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1/10 0

F/R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F/R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F/R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 X 28 X 55 X
2 X 29 X 56 X
3 X 30 X 57 X
4 X 31 X 58 X
5 X 32 X 59 X
6 X 33 X 60 X
7 X 34 X 61 X
8 X 35 X 62 X
9 X 36 X 63 X
10 X 37 X 64 X
11 X 38 X 65 X
12 X 39 X 66 X
13 X 40 X 67 X
14 X 41 X 68 X
15 X 42 X 69 X
16 X 43 X 70 X
17 X 44 X 71 X
18 X 45 X 72 X
19 X 46 X 73 X
20 X 47 X 74 X
21 X 48 X 75 X
22 X 49 X 76 X
23 X 50 X 77 X
24 X 51 X 78 X
25 X 52 X 79 X
26 X 53 X 80 X
27 X 54 X 81 X
0 12/12/16 M.B.T.S. M.M.E.C. J.M.N. A.C.S. A PRELIMINAR




2/10 0

F/R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F/R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F/R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
82 X 109 X 136
83 X 110 X 137
84 X 111 X 138
85 X 112 X 139
86 X 113 X 140
87 X 114 X 141
88 X 115 X 142
89 X 116 X 143
90 X 117 X 144
91 X 118 X 145
92 X 119 X 146
93 X 120 X 147
94 X 121 X 148
95 X 122 X 149
96 X 123 X 150
97 X 124 X 151
98 X 125 X 152
99 X 126 X 153
100 X 127 X 154
101 X 128 X 155
102 X 129 156
103 X 130 157
104 X 131 158
105 X 132 159
106 X 133 160
107 X 134 161
108 X 135 162


0 12/12/16 M.B.T.S. M.M.E.C. J.M.N. A.C.S. A PRELIMINAR




3/10 0

1. OBJETIVO ...................................................................................................... 4

2. INTRODUCCIN ............................................................................................. 4

3. DOCUMENTACIN DE REFERENCIA .......................................................... 5

4. CDIGOS Y NORMAS ................................................................................... 6

5. GLOSARIO ..................................................................................................... 7

6. DESCRIPCIN DE LA MAQUINA .................................................................. 8

7. COMPONENTES DE SEGURIDAD .............................................................. 10

8. ANEXO: DATA SHEETS............................................................................... 10




4/10 0


Establecer los criterios de mantenimiento preventivo para los componentes de seguridad

previstos en los proyectos de ingeniera desarrollados con la finalidad de garantir el nivel
de performance exigido para cada mquina instalada en la unidad de Lima Peru de la
Mondelez International.


Las partes de un sistema de control relacionado a seguridad son las que ejecutan
funciones especficas para alcanzar o mantener un estado seguro de la mquina cuando
son detectadas condiciones peligrosas del proceso. La seguridad de las mquinas no
puede depender apenas de la confiabilidad de los sistemas de control, mas tambin de
la confiabilidad de todas las partes de la mquina. Componentes confiables son
capaces de soportar todos los disturbios y tensiones asociadas a su utilizacin bajo
condiciones de uso previstas, durante el periodo de tiempo o nmero de operaciones
previstas para su uso, con una baja probabilidad de fallas que puedan provocar mal
funcionamiento peligroso en la mquina.

Segn la ISO 13000, las instrucciones de la mquina deben contener informaciones para
su mantenimiento, como: el tipo y la frecuencia para inspecciones de las funciones de
seguridad; especificacin de piezas de reposicin, cuando comprometan la salud y
seguridad de los operadores; instrucciones relativas a operacin de mantenimiento que
exijan conocimiento tcnico especfico o habilidades especiales y que, por lo tanto,
deben ser realizadas exclusivamente por personas calificadas; instrucciones referentes
a tareas de mantenimiento que no necesiten de habilidades especficas y que, por lo
tanto, puedan ser realizadas por cualquier usuario.

De acuerdo con ISO 13849-1, mantenimientos preventivos o correctivos pueden ser

necesarias para garanta del nivel de performance de los componentes de seguridad.
Con el tiempo, el aparecimiento de desvos puede llevar a deterioracin del sistema de
seguridad y hasta a una situacin de peligro. Las informaciones de uso para
componentes de seguridad deben abordar instrucciones para su mantenimiento,
incluyendo inspecciones peridicas.



5/10 0


Los documentos relacionados abajo fueron elaborados por la AUTOMATON y contienen

instrucciones, procedimientos aplicables e informaciones de proyecto. Deben ser
utilizados en su revisin ms reciente.


A-ES-0692-LT100_R00 Laudo Tcnico Lnea 6 Peerless 2

A-ES-0692-LE080_R00 Lista de Equipos y Componentes Lnea 6 Peerless 2

A-ES-0692-LM020_R00 Lista de Materiales Automatizacin Lnea 6 Peerless 2

A-ES-0692-ET020_R00 Especificacin Tcnica - Lnea 6 Peerless 2




6/10 0


Los cdigos y/o normas relacionadas abajo fueron utilizados en la elaboracin de los
proyectos o contienen instrucciones y procedimientos aplicables. Deben ser utilizados
en su revisin ms reciente:


Safety of machinery Basic concepts, general principles for
ISO 13000 2010
design Risk assessment and risk reduction
Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems
ISO 13849-1 2015
Part 1: General principles for design
Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems
ISO 13849-2 2012
Part 2: Validation
Safety of machinery Guards General requirements for
ISO 14120 2002
design and construction of fixed and movable guards
Safety of machinery Safety distances to prevent hazard
ISO 13857 2008
zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
Safety of machinery Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of
ISO 13854 1996
parts of the human body
Safety of machinery Positioning of safeguards with respect
ISO 13855 2010
to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
Safety of machinery Emergency stop function Principles
ISO 13850 2015
for design
ISO 14118 2000 Safety of machinery Prevention of unexpected start-up
Safety of machinery Two-hand control devices
ISO 13851 2002
Functional aspects and design principles
Safety of machinery Interlocking devices associated with
ISO 14119 2013
guards Principles for design and selection



7/10 0


Botn de emergencia: Son considerados equipos de proteccin complementares.

Deben ser colocados estratgicamente en cantidad suficiente alrededor de la mquina
para que estn al alcance del operador y puedan ser activados en caso de emergencia.

Botn reset: Es usado para reiniciar la mquina con todas las protecciones activas.

Luces control tower: Son dispositivos visuales que ofrecen indicaciones de status de
la mquina.

Interruptor RFID: Sistema de identificacin por radio frecuencia. Son usados para
detectar aberturas de protecciones.

Sensor de seguridad con bloqueo: Son responsables por mantener la proteccin de

una mquina cerrada hasta el aislamiento de la alimentacin. Enseguida, mantiene la
alimentacin aislada en cuanto la proteccin permanece abierta.

Botones tctiles ergonmicos: Son dispositivos que deben ser accionados

simultneamente para el funcionamiento de la mquina, manteniendo las manos del
operador fuera de la zona de peligro.

Cortina ptica de seguridad: Son dispositivos opto electrnicos de seguridad que

identifican objetos en su campo de deteccin.

Sensor inductivo: Son usados para detectar objetos de metal sin contacto fsico.

Curva de la baera: ilustra el comportamiento tpico de un equipo/componente con

relacin a la tasa de fallas a lo largo del tiempo. En la primera etapa, la tasa de fallas es
constante y desciende rpidamente con el tiempo. Estos fallos pueden deberse a
diferentes razones como equipos defectuosos, instalaciones incorrectas, errores de
diseo del equipo por parte de los operarios o desconocimiento del procedimiento
adecuado. En la segunda etapa, la tasa de errores es menor y constante. Los fallos no
se producen debido a causas inherentes al equipo, sino por causas aleatorias externas.
Estas causas pueden ser accidentes fortuitos, mala operacin, condiciones inadecuadas
u otros. En la ltima etapa, la tasa de errores es rpidamente creciente. Los fallos se
producen por desgaste natural del equipo debido al transcurso del tiempo.



8/10 0

Curva de la baera

Mission time: representa el periodo mximo de uso para un equipo, sistema o

subsistema de seguridad. Despus de este periodo, l debe ser sustituido. Es
determinado por la IEC/EN 62061.




9/10 0







Mquina encargada por la mezcla y preparacin del masa.


REGISTRO: No informado

SERIE: 200066 OBS.: No informado

PRESIN: No informado



10/10 0



Botn de Funcin parada de
1 EB1 20 aos A-ES-0684-MN001_r00
emergencia emergencia
2 RB1 Botn reset 20 aos 1 -
Luces control 1
3 LC1 10.000 horas -
Funcin parada segura
4 SG1 Interruptor RFID 20 aos iniciada por una proteccin A-ES-0684-MN004_r00
Funcin parada segura
5 SG2 Interruptor RFID 20 aos iniciada por una proteccin A-ES-0684-MN004_r00
Interruptor de Funcin parada segura
6 SG3 seguridad com 20 aos iniciada por una proteccin A-ES-0684-MN004_r00
bloqueo enclavada con bloqueo
Botones tctiles Funcin operacin con
7 TB1 20 aos A-ES-0684-MN007_r00
ergonmicos comando bimanual
Botones tctiles Funcin operacin con
8 TB2 20 aos A-ES-0684-MN007_r00
ergonmicos comando bimanual
Cortina ptica Funcin operacin con
9 OP1 20 aos A-ES-0684-MN008_r00
de Seguridad cortina ptica de seguridad
Sensor de 1
10 IS1 proximidad 20 aos -
Sensor de
11 IS2 proximidad 20 aos 1 -
Contactor de 1
12 CS1 20 aos
Contactor de 1
13 CS2 20 aos
Rel de 1
14 SR1 20 aos

1:Los equipos no pertenecen a ninguna funcin de seguridad especfica y son probados

con otras funciones de seguridad existentes.


Technical Data

IEC Push Button Specifications

Bulletin Numbers 800F, 800FC, 800FD, 800B, 800MB, and 800MR
Topic Page Topic Page
800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons 800FD 22.5 mm Monolithic Push Buttons
Specifications 3 Momentary Push Button Operators 49
Momentary Push Buttons 6 Pilot Light Devices 50
Pilot Lights 10 Selector Switch Operators 51
Selector Switches 11 Push-Pull/Twist-to-Release Mushroom Operators 51
Key-Operated Selector Switches 16 Specifications 52
Push-Pull Operators 18 Approximate Dimensions 53
Momentary Mushroom Push Buttons 22 800B 16 mm Push Buttons
Momentary Multi-Operators 23 Specifications 54
Reset Operators 26 Operator Assembly Sequence/Target Table and Operator Position 55
Selector Push Button Operators 27 Approximate Dimensions 56
Toggle Switch Operators 28 800MR/800MB IEC Oiltight Operators
Back-of-Panel Components 29 800MR Momentary Contact Push Buttons 57
Assembled Stations with DeviceNet 31 800MR Push-Pull Operators 59
Legend Plates/Caps 32 800MR Selector Switches 61
Approximate Dimensions 33 800MR Pilot Lights & Wobble Sticks 66
Assembled Station Pinout Chart 39 800MB Momentary Contact Push Buttons 67
598 General Purpose Push Button Enclosures 40 800MB Pilot Lights 70
800FC 22.5 mm Configured Pendant Stations 800MB/MR Specifications 71
Operator Mounting/Sequence 41 800MB/MR Approximate Dimensions 72
1-, 2-, and 3-Speed Operators 42
Configured Pendant Stations 43
Specifications 45
Approximate Dimensions 47

Additional Resources
These documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.
Resource Description
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

You can view or download publications at To order paper copies of

technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.
800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Back-of-Panel Components
Electrical Ratings
Screw Termination Spring Clamp Termination
A600, Q600 A300, Q300
Standard contact block ratings
600V AC 300V AC
AC 15, DC 13 to IEC/EN 60947-5-1 and UL 508, 17V, 5 mA min.
5V, 1 mA DC min.
Low voltage contact block ratings
C300, R150, AC 15, DC 13 to EN 60947-5-1 and UL 508
Nominal Voltage Range Current Draw Frequency
24120V AC/DC 20132V AC/DC 15 mA (AC), 12 mA (DC) 50/60 Hz, DC
24V AC 1029V AC 31 mA 50/60 Hz
LED Module Ratings 24V DC 1030V DC 24 mA DC
120V AC 102132V AC 6 mA 50/60 Hz
240V AC 204264V AC 6 mA 50/60 Hz
Thermal current 10 A max. enclosed (40 C ambient) to UL508, EN 60947-5-1
Insulation voltage (Ui) Screw terminal = 690V, spring-clamp = 300V

Wire capacity (screw terminal) #1812 AWG (0.752.5 mm2)

Max. (2) #14 AWG or (1) #12 AWG
Wire capacity (spring-clamp terminal) #1814 AWG (0.751.5 mm2) One per spring clamp, two spring clamps per terminal
Recommended tightening torque on screw terminals 0.70.9 Nm (68 lbin)
Dielectric strength (minimum) 2500V for one minute
10 A type gL/gG cartridge fuse to EN 60269-2-1 or
Standard blocks
gN (Class J to UL 248-8 or Class C to UL 248-4)
External short circuit protection
6 A type gL/gG cartridge fuse to EN 60269-2-1 or
Low voltage contact blocks
gN (Class J to UL 248-8 or Class C to UL 248-4)
Electrical shock protection Finger-safe conforming to IP2X
Mechanical Ratings
Vibration (assembled to panel) Tested at 102000 Hz, 1.52 mm displacement (peak-to-peak) max./10 G max. 6 hr
Shock Tested at 1/2 cycle sine wave for 11 ms and no damage at 100 G max.
Contact durability per EN 60947-5-1 (Annex C) 10 000 000 cycles
N.O. Slow double make and break
Slow double make and break
positive opening
N.C. & S.M.C.B.

N.O.E.M. Double break / double make, early make
Contact operation Double break / double make, late break
positive opening

Double break / double make, early break
positive opening

N.C. and N.O.E.M. 1.5 mm (0.060 in.)
Push button travel to change electrical state
N.O. and N.C.L.B. 2.5 mm (0.1 in.)
Single circuit contact block 3.4 N
Operating forces (typical)
Dual circuit contact block 56.5 N
Green 525 nm
LED Dominant Wavelength Red 629 nm
Green 780 mcd
LED Luminous Intensity Red 780 mcd
White 360 mcd
Incandescent maximum wattage 2.6 W
Springs Stainless steel and zinc coated music wire
Standard Silver-nickel
Electrical contacts
Low voltage Gold-plated over silver
Screw Brass
Spring-clamp Silver-plated brass

 Performance Data see note on page 3.

Low voltage contacts are recommended for applications below 17V, 5 mA.
Wires less than #18 AWG (0.75 mm2) may not hold in terminal securely.

4 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Material Listing
Component For Use with Material Used
Panel gasket All operators Nitrile, TPE
Automotive industry acceptable
Diaphragm seal Illuminated push button, non-illuminated push button
Selector switch, key selector switch, push/twist-to-release E-stop, key E-stop,
K-seal Nitrile
push/pull mushroom
Diaphragm retainer, return spring I Illuminated push button, non-illuminated push button, momentary mushroom Stainless steel
Reset, selector switch, key selector switch, alternate action, push/twist-to-release
Return spring II Zinc-coated music wire
E-stop, key E-stop, push/pull mushroom
Non-illuminated push button, momentary mushroom, reset, push/twist-to-release
Button cap/mushroom head PBT/polycarbonate blend
E-stop, key E-stop, push/pull mushroom, multi-function
2-color molded button cap Non-illuminated push button PBT/polycarbonate blend
Lens Multi-function Acetal
Lens, knob Illuminated push button, illuminated momentary mushroom, illuminated selector switch Polyamide
Knob Non-illuminated selector switch Glass-filled polyamide
Non-illuminated push button, illuminated push button, momentary mushroom, selector
Plastic bezel/bushing I switch, key selector switch, push/twist-to-release E-stop, key E-stop, push/pull Glass-filled polyamide
mushroom, multi-function, reset
Plastic bezel/bushing II, jam nut Pilot light, reset jam nut, reset pushers Glass-filled PBT
Metal bezel/bushing All metal operators Zinc
Diffuser Illuminated push button, pilot light Polycarbonate
Legend frames Glass-filled polyamide
Plastic mounting ring All plastic operators Glass-filled polyamide
Metal mounting ring All metal operators Chromated zinc
Plastic latch Glass-filled polyamide
Metal latch Chromated zinc + stainless steel
Plastic enclosure PBT/polycarbonate blend
Metal enclosure Aluminum
Terminal screws LED module, incandescent module, contact blocks Zinc-plated steel with chromate
Terminals LED module, incandescent module, contact blocks Brass with silver-nickel contacts
Spring clamps LED module, incandescent module, contact blocks Stainless steel
Lamp socket Incandescent module Brass
Housing Incandescent module, LED module Glass-filled polyamide
Gold-plated silver-nickel
Low-voltage terminals Contact blocks
Gold-plated silver-nickel
Low-voltage spanner Contact blocks
Spanner Contact blocks Brass with silver-nickel contacts
Toggle Switch, illuminated push button, non-illuminated push button, multi-function Automotive industry acceptable
illuminated and non-illuminated silicone

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 5

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Momentary Push Button Operators, Non-Illuminated Flush, Extended, Guarded

Flush Operator Extended Operator Guarded Operator

Cat. No. 800FP-F3 Cat. No. 800FM-E4 Cat. No. 800FP-G6

800F P F 3
a b c d
a c d
Operator Construction Color Cap Packaging
Code Description Code Color Code Description
Round plastic operator 0 Orange Blank 1 per package
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 1 White BP 10 per package
Round metal operator 2 Black
(IP66, Type 4/13)
3 Green
b 4 Red
Operator Type 5 Yellow
Code Description 6 Blue
F Flush 8 Grey
E Extended 9 No cap
G Guarded X Assortment pack

 Available in flush only.

Assortment pack contains one cap of each color, not available in BP packaging.
Only available with no color cap (9 from Table c).

6 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Momentary Push Button Operators, Non-Illuminated with Two-Color Molded Legend Caps

Flush Operator
Cat. No. 800FP-F301

800F P F 3 01
a b c d
a c d
Operator Construction Color Cap Legend Text
Code Description Code Color Code Text
Round plastic operator 0 Orange Blank No Text
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 1 White 01 START
Round metal operator 2 Black 02 STOP
(IP66, Type 4/13)
3 Green 05 O
b 4 Red 06 I
Operator Type 5 Yellow 08
Code Description 6 Blue 09 Forward
F Flush 10 Reverse
E Extended 11 R
G Guarded

 For custom laser-engraved legend cap, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor.
White and yellow caps have black text. All other color caps have white text.
Legend button cap supplied loose for customer installation.
Available for flush only.
Valid color cap/legend text codes include:
Color Flush Caps Caps
Black REVERSE, , STOP, O, , R
Blue REVERSE, , ,R

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 7

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Momentary Push Button Operators, Illuminated Flush, Extended, Guarded

Flush Operator Extended Operator Guarded Operator

Cat. No. 800FM-LF4 Cat. No. 800FP-LE3 Cat. No. 800FP-LG3

800F P LE 3
a b c d
a c d
Operator Construction Color Cap  Packaging
Code Description Code Color Code Description
Round plastic operator 0 Amber Blank 1 per package
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 3 Green BP 10 per package
Round metal operator 4 Red
(IP66, Type 4/13)
5 Yellow
b 6 Blue
Operator Type 7 Clear
Code Description 9 No cap
LF Flush
LE Extended
LG Guarded
 For custom laser-engraved operator, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor.
When using LED for illumination, a white LED is recommended.
Only available with no color cap (9 from Table c).

Push-to-Test Push Button Device Schematic

Illuminated push buttons may be wired as a push-to-test device by using the following schematic
and Cat. No. 800F-XD7 Diode module from page 10-111.

120V AC/240V AC LED 24V AC/DC LED 6. . . 120V AC/DC

X1 Cat _ _-N5_ X1 X1
Cat _ _-N7_ Cat _ _-N3_
Cat _ _-D _ C
Cat _ _-Q5_ Cat _ _-Q3_
X2 Cat _ _-Q7_ X2 X2
Essai L1 L2 L1, + L2, -
Ensayo X4 X1 X4
- - X4 X1

+ +
X3 X2 X3 +
X3 X2
Signal X4
X1 X4
+ + +
Senl X3 X2 X3 X3 X2

8 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Alternate Action Operators Non-Illuminated

Cat. No. 800FM-FA3

800F M FA 3
a b c
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Color Cap
Code Description Code Description Code Color
Round plastic operator FA Non-illuminated, flush, alternate action 0 Orange
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 1 White
Round metal operator 2 Black
(IP66, Type 4/13)
3 Green
 Must use N.O.E.M. or N.C. contacts.
For custom laser-engraved legend cap, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or 4 Red
Allen-Bradley distributor. 5 Yellow
6 Blue
9 No cap
X Assortment pack

Alternate Action Operators Illuminated

Cat. No. 800FP-LFA3

800F P LFA 3
a b c
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Color Cap
Code Description Code Description Code Color
Round plastic operator LFA Illuminated, flush, alternate action 0 Amber
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 3 Green
Round metal operator 4 Red
(IP66, Type 4/13)
5 Yellow
Must use N.O.E.M. or N.C. contacts.
LED module required for illumination, can not use incandescent module. 6 Blue
For custom laser-engraved operator, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or 7 Clear
Allen-Bradley distributor..
9 No lens
Use of a white LED is recommended.

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 9

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Pilot Light Operators

Plastic Pilot Light Metal Pilot Light

Cat. No. 800FP-P7 Cat. No. 800FM-P4

800F P P 3
a b c d
a c d
Operator Construction Lens Cap Packaging
Code Description Code Color Code Description
Round plastic operator 0 Amber Blank 1 per package
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 3 Green BP 10 per package
Round metal operator 4 Red
(IP66, Type 4/13)
5 Yellow
b 6 Blue
Operator Type 7 Clear
Code Description 9 No lens
P Diffuser
 For custom laser-engraved pilot light, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor.
When using LED for illumination, a white LED is recommended.

10 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

2-Position Push-Pull Operators, Non-Illuminated Twist-to-Release (Trigger Action), Push-Pull (Trigger Action)

40 mm Trigger Action 40 mm Trigger Action 90 mm Half-Dome

Twist-to-Release Mushroom Push-Pull Mushroom Cat. No. 800FP-MP94
Cat. No. 800FP-MT44 Cat. No. 800FP-MP44

800F P MT4 4
a b c d
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Color Cap
Code Description Push, Twist-to-Release Code Color
Round plastic operator Code Type 2 Black
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) MT3 30 mm color cap 3 Green
Round metal operator MT4 40 mm color cap 4 Red
(IP66, Type 4/13)
MT6 60 mm color cap 5 Yellow
Push-Pull 6 Blue
Code Type
MP4 40 mm color cap
Half-Dome Push-Pull
Code Description
Code Type
Blank No engraving on cap
MP9 90 mm color cap
LE EMO laser engraved
E EMO printed
 All emergency stop operators are EN ISO 13850 compliant with standard NC, NCLB, or self-monitoring contact blocks.
E-Stop operators, latch, and contact block combinations have been third-party tested for B10d values. B10d values can be found in publication
Only available with red color cap.
For EMO guards, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor.
Only available on 40 mm color cap.
Only available on red, 40 mm push, twist-to-release operator type (MT44).
Half-dome operators only available with black, red, and yellow color caps.
Limit of four contact blocks max. for these devices.

18 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

2-Position Push-Pull Operators, Illuminated Twist-to-Release (Trigger Action), Push-Pull (Trigger Action)

40 mm Illuminated Twist-to-Release 40 mm Mushroom Push/Pull 90 mm Half-Dome

Cat. No. 800FP-LMT44 Cat. No. 800FM-LMP44 Cat. No. 800FP-LMP94

800F P LMP4 3
a b c
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Lens Cap Color
Code Description Push, Twist-to-Release Code Color
Round plastic operator Code Type 3 Green
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) LMT4 40 mm color cap 4 Red
Round metal operator LMT6 60 mm color cap 5 Yellow
(IP66, Type 4/13)
Push-Pull& 6 Blue
Code Type
LMP3 30 mm color cap
LMP4 40 mm color cap
LMP6 60 mm color cap
Half-Dome Push-Pull&
Code Type
LMP9 90 mm color cap

 LED module required for illumination, can not use incandescent module.
All emergency stop operators are EN ISO 13850 compliant with standard NC, NCLB, or self-monitoring contact blocks.
E-Stop operators, latch, and contact block combinations have been third-party tested for B10d values. B10d values can be found in publication
Only available with red color cap.
60 mm version has black arrows; 30 and 40 mm versions have white arrows.
Use of a white LED is recommended.
Only available with 40 mm Push-Pull color cap (LMP4 from Table b).
Half-dome operators only available with red and yellow lens cap colors.
& Limit of four contact blocks max. for these devices.

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 19

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

2-Position Non-Illuminated Operators Mushroom, Key Release (Trigger Action)

40 mm Key Release Mushroom

Cat. No. 800FP-MK44

800F P MK4 4
a b c d
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Lens Cap Color
Code Description Key Release Mushroom Code Color
Round plastic operator Code Type 4 Red
(IP66, Type 4/13) MK4 40 mm
Round metal operator d
(IP66, Type 4/13) Ronis Key Lock
Code Key No.
 All emergency stop operators are EN ISO 13850 compliant with standard NC, NCLB, or self-monitoring Blank 3825 (Standard)
contact blocks.
R 455
E-Stop operators, latch, and contact block combinations have been third-party tested for B10d values.
B10d values can be found in publication SAFETY-SR001_-EN-E. 01R 3801
Keyed operators are IP66, Type 4/13. 02R 3802
Not intended for high security applications. Interoperability is possible with certain key/cylinder lock
combinations. Consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for 03R 3803
interoperability information. 04R 3804
For replacement Ronis keys, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley 05R 3805
06R 3806
27R 4001
28R 4002
29R 4003
30R 4004
31R 4005
32R 4006
33R 4007

20 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

3-Position Push-Pull Operators, Illuminated & Non-Illuminated Mushroom

Target Table and Operator Position

Contact Type Out Center In

N.O. O O X
Illuminated 3-Position Push-Pull N.C.E.B. X O O
Cat. No. 800FM-LMP44E3
N.C.L.B. X X O
Note: X = Closed/O = Open
 Must use N.O., N.C.E.B., or N.C.L.B. contact blocks only. Cannot use N.C. or N.O.E.M. contact blocks
with 3-position push-pull operators.
Contact selection is limited to the following options, consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office
or Allen-Bradley distributor for other options.

