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Sustainability Project 1IBM4B MINUTES

Brainstorming session
1st meeting

Date: 15/3/17 Venue: Kantine KNT

Start: 1.00 pm End: 14:45 pm
Attendance list: Guilherme Machado, Annie Refstange, Seraphine Penda, Lucie
Touka Nsambou, Elvine Ngwan Birkamo,


Preparation for this meeting: Look up information regarding the project and what
needed to be included.

Analysis of which parts that need to be included in the project.

Brainstorming of ideas.
Decide which ideas that are the most successful for this project.
Project: Underground system for urban waste
Define the main aspect to be covered during the presentation.

Preparation for the next meeting: Do research of the project and collect information
that might be of use during the next meeting.


1. Analysis of which parts that need to be included in the project

Firstly, we read the module together and discussed the main aspects to be covered in
the project. We agreed on that the project needed to be playful, feasible but
professional. We discussed the amount of meetings that needed to be scheduled in
order to meet the deadlines. Moreover, we made sure that potential questions or
uncertainties regarding the module had been answered.

2. Brainstorming of ideas.

Secondly, we made time for lateral thinking by doing a brainstorming of ideas. The
advantage of using this approach was that we received ideas seen from different
perspectives. There were many ideas given, and naturally these were also recorded in
order to be used for the project. We put a lot of importance in that everyone had a say
during the session.
3. Decide which ideas that were the most successful for the project.

Once the ideas had been recorded, we tried to compare the ideas in order to select the
most suitable idea for the project. We compared those according to the SWOT-analysis;
hence we tried to see the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat for the specific
idea. Eventually, we all agreed on that we were going to focus on the waste
management, more specifically, waste management in form of an underground system
for urban waste.

4. Definition of the main aspect to be covered during the presentation.

Lastly, we discussed the aspects of our project to be focused on as well as to be covered

during the presentation. We also delegated specific topics for each group member. For
each topic one needed to do some research as well as collect information about the
underground system. These topics were delegated according to the five ps and was to
be presented during the next meeting.

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