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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007

No. ttulo

Nm. de
inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
CRC handbook of laser science and technology Weber, Martin J,
1 1344 1 Donacin En proceso
vol.5 ed.

2 1345-1346 Ejercicios de ciencias fsicas Annequin, Remy 2 Directa QC21/.A54/v.11

3 1347-1348 Ejercicios de ciencias fsicas Annequin, Remy 2 Directa QC21.A54/v.10

4 1349 Qumica organometlica con ejercicios corregidos Astruc, Didier 1 Directa QD411/.A7818

5 1350 Qumica ambiental Baird, Colin 1 Directa TD192/.B3518/2004

6 1351-1352 Qumica fsica vol.1 Barrow, Gordon M 2 Directa QD453/.B3318/v.1

7 1353-1354 Qumica fsica vol.2 Barrow, Gordon M 2 Directa QD453/.B3318/v.2

8 1355-1356 Problemas programados de termodinmica Braun, Ernest 2 Directa QC311/.B7318

9 1357 Electrnica fundamental para cientficos Brophy, James J 1 Directa TK7815/.B7218/1979
Fsica de los slidos: cristales inicos, vibraciones de
10 1358-1359 Brown, Frederick 2 Directa QC176/.B7518/2004
las redes e imperfecciones

11 1360 Ciencias fsicas Bueche, Frederick 1 Directa Q161.2/.B8418

12 1361-1362 Valencia y estructura molecular Cartmell, Edward 2 Directa QD469/.C318

Casab i Gispert,
13 1363-1365 Estructura atmica y enlace qumico 3 Directa QD461/.C37
Clark, Samuel
14 1366 Dinmica de elementos continuos 1 Directa TA654/.C5818

15 1367-1368 Conceptos y modelos de qumica inorgnica Douglas, Bodie E 2 Directa QD475/.D65518/1994

16 1369-1369 cidos y bases Drago, Russell S 2 Directa QD477/.D718

17 1371 Electricidad : principios y aplicaciones Fowler, Richard J 1 Directa QC523/.F518

18 1372-1373 Introduccin a la mecnica cuntica Gillespie, Daniel T 2 Directa QC174.12/.G5318

19 1374-1375 Fundamentos de qumica analtica vol.1 Skoog, Douglas A 2 Directa QD75.2/.S5518

20 1376-1377 Fundamentos de qumica analtica vol.2 Skoog, Douglas A 2 Directa QD75.2/.S5518

21 1378 Mecnica Kittel, Charles 1 Directa QC21/.B418/v.1

22 1379 Fsica trmica Kittel, Charles 1 Directa QC311.5/.K5218
23 1380-1381 Curso breve de qumica orgnica 2 Directa QD253/.L6518
Walter William
24 1382 Dinmica clsica de las partculas y sistemas Marion, Jerry B 1 Directa QA845/.M3718/2000
25 1383-1384 Campos electromagnticos 2 vols. Portis, Alan M 2 Directa QC665.E4/.P6718

26 1385 Electricidad y magnetismo Purcell, Edward M 1 Directa QC21/.B418/1988/v.2

27 1386 Fsica estadstica Reif, Frederick 1 Directa QC21/.B418/1993/v.5

28 1387-1388 Introduccin a la cristalografa Sands, Donald 2 Directa QD905/.S2518
Ecuaciones diferenciales y variable compleja : Lpez-Gmez,
29 1389 1 Directa QA371/.L673
problemas y ejercicios resueltos Julin
Eisberg, Robert
30 1390-1392 Fundamentos de fsica moderna 3 Directa QC173/.E35818
Lehmann, Charles
31 1393-1394 Geometra analtica 2 Directa QA551/.L4118/2006

32 1395 Ciencia de los alimentos, nutricin y salud Fox, Brian Anthony 1 Directa TX354/.F6918

Snchez Valds,
33 1396 Moldeo por inyeccin de termoplsticos 1 Directa TP1150/.S35
34 1397 Foundations of electromagnetic theory Reitz, John R 1 Directa QC670/.R4/1993

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
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35 1398 Chemistry ; the central science Brown, Theodore L 1 Directa QD31.3/.C43145/2003

36 1399-1400 Introduction to quantum mechanics Griffiths, David J 2 Directa QC174.12/.G75/2005

Garca Garca,
37 1401 Salud pblica y epidemiologa 1 Directa RA515/.S35
Jos Frutos, ed.

