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Rocket Lab Final Report

Daniel Janzen
Academy for Math, Engineering, and Science
Mr. Hendricks

This lab utilized trigonometric calculations and physics motion equations in order to
determine the height that a rocket would be launched with a given engine. The height was
predicted utilizing iterations and the actual height was found using angle measurements and
trigonometry. For the purpose of this lab, a rockets of a certain size were launched with a certain
engine (1/2A, B6, or C6). In terms of the result, many of the predictions proved accurate,
however, several proved inaccurate due to the path of travel of the rocket. The inaccurate rockets
veered off from what was expected, causing an altering in height.

Predicted Height Measured Height

Red/Silver 82 m 85 m
w/ B6

Red/Yellow 106 m 125 m

w/ B6

Red/Silver 205 m 109 m

w/ C6

Red/Yellow 212 m 155 m

w/ C6

Small White 34 m 97 m
w/ 1/2A

The purpose of this lab was to incorporate previously learned ideas and methods in real
life application. It employed the ideas of kinematics, the study of moving objects, dynamics, the
study of objects in relation to the force acted upon them, impulse, the effect of forces over time,
momentum, the way that one would measure the force and the distance on an object, drag force
(air resistance), the friction and force that acts upon the object due to the air, and drag coefficient,
the value that determines how much drag force is being acted upon the object. The rockets used
in this lab are made specifically to fit certain engine types which are characterized using a letter,
A, B, C, to define the impulse of the engine, and a number to state the average amount of thrust
the engine outputs. The number immediately after the letter is the amount of the average thrust
of the engine, and the last number in the engine classification is the delay time of the parachute
in the rocket. Also, to find a predicted height a technique needed to be used in order to
accomplish this task. It is called numerical iteration. This technique uses formulas and
equations along with a little user input to find what the user is looking for given several iterations
of an event. In the case of this lab the iterations were the different values of thrust given off by
the rockets over the course of them being launched.
Engine Thrust Analysis
The purpose of this part of the lab was to find out the way a model rocket engine burns
and in this case what type of engine it was and to find out exactly how much thrust and engine
puts out at each tenth of a second interval. Things that were required to make this lab possible
-Model Rocket Engine -Digital Force Gauge
-Track -Rocket Launch Device
-CBL -Rocket Containment Unit
-Phosphorus wire
With these materials, the test is able to occur and be measured accordingly. The phosphorus wire
inside the rocket was used so that the rock was able to attach to the firing system and also ignite
the propellants in the engine
Experimental Pictures and Drawing

1. The equipment was set up
a. The engine was mounted onto the device
b. The device and engine were aligned on the rail
c. The device was placed on the rail just in front of the force
measurement device where it is nearly touching.
d. The engine was set up for launching with the device used for firing
2. The cords to the CBL were connected to the calculator and the force measuring
device to the CBL
3. The CBL was set up
a. Go to settings
b. Record every 0.1 seconds
c. Take 30 samples (takes the experiment to a length of 3 seconds)
d. Set up the CBL to start gathering data at a trigger of when the force
hits a level of under -2 Newtons (trigger threshold).
e. Set the CBL to retain 10% of the data
f. Ensure the gauge is zeroed (due to the fact that the device was not
on a perfectly flat surface, it had a slight angle)
4. Utilizing the launching device, fire the engine. Engine will proceed to shoot
forward, pushing against the force measuring device which will record the data of force
at any given time onto the calculator.

