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V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest

Word list for 1st Grade - Elementary

1 about 41 brush 81 down 121 hardly 161 monster

2 above 42 buffalo 82 ears 122 have 162 moody
3 actress 43 bus 83 elbow 123 herself 163 mother
4 afraid 44 butter 84 elegant 124 high 164 mouse
5 after 45 cake 85 family 125 history 165 much
6 again 46 camping 86 father 126 hope 166 myself
7 aim 47 captain 87 feet 127 hopping 167 name
8 already 48 careful 88 female 128 house 168 need
9 animal 49 carpool 89 ferns 129 hugged 169 nest
10 another 50 carrot 90 fiction 130 inside 170 news
11 answer 51 case 91 fight 131 ivy 171 nose
12 anyone 52 castle 92 fighter 132 jacket 172 nothing
13 around 53 center 93 finger 133 January 173 observe
14 artwork 54 chance 94 first 134 job 174 octopus
15 aunt 55 change 95 fight 135 joke 175 open
16 awake 56 chase 96 fixing 136 jolly 176 orange
17 away 57 cheese 97 float 137 kitchen 177 other
18 backdrop 58 chew 98 flower 138 know 178 outside
19 bake 59 chicken 99 flying 139 ladybug 179 oven
20 banana 60 child 100 folds 140 land 180 pages
21 bathtub 61 children 101 food 141 lava 181 painful
22 because 62 circle 102 form 142 lawn 182 pantry
23 bedroom 63 claws 103 foxes 143 learn 183 parents
24 beehive 64 cloudy 104 Friday 144 left 184 part
25 before 65 coast 105 fridge 145 lettuce 185 paws
26 begin 66 compare 106 friend 146 library 186 people
27 below 67 cone 107 frog 147 little 187 person
28 bigger 68 cooking 108 funny 148 lookout 188 picky
29 bird 69 corner 109 garage 149 lost 189 picnic
30 birthday 70 counting 110 garden 150 mad 190 picture
31 bones 71 cousin 111 geese 151 mailman 191 pig
32 boring 72 cried 112 giving 152 make 192 pillow
33 bother 73 cross 113 grain 153 many 193 place
34 braid 74 darts 114 grandma 154 maybe 194 playful
35 branch 75 digging 115 grandpa 155 meal 195 point
36 bread 76 dinner 116 great 156 meeting 196 police
37 bright 77 doctor 117 green 157 miles 197 posters
38 broom 78 dolphin 118 ground 158 mineral 198 pretty
39 brother 79 dominate 119 gunner 159 missing 199 principal
40 brown 80 dots 120 half 160 monkey 200 purple
201 quickly 241 sound 281 using
202 rabbit 242 spider 282 very
203 radio 243 sport 283 wash
204 rainbow 244 spies 284 watch
205 rang 245 stage 285 water
206 real 246 start 286 wear
207 remember 247 stone 287 when
208 restless 248 storm 288 white
209 road 249 stove 289 window
210 room 250 straw 290 windy
211 round 251 stroller 291 wishes
212 row 252 stuck 292 witch
213 rules 253 student 293 wolf
214 sadly 254 sweater 294 woman
215 salad 255 swift 295 world
216 sandbox 256 table 296 writing
217 scared 257 talking 297 years
218 school 258 taller 298 yellow
219 science 259 taxi 299 zebra
220 second 260 teacher 300 zipper
221 sentence 261 tenth
222 setting 262 things
223 seven 263 think
224 sharp 264 third
225 sheep 265 thought
226 shell 266 thumb
227 shelf 267 tiger
228 shirts 268 tile
229 shopping 269 tiny
230 shorter 270 today
231 side 271 tooth
232 simple 272 trail
233 sister 273 train
234 small 274 trash
235 smart 275 tree
236 smell 276 trust
237 smile 277 Tuesday
238 snack 278 tusk
239 soap 279 uncle
240 sofa 280 under
V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest
Word list for 1st Grade - Elementary