800F M L MM 4 4 E3
a b c d e f
a c e
Operator Construction Operator Function Cap Color
Code Description Code Description Code Description
Round metal operator Momentary out, 0 Amber
(IP66, Type 4/13) MM Maintained center, 2 Black
Momentary in
b Momentary out,
3 Green
Operator Type MP Maintained center, 4 Red
Maintained in 6 Blue
Code Description
7 Clear
Blank Non-illuminated d
L Illuminated Cap Size f
Code Description Positions
4 40 mm plastic Code Description
E3 3-position

Sold as stand-alone operator only. Not available as a composite catalog number.

LED module required for illumination. Cannot use incandescent module.
Available in illuminated only.
Use of white LED is recommended.
Available in non-illuminated only.

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 21

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Momentary Push Button Operators, Non-Illuminated Mushroom

40 mm Mushroom 60 mm Mushroom 90 mm Mushroom

Cat. No. 800FM-MM42 Cat. No. 800FP-MM63 Cat. No. 800FP-MM94

800F P MM4 3
a b c
a b c
Operator Construction Size and Operator Type Color Cap
Code Description Code Type Code Color
Round plastic operator MM4 40 mm momentary 2 Black
(IP65, Type 4/4X/13) MM6 60 mm momentary 3 Green
Round metal operator MM9 90 mm momentary 4 Red
(IP65, Type 4/13)
5 Yellow
 Momentary mushroom operators are IP65 rated.
Only available with black, red, and yellow cap colors. 6 Blue

Momentary Push Button Operators, Illuminated Mushroom

40 mm Mushroom
Cat. No. 800FP-LMM43

800F P LMM4 3
a b c
a b c
Operator Construction Size and Operator Type Lens Cap Color
Code Description Code Type Code Color
Round plastic operator LMM4 40 mm momentary 3 Green
(IP65, Type 4/4X/13) 4 Red
Round metal operator 5 Yellow
(IP65, Type 4/13)
6 Blue
Momentary mushroom operators are IP65 rated.
When using LED for illumination, a white LED is recommended. 7 Clear

22 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Reset Operators Mechanical and/or Electrical Reset

Reset Operator
Cat. No. 800FP-R611

800F M R 6 11
a b c d
a b c
Operator Construction Operator Type Color Cap
Code Description Code Type Code Color
Round plastic operator R Reset 1 White
(IP66, Type 4/4X/13) 2 Black
Round metal operator 6 Blue
(IP66, Type 4/13)
 Will accept latch and up to four single circuit contact blocks or two dual circuit contact blocks; no d
contacts allowed in center position. Legend Text
11 mm reset stroke length.
Code Text
Blank No text
11 R

26 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Back-of-Panel Components
Contact Blocks with Latch Composite

800F P X 0 1 E
a b c d e

a c d
Style N.O. (Normally Open) Circuits N.C. (Normally Closed) Circuits
Code Description Code Description Code Description
P Plastic latch 0 No contact 0 No contact
M Metal latch 1 1 N.O. 1 1 N.C.
2 2 N.O. 2 2 N.C.
3 3 N.O. 3 3 N.C.
Contact Block(s) Termination Style
4 4 N.O. 4 4 N.C.
Code Description
5 5 N.O. 5 5 N.C.
X Screw termination
6 6 N.O. 6 6 N.C.
Q Spring-clamp termination
 Six circuits maximum allowable. e
Specialty Contact Block(s)
Code Description
Blank Standard blocks
V Low voltage QuadCONNECT
E N.O. early make
L N.C. late break
B N.C. early break
S N.C. self-monitoring

Power Modules with Latch Composite

800F M N 3 G
a b c d

a c d
Style Voltage Lamp Color
Code Description Code Description Code Description
P Plastic latch 0 No bulb C Incandescent
M Metal latch 1 6V AC/DC R Red LED
2 12V AC/DC G Green LED
3 24V AC/DC W White LED
Power Module Type
4 48V AC/DC
Code Description
5 120V AC
D Incandescent module, screw termination
7 240V AC
Integrated LED module,
screw termination
Integrated LED module,
spring-clamp termination
LED modules for use with all illuminated operators. Incandescent module for use with pilot lights, momentary push buttons, and momentary mushroom
operators only.
Four circuits maximum allowable when power module is used. Contact blocks cannot be stacked on power module.
Only available for incandescent module.
Only available for integrated LED module.
For best illumination results, LED color should match lens color. For yellow operator, select a white LED.

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 29

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Back-of-Panel Components, Continued

Power Modules with Contact Blocks and Latch Composite

800F P N 5 R X 1 0 E
a b c d e f g h
a d g
Style Lamp Color N.C. (Normally Closed) Circuits
Code Description Code Description Code Description
P Plastic latch C Incandescent 0 No contact
M Metal latch R Red LED 1 1 N.C.
G Green LED 2 2 N.C.
W White LED 3 3 N.C.
Power Module Type
4 4 N.C.
Code Description e
D Incandescent module, screw termination Contact Block(s) Termination Style h
Integrated LED module, Code Description Specialty Contact Block(s)
screw termination X Screw termination Code Description
Integrated LED module, Q Spring-clamp termination Blank Standard blocks
spring-clamp termination
V Low voltage QuadCONNECT
c E N.O. early make
N.O. (Normally Open) Circuits
Voltage L N.C. late break
Code Description
Code Description B N.C. early break
0 No contact
0 No bulb S N.C. self-monitoring
1 1 N.O.
1 6V AC/DC
2 2 N.O.
2 12V AC/DC
3 3 N.O.
3 24V AC/DC
4 4 N.O.
4 48V AC/DC
5 120V AC
7 240V AC

 Four circuits maximum allowable when power module is used. Contact blocks cannot be stacked on power module.
LED modules for use with all illuminated operators. Incandescent module for use with pilot lights, push buttons, and momentary mushroom operators only.
Only available for incandescent module.
Only available for integrated LED module.
For best illuminated results, LED should match lens color. For yellow operator, select a white LED.

30 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Assembled Stations with DeviceNet

Hole Hole Hole Hole
2-Hole 4 3 2 1

800F Hole 1

a b c d c d e Hole 2

(Hole 1 c+d) (Hole 2 c+d)

3-Hole 4-Hole Assembled Station
Cat. No. 800F-VHA3A4J3J4J
a b c d c d c d e
(Hole 1 c+d) (Hole 2 c+d) (Hole 3 c+d)
a b c d c d c d c d e
(Hole 1 c+d) (Hole 2 c+d) (Hole 3 c+d) (Hole 4 c+d)

a d e
Mounting Orientation Color/Text External I/O Version
Code Description Code Description Code Description
V Vertical  1 White Blank No external I/O
H Horizontal 2 Black A 1 input/1 output (sinking)
3 Green B 1 input/1 output (sourcing)
4 Red C 2 input
Enclosure Style/Legends
5 Yellow E 2 output (sourcing)
Code Description
6 Blue F 1 E-stop block
A 2-hole/legend frames
7 Clear G 2 E-stop block
B 3-hole/legend frames
8 Grey H 2 input/2 output
C 4-hole/legend frames
9 No cap K 2 input/2 output (sourcing)
D 2-hole/no legend frames
0 Amber 1 input/1 output (sinking) + 1 E-stop
E 3-hole/no legend frames L
A Green with "Start" text block
F 4-hole/no legend frames 1 input/1 output (sourcing) + 1 E-stop
B Red with "Stop" text M
H 2-hole/E-stop only no legend frames block
C Black with "" symbol
1 input/1 output (sinking) + 2 E-stop
c D Black with "" symbol N
Operator Types E Black with "" symbol 1 input/1 output (sourcing) + 2 E-stop
Code Description F Black with "" symbol block
A Non-illuminated flush button G Green with "I" symbol Q 2 input + 1 E-stop block
B Non-illuminated extended button H Red with "O" symbol R 2 input + 2 E-stop block
C Non-illuminated guarded button L Blue with "R" text U 2 output (sourcing) + 1 E-stop block
D Illuminated flush button M Red with yellow metal guard # W 2 output (sourcing) + 2 E-stop block
E Illuminated extended button N Yellow with yellow metal guard # X 2 input + 1 input/1 output (sinking)
F Illuminated guarded button
G Non-illuminated 2-pos. selector switch
 Selector Switches in a vertical mount enclosure are mounted with a horizontal orientation.
H Non-illuminated 3-pos. selector switch
Enclosure Style/Legend option H from Table b can only select one operator from Table c. Valid options
J Pilot light (diffused) are L, M, and T. Also see footnote
K Hole plug & Operator Types L, M, and T from Table c may be used as emergency stops. To be valid as an E-Stop,
operators must use color/text option 4 from Table d and it must be placed in the last hole position in
L Non-illuminated TTR E-stop & the enclosure, where a yellow round E-stop legend plate is provided. An E-Stop connector also must
M Non-illuminated push pull & be chosen from Table e. Also see footnote
N 2-pos. key selector switch Potentiometer allowed in first hole position only.
Available in flush only.
P 3-pos. key selector switch This is an 8-in/4-out device. 2-in and 1-out are assigned to each hole position in the enclosure. If a 2-
R Non-illuminated 40 mm mushroom hole enclosure is selected, 4-in and 2-out are assigned internally and up to 4 unassigned I/O points can
be assigned to external connectors. This device contains up to two physical external I/O connectors.
T E-stop key release &
The "+" symbol in the Description field of table e indicates that two external connectors exist. If an E-
U Potentiometer & Stop connector is used, 2 unassigned I/O points can be assigned to the other connector.
W Illuminated push pull External I/O Versions F, L, M, Q, and U receive only one contact block for the external E-Stop string.
These connectors are rated 3 A. If more than 3 A of current is needed or if there are two E-Stop
Illuminated 2-pos. maintained selector strings, use External I/O Versions G, N, P, R, and W. These versions receive two contact blocks. This
switch allows for 6 A of switching or for two E-Stop strings.
Illuminated 3-pos. maintained selector Cannot be ordered with "No Cap" (9 from Table d - Color/Text).
switch & Operator Types K, L, M, T, and U from Table c are not available with legend frames.
Z Illuminated 40 mm mushroom # Only available with non-illuminated push-pull operator (M from Table c).

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 31

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Two-Color Molded Legend Caps Non-Illuminated Push Buttons

800F AF 3 01
a b c

a b Cat. No. 800F-15YSE112 c

Button Cap Type Color Cap Legend Text
Code Description Code Description English
AF Flush 1 White Code Description
AE Extended 2 Black 01 START
3 Green 02 STOP
 Available in flush only. 4 Red 05 O
White and yellow caps have black text. All other 5 Yellow 06 I
color caps have white text.
Valid color cap text codes include: 6 Blue 08
Color Flush Caps Extended Caps
11 R

Emergency Stop Legend Plates

22.5 mm
mounting hole
800F 15YS
a b

a b b (cont'd)
Size/Color (Yellow) Text Text
Code Description Code Description Code Description
60 mm round Blank No text W112 NDSTOPP, EMERGENCY STOP
(30.5 mm mounting hole) E112 EMERGENCY STOP A112 NDSTOP
(22.5 mm mounting hole) B112 DURGENCE, PARADA DE
90 mm round EMERGENCIA
(22.5 mm mounting hole) D112 NOODSTOP
Sold only multiples of 10. Order (quantity of) 10 to receive one package of 10 pieces. DURGENCE, NOT HALT&
Not for use with base mounted contact blocks. L112 NEYARSTOPP, NEYARSTOPP
Not available on 15YS version. H112 ND-STOP, HT-SEIS, ND-STOP
Text printed on the 15Y version only.
& Text printed on the 15YS & 16Y versions only.

Push Button, Multi-Function Caps

800F A F 1 C
a b
a b
Type Color
Code Description Code Description
E Push button extended cap 0 Amber
F Push button flush cap 1 White
FA Alternate action cap 2 Black
FAU Multi-function flush cap (for position A) 3 Green
EAU Multi-function extended cap (for position A) 4 Red
FCU Multi-function flush cap (for position C) 5 Yellow
ECU Multi-function extended cap (for position C) 6 Blue

32 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Approximate Dimensions
Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes. Refer to RAISE software for additional dimensional information.
Non-Illuminated and Illuminated Momentary Flush Illuminated Momentary Guarded
Push Button Operators Push Button Operators

Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Momentary Reset Operators with Reset Rod

Extended Push Button Operators

Non-Illuminated Guarded, Pilot Light Operators

Illuminated and Non-Illuminated
Alternate Action Push Button Operators

90 mm Half Dome 90 mm Mushroom Illuminated and Non-Illuminated

30.1 26
Momentary Mushroom Operators
40 mm and 60 mm


Operator A
40 mm 39.8
60 mm 59.8

Toggle Switch Operators Selector Jog Operators


Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 33

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.
Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Non-Illuminated 3-Position Potentiometer Operator
2-Position Multi-Function Operators Multi-Function Operators


Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Knob Non-Illuminated Knob Lever Selector

Selector Switch Operators Switch Operators

Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Illuminated and Non-Illuminated

Twist-to-Release Operators Push-Pull Mushroom Operators
30 mm, 40 mm, and 60 mm 30 mm, 40 mm, and 60 mm

Operator A
30 mm 30.0
40 mm 40.0
60 mm 60.0

Key Selector Switch and Key Ejected Mushroom Key Release Operator 40 mm
SensEject Operators

34 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.
Back-of-Panel Components Back-of-Panel Components
Incandescent Module with Latch LED Module with Latch

Back-of-Panel Components Back-of-Panel Components

Contact Cartridges with Latch Dual Circuit Contact Block or
Self Monitoring Contact Block
(Max. of 1 Deep)

Customer Supplied Resistive Element

Potentiometer with Resistive Element
46 23.1 a b Max. Min.
a 6.4 5.9 5.7
( Dia.) (0.252) (0.232) (0.224)
b 24 32 14
(Length) (0.945) (1.26) (0.551)
Dimensions in millimeters (inches).
30 x 50 mm Snap-In Legend Plate

30 x 40 mm Snap-In Legend Plate

Plate 27.1 mm x 16.4 mm

Plate 27.1 mm x 6.4 mm

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 35

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.
60 mm Round Legend 15Y 60 mm Round Legend 15YS 30 x 60 mm
Snap-In Legend Plate

90 mm Round Legend Potentiometer Legend Plate

(Series A)

Plate 27.1 mm x 16.4 mm


Special Multi-Function
Snap-In Legend Plate

Trim Washer

Anti-Rotation Washer

30 x 40 mm One-Piece Legend Plate 30 x 50 mm One-Piece Legend Plate 30 mm to 22.5 mm Hole Adapter

30 x 66 mm One-Piece Legend Plate Base Mount Adapter

Hole Plug
1.3 3.12




Note: Panel thickness range is 1.06.0 mm maximum.

Panel thickness reduced to 4 mm (standard anti-rotation washer) or 5 mm (thin anti-rotation washer) when optional legend plates are

36 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.
Locking Cover Maintained Mushroom Locking Momentary Mushroom Locking
Attachment Attachment


54.2 42.7
54.2 20.2


Extended Non-Illuminated Locking Flush Non-Illuminated Locking Selector Switch Locking Cover
Attachment Attachment (Same for all Lock Positions)

43 33.5


54.2 22.4 69.4

54.2 19.5

38 5

Narrow Guard Protective Ring



Plastic Guard
44.4 3.3



Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 37

800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons IEC Push Button Specifications

Dimensions in millimeters. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.
Plastic Enclosures Pendant Stations


No. of Mounting Holes Note: Cable opening = 21.2 mm diameter

Cat. No. Holes A B C D W L
Instruction Sheet
85 89 58 58 59
1 +0,2
800F- mm EN OPTION
85 89 74 58 65 +0,4
1YD 24,1 0
800F-2P 2 124 79 58 31 48 102.5 22,3 0

800F-3P 3 155 79 58 31 48 133

800F-4P 4 186 79 58 31 48 164.5 A , 40 60
800F-6P 6 248 87 64 31 55 224
Mounting screw pan head with diameter 7 mm.
 P = PG conduit holes or M = Metric conduit holes
B +

Metal Enclosures GE



60, 90

40 50 40 50 40 / 60 50 / 60 70 50
60 / 90
30 48 40 / 60 30 50

1- 4,8 mm 1- 2,8 mm
D "Clic" 5 "Clic"
4 3 4

1,7 Nm
5 "Clic" 15 lb-in
"Clic" 1 1 PLSTICO
1- 6 mm 1- 4 mm METAL
A B 40 lb-in MTAL
7 mm
0,75 - 1,5 mm2 1
Mounting (#18 - #14 AWG)
Holes 1
Cat. No. No. of Holes A D L
800F-1M 1 99 62
0,6 mm 3,5 mm
800F-2M 2 137 37.5 100 8 mm
800F-3M 3 174 37.5 137 0,75 - 2,5 mm2 M3,5
(#18 - #12 AWG)

800F-5M 5 249 37.5 212 0,7 - 0,9 Nm

6 - 8 lb-in
1,2 Nm
 P = PG conduit holes or M = Metric conduit holes 2 3 10 lb-in

38 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P

IEC Push Button Specifications 800F 22.5 mm Push Buttons

Assembled Station Pin Out Chart

Connector Style / A to B to C to D to E to F to G to
Cat. No. No. of Pins Location 1 Pin # Pin # Location 2 Pin # Pin # Location 3 Pin # Pin # Pin #
800F-1YMQ53V AC Micro / 5-pin BX01V 1 2 BX01V 4 5 3
800F-1YMQA AC Micro / 6-pin BX01 1 5 BX01 2 6 BX10 3 4
800F-NX1 BX01 1/4 2/3
800F-1YMQ1 BX01 1/4 2/3
800F-1YMQ2 DC Micro / 4-pin BX10V 2 4 BX01V 1 3
800F-1YMQ3 BX01V 1 3 BX01V 2 4
800F-1YMQ3VEG BX01V 1 3 BX01V 2 4
800F-1YMQ3V DC Micro / 5-pin BX01V 1 2 BX01V 4 5 3
800F-1YMQ41 BX01 2 4
Mini Receptacle / 4-pin
800F-1YMQ44 BX10 1 J BX01 2 4 BN3R 3 J J
800F-1YMQ4 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN3R 2 J J
800F-1YMQ5 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN5R 2 J J
800F-1YMQ6 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN7R 2 J J
Mini Receptacle / 6-pin
800F-1MYMQ4 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN3R 2 J J
800F-1MYMQ5 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN5R 2 J J
800F-1MYMQ6 BX10 1 J BX01 6 5 BN7R 2 J J
J = Jumper

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD008A-EN-P 39

Technical Data

Signaling Specifications
Bulletin Numbers 854J, 854K, 855B, 855BS/BM/BL, 855D, 855E, 855F, 855H, 855L, 855P, 855T, 855W, 855X

Topic Page
Summary of Changes 1
Bulletin 855P Panel Mount Signaling Alarms 2
Bulletin 855L Panel Light Bars 8
Bulletin 855H General-purpose Electronic Horns 10
Bulletin 855H High-performance Electronic Horns 12
Bulletin 855B Mini Square Beacons 18
Bulletin 855BS, 855BM, 855BL Industrial Round Beacons 20
Bulletin 855D 30 mm Compact Control Tower Stack Lights; Pre-Assembled and Pre-wired Tower Lights, One to Five Modules 26
Bulletin 855F 70 mm Compact Control Tower Stack Lights; Pre-Assembled and Pre-wired Tower Lights, One to Five Modules 30
Bulletin 854J 40 mm Control Tower Stack Lights 34
Bulletin 855E 50 mm Control Tower Stack Lights 41
Bulletin 854K 60 mm Control Tower Stack Lights 47
Bulletin 855T 70 mm Control Tower Stack Lights 54
Bulletin 855WWall Mount Signal Light 68
Bulletin 855X Hazardous Location Horns, Beacons, and Loudspeakers 71

Summary of Changes
This publication removes information about Bulletin 854K products with the multi-flash option.

Additional Resources
These documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.
Resource Description
855 Metal Horns Selection Guide, publication 855-SG002 Provides product selection for 855XM and 855HM metal horns.
Provides information on the complete portfolio of signaling solutions for optimized
Bulletin 855 Signaling Solutions Brochure, publication 855-BR001
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Product Certifications website,
Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

You can view or download publications at To order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or
Rockwell Automation sales representative.
Signaling Specifications

Bulletin 855D 30 mm Compact Control Tower Stack Lights; Pre-Assembled and Pre-wired Tower Lights,
One to Five Modules

Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Surface Mount
1025 cm Threaded Tube
Pole Mount for Direct Mount
1025 cm Conduit Mount Vertical Mount to Conduit
with Foot Threaded Tube using 855D-ACMK using 855D-ABVM
Vertical Mount to Cable
for Direct Mount
using 855D-ABVM

855D P00 SC20 B 24 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 L 7 P 1

a b c d e f g f g f g f g f g
(Level 1, f+g) (Level 2, f+g) (Level 3, f+g) (Level 4, f+g) (Level 5, f+g)

a b c
Base Type Network Option Cable Connector and Length (1)
Code Description Code Description Code Description
P00 Surface mount Blank No network option SC20 Stranded cable, 2 m, yellow jacket
P10 10 cm aluminum pole mount with foot Blank No cable (only for Q10 or Q25 base types)
P25 25 cm aluminum pole mount with foot
T00 0 cm M20 metric threaded tube for direct mount
T10 10 cm M20 metric threaded tube for direct mount
T25 25 cm M20 metric threaded tube for direct mount
Q10 10 cm quick release mount pole
Q25 25 cm quick release mount pole
(1) The SC20 cable must be ordered for all bases, except the Q10 and Q25 bases.

d e f g
Housing Color Voltage Module Type (1) (2) Lens Color/Sound
Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description
B Black 24 24V AC/DC Y Steady LED 1 Sound module
G Gray 10 120V AC L Flashing LED 3 Green
20 240V AC C Piezo sound alarm, continuous tone 4 Red
P Piezo sound alarm, pulsing tone 5 Amber
Q Dual-circuit Piezo sound alarm (3) 6 Blue
7 Clear
8 Yellow
(1) Sound module types (C, P, Q) must be on the top-most level, they must be configured with Lens Color/Sound Code 1, and only one sound module is allowed per assembly.
(2) Light module types (Y, L) can only be configured with Lens Color/Sound Codes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
(3) If the dual circuit sound module (Q) is selected, the maximum number of light modules that are allowed is three (two circuits are required for the dual circuit sound module).

26 Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016

Signaling Specifications


Table 25 - Mechanical
Attribute Value
Based on the weight and style of mounting; tower lights are subject to damage from shock and
Standard Bases vibration. Listed below are reference guidelines for maximum acceptable conditions.
Shock [G] Vibration [G]
1 Module Stack 150 2.5
Surface Mount Base or 10/25 cm Aluminum Pole
3 Module Stack 45 2.5
5 Module Stack 35 2.0

Table 26 - Environmental
Attribute Value
Light Modules IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Ingress Ratings Sound Modules IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Surface, Pole, Vertical,Tube Mount Bases IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Operating -25+50 C (-13+122 F)
Temperature Ranges
Storage -25+85 C (-13+185 F)

Table 27 - Materials
Attribute Value
Bases, Caps, Lens Covers, Sound Module Housings Polycarbonate
Rubber Seals and Gaskets Nitrile rubber
Pole (for aluminum pole assembly) Aluminum
Pole Base Footing (for aluminum pole base) Polycarbonate
Insulation Sleeve (for pole insulation) PVC
Mounting Screw Washers Polyamide

Table 28 - Estimated Light Output(1) [mcd]

Attribute Value
Steady, Flashing, Red 1000
Steady, Flashing, Amber 800
Steady, Flashing, Green 1500
Steady, Flashing, Yellow 700
Steady, Flashing, Blue 250
Steady, Flashing, White 1000
(1) Light Output values are calculated from the LED data sheet and show typical values of luminous density. These values are not exact because the knurling in the lens affects the light distribution and because the viewing angle of
the LED that directly relates to the Cd output value, is not identical for all LEDs.

Table 29 - Operating Voltage

24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
110V AC, 50 Hz (10%) 230V AC, 50 (10%)
Light modules and sound modules 24V AC/DC (10%) 120V AC, 60 Hz (10%) 240V AC, 60 (10%)

Table 30 - Lamp Life Ratings (Design Life) Average Life Under Static, No Vibration, Conditions
24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
LED modules 100,000 hr
Sound modules 20,000 hr

Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016 27

Signaling Specifications

Table 31 - Current Consumption [mA]

24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
Light modules Steady or flashing LED 20 22 21
Piezo-style sound modules Single- and dual-circuit 40 22 21

Table 32 - Flashing Frequency (Light Only Modules)

Attribute Value
Flashing LED Modules Flashing frequency approximately 2 Hz

Table 33 - Decibel Rating (Sound Modules) (1)

Attribute Value
Piezo Sound Module 85 dB(A) (+2 dB/-5 dB)
(1) All dB(A) ratings determined at a distance of 1 meter from sound module.

Table 34 - Leakage Current Impact

All light and sound modules can absorb up to 3 mA of leakage current from solid-state outputs without module activation.

Standards Compliance Certifications

UL 508 cULus Listed (File No. E14840, Guides NKCR, NKCR7)
CSA C22.2 No. 14
EN/IEC 60947-1
EN/IEC 60947-5-1

28 Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016

Signaling Specifications

Approximate Dimensions
Dimensions in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.

