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Physics Project

Chemistry Lab Report

The Rocket 5861035
Mr. Jirat Prasertmak
Ms. Paphapint Parinyapariwat
By 5861093 Ms.
Chanakan JiIndachotsiri 5861013 Ms.
Duangjarin Jirat Prasertmak5861031
5861035 Ms. Milin
Ms. Paphapint Parinyapariwat
Tanasarnsopon 58610585861093
Ms. Chanakan JiIndachotsiri 5861013
Class: 1101
Ms. Duangjarin Sirijongkolthong 5861031
Ms. Milin Tanasarnsopon
Presents 5861058
Gopinath Subramanian
Class: 1101

Ms. Sorasaree Tonsiengsom

In the experiment, we are going to create a model of christmas tree

which is able to shine in a by using different kind of materials and
design such as light bulbs and plastic boxes. Together with physics
theory, to make the tree shines, we are going to build series and parallel
circuit. For the result, we successfully created the model which consists
of parallel and series circuit and with our clearly understanding of


In the experiment, we will use frisbee light bulbs and plastic boxes
as the main materials to build the structure of the christmas tree then we
will create the parallel and series circuit and connect them with the
model of the tree. Moreover, to complete the product, we have to use the
research and the information about Electrostatics and apply those details
with our groups work. Then, we will put some ornaments on the tree
such as small toys to decorate the product.

To understand more clearly about Electrostatics and some theories

such as Coulombs law, Ohms laws, or about conductors and insulators
as well. Moreover, it will help us in order to see the real result that
applying from all of those laws and information.
Background Research

Electric Current

Electric current is the rate of charge flow past a given point in an

electric circuit, measured in Coulombs/second which is named Amperes.
In most DC electric circuits, it can be assumed that the resistance to
current flow is a constant so that the current in the circuit is related to
voltage and resistance by Ohm's law. The standard abbreviations for the
units are 1 A = 1C/s.
Coulombs law

The interaction between charged objects is a non-contact force that

acts over some distance of separation. Charge, charge and distance.
Every electrical interaction involves a force that highlights the
importance of these three variables. Whether it is a plastic golf tube
attracting paper bits, two like-charged balloons repelling or a charged
Styrofoam plate interacting with electrons in a piece of aluminum, there
is always two charges and a distance between them as the three critical
variables that influence the strength of the interaction.
Ohms Law

For many conductors of electricity, the electric current which will

flow through them is directly proportional to the voltage applied to them.
When a microscopic view of Ohm's law is taken, it is found to depend
upon the fact that the drift velocity of charges through the material is
proportional to the electric field in the conductor. The ratio of voltage to
current is called the resistance, and if the ratio is constant over a wide
range of voltages, the material is said to be an "ohmic" material. If the
material can be characterized by such a resistance, then the current can
be predicted from the relationship
Conductors and Insulators

The behavior of an object that has been charged is dependent upon

whether the object is made of a conductive or a nonconductive material.
Conductors are materials that permit electrons to flow freely from
particle to particle. An object made of a conducting material will permit
charge to be transferred across the entire surface of the object. If charge
is transferred to the object at a given location, that charge is quickly
distributed across the entire surface of the object. The distribution of
charge is the result of electron movement. Since conductors allow for
electrons to be transported from particle to particle, a charged object will
always distribute its charge until the overall repulsive forces between
excess electrons is minimized. If a charged conductor is touched to
another object, the conductor can even transfer its charge to that object.
The transfer of charge between objects occurs more readily if the second
object is made of a conducting material. Conductors allow for charge
transfer through the free movement of electrons.
In contrast to conductors, insulators are materials that impede the
free flow of electrons from atom to atom and molecule to molecule. If
charge is transferred to an insulator at a given location, the excess charge
will remain at the initial location of charging. The particles of the
insulator do not permit the free flow of electrons; subsequently charge is
seldom distributed evenly across the surface of an insulator.

The voltage changes around any closed loop must sum to zero. No
matter what path you take through an electric circuit, if you return to
your starting point you must measure the same voltage, constraining the
net change around the loop to be zero. Since voltage is electric potential
energy per unit charge, the voltage law can be seen to be a consequence
of conservation of energy. The voltage law has great practical utility in
the analysis of electric circuits. It is used in conjunction with the current
law in many circuit analysis tasks.
The voltage law is one of the main tools for the analysis of electric
circuits, along with Ohm's Law, the current law and the power
relationship. Applying the voltage law to the above circuits along with
Ohm's law and the rules for combining resistors gives the numbers
shown below. The determining of the voltages and currents associated
with a particular circuit along with the power allows you to completely
describe the electrical state of a direct current circuit.
Current Law

The electric current in amperes that flows into any junction in an

electric circuit is equal to the current which flows out. This can be seen
to be just a statement of conservation of charge. Since you do not lose
any charge during the flow process around the circuit, the total current in
any cross-section of the circuit is the same. Along with the voltage law,
this law is a powerful tool for the analysis of electric circuits.
The current law is one of the main tools for the analysis of electric
circuits, along with Ohm's Law, the voltage law and the power
relationship. Applying the current law to the above circuits along with
Ohm's law and the rules for combining resistors gives the numbers
shown below. The determining of the voltages and currents associated
with a particular circuit along with the power allows you to completely
describe the electrical state of a direct current circuit.
Electric Circuits

Most practical applications of electricity involve the flow of

electric current in a closed path under the influence of a driving voltage,
analogous to the flow in a water circuit under the influence of a driving
pressure. A complete path, typically through conductors such as wires
and through circuit elements, is called an electric circuit.
Circuit Elements

Electric circuits are considered to be made up of localized circuit

elements connected by wires which have essentially negligible
resistance. The three basic circuit elements are resistors, capacitors, and
inductors. Only these passive elements will be considered here; active
circuit elements are the subject of electronics.