1 about concerning or relating to

2 above in a higher position or place
3 actress a female on stage, in movies, or television
4 afraid scared or fearful
5 after following or later in time
6 again another time, once more or repeatedly
7 aim direct or point at
8 already before the present, by now
9 animal a living creature with a moving body
10 another a living creature with a moving body
11 answer to respond or reply
12 anyone any person
13 around following a circular course
14 artwork paintings or sculpture made to display
15 aunt sister of a mother or father, wife of an uncle
16 awake completely alert or not asleep
17 away at a distance
18 backdrop a painted cloth hung at the back of a stage.
19 bake to cook food in an oven
20 banana long, curved, sweet tropical fruit with a peel
21 bathtub a large tub to wash the whole body in
22 because since or for the reason that
23 bedroom room furnished for and used for sleeping
24 beehive structure used to make and store honey
25 before earlier than something else
26 begin to start or commence
27 below under or beneath
28 bigger larger in size or greater in importance
29 bird feathered animal that flies and lays eggs
30 birthday the date on which a person is born
31 bones parts of a skeleton, structural foundation
32 boring not stimulating and uninspiring
33 bother to disturb or annoy
34 braid decorative cord of multiple woven strands
35 branch a stem coming from the main trunk of a plant
36 bread a baked good made of flour, water and yeast
37 bright full of light; vivid; intense
38 broom bundle of straw on a long stick for sweeping
39 brother a male sibling
40 brown the color of earth or wood
41 brush to use a tool with bristles and handle
42 buffalo mammal related to the bull or cow, bison
43 bus large vehicle carrying passengers on a route
44 butter a pale yellow spread made by churning cream
45 cake sweet baked food made with flour, often iced
46 camping recreation involving sleeping outdoors
47 captain commanding officer or leader
48 careful showing caution or attention to detail
49 carpool group of people who take turns driving
50 carrot an edible plant with an orange root
51 case instance, occasion, or truth
52 castle a large, secure building as home to nobility
53 center the middle point
54 chance an opening or opportunity
55 change to turn into something else or become different
56 chase a pursuit or hunt
57 cheese a seasoned and aged food made from milk
58 chew bite and grind food with teeth
59 chicken a bird commonly raised for its meat and eggs
60 child a young person, son or daughter
61 children sons or daughters
62 circle a round shape without angles
63 claws nails on the ends of some animals' toes
64 cloudy covered with clouds
65 coast an area where ocean water meets land
66 compare to find similarities or differences
67 cone shape narrowing from wide base to narrow tip
68 cooking applying heat to prepare food to eat
69 corner the place where two converging lines meet
70 counting determine the number of
71 cousin the child of an uncle or aunt
72 cried wept and shed tears
73 cross to pass from one side to the other
74 darts small arrows with feather ends
75 digging unearthing dirt, heaving up objects in search
76 dinner meal of the day eaten at midday or evening
77 doctor a person who practices medicine
78 dolphin intelligent marine mammal with a long snout
79 dominate rule over or control, be much more powerful
80 dots small circular shapes
81 down in a direction to a lower position
82 ears the organs used for hearing
83 elbow the joint connecting the upper and lower arm
84 elegant having a graceful and sophisticated quality
85 family related persons or things
86 father male parent
87 feet the body parts one uses to walk
88 female living thing that can give birth or lay eggs
89 ferns non-flowering plants with feathery leaves
90 fiction invented story
91 fight to disagree or dispute
92 fighter person who argues or has strong determination
93 finger the grasping part that extends from a hand
94 first before anything or anyone else
95 fight to disagree or dispute
96 fixing repairing or correcting
97 float to move or drift on the surface of water
98 flower a plant with a colorful bloom or blossom
99 flying soaring through the air or in winged flight
100 folds bends something over itself to become smaller
101 food something eaten to nourish the body
102 form to give shape to something
103 foxes small carnivorous mammals with bushy tails
104 Friday the day between Thursday and Saturday
105 fridge shortend form of "refrigerator"
106 friend a person whom you know, like or trust
107 frog an amphibian with webbed feet which hops
108 funny capable of causing laughter
109 garage an indoor space in which to keep a vehicle
110 garden plot of land where plants grow and are tended
111 geese large, web-footed long-necked water birds
112 giving transfering ownership of something, offering
113 grain the hard seed of plants used as food, cereal
114 grandma the mother of someone's mother or father
115 grandpa the father of one's mother or father
116 great large in size or importance
117 green the color of emeralds and most leaves
118 ground surface of the Earth or floor
119 gunner one who operates a weapon that fires
120 half exactly or nearly fifty percent
121 hardly barely or with great difficulty
122 have to own or possess; present tense of "to have"
123 herself referring to she or her, often with emphasis
124 high far from the bottom
125 history records of past events
126 hope chance
127 hopping jumping up and down, boarding a vehicle
128 house a building where people live
129 hugged held closely in an embrace
130 inside in a position within something
131 ivy a type of climbing vine
132 jacket a coat or covering
133 January the first month in the calendar year
134 job a paid position of employment
135 joke a funny story with a punchline
136 jolly happy and merry
137 kitchen a room equipped for preparing meals
138 know to be familiar with or acquainted with
139 ladybug a small, round, red insect with black spots
140 land solid earth or ground
141 lava molten rock that comes from a volcano
142 lawn a tended and mowed area of grass
143 learn to gain knowledge of
144 left in a position opposite of right
145 lettuce a leafy plant used in salads and sandwiches
146 library a place full of books; a collection of books
147 little of small size or measure
148 lookout a person stationed to keep watch
149 lost did not win, were defeated
150 mad angry or upset
151 mailman a man who carries and delivers letters
152 make to create or form