30 244
30 (1.2) 237
(1.2) 192 199 (9.6)
(7.8) (9.3)

55 63 154
(2.5) 146
(2.2) (5.7) (6.1)

100 108
(3.9) (4.3)

130 130 130 130 130

152 (5.1) (5.1) (5.1) 130
(5.1) (5.1) (5.1)

100 - 250 100 - 250 100 - 250

26 100 - 250 (3.9 - 9.8)
(1.0) (3.9 - 9.8) (3.9 - 9.8)
100 - 250 (3.9 - 9.8)
(3.9 - 9.8)
26 16 24
(1.0) (0.6) (0.9)

20 - 22 30 70
5 (0.2) (2.8)
(0.8 - 0.9) (1.2)
44 5 (0.2) (1.4)
(1.7) 20 - 22
(0.8 - 0.9)

10-25 cm Vertical Mount 1/2 inch NPT Vertical Mount to

Surface 44 Threaded Tube
Threaded Tube to Cable using Conduit Mount 1/2 inch NPT Conduit
Mount (1.7) for
for 855D-ABVM using using 855D-ABVM
Direct Mount
10-25 cm Direct Mount 855D-ACMK
Pole Mount
with Foot

Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016 29

Signaling Specifications

Bulletin 855F 70 mm Compact Control Tower Stack Lights; Pre-Assembled and Pre-wired Tower Lights,
One to Five Modules

Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Surface Mount (SB) Vertical Mount (VM)

1/2 inch NPT

Conduit Mount
Direct Mount using T10 or T25
(T10 & T25) with 855F-ACMK Vertical Mount Vertical Mount to
to Cable using 1/2 inch NPT Conduit
Pole Mount T10 or T25 using T10 or T25 Quick-Release Base
(P10 & P25) with 855F-ABVM with 855F-ABVM

855F P10 SC20 B 24 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 L 7 P 1

a b c d e f e f e f e f e f
(Level 1, e+f) (Level 2, e+f) (Level 3, e+f) (Level 4, e+f) (Level 5, e+f)

a b c
Base Type Cable Connector and Length (1) Housing Color
Code Description Code Description Code Description
Surface mount
SB SC20 Stranded cable, 2 m, yellow jacket B Black
with 1/2 in. NPT threaded connector and mounting nut
P10 10 cm aluminum pole mount with foot Blank No cable (only for Q10 or Q25 base types)
P25 25 cm aluminum pole mount with foot
T10 10 cm threaded tube for direct mount
T25 25 cm threaded tube for direct mount
VM Vertical mount
Q10 10 cm quick release mount pole
Q25 25 cm quick release mount pole
(1) The SC20 cable must be ordered for all bases, except the Q10 and Q25 bases.

d e f
Voltage Module Type (1) (2) Lens Color/Sound
Code Description Code Description Code Description
24 24V AC/DC Y Steady LED 1 Sound module
10 120V AC L Flashing LED 3 Green
20 240V AC C Piezo sound alarm, continuous tone 4 Red
P Piezo sound alarm, pulsing tone 5 Amber
Q Dual-circuit Piezo sound alarm (3) 6 Blue
7 Clear
8 Yellow
(1) Sound module types (C, P, Q) must be on the top-most level, they must be configured with Lens Color/Sound Code 1, and only one sound module is allowed per assembly.
(2) Light module types (Y, L) can only be configured with Lens Color/Sound Codes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
(3) If the dual circuit sound module (Q) is selected, the maximum number of light modules that are allowed is three (two circuits are required for the dual circuit sound module).

30 Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016

Signaling Specifications


Table 35 - Mechanical
Attribute Value
Based on the weight and style of mounting; tower lights are subject to damage from shock and
Standard Bases vibration. Listed below are reference guidelines for maximum acceptable conditions.
Shock [G] Vibration [G]
1 Module Stack 150 2.5
Surface Mount Base or 10/25 cm Aluminum Pole
3 Module Stack 45 2.5
5 Module Stack 35 2.0

Table 36 - Environmental
Attribute Value
Light Modules IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Ingress Ratings Sound Modules IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Surface, Pole, Vertical, Tube Mount Bases IP65/UL Type 4/4X/13
Operating -25+60 C (-13+140 F)
Temperature Ranges
Storage -25+85 C (-13+185 F)

Table 37 - Materials
Attribute Value
Bases, Caps, Lens Covers, Sound Module Housings Polycarbonate
Rubber Seals and Gaskets Nitrile rubber
Pole (for aluminum pole assembly) Aluminum
Pole Base Footing (for aluminum pole base) Polycarbonate
Insulation Sleeve (for pole insulation) PVC
Mounting Screw Washers Polyamide

Table 38 - Estimated Light Output (1)[mcd]

Attribute Value
Steady, Flashing, Red 1000
Steady, Flashing, Amber 800
Steady, Flashing, Green 1500
Steady, Flashing, Yellow 700
Steady, Flashing, Blue 250
Steady, Flashing, White 1000
(1) Light Output values are calculated from the LED data sheet and show typical values of luminous density. These values are not exact because the knurling in the lens affects the light distribution and because the viewing angle of
the LED that directly relates to the Cd output value, is not identical for all LEDs.

Table 39 - Operating Voltage

24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
110V AC, 50 Hz (10%) 230V AC, 50 (10%)
Light modules and sound modules 24V AC/DC (10%)
120V AC, 60 Hz (10%) 240V AC, 60 (10%)

Table 40 - Lamp Life Ratings (Design Life) Average Life Under Static, No Vibration, Conditions
24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
LED modules 100,000 hr
Sound modules 20,000 hr

Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016 31

Signaling Specifications

Table 41 - Current Consumption [mA]

24V AC/DC 120V AC 240V AC
Light modules Steady or flashing LED 20 22 21
Piezo-style sound modules Single- and dual-circuit 53 22 21

Table 42 - Flashing Frequency (Light Only Modules)

Attribute Value
Flashing LED Modules Flashing frequency approximately 2 Hz

Table 43 - Decibel Rating (Sound Modules) (1)

Attribute Value
Piezo Sound Module 100 dB(A) (+2 dB/-5 dB)
(1) All dB(A) ratings determined at a distance of 1 meter from sound module.

Table 44 - Leakage Current Impact

All light and sound modules can absorb up to 3 mA of leakage current from solid-state outputs without module activation.

Standards Compliance Certifications

UL 508 cULus Listed (File No. E14840, Guides NKCR, NKCR7)
CSA C22.2 No. 14 CE Marked
EN/IEC 60947-1
EN/IEC 60947-5-1

32 Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016

Signaling Specifications

Approximate Dimensions
Dimensions in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.

Assembled Stacks

152 148

106 102

60 64

64 100-250
64 109
20 54
5 21
45 71
Surface Mount (SB) Vertical Mount (VM) Pole Mount (P10 and P25) Direct Mount (T10 and T25)

Level 5

Level 4

243 Level 3

197 Level 2

Level 1



70 5.5

1/2 inch NPT Conduit Mount using Vertical Mount to Cable using T10 or Vertical Mount to 1/2 inch NPT Conduit Quick-Release Base
T10 or T25 with 855F-ACMK T25 with 855F-ABVM using T10 or T25 with 855F-ABV

Rockwell Automation Publication 855-TD001B-EN-P - February 2016 33

SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack
Unique Coding 440N-Z21US2*
Installation Instructions
Original instructions in English

Operating Characteristics
Sensing Distance
ENGLISH: This instruction sheet is available in multiple languages at Select
publication language and type "SensaGuard" in the search field. Assured Make 15 mm
GERMAN: Dieses Instruktionsblatt kann in mehreren Sprachen unter gelesen
werden. Bitte Ihre Sprache anwhlen und "SensaGuard" im Suchfeld eintippen. Assured OFF 35 mm
FRENCH: Ces instructions sont disponibles dans diffrentes langues l'adresse suivante
literature. Slectionner la langue puis taper SensaGuard dans le champ de recherche. Typical Misalignment (7 mm in both axes)
ITALIAN: La presente scheda d'istruzione disponibile in varie lingue sul sito
Selezionare la lingua desiderata e digitare "SensaGuard" nel campo di ricerca. Repeat Accuracy 10% of sensing range
SPANISH: Puede encontrar esta hoja de instrucciones en varios idiomas en
Seleccione el idioma de publicacin y escriba "SensaGuard" en el campo de bsqueda. Max. output current (all
200 mA
PORTUGUESE: Esta folha de instrues est disponvel em vrias lnguas em
Seleccione a lngua de publicao e entre com "SensaGuard" no espao de busca.

POLISH: Ta kartka z instrukcjami jest dostepna w wielu jezykach na stronie:

Input Current 50 mA (no load supply current)
Wybierz jezyk publikacji i wpisz w polu poszukiwania "SensaGuard".
Operational Current, Min. 1 mA DC
Installation Instructions Off-state Current <0.5 mA DC
Installation must be in accordance with the following steps and
stated specifications and should be carried out by suitable Max. no. of switches,
competent personnel. The unit is not to be used as a mechanical Unlimited. See Unit Response Time section on page 5.
stop. Guard stops and guides must be fitted. Adherence to the connected in series
recommended maintenance instructions forms part of the
warranty. Operating Voltage 24V DC +10%/-15%; Class 2 SELV power supply
This device is intended to be part of the safety related control Frequency of operating
system of a machine. Before installation, a risk assessment should 1 Hz
be performed to determine whether the specifications of this
device are suitable for all foreseeable operational and Response Time (Off) 54 ms first switch; 18 ms for each additional switch
environmental characteristics of the machine to which it is to be
fitted. Refer to Technical Specifications below for certification Case Material Valox DR 48
information and ratings.
Actuator Material Valox DR 48
ATTENTION The presence of spare actuators compromise the
integrity of the safety systems. Personal injury or
death, property damage or economic loss can Outputs (guard door closed, actuator in place)
result. Appropriate management controls, working
procedures and alternative protective measures Outputs Description Status
should be introduced to control their use and
availability. Safety 2 x PNP, 0.2 A max. ON (+24V DC)

Auxiliary 1 x PNP, 0.2 A max. OFF (0V DC)

WARNING Do not defeat, tamper, remove or bypass this unit.
Severe injury to personnel could result. The sensor
MUST be connected to a Class 2 SELV 24V DC,
+10%/-15% power supply. Short-circuit Incorporated

Current Limitation Incorporated

Technical Specifications
Overload Incorporated
Type 4 Interlocking Device per ISO 14119 (High Coding)
Safety Classification PLe, Cat 4 per ISO 13849-1 False Pulse Incorporated
SIL CL3 per IEC 62061 and IEC 61508
Transient Noise Incorporated
Standards CSA 22.2 No. 14, ISO 13849-1, ISO 14119, IEC 60947-5-3,
Reverse Polarity Incorporated
IEC 61508, IEC 62061, and UL508
Certifications TV, CE Marked for all applicable directives, cULus Overvoltage Incorporated

Thermal Shutdown/Restart Incorporated

Functional Safety Data PFHD: 1.12 - 10-9
Electrical Life 10 x 106

Rockwell Automation 440N-IN015A-EN-PFebruary 2015

2 SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack Unique Coding

Environmental Nut Torque Specification

Switch/Actuators: 2.26 Nm (20 inlb)
Operating Temperature [C (F)] -10+55 (14131)
Minimum Distance Between Sensors
Operating Humidity 595% relative

Washdown Rating NEMA 3, 4X, 12, 13, IP69k

IEC 68-2-27 30 g, 11 ms/IEC 68-2-6

Shock & Vibration
1055 Hz 200.00 mm
IEC 61000-4-3
Radio Frequency
IEC 61000-4-6

Dimensions [mm (in.)]

24.99 20.65 18.54 24.99 20.65 4.57
(0.984) (0.813) (0.73) (0.984) (0.813) (0.18)

88.14 68.31 77.98 88.14 57.96 82.55

(3.47) (2.689) (3.07) (3.47) (2.282) (3.25)
72.9 62.53
(2.87) (2.462)

10.66 4.57 4.57

(0.42) 5.08 (0.18) 5.08 (0.18)
(0.2) (0.2)
(0.267) 4.57
4.57 (0.18)

9.96 QD

M12 x 1

Mode of Operation Misalignment Curve

Sensor Actuator
Status indicators:
Status/Diag LED illuminates green: Door/guard closed, LOBES

safety outputs active.

Misalignment (mm)

Status/Diag LED illuminates red: Door/guard open, ASSURED

safety outputs off. SENSING
Status/Diag LED flashes red: Unit failure. See Diagnostic
section on page 3.
Status/Diag LED flashes green: Safety inputs off.
Status/Diag LED flashes amber: Sensor is approaching
maximum sensing distance (-N and -N9 models only). LOBES






Assured Make: 15 mm

Mounting Information Sensing Distance* (mm)

Assured OFF: 35 mm

To mount the switch and actuator, use nonremoveable means,

e.g., epoxy, one-way screws, riveting, and welding unless the * When the actuator approaches the sensor in the x-direction or
switch and actuator are installed to be hidden or shielded. See ISO from above (z direction) and is misaligned in the y-direction.
14119 for further information.
Do not over torque the mounting hardware.
Position the switch and actuator so they are aligned with each
Typically the actuator is mounted to the moveable/removeable
guard, door, or gate. Keep the switch and actuator within the
sensing range below.
Rockwell Automation 440N-IN015A-EN-PFebruary 2015
SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack Unique Coding 3

Actuator Recommended mating cable, 2 m (6.5 ft)889D-F8AB-2.

Replace the 2 with 5 (5 m) or 10 (10 m) for standard cable lengths.

2 1
3 8 7 Blue
4 6
Red 5
x y Pink
Actuator Grey
5-Pin Unit
Allow a minimum spacing of 9 mm (0.35 in.) if the
actuator and sensor faces approach laterally (from Pin Number Signal
the y-direction). This will prevent false triggering
due to the side lobe areas. 1 +24V
To ensure proper functioning of margin indication 2 OSSD 1
(non-safety), z-direction approach is not
recommended for -N and -N9 models. 3 0V
Sensor Actuator 4 OSSD 2
50 50

5 Aux.
30 30
Misalignment (mm)

20 Recommended cordset, 2m (6.5 ft) - 889D-F5AC-2. Replace the
SENSING 10 2 with 5 (5 m) or 10 (10 m) for standard cable lengths.
0 0 Note: If the user does not require the Auxiliary signal, a 4-pin
10 10 cordset (889D-F4AC-2) can be used.
20 Recommended patchcord for use with ArmorBlock Guard
30 30 Safety I/O, 2 m (6.5 ft) - 889D-F4ACDM-2. Replace the 2 with
40 40
0M3 (0.3 m), 1 (1 m), 5 (5 m), or 10 (10 m) for standard cable
50 50
Assured Make: 15 mm Note: Do not use a 5-pin patchcord with the ArmorBlock.






Assured OFF: 35 mm
Sensing Distance** (mm)

z 3 5 1

Unit Indicators (per IEC 60073)
Sensor Actuator
State Status Troubleshooting
Wiring Diagram
8-Pin Unit Off Not Powered NA

Red Not Safe, OSSD not active NA

Pin Number Wire Color Signal

1 White Aux. Outputs Device Green Safe, OSSD active NA

2 Brown +24V LED Power up test or OSSD Check 24V DC or OSSD inputs
Green Flash
inputs not valid (yellow and red wire)
3 Green NA

4 Yellow OSSD 2, +24V Input Recoverable fault check

1 Hz Flash Recoverable Fault
OSSD outputs are not
Red Flash 4 Hz Flash Non-recoverable
5 Grey OSSD 1 shorted to GND, 24V DC or
each other. Cycle power.
6 Pink OSSD 2

7 Blue 0V Amber Flash Sensor is reaching

(-N and -N9 1 Hz Flash margin indicator maximum sensing distance;
8 Red OSSD 1, +24V Input models Safe, OSSD active re-align sensor with
only) actuator

Refer to Technical Specifications (page 1) for

certification information and ratings.
Rockwell Automation 440N-IN015A-EN-PFebruary 2015
4 SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack Unique Coding

Commissioning During the Program Locking Stage, perform the following steps:
Power the Sensor a. Remove the actuator from the sensing field, until the
Connect the sensor to 24V DC. See "Typical Wiring Diagram" "Status/Diag" LED changes to solid red.
section for help. b. Replace the actuator back into the sensing field and the
"Status/Diag" LED will continue blinking green (number of
The sensor "Status/Diag" LED will begin to blink learns remaining).
IMPORTANT Green eight times then repeat, indicating that the
sensor has not yet learned an actuator.
5. Ready state: "Status/Diag" LED solid green
The sensor can be commissioned to either have the ability to
learn another actuator or be locked for a one time learn only. See 6. Learn is complete
Teaching in the Actuator section.
Learning a new actuator:
Teaching in the actuator (ability to learn an additional
To learn a replacement actuator, bring the actuator to be taught
actuator) into the sensing range of the safety switch.
Quick Start The learn sequence is the same as the sequence for
commissioning the first actuator.
1. Power up the sensor and bring an actuator into the sensing
A sensor can be locked so it can not learn another
2. Leave the actuator in the sensing field for two minutes or IMPORTANT actuator. See Teaching in the actuator (one time
longer. learn only; unit locked) section above.
3. Learn is complete.
A sensor can not re-learn a previously learned actuator or a
standard SensaGuard actuator.
The sensor can learn a new actuator up to eight The sensor will only recognize the most recently learned actuator.
IMPORTANT times. The "Status/Diag" LED will blink the number
of actuators left that a sensor can learn. Unique Coded Diagnostic:
Initially teaching in the actuator Error codes for learning process. Repeat until the unit is power
The sensor will automatically start the learning process as soon as
an actuator is brought into the sensing range. Status/Diag LEDFlashes (4 Hz) Error Code

The actuator must not be removed from the Green OSSD inputs not valid
IMPORTANT sensing field during the learning procedure or the
ability to learn additional actuators will be Can not learn a standard SensaGuard
disabled. Red-Red-Red-Green
Learning Sequence Red-Red-Red-Green-Green Actuator already learned
1. Target present: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green 1 Hz rate
Red-Red-Red-Green-Green-Green Bad RFID; Target moved out of range
2. Verifying actuator: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green/RED 1 Hz rate (15sec)
Red-Red-Red-Green-Green-Green-Green Exceeded learning 8 actuators
3. Program sensor: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green/RED 4 Hz rate (15sec)
Red-Red-Red-Green-Green-Green-Green- Unit locked: Can not learn another
4. Program complete: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green (# of learns left) (15 sec) Green actuator

5. Ready state: "Status/Diag" LED solid Green

6. Learn is complete

A sensor can be locked so it can not learn another

IMPORTANT actuator; see teaching in the actuator (one time
learn only) section.
Teaching in the Actuator (one time learn only; unit
Initially teaching in the actuator
The sensor will automatically start the learning process as soon as
an actuator is brought into the sensing range.
Learning Sequence

1. Target present: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green 1 Hz rate

2. Verifying actuator: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green/RED 1 Hz rate (15 sec)

3. Program Sensor: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green/RED 4 Hz rate (15 sec)

4. Program Locking: "Status/Diag" LED blinking Green (# of learn left) (15 sec)

Rockwell Automation 440N-IN015A-EN-PFebruary 2015

SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack Unique Coding 5

Series Circuit
Actuator 1 Actuator 2 Actuator 3 Actuator 4 Actuator 5

Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5

Blu Blu Blu Blu Blu






























+24 V +24 V +0 V +0 V +0 V
+24 V +24 V +0 V +0 V +0 V

Actuator 1 is in sensing range. Actuator 2 is in sensing range. Actuator 4 is in sensing range. Actuator 5 is in sensing range. OSSDs are OFF
Actuator 3 is in sensing range.
Recoverable fault Switch Switch Switch Switch
Switch 4 is functioning properly
. 5 is functioning properl y .
1 is functioning properly 2 is functioning properly 3 has fault.
OSSDs are energize to 24 V OSSDs are energize to 24 V Series inputs are 0 V . Series inputs are 0 V .
See TableAboveRed LED is flashing OSSDs are de-energized to 0V . OSSDs are de-energized to 0V.
Green LED is ON. Green LED is ON.
Green LED is Flashing to indicate Green LED is Flashing to indicate
Series inputs are not 24V. Series inputs are not 24V.

IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Specifications (page 1) for certification information and ratings.

Unit Response Time (does not include safety control system response time)
24V DC
Power +24
Supply A1 S 11 S52 S12 13 23 33 41
Pink Red Pink

Gray Yel Gray
White White White MSR127TP
Actuator 1

Actuator 2

Actuator 3
Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Red Pink Sensor 3 Red

Yel Gray Yel

S21 S22 S34 A2 14 24 34 42


Initial Conditions: Actuator 1 is moved out of Sensor 2 drops the 24 volts Sensor 3 drops the 24 volts
OFF All actuators are in sensing sensing range. (red and yellow) from Sensor 1 (red and yellow) from Sensor 2
distance. OSSD outputs. OSSD outputs.
Green LED flashes Green LED flashes
0 ms 54 ms 72 ms 90 ms
Actuator 1 is out of sensing Actuator 1 is moved into sensing Sensor 2 OSSD inputs (red and yellow) Sensor 3 OSSD inputs (red and
ON range. range. transition to 24V DC from Sensor 1 yellow) transition to 24V DC from
Actuator 2 and 3 are in Sensor 1 OSSD outputs are OSSD outputs. Sensor 2 OSSD outputs.
sensing range. energized. Sensor 2 OSSD outputs are energized Sensor 3 OSSD outputs are
0 ms 360 ms 378 ms 396 ms

IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Specifications (page 1) for certification information and ratings.

Rockwell Automation 440N-IN015A-EN-PFebruary 2015

8 SensaGuard Rectangular Flat Pack Unique Coding

List of Recommended Maintenance

Safety Control Interfaces Monthly
GSR DI, GSR DIS, GSR SI, CR30, MSR126, MSR127, MSR131,
MSR138, MSR211, MSR221, MSR121, MSR320, SmartGuard, Check the correct operation of the switching circuit. Also check
1791DS/ES CompactBlock Guard Safety I/O, 1732DS/ES for signs of abuse or tampering. Inspect the switch casing for
ArmorBlock Guard Safety I/O. Relay must have OSSD (light damage.
curtain) inputs.

Check the machine is isolated Repair

and stopped whenever the If there is any malfunction or damage, no attempts at repair
interlocked guard door is should be made. The unit should be replaced before machine
open. operation is allowed.
IMPORTANT: After installation
and commissioning, the Declaration of Conformity
actuator, switch and switch lid This is to declare that the products shown in this document
fixing screws should be coated conform with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements
with tamper evident varnish or (EHSRs) of the European Machinery Directive. These products also
similar compound. conform to EN60947-5-3, EN ISO 14119, and have third-party
For a comprehensive certificate please visit:

Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at
Allen-Bradley and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

Publication 440N-IN015A-EN-PPN-24371710000979531 Ver 00February 2015

Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Technical Data

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Bulletin 800K, 800L, 800P, 800T, 800Z

Topic Page
Summary of Changes 2
Bulletin 800P Palm-Operated Push Buttons 3
Bulletin 800Z Zero-Force Touch Buttons 6
Bulletin 800T 18 mm Small Pilot Light Type 4/13, Class I, Division 2 13
Bulletin 800K Piezo Operators 15
Bulletin 800L 12, 18, 22, and 30 mm Indicators 18
Specialty Push Button Specifications

Bulletin 800Z Zero-Force Touch Buttons

General Purpose Momentary Touch Buttons

General Purpose General Purpose

Cat. No. 800Z-GF2Q5 Cat. No. 800Z-GL3Q5 with Guard
(Cat. No. 800Z-G3AG2)

800Z G L 3 065
a b c

a b c
Input Voltage and Output Type Mounting Hole Size Electrical Connection
Code Description Code Description Code Description
Relay Output 2 22.5 mm Sourcing Output
Input: 1040V DC and 3 30.5 mm Q4 4-pin QD
L 2030V AC 064 6 ft (1.8 m) cabled
Output: relay 244 24 ft (7.2 m) cabled
Input: 100240V AC Relay Output
F Output: relay Q5 5-pin QD
Transistor Output 065 6 ft (1.8 m) cabled
1030V DC 245 24 ft (7.2 m) cabled
P PNP (sourcing) output
Safety relays must be used with two relay output type Zero-Force Touch Buttons in 2-hand control applications. Order separately, safety relay 440R-D23171 for 24V, 440R-D23169 for 120V, 440R-D23168 for 240V.
22.5 mm touch buttons use micro connector, 30.5 mm touch buttons use mini connector.
These devices are transistor outputs.
These devices have separate N.O. and N.C. output relays with a shared common.

6 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Heavy Industrial Momentary Touch Buttons

Heavy Industrial Heavy Industrial

Cat. No. 800Z-HF1 Cat. No. 800Z-HL1 with Guard
(Cat. No. 800Z-HAG1)

800Z H L 1
a b

a b
Voltage Mounting Type
Code Description Code Description
Input: 1040V DC and 1 Flush mounting
L 2030V AC
Output: relay

Input: 100240V AC
F Output: relay
Safety relays must be used with two relay output type Zero-Force Touch Buttons in 2-hand control applications. Order separately, safety relay 440R-D23171 for 24V, 440R-D23169 for 120V, 440R-D23168 for 240V.
Heavy industrial devices have an 8-position terminal block connection. Consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for details.

Quick Disconnect Cables


889 D F 4A C-2
a b c d

a b c d
Mounting Hole Size QD Type Pin Style Cable Length/Type
Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description
D 22.5 mm (micro) F Straight QD cable 4A 4-pin Micro
N 30.5 mm (mini) R Right angle QD cable 5A 5-pin C-2 6.6 ft (2 m)
C-5 16.4 ft (5 m)
C-10 32.8 ft (10 m)
E-6F 6 ft (1.8 m)
E-12F 12 ft (3.7 m)
E-20F 20 ft (6.1 m)
No right angle QD cable (micro) for 5-pin (catalog number 889D-R5A_).

