Through this course, students w ill develop an understanding
of the complexity of the human experience.

Course Objective
The primary objective is to prepare you to have skills for 11th
grade. We focus on academic skills, w riting, time
management and inter-personal communication skills. S mall
and large group discussions are a part of classroom
learning. All students are expected to participate in them.
This course is reading and w riting intensive. You w ill regularly
practice your w riting and note taking skills.
Grading scale
90 - 100% A
80 - 89.9% B
70 - 79.9% C
60 - 69.9% D
59 - Below F
Class Expectations
Clearly, w e have a lot to discover and m any goals to accomplish this year. In
fact, one school year is not nearly enough time to learn all that w e need to
learn unless w e are focused and determined to w ork hard everyday.

Expectation 1: NO EXCUSES

Expectation 2: Respect Yourself and Others

-Use respectful language w hen addressing others
-Actively listen to others w ithout interruption
(make eye contact, analyze their statements, ask questions)
-Respect others property!!!

Expectation 3: Be on Time and Come Prepared

-Bring class m aterials every day
-Complete your homework before class starts
-Come ready and prepared to learn

Expectation 4: Be Present
-Every second of the classroom instruction is crucial for your success.
Therefore, any absence or break that takes you away from the
instructional time takes away from your ability to succeed. Any w ork
or lectures m issed, is YOUR responsibility to m ake-up and turn in.

Expectation 5: Understand w hat is Expected & Communicate

-Be advised that this class w ill be reading and w riting intensive. I
expect you to communicate any concerns or questions you m ay have
with m e at any time. You m ay contact m e via email or schedule an
appointment to m eet w ith m e outside of class.

Required Materials
Your World History text book must
be brought to class everyday!

1- Two pocket folder with three prong

1 - Notebook for taking notes in
1 - Flash Drive (256 K or greater)
Pens (Black or Blue ink only) or pencils
Student Planner and I D
EXTRA CREDIT Box of tissue/sanitizer/paper
History and the
Chapter 1
Course Outline
First Civilizations

Ancient Greece & Chapter 2

World Religions, the Chapters 3-4 Homework/In Class Assignments 30%
Byzantine Empire, Participation 20%
and the Rise of the Projects 20%
Early Modern World Tests and Quizzes 10%
Notebook 10%
Renaissance, Chapters 5, 6, 7 Midterm/Final 10%
Reformation, and _____________________________________
Exploration Total 100%

Muslim Empires and Chapters 8-9

East Asian World

The Scientific Chapters 10-11

Revolution and

The Industrial Chapters 12-13

Nationalism, and

Imperialism Chapters 14-15

World War I Chapter 16

Between the Wars Chapters 17-18

World War II Chapter 19

The Cold War Chapters 20-21

Latin America, Chapters 22, 23, & 24

Africa, Middle East,
and China

Globalization Chapter 25
Classroom policies


PICK UP AFTER YOURSELVES!! No food or drink is

allowed in m edia center. Once there is a problem w ith food,
drinks or gum in this class I w ill no longer allow the privilege.

Attendance in this class is essential. Much of the material for success is

provided through lecture, discussion, and projects. Missed classes or tardiness
without proper documentation w ill not be tolerated. Parents and students should
expect telephone calls, attendance referrals ( per policy), and/or emails ( using the
contact information provided) if absences or tardiness becomes an issue.

3 tardies without an excused note, results in a Tardy R eferral to an administrator.

Homework and classwork is due on the date announced. If an absence is

excused, m ake-up w ork can be submitted per the agenda guidelines. Late w ork w ill
be accepted for half credit up until the exam for that particular unit. After that
point, late w ork w ill not be accepted. Late w ork WILL NOT be accepted for projects
or in-class group w ork.

Make-up work rules follow the student agenda guidelines. It is the students
responsibility to request m ake-up assignments. If a student is absent for 3 or m ore
days because of illness, he/she should request assignments through the attendance
secretary in the Main Office. The student w ill have the opportunity to complete the
work in a period of time equal to the number of days absent.

Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated, there are not second
chances. If a student is caught cheating, they w ill receive a grade 0 for the
assignment or test and a parent/teacher/administrator conference m ay be
World History 2016-2017

Please read through this syllabus w ith your child. If you have any questions or concerns please do not
hesitate to contact m e at Valley High S chool ( 505) 345-9021 ext. 54159 or email m e at
By signing this sheet, you acknowledge that you have read through this syllabus w ith your child and
understand all that it entails. This syllabus is w ritten in accordance w ith APS and VHS policies and
procedures. Violations of this syllabus could result in a failing grade, w ithdrawal from the course, or
suspension ( administrative).

Reminder: S tudents earn their grade, I do not give grades.

__________________________ __________________________
Print S tudent Name Student S ignature


__________________________ __________________________
Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian S ignature


Parent/Guardian Email or Phone number
Parental Permission For Student Viewing of R-Rated Films
World History
In our World History class, w e w ill soon be w atching some m ovies that are rated R. Your signature is required
for your student to w atch these films even if they are already 17 years of age or older. This is APS policy.

The following is a list of R -Rated m ovies that I w ould like to be able to show all or part of, focusing primarily on
depictions of actual events in World History. I firmly believe that these films w ill serve to enhance the content
being discussed in class, bringing history alive in such a w ay that is both engaging and instrumental to learning.
a If you w ould prefer your student not w atch any of these films either in w hole or in part, alternate assignments
will be available for the days the class w ill be w atching them.

Title: Year: Title: Year:

The last Samurai (2003) Flags of Our F athers (2006)
Gladiator (2000 Troy (2004)
Sophies choice (1982) Saving Private R yan (1998)
300 (2006) Charlie Wilsons War (2007)
Alexander (2004) Bridge of Spies (2015)
Apocalypto (2006) Schindlers List (1993)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Defiance (2008)
Braveheart (1995) Blood Diamond (2006)
Elizabeth (1998) Argo (2012)
City of G od (2002)
Amistad (1997)

Thank you,
Erin G illespie, World History, Valley High S chool

Principal Approval: ___________________________________________ Date:__________

______I give m y permission for __________________________________ to view all of the m ovies listed
above in World History class.

______I do not give m y permission for _______________________ to view the m ovie titled
____________________________ in World History class.
_______________________________________Parent / G uardian S ignature
_______________________________________ ( printed)

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