153 many a large indefinite number or the majority
154 maybe used to express an uncertain possibility
155 meal food cooked and served to eat at one sitting
156 meeting a gathering of people for a purpose
157 miles largest non-metric measure of distance
158 mineral a hard form of carbon used for gems or cutting
159 missing feeling sad that someone or something is gone
160 monkey a small animal with a long tail, a primate
161 monster strange or scary imaginary creature
162 moody frequent changes in feelings and attitude
163 mother female parent
164 mouse a small rodent
165 much to a great extent or degree
166 myself referring to me or I, often with emphasis
167 name the word that you call a person or thing
168 need to require or have a necessity for
169 nest structure of twigs where birds lay eggs
170 news report of recent events
171 nose the part of your face which detects scent
172 nothing zero, not a single thing, a blank
173 observe to watch or study carefully
174 octopus sea creature with eight tentacles
175 open to uncover something closed
176 orange a sweet citrus fruit with a yellowish-red rind
177 other something that is different or not the same
178 outside in the open air
179 oven a heated compartment for baking or roasting
180 pages leaves of a publication
181 painful causing physical discomfort or suffering
182 pantry cupboard or room for storing food or utensils
183 parents mothers and fathers
184 part a portion of something bigger
185 paws animals' feet having claws and pads
186 people a group of human beings
187 person a human being
188 picky very fussy about what one likes
189 picnic a casual meal eaten outdoors
190 picture a photograph or illustrated design
191 pig a farm animal that has a curly tail and oinks
192 pillow cloth filled with a soft material, cushion
193 place area or defined space
194 playful good-natured and full of high spirits
195 point the sharp end of something
196 police officers who protect people and fight crime
197 posters large fliers on walls with photos or ads
198 pretty attractive in appearance
199 principal a leader, often of a school
200 purple color made by mixing red and blue
201 quickly very fast, or hurriedly
202 rabbit furry animal with long ears and a cottontail
203 radio device that plays music and sounds
204 rainbow an arch of colors that appear in the sky
205 rang made a clear, resonant sound
206 real true, not fake or imaginary
207 remember to keep or to recall an idea to mind
208 restless never, or unable to remain, still or calm
209 road a designated path for vehicles to travel on
210 room a part or unit of a house or building
211 round circular or spherical
212 row an orderly line of items or people
213 rules regulations, principles, procedures
214 sadly with grief or unhappiness
215 salad a mixture of cold food, often vegetables
216 sandbox child's play box full of a grainy substance
217 scared frightened or made anxious
218 school an institution of learning
219 science study of facts, principles and methods
220 second one-sixtieth of a minute, a moment
221 sentence a complete thought expressed in words
222 setting the time and place where an event or story occurs
223 seven the number between six and eight
224 sharp well suited for cutting or piercing
225 sheep wool-producing farm animals
226 shell hard outer covering of some seeds or animals
227 shelf flat board or plane often for storage, ledge
228 shirts clothing for the upper body with sleeves
229 shopping examining goods with the intent to buy
230 shorter having less length or height in comparison
231 side area away from the center
232 simple basic and ordinary
233 sister girl sharing at least one parent with someone
234 small little in size or number
235 smart intelligent
236 smell to give off a scent or odor
237 smile expression showing happiness or pleasure
238 snack small amount of food eaten between meals
239 soap cleaning product that produces suds
240 sofa long upholstered seat with arms and a back
241 sound vibrations that can be heard, noise
242 spider an eight legged arachnid that spins webs
243 sport an athletic activity
244 spies watches in secret
245 stage a platform where performances are put on
246 start to begin an activity
247 stone a small rock or piece of a rock
248 storm weather with much wind, rain or snow
249 stove device to provide heat for warmth or cooking
250 straw a long thin tube used for sucking a drink
251 stroller a wheeled carrier for a small child
252 stuck not moving, caught
253 student someone who attends classes to learn
254 sweater a knitted or woven shirt or pullover
255 swift fast or moving or acting quickly
256 table a flat surface standing upon legs
257 talking speaking with sounds from the mouth
258 taller of a greater height
259 taxi a vehicle that carries passengers for a fare
260 teacher one who educates others
261 tenth coming after nine things in a series
262 things unnamed objects, entities, or ideas
263 think to consider or reflect on, to believe
264 third in order between second and fourth
265 thought an idea
266 thumb a short and thick finger on a human hand
267 tiger large, striped member of the cat family
268 tile hard plates of baked clay used on surfaces
269 tiny extremely small in size
270 today on this day
271 tooth hard bony mouth part for biting and chewing
272 trail a path or track in an untamed area
273 train joined rail cars running on a track
274 trash worthless or discarded objects
275 tree a big plant with a trunk, branches and leaves
276 trust confidence, reliance
277 Tuesday the day after Monday and before Wednesday
278 tusk a large, long tooth jutting out of a mouth
279 uncle a brother or brother-in-law of one's parent
280 under below or beneath, less than
281 using utilizing or bringing into service
282 very extremely, absolutely or to a great degree
283 wash to rinse or clean with water or liquid
284 watch pay attention to or look at
285 water a clear liquid without taste or odor
286 wear to put on or have clothing on the body
287 when at what time
288 white the opposite of black
289 window an opening in a wall usually covered with glass
290 windy with much breeze
291 wishes desires or hopes
292 witch woman believed to practice spells and magic
293 wolf wild, dog-like animal which howls
294 woman an adult female
295 world the planet Earth
296 writing composing words or music
297 years periods of twelve months
298 yellow primary color, the color of lemons
299 zebra black and white striped animal, like a horse
300 zipper a long fastener with two rows of teeth

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