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016 7

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Electrical Ratings

Attribute General Purpose (800Z-G) Heavy Industrial (800Z-H)

Low Voltage: 1040V DC, 2030V AC
Input Voltage (Relay Type) Full Voltage (800Z-GF): 100240V AC (+10%, -15%)
Input Voltage (Solid-state Type) Low Voltage (800Z-GN/GP): 1030V DC
Relay output 200,000 operations @ 2 A inductive, Relay output 150,000 operations @ 5 A inductive,
Electrical Design Life (Relay Type) 4 A resistive 2.5 A resistive
Degree of Protection IP2X
Wire Range #2212 AWG (0.54 mm)
Tightening Torque 9 lbin (1 Nm)
Off 60 ms max.
On-delay/Off-delay On 76 ms max.
Current Draw (Solid-state Type) 100 mA at 24V DC = 2.23 W (no external load)

Mechanical Ratings

Attribute General Purpose (800Z-G) Heavy Industrial (800Z-H)

Vibration Endurance Tested @ 10 G, 1.52 mm displacement
Mechanical Shock Tested @ 100 G (mechanical durability)
Type 4/4X/13 Type 4/13
Degree of Protection IP66 IP66
1200 psi washdown
Operating Force Zero


Attribute General Purpose (800Z-G) Heavy Industrial (800Z-H)

Operating -25...+55 C (-13+131 F)
Temperature Range
Storage -40...+85 C (-40+185 F)
Humidity 95% RH from 25...50 C (77122 F) (full operation)


Attribute General Purpose (800Z-G) Heavy Industrial (800Z-H)

Housing/Guard Valox 357
Gasket BUNA-N 1/16 in. Cork-BUNA-N
Insulator material (micro connector) = nylon
Connector Insulator material (mini connector) = PVC

Standards and Certifications

Attribute General Purpose (800Z-G) Heavy Industrial (800Z-H)

Standards Compliance UL 508, CSA 22.2 No. 14, EN/IEC 60947-5-1, EN50081-2, EN61000-6-2, EN60954-1, EN60204-1
Certifications cULus, CE, C-Tick, CSA

8 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Load Life Curves

General Purpose
Relay Output - Maximum DC Load
breaking capacity Relay Output - Electrical endurance

250V AC
resistive load
DC Voltage (V DC)

resistive load

Switching Current (A)

DC Current (A)

Heavy Industrial
Relay Output - Maximum load
Relay Output - Electrical endurance
breaking capacity
Service life (x10 operations)
Rated Operating Current (A)

AC resistive load
250V AC resistive load
30V DC resistive load
inductive load
DC inductive load (pf=0.4)
L/R=7 ms DC
resistive 250V AC inductive
load load (pf=0.4)
30V DC
inductive load L/R=7 ms

Rated Operating Current (A)

Rated Operating Voltage (V)

Applications Detail

Status Indicator Blink Rate Diagnostic Description

Device was touched during power-up.
** ** ** Power-up Device resumes 10 seconds after removal of hand.
Device detected an unacceptable level of noise (>20V/m).
*** *** *** Noise Detection Device resumes once noise subsides.
A conductive film is building up on the sensing surface.
**** **** **** Margin Detection Device resumes once cleared.

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016 9

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Wiring Diagrams Touch Button Terminations

General Purpose

Electrical Connections: Electrical Connections:

10...40V DC and 20...30V AC input voltage (relay 10...30V DC input voltage (transistor output); 150 mA
output); 100...240V AC input voltage (relay output) maximum per circuit output

5-Conductor Cabled (Relay Output) For 800Z-GL_ and 800Z-GF_ 4-Conductor Cabled


BLUE (-) L2 WHITE (N.C.) BLUE (-) L2 WHITE (N.C.)


(1 N.O.) (1 N.C.) (1 N.C.) (+) L1 (1 N.O.) (1 N.C.) (1 N.C.) (+) L1


(-) L2 GREY (+) L1 (-) L2 (1 N.O.) (-) L2 (+) L1 (-) L2 (1 N.O.)

Heavy Industrial

(-) L2
(+) L1

Terminal Block

10 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Approximate Dimensions
Dimensions in inches (millimeters). Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.

General Purpose

Without Guard

22 mm Version 1.38
Micro Quick (35.1)
2.75 Disconnect

1.61 1.61
(40.9) (40.9)

30 mm Version 1.38 22 mm Version (22.4)
Mini Quick (35.1)
Disconnect Cable


30 mm Version (22.4)


With Guard

Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016 11

Specialty Push Button Specifications

Heavy Industrial

Without Guard


With Guard

Cutout and Mounting Screw Locations for a Flush Mounted Cover

Cut out

4 Holes for
#6-32 Screw

12 Rockwell Automation Publication 800-TD010B-EN-P - May 2016

GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC
Safety Light Curtains
User Manual
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Introduction Potentially hazardous situation, which, if not

The GuardShield Safe 4 family of safety light curtains are general prevented, might lead to serious or deadly
purpose presence sensing devices, designed for use on hazardous injury.
machinery providing point of operation (POC), as well as, Failure to observe may result in dangerous
perimeter access (PAC) detection. operation.
It is a self-contained, two box, Type 4 ESPE (Electro Sensitive
Protective Equipment). ATTENTION The GuardShield Safe 4 must not be used
with machines that cannot be stopped
The GuardShield Safe 4 is offered in a number of configurations electrically in an emergency.
based on a standard Type 4 safety light curtain platform.
The safety distance between the GuardShield
In addition to the standard GuardShield Safe 4 POC and Safe4 Safe 4 and a dangerous machine movement
PAC, the GuardShield Safe 4 are offered in special configurations has to be maintained at all times.
described in the appendix at the back of these instructions. Additional mechanical protective devices have to be
installed in a way that hazardous machine elements cannot
These installation instructions are designed be reached without passing through the protective field.
to address the technical personnel of the The GuardShield Safe 4 has to be installed in a way that
machine manufacturer and or the installer of operators can only operate within the sensing area.
the safety system regarding the proper Improper installation can result in serious injury.
mounting, configuration, electrical
installation, commissioning, operation and Never connect the outputs to +24V DC. If the outputs are
maintenance of the GuardShield Safe 4 safety connected to +24V DC, they are in ON-state and cannot stop
light curtain. These installation instructions hazardous spots at the machine/application.
do not provide instruction for the operation Never expose the GuardShield Safe 4 to flammable or
of machinery to which the GuardShield Safe explosive gases.
4 safety light curtain is, or will be, integrated.
Only qualified personnel should install this Regular safety inspections are imperative (see maintenance).
equipment. Do not repair or modify the GuardShield Safe 4. The
GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain is not field repairable
and can only be repaired at the factory. Removal of either of
Safety Precautions the GuardShield Safe 4 endcaps will void the warranty terms
of this product.

Principles for Safe Use and Symbols Used

The following instructions are preventive warnings to ensure the Specialist Personnel
safe and proper operation of the GuardShield Safe 4 light curtains. The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain must be installed,
These instructions are an essential part of the safety precautions commissioned and serviced only by a qualified person. A qualified
and therefore have to be observed at any time. person is defined as a person who:
Throughout this manual we use the labels ATTENTION and Has undergone the appropriate technical training
IMPORTANT to alert you to the following:
ATTENTION Who has been instructed by the responsible machine
Failure to observe may result in dangerous operator in the operation of the machine and the currently
operation valid safety guidelines

ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices of Who has read and has ongoing access to these installation
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property instructions
damage, or economic loss.
ATTENTION helps you Range of Uses of the Device
Identify a hazard The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain is classified as electro-
Avoid a hazard sensitive protective equipment (ESPE). The physical resolution of
the POC is 14 mm (0.55 in.) or 30 mm (1.18 in.). The maximum
Recognize the consequences
protective field width of GuardShield Safe 4 POC is:
IMPORTANT: Identifies information that is especially important for 09 m (29.5 ft) for the 14 mm (0.55 in.) resolution,
successful application and understanding of the product.
018 m (59.1 ft) for the 30 mm (1.18 in.) resolution
530 m (16.498.4 ft) for the 30 mm (1.18 in.) resolution

Original instructions 3
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

The protective field height is between 120 mm (4.7 in.) and 1920 The tests must be carried out by specialist personnel or specially
mm (75.6 in.). qualified and authorized personnel and must be recorded and
The maximum protective field width of GuardShield Safe 4 PAC (2, documented to ensure that the tests can be reconstructed and
3, and 4 beam) is 530 m (16.498.4 ft). retraced at any time.

All standard GuardShield Safe 4 POC and PAC light curtains have The installation instructions must be made available to the user of
Integrated Laser Alignment. the machine where the GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain is
installed. The machine operator is to be instructed in the use of
The device is a Type 4 ESPE as defined by IEC 61496-1 and CLC/TS the device by specialist personnel and must be instructed to read
61496-2 and is therefore allowed for use with controls in safety the installation instructions.
category Type 4 in compliance with EN ISO 13849, SIL CL3 in
accordance with EN62061 or up to PLe in accordance with EN ISO
13849. The device is suitable for: Product Description
Point of operation protection (finger and hand protection) This section provides information on the special features and
Hazardous area protection properties of the safety light curtain. It describes the structure
Access protection and functions of the unit.
Access to the hazardous point must be allowed only through the Please read this section before mounting, installing and
protective field. The machine/system is not allowed to start as commissioning the unit.
long as personnel are within the hazardous area. Refer to the
Examples of Range of Use on page 6 for an illustration of the Special Features
protection modes.
Integrated laser alignment
Depending on the application, mechanical protection devices Large range with a compact profile
may be required in addition to the safety light curtain. 14mm resolution: 09 m
30mm resolution: 018 m or 530 m
Proper Use Tolerant to dust and pollution
The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain must be used only as Short-circuit protected semiconductor outputs
defined in the Range of Uses of the Device. It must be used only Built-in-diagnostic LEDs
by qualified personnel and only on the machine where it has been Optical synchronization, no electrical cable needed
installed and initialized by qualified personnel. between transmitter and receiver
If the device is used for any other purposes or modified in any Maintenance-free and cost effective
way, warranty claims against Allen-Bradley/Guardmaster shall
become null and void.
Principles of Operation
General Protective Notes and Protective Measures The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain consists of a non-
matched pair of optic units, i.e., transmitter and receiver with the
same protected height and resolution. The transmitter and
IMPORTANT Safety Notes receiver operate on +24V DC. The maximum distance between
Please observe the following items in order transmitter and receiver is referred to as the protective field width
to ensure the proper and safe use of the
GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain. or range. The protective field height is the distance between the
first and last beam in the device.

The national/international rules and regulations apply to the The transmitter emits sequential pulses of infrared light which are
installation, use and periodic technical inspections of the safety received and processed by the GuardShield Safe 4 receiver. The
light curtain, in particular: synchronization of the timing of the emission and reception of
infrared light pulses is accomplished optically by the first beam
Machine Directive 2006/42/EC
adjacent to the GuardShield Safe 4 status LEDs. This beam is
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC referred to as the synchronization beam. Because the GuardShield
Use of Work Directive (2009/104/EC) Safe 4 transmitter and receiver are optically synchronized, no
The work safety regulations/safety rules electrical connection is required between the transmitter and
Other relevant health and safety regulations receiver.
Manufacturers and users of the machine with which the safety The GuardShield Safe 4 receiver has two safety outputs, Output
light curtain is used are responsible for obtaining and observing Signal Switching Devices (OSSDs). When the GuardShield Safe 4
all applicable safety regulations and rules. transmitter and receiver are properly powered and aligned, all
OSSDs are current sourcing +24V DC with a switching capacity of
The notices, in particular the test regulations of these installation
300 mA. The two safety OSSDs are cross monitored and short-
instructions (e.g. on use, mounting, installation or integration into
circuit protected. Interruption of the sensing field causes the
the existing machine controller) must be observed.
receiver to switch the sourced current OFF (0V DC).

4 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Restoring the GuardShield Safe 4 sensing field causes all outputs

(OSSDs) to switch to the active high state (resume current
sourcing +24V DC with a switching capacity of 300 mA).
GuardShield Safe 4 operates in the guard only mode with
automatic restart. Other modes of operation e.g. PSDI mode
(break mode), muting, external relay monitoring (EDM) can be 900

realized using external safety devices.

The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain consists of a
transmitter and a receiver.

Transmitter Receiver

Reference plane (e.g. ground)

Figure 1: Components of the GuardShield Safe 4

The protective field and the active elements respectively, are
clearly recognized as black surfaces with the integrated optical
The width of the protective field is derived from the length of the
light path between sender and receiver and must not exceed the
maximum rated width of the protective field
(09 m (22.9 ft) for 14 mm (0.55 in.) resolution, or
018 m (59.1 ft) for 30 mm (1.18 in.) resolution, or
530 m (16.498.4 ft) for 30 mm (1.18 in.) resolution. 300

Perimeter Systems (PAC)

Perimeter systems are usually produced by means of several Reference plane (e.g. ground)
single-beam light barriers. But the flexibility of the GuardShield
Safe 4 system allows also the production of vertical entry
safeguarding according to the standard EN ISO 13855 [2010].
Such systems are composed of active and passive elements in one
compact profile. The element length of each is 120 mm (variations
are given in the appendix).
The protective field and the active elements respectively, are 900
clearly recognized as black surfaces with the integrated optical
lenses. The areas not monitored (passive elements) are also clearly
indicated as yellow surfaces. 600


Reference plane (e.g. ground)

Figure 2: Perimeter systems (2-, 3-, and 4-beams) according to EN ISO 13855 (2010)

Original instructions 5
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Examples of Range of Use System Testing

The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain operates as a proper The GuardShield Safe 4 performs a complete system self-test at
protective device only if the following conditions are met: power up and switches to the ON state if the system is properly
The control of the machine must be electrical. aligned and the protective field is unobstructed.
The controlled machine must be able to be stopped any
where in the machines stroke or cycle. External Test (Machine Test Signal)
The transmitter and receiver must be mounted such that Normally the test input at the transmitter is installed with a short-
access to the hazard is only through the light curtains circuit jumper to activate the transmitter. A test cycle of the
protective field. system can be triggered by an external test signal to the
The restart button must be located outside the hazardous GuardShield Safe 4 transmitter. Supplying or removing a signal
area such that it cannot be operated by a person working (+24V DC) via a N.C. or N.O. switch at the test input deactivates
inside the hazardous area. the transmitter for the duration of the test signal, simulating an
interruption of the protective sensing field (see also page 11).
The statutory and local rules and regulations must be
observed when installing and using the device.
Response Time
Additional measures may be necessary to The response time of the GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain
ensure that the ESPE does not fail to danger depends on the height of the protective field, the resolution, and
when other forms of light radiation are the number of light beams (see table on page 20).
present in a particular application (i.e., use of
cableless control devices on cranes, radiation
from weld spatter or effects from strobe IMPORTANT Determining Stop Time: The measurement of
lights). stopping time (Ts) must include the stopping
times of all devices in the stop circuit. Not
including all device and control system
GuardShield Safe 4 Laser Alignment elements when calculating Ts will result in an
The laser light source in the Integrated Laser Alignment system of inaccurate safety distance calculation.
the GuardShield Safe 4 light curtains is a Class 2, eye safe laser
diode with a wavelength of 630 nm.
Determining the Safety Distance
This Class 2, eye safe laser is switched from a low output power
The light curtain must be mounted with proper safety distance
state to a high output power state (and back again) by means of
control circuitry which detects reflected laser light from a From the point of danger
temporary blockage of the emitted laser light. This is most From reflecting surfaces
commonly accomplished by a persons finger placed over the
laser overlay window. There is also an automatic shutdown US Safety Distance Formula
feature that switches the laser diode from the high power state to
the low power state if there is no finger or other interruption The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtains
detected for a period of five minutes. ATTENTION
must be mounted at a sufficient distance
During the high output mode of operation, the laser is pulsed at a from the pinch point or point of operation
rate of approximately 2 Hz in order to facilitate finger detection in hazard to help ensure that the machine stops
before a persons finger, hand, arm(s), or body
high ambient light conditions. reaches the hazard.

This distance, referred to as the safety distance, must be properly

Class 2 Laser To prevent exposure to laser radiation, do calculated prior to determining the safety light curtain protective
not expose your eyes to the laser. Turn ILAS
off if not in use. height and mounting the light curtains on the machine. Failure to
properly calculate this safety distance may result in operator

Safety Functions IMPORTANT Regardless of the calculated safety distance,

GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtains
All GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtains operated as on/off should never be mounted closer than six
devices, meaning the OSSD outputs switch off/on according to an inches from the point of operation or pinch
obstruction or clearing of the detection field. point hazard.

In the United States there are two formulas that are used to
IMPORTANT The protective system must be tested for properly calculate the safety distance. The first, the OSHA formula,
proper operation after each and every
change to the configuration. is the minimum requirement for the calculation of the safety
distance. The second formula, the one recommended by Rockwell

6 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Automation, is the ANSI formula, which incorporates additional Dpf Depth penetration factor. It is an added distance to allow for
factors to be considered when calculating the safety distance. how far into the protective field an object, such as a finger
or hand, can travel before being detected. Dpf is related to
OSHA Safety Distance Calculation Formula the object sensitivity of the safety light curtain. Object
sensitivity is the smallest diameter object which will always
The OSHA safety distance formula as specified in CFR Subpart O
be detected anywhere in the sensing field.
1910.217 is as follows:
Ds = 63 X TS Example:
In opto-electronic safeguarding, such as with a perpendicular
Ds Safety Distance in inches
safety light curtain applications with object sensitivity (effective
63 Is the OSHA recommended hand speed constant in inches resolution) less than 2.5 inches, the Dpf can be approximated
per second based on the following formula:
Ts Is the total stop time of all devices in the safety circuit, Dpf (inches) = 3.4 (Object Sensitivity 0.276),
measured in seconds. This value must include all but not less than 0.
components involved in stopping the hazardous motion of
the machinery. For a mechanical power press it is the
European Safety Distance Formula
stopping time measured at approximately the 90 position
of the crankshaft rotation. A safety distance must be maintained between the light curtain
and the point of danger. This safety distance ensures that the
The TS number must include the response times of all devices, point of danger can only be reached after the dangerous state of
including the response time of the safety light curtain, the safety the machine has been completely removed.
light curtain controller (if used), the machines control circuit and
The safety distance as defined in EN ISO 13855 and EN ISO 13857
any other devices that react to stop the hazardous motion of the
depends on:
machinery. Not including the response time of a device or devices
in the stop time calculation will result in insufficient safety Stopping/run-down time of the machine or system. (The
distance for the application. This may result in operator injury. stopping/run-down time is shown in the machine
documentation or must be determined by taking a
The ANSI Safety Distance Formula
Response time of the protective device, e.g. GuardShield
The ANSI safety distance formula, which is the Rockwell Safe 4 (for Response Time see page 6).
Automation recommended formula, is as follows: Reach or approach speed.
DS = K x (TS + TC + Tr + Tbm) + Dpf Resolution of the light curtain and/or beam separation.
Ds Minimum safety distance between the safe guarding device
Safety distance S (Ds)
and the nearest point of operation hazard, in inches.
K Hand speed constant in inches per second. The ANSI
standard value is 63 inches per second when the operator
begins reaching toward the point of operation hazard from Protective field height
rest. NOTE: ANSI B11.19 1990 E4. states The value of of
the hand speed constant, K, has been determined by danger
various studies and although these studies indicate speeds
of 63 inches/second to over 100 inches/second, they are not
conclusive determinations. The employer should consider
all factors, including the physical ability of the operator,
when determining the value of K to be used.
Distance to avoid standing behind
Ts Stop time of the machine tool measured at the final control the safety curtain 75mm
Figure 3: Safety distance from the point of danger
Tc Response time of the control system
Ts and Tc are usually measured by a stop time measuring device. How to Calculate the Safety Distance S for GuardShield Safe 4 Systems
with a resolution 40 mm. According to EN ISO 13855 and EN ISO 13857:
Tr Response time of the presence sensing device (safety light -> First, calculate S using the following formula:
curtain) and its interface, if any. This value is generally stated S = 2000 T + 8 (d 14) [mm]
by the device manufacturer or it can be measured by the
user. Where

Tbm Additional time allowed for the brake monitor to T = stopping/run-down time of the machine
compensate for variations in normal stopping time. + response time of the protective device [s]

Original instructions 7
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

d = resolution of the light curtain [mm] Read the minimum distance a [mm] from the graph:
S = safety distance [mm]
The reach/approach speed is already included in the

-> If the result S is 500 mm (19.6 in.), then use the determined
value as the safety distance.

-> If the result S is > 500 mm (19.6 in.), then recalculate S as

follows: S = 1600 T + 8 (d 14) [mm]

-> If the new value S is > 500 mm (19.6 in.), then use the newly
determined value as the minimum safety distance.

-> If the new value S is 500 mm (19.6 in.), then use 500 mm
(19.6 in.) as the safety distance.
Example: Figure 5: Graph, minimum distance from reflecting surfaces
Stopping/run-down time of the machine = 290 ms
The effective aperture angle for the GuardShield Safe 4 system is
Response time = 30 ms
2.5 at a mounting distance of > 3.0 m (9.8 ft). Calculate the
Resolution of the light curtain = 14 mm (0.55 in.)
minimum distance to reflecting surfaces depending on the
T = 290 ms + 30 ms = 320 ms = 0.32 s
distance between the transmitter and the receiver, using an
S = 2000 0.32 + 8 (14 14) = 640 mm (25.1 in.)
aperture angle of 2.5, or take the appropriate value from the
S > 500 mm, therefore:
following table:
S = 1600 0.32 + 8 (14 14) = 512 mm (20.1 in.)

How to Calculate the Safety Distance S for Distance Between

Transmitter and Receiver Minimum Distance
GuardShield Safe 4 PAC Systems (Range D) [m (ft)] a [mm (in.)]
In the case of perimeter systems or light curtains with a resolution 03.0 (09.8) 135 (5.31)
d > 40 mm, the safety distance is calculated for vertical mounting 4.0 (13.1) 175 (6.88)
light curtains and horizontal approach, according to the formula: 5.0 (16.4) 220 (8.66)
6.0 (19.6) 265 (10.43)
S = 1.6 mm/ms x T + 850 mm
7.0 (22.9) 310 (12.2)
More detailed information regarding safety distance and safety 10.0 (32.8) 440 (17.32)
heights can be found in standard EN 13855 (2010). 16.0 (52.4) 700 (27.55)

Minimum Distance from Reflecting Surfaces Formula: a = tan 2.5 x D [mm]

The infrared light from the sender may be reflected off of shiny a = minimum distance to reflecting surfaces
surfaces and be received by the systems receiver. If this condition D = distance between transmitter and receiver
occurs, it can result in an object not being detected when it enters
the GuardShield Safe 4 sensing field.
All reflecting surfaces and objects (e.g. material bins) must
Installation and Mounting
therefore be located at a minimum distance a from the protective This section describes the preparation, selection and installation
field of the system. The minimum distance a depends on the of the GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain. Mount and connect
distance D between sender and receiver. both transmitter and receiver.

IMPORTANT The installation of the GuardShield Safe 4

safety light curtain must be such that access
to the hazard is only possible through the
sensing field of the GuardShield Safe 4.
Auxiliary safe guarding may be required in
Distance D (meters) conjunction with the GuardShield Safe 4 to
meet this requirement.
Figure 4: Minimum distance from reflecting surfaces
Determine if the machinery, on which the GuardShield Safe 4 is to
be mounted, meets the requirements as specified in the
How to Determine the Minimum Distance from the Reflecting Surfaces:
beginning of this manual, i.e., machinery must be able to be
Determine the distance D [m] sender-receiver

8 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

stopped anywhere in its stroke or cycle, consistently and opposite each laser. A small deviation around the target is
repeatedly. allowable and are harmless as long as they are within the
aperture angle.
Alignment Procedure 5. Tighten all screws firmly.
6. Switch the ILAS off when aligned.
Standard GuardShield Safe 4
When mounting Perimeter Systems adjust the heights according
The GuardShield Safe 4 is offered with an integrated laser
to the recommendations in the local standards and regulations
alignment system which has a constantly powered Class 2, eye
(Europe: EN ISO 13855 [2010]) (see Figure 2).
safe laser located in the bottom of the GuardShield Safe 4
transmitter and in the top of the GuardShield Safe 4 receiver. Each The GuardShield Safe 4 safety light curtain is suitable for most
laser emits a low level of visible light. Simply blocking this light operating environments (IP65 environmental rating). Proper
below the finger symbol causes the light to be reflected back to a safety distance as well as adequate protective height must be
photo sensor which changes the condition of the laser light. If this observed.
light is at a low level, interrupting it will cause the laser to emit a
highly visible level of light. Interrupting the visible light in the Remarks to ILAS
same location will cause the laser to switch to a low level of
Due to dimensional tolerances the visible ILAS laser beam may be
emission. The emission of visible light will also change to a low
located off center from the target when the light curtain is
level after five minutes of activation.
aligned optimally in the center of the operating range. The
optimal operating point can be found after alignment with ILAS
GuardShield Safe 4 with Integrated Laser Alignment when moving the axis in X- (left, right) and Z- (up, down)
Cycle power to assure that the system powers up and goes to the direction. The optimal operating point is in the middle of the two
ON state. end points, where the receiver output switches from active to
inactive condition.
1. Properly locate the GuardShield Safe 4 pair from the point of
operation hazard after performing the safety distance
calculation. On optimal alignment of the light
curtain, the ILAS light point can deflect
from the ILAS target point. The
2. Using the GuardShield Safe 4 mounting brackets, mount the maximum deflection adds up to the
transmitter and receiver so that they are facing one another following value due to the operating R
and are positioned in the same direction. A reference would be distance:
that the indicator LEDs are opposite one another. They must be 2m R = 7 mm D = 7 mm
parallel to each other and be positioned at the same height. 6m R = 20 mm D = 21 mm
9m R = 30 mm D = 32 mm
Turn on power to GuardShield Safe 4 system. 18 m R = 60 mm D = 63 mm
30 m R = 99 mm D = 105 mm

Incorrect Figure 7: Adjustment with ILAS



Correct Installation

Operators cannot reach hazardous

machine parts without passing through
the protective field.


Operators must not step between

protective field and hazardous machine
parts (by-pass prevention).
Figure 6: Layout of the transmitter/receiver
3. Turn on each laser by placing a finger or hand in front of each
laser (close to the finger symbol ).
4. For optimal alignment, adjust the transmitter and receiver in
such a way that both visible laser beams hit the laser targets

Original instructions 9
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Incorrect Installation Multiple GuardShield Safe 4

When two or more GuardShield Safe 4s are mounted in close
proximity to one another, it may be possible for the receiver of
one GuardShield Safe 4 pair to receive infrared light from the
Operators can reach hazardous machine transmitter of another GuardShield Safe 4 pair.
parts without passing through the
protective field. There are various techniques to prevent or eliminate the
possibility of optical interference from GuardShield Safe 4 light
curtains mounted in the same plane. The simplest method is to
alternate transmitter and receiver pairs so that the receiver from a
second pair is facing away from the transmitter of another
GuardShield Safe 4 pair in close proximity. It is also possible to
place a physical barrier between pairs to prevent the infrared light
Operators can step between protective from reaching another GuardShield Safe 4 pair.
field and hazardous machine parts.

