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What age groups do you take care of?

Preschool through kindergarten ages 2.9 to 5 years old

How did you get involved in childcare?

Having had children I obviously learned a great deal about childcare. My close friend is a child
behavior specialist and an owner of a family owned childcare center for 17 years, she has taught
me a great deal and she offered me a job at her center.

What have you found to be effective tools in teaching/entertaining children?

Music is by far the best tool. Manipulatives, books, listening centers, technology (tablets and
And a program called Handwriting Without Tears, and dramatic play.

How do you discipline the children?

Typically at this age you talk to them about their behavior, remove them from the situation,
verbal warnings, and lastly if all else fails the Timeout Chair ( 1 minute per year of age ex 2 year
old 2 minutes)
Children also do better at self management when they are given boundaries and positive
reinforcements. At our school each child earns a star at the end of the day for good behavior,
following school rules and just doing their best. You would be surprised at how upset they get
when they do not earn a star and then they strive to do better the next day

How do you comfort the children?

Although we are only their childcare providers we form attachments and emotional bonds for
each child and the children reciprocate these feelings. So we need to reassure them of their
safety at preschool that their parents will be back every afternoon and we do this by talking to
them and most importantly listening to what they have to say. The children I work with are very
young and they need to be comforted by holding them, hugging them, and kissing them as you
would your own child.

What activities do you do with the children?

Arts and crafts (simple projects), Music and movement, different centers such as dramatic play
and sensory tables. We teach the children their letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and even Spanish
words through songs, simple worksheets, but mostly through playing games. For example we do
calendar each morning and we count the days in English and Spanish which teaches them
numbers, rote counting and a second language.

What is a typical day like at preschool?

See attachment
Daily Preschool Schedule
8:00-9:00 Arrivalfree play
9:00 Circle time
9:20 Centers
10:15 Indoor/Outdoor play (weather permitting)
11:15 Story time and bathrooming
11:40 Music and Movement
12:15 Lunch time
12:45 Rest time
1:50 Story time and bathrooming
2:00 Snack time
2:20 Spanish enrichment class
2:40 Indoor/Outdoor play (weather permitting)
3:40 Table activities
4:00 Dismissal
Who should be in charge of the family?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Who should do the cleaning?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Who should do the shopping?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Who should go to work?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Who should do the cooking?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Who should stay at home and take care of the kids?
a. Mom
b. Dad
c. Both
Have you been told not to do something because it was supposed to be for boys/girls?
a. Yes
b. No
Are there toys for only girls or only boys?
a. Yes
b. No
Are there jobs for only girls or only boys?
a. Yes
b. No
Is gender inequality still a problem in society?
a. Yes
b. No
Are men and women still pressured to comply with gender stereotypes?
a. Yes
b. No
Which kind of family arrangement do you think is better for society?
a. One where one of the parents works to provide for the family and the other takes care of
the house and children.
b. One where the two parents both work for money and both take care of the house and
c. No difference
If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boss (or supervisor), would you prefer to
work for a man or a woman?
a. Man
b. Woman
c. No difference
Do you think, in this country, society generally favors
a. Men and women equally
b. Men over women
c. Women over men
In the past five years, do you think that the overall position of women compared to men in this
country has
a. Improved
b. Worsened
c. Remained about the same
Do you think that women in this country should have equal job opportunities with men, or not?
a. Yes, should have equal job opportunities
b. No, should not have
c. No difference
Do you think this country would be governed better or governed worse if more women were in
political office?
a. Better
b. Worse
c. No difference
Taking into consideration men and womens personalities, interests and abilities, intelligent
applies more to
a. Men
b. Women
c. No difference

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