Table of Data
Time(s) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

Force(N) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 4.6 9.5 5.7 4.3 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2

Time(s) 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

Force(N) 4.1 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 0.0
To find the area under the curve, the graph will be divided into intervals of 0.1 seconds.
Each of these intervals will create a rectangle and the area of each rectangle will be found and
added together to provide an approximation of the area under the graph (Force x Time). The
interval of 0.1 seconds will be the width of all the rectangles and the force during that given
interval will be the length.
1. Impulse Force (N) x Time (s) or Area = Width x Length
a. Time or Width: 0.1
b. Force or Length: All of the Force values from the Table of Data
2. Area or Impulse = 0.1 ( 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 1.3 + 4.6 + 9.5 + 5.7 +4.3 + 4.1 + 4.1 +
4.2 + 4.2 + 4.1 + 3.9 + 3.8 + 3.7 + 3.6 + 3.6 + 3.5 +3.5 + 3.5 + 3.4 + 3.4 + 0.0) = 8.2 Ns
The impulse of a rocket engines are labeled (A,B,C,D, etc.) The thrust value for each of
the engines is doubled from the previous one. Example: An A engine has an impulse of 2.5 Ns.
a B engine has an impulse of 5.0 Ns, and a C engine would have an impulse of 10 Ns. This
means that the engine that was fired in the lab was a C engine because it had an impulse of about
8.2 Ns. It can be concluded that the engine that was fired was most likely a C6 model rocket
Air Resistance Analysis
In this portion of the lab, the goal was to find out how much drag force would be acting
upon the rocket when fired. To do this, the drag force (air resistance) would need to be
calculated. To test the drag force of the rocket, a wind tunnel was used to simulate the air acting
on the rocket. Material required to make this part of the lab possible are:
-Wind Tunnel -Model Rocket
-Protractor -String

Experimental Pictures/ Drawing

1. All parts of the lab were measured
a. Rocket: .061 kg
b. Wind Velocity: 30 m/s
2. The equipment was set up
a. The wind tunnel was set up
b. The rocket was put in the wind tunnel at 0 degree mark (90 degrees
on protractor)
3. The wind tunnel was turned on
4. Whilst the wind tunnel is on, measure the angle at which the rocket push back to
via the air from the tunnel
5. Calculate
a. : 32
Free Body Diagram


Average Angle at Which the Wind Blows the Rocket
1. If a represents angle (usually represents acceleration but for the purpose of this
specific equation, it will represent angle) then a1 + a2 + a33
a. Angle 1: 35 degrees
b. a2 30 degrees
c. a3 30 degrees
2. Plug in the values: 35 + 30 + 303 31.7 degrees 32 degrees

Drag Force Acting on the Rocket

1. Use the equation from the first derivation: Fd = mg (tan)
a. m=.061 kg (labelled on rocket)
b. g= 9.8 m/s2 (the acceleration of an object as gravity acts on it)
c. =32 degrees (found from Average Angle at Which the Wind Blows
the Rocket)
2. Plug in the values: Fd=(.061) (9.8) (tan32) 0.374N

Drag Coefficient of Rocket

1. Use the equation from the second derivation: K= Fdv2
a. Fd0.374N (found from Drag Force Acting on the Rocket)
b. v=30 m/s (found by measuring with the Wind Speed Measuring
2. Plug in the values: K=0.374302 = 4.2e-4 4e-4 (only one sig fig because the data
can not be confidently determined to two sig figs based on the test method)
To calculate the Drag force of the rocket whilst in the air one would first need to know
the weight and speed at which the rocket was. After this the individual could use the equation:
Fd =kV 2
This equation will find the force of the air resistance against the rocket. But before this
equation is used, there are two unknowns for only one equation therefore the equation that will
find out the Force of the air resistance is:
Fd =mgtan
With this equation all that is left is to calculate.
This lab was important because without the air resistance prediction, the estimated guess
would be off by a substantial amount. In the wind tunnel, one thing that made the
measurements possible was the honeycomb structures at the ends of the box. These
honeycombs caused smooth air to come out of the tunnel. This is called Laminar Flow. It
makes the air more consistent.
The rockets that will be shot off for the actual test will have a different drag force than
the one from the lab test. First the rocket is bigger than the one that was tested, and if it were
possible to have the rocket be tested it would, but due to the fact that it is too big for it to fit into
the chamber of the wind tunnel makes this not possible. Second, the rocket is also heavier than
the lab rocket, and last, the fins of the rocket are much larger therefore having a less
aerodynamic chassis. These three things will change the drag force of the actual rocket. The
best that can be done is an educated guess. The actual rocket will turn out to have a drag force
4 s2
of roughly 5*10 N . The small white one is the opposite of the red and silver
rocket in that it is lighter and smaller. This means that the rocket will have a smaller drag
4 s
coefficient. The small white rocket drag coefficient is roughly 210 N 2 . The
reason that the air resistance cannot be ignored is the fact that the ratio at which the air
resistance is increased the more force is acting on the rocket and it will cause the predicted
heights to be completely inaccurate and bring bad data.