38 1402 Introduccin a la fsica de los semiconductores Adler, Richard B 1 Directa QC612.S4/.A318

Electrnica fsica y modelos de circuitos de

39 1403 Gray, Paul E 1 Directa TK7872.D6/.G718
Propiedades de circuito elementales de los
40 1404 Searle, Campbell I 1 Directa TK7878.T73/.S418
Thornton, Richard
41 1405 Caractersticas y limitaciones de los transistores 1 Directa TK7872.T73/.T48518
Thornton, Richard
42 1406 Circuitos multietapa de transistores 1 Directa TK7872.T73/.T4918
Harris, John
43 1407 Circuitos digitales de transistores 1 Directa TK7888.3/.H3718
Manual de medidas y circuitos fundamentales de Thornton, Richard
44 1408 1 Directa TK7871.9/.T518
transistores D
Teora de grupos aplicada para qumicos fsicos e
45 1409 Nussbaum, Allen 1 Directa QD461/.N818

46 1410 PSSC Fsica 2 vols. Haber-Schaim, Uri 1 Directa QC30/.H3318/1973

47 1412 PSSC Fsica : suplementos de temas avanzados Haber-Schaim, Uri 1 Directa QC30/.H3318/1974/Supl

Ley peridica y sistema peridico de los elementos

48 1413 Agafoshin, NP 1 Directa QD467/.A32
de mendeleiv
Smith, William
49 1414-1415 Foundations of materials science and engineering 2 Directa TA403/.S5955/2006
50 1416 Introduction to food engineering Singh, R. Paul 1 Directa TP370/.S456/2001

51 1417-1418 Ejercicios de ciencias fsicas Annequin, Remy 2 Directa QC21/.A54/v.9

52 1419 Ondas Crawford, Frank S 1 Directa QA927/.C73418

53 1420 Calculus : una y varias variables vol.2 Salas, Saturnino L 1 Directa QA303.2/.S3518/2003

54 1421 Semiconductor optoelectronic devices 1 Directa TK8320/.B52/1997
55 1422-1423 Concepts of modern physics Beiser, Arthur 2 Directa QC21.3/.B45/2003
56 1424-1426 Thermodynamics for engineers Potter, Merle C 3 Directa TJ265/.P68
57 1427 Space groups for solid state scientists Burns, Gerald 1 Directa QC176/.B865/1990
Introduction to electromagnetic theory : a modern
58 1428 Chow, Tai L 1 Directa QC670/.C425
II-VI blue/green light emitters : device physics and Gunshor, Robert L,
59 1429 1 Directa TK7871.86/.S43
epitaxial growth ed.
60 1430 Trends in solar energy Hough, Tom P 1 Directa TJ810/.T72/2006
61 1431 Advanced solid state physics Phillips, Philip W 1 Directa QC176/.P45
Wichmann, Eyvind
62 1432 Fsica cuntica vol.4 1 Centralizada QC21/.B418/1991

Fundamentos de ptica: un estudio sistemtico

Rossi, Bruno
63 1433-1434 fenmenos ptica fsica, electromagntica y 2 Centralizada QC355/.R6718

64 1435 Problemario de termodinmica clsica 1 Centralizada QC311/.G37/1984
Scherer, Leopoldo

Anlisis vectorial y una introduccin al anlisis

65 1436-1437 Spiegel, Murray R 2 Centralizada QA261/.S6518/1998

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
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66 1438 Cmo convertirse en un habil investigador Booth, Wayne C 1 Centralizada Q180.55.M4/.B618

67 1439 Diccionario americano de dudas lengua espaola 1 Centralizada REF/PC4460/.D5
Francisco, dir.

