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TREATMENT PLANNING - 09/05/17, 1)09 PM

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1. In Orthodontic treatment, placing the tooth into its normal position results in
a. Esthetics
b. Esthetics, function
c. Esthetics and occlusion
d. Esthetics, occlusion and stability
Ans: D

2. Orthodontic correction is indicated in pre-schooi age child for the fallowing except
a) anterior crossbite
b) narrow upper arch
c) abnormal oral habits
d) Class II malocclusion
Ans: D

3. A radiographic examination of a 6-year-old patient discloses a supernumerary tooth between upper cent
incisors. The dentist should
a) remove the supernumerary tooth if only it develops a cyst
b) wait until permanent canines erupt, then orthodontically close the diastema
c) remove the supernumerary as soon as possible without injury to the central incisor
d) wait until the eruption of supernumerary
Ans: C
5. A midiine diastema of 1.5 mm between central incisors of a 10-year-old child is noted. Fibrous frenum is
present, Treatment* of choice
a) Frenectomy
b) Orthodontic closure
c) No treatment, observe until permanent maxillary canine erupts
d) Composite veneer
Ans: C

6. Space maintainers are usually needed in the Page 1 of 12
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a) maxillary primary incisor teeth area

b) mandibular primary incisor teeth area
c) mandibular primary canine area
d) mandibuiar primary second molar area
Ans: D

7. A space maintained is ieast indicated for premature loss of a

a) primary maxillary rst molar
b) primary mandibular rst molar
c) primary mandibular central incisor
d) primary maxillary central incisor
Ans: D

8. When one primary canine is lost prematurely, it is imperative to maintain the_________

a) midline
b) opposing canine
c) vertical dimension
d) canine guidance
Ans: A

9. In an 8-year-old child there is nisucient space in the upper anterior segment for the upper permanent la
incisors to erupt. Treatment is
a) disk the proximal surface of maxillary incisors
b) disk deciduous canines and rst molars
c) extract the deciduous 1st molars
d) No treatment required but observe
Ans: B

10. The permanent maxillary rst molar of a 8-year-old is to be extracted because of carles. The case can b
maintained to prevent malocclusion by
a) placing a space maintainer
b) surgically reposition the second molar
c) let second molar erupt and drift mesially to close the space
d) extract rst molar on the other side to prevent midline shifting
Ans: C

11. If Eare lost due to caries at 8 years in a crowded mouth, 5s will probably
a) impact
b) deected palatally
c) deected buccally
d) fail to erupt
Ans: B

12. A girl of 10 years reports for examination immediately after exfoliation of second primary molar. She ha
complement set of teeth in good occlusion. Line of treatment Page 2 of 12
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a) No treatment, only observation

b) Place a lingual arch space maintainer
c) Place a distal shoe space after radiographic ndings
d) Treatment depends upon the radiographic ndings
Ans: D

13. Most important factor in planning for a space maintainer

a) Age of child
b) Amount of bone covering erupting permanent tooth
c) Stage of development of permanent tooth
d) Economical factors
Ans: B

14. Distal shoe appliance is contraindicated in patients with

a) Congenital heart diseases
b) Haemophilia
c) Poor oral hygiene
d) All of the above
Ans: D

15. Mayne space maintainer represents which of the following type of space maintainers?
a) Non-functional band and loop
b) Non-functional crown and loop
c) Functional cantilever
d) Functional crown & crib
Ans: A

16. The main reasoning for replaccing premature loss of primary anterior teeth
a) Form and function
b) Speech and aesthetics
c) Space maintenance
d) None of the above
Ans: B

17. Which of the following can be used as a spaced maintainer in mandibular arch of mixed dentition perod
following loss of primary molars
a) Nancy holding arch
b) Passive lingual arch
c) Pin and tube
d) All of the above
Ans B

18. A disadvantage of removable space maintainer

a) Diculty in maintaining vertical height
b) Not aesthetic Page 3 of 12
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c) Dicult to clean
d) May not be worn by patient
Ans: D

19. The best space maintainer for the early loss of upper primary incisor is the pin and tube maintainer bec
a) it is aesthetically acceptable
b) it does not injure the upper lip
c) it is easy to fabricate
d) it allows lateral growth of the bone
Ans: D

