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Juan Martinez Moreno

Professor Lawson

English 113B

Argument Proposal Revised Portfolio

10 April 2017

916 words

Educating the People

It is one thing to intuitively create an environment in which all members thrive and learn

from each other, and it is another thing to create a group that all members from different nations

all around the world discuss, share, and collaborate with each other their ideas, leadership skills,

strategic moves, body maneuvers, and communication skills in a game with about forty other

men with varying talents and skills. What amused me was the idea that the styles of playing

soccer are so widely contrasted from country to country; Spain and Portugal are right next to

each other, yet both countries play soccer differently. Another difference I have noticed is the

success of the U.S. Women National soccer team and that of the U.S. Men National soccer team;

I am not implying that one gender is more successful than the other, instead the companionship

and communication on the womens soccer team is stronger than that of the boys soccer team. In

my many years of playing and observing soccer, I have noticed that there are many different

styles of playing soccer. Yet the questions still stands: How do these style changes effect the

outcome of the soccer game?

At a birds eye view, every soccer game is just like any other soccer game- the ball is

passed from one side to another, there is loud bickering among the athletes, chants from the

bleachers, decorated fans among the stands, and people scoring goals into the net. There is no
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need for further explanation on the basics of a soccer game, my intent is to demonstrate that if a

person were to zoom-in on the soccer game, the changes are evident. In a soccer team in Spain,

the whole game is strategy oriented. The athletes on the Spanish soccer teams are quick and

confident with passing the ball from player to player. The soccer team in Sweden is more defense

oriented and that causes the athletes on the team to be more malicious on their opponents in

order to score goals and win the game. The same is true for a lot of other countries that I have not

mentioned. Each country has their own way of competing. Going back to the soccer team from

Spain, in an article published by 90MIN, author Nicolas Wendichansky noted that the Latin

soccer team players arent as tall or as strong as their European counter parts. Therefore the

style of play is very unique. Unique in the way where the athletes on this team must work

harder and more efficient in a way that they still can win the game. For instance, if tall soccer

players formed a national team and were at the same prestige and acquired the same skills the

Latin team had, then the Latin team would be at a disadvantage due to their height and the

Latin team would have to work harder to combat the taller team members.

Some will argue that there is only one way to play soccer, however, what they fail to

realize is, is that the style of soccer can also be leisure-related or competitive. Although a sport

entails hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, the subject at hand that is not commonly seen is

having fun playing the game. While the soccer games broadcasted onto television display fierce

men in their mentality to win the game at any cost, on a lower level, soccer can be played for

leisure activities all-alike. The television broadcasting stations have wired the minds of the youth

that you have to be malicious, strategic, fast, and agile on the field. While the aggressiveness is

true on the national level, some people tend to forget that playing a sport does not have to always

be an intense match.
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This is where people begin to realize that the many styles of playing soccer are apparent

in every game. However, these styles were only noticed when they were called upon. There is a

fine discrepancy between mild sauce and hot sauce in the same way that there is leisure activities

and competitive activities. Some people will argue that even in the leisure activities there are

competitive players. That notion is true however, the scale at which both of the games are rated

on differs. The national soccer matches are much more competitive and malicious to the extent

that the athletes are playing to win the prestige. As opposed to the leisure soccer match where

athletes are playing to win a medal for their home club. The scale at which these two are being

rated at are polar opposites of each other and this is so because the style of the game has


The style in which the game is presented changes the outcome of the athletes. It would

make no sense to have national soccer players compete against collegiate soccer teams. This is

why the style in which the game is played matters. People will refute the idea that more than one

style of soccer can exist, but what is axiomatic is that if a person were to look closely he will

start to see more contents than that of just on the surface.

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Work Cited

Wendichansky, Nicolas . 6 Very Different Styles of Football From Across the World. 90MIN ,

world . Accessed 11 April 2017.

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