Example of the Honeycomb Figure that allowed Laminar flow

Flight Prediction

The purpose of this portion of the rocket lab was to predict the distance that each of the
rockets launched would go up in the air. There was no physical experiment done however one
piece of equipment required was a spreadsheet which made all of the calculations that need to be
done much easier.
Given each rocket's mass as well as drag coefficient alongside the thrust of whatever
rocket engine was used as well as its mass there were several things that had to be found, at the
time between two consecutive time intervals. The first was the average thrust. This was just the
Thrust at ( 1+T 2)/2 . The second thing to be found was the drag force. To find this the

equation Fd =k dv 2 was used, using the final velocity of the row prior(for the first row the
velocity is equal to 0). The third thing was the average net force. This was found by subtracting
the average thrust by the force of gravity(mg) as well as the drag force. This was used to find the
fourth thing, the average net impulse. By multiplying the net force by the change of time(which
should be 0.1s) this can be found. Next come the initial, final, and average velocity. The initial
velocity is the last rows final velocity(for the first row the velocity is equal to 0). The final
velocity however is equal to the initial velocity added to the impulse divided by the mass, or
v i + F net t /m .
The average velocity is just the sum of the initial and final velocities divided by 2. After
all of this is found the final height is calculated. The equation used here is the initial height plus
the average velocity multiplied by the change in time. After all of this is calculated for all the
time the rocket is in the air, one can look at the final height column and see when the numbers
peak and then start decreasing at which the highest point which the rocket reached is found.

Free Body diagram of the rocket in flight:

The following graphs show the thrust by second for each of the engines used in this lab, as well
as the A8 engine which will not be used in this lab:
The graph below is the data found for one of the rockets which will be used in this experiment

This data represents just one of the 5 rocket/engine configurations required for this lab. All of the
configurations are recorded here:

Type of Rocket and Type of Engine = Red/Silver with a B6 engine

Mass (of rocket and engine together) = 0.083 (must be kg)

Drag Coefficient (kd) = 0.0004

Average Drag Force Average Average Initial Final Average Initial Final Final
Thrust (using prior vf) Net Force Net Impulse Velocity Velocity Velocity Height Height Time
Time Thrust (Thr1+Thr2)/2 (Fd= kd*v2) (Thravg- mg - Fd) (FnetDt) (= last row's vf) (vi+FnetDt/m) (vi+ vf)/2 (= last row's hf) Dt)
0 0