Series and Parallel Circuit

Components of an electrical circuit or electronic circuit can be

connected in many different ways. The two simplest of these are called
series and parallel and occur frequently. Components connected in series
are connected along a single path, so the same current flows through all
of the components.Components connected in parallel are connected, so
the same voltage is applied to each component.
A circuit composed solely of components connected in series is known
as a series circuit; likewise, one connected completely in parallel is
known as a parallel circuit

Parallel Circuit

A parallel circuit is one that has two or more paths for the
electricity to flow, the loads are parallel to each other. If the loads in this
circuit were light bulbs and one blew out, there is still current flowing to
the others because they are still in a direct path from the negative to
positive terminals of the battery. The parallel circuit has very different
characteristics than a series circuit. For one, the total resistance of a
Parallel Circuit is NOT equal to the sum of the resistors (like in a series
circuit). The total resistance in a parallel circuit is always less than any
of the branch resistances. Adding more parallel resistances to the paths
causes the total resistance in the circuit to decrease. As you add more
and more branches to the circuit the total current will increase because
Ohm's Law states that the lower the resistance, the higher the current.

Series Circuit

A series circuit is a circuit when all the devices are connected using
series connections. Each device is connected in a manner such that there
is only one pathway by which charge can traverse the external circuit.
Each charge passing through the loop of the external circuit will pass
through each resistor in consecutive fashion.

The electrical resistance of a circuit component or device is defined

as the ratio of the voltage applied to the electric current which flows
through it:

If the resistance is constant over a considerable range of voltage,

then Ohm's law, I = V/R, can be used to predict the behavior of the
material. Although the definition above involves DC current and voltage,
the same definition holds for the AC application of resistors.

Whether or not a material obeys Ohm's law, its resistance can be

described in terms of its bulk resistivity. The resistivity, and thus the
resistance, is temperature dependent. Over sizable ranges of temperature,
this temperature dependence can be predicted from a temperature
coefficient of resistance.
Measuring current

- Current is measured in amperes

- Amperes is often abbreviated to amps or A

- The current flowing through a component in a circuit is measured using

an ammeter

- The ammeter must be connected in series with the component

Measuring potential difference:

- Potential difference is measured in volts, V

- Potential difference across a component in a circuit is measured using a


- The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the component

Potential difference

A typical cell produces a potential difference of 1.5 V. When two

or more cells are connected in series in a circuit, the total potential
difference is the sum of their potential differences. For example, if two
1.5 V cells are connected in series in the same direction, the total
potential difference is 3.0 V. If two 1.5 V cells are connected in series,
but in opposite directions, the total potential difference is 0 V, so no
current will flow.
Potential difference and charge

Energy transferred, potential difference and charge

For a given amount of electrical charge that moves, the amount of

energy transformed increases as the potential difference, known as
voltage, increases.

The equation below shows the relationship between energy transformed,

potential difference and charge:

Energy transformed (joule, J) = potential difference (volt, V) charge

(coulomb, C)

Plastic box One big light bulb

Glue Rectangle Wood

Small Light bulb Wire with screw base

2 Light Switches Plug


Preparing Experiment

1. Prepare the wood bases

2. Stick all boxes together

3. Make a small hole on some of the boxes

4. Connect the wire from the light bulb and plug wire together by
the black tape
5. Put the wire that connected down into the small hole at the base.

6. Test if it light up
7. Make a parallel circuit on a small light bulb

8. Use separate wire

9. Finish up all the compose

In conclusion, our group has created a model of a christmas tree

which related to physics rules about electric circuits which are, mainly,
parallel and series circuit. As we creating it, we first had to plan about
the materials and to draw the structure of the model. Then, we started
creating it by following all the rules. Furthermore, while we were
creating it, we keep recording our progresses by taking photos and
writing in the lab report. Lastly, our project is successfully finished
because of our understanding in physics and our effort in doing this


In the future, if we have a chance to do this project again, we

should write a better plan before starting the project such as
timetable and work log so that we will be able to know when we are
going to do different parts of the project and who will to each
specific tasks. Secondly, we should be more prepared because ,
sometimes, the members did not bring the significant tools for the
project which made the group cannot perform the work. Thirdly, we
should manage time better due to the limit time to work on the
project which made we had to rush and did not do the work well.

Conductors and Insulators. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Coulomb's Law. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Resistance. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Electric Circuits. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Electric Current. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Ag Power Web Enhanced Course Materials. (n.d.). Retrieved April

23, 2017, from

BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Current and voltage. (n.d.). Retrieved April

23, 2017, from

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