20. Most Class II malocclusions can be prevented by

a) maintaining the integrity of primary dentition
b) breast-feeding
c) breaking abnormal oral habits
d) no known techniques
Ans: D

21. The optima! time to employ an orthodontic appliance that takes advantage of growth
a) Late primary dentition
b) Early mixed dentition
c) Late mixed dentition
d) Only in permanent dentition
Ans: C

22. In mixed dentition it is not indicated to correct

a) transient Class II malocciusion
b) a Class III malocciusion
c) thumb sucking habit
d) All of the above
Ans: A

23. Treatment of thumbsucking in a 5 yr old is____

a) psychological
b) palatal crib
c) xed tongue screen
d) no treatment is necessary
Ans: A

24. Most active tooth movements are required in primary dentition for which problems
a) Antero-posterior
b) Sagittal
c) Transverse
d) None of the above
Ans: C Page 4 of 12
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25. In correcting anterior crossbite, the appliance to be used is determained by

a) amount of ov.erbite
b) age of the patient
c) co-operation of the patient
d) All of the above
Ans: D

26. Marked lingual eruption of an upper central incisor in otherwise normal coolusion of an 8-year-old boy
treated by
a) cross-bite elastics
b) tongue blade therapy
c) myofunctional therapy
d) maxillary Hawley appliance with Z springs
Ans: D

27. Developing crossbites are treated by using

a) Z spring
b) Tongue blade
c) Crossbite elastics
d) Bite plane
Ans: B

28. All of the following are used for closing midline diastema except
a) Lingual arch with nger springs
b) Rubber elastic (or) steel ligature around two teeth
c) Hawley appliance with nger spring
d) Cemented orthodontic bands with intertooth traction
Ans: B

29. Which of the following is the most important factor to be considered before attempting to close a midlin
diastema using a removable appliance?
a) The size of the teeth
b) Age of the patient
c) Vitality of the teeth
d) Amount of overjet
Ans: D

30. Methods of bite opening include which of the following

a) Intrusion of both anterior and posterior teeth
b) Extrusion of both anterior and posterior teeth
c) Intrusion of anterior and extrusion of posterior teeth
d) Intrusion of posterior and extrusion of anterior teeth
Ans: C
31. The father of serial extraction philosophy in USA is
a) Kjellgren Page 5 of 12
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b) Nance
c) Dewel
d) Hotz
Ans: B

32. The term serial extraction was coined and introduced by

a) Kjellgren
b) Robert Bunon
c) Joseph Fox
d) Hotz
Ans: A

33. Serial extractions are indicated in patients who

a) Class II molar relation
b) Excessive overbite
c) Class I molar relation
d) Class III molar relation
Ans: C

34. Serial extractions should not be undertaken if there is

a) crowding
b) presence of ectopic eruption
c) deep bite or open bite
d) none of these
Ans: C

35. The usual procedure followed in serial extracton is

a) 4, D, C
b) C, D, 4
C) D, C, 4
d) C, 4, D
Ans: B

36. In serial extraction procedures, the most critical observation is during eruption of
a) primary second molars
b) permanent maxillary molars
c) permanent mandibular canines and rst premolar
d) permanent mandibular incisors and canines
Ans: C

37. Draw back of serial extraction is

a) Bite deepening
b) Spacing in between incisors
c) Anterior cross bite
d) Proclination of incisor Page 6 of 12
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Ans: A
38. The indicated tooth for the extraction followed in the orthodontic camouage treatment of for skeletal
a) 1st premolar
b) 2nd premolar
c) 1st molar
d) canine
Ans: A

39. A convenient way to show how dental and skeletal changes in both arches sum to produce the total cha
related to Class II correction to the occlusal plane is
a) Pitchfork analysis
b) Cast analysis
c) Photographic analysis
d) None of the above

40. To regain arch length in anterior segment by moving incisors labiaSiy

a) Cephalometric analysis have to be made before taking up treatment
b) Use tongue blade therapy 20 times/day
c) Use a Z spring with Hawleys retainer
d) Use an anterior bite plane
Ans: A

