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DJ Ubinger

Mr. Sebestyen

Honors World Regional Geography


In 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities, and it was

the wrong decision to make. I disagree with the Truman Administration and support Option

1:Make This a Time for Peace because the United States could have left Japan with more

resources to help them in post-war recovery and would have saved over 120,000 Japanese lives.

Making peace instead of dropping the nuclear bombs had more benefits than the Truman

Administration saw.

Making peace instead of dropping the atomic bombs would have left Japan with more

resources to help them in post-war recovery. Japan has always had very few natural resources.

During World War II, the Japanese were getting no resources from the United States, who, until

1941, had given Japan valuable resources such as oil. Using an atomic bomb destroys everything

for miles and miles past the drop site. Taking this into mind, the United States completely

eliminated all of the vital resources in and around Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This greatly

damaged Japan's economy, and made an enemy of the United States.

Making peace instead of dropping the atomic bombs would have saved over 120,000

Japanese lives Nothing and no one was spared from the atomic blasts. Every temple, every home,

every school, and every person in those two cities was blown to dust because of what America

did. Buildings that had stood for centuries were struck down, and were irreplaceable. Other items

of historical value were never to be seen again. The Japanese lost parts of their heritage on those
two days. It was like seeing the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, but there

was no debris to find people in, and there were no people to look for. Everyone in Hiroshima and

Nagasaki died. Some call it war, I call it a holocaust, which means "sacrifice by fire", and that is

just what it was. The United States sacrificed the lives of over 120,000 innocent Japanese men,

women, and children in exchange for a lack of any Japanese domination of the Pacific. No one

has or ever will be entitled to death, especially for something they never did. Men who supported

their families were blown apart. Mothers who fed and nurtured their children were destroyed.

Grandparents who gave their descendants nothing but love and wisdom were able to give

nothing more. Children who were learning to count, read, and treat others were slaughtered, and

babies who could not even speak the name their parents gave them were murdered. Those in the

area who were not fortunate to be one of the tens of thousands to die in the blast were slowly and

excruciatingly painfully killed by the radiation of the bombs. The radiation missed no one in the

surrounding area, so no one could give help or be helped through the agony, even if they were

from different areas, because the radiation was in the atmosphere, and harmed everyone it

touched. The use of atomic bombs in Japan was wrong, and by making peace all of this would

have been avoided.

The Truman Administration's decision about ending World War II was wrong. Instead of

leaving Japan with more resources for post-war recovery and saving over 120,00 Japanese lives,

they decided to drop atomic bombs on Japan, thus ending World War II, but in the worst way

possible. The United States may have instilled fear into those who dare oppose them, but love is

stronger than fear, and by using love, the United States could have made peace with Japan.

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