Transmitters emit in
opposite direction. Each
receiver receives only the
beams of the appropriate
The GuardShield Safe 4 must be mounted at the proper distance
from the point of operation hazard. This distance is referred to as
the Safety Distance.
Transmitters emit in same
Middle of Depth of Protective Field direction:
Optical (physical) barrier
Point of Operation necessary
Safety Distance
Top of tool

Machine stop
time Positioning of the light
Protective Field Marking curtain: Transmitters emit in
opposite direction.

Bottom of tool

To avoid the possibility of

standing between the protective
field and the point of operation,
the distance must be
Figure 8: Determining machine stopping time and safety distance
After installation and alignment of the GuardShield Safe 4 safety Figure 10: Multiple GuardShield Safe 4 alignment options
light curtain, the protection field has to be tested with the test rod
for the corresponding resolution (14 or 30 mm) according to Mounting Brackets
Figure 9.
The GuardShield Safe 4 is mounted using brackets which attach to
the side of both transmitter and receiver. It may be necessary to
use additional brackets to mount the GuardShield Safe 4 at a
proper safety distance from the machinery hazard.


Figure 9: Correct testing of the protective field using a test rod

10 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

M 6x25 Socket head cap screw, fully threaded

(1.16) M 6x6.1/14 Lock washer

20 20
(0.79) (0.79) dia.
445L-AF6140 Vibration damper
Standard mounting bracketssupplied with each
light curtain
18 M6
For side mounting (0.71)
Adjustable by 4
(Two brackets per kit.)
M 6x6.1/14 Lock washer
17 Figure 12: Shock Isolator

M4x12 40.8
(1.60) 135 Electrical Installation

445L-AF6144 Connections
Vertical mounting brackets (optional)
For mounting in the vertical axis of the light curtain Power Supply
Adjustable by 4
(Two brackets per kit.) The external voltage supply (+24V DC) must meet the
requirements of IEC 61496-1. In addition, the following
requirements have to be fulfilled:
A short-term power failure of 20 ms must be bridged by the
power supply.
(2.76) The power supply has double insulation between the
primary and the secondary side.
The power supply is protected against overload.
(1.43) The power supply corresponds to the guidelines of the EWG
445L-AF6141 (industrial environment).
180 Mounting, rotation 90, for applications The power supply corresponds to the Low Voltage
where the mounting angle is not set using the Directives.
mounting frame.
(Two brackets per kit.)
The grounded conductor of the power supply device must
be connected to a grounded conductor PE.
Figure 11: Different mounting brackets for Safe 4
The maximum deviation of the voltage levels is 24V DC +/-
Safe 4 Shock Mounting Kit
Rockwell Automation offers a shock and vibration isolation kit for Double insulation
This part of the insulation provides
vertically mounting the Safe 4. This kit is most effective in supplementary insulation against
Basic insulation hazardous voltage levels.
Output (pink Basic insulation
protecting the internal optical and electronic components of the and grey)
Safe 4 light curtain. The best performance of the shock and Guard 0V (blue)
vibration isolation kit is attained when the kit is used in Shield
+24V (brown) K1 K1 K2 K2 Motor, etc.
conjunction with the Safe 4 vertical mounting brackets (445L-
AF6144). Supply
Unit 2
Unit 1
Hazardous voltage level

Reinforced Basic insulation

insulation or
insulation Hazardous Hazardous
voltage level voltage level

Original instructions 11
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

The GuardShield Safe 4 transmitter and receiver connectors are 5- Signal
pin M12 quick-disconnect connectors. Shielded and nonshielded Female Top View Color Pin No. Receiver
cordsets are offered in lengths from 2 to 30 meters. Brown 1 +24V
White 2 OSSD 2
Transmitter: Pin 5
= PE Blue 3 0V
Black 4 OSSD 1
Pin 3
Pin 4 = 0V Grey 5 Ground (PE)
= Test 1
GuardShield Safe 4 Receiver Connector pin assignments and wire colors
Pin 2
Pin 1 = Test 2
= +24V DC Signal
Female Top View Color Pin No. Receiver
Brown 1 +24V
White 2 Test 2
Receiver: Pin 5
= PE
Blue 3 0V
Black 4 Test 1
Pin 3
Pin 4 = 0V Grey 5 Ground (PE)
= OSSD 1
GuardShield Safe 4 Transmitter Connector pin assignments and wire colors
Pin 2
Pin 1
= OSSD 2
= +24V DC Test input to transmitter
Normally the test input at the transmitter is installed with a short
circuit jumper to activate the transmitter. If an external test is
Figure 13: Pin assignment of the M12 connectors desired, a contact can be connected to the test input).
The timing of test input is as follows (Figure 14):
M12 Connector Dimensions [mm (in.)]
Time Value in ms
47 (1.85)
Response time on test signal t1 tR + 15

14 Time to test t2 > t1

Restart time after test t3 800

Receiver Transmitter Short circuit

Test input open

1 (brown)

1 (brown)
4 black)

4 black)
5 (grey)

2 (white)

5 (grey)

2 (white)
3 (blue)

3 (blue)


t2 t3

Figure 15: Test timing diagram

tR means the response time of the respective Safe 4 type (see



+24V DC

+24V DC

Test 1
Test 2

product label).

Internal test Description Value

Continuous test current I 10 mA
1)Operation with internal test Peak test current IP 100 mA
2)Test using a relay contract
2) Time of peak test current tP 20 s
3)Test using PNP output

3) Internal test Transmitter Test LED Transmitter

Short circuited (closed) Active Green
Figure 14: Five-pin female connection for Safe 4
Open Inactive Red

12 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Bringing into operation

After the power has been applied to the GuardShield Safe4 and
the automatic power-up test is successfully completed, the green
Power LED on the receiver and transmitter will light on. The
system is now ready to operate.
The automatic power-up test will only be successful, if transmitter
and receiver are properly aligned, correctly connected and the
protective field is not interrupted.
Any intrusion of an object into the protective field will switch the
OSSD off within the specified response time and the LED at the
receiver toggles from green to red.

The two redundant Output Signal Switching Devices (OSSD) are
fully monitored. Any short circuits are detected. The maximum
load is 0.3 A, higher currents are limited through short circuit
protection. Increased output loads may be realized using external
safety interfaces.
The output voltage at the solid-state outputs is dependant on the
power supply and the output load.

Typical wiring diagram to MSR127 safety relay module

The interfacing of the light curtain with the machine control has
to be control reliability, i.e. a correct interface with a safety PLC or
safety relays with positive guided relay contacts.

ATTENTION The safety devices and the interconnection to

the machinery have to comply with the basic
safety requirements as mentioned in the
current regulations and standards.
Direct interfacing of a safety light curtain to
machine control that does not meet the
necessary safety integrity level, i.e., use of
general purpose PLCs or general purpose
relays may cause injury to persons.
Consult a professional safety engineer.

Original instructions 13
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Technical Specifications

Light Beams Min 8 - Max 256

Protective Field 1201920 mm (4.775.6 in.) in 120 mm (4.7 in.) increments for Standard GuardShield Safe 4;

Resolution 14 mm (0.55 in.), 30 mm (1.18 in.)

14 mm (0.55 in.); 09.0 m (029.5 ft),
30 mm (1.18 in.); 018.0 m (059.0 ft)
30 mm (1.18 in.); 530.0 m (16.498.4 ft)
PAC: 2, 3, 4 beams: 530.0 m (16.498.4 ft)
Response Time OSSD ON to OFF: (Reaction times); see tables on pages 20 and 21

Power Supply 24V DC 20%; Power supply must meet the requirements of IEC 60204-1 and IEC 61496-1.

Power Consumption < 500 mA max. (unloaded)

IR Transmitter Infrared LED (wave length 950 nm)

Aperture Angle According to IEC 61496-2

Operating Condition IR transmitter ON

Guard Only: On/Off operation with clear/obstructed detection area
Test Function: Triggering of system test via external switch
Minimum duration 100 ms
Input Transmitter
Voltage level for Logic 0: 05V DC
Machine Test Signal
Voltage level for Logic Hi 1: > 16V DC
2 solid state outputs, max. switching capacity 300 mA, short circuit protected
Safety Outputs (OSSDs)
QD Connectors 5 pin M12 for transmitter and receiver

Cable Length Maximum 60 m (197 ft)

Ambient Temperature During operation: 055C (32131F); For storage: -2060C (-4140F)

Humidity of the Air Up to 95% (without condensation) between 20C and 55C (68F and 131F)

Enclosure Rating IP65

Vibration Resistance Per IEC 61496-1, IEC 60068-2-6 Frequency 1055 Hz Amplitude 0.35 mm

Shock Per IEC 61496-1, IEC 60068-2-29 Acceleration 10 g, Duration 16 ms

Material Housing: Aluminum; Cover: PC (Polycarbonate)

Dimensions (cross section) Approx. 30 x 40 mm (1.18 x 1.57 in.)

Accessories Included Test rod, mounting brackets, operating instructions

Approvals TV Rheinland, IEC 61496 Parts 1and 2, UL 61496 Parts 1 and 2, UL 1998

Safety Classification Type 4 per EN/IEC 61496, Category 4 EN/ISO 13849, SIL 3, IEC 61508, SIL CL3, EN 62061, PLe, EN/ISO 13849
(Probability of dangerous failure per hour according to EN/IEC 7.93E-9 (worst case figure; 32 modules x 30 mm, L = 3840 mm)
62061 and EN/IEC 61508 (Continuous and high demand mode))
TM (mission time) 20 years (EN ISO 13849)

Original instructions 19
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Standard GuardShield Safe 4 with Integrated Laser Alignment System, 14 mm Resolution Catalog Numbers

Resolution Protective Heights Range Weight per pair

Light Curtain Pair Transmitter Receiver [mm (in.)] [mm (in.)] Response Time [m (ft.)] (kg)
445L-P4L0120YD 445L-T4L0120YD 445L-R4L0120YD 14 (0.55) 120 (4.7) 10.5 ms 0 9 (29.5) 1.9
445L-P4L0240YD 445L-T4L0240YD 445L-R4L0240YD 14 (0.55) 240 (9.5) 15.8 ms 9 (29.5) 2.2
445L-P4L0360YD 445L-T4L0360YD 445L-R4L0360YD 14 (0.55) 360 (14.2) 21.2 ms 9 (29.5) 2.6
445L-P4L0480YD 445L-T4L0480YD 445L-R4L0480YD 14 (0.55) 480 (18.9) 26.3 ms 9 (29.5) 3.0
445L-P4L0600YD 445L-T4L0600YD 445L-R4L0600YD 14 (0.55) 600 (23.6) 34.6 ms 9 (29.5) 3.4
445L-P4L0720YD 445L-T4L0720YD 445L-R4L0720YD 14 (0.55) 720 (28.4) 36.8 ms 9 (29.5) 4.0
445L-P4L0840YD 445L-T4L0840YD 445L-R4L0840YD 14 (0.55) 840 (33.1) 42.2 ms 9 (29.5) 4.4
445L-P4L0960YD 445L-T4L0960YD 445L-R4L0960YD 14 (0.55) 960 (37.8) 47.5 ms 9 (29.5) 4.8
445L-P4L1080YD 445L-T4L1080YD 445L-R4L1080YD 14 (0.55) 1080 (42.5) 52.8 ms 9 (29.5) 5.1
445L-P4L1200YD 445L-T4L1200YD 445L-R4L1200YD 14 (0.55) 1200 (47.2) 58.1 ms 9 (29.5) 5.9
445L-P4L1320YD 445L-T4L1320YD 445L-R4L1320YD 14 (0.55) 1320 (52) 63.4 ms 9 (29.5) 6.3
445L-P4L1440YD 445L-T4L1440YD 445L-R4L1440YD 14 (0.55) 1440 (56.7) 68.7 ms 9 (29.5) 6.7
445L-P4L1560YD 445L-T4L1560YD 445L-R4L1560YD 14 (0.55) 1560 (61.4) 74 ms 9 (29.5) 7.0
445L-P4L1680YD 445L-T4L1680YD 445L-R4L1680YD 14 (0.55) 1680 (66.1) 79.3 ms 9 (29.5) 7.5
445L-P4L1800YD 445L-T4L1800YD 445L-R4L1800YD 14 (0.55) 1800 (70.9) 84.6 ms 9 (29.5) 7.8
445L-P4L1920YD 445L-T4L1920YD 445L-R4L1920YD 14 (0.55) 1920 (75.6) 85.5 ms 9 (29.5) 8.6

Standard GuardShield Safe 4 with Integrated Laser Alignment System, 30 mm Resolution, 018 m (059 ft) Range of Operation

Resolution Protective Heights Range Weight per pair

Light Curtain Pair Transmitter Receiver [mm (in.)] [mm (in.)] Response Time [m (ft.)] (kg)
445L-P4S0120YD 445L-T4S0120YD 445L-R4S0120YD 30 (1.18) 120 (4.7) 7.9 ms 0 18 (59) 1.9
445L-P4S0240YD 445L-T4S0240YD 445L-R4S0240YD 30 (1.18) 240 (9.5) 10.5 ms 18 (59) 2.2
445L-P4S0360YD 445L-T4S0360YD 445L-R4S0360YD 30 (1.18) 360 (14.2) 13.2 ms 18 (59) 2.6
445L-P4S0480YD 445L-T4S0480YD 445L-R4S0480YD 30 (1.18) 480 (18.9) 15.8 ms 18 (59) 3.0
445L-P4S0600YD 445L-T4S0600YD 445L-R4S0600YD 30 (1.18) 600 (23.6) 18.5 ms 18 (59) 3.4
445L-P4S0720YD 445L-T4S0720YD 445L-R4S0720YD 30 (1.18) 720 (28.4) 21.1 ms 18 (59) 4.0
445L-P4S0840YD 445L-T4S0840YD 445L-R4S0840YD 30 (1.18) 840 (33.1) 23.8 ms 18 (59) 4.4
445L-P4S0960YD 445L-T4S0960YD 445L-R4S0960YD 30 (1.18) 960 (37.8) 26.3 ms 18 (59) 4.8
445L-P4S1080YD 445L-T4S1080YD 445L-R4S1080YD 30 (1.18) 1080 (42.5) 29.1 ms 18 (59) 5.4
445L-P4S1200YD 445L-T4S1200YD 445L-R4S1200YD 30 (1.18) 1200 (47.2) 31.6 ms 18 (59) 5.7
445L-P4S1320YD 445L-T4S1320YD 445L-R4S1320YD 30 (1.18) 1320 (52) 34.3 ms 18 (59) 6.1
445L-P4S1440YD 445L-T4S1440YD 445L-R4S1440YD 30 (1.18) 1440 (56.7) 37 ms 18 (59) 6.5
445L-P4S1560YD 445L-T4S1560YD 445L-R4S1560YD 30 (1.18) 1560 (61.4) 39.6 ms 18 (59) 6.9
445L-P4S1680YD 445L-T4S1680YD 445L-R4S1680YD 30 (1.18) 1680 (66.1) 42.3 ms 18 (59) 7.2
445L-P4S1800YD 445L-T4S1800YD 445L-R4S1800YD 30 (1.18) 1800 (70.9) 44.9 ms 18 (59) 7.5
445L-P4S1920YD 445L-T4S1920YD 445L-R4S1920YD 30 (1.18) 1920 (75.6) 47.6 ms 18 (59) 8.3

20 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Standard GuardShield Safe4 with Integrated Laser Alignment System, 30 mm Resolution, 530 m (16.498.4 ft)
Range of Operation Catalog Numbers

Resolution Protective Heights Range Weight per pair

Light Curtain Pair Transmitter Receiver [mm (in.)] [mm (in.)] Response Time [m (ft.)] (kg)
445L-P4X0120YD 445L-T4X0120YD 445L-R4X0120YD 30 (1.18) 120 (4.7) 7.9 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 1.9
445L-P4X0240YD 445L-T4X0240YD 445L-R4X0240YD 30 (1.18) 240 (9.5) 10.5 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 2.2
445L-P4X0480YD 445L-T4X0480YD 445L-R4X0480YD 30 (1.18) 480 (18.9) 15.8 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 3.0
445L-P4X0600YD 445L-T4X0600YD 445L-R4X0600YD 30 (1.18) 600 (23.6) 18.5 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 3.4
445L-P4X0720YD 445L-T4X0720YD 445L-R4X0720YD 30 (1.18) 720 (28.4) 21.1 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 4.0
445L-P4X0840YD 445L-T4X0840YD 445L-R4X0840YD 30 (1.18) 840 (33.1) 23.8 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 4.4
445L-P4X1200YD 445L-T4X1200YD 445L-R4X1200YD 30 (1.18) 1200 (47.2) 31.6 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 5.9
445L-P4X1440YD 445L-T4X1440YD 445L-R4X1440YD 30 (1.18) 1440 (56.7) 37 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 6.7

GuardShield Safe 4 PAC (Perimeter)

Number of Protective Heights Range Weight per pair

Catalog No. Transmitter Receiver Beams [mm (in.)] Response Time [m (ft.)] (kg)
445L-P4S2500YD 445L-T4S2500YD 445L-R4S2500YD 2 600 (23.6) 10.5 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 3.0
445L-P4S3400YD 445L-T4S3400YD 445L-R4S2500YD 3 840 (33.0) 13.2 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 3.9
445L-P4S4120YD 445L-T4S4120YD 445L-R4S4120YD 4 960 (37.8) 15.8 ms 5 (16.4)30 (98.4) 4.2

445L-103002-0048 445L-111464 445L-111463 2 600 (23.6) 10.5 ms 0 (0)18 (59.0) 3.0

445L-103002-0003 445L-111460 445L-111459 3 840 (33.0) 13.2 ms 0 (0)18 (59.0) 3.9

445L-103002-0007 445L-111452 445L-111451 4 960 (37.8) 15.8 ms 0 (0)18 (59.0) 4.2

Catalog Number Configurator

445L- P 4 S 0720 Y D
Connector Option
D = Standard M12

Environmental Rating IP65

Protective Height (mm)POC Beam SpacingPAC
0240 0600 0960 1320 1680 2500
0360 0720 1080 1440 1800 3400
0480 0840 1200 1560 1920 4120
S = 30 mm resolution, 018 m range
X = 30 mm resolution, 530 m range
L = 14 mm, 09 m range
Category Type 4

P = Pair; T = Transmitter; R = Receiver

Bulletin Number

Original instructions 21
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Dimensional Drawings [mm (in.)]

System with integrated controller

Protective Height Profile Length
35 Type [mm (in.)] [mm (in.)]
445L-P40120YD 120 (4.7) 290 (11.4)
445L-P40240YD 240 (9.4) 410 (16.1)
(1.18) 14.75
445L-P40360YD 360 (14.2) 530 (20.9)
(0.58) 145
445L-P40480YD 480 (18.9) 650 (25.6)
alignment alignment 445L-P40600YD 600 (23.6) 771 (30.4)

profile length according to table

20 10 module module
laser laser
(0.79) (0.39) 445L-P40720YD 720 (28.3) 891 (35.1)
445L-P40840YD 840 (33.1) 1011 (39.8)
445L-P40960YD 960 (37.8) 1131 (44.3)

B 445L-P41080YD 1080 (42.5) 1252 (49.3)

protection length

445L-P41200YD 1200 (47.2) 1372 (54.0)


445L-P41320YD 1320 (52) 1492 ( 58.7)

445L-P41440YD 1440 (56.7) 1612 (63.5)
445L-P41560YD 1560 (61.4) 1733 (68.2)
445L-P41680YD 1680 (66.1) 1853 (72.9)
alignment alignment 25
module module 445L-P41800YD 1800 (70.9) 1973 (77.6)
laser laser (0.98)

40 3 445L-P41920YD 1920 (75.6) 2093 (82.3)

30 (1.56) (0.12)

For 14 mm resolution replace with an "L."

For 30 mm resolution replace with an "S." (018 m)
For 30 mm resolution replace with an "X." (530 m)
Figure 20: The profile length for systems without ILAS is reduced for 2 x 25 mm

22 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual




(4.72) 120


(4.72) 120


1158 960
(45.59) (37.80)
(31.91) 240


(14.17) 1051 120


(41.38) (4.72)




(9.45) (4.72)

(4.72) 120


4 40 ILAS
29.9 (1.58) 120 (1.177)

(0.16) (1.18) (4.72) 40


4 29.9 40
(0.16) (1.18) (1.58)
Figure 21: Safe 4 PAC, two beam, three beam and four beam

Female Connector (End) Cable

Face View of Female Connector Style Pin / Wire Color Wire Rating Length m (ft) Cat. No.
2 (6.56) 889D-F5AC-2
1 Brown 5 (16.4) 889D-F5AC-5
2 White 22 AWG
3 Blue 10 (32.8) 889D-F5AC-10
Straight Female Nonshielded 250V
4 Black 4A 15 (49.2) 889D-F5AC-15
2 5 Grey
Keyway 5 20 (65.6) 889D-F5AC-20
30 (98.4) 889D-F5AC-30
2 (6.56) 889D-F5EC-2
3 1 Brown 5 (16.4) 889D-F5EC-5
4 2 White 22 AWG 10 (32.8) 889D-F5EC-10
Straight Female Shielded 3 Blue 300V
4 Black 4A 15 (49.2) 889D-F5EC-15
5 Grey 20 (65.6) 889D-F5EC-20
30 (98.4) 889D-F5EC-30
Table 3: Cordsets-Transmitter and receivers both use 5-pin M12 cordsets

Original instructions 23
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Required Logic Interfaces

Description Safety Outputs Auxiliary Outputs Terminals Reset Type Power Supply Cat. No.
Single-Function Safety Relays for 2 N.C. Contact Switch
MSR127RP 3 N.O. 1 N.C. Removable (Screw) Monitored Manual 24V AC/DC 440R-N23135
MSR127TP 3 N.O. 1 N.C. Removable (Screw) Auto. / Manual 24V AC/DC 440R-N23132
MSR126 2 N.O. None Fixed Auto. / Manual 24V AC/DC 440R-N23117
Modular Safety Relays
MSR210P Base 2 N.C. only 2 N.O. 1 N.C. and 2 PNP Solid Removable Auto. / Manual or Monitored Manual 24V DC from the base 440R-H23176
State unit
MSR220P Input Module Removable 24V DC 440R-H23178
MSR300 Series
MSR310P Base Output Modules 3 PNP Solid State Removable Auto. / Manual / Monitored Manual 24V DC 440R-W23219

MSR320P Input Module 2 PNP Solid State Removable 24V DC from the base 440R-W23218
Muting Modules
MSR22LM 2 N.O. 1 N.C. Removable Auto. / Manual 24V DC 440R-P23071
MSR42 (also requires optical
Interface 445L-AF6150 for 2PNP 2 PNP, configurable Removable Auto. / Manual or manual monitored 24V DC 440R-P226AGS-NNR
GuardShield Safe 4 configurations)

Optional accessories:
Description Cat. No.

Standard kit (4 pieces supplied with each pair) 445L-AF6140

180 Adjustable kit (two kits required per pair) 445L-AF6141

Shock Mount Kit

(two kits required per pair of light curtains) 445L-AF6142

Vertical mounting kit (two kits required per pair) 445L-AF6144

24 Original instructions
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Mirror 440L-AM075 Mirror 440L-AM125

8 x 13 Section A 164 (6.45)
50 (1.96)

54 35
75 (174) (2.12) (1.37)
6.5 120
73 (2.87) (0.25) 2.5 (0.09)

164 (6.45)
4.5 50
(0.17) 10.5 (0.41) (1.96)


B L Ls A

Ls L
340 396
(13.4) (15.60)
372 440
(14.64) (17.32)
2.5 (0.17)


+/- 120 Section 123 (4.84)

13.3 A-A
35 54 (2.95)
(1.37) (2.12)
50 50
114 (4.48)
(1.96) (1.96)

Model No. Series Description L LS A B 8 X 13

440L-AM0750300 A Mirror, 300 mm, 4 m 396 340 372 440

Model No. Series Description L LS A B
440L-AM0750450 A Mirror, 450 mm, 4 m 546 490 522 590
440L-AM0750600 A Mirror, 600 mm, 4 m 696 640 672 740 440L-AM1250300 A Mirror, 300 mm, 15 m 396 340 372 440
440L-AM0750750 A Mirror, 750 mm, 4 m 846 790 822 890 440L-AM1250450 A Mirror, 450 mm, 15 m 546 490 522 590
440L-AM0750900 A Mirror, 900 mm, 4 m 996 940 972 1040 440L-AM1250600 A Mirror, 600 mm, 15 m 696 640 672 740
440L-AM0751050 A Mirror, 1050 mm, 4 m 1146 1090 1122 1190 440L-AM1250750 A Mirror, 750 mm, 15 m 846 790 822 890
440L-AM0751200 A Mirror, 1200 mm, 4 m 1296 1240 1272 1340 A
440L-AM1250900 Mirror, 900 mm, 15 m 996 940 972 1040
440L-AM0751350 A Mirror, 1350 mm, 4 m 1446 1390 1422 1490 1146 1090 1122 1190
440L-AM1251050 A Mirror, 1050 mm, 15 m
440L-AM0751500 A Mirror, 1500 mm, 4 m 1596 1540 1572 1640
440L-AM1251200 A Mirror, 1200 mm, 15 m 1296 1240 1272 1340
440L-AM0751650 A Mirror, 1650 mm, 4 m 1746 1690 1722 1790
440L-AM0751800 A Mirror, 1800 mm, 4 m 1896 1840 1872 1940 440L-AM1251350 A Mirror, 1350 mm, 15 m 1446 1390 1422 1490
440L-AM1251500 A Mirror, 1500 mm, 15 m 1596 1540 1572 1640
440L-AM1251650 A Mirror, 1650 mm, 15 m 1746 1690 1722 1790
440L-AM1251800 A Mirror, 1800 mm, 15 m 1896 1840 1872 1940

Original instructions 25
GuardShield Safe 4 Safety Light Curtain User Manual

Corner Mirror for Multi-Sided Guarding Note: Each mirror reduces maximum scan range by 15% per
mirror. Each corner mirror supplied with two end-cap mounting
Specially constructed glass mirrors for 2- and 3-sided
safeguarding applications.