41. Treatment for a 6 yr old patient with pseude Class III maiocciusion is
a) occlusal equilibrium
b) functional appliance
c) Face mask therapy
d) Orthognathic surgery
Ans: A

42. In a child of age 7 years, permanent central incisor is trying to erupt while primary tooth is still rm in p
The course of treatment
a) Luxate the primary tooth to facilitate its exfoliation
b) Extract the primary tooth to facilitate the eruption of permanent tooth
c) Remove the primary tooth and guide the permanent tooth by active appliance therapy
d) All of the above
Ans: B

43. The term space maintenance refers to

a) The preservation of the space for a permanent tooth in a childs mouth.
b) The preservation of total arch length or of all the permanent teeth in the arch in
childs mouth.
c) The prevention of mesial drift after the loss of a tooth.
d) None of the above Page 7 of 12
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Ans: B

44. Which of the following condition the space losi is most dicult to manage?
a) A ve year old child with loss of a primary mandibular 2nd molar
b) A 6 yr old child with loss of a primary mandibular rst molar
c) A 9 yr old child with loss of a permanent maxillary rst molar
d) A.10 yr old chiid with loss of a primary maxillary 2nd molar
Ans: A

45. During eruption of lower lateral incisors, left primary canine is prematurely exfoliated. Line of treatmen
a) No treatment, periodic observation
b) Extraction of right primary canine to prevent midline shift
c) Move the left permanent lateral incisors towards midline
d) Move right permanent lateral incisor towards midline
Ans: B

46. A ten-year-old patient has Sower canines trying to erupt into a space insucient by 2 mm. Primary seco
molars are iarge and rmiy in space. First premoiars are erupting. An acceptable preventive orthodontic pr
in this case
a) Extraction of primary second molars
b) Extraction of rst premolar
c) Disking of primary second molars
d) An active space regainer
Ans: C

47. A dentist performed restorative procedure in a 11 year old child and found that the primary molars wer
various stages of exfoliation with slight anterior crowding present. His next appointment should be:
a) after three months for observation
b) after six months for recall checkup
c) after one year
d) when all the permanent teeth will erupt
Ans: A

48. A patient aged 9 attends your clinic. He has Class I incisor relath
slight crowding. Right upper and left lower primary rst molars recently extracted due to caries.Line of trea
a) Extract left upper and right lower primary rst molars to relieve crowding
b) Extract all primary canines to relieve crowding
c) Fit space maintainers
d) Await until premolars erupt
Ans: A

49. Space management in the caseof loss of primary rst molar in a 10-year-old girl is by
a) distal shoe appliance
b) space regains
c) no treatment, radiographic observation Page 8 of 12
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d) Nancy holding arch

Ans: C

50. Which of the follweing factors are important when space maintenance is condidered after the untimely
primary teeth
a) Chronologic age of patient
b) Skeletal age of patient
c) Dental age of patient
d) Biologic age of patient
Ans: C

51. When primary lower rst and second molars are lost in 8-year-old patient, space is best maintained by
a) multiple space maintainer
b) a functional appliance
c) bilateral non-functional space maintainers
d) band and loop space maintainer
Ans: C

52. In a case with premature loss of 2nd deciduous molar before eruption of 1st permanent molar, which o
following space maintainers is indicated?
a) Cantilever type
b) Fixed lingual arch
c) Band and Bar type
d) Broken stress type
Ans: A

53. Gennifer at 4 years got her lower 2nd molar extracted due to caries, the possible line of treatment is
a) Distal shoe space maintainer
b) Band and loop between primary 1st molar and permanent 1st molar
c) Removable partial denture
d) No active treatment in necessary
Ans: A

54. Which of the following cannot act as a space maintainer

a) Well-restored tooth
b) Lingual arch
c) Nancy holding arch
d) Maxillary expansion device
Ans: D

55. All of the following are true of band and loop space maintained excspt
a) non-functional
b) requires less chair side time
c) removed & polished every year
d) prevents overeruption of opposite teeth Page 9 of 12
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Ans: D

56. Which of the following is recommended for biSatera! premature exfoliation of mandibufar canines
a) Nancy appliance
b) Lingual arch
c) Band and loop
d) Distal shoe appliance