68 1440 Diccionario tcnico ingls-espaol espaol-ingls 1 Centralizada REF/T10/.B4/2006
Atienza, Federico

69 1441-1442 Estructura atmica un enfoque qumico 2 Centralizada QD461/.C78/2002
70 1443-1444 Fsica moderna Tipler, Paul Allen 2 Centralizada QC21/.T518
71 1445-1146 Estadsitica elemental : lo esencial Johnson, Robert 2 Centralizada QA276.12/.J618/2004
72 1447 Introduccin a la fsica del estado slido Kittel, Charles 1 Centralizada QC176/.K518/1995

73 1448 Mecnica clsica Goldstein, Herbert 1 Centralizada QA805/.G618/1987

Wells, Alexander
74 1449-1450 Qimica inorgnica estructural 2 Centralizada QD151/.W418/1978
Alarcos Llorach,
75 1451 Gramtica de la lengua espaola 1 Centralizada REF/PC4105/.A4/1999
76 1452 Gran diccionario de la lengua espaola Larousse 1 Centralizada REF/PC4625/.G7/2001

77 1453-1454 Variable compleja Spiegel, Murray R 2 Centralizada QA331/.S618/1991

Cmo obtener un doctorado: manual para

78 1455 Phillips, Estelle 1 Centralizada LB2386/.P4513
estudiantes y tutores

Cmo redactar textos para el aprendizaje: gua Chabolla Romero,

79 1456-1457 2 Centralizada Q180.A1/.CH3
para estudiantes y maestros Juan Manuel

Cmo usar la informacin en trabajos de

80 1458 Orna, Elizabeth 1 Centralizada T58.64/.O76

81 1459-1460 Propiedades trmicas de la materia vol.1 Kauzmann, Walter 2 Centralizada QC175/.K318/1970

82 1461-1462 Propiedades trmicas de la materia vol.2 Kauzmann, Walter 2 Centralizada QC175/.K318/1970

Tamayo y
83 1463 Diccionario de la investigacin cientfica 1 Centralizada Q123/.T3
Tamayo, Mario

84 1464 Hbitos de estudio: gua prctica de aprendizaje 1 Centralizada LB2395/.Q5
Mrquez, Lisbeth

85 1465 Qumica analtica Skoog, Douglas A 1 Centralizada QD75.2/.S5/2001

Valcrcel, Cases,
86 1466 Tcnicas analticas de separacin 1 Centralizada TP56.S45/.V3
Manual para la presentacin de anteproyectos e
87 1467 Schmelkes, Corina 1 Centralizada T11/.S3/1998
informes de investigacin
Tecnologas trmicas para el procesado de los Richardson, Philip,
88 1468 1 Centralizada TP371.2/.T418/2004
alimentos ed.
Wichmann, Eyvind
89 1469 Manual de soluciones en fsica cuntica 1 Centralizada QC21.2/.W518/1973
90 1470 Seguridad industrial y salud Asfahl, C. Ray 1 Centralizada T55/.A818/2000
91 1471 Aplicaciones de la energa solar Meinel, Adem B 1 Centralizada TJ810/.M418/1982
Landau, Lev
92 1472 Electrodinmica de los medios continuos 1 Centralizada QC631/.L318/1981
Landau, Lev
93 1473 Fsica estadstica 1 Centralizada QC174.8/.L318/1988

Landau, Lev
94 1474 Fsica estadstica parte II 1 Centralizada QC174.8/.L318/v.9,pt.2

Landau, Lev
95 1475 Mecnica cuntica: teora no-relativista 1 Centralizada QC174.24.N64/.L318

