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Biopoem for the Transcendentalist Summary/Objective

Learning about the transcendentalists was a really exciting part in my class. Researching

and observing transcendentalism is a really important part in growing as a student. In class, we

learned about the transcendentalist movement and how it further develop future writers in

developing their writing. Transcendentalism is an idealistic philosophical movement that was

influenced by the romanticism era. Transcendentalists writers include Ralph Waldo Emerson and

Henry David Thoreau. The project required to chose one transcendentalist to study and to write a

biopoem about the writer. A bio poem is a poem about someone that you are describing about. I

chose to write a biopoem about Ralph Waldo Emerson. In the poem, I described Emerson as a

person who has a love for nature. From what I have learned from reading and analyzing his

writings, Emerson wrote about individualism and was very critical of society. Emerson also

wrote about nature and its fundamentals and principles. Working on the bio poem was sort of

difficult because you had to carefully analyze articles or essays written by Emerson to describe

him in the poem. I had to further investigate Emersons purpose and meanings in his writing to

develop and complete my poem.

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