57. A mandibular lingual holding arch with loopsmesial to each molar band is used in children for
a) correction
b) regaining space
c) space maintenance only
d) correction of distally tilted molars
Ans: B

58. Best time to correct antero-posterior discrepancies of skeletal bases

a) Primary dentition period
b) Mixed dentition period
c) Permanent dentition period
d) Post permanent dentition period
Ans: B
59. Which is the ideal time to start an orthodontic treatment?
a) Primary Dentition
b) Early Mixed Dentition
c) Late Mixed Dentition
d) When the malocciusion is rst noted
Ans: D

60. A child in primary dentition period had thumb suckinhg habit. There is slight anterior open bite Immedi
treatment is
a) xed palatal crib
b) removal habit breaking appliance
c) myofunctionai therapy
d) periodic observation until permanent incisors develop
Ans: D

61. The appliance used to treat thumbsucking

a) Crib appliance
b) Frankel appliance
c) Bionator
d) Activator
Ans: A

62. An impending anterior crossbite should be treadted Page 10 of 12
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a) as soon as it is noticed before teeth reach occlusion

b) after eruption of all permanent teeth and orthodontic correction
c) as soon as canines erupt
d) only by xed appliances
Ans: A

63. A 7-year-old child has normal occlusion except for lingually erupted maxillary central incisors. He should
treated with
a) crossbite elastic
b) tongue blade therapy
c) maxillary acrylic inclined plane
d) myofunctional therapy on
Ans: B

64. Orthodontic treatment of which of the following is easily retained

a) Diastema
b) Rotation
c) Expansion
d) Anterior crossbites
Ans: D

65. It is no longer possible to apply the principles of inerceptive orthodontics with the eruption of which too
a) Permanent rst molar
b) Permanent second molar
c) Permanent canine
d) Permanent incisors
Ans: B

66. A 13-year-old girl reports of a 3 mm midline diastema. A thick brous band of frenum is present. Radiog
reveal no abnormality. Line of treatment
a) Excise the tissue and let diastema close on its own
b) Excise the tissue and close diastema orthodontically
c) Band the tooth and the pin and tube appliance. No need to excise tissue.
d) None of the above
Ans: B

67. A 10-year-old child with primary molars in various stages of exfoliation has a slight crowding in the lowe
anterior. The clinician should
a) observe him after 1 year
b) obtain study casts and perform arch-length analysis
c) observe him after 6 months
d) delay the treatment until all permanent teeth erupt
Ans: B

68. Which of the following is not a procedure of preventive orthodontics Page 11 of 12
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a) Topical uoride applications

b) Serial extractions
c) Lip guard
d) Thumb sucking correction
Ans: B

69. Guidance to Eruption is another term for?

a) Frankels appliance
b) Activator
c) Serial extraction
d) Bionator
Ans: C

70. Serial extraction is indicated in patients who have

a) Straight posterior divergent face
b) Class I molar relation with normal incisor relation
c) Severe crowding in mixed dentition stage
d) All of the above
Ans: D

71. Serial extractions are indicated when there is

a) no skeletal discrepancy with dental crowding> 10 mm
b) no skeletal discrepancy with dental crowding between 5-7 mm
c) skeletal discrepancy > 50 with dental crowding < 5 mm d) skeletal discrepancy > 100 with dental crowding
mm Ans: A 72. Serial extraction is contraindicated in all of the following except a) Canine impaction b) Missi
premolars c) Class II Div I rnalocclusion d) Crowding of deciduous dentition Ans: D 73. In serial extraction
procedure if maxillary 1st premolar is extracted then maxillary canine erupts a) Downward b) Downward-ba
c) Downward-forward d) Forward Ans: B 74. The main criteria for serial extractions is a) spacing b) crowding
relation d) patient's cooperation Ans: D 75. Orthodontic camouage is contraindicated in the cases of crowd
with discrepancy a) 1-2 mm b) 2-4 mm c) 4-6 mm d) 8-10 mm Ans: D 76. Camouage treatment is best avoid
in_______ a) mild to moderate skeletal Class II malocclusions b) severe skeletal Class III malocclusions c) goo
vertical proportions of the face d) patients in the age of growth modulation Ans: A

MDSClasses 2015 Page 12 of 12

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