GuardShield Safe 4 Light

Protected Height Narrow Mirror Short- Mirror Height Wide Mirror Long-Range Mirror Height
[mm (in.)] Range 04 m [mm (in.)] Cat. No. 415 m [mm (in.)] Cat. No.
120/240 (4.7/9.4) 300 (11.8) 440L-AM0750300 300 (11.8) 440L-AM1250300

360 (14.2) 450 (17.7) 440L-AM0750450 450 (17.7) 440L-AM1250450

480 (19) 600 (23.6) 440L-AM0750600 600 (23.6) 440L-AM1250600

600 (24) 750 (29.5) 440L-AM0750750 750 (29.5) 440L-AM1250750

720/840 (28/33) 900 (35.4) 440L-AM0750900 900 (35.4) 440L-AM1250900

960 (38) 1050 (41.3) 440L-AM0751050 1050 (41.3) 440L-AM1251050

1080 (43) 1200 (47.2) 440L-AM0751200 1200 (47.2) 440L-AM1251200

1200 (47) 1350 (53.1) 440L-AM0751350 1350 (53.1) 440L-AM1251350

1320/1440 (52/57) 1500 (59.1) 440L-AM0751500 1500 (59.1) 440L-AM1251500

1560 (61) 1650 (65) 440L-AM0751650 1650 (65) 440L-AM1251650

1680 (66) 1800 (70.9) 440L-AM0751800 1800 (70.9) 440L-AM1251800

1800/1920 None Available None Available

Mounting Stand

25.4 63.5 (2.5)


1828.8 2000
(72) (78.7)
11.1 (7/16) Dia.

19.05 (0.75)
12.7 (0.5) Dia. 4X

6.35 (3.0)
(0.25) M10 x 1.5 mm
Class 6g thru 4 pl 60 60
76.2 381.0 (15) (2.36) (2.36)
304.8 (3.0) 12
(12) 63.5
(2.5) (0.47)
(1.0) 150
(0.25) 240
Base Plate

26 Original instructions
Technical Data

Inductive Proximity Sensors

Bulletin Numbers 802PR, 871C, 871D, 871F, 871FM, 871L, 871P,
871R, 871T, 871TM, 871TS, 871Z, 871ZC, 871ZT, 872C, 872L

Topic Page

Tubular Sensors

871C Special Purpose 2

871T Stainless Steel Barrel 12
871TM All Stainless Steel 16
871TS Food and Beverage 35
871Z Weld Field Immune 36
871ZT Weld Field Immune 39
872C WorldProx General Purpose 41
Rectangular Sensors

802PR Limit Switch Style 72

871F Block, Flat Pack, and Puck Style 80
871FM Mini Flat Pack Style 90
871L & 872L Limit Switch Style 94
871P Can Sensors 98
871P VersaCube Multi-position 101
Cylinder Sensors

871D Cylinder Positioning 106

871D WorldClamp 108
Ring & Slot Sensors

871R Ring Style 110

871S Slot Style 112
Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Load Current 200 mA
Leakage Current 10 A
Operating Voltage 1030V DC
Voltage Drop 1.8V
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Repeatability 5%
8, 12, 18, and 30 mm Hysteresis 10% typical
False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit, and
Protection Type
cULus Listed (8, 12, 18, and 30 mm models only) and CE Marked (all models)
for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Housing Material
DC Pico Quick-Disconnect Style Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
6.5, 8, 12, and 18 mm Cable (PVC/PUR): 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length,
4.4 mm (0.175 in.) diameter;
3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR;
Cable (Pigtail): 0.2 m (0.7 ft), 0.5 m (1.6 ft), 1 m (3.3 ft) length,
Integral 4-pin micro QD
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
LED Amber: output energized, 360 visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] -25+70 (-13+158 )
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Shock 30 g, 11 ms half-sine
18 & 30 mm
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes

Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.70.8
DC Cable Style
Brass 0.40.5
6.5, 8, 12, 18, and 30 mm
Aluminum 0.30.4
Copper 0.20.3

Pigtail Cable with Integral Micro QD Connector

8, 12, 18, and 30 mm

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 41

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Cable Style
Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ -+ - 1030V DC + -
360 Visible 1030V DC 1030V DC Brown 1030V DC
C Brown
LED B Brown + - + - Blue Brown + -
+ - Blue Load Load Load
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass 6.5 Yes 6.50 (0.26) 33.0 (1.30)
Yes 32.8 (1.29)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 30.2 (1.19)
No 36.8 (1.45) 4.10 (0.16)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 46.7 (1.84)
Nickel-plated brass No 58.9 (2.32) 8.10 (0.32)
and stainless steel Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 46.7 (1.84)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M30 x 1 30.0 (1.18) 47.7 (1.88)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)

Mini QD Style Normally Open or Normally Closed

4 porthole A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators +
1 4 Load Load 1 4

2 3 +
C 2 3

1030V DC + 1030V DC +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 35.1 (1.38)
stainless steel No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 63.5 (2.50)
Nickel-plated brass 38.1 (1.50)
No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
Stainless steel 47.8 (1.88)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)

42 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Closed
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
D +
LED indicators 2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + 2
4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
C 4 4
B Load
M12 x 1 +
+ +
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 58.7 (2.31)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 27.7 (1.09)
No 62.7 (2.47) 4.00 (0.16)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 38.1 (1.50)
Nickel-plated brass and No 72.4 (2.85) 8.10 (0.32)
stainless steel Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 38.1 (1.50)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 47.75 (1.88)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)

Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
LED indicators +
D Load Load

1030V DC 1030V DC
+ +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass 6.5 Yes 6.50 (0.26) 49.0 (1.93)
Yes 49.5 (1.95)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 34.0 (1.34)
No 53.6 (2.11) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 47.5 (1.87)
and stainless steel No 71.6 (2.82) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 47.5 (1.87)
No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 43

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Load Current 200 mA
Leakage Current 10 A
Operating Voltage 1030V DC
Voltage Drop 1.8V
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Repeatability 5%
8, 12, 18, and 30 mm Hysteresis 10% typical
False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit, and
Protection Type
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT);
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
DC Pico Quick-Disconnect Style Cable (PVC/PUR): 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length,
8, 12, and 18 mm 4.4 mm (0.175 in.) diameter;
3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR;
Cable (Pigtail): 0.2 m (0.7 ft), 0.5 m (1.6 ft), 1 m (3.3 ft) length,
Integral 4-pin micro QD
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Status Indicator Amber: Output energized, 360 visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] -25+70 (-13+158 )
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style
18 & 30 mm Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes

Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.70.8
DC Cable Style Brass 0.40.5
8, 12, 18, and 30 mm
Aluminum 0.30.4
Copper 0.20.3

Pigtail Cable with Integral Micro QD Connector

8, 12, 18, and 30 mm

44 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Cable Style

Normally Open Normally Closed
D NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ - + - 1030V DC + -
360 Visible Brown 1030V DC
1030V DC 1030V DC
LED Brown Brown
Brown + - + - Blue + -
+ - Blue Load Load Load
Load Black Black Black
2 m (6.5 ft) Blue Blue

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 26.7 (1.05)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 24.1 (0.95)
No 30.7 (1.21) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 34.8 (1.37)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47)
stainless steel No 42.9 (1.69) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 34.8 (1.37)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.8 (1.25)
No 47.0 (1.85) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 34.8 (1.37)
Nickel-plated brass
No 47.0 (1.85) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 x 1 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 37.3 (1.47)
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
No 49.5 (1.95) 12.2 (0.48)

Mini QD Style Normally Open or Normally Closed

NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole A
LED indicators +
D Load
1 4 Load 1 4

2 3 +
2 3
1030V DC + 1030V DC +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 47.5 (1.87)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 24.2 (0.95)
stainless steel No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 47.5 (1.87)
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 45

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
LED indicators D +
2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + 2
C 4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
+ 4 4
B Load
M12 x 1 +
+ +
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 45.2 (1.78)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 20.1 (0.79)
Nickel-plated brass and No 49.3 (1.94) 4.10 (0.16)
stainless steel Yes 48.3 (1.90)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 27.4 (1.08)
No 56.4 (2.22) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 49.5 (1.95)
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
No 61.7 (2.43) 12.2 (0.48)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71)
Yes 48.3 (1.90)
Stainless steel 31.8 (1.25)
No 60.5 (2.38) 12.2 (0.48)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 31.8 (1.25)
stainless steel No 63.2 (2.49) 12.2 (0.48)

Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators +
D Load Load

1030V DC 1030V DC
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 44.5 (1.75)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 29.0 (1.14)
No 48.5 (1.91) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 45.2 (1.78)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 29.2 (1.15)
stainless steel No 53.3 (2.10) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 47.5 (1.87)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.5 (1.24)
No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)

46 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Load Current 200 mA
Leakage Current 10 A
Operating Voltage 1030V DC
Voltage Drop 1.8V

DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Repeatability 5%

8, 12, 18, and 30 mm Hysteresis 10% typical
False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit, and
Protection Type
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Cable (PVC/PUR): 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length,
DC Pico Quick-Disconnect Style
4.4 mm (0.175 in.) diameter;
6.5, 8, 12, and 18 mm
3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR;
Cable (Pigtail): 0.2 m (0.7 ft), 0.5 m (1.6 ft), 1 m (3.3 ft) length,
Integral 4-pin micro QD
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
LED Amber: output energized, 360 visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)], Min -25+70 (-13+158 )
Shock 30 g, 11 ms half-sine

DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes

18 & 30 mm

Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.70.8
Brass 0.50.6
DC Cable Style Aluminum 0.50.6
6.5, 8, 12, 18, and 30 mm
Copper 0.40.5

Pigtail Cable with Integral Micro QD Connector

8, 12, 18, and 30 mm

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 47

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Cable Style

Normally Open Normally Closed
D NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ - + - 1030V DC + -
360 Visible Brown 1030V DC
1030V DC 1030V DC
LED Brown Brown
Brown + - + - Blue + -
+ - Blue Load Load Load
Load Black Black Black
2 m (6.5 ft) Blue Blue

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 32.8 (1.29)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 30.2 (1.19)
No 36.8 (1.45) 4.10 (0.16)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 46.7 (1.84)
Nickel-plated brass and No 58.9 (2.32) 8.10 (0.32)
stainless steel Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 46.7 (1.84)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M30 x 1 30.0 (1.18) 47.7 (1.88)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)

Mini QD Style Normally Open or Normally Closed

NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole A
LED indicators +
D Load
1 4 Load 1 4

2 3 +
2 3
1030V DC + 1030V DC +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 35.1 (1.38)
stainless steel No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 63.5 (2.50)
Nickel-plated brass 38.1 (1.50)
No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
Stainless steel 47.8 (1.88)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)

48 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
LED indicators D +
2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + 2
C 4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
+ 4 4
B Load
M12 x 1 +
+ +
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 58.7 (2.31)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 27.7 (1.09)
No 62.7 (2.47) 4.00 (0.16)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 38.1 (1.50)
Nickel-plated brass and No 72.4 (2.85) 8.10 (0.32)
stainless steel Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 38.1 (1.50)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 64.3 (2.53)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 47.75 (1.88)
No 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)

Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators +
D Load Load

1030V DC 1030V DC
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 49.5 (1.95)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 34.0 (1.34)
No 53.6 (2.11) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 47.5 (1.87)
stainless steel No 71.6 (2.82) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 63.5 (2.50)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 47.5 (1.87)
No 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 49

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Load Current 200 mA
Leakage Current 10 A
Operating Voltage 1030V DC
Voltage Drop 1.8V
Repeatability 5%
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style
8, 12, 18, and 30 mm Hysteresis 10% typical
False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit, and
Protection Type
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT);
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)

DC Pico Quick-Disconnect Style Cable (PVC/PUR): 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length,
8, 12, and 18 mm 4.4 mm (0.175 in.) diameter;
3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR;
Cable (Pigtail): 0.2 m (0.7 ft), 0.5 m (1.6 ft), 1 m (3.3 ft) length,
Integral 4-pin micro QD
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Status Indicator Amber: Output energized, 360 visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)], Min -25+70 (-13+158 )
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
18 & 30 mm

Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.70.8
Brass 0.40.5
DC Cable Style Aluminum 0.30.4
8, 12, 18, and 30 mm
Copper 0.20.3

Pigtail Cable with Integral Micro QD Connector

8, 12, 18, and 30 mm

50 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Cable Style

Normally Open Normally Closed
D NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ - + - 1030V DC + -
360 Visible Brown 1030V DC
1030V DC 1030V DC
LED Brown Brown
Brown + - + - Blue + -
+ - Blue Load Load Load
Load Black Black Black
2 m (6.5 ft) Blue Blue

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 26.7 (1.05)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 24.1 (0.95)
No 30.7 (1.21) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 34.8 (1.37)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47)
stainless steel No 42.9 (1.69) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 34.8 (1.37)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.8 (1.25)
No 47.0 (1.85) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 34.8 (1.37)
Nickel-plated brass
No 47.0 (1.85) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 x 1 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 37.3 (1.47)
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
No 49.5 (1.95) 12.2 (0.48)

Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D +

1 4 Load Load 1 4
C 2 3 +
2 3

1030V DC + 1030V DC +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 47.5 (1.87)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 24.2 (0.95)
stainless steel No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Yes 47.5 (1.87)
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Yes 50.8 (2.00)
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
No 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)

Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P 51

Tubular Sensors
872C WorldProx Short Barrel Extended Sensing 3-Wire DC
Plastic Face/Threaded Nickel-Plated Brass or Stainless Steel Barrel
Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Wiring Diagrams
Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
LED indicators D +
2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + 2
C 4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
+ 4 4
B Load
M12 x 1 +
+ +
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 45.2 (1.78)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 20.1 (0.79)
Nickel-plated brass and No 49.3 (1.94) 4.10 (0.16)
stainless steel Yes 48.3 (1.90)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 27.4 (1.08)
No 56.4 (2.22) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 49.5 (1.95)
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
No 61.7 (2.43) 12.2 (0.48)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71)
Yes 48.3 (1.90)
Stainless steel 31.8 (1.25)
No 60.5 (2.38) 12.2 (0.48)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 50.8 (2.00)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 31.8 (1.25)
stainless steel No 63.2 (2.49) 12.2 (0.48)

Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators +
D Load Load

1030V DC 1030V DC
+ +

[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Yes 44.5 (1.75)
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 29.0 (1.14)
No 48.5 (1.91) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass and Yes 45.2 (1.78)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 29.2 (1.15)
stainless steel No 53.3 (2.10) 8.10 (0.32)
Yes 47.5 (1.87)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.5 (1.24)
No 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)

52 Rockwell Automation Publication PROX-TD001C-EN-P

Technical Data

IEC Contactor Specifications

Bulletin Numbers 100/104-K, 100/104-C, 100/104S-C, 100/104-D, 100S-D, 100-G, 100Q-C

Topic Page
Product Line Overview 3
100-K/104-K Miniature Contactors 5
Coil Voltage Codes 5
Assignment of Contacts 6
Specifications 8
Life-Load Curves 12
Approximate Dimensions 14
100-C/104-C, 100S-C/104S-C, 100Q-C Contactors 15
Coil Voltage Codes 15
Assignment of Contacts 18
Specifications 25
Life-Load Curves 36
Maximum Operating Rates 42
Approximate Dimensions 46
100-D/104-D, 100S-D Contactors 51
Coil Voltage Codes 51
Specifications 53
Life-Load Curves 63
Approximate Dimensions 65
100-G Contactors 67
Coil Voltage Codes 67
Specifications 67
Life-Load Curves 73
Permissible Switching Rate 75
Approximate Dimensions 77
100-C/104-C, 100S-C/104S-C, 100Q-C Contactors

Coil Voltage Codes

100-C/104-C Contactors
The Cat. No. as listed is incomplete. Select a coil voltage code from the table below to complete the Cat. No. Example: 120V,
60 Hz: Cat. No. 100-C0910 becomes Cat. No.100-C09D10.

100 200 208

AC Voltages [V] 12 24 32 36 42 48 100 110 120 127 200 208
110 220 240
50 Hz R K V W X Y KP D P S KG L
60 Hz Q J V X KP D KG H L
50/60 Hz KJ KY KP KD KG KL(1)
(1) Not available on 100/104-C90 or -C97 contactors.

220 230 380 400

AC Voltages [V] 230 240 277 347 380 400 440 480 500 550 600
230 240 400 415
50 Hz F VA T N G B M C
60 Hz A T I E N B C
50/60 Hz KL(1) KF KA KN KB
(1) Not available on 100/104-C90 or -C97 contactors.

DC Voltages [V] 9 12 24 24 36 3648 48 4872 60 64

Electronic with
100-C09C55 EQ EJ QJ(1) EW EY
Integrated Diode
100-C60C97 with Integrated Diode DR DQ DJ DW DY DZ DB
(1) QJ coil has faster dropout time (1621 ms).

DC Voltages [V] 72 80 110 110125 115 125 220 220250 230 250
Electronic with
100-C09C55 ED EA
Integrated Diode
100-C60C97 with Integrated Diode DG DE DD DP DS DA DF DT

Coil Terminal Position

All contactors are delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side.

For load side coil terminations, insert a U prior to the coil voltage code. Ordering example: Cat. No. 100-C09UD10.

Cat. No.100-C0910 Line Side Cat. No.100-C09U10 Load Side

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 15

100S-C/104S-C Safety Contactors
The Cat. No. as listed is incomplete. Select a coil voltage code from the table below to complete the Cat. No. Example: 120V,
60 Hz: Cat. No. 100S-C0905BC becomes Cat. No.100S-C09D05BC.

100 200 208

AC Voltages [V] 12 24 32 36 42 48 100 110 120 127 200 208
110 220 240
50 Hz R K V W X Y KP D P S KG L
60 Hz Q J V X KP D KG H L
50/60 Hz KJ KY KP KD KG KL(1)
(1) Not available on 100S/104S-C97 contactors.

220 230 380 400

AC Voltages [V] 230 240 277 347 380 400 440 480 500 550 600
230 240 400 415
50 Hz F VA T N G B M C
60 Hz A T I E N B C
50/60 Hz KL(1) KF KA KN KB
(1) Not available on 100S/104S-C97 contactors.

DC Voltages [V] 9 12 24 24 36 3648 48 4872 60 64

Electronic with
100S-C09C55 EQ EJ QJ(1) EW EY
Integrated Diode
100S-C60C97 with Integrated Diode DR DQ DJ DW DY DZ DB
(1) QJ coil has faster dropout time (1621 ms).

DC Voltages [V] 72 80 110 110125 115 125 220 220250 230 250
Electronic with
100S-C09C55 ED EA
Integrated Diode
100S-C60C97 with Integrated Diode DG DE DD DP DS DA DF DT

Coil Terminal Position

All contactors are delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side.

For load side coil terminations, insert a U prior to the coil voltage code. Ordering example: Cat. No. 100S-C09UD05BC.

Cat. No.100-C0910 Line Side Cat. No.100-C09U10 Load Side

16 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

100Q-C Contactors
The Cat. No. as listed is incomplete. Select a coil voltage code from the table below to complete the Cat. No. Example: 120V,
60 Hz: Cat. No. 100Q-C1611 becomes Cat. No.100Q-C16D11.

AC Voltages [V] 12 24 32 36 42 48 100 100 110 120 127 200 200 208 208
110 220 240
50 Hz R K V W X Y KP D P S KG L
60 Hz Q J V X KP D KG H L
50/60 Hz KJ KY KP KD KG KL

AC Voltages [V] 220 230 230 240 277 347 380 380 400 400 440 480 500 550 600
230 240 400 415
50 Hz F VA T N G B M C
60 Hz A T I E N B C
50/60 Hz KL KF KA KN KB

DC Voltages [V] 9 12 24 36 48 60 64 72
Electronic with Integrated Diode EQ EJ

DC Voltages [V] 80 110 110125 115 125 220 220250 230 250
Electronic with Integrated Diode ED EA

Maximum Operational Rates

100Q-C16 200 operations/hour

100Q-C37 100 operations/hour

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 17

Assignment of Contacts
Device Combinations in Accordance with IEC 60947-1 / -4-1
Table valid for : AC / DC = 0.851.1 x Us, Tamb. = -25 C+60 C, normal position (horizontal rail mounting)

Auxiliary Contact Blocks 100-C Contactors (AC and DC Control)

100-C43_00 100-C09_400 100-C09_200
100-C55_00 100-C12_400 100-C12_200
100-C09_10 100-C09_01 100-C60_00 100-C16_400 100-C09_300 100-C16_200
100-C12_10 100-C12_01 100-C72_00 100-C23_400 100-C12_300 100-C23_200
Circuit Diagram Control
100-C16_10 100-C16_01 100-C85_00 100-C40_400 100-C16_300 100-C40_200
100-C23_10 100-C23_01 100-C97_00 100-C90_400 100-C23_300 100-C90_200
A1 1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 21 A1 1 3 5 A1 1 3 5 7 A1 1 3 5 R7 A1 1 R3 R5 7
K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1
A2 2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 22 A2 2 4 6 A2 2 4 6 8 A2 2 4 6 R8 A2 2 R4 R6 8
Side Mounting

01 + 01 = 02 (3)
100-SB01 AC/DC 10 + 01 = 11 00 + 01 = 01 00 + 01 = 01 00 + 01 = 01 00 + 01 = 01

100-SB10 AC/DC 10 + 10 = 20 (3) 01 + 10 = 11 00 + 10 = 10 00 + 10 = 10 00 + 10 = 10 00 + 10 = 10

11 21
32 42
100-SB02 AC/DC 10 + 02 = 12 (3) 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02
12 22
31 41

13 21
32 44

100-SB11 AC/DC 10 + 11 = 21 (3) 01 + 11 = 12 (3) 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11

14 22
31 43

13 23
34 44
100-SB20 AC/DC 10 + 20 = 30 (3) 01 + 20 = 21 (3) 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20
14 24
33 43

17 25
36 48

100-SBL11 (2) AC/DC 10 + L11 = L21 (3) 01 + L11 = L12 (3) 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11
18 26
35 47

(1) Up to 8 auxiliary contacts possible: contactor + front mounted (AC max. 4 N.C. / DC max. 4 N.C.), side mounted (AC max. 2 N.O. / DC max. 2 N.O. and max. 2 N.C.).
(2) Early make and/or late break.
(3) Double numbering: because of double numbering only left-side mounting is recommended.

18 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

Device Combinations in Accordance with IEC 60947-1 / -4-1

Auxiliary Contact Blocks 100-C Contactors (AC and DC Control)

100-C43_00 100-C09_400 100-C09_200
100-C55_00 100-C12_400 100-C12_200
100-C09_10 100-C09_01 100-C60_00 100-C16_400 100-C09_300 100-C16_200
100-C12_10 100-C12_01 100-C72_00 100-C23_400 100-C12_300 100-C23_200
Circuit Diagram Control
100-C16_10 100-C16_01 100-C85_00 100-C40_400 100-C16_300 100-C40_200
100-C23_10 100-C23_01 100-C97_00 100-C90_400 100-C23_300 100-C90_200
A1 1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 21 A1 1 3 5 A1 1 3 5 7 A1 1 3 5 R7 A1 1 R3 R5 7
K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1
A2 2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 22 A2 2 4 6 A2 2 4 6 8 A2 2 4 6 R8 A2 2 R4 R6 8

Front Mounting (1)

51 61
AC/DC 10 + 02 = 12 01 + 02 = 03 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02
52 62

53 61
AC/DC 10 + 11 = 21 01 + 11 = 12 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11
54 62

13 21
AC/DC 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11 00 + 11 = 11
14 22

23 31
AC/DC 10 + 11 = 21
24 32

100-FA20, 53 63
AC/DC 10 + 20 = 30 01 + 20 = 21 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20
54 64

17 25
100-FBL11 (2) AC/DC 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11 00 + L11 = L11
18 26

53 61 71 83
AC/DC 10 + 22 = 32 01 + 22 = 23 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22
54 62 72 84

13 21 31 43
AC/DC 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22 00 + 22 = 22
14 22 32 44

21 31 43 53
AC/DC 10 + 22 = 32
22 32 44 54

53 61 73 83
AC/DC 10 + 31 = 41 01 + 31 = 32 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31
54 62 74 84

100-FA40, 53 63 73 83
AC/DC 10 + 40 = 50 01 + 40 = 41 00 + 40 = 40 00 + 40 = 40 00 + 40 = 40 00 + 40 = 40
54 64 74 84

53 61 75 87
100-FAL22 (2) AC/DC 10 + L22 = L32 01 + L22 = L23 00 + L22 = L22 00 + L22 = L22 00 + L22 = L22 00 + L22 = L22
54 62 76 88

51 61 71 81
AC/DC 10 + 04 = 14 01 + 04 = 05 00 + 04 = 04 00 + 04 = 04 00 + 04 = 04 00 + 04 = 04
52 62 72 82

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 19

Auxiliary Contact Blocks 100-C Contactors (AC and DC Control)
100-C43_00 100-C09_400 100-C09_200
100-C55_00 100-C12_400 100-C12_200
100-C09_10 100-C09_01 100-C60_00 100-C16_400 100-C09_300 100-C16_200
100-C12_10 100-C12_01 100-C72_00 100-C23_400 100-C12_300 100-C23_200
Circuit Diagram Control
100-C16_10 100-C16_01 100-C85_00 100-C40_400 100-C16_300 100-C40_200
100-C23_10 100-C23_01 100-C97_00 100-C90_400 100-C23_300 100-C90_200
A1 1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 21 A1 1 3 5 A1 1 3 5 7 A1 1 3 5 R7 A1 1 R3 R5 7
K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1
A2 2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 22 A2 2 4 6 A2 2 4 6 8 A2 2 4 6 R8 A2 2 R4 R6 8

53 61 71 81
AC/DC 10 + 13 = 23 01 + 13 = 14 00 + 13 = 13 00 + 13 = 13 00 + 13 = 13 00 + 13 = 13
54 62 72 82

11 21
AC/DC 10 + 02 = 12 01 + 02 = 03 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02 00 + 02 = 02
12 22

13 23
AC/DC 10 + 20 = 30 01 + 20 = 21 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20 00 + 20 = 20
14 24

23 31 43 53
AC/DC 10 + 31 = 41 01 + 31 = 32 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31 00 + 31 = 31
24 32 44 54

(1) Up to 8 auxiliary contacts possible: contactor + front mounted (AC max. 4 N.C. / DC max. 4 N.C.), side mounted (AC max. 2 N.O. / DC max. 2 N.O. and max. 2 N.C.).
(2) Early make and/or late break.