0.1 6 3 0 2.19 0.22 0 2.63 1.32 0 0.13 0.1

0.2 10 8 0 7.18 0.72 2.63 11.29 6.96 0.13 0.83 0.2

0.3 6 8 0.05 7.14 0.71 11.29 19.89 15.59 0.83 2.39 0.3

0.4 4.8 5.4 0.16 4.43 0.44 19.89 25.22 22.55 2.39 4.64 0.4

0.5 4.5 4.65 0.25 3.58 0.36 25.22 29.54 27.38 4.64 7.38 0.5

0.6 4.5 4.5 0.35 3.34 0.33 29.54 33.56 31.55 7.38 10.54 0.6

0.7 4.5 4.5 0.45 3.24 0.32 33.56 37.46 35.51 10.54 14.09 0.7

0.8 3 3.75 0.56 2.38 0.24 37.46 40.32 38.89 14.09 17.97 0.8

0.9 0 1.5 0.65 0.04 0 40.32 40.36 40.34 17.97 22.01 0.9

1 0 0 0.65 -1.47 -0.15 40.36 38.6 39.48 22.01 25.96 1

1.1 0 0 0.6 -1.41 -0.14 38.6 36.9 37.75 25.96 29.73 1.1

1.2 0 0 0.54 -1.36 -0.14 36.9 35.26 36.08 29.73 33.34 1.2

1.3 0 0 0.5 -1.31 -0.13 35.26 33.69 34.47 33.34 36.79 1.3

1.4 0 0 0.45 -1.27 -0.13 33.69 32.16 32.92 36.79 40.08 1.4

1.5 0 0 0.41 -1.23 -0.12 32.16 30.68 31.42 40.08 43.22 1.5

1.6 0 0 0.38 -1.19 -0.12 30.68 29.25 29.96 43.22 46.22 1.6

1.7 0 0 0.34 -1.16 -0.12 29.25 27.85 28.55 46.22 49.07 1.7

1.8 0 0 0.31 -1.12 -0.11 27.85 26.5 27.18 49.07 51.79 1.8

1.9 0 0 0.28 -1.09 -0.11 26.5 25.18 25.84 51.79 54.38 1.9

2 0 0 0.25 -1.07 -0.11 25.18 23.9 24.54 54.38 56.83 2

2.1 0 0 0.23 -1.04 -0.1 23.9 22.64 23.27 56.83 59.16 2.1

2.2 0 0 0.21 -1.02 -0.1 22.64 21.41 22.03 59.16 61.36 2.2

2.3 0 0 0.18 -1 -0.1 21.41 20.21 20.81 61.36 63.44 2.3

2.4 0 0 0.16 -0.98 -0.1 20.21 19.04 19.62 63.44 65.4 2.4

2.5 0 0 0.14 -0.96 -0.1 19.04 17.88 18.46 65.4 67.25 2.5

2.6 0 0 0.13 -0.94 -0.09 17.88 16.75 17.31 67.25 68.98 2.6
2.7 0 0 0.11 -0.93 -0.09 16.75 15.63 16.19 68.98 70.6 2.7

2.8 0 0 0.1 -0.91 -0.09 15.63 14.53 15.08 70.6 72.11 2.8

2.9 0 0 0.08 -0.9 -0.09 14.53 13.45 13.99 72.11 73.51 2.9

3 0 0 0.07 -0.89 -0.09 13.45 12.39 12.92 73.51 74.8 3

3.1 0 0 0.06 -0.87 -0.09 12.39 11.33 11.86 74.8 75.98 3.1

3.2 0 0 0.05 -0.86 -0.09 11.33 10.29 10.81 75.98 77.07 3.2

3.3 0 0 0.04 -0.86 -0.09 10.29 9.26 9.77 77.07 78.04 3.3

3.4 0 0 0.03 -0.85 -0.08 9.26 8.24 8.75 78.04 78.92 3.4

3.5 0 0 0.03 -0.84 -0.08 8.24 7.22 7.73 78.92 79.69 3.5

3.6 0 0 0.02 -0.83 -0.08 7.22 6.22 6.72 79.69 80.36 3.6

3.7 0 0 0.02 -0.83 -0.08 6.22 5.22 5.72 80.36 80.93 3.7

3.8 0 0 0.01 -0.82 -0.08 5.22 4.23 4.72 80.93 81.41 3.8

3.9 0 0.01 -0.82 -0.08 4.23 3.24 3.73 81.41 81.78 3.9

4 0 0 0 -0.82 -0.08 3.24 2.25 2.75 81.78 82.05 4

4.1 0 0 0 -0.82 -0.08 2.25 1.27 1.76 82.05 82.23 4.1

4.2 0 0 0 -0.81 -0.08 1.27 0.29 0.78 82.23 82.31 4.2

4.3 0 0 0 -0.81 -0.08 0.29 -0.69 -0.2 82.31 82.29 4.3

This table starts at the beginning of the launch and ends 0.1 seconds after the maximum height is
Height with B6 engine(time) Height with C6 engine(time)

