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Harsna Chahal


Lit Comp 10

30 April 2017

Annotated Bibliography: Should we use viral diseases to kill cancer cells

"Killing Cancer." Produced by Denise S. Cetta and Michael Radutzky, 60 Minutes , CBS News , Mar.


Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

In the article Killing Cancer by 60 Minutes/CBS, addressed the use of re-engineered poliovirus

to treat brain cancer called glioblastoma, which was created by Dr. Gromeiers. Dr. Gromeiers used cold

virus to help the virus to survive because he remove the genetic sequences of the virus. He modified the

virus so it will not reproduce in normal cells, and not cause death to the patient. Once the virus enters the

cancer cell, it will reproduce and release toxin to the cancer cell. Many patients thought the virus could

infect general community and were afraid. Donna Clegg's (a patient who is part of the Duke Clinical trial)

death helped scientist figure out that too much poliovirus created too much of a large immune response.

This article is reliable because it is a script from Killing Cancer, which aired on 60 mins, which is part

of CBS news. Also the article has an interview with Dr. Gromeier who worked and created the viral

disease to treat cancer patients. This article is also reliable because it gives me a phone number to call and

get information about the Duke University polio trials. The article will help my research because it talks

about the patient's view on the diseases and their concerns about the virus. In the article, there are videos

of r-xays of the patients who had the virus injected into the tumor and it showed proof that the tumor was
shrinking. Also the doctors describe what the patients will be going through and what the procedure are


Ledford, Heidi. "Cancer-fighting viruses win approval." Nature, 28 Oct. 2015. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

In the article, Cancer-fighting viruses win approval by Heidi Ledford, he addressed the new

genetically engineered virus called talimogene laherparepvec, which was approved by the FDA. Ledford

describes how T-VEC virus works in normal cells and in cancer cells. In normal cells, the T-VEC will not

reproduce, but once the T-VEC virus comes into contact with the cancer cells, it will then attack the

cancer cell. The T-VEC destroy the cancer cell and the protein and antigens (a toxin that causes an

immune response) are releases. The protein that was release get attacked by dendritic cells, which then

dendritic cell gives tumor antigens to T-cells (which are immune system cells) and are then designed to

attack the cancer cells. Also in this article, Ledford gives up history facts about the scientist using viral

disease back then and how the idea was created. Scientist in 1950s and 1960s got the idea of using viral

diseases to treat cancer by the scientists who notice their patients who had short recovery after being

affected by a viral disease. For my research, this article will be useful because it talks about how the virus

destroys the cancer cells and how the immune system places a role in this process. Also, the article helps

me by giving me facts about how the idea of using viral disease to treat cancer cells came up. Also in the

article, there are pictures and diagrams that show and help the readers visualize what the virus does to the

cancer cell and in the normal cells. This article is reliable because it publishing partners with AGORA

program (which was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN), the HINARI, OARE

(organized by the United Nations Environment Programme), INASP, CrossRef, and COUNTER.

Strickland, Kiona S. "Using a deadly virus to kill cancer: Scientists experiment with new

treatment." The Washington Post, 7 Dec. 2015,


m=. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

In the article, Using a deadly virus to kill cancer: Scientists experiment with new treatment by

Kiona Smith-Strickland, addressed about how a team of scientist from Yale and Harvard used parts of a

virus Lassa and VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus) to kill cancer cells. Since cancer cell can not make

interform (a protein to fight off infections), they can not fight off the VSV and will get destroyed by the

VSV. One of the main problem using VSV virus to kill cancer cells is that it kills healthy brain cells,

which is a huge threat. This is because the protein, glycoproteins in the VSV attaches to the host cell and

binds with neurons. But once the VSV binds with the cancer cell, it uses the cell structure to replicate

copies of the virus. After this, the virus causes the cancer cell to burst and the virus (now in pieces)

attacks the nearby cancer cells. The scientist then mixes the VSV virus with the Lassa virus and created

Lassa-VSV. This is considered a chimera and the virus can kill brain tumors and not hurt the neurons

because the virus fastens with the normal cells and does nothing to them. This virus will not work on

every cancer cell or tumor because all mutation is different. My research will benefit from this article

because it gives me symptoms of using viral diseases to treat cancer and the cause of those symptoms.

Also, it help explains how the virus spreads to the other cancer cell and how the cancer cell lacks certain

things that allow the virus to attack it. In addition, the article compares different viral disease to each

other based on their performance in the mice and with the tumor, which helps me figure out which viral

disease will be best to use. This article is reliable because it is posted on the Washington Post website and

the author of the article quotes many scientists who work hands-on with the virus. Also in the article, the

author said that she/he contacted the scientist over email and got a direct quote from Van den Pol, who is

neurosurgeon from Yale and is working on the viral disease.

Wendler, Ronda. "Unleashing the cold virus to kill cancer." MD Anderson Cancer Center. Accessed 30

Apr. 2017.

In the article, Unleashing the cold virus to kill cancer by Ronda Wendler, it talks about how Juan

Fueyo, M.D. and Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, M.D. genetically modified the common cold into a virus

that is programmed to destroy the protein that is only found on cancer cells. The main reason why this

scientist chose the common cold because it is safer for the patient. The virus is injected into the tumor and

the next day the scientist found out the patient had no side effects. The scientist named this virus

Delta-24, and once the Delta-24 destroyed the cancer cell is moving in a wave-like motion to the other

cancer cells. Using a viral disease to destroy cancer cell is called virotherapy. Cancer creates a shield

which is broken down by the virus, which causes the immune system to attack the virus and the tumor.

One main problem with using this virus is that it leaks away from the tumor. The virus is also being tested

with different drugs to see if anything will happen. This article will benefit my research because it gives

me more information of different viruses used to kill cancer cells and their symptoms. Also, this article

helps my research by giving me the name of this new treatment and currently how along this new

treatment is. This source is reliable because this article was published on the MD Anderson cancer center

website, which is organized by the University of Texas. This cancer center is the best and has many

clinical trials.

Zhang, Sarah. "The FDA Just Approved One Cancer-Killing Virus. Expect More." Wired, 29 Oct. 2015.

Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

In the article, The FDA just approved one cancer-killing virus. Expect More by Sarah Zhang, it

talks about how a new virus called Imlygic, which was the first to get approval in the U.S to use to

destroy cancer cells. This drug attacks the tumor and gets help from the immune system, but the scientist

is still unsure about the role of the immune system, whether it recognized the cancer cell infected with

viral disease or does is recognized all the cancer cells. This virus allowed patients to live 4.4 months more

and in 16% of the patient, it shrunk the tumor for only 6 months. This drug also works well with other

drugs, especially the drugs called checkpoint inhibitors (which review the immune system). This article is

useful to my research because it shows data of the viral disease and gives me facts about this virus. This

article is reliable because it quotes real scientists who work hands-on with the viral disease.

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