20 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X X X
AC-1 Active Power Load (50 Hz); Ambient temperature 40 C
500V [A] 32 32 32 32(40)(1) 65 65 75 75 85 85 100 100 100 130 130 130
690V [A] 32 32 32 32(40)(1) 65 65 75 75 85 85 100 100 100 130 130 130
230V [kW] 13 13 13 13 26 26 30 30 34 34 40 40 40 52 52 52
Rated Operational 240V [kW] 13 13 13 13 27 27 31 31 35 35 42 42 42 54 54 54
Current, Ie 400V [kW] 22 22 22 22 45 45 52 52 59 59 69 69 69 90 90 90
415V [kW] 23 23 23 23 47 47 54 54 61 61 72 72 72 93 93 93
500V [kW] 28 28 28 28 56 56 65 65 74 74 87 87 87 113 113 113
690V [kW] 38 38 38 38 78 78 90 90 102 102 120 120 120 155 155 155
AC-1 Active Power Load (50 Hz); Ambient temperature 60 C
500V [A] 32 32 32 32 65 65 60 60 75 75 100 100 100 110 110 110
690V [A] 32 32 32 32 65 65 60 60 75 75 100 100 100 110 110 110
230V [kW] 13 13 13 13 26 26 24 24 25 25 40 40 40 44 44 44
Rated Operational 240V [kW] 13 13 13 13 27 27 25 25 26 26 42 42 42 46 46 46
Current, Ie 400V [kW] 22 22 22 22 45 45 42 42 44 44 69 69 69 76 76 76
415V [kW] 23 23 23 23 47 47 43 43 45 45 72 72 72 79 79 79
500V [kW] 28 28 28 28 56 56 52 52 55 55 87 87 87 95 95 95
690V [kW] 38 38 38 38 78 78 72 72 75 75 120 120 120 131 131 131
Switching of 3-phase Motors; (50 Hz) Ambient temperature 60 C, AC-2, AC-3
230V [A] 12 15 20 26.5 35 38 38 38 44 56 62 72 85 85 85 96
240V [A] 12 15 20 26.5 35 38 38 38 44 56 62 72 85 85 85 95
400V [A] 9 12 16 23 30 37 37 37 43 55 60 72 85 85 85 97
415V [A] 9 12 16 23 30 37 37 37 43 55 60 72 85 85 85 97
500V [A] 7 10 14 20 25 30 29 30 38 44 55 67 80 80 80 78
Rated Operational 690V [A] 5 7 9 12 18 21 9 21 25 25 34 42 49 22 49 57
Current, Ie 230V [kW] 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 11 11 11 13 15 18.5 22 25 25 25 30
240V [kW] 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 11 11 11 13 15 18.5 22 25 25 25 30
400V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 18.5 18.5 22 30 32 40 45 45 45 55
415V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 20 20 20 22 30 32 40 45 45 45 55
500V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 13 15 20 18.5 20 25 30 37 45 55 55 55 55
690V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 7.5 18.5 22 22 32 40 45 18.5 45 55
Load Carrying Capacity per UL/CSA
General Purpose Current (enclosed) [A] 25 25 30 30 55 60 60 60 75 75 90 90 100 125 130 120
115V [A] 9.8 9.8 16 24 24 34 34 34 34 56 56 56 80 80 80 100
Rated power (enclosed) 230V [A] 10 12 17 17 28 28 28 28 40 50 50 68 68 68 68 88
1-phase 115V [Hp] 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10
230V [Hp] 1.5 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 7.5 10 10 15 15 15 15 20
200V [A] 7.8 11 17.5 17.5 25.3 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 48.3 48.3 62.1 78.2 78.2 78.2 92
230V [A] 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 28 28 28 42 54 54 68 80 80 80 80
460V [A] 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 34 34 40 52 52 65 77 65 77 96
Rated power (enclosed) 575V [A] 9 11 17 17 27 32 17 32 32 41 52 62 62 22 52 77
3-phase 200V [Hp] 2 3 5 5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 20 25 25 25 30
230V [Hp] 2 3 5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 20 20 25 30 30 30 30
460V [Hp] 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 25 25 30 40 40 50 60 50 60 75
575V [Hp] 7.5 10 15 15 25 30 15 30 30 40 50 60 60 20 50 75
(1) Values in () with increased cross-section and cable lug

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 25

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 43 55 60 72 85 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X
Switching of 3-phase Motors, (50 Hz); Ambient temperature 60 C, AC-4
230V [A] 12 15 20 26.5 35 38 44 56 62 72 85 96
240V [A] 12 15 20 26.5 35 38 44 56 62 72 85 95
400V [A] 9 12 16 23 30 37 43 55 60 72 85 97
415V [A] 9 12 16 23 30 37 43 55 60 72 85 97
500V [A] 7 10 14 20 25 30 38 44 55 67 80 78
690V [A] 5 7 9 12 18 21 25 25 34 42 49 57
230V [kW] 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 11 13 15 18.5 22 25 30
240V [kW] 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 11 13 15 18.5 22 25 30
400V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 32 40 45 55
415V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 20 22 30 32 40 45 55
500V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 13 15 20 25 30 37 45 55 55
690V [kW] 4 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 22 22 32 40 45 55
AC-4 at approximately 200,000 operations
230V [A] 4.3 6.6 9 9 12 14 16.5 22 25.5 31 38 44
240V [A] 4.3 6.6 9 9 12 14 16.5 22 25.5 31 38 44
400/415V [A] 4.3 6.6 9 9 12 14 16.5 22 25.5 31 38 44
500V [A] 4.3 6.6 9 9 12 14 16.5 22 25.5 31 38 44
690V [A] 4.3 6.6 9 9 12 14 16.5 22 25.5 31 38 44
230V (1) [kW] 0.75 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 3.7 4 5.5 6.3 7.5 11 11
240V (1) [kW] 0.75 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 4 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 11 11
400V (1) [kW] 1.8 3 4 4 5.5 6.3 7.5 11 13 15 20 22
415V (1) [kW] 1.8 3 4 4 5.5 6.3 7.5 11 13 17 20 22
500V (1) [kW] 2.2 3.7 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 10 11 15 20 25 30
690V (1) [kW] 3 5.5 7.5 7.5 10 11 15 18.5 22 25 32 37
Max. switching frequency Ops/hour 250 250 220 200 200 200 200 200 120 120 120 120
Wye-Delta (60 Hz)
200V [Hp] 5 5 7 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 50
230V [Hp] 5 7 10 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 60
460V [Hp] 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 125
575V [Hp] 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 125
UL/CSA Elevator Duty
200V [A] 7.8 11.0 11.0 17.5 25.3 25.3 32.2 TBD 32.2 48.3 62.1 TBD
230V [A] 6.8 9.6 15.2 15.2 22.0 28.0 28.0 TBD 42.0 54.0 68.0 TBD
460V [A] 7.6 11.0 04.0 21.0 27.0 27.0 34.0 TBD 40.0 52.0 65.0 TBD
575V [A] 6.1 9.0 11.0 17.0 22.0 27.0 32.0 TBD 41.0 52.0 62.0 TBD
200V [Hp] 2 3 3 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 10 TBD 10 15 20 TBD
230V [Hp] 2 3 5 5 7-1/2 10 10 TBD 15 20 25 TBD
460V [Hp] 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 20 25 TBD 30 40 50 TBD
575V [Hp] 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 TBD 40 50 60 TBD
(1) Power ratings at 50 Hz: Preferred values according to IEC 60072-1

26 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 43 55 60 72 85 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X
Star-Delta Starting (50 Hz)
230V [A] 21 26 35 46 61 66 76 96 107 125 147 166
240V [A] 21 26 35 46 61 66 76 96 107 125 47 165
400V [A] 16 21 28 40 52 64 74 95.3 104 125 147 168
415V [A] 16 21 28 40 52 64 74 95.3 104 125 47 168
500V [A] 12 17 24 35 43 52 66 76.2 95 116 139 135
690V [A] 8.6 12 16 21 31 36 43 55.4 59 73 85 99
230V (1) [kW] 5.5 7.5 10 13 17 20 22 30 32 37 45 50
240V (1) [kW] 5.5 7.5 10 13 18.5 20 22 30 32 40 50 50
400V (1) [kW] 7.5 10 13 20 25 32 40 45 55 63 80 90
415V (1) [kW] 7.5 11 15 22 25 37 40 45 55 63 80 90
500V (1) [kW] 7.5 11 15 22 25 32 45 45 63 80 90 90
690V (1) [kW] 7.5 10 13 18.5 25 32 40 45 55 63 80 90
Switching of Power Transformers, AC-6a (50 Hz)
Inrush Current
Rated transformer current
230V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
240V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
400V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
415V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
500V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
690V [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
n= 30
230V [kVA] 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 8 8 9.2 9.2 16 16 16 19.3
240V [kVA] 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8.3 8.3 10 10 17 17 17 20.2
400V [kVA] 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 14 14 16 16 28 28 28 33.6
415V [kVA] 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 14 14 17 17 29 29 29 34.9
500V [kVA] 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 17 17 20 20 35 35 35 42
690V [kVA] 13 13 13 13 24 24 27 27 49 49 49 58
n=20 690V [A] 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 30 30 34.5 34.5 61.3 61.3 61.3 72.8
n=15 690V [A] 22 22 22 22 40 40 46 46 82 82 82 97
60 Hz Peak Inrush/peak rated transformer current
n=30 [A] 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 20 20 23 23 40.8 40.8 40.8 48.5
200V [kVA] 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 6.9 6.9 8.0 8 14.1 14.4 14.4 16.8
208V [kVA] 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 7.2 7.2 8.3 8.3 14.7 14.7 14.7 17.5
240V [kVA] 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8.3 8.3 9.6 9.6 17.0 17.0 17.0 20.2
480V [kVA] 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 16.6 16.6 19.1 19.1 33.9 33.9 33.9 40.3
600V [kVA] 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 20.8 20.8 23.9 23.9 42.4 42.4 42.4 50.4
660V [kVA] 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 22.9 22.9 26.3 26.3 46.6 46.6 46.6 55.4
60 Hz Peak Inrush/peak rated transformer current
n=20 [A] 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 30 30 34.5 34.5 61.3 61.3 61.3 72.8
200V [kVA] 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 10.4 10.4 12.0 12 21.2 21.2 21.2 25.2
208V [kVA] 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 10.8 10.8 12.4 12.4 22.1 22.1 22.1 26.2
240V [kVA] 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 12.5 12.5 14.3 14.3 25.5 25.5 25.5 30.3
480V [kVA] 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 24.9 24.9 28.7 28.7 51.0 51.0 51.0 60.5
600V [kVA] 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 31.2 31.2 35.9 35.9 63.7 63.7 63.7 75.7
660V [kVA] 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 34.3 34.3 39.4 39.4 70.1 70.1 70.1 83.2
(1) Power ratings at 50 Hz: Preferred values according to IEC 60072-1

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 27

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 43 55 60 72 85 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X
60 Hz Peak Inrush/peak rated transformer current
n=15 [A] 22 22 22 22 40 40 46 46 82 82 82 97
200V [kVA] 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 13.9 13.9 15.9 15.9 28.4 28.4 28.4 33.6
208V [kVA] 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 14.4 14.4 16.6 16.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 34.9
240V [kVA] 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 16.6 16.6 19.1 19.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 40.3
480V [kVA] 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 33.3 33.3 38.2 38.2 68.2 68.2 68.2 80.6
600V [kVA] 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 41.6 41.6 47.8 47.8 85.2 85.2 85.2 100.8
660V [kVA] 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 45.7 45.7 52.6 52.6 93.7 93.7 93.7 110.9

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X X X
Switching of 3-phase Capacitors, AC-6b (50 Hz)(1)
230V [kVar] 8 8 8.5 9 14 14 24 24 28 28 28 28
240V [kVar] 8 8 8.5 9 14 14 25 25 29 29 29 29
400V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 24 35 35 48 48 48 48
Single capacitor 40C
415V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 25 35 35 50 50 50 50
500V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 25 35 35 50 55 60 60
690V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 25 35 35 50 55 60 60
230V [kVar] 8 8 8.5 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 28 28 28 28
240V [kVar] 8 8 8.5 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 29 29 29 29
400V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 21.5 30 30 42 48 48 48
Single capacitor 60 C
415V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 22 30 30 42 50 50 50
500V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 25 30 30 42 50 55 55
690V [kVar] 8 8 10 12.5 20 25 30 30 42 50 55 55
230V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 14 20 20 28 28 28 28
240V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 14 20 20 29 29 29 29
400V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 48 48 48
Group capacitors 40C
415V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
500V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
690V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
230V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 28 28 28 28
240V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 29 29 29 29
400V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 48 48 48
Group capacitors 60 C
415V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
500V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
690V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
200V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 14 20 20 28 28 28 28
60 Hz Single Capacitor 230V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 14 20 20 29 29 29 29
40 C 460V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
600V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
200V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 28 28 28 28
60 Hz Group Capacitors 230V [kVar] 5 5 8 9 12.5 12.5 18 18 29 29 29 29
40 C 460V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
600V [kVar] 5 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 40 50 50 50
(1) Inductance of leads between capacitors in parallel: min. 6 H (100-C09C30 contactors: min 30 H)

28 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X X X
Switching of Lamps
Gas discharge lamps AC-5a, 40 C
open [A] 22.5 25 28 29 40.5 45 65 65 77 77 81 85 90 115 115 115
enclosed [A] 22.5 25 28 29 37 41 54 54 57 57 77 81 90 95 95 100
Individually compensated:
Max. capacitance at expected
10 kA [F] 1000 1000 1000 1000 2700 2700 3200 3200 4000 4000 4700 4700
Short-circuit current of 20 kA [F] 500 500 500 500 1350 1350 1600 1600 2000 2000 2350 2350
50 kA [F] 200 200 200 200 540 540 640 640 800 800 940 940
Filament AC-5b [A] 12 16 18 22 30 37 18 25 43 51 60 70 76 60 75 90
Switching of Low Inductive Loads in Home Appliances and Similar Applications per IEC 61095 (50 Hz)
230V [A] 32 32 32 32 45 45 63 63
AC-7a 400V [A] 32 32 32 32 45 45 63 63
440V [A] 32 32 32 32 45 45 63 63
Switching of Motor Load for Home Appliances (50 Hz)
230V [A] 10.5 14 19 23 30
AC-7b 400V [A] 9 12 16 20 30
440V [A] 7.5 10 13.5 18 27
Switching of Hermetically Sealed Cooling Compressor Motors - manual reset of overload release (50 Hz)
400V [A] 12 16 22 32 38 45 63 63 72 85 100 115
AC-8a 500V [A] 12 16 22 32 38 45 63 63 72 85 100 115
690V [A] 8 10 14 20 28 35 42 42 56 67 80 90
- automatic reset of overload release
400V [A] 5.5 7 9.3 12 13 14 16 16 24 30 35 35
AC-8b 500V [A] 5.5 7 9.3 12 13 14 16 16 24 30 35 35
690V [A] 5.5 7 9.3 12 13 14 16 16 24 30 35 35
Switching of DC Loads
Non-inductive or slightly inductive loads or resistance furnaces DC-1, 60 C
24V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 45 45 50 50 70 80 80 80 80 80
48/60V [A] 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40
1 pole 110V [A] 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 11
220V [A] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 1.8 1.8 2
440V [A] 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
24V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 45 45 50 50 70 80 80 80 80 80
48/60V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 45 45 50 50 70 80 80 80 80 80
2 poles in series 110V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 45 45 50 50 70 80 80 80 80 80
220V [A] 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15
440V [A] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
24V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 63 63 90 90 100 100 100
48/60V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 50 50 70 90 100 100 100
3 poles in series 110V [A] 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 70 90 100 100 100
220V [A] 6 6 6 10 15 15 20 20 25 80 80 80 80
440V [A] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 5 5 5 5

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 29

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X X X
Switching of DC Loads, Continued
Series-wound Motors, Starting, reverse current braking, reversing, stepping DC-3, 60 C
24V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 63 63 90 90 100 100
48/60V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 50 50 70 70 80 80
3 poles in series 110V [A] 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 70 70 80 80
220V [A] 6 6 6 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30
440V [A] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Series-wound Motors, Starting, reverse current braking, reversing, stepping DC-5, 60 C
24V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 63 63 90 90 100 100
48/60V [A] 25 25 32 32 45 45 50 50 70 70 80 80
3 poles in series 110V [A] 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 70 70 80 80
220V [A] 6 6 6 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30
440V [A] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Short Time Withstand
10 s [A] 170 170 170 215 300 304 304 304 375 375 700 700 700 700 700 840
ICW, , 60 C
Resistance and Power Dissipation
Main current circuit resistance [m] 2.7 2.7 2.7 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
Power dissipation by all circuits at
[W] 0.66 1.2 2.1 3.2 5.4 8.2 11.3 8.4 8.3 9.1 9.7 14 19.5 13.5 11.8 17
Ie AC-3/400V
[W] 3.4 3.9 4.8 6.3 8.5 11.3 8.8 9.5 11.6 12.4 16.2 13.8 17.5 36 56.3 26
Total power dissipation control [W] 13.7 13.8 17.5 32.5 52.8 23
At Ie AC-3/400V (conv.)
control [W] 2.4 2.9 3.8 4.9 7.1 9.9 8 8.7 10.8 11.6
Mechanical AC control [Million ops.] 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 10 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6
Mechanical DC control [Million ops.] 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 10 13 13 6 6 6 6 6 6
Electrical AC-3 (400 V) [Million ops.] 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1 0.8 1 1 1 1
Non- [kg 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.48 0.49 0.63 0.63 0.51 0.51 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45

Rev. (lbs)] (0.86) (0.86) (0.86) (0.86) (1.06) (1.08) (1.39) (1.39) (1.12) (1.12) (3.20) (3.20) (3.20) (3.20)
[kg 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.08 1.08 1.15 1.15 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14
(lbs)] (1.89) (1.89) (1.89) (1.89) (2.39) (2.39) (2.54) (2.54) (6.92) (6.92) (6.92) (6.92)
Non- [kg 0.6 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47

Rev. (lbs)] (1.32) (3.24) (3.24) (3.24) (3.24)
[kg 1.27 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22
(lbs)] (2.81) (7.1) (7.1) (7.1) (7.1)
Non- [kg 0.40 0.40 0.40(0.8 0.40 0.49 0.49 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57

Rev. (lbs)] (0.88) (0.88) 8) (0.88) (1.08) (1.08) (1.25) (1.25) (1.25) (1.25)
DC (Electronic-EQ, EJ)
[kg 0.87 0.87 0.87(1.9 0.87 1.08 1.08 1.27 1.27
(lbs)] (1.91) (1.91) 1) (1.91) (2.39) (2.39) (2.79) (2.79)
Non- [kg 0.43 0.43 0.43(0.9 0.43 0.52 0.52 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60

DC (Electronic- EW, EY, Rev. (lbs)] (0.95) (0.95) 5) (0.95) (1.14) (1.14) (1.32) (1.32) (1.32) (1.32)
ED, EA) [kg 0.93 0.93 0.93(2.0 0.93 1.14 1.14 1.33 1.33
(lbs)] (2.05) (2.05) 5) (2.05) (2.51) (2.51) (2.93) (2.93)

30 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40 43 55 60 72 85 90 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic EI X X X X X X X X X
(2) (3)
Conductor Cross Sections - Main Contacts Terminal type

1 conductor [mm2] 14 2.510 2.516 2.535

2 conductors [mm2] 14 2.510 2.510 2.525 2.535
1 conductor [mm2] 1.56 2.516 2.525 2.550
2 conductors [mm2] 1.56 2.516 2.516 2.535
Recommended torque [Nm] 1.52.0 2.53.5 2.53.5 4.56
Cross section per UL/CSA [AWG] 1610 144 146 144 141
Recommended torque [lb-in] 13.317.7 2231 2231 4053
(1) Pozidriv No. 2 / Blade No. 3 screw
(2) Pozidriv No. 2 / Blade No. 4 screw
(3) Hexagonal socket screw

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 31

Short-Circuit Coordination Data
See for complete short-circuit current ratings.

100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic - EI X X X X X X X X X X
Short Circuit Coordination (Max. Fuse or Circuit Breaker Rating) Per IEC 60947-4-1 (contactor and fuses only)
DIN Fuses- gG, gL 50 kA Available Fault Current
Type"1"(690V) [A] 50 50 50 80 125 125 160 160 160 160 250 250 250 250 250 250
Type"2"(400V) [A] 25 35 35 40 80 80 63 80 100 100 160 160 160 160 100 200
Type"2"(690V) [A] 25 35 35 40 80 80 63 80 100 100 160 160 160 160 100 200
BS88Fuses 65kA Available Fault Current
Type"1"(415V) [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 80 TBD 100 160 160 TBD
Type"2"(415V) [A] 20 25 32 50 63 80 80 TBD 100 125 160 TBD
Per UL 508 and CSA 22.2 No. 14 (contactor and fuses or circuit breaker only)
UL Class K5 and RK5 Fuses 5 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A] 35 40 70 90 110 125 125 125 150 200 200
UL Class K5 and RK5 Fuses 10 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A] 250 300 300 300 350
UL Class CC and CSA HRCI-MISC Fuses 100 kA Available Fault Current
UL verified combination to
[A] 20(1) 20 30 40
IEC60947-4-1 "Type2"
UL Class J and CSA HRCI-J Fuses 100 kA Available Fault Current
UL verified combination to
IEC60947-4-1 "Type2" [A] 20(1) 20 30 40 50 50 70 TBD 80 100 150 175
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 5 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (480V) [A] 30 30 50 50 125 125 125 150 250
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A] 125 125 125 150 250
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 10 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A] 250 250 250
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 18 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A]
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 25 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination [A] 30(2) 30(2) 30(2) 30(2) 50(3) 50(3) 50(3) 110 110 110
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 25 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (600V) [A] 100(4) 100(4) 100(4) 125 200(4) 225(4) 225(4) 225(4)
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 50 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (480V) [A] 50(3) 50(3) 50(3)
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 65 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (480Y/277V) [A] 30 30 30 30
UL Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker 65 kA Available Fault Current
UL Listed Combination (480V) [A] 100(4) 100(4) 100(4) 125 200(4) 225(4) 225(4) 225(4)
(1) 15 A max. fuse for Type 2 coordination.
(2) Ratings apply when used with Bulletin 140U-D circuit breakers only.
(3) Minimum enclosure size 12-3/8 x 7-5/8 s 7-1/4 inches
(4) Minimum enclosure size 20 x 12 x 8 inches with two latches.

32 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

Coil Data
100/104-C, 100S/104S-C
09 12 16 23 30 37 40*200 40*400 43 55 60 72 85 90*200 90*400 97
Conventional X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Coil Type:
Electronic - EI X X X X X X X X X X
Operating Limits
50 Hz, 60 Hz, pick-up [x Us] 0.851.1
50/60 Hz dropout [x Us] 0.30.6 0.30.6 0.30.6
pick-up [x Us] 0.81.1
DC (conventional)
dropout [x Us] 0.10.6
DC (electronicEQ, EJ, pick-up [x Us] 0.71.25
EW, QJ) dropout [x Us] 0.30.4
pick-up [x Us] 0.81.25
DC (electronicEY)
dropout [x Us] 0.30.4
pick-up [x Us] 0.71.12
DC (electronicED)
dropout [x Us] 0.30.4
pick-up [x Us] 0.81.1
DC (electronicEA)
dropout [x Us] 0.30.4
Coil Consumption
50 Hz, 60 Hz, pick-up [VA] 75 105 135 235 400/240
50/60 Hz hold-in [VA/W] 9.5/2.7 12.3/3.1 13.3/3.3 19.6/5 24/9
pick-up [W] 200 325
DC (conventional)
hold-in [W] 4 5
DC (electronicEQ, EJ, pick-up (avg/peak) [W] 10/17 16/25
QJ) hold-in [W] 1.7 2.5
DC (electronicEY, pick-up (avg/peak) [W] 10/17 16/25
EW) hold-in [W] 1.9 2.7
pick-up (avg/peak) [W] 12/19 16/26
DC (electronicED)
hold-in [W] 2.1 2.8
pick-up (avg/peak) [W] 14/22 18/29
DC (electronicEA)
hold-in [W] 3.0 4.0
Operating Times
closing delay [ms] 1530 1530 1530 1530 2040 2040
opening delay [ms] 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 2040
With RC module closing delay [ms] 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 2040
opening delay [ms] 5080 2040 1525 2025 2025
DC (conventional)
closing delay [ms] 715
With integrated diode opening delay [ms] 1723 220V 2035 220V 2035
With external diode opening delay [ms] 80125
closing delay [ms] 2050
DC (electronicEQ, opening delay [ms] 2050
EJ) Max. Ripple 15%
min. OFF time [ms] 50
closing delay [ms] 2050
DC (electronicEW, opening delay [ms] 2333
EY, ED, EA) Max. Ripple 15%
min. OFF time [ms] 50
closing delay [ms] 2050
opening delay [ms] 1621
DC (electronicQJ)
Max. Ripple 15%
min. OFF time [ms] 50

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 33

Auxiliary Contacts, Auxiliary Contact Blocks, and Pneumatic Timers
Front mounted
Internal Front mounted Side-mounted
Switching of AC Loads
at 40 C [A] 20 10 10 10
AC-12 Ith
at 60 C [A] 20 6 6 6
24V [A] 10 6 3 6
42/48V [A] 10 6 3 6
120V [A] 10 6 3 6
230V [A] 10 5.5 3 5.5
AC-15 at rated voltage of 240V [A] 10 5 3 5
400V [A] 6 3 2 3
415V [A] 6 3 2 3
500V [A] 2.5 1.6 1.2 1.6
690V [A] 1 1 0.7 1
Switching of DC Loads
24V DC [A] 12 12 6 6
48V DC [A] 9 9 3.2 3.2
DC-12 L/R < 1 ms resistive loads at 110V DC [A] 3.5 3.5 1 1
220V DC [A] 0.55 0.55 0.5 0.5
440V DC [A] 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
24V DC [A] 9 9 2 2
48V DC [A] 5 5 1.6 1.6
DC-14L/R <15 ms inductive loads with
110V DC [A] 2 2 0.3 0.3
economy resistor in series at
220V DC [A] 0.4 0.4 0.12 0.12
440V DC [A] 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.05
24V DC [A] 5 5 2.5 5
48V DC [A] 3 3 1.5 2.5
DC-13 switching electromagnets at 110V DC [A] 1.2 1.2 0.6 0.68
220V DC [A] 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.32
440V DC [A] 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.15
Fuse gG
[A] 20 10 10 10
[A] 20 10 10 10
between load and auxiliary
Protective Separation per IEC 60947-1, Annex N between load and auxiliary circuit 440V
circuit 320V
Min. switching capacity according to IEC 60947-5-4 17V/10mA 17V/5mA 5V/3mA 17V/10mA
Load Carrying Capacity per UL/CSA
Rated voltage AC [V] max.600
Continuous rating 40 C [A] 10 10 10 10
Switching capacity AC [A] A600
Rated voltage DC [V] max.600
Switching capacity DC [A] P600 Q600 Q600

34 Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015

Rated Isolation Voltage Ui
IEC [V] 690
UL,CSA [V] 600
Rated Impulse Voltage Withstand Uimp [kV] 6
Rated Voltage Ue
AC 50/60 Hz [V] 115, 200, 230, 240, 400, 415, 460, 500, 575, 690
DC [V] 24, 48, 110, 220, 440
Insulation Class of the Coil Class F per IEC 60085
Rated coil frequency AC50/60Hz,DC
Ambient Temperature
Storage [C] -55+80
Operation at rated voltage [C] -25+60
at 70 C 15% current reduction against 60 C values
Climatic Withstand IEC 60068-2-1/-2/-30
Max. Altitude of Installation Site [m] 2000 NN, per IEC60947-1
100-C09C23: IP2X from all directions
Protection Class 100-C30C55: IP2X from front with front (upper) terminal wired
100-C60C97: IP2X from front with front (upper) terminal wired (min. wire size 16 mm2 or #6 AWG)
Single contactor cover
Contactor with frame terminal block
Auxiliary contact IP2X
Protection against Accidental Contact Finger- and back-of-hand proof per VDE0106, part100
Resistance to Shock IEC60068-2-27
Resistance to Vibration IEC60068-2-6
Mechanically Linked Contacts IEC60947-5-1,AnnexL 100-/100S-C09C55+100-FA/-FB/-FC, (except L11, L22),100-/100S-C09C55+ 100-FAB/-FBB/-FCB
Mirror Contacts IEC60947-4 Annex F 100-/100S-C09C97+100-FA/-FB/-FC, (except L11, L22),100-/100S-C09C97+ 100-SA/SB,100-/100S-C09C97+100-FAB/-FBB/-FCB

Standards Compliance and Certifications

100-C IEC Contactors

Standards Compliance Certifications
EN/IEC 60947-4-1, 60947-5-1 CE Marked
IEC 60947 Type 2 Coordination CCC
CSA 22.2. No. 14 cULus Listed (File No. E3125; Guide NLDX, NLDX7)
UL 508
Meets the material restrictions for European Directive 2002/95/IEC-EU-RoHS

100S-C IEC Safety Contactors

Standards Compliance Certifications
EN50205 CE Marked
CSA C22.2 No. 14 SUVA Third-Party Certified
UL 508 cULus Listed (File No. E3125; Guide NLDX, NLDX7)
EN/IEC 60947-4
IEC 60947-4-1 Annex F Mirror Contacts
IEC 60947-5-1 Annex L Mechanically Linked Contacts
Meets the material restrictions for European Directive 2002/95/IEC-EU-RoHS

Rockwell Automation Publication 100-TD013E-EN-P - June 2015 35

User Manual

Guardmaster Configurable Safety Relay

Catalog Number 440C-CR30-22BBB

Original Instructions
Appendix A


SIL Rating The CR30 safety relay meets the requirements of SIL CL 3 in accordance with
IEC/EN 61508.

