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Emma Pherson

April 21, 2016


Religion I Service Hour Essay

Throughout my ninth-grade school year at Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School, I

was taught about more of my catholic faith. An immense focal point was helping the community.

To do this, I worked at St. Joes church, St. Kilians Parish, Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High

School, and the Shenango Township Fire Department, working an overall 21 hours.

To begin, for nine hours, I worked with other catholic members of the churches of New

Castle to set up and tear down and work for Oktoberfest. I preformed my services to give back to

my church for teaching me as I grew up and providing me a healthy spiritual environment for me

to flourish. Then, this helped the community to embrace different races who share the same

beliefs and uniting us together. Also, I received an education of some Irish roots and how to cook

some of the foreign dishes. Catholic does mean universal, so this ties in to these hours I


Next, I worked at a fish fry at St. Killians Parish. For six hours, I helped organize orders

and prepared condiments for customers. I did this to help people stay true to their beliefs of not

eating meat on Fridays and instead, eating fish. This helped the community because of our hard

effort to get those to stay true to the Catholic beliefs, while helping me. Sometimes I forget about

not eating meat on Friday, but this reminded me of what Jesus did for us and how fish does not

taste that bad.

Then, on March 12, Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic had an open house where I informed

interested parents and future trojans about CWNC pride. I gave tours all day explaining every

corner of the school. I preformed this service to try to spread the word of how much I love my

school and how great it is. I benefited the community here at CWNC because I influenced one

incoming freshman to come and join our family. It benefited me because now I know how much

this school can influence someone so greatly.

Finally, I went to my local fire department to clean the house and wash firetrucks. I

preformed these services to help the overworked volunteer firefighters and show my love for my

small close-knit community. I benefited myself and other people because I formed strong

relationships with people I will hopefully work with in my future, with being a lawyer, and

ensuring the safety of my community.

I think it is essential for Christians to perform community service hours. One of the

values as we hold as Christians is helping those in need. For example, when Jesus walked the

Earth as human, he tried his hardest to involve the lives of others in his. I think we should use

what God gave us to help what those who need what they do not have. Emphasizing helping the

community is an important aspect in our Christian lives.

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