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Watts Happening?

by Don Pettit
for Peace Energy Renewable Energy Cooperative ph 250-782-3882


Renewable energy is better energy.

Free energy for your home and free fuel for your vehicle from sunlight.
The new renewable energy world will be a better energy world, plain and simple.


any of you may know that I write this column
primarily to counteract the deluge of energy
misinformation. Google is on a global wind and solar buying spree,
Theyre doing to climate change and clean intending to be powered entirely by clean energy by
energy what they did with tobacco: introduce doubt the end of this year. Theyre investing in and snapping
into the science to delay and confuse. Im not too sure up the power from wind and solar facilities in the U.S.,
who they are, and I dont really care, because they South America and around the world.
are quickly being shown to be as silly as they most The computer systems that make Google
certainly are. Renewable energy is better energy, plain possible use about the same amount of energy as a large
and simple. city like Toronto, some 5.7 terra-watt-hours. Thats a
So rather than address the critics directly, I tend to lot and a big expense.
simply relate Watts Happening in this new world Googles head of energy policy says there are
of advanced energy. The proof, as they say, is in the sound business reasons for going big on renewables:
pudding. the cost of wind has come down 60% and the cost
of solar has come down 80% over the last six years,
making renewables cost competitive with conventional Oil and Gas (big players here!) with one unambiguous
energy, and since there are no fuel costs, energy costs agenda: deep decarbonization.
are stable over the long term. We must reduce carbon emissions by half
Climate change is an urgent global imperative by 2040 (compared to the business as usual scenario)
that we all must solve. Clean energy benefits everybody with further cuts thereafter to achieve the Paris climate
and the planet. objective limiting global warming to well below 2 C.
And theyre not alone. Major oil producer Total
ENERGY DEMAND SET TO DECLINE SA states that electric cars will represent up to a third of
new car sales by 2030. Thats about 20 million a year.
The World Energy Councils new global study predicts To put that in context, there are about one billion cars
that per capital energy demand will peak before on the road right now, and the world makes 100 million
2030. Unlike the old energy world, where expanding news ones each year.
economies and increasing living Following the
standards mean more and more exponential curve of electric

Historically people
energy consumption without end, in car growth, that means all new
the new energy reality global energy vehicles will be electric by
needs peak and then decline.
have talked about about 2050.
Thats a good thing for
advances in energy efficiency
through technological innovation;
Peak Oil, but now the planet, since about a third
of all carbon emissions come
hundreds of millions of individuals, disruptive trends from transportation.
Plus its a good thing for
communities, cities and businesses
generating their own electricity on are leading energy car owners, since the electric
fuel to run these vehicles will
experts to consider
site, needing little or nothing from
the grid; and the rapid perfection be essentially free (Tesla, for

the implications of
of energy storage technologies, instance, provides free fill
increasing grid independence. ups to Tesla owners at its solar
It is clear that we are
undergoing a Grand Transition,
Peak Demand. powered charging stations, or
you can make your own fuel
which will create a fundamentally at home with a modest solar
new world for the energy industry. array).
Historically people have talked about Peak Oil, but Electric cars, with only a handful of moving
now disruptive trends are leading energy experts to parts, will be essentially maintenance free as well.
consider the implications of Peak Demand . . . We are Free fuel for life and spare change to maintain. Humm,
entering a world where the concern is no longer just sounds pretty good to me.
about stranded assets but also the impact of stranded So dont worry about the naysayers. Theyll be
resources on nations. left behind where they belong. The new energy world
will be a better energy world. Thats GOOD news.

Meet the Energy Transitions Commission, made up of

leaders from Shell, BHP Billiton and General Electric

With just a handful of moving parts, electric cars

are essentially maintenance free and can run on
free fuel made from sunlight. And this aint some
futuristic dream. Its Watts Happening.

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