Table 25 - SIL Rating

Safety Integrity Level Claim Limit 3

PFD 1,76 10-3 (whole safety function)
PFH 1 10-8
Mode of Operation High-demand mode
Safety Related Subsystems Type B (use of programmable / complex components)
Hardware Fault Tolerance HFT = 1 (two channel system)
Safe Failure Fraction 9099%

Performance Level/Category The Performance Level of the safety function is dependent on the structure of all
devices that comprise the safety function.

The CR30 safety relay can be used in safety systems meeting up to Category 4
and Performance Level PLe in accordance with ISO 13849-1.

Table 26 - Performance Level/Category

Category Up to 4
Performance Level Up to e

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 157

Appendix A Specifications

General Number of I/O 22

Dimensions 90 x 100 x 80 mm (3.54 x 3.94 x 3.15 in.)
Shipping Weight, approx. 0.423 kg (0.933 lb)
Wire Size 0.22.5 mm2 (2412 AWG) solid copper wire or
0.22.5 mm2 (2412 AWG) stranded copper wire
rated @ 90 C (194 F) insulation max
Wiring Category 2 on signal ports
2 on power ports
Use this Conductor Category information for planning conductor routing. See Industrial
Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.
Insulation Stripping Length 7 mm (0.28 in.)
Terminal Screw Torque 0.6 Nm (4.4 lbin) max
(Using a 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) flat-blade screwdriver)
Input Circuit Type 24V DC source
Output Circuit Type 24V DC source
Power Supply Voltage Range 24V DC +10% -15%
Fuse Specification 6A
Power Consumption 5.28 W
I/O Rating Input 24V DC, 4 mA
Output 24V DC, Class 2, 0.5 A per point
Enclosure Type Rating IP20

Power has to be supplied by a power supply that complies with IEC / EN 60204 and IEC / EN 61558-1. Such a power supply meets the
electrical safety requirements and maintain the minimum power of 18V DC during 20 ms even in the event of voltage dips.

Environmental Temperature, Operating -5+55 C (23131 F)

Relative Humidity 90%
Vibration 1055 Hz, 0.35mm
Shock 10 g, 16 ms
Pollution Level 2

158 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Inputs Number of Inputs Up to 18 embedded

12 dedicated inputs
6 configurable as Inputs
Operating Voltage Range 20.426.V DC
Off-state Voltage, max 5V DC
Off-state Current, max 2.91 mA (independent of supply)
On-state Voltage, max 26.4V DC
On-state Voltage, min 11.0V DC
On-state Current, min 3.14 mA at 20.4V DC
On-state Current, nom 3.2 mA at 24V DC
On-state Current, max 3.25 mA at 26.4V DC
Off Pulse Accepted for OSSD Min = 0 s
Setting without Declaring Max = 700 s
the Input as OFF
Reverse Voltage Protection No
Input Capacitance 10 nF
Galvanic Isolation: I/O from No

Outputs Number of Outputs Up to 10

Output Signals Standard, OSSD, and Single Wire Safety
Continuous Output Current 0.5 A (Terminals 1219)
0.3 A (Terminals 2021)
Aggregate Current of Outputs 3A
per Device (Max)
Surge Output Current 1A
Surge Output Current 5 ms
Residual Voltage (Drop from 0.2V DC
Power Supply), max
Max Load Capacitance 200 nF / 20-mA load
100 nF / 10-mA load
22 nF without load
Off-state Leakage Current, < 0.1 mA
Short Circuit Detection Yes
Short Circuit Protection Yes
Galvanic Isolation: I/O from No
Pulse Test Duration 700 s
Pulse Test Period 13000 ms (less than 15 s)

Reaction Times Safety Input

Automatic reset < 100 ms
Single Wire Safety Input
Manual monitored reset < 500 ms
Safety Mats

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Appendix A Specifications

Recovery Times To trigger Inputs again Response time as demand + reaction time + 100 ms

Response Times Safety Input 45 ms + Input Filter time

Single Wire Safety Input <45 ms
Safety Mats <70 ms
Single Wire Safety Output <60 ms
Output Loop 25 ms

System Response Time The safety response time is the time that is required to establish the safe state of
the safety output function considering the demand of the safety monitoring
Calculation function and/or occurrence of faults and failures in the safety chain. The overall
response time of the safety function considers the whole safety chain, including
the safety input device, logic device, and actuator. The safety response time is
used to calculate the safety distance, distance between a safeguarding device, and
the hazardous area.

The following paths have to be considered:

Figure 149 - System Response Time

Input Logic Actuator
Interlock E.g. CR30

Embedded CPU, Logic Embedded

Input routing Output

160 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Response Time - Demand of the Safety Function

The safety response time of CR30 safety relay is the screw-to-screw response time
to turn off a safety output at demand of the safety function by the safety input
device. The safety response has to be calculated for each safety monitoring
function. Table 27 shows the possible safety chain with all considerable response

Table 27 - Safety Chain Response Times

Description Where to find: Value
Safety Sensors Safety response time of sensor device Sensor operating manual
SMF Specific Processing time of safety Table 28 (SMF processing times)
monitoring function configured in
Connected Components Workbench
Input Filter Configured Input Filter time From SMF configuration advanced
settings (2)
Logic Internal execution time to process input From technical specification 45 ms
signal, routing, and output processing (1)
SOF Configured Off-Delay time From SOF configuration
Actuator Safety switching device controlling the Actuator operating manual
(1) The internal execution time is static and independent of the number of function blocks that are configured for the safety function.

(2) The maximum input filter time must not be greater than 250 ms.

Table 28 shows the additional processing time of dedicated SMF

Table 28 - Processing Time

SMF Description SMF response time
Emergency Stop SMF inputs deactivated 0 ms
Enabling Switch
Gate Switch
Light Curtain
Alternative Device
Muting N/A 0 ms
Light Curtain Light interrupted, not muted 0 ms
Override Deactivate Override when light 0 ms
curtain is interrupted
Safety Mats Step on Mat, cross loop between 25 ms
safety mat inputs
Single Wire Safety Deactivated SWS signal 15 ms
Two Hand Control Release of at least one hand actuator 0 ms

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 161

Appendix A Specifications

Figure 150 - Example

Table 29 - For SMF1 - E-stop:

Comment Value
Safety Sensors Safety response time of sensor device 0 ms
- considered as 0 ms since
mechanical device only
SMF An E-stop SMF does not require extra 0 ms
processing time
Input Filter Advanced Settings: Input Filter: 10 x 250 ms
25 ms = 250 ms
Logic Internal execution time to process 45 ms
input signal, routing, and output
SOF Configured Off-Delay time - 0 ms
immediate OFF
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 30 ms
response time of 30 ms
Total 325 ms

A demand of the E-stop will force a safe state after 325 ms.

162 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Table 30 - For SMF2 - Safety Mat

Comment Value
Safety Sensors Safety response time of sensor device 0 ms
- considered as 0 ms since
mechanical device only
SMF Safety mat processing time 25 ms
Input Filter Advanced Settings: Input Filter: 0ms 0 ms
Logic Internal execution time to process 45 ms
input signal, routing, and output
SOF Configured Off-Delay time - 0 ms
immediate OFF
Actuator Same contactor is controlled by the 30 ms
safety mat SMF as by the E-stop
Total 100 ms

A demand of the Safety Mat will force a safe state after 100 ms.

Monitoring Time - Occurrence of Recoverable Faults and Failures

Recoverable faults as defined earlier (Chapter 16 - Troubleshooting) are faults

and failures within the connected periphery of the CR30 safety relay. The ability
to detect faults depends on the wiring, the type of sensor, and the signal
evaluation function that is applied to the circuit. The monitoring time is the
amount of time to evaluate the fault or failure after detection and to initiate
appropriate system response. Recoverable faults can be recovered by removing the
fault and cycling the appropriate input circuit.

The detection of a recoverable fault does not lead to the loss of the safety
function. When the safety function is demanded during the monitoring time,
after the occurrence of a recoverable fault, the system will respond within the
safety response time according to the response time considerations of this safety
function (See System Response Time Calculation on page 160).

Note: Monitoring measures that are provided by CR30 safety relay to the
periphery define the diagnostic coverage of the application and thus the
safety rating. Internal monitoring measures related to a fail-safe design of
CR30 safety relay are only related to the safety integrity of the CR30 safety
relay itself, see nonrecoverable faults.

Examples of recoverable faults include:

Cross loop and shorts to 24V and COM faults
Input discrepancy
Muting: Synchronization times exceed
Muting time exceeded
Muting sequence fault
Two-hand discrepancy fault
Reset/Restart timing fault

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 163

Appendix A Specifications

The evaluation method of the input or output signal depends on the

configuration of the SMF and SOF in Connected Components Workbench
software and the wiring of the sensor. Table 31 shows typical evaluation functions
and required settings to be enabled.

Table 31 - Evaluation Method

Evaluation Method Configuration Applicable for
Multi-channel signal evaluation Inputs: 2 N.C., 2 OSSD, 3 N.C. (1), or SMF:
3OSSD(1) Emergency Stop
Enabling Switch
Gate Switch
Light Curtain
Two Hand Control
Alternative Device
Muting: Light Curtain settings
Muting: Override settings
Test pulse evaluation Test Pulses: 1 or 2 sources, or 3 SMF:
sources (1): >0 Emergency Stop
Enabling Switch
Gate Switch
Two Hand Control
Alternative Device
Muting: Override settings

Input Discrepancy Time Discrepancy Time (2): >0 SMF:

Range: 0.053 s Emergency Stop
Enabling Switch
Gate Switch
Light Curtain
Two Hand Control
Alternative Device
Muting: Light Curtain settings
Muting: Override settings
Two Hand Discrepancy Monitoring Default: 0.5 s SMF
The maximum amount of time Two Hand Control
between activation of Hand 1 and
Hand 2 to enable SMF
Muting Sequence Muting Type: 2 Sensor T-Type, 2 SMF
Sensor L-Type, 4 Sensor Muting
Defines the type of muting
application and thus the valid
sequence of clearing or blocking the
muting sensors and protective

164 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Evaluation Method Configuration Applicable for

Muting: Synchronization time Synch Time: 0.0510 s SMF
The maximum amount of time that is Muting
allowed between clearing or blocking
of the muting sensor inputs before
generating a fault.

Muting time Max. Mute Time: 1 s10 days SMF

Maximum amount of time during Muting
which the instruction lets the
protective function of the light
curtain be disabled before
generating a fault.

Input pulse monitoring Input Pulse of 250 ms3 s SMF

Monitors the operation of a valid Reset
reset or restart actuation. Restart
Retrigger Time Delay If retrigger function is disabled, once SOF
the Time Delay has begun timing, it Off Delay
cannot be reset.
When SOF input signal transitions
from the Safe state back to the Active
state, when timing has started, the
time will completely lapse but the
SOF indicates a fault

Integral test pulses Integral test pulses are enabled for SOF
safety outputs controlled by an SOF Immediate OFF
When using the multi-purpose OFF Delay
terminals 1317 as outputs, the ON Delay
integral test pulses can be disabled.

(1) For alternative SMF only

(2) A discrepancy time of 0 disables discrepancy monitoring. The time between opening or closing the channels is infinite.

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 165

Appendix A Specifications

Test Pulse Evaluation

Integral test pulses are applied to the input circuit of safety sensor with
electromechanical outputs. The test pulse output signal becomes input signal of a
safety input through the contacts of the safety sensor. Sensors with electronic
OSSDe (output safety switching device electronic) semiconductor outputs have
their own test pulses and do not require a test pulse evaluation that is sourced by
the logic device.

Note: In case multiple input circuits are sourced by the same test pulse
output, a fault affects all inputs that are connected to this output.

Multi-Channel Signal Evaluation and Discrepancy Monitoring

Independent of the test pulse evaluation or sensor type, components can be wired
in a single-channel, dual-channel, or even three-channel structure. In a dual or
three channel structure, all channels must be active to enable the SMF. Disabling
at least one of the channels demands the safety function. These channels can be
monitored against discrepancy.

The discrepancy time is the amount of time that input channels of an SMF are
allowed to be in an inconsistent state before an instruction fault is generated. The
discrepancy time cannot be set in Single Channel Mode.

Sequence and Timing Faults

Typically applied to specialty safety functions such as Muting or Two-hand

control. It monitors the sequence of events to evaluate the validity of input
signals to enable the SMF.

Integral Test Pulses of Safety Outputs

Test pulses are applied to safety outputs to detect faults within the connected
periphery such as short circuits to 24V of 0V or cross-loop faults between two
output sources. Integral pulses on safety outputs are also used to confirm the
safety integrity of the output itself, such as ability to switch off. An output fault,
internal or external, always requires a power cycle to test if the fault is recoverable
or not.

Note: To verify the ability to switch off actuator devices in case of short
circuits to 24V DC within the control line of one actuator, it is
recommended to use a pair of safety outputs controlling two redundant
switching actuators. Once the fault is detected, a second channel is able to
switch off the load. Fault exclusions of potential short-circuits between
two conductors are also possible when following the requirements for fault
exclusions according to EN ISO 13849-2 Table D.3 and D.4, among
others protection (for example, cable conduit) and separated wiring of
safety signals.

166 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

The overall monitoring time to evaluate a fault and initiate a system response,
after the occurrence of a recoverable fault must consider any specific-fault
processing times depending on the I/O evaluation method and configured input
filter times. Table 32 shows the response time for specific recoverable faults, if the
safety function is not demanded, and the required settings of SMF and SOF to
enable the proper fault evaluation method.

Table 32 - Processing Time of Recoverable Faults and Required Settings

Recoverable Fault Detection Enabled by Processing Time
Cross loop fault Inputs: 2 N.C. 3s
Pulse Testing: 2 Sources
Short circuit fault Inputs: 1 N.C., or 2 N.C. 3s
Pulse Testing: 1 Source, 2 Sources
Input discrepancy fault Inputs: 2 N.C., 2 OSSD Discrepancy time + Input Filter time
Discrepancy Time: >03 s
Reset/restart timing fault Default: 0.253 s 0 s (1)
Non-retriggerable timer fault Retriggerable: Disabled Configured time delay (2)
Muting: Synchronization time Synch Time: 0.0510 s Max. Synch Time (3)
exceeded Muting Sensors Input Filter: 03 s + 2 x Input Filter Time
Muting time exceeded Max. Mute Time: 1 s10 days Configured Max. Mute Time
Muting sequence fault Muting Type: 2 Sensor T-Type, 2 Input Filter Time
Sensor L-Type, 4 Sensor
(1) A Reset/Restart Timing Fault can only occur when safety outputs are OFF, so there is no impact on the safety response time

(2) The maximum of the configured delay must be considered. The remaining time at occurrence of fault will lapse.

(3) The synchronization time between the Muting Sensors, and between Muting Sensor can be set individually. The longest
synchronization must be considered.

Table 33 - Response time of the Safety Chain at Occurrence of Recoverable Faults without a
Demand of the Safety Function
Description Where to find: Value
SMF Fault processing Table 32, according to
configured input
evaluation of the SMF
Logic Internal execution time to From technical 45 ms (fix)
process input signal, specification
routing, and output
processing (1)
SOF Fault processing time and From SOF configuration
configured time delay
Actuator Safety switching device Actuator Operating manual
controlling the load
(1) The internal execution time is static and independent of the number of function blocks that are configured for the safety function.

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 167

Appendix A Specifications

Figure 151 - Example

Table 34 - Consideration for Recoverable Faults of E-stop Safety Function

Description Value
SMF Cross loop fault: 3 s according to 3s
above table
Logic Internal execution time to process 45 ms
input signal, routing, and output
SOF No off delay configured 0s
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 30 ms
response time of 30 ms
Total 3.075 s

Response Time - Occurrence of Nonrecoverable Faults and Failures

Internal monitoring measures applied to monitor the safety integrity of the

system detect nonrecoverable faults. These faults are independent of the logic
configuration. Once detected the CR30 safety relay forces the safe state within
the internal process cycle time of 45 ms.

168 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Reaction Time The reaction time is the time to enable the safety output function when
activating the safety input devices and performing a valid reset operation. The
overall reaction time of the safety function considers the whole safety chain,
including the safety input device, logic device, and actuator. The reaction time
must be calculated for each safety function.
Table 35 shows the possible chain with all considerable reaction times for a safety

Table 35 - Safety Function Reaction Times

Description Where to find: Value
Feedback Feedback Input Filter time From SMF configuration
advanced settings (3)
Safety Sensors Reaction time of sensor Sensor operating manual
SMF Configured Input Filter From SMF configuration
time advanced settings (3)
Reset/Restart Reset/Restart Pulse Time + Reset Pulse: max 3 s 3 s + 2 x Input Filter
2 x Filter Time (1) Input Filter Time from SMF
Logic Internal execution time to From technical 100 ms
process input signal, specification
routing, and output
processing (2)
SOF Configured On-Delay time From SOF configuration
Actuator Safety switching device Actuator Operating manual
controlling the load
(1) If input filter time settings are not disabled, the recommended setting is 0. Values greater 0 must be considered for the

(2) The internal execution time is static and independent of the number of function blocks that are configured for the safety function.

(3) The maximum input filter time must not be greater than 250 ms.

Figure 152 - Example 1:

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 169

Appendix A Specifications

Table 36 - For SMF1 - E-stop:

Comment Value
Feedback Disabled for SOF 0 ms
Safety Sensors Reaction time of sensor device - 0 ms
considered as 0 ms since mechanical
device only
SMF Configured Input Filter time 250 ms
10x25ms = 250 ms
Reset/Restart SOF configured for Automatic 0s
Logic Internal execution time to process 100 ms
input signal, routing, and output
processing 2)
SOF No On Delay is configured for SOF 0s
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 10 ms
response time of 10 ms
Total 360 ms

It takes 360 ms to enable the outputs when the E-stop is active (closed contacts).

Table 37 - For SMF2 Safety Mat:

Comment Value
Feedback Disabled for SOF 0 ms
Safety Sensors Reaction time of sensor device - 0 ms
considered as 0 ms since mechanical
device only
SMF Input Filter Disabled 0 ms
Reset/Restart SOF configured for Automatic 0 ms
Logic Internal execution time to process 100 ms
input signal, routing, and output
processing 2)
SOF No On Delay is configured for SOF 0s
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 10 ms
response time of 10 ms
Total 110 ms

It takes 110 ms to enable the outputs when the Safety Mat is released.

170 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Figure 153 - Example 2: Same as Figure 152 on page 169 but with manual monitored reset and
feedback monitoring

Table 38 - For SMF1 - E-stop:

Comment Value
Feedback Configured Input Filter time 250 ms
10x25ms = 250 ms
Safety Sensors Reaction time of sensor device - 0 ms
considered as 0 ms since mechanical
device only
SMF Configured Input Filter time 250 ms
10x25ms = 250 ms
Reset/Restart Min: 2 x Input Filter Time + 250 ms = Min: 0.75 s
500 ms + 250 ms = 0.75 s Max: 3.5 s
Max: 2 x Input Filter Time + 3 s = 0.5
+ 3 s = 3.5 s
Logic Internal execution time to process 100 ms
input signal, routing, and output
processing 2)
SOF No On Delay is configured for SOF 0s
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 10 ms
response time of 10 ms
Total Min: 1.36 s
Max: 4.11 s

It takes a minimum of 1.36 s, after a valid Reset operation of at least 250 ms to

enable the outputs when the E-stop is active (closed contacts).

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 171

Appendix A Specifications

Table 39 - For SMF2 - Safety Mat:

Comment Value
Feedback Configured Input Filter time 250 ms
10x25ms = 250 ms
Safety Sensors Reaction time of sensor device - 0 ms
considered as 0 ms since mechanical
device only
SMF Input Filter Disabled 0 ms
Reset/Restart Min: 2 x Input Filter Time + 250 ms = Min: 0.75 s
500 ms + 250 ms = 0.75 s Max: 3.5 s
Max: 2 x Input Filter Time + 3 s = 0.5
+ 3 s = 3.5 s
Logic Internal execution time to process 45 ms
input signal, routing, and output
processing 2)
SOF No On Delay is configured for SOF 0s
Actuator Assuming a contactor with a 10 ms
response time of 10 ms
Total Min: 1.055 s
Max: 3.3 s

It takes a minimum of 1055 s, after a valid Reset operation of at least 250 ms to

enable the outputs when the E-stop is active (closed contacts).

440C-ENET Module The following are specifications for the Guardmaster 440C-ENET Ethernet
plug-in module.
Table 40 - Technical Specifications
Specification Description
Module location Slot 1 module bay only.
Backplane current (mA) at 24V DC 42 mA
Isolation voltage 50V DC, Reinforced Insulation Type, Ethernet to system
Type tested at 1500V AC for 60 s
Power consumption, max 1W
Thermal dissipation 3.41 BTU/hr @ 65 C
Wire size Ethernet connections:
RJ45 connector according to IEC 60603-7, 2 or 4 pair Category 5e minimum
cable according to TIA 568-B.1 or Category 5 cable according to ISO/IEC 24702.
Wiring category 1 - on communication port(1)
Enclosure type rating None (open-style)
(1) Use this Conductor Category information for planning conductor routing. See Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
publication 1770-4.1.

172 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

Specifications Appendix A

Table 41 - Environmental Specifications

Specification Description
Temperature, operating -20+65 C (-4+149 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad,
Operating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd,
Operating Dry Heat)
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb,
Operating Thermal Shock)
Temperature, nonoperating -40+85 C (-40+185 F)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab,
Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold)
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb,
Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na,
Unpackaged Nonoperating
Thermal Shock)
Relative humidity, operating 585% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db,
Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Relative humidity, nonoperating 595% noncondensing
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db,
Unpackaged Damp Heat)
Vibration 2 g @ 10500 Hz
IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Ea,
Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, operating 25 g (DIN Rail or panel mount)
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea,
Unpackaged Shock)
Shock, nonoperating 25 g (DIN Rail mount)
IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, 35 g (panel mount)
Unpackaged Shock)
Emissions Group 1, Class A
Immunity, ESD 6 kV contact discharges
IEC 6100-4-2 8 kV air discharges
Immunity, radiated RF 10V/m with 1-kHz sine-wave 80%AM from 802700 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100%AM at 900 MHz
10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100%AM at 1890 MHz
Immunity, EFT/B 1 kV at 5 kHz on Ethernet port
IEC 61000-4-4
Immunity, surge transient 1 kV line-earth(CM) on Ethernet port
IEC 61000-4-5
Immunity, conducted RF 10V rms with 1-kHz sine-wave 80%AM from 150 kHz80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-6

Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015 173

Appendix A Specifications

Table 42 - Certifications
Certification Description
cULus UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada.
See UL File E361015.
CE European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:
EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements
EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity
EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions
EN 60947-1; Auxiliary Devices
C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:
AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions
EtherNet/IP ODVA conformance tested to EtherNet/IP specifications

Note: When product is marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates,
and other certification details

174 Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-UM001F-EN-P - December 2015

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