Red/Silver 82 m (4.2s) 205 m (6.5s)

Red/Yellow 106 m (4.3s) 212 m (5.9s)

Height with A3 engine(time)

Small White 34 m (2.6s)

The values found for height would be different if there had been no air resistance. If the
drag coefficient is set to 0 for any of these rockets they would have gone further. Red/Yellow
rocket fitted with the C6 engine would reach a height of over 900 meters 12 seconds in. Compare
this to a height of 212 meters with air resistance and its significance is made clear.
Using the table the delay time between the time the rocket engine burns out and when the
rocket reaches its maximum height can be found by subtracting the maximum height time by the
time at which the thrust reaches zero.
Flight Height Results
The purpose of the following lab involved the launching of a rocket in order to determine
the height traveled. It employs the use of angles and trigonometry to determine the
approximation of the height and, due to the unlikeliness of the rocket to travel in a straight line,
three angles were measured from various sides of the rocket with different spotters to ensure as
much accuracy as possible.

Experimental Drawing

-Rocket and Engine -Battery

-Launch Pad -Parachute

-Wadding (paper treated with fire retardant chemical)
-Phosphorous (used for ignition)

1. The parachute and wadding were tucked into the tip of the rocket
2. The rocket was safely placed on the launch pad
3. The engine was set for ignition by inserting phosphorous into the end with a wire
4. The battery was attached to the rocket
5. The battery was turned on, launching the rocket
6. Steps 1-5 was repeated for each rocket and their corresponding engines.

Average Angle of the Rocket
a1+ a2 +a3
1. The following equation was used:
a. a1=58 (from the angle found from the Red/Silver rocket with
engine B by the first spotter)
b. a2=58 (same rocket, same engine, second spotter)
c. a3 =61 (third spotter)
58+ 58+ 61
2. The values were plugged in: = 59
3. Steps 1-2 was repeated for each of the angles for all of the rockets and their
corresponding engines.
D=50 tan+ 1.5

Height Traveled by The Rocket

1. The following equation was used: tan =
2. The opposite was solved for: (adjacent )( tan)=opposite
a. Adjacent (distance of the spotter from the rocket: 50 m (as
measured before launching)
b. : 59 (as found from Average Angle of the Rocket)
3. The above values were plugged into the given equation: 50 tan 59=83 m
4. Steps 1-3 were repeated for each of the rockets and their corresponding engines.
Table showing the predicted heights versus the measured heights:

Predicted Height Measured Height

Red/Silver 82 m 85 m
w/ B6

Red/Yellow 106 m 125 m

w/ B6

Red/Silver 205 m 109 m

w/ C6
Red/Yellow 212 m 155 m
w/ C6

Small White 34 m 97 m
w/ 1/2A

This table shows that it was only with the B6 engines that the predictions were similar to
the measured heights. This inaccuracy on the predictions part is due to the rockets not having
gone straight up and then straight down in practice, when this was assumed in the predictions.
To try and remedy this one could wait for a clearer day, with less factors to worry about,
in this case the main factor that creates cause for concern is the wind, which can blow the rocket
off of an otherwise straight course. Another this to be wary of is the ground off of which the
rocket is launched. Should this ground be uneven it could result in the rocket not traveling
straight in the direction wanted, which is up.

This project helped solidify my understanding of many concepts and idea in physics such
as momentum, impulse, as well as drag force and drag coefficients. This project also showed a
real world application of the things learned in this class. The project was not however without
difficulties and problems that needed to be dealt with. One such problem was that we did not
have a way of accurately finding the drag coefficient for two of the rockets we were to launch.
This problem was overcome by taking the drag coefficient of another known object and using
that to predict what the coefficient would be for the rockets. In the end the experience was
enlightening in that it showed that physics can be used to find some really interesting things
about the natural world and in a real life experience.

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