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Verb tenses

How to make the tense?

Future will and going to

Will to the future simple with we can to predict the future and for things that
are less certain.

Example: the sun wil rise 7am clock

I think the conversatives will win the next elecion.

Estructur afirmative form: subject + will + verb

Example; i will to the university

Question form; will + subject + verb

Will you go to the university?

Short answer: yes, i will/ no, i wont

We can use going to to make a prediction about time the future, ifs more
common to use going to if we can see evidence in the present.

So vs neither

Times and estructure

To be So or neither Am, are ,is Subject

Present So or neither Do Subject

Present perfect So or neither Have,has Subject

Future So or neither Will Subject

Past So or neither Did subject

Simple present

Use the simple present to express the idea that an acton is repeated or usual the action
can be a habit, a hobby a daily event.

Afirmative estructure: subject + verb ( 3rd person)

Negative: subject + aux do/does + not + verb

Interrogative: aux do/does + subject + verb?

Present progressive

Is used for actions going on in the momento of speaking and for actions taking place only
for a short period of time.

Estructure: subject + verbing present participle + rest of sentence

Example: i am taking my final exam tomorrow

Nagative: subject + not + verbing

Example ; i am not taking my final exam tomorrow

Interrogaive; verbing + subject + rest sentence ?

Example; when you taking final exam?

What i learning the course module 1?

I am learning in the course Word news, how adjetives and you correct write and meaning

also the correct structure of times sentences, the gramar.

i be live lack me learning mode correct to so and neither , but im learning a lot, the
speaking, pronuncations and listening.

100 gramos de chocolate amargo de ptima calidad

50 ml leche fresca entera
50 ml nata fresca (Lincoln)
200 gramos de azcar
Vainilla pura 10 ml
8-7 yemas de huevo


Verter, en una olla grande, la leche, la nata, los 100 gramos de azcar y la vainilla.
Ponerla al fuego y mezclar continuamente hasta que hierva. Retirar del fuego y esperar
que entibie.

Tomar una ensaladera grande y verter las yemas con el azcar, batir muy bien y aadir
poco a poco, y siempre batiendo, el contenido de la olla. Verter todo en una olla grande y
cocinar hasta obtener una crema suave, a fuego muy lento y sin que llegue a hervir (no
dejar de mezclar con una cuchara de madera).

Este paso es muy importante!!!! Filtrar y verter poco a poco en una ensaladera bien fra. A
continuacin verter todo en la heladera elctrica y ponerla en marcha hasta que monte.
Derretir el chocolate amargo al bao Mara y verterlo poco a poco en la heladera sin

Si lo desean, aadir tambin el ron sin parar la mquina. Guardar en el congelador hasta
el momento de comerlo.

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