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
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Nm. de
inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
Landau, Lev
96 1476 Mecnica de fluidos 1 Centralizada QA901/.L318/1985
Landau, Lev
97 1477 Mcnica vol.1 1 Centralizada QA805/.L318/1985
Landau, Lev
98 1478 Teora clsica de los campos vol.2 1 Centralizada QC665.E4/.L318/1992

Landau, Lev QC174.24.R4/.B418/198

99 1479-1480 Teora cuntica relativista pte.1 y pte.2 1 Centralizada
Davidovich 1/v.4
Landau, Lev
100 1481 Teora de la elasticidad 1 Centralizada QA931/.L318/1982
101 1482-1483 Energas alternativas 2 Centralizada TJ163.2/.D6/2004
Gmez, Jos A

Levich, Veniamin
102 1484-1487 Curso de fsica terica 4 vol.s 4 Centralizada QC21.2/.L418

103 1488 Ingredient interactions effects on food quality 1 Directa TX531/.I54/2006
Anilkumar G., ed.

104 1489 Soy applications in food Riaz, Mian N 1 Directa TX558.S7/.I53/2006

105 1490 SPICE for power electronics and electric power 1 Directa TK7871.15/.R38/2005
Muhammad H
Introduction to polymer science and chemistry : a
106 1491 Chanda, Manas 1 Directa QD381/.C473/2006
problem solving approach
107 1492 Mechanics of composite materials Kaw, Autar K 1 Directa TA418.9.C6/.K39/2006
Handbook of surface and interface analysis:
108 1493 Rivire, JC 1 Directa QC173.4.S94/.H35/1998
methods for problem-solving

de Cogan,
109 1494 Transmission line matrix in computational mechanics 1 Directa TK7876/.D43/2006
Electromagnetic theory and applications for Yasumoto,
110 1495 1 Directa TA1522/.E24/2006
photonic crystals Kitotoshi
Developing industrial water pollution control Eckenfelder,
111 1496 1 Directa TD897.5/.E27/1997
programs William Wesley
112 1497 Cereals processing technology Owens, Gavin 1 Directa TP434/.C47/2001
Water properties of food, pharmaceutical, and Buera, Mara del
113 1498 1 Directa TX553.W3/.W3685/2006
biological materials Pilar

Eliasson, Ann-
114 1499 Carbohydrates in food 1 Directa TX553.C28/.C37/2006

115 1500 Principles of colloid and surface chemistry Hiemenz, Paul C 1 Directa QD549/.H53/1997

Systems, controls, embedded systems, energy, and

116 1501 Dorf, Richard C 1 Directa REF/TK1001/.E44/2006
117 1502-1503 Thermal physics Finn, Colin BP 2 Directa QC311/.F54/1993
118 1504 Active packaging for food applications Brody, Aaron L 1 Directa TP374/.B75/2001
Sensors, nanoscience, biomedical engineering, and
119 1505 Dorf, Richard C 1 Directa REF857.B54/.E44/2006

120 1506 An introduction to biomaterials Guelcher, Scott A 1 Directa R857.M3/.I68/2006

Modern ceramic engineering: properties, processing, Richerson, David

121 1507 1 Directa TP807/.R53/2006
and use in design W

122 1508 Mems: applications 1 Directa REF/TK7875/.M423/2006

Gad-el-Hak, REF/TK7874/.M3762/200
123 1509 Mems: introduction and fundamentals 1 Directa
Mohamed 6
Vibrational spectroscopy of biological and polymeric Greogoriou, Vasilis
124 1510 1 Directa QC463/.V53/2006
materials G

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
No. ttulo

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inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
125 1511 Quantum communications and cryptography 1 Directa TK5102.94/.Q36/2006
Alexander V

126 1512 Aflatoxin and food safety Abbas, Hamed K 1 Directa RA1242.A344/.A35/2005

Biological performance of materials: fundamentals

127 1513 Black, Jonathan 1 Directa R857.M3/.B59/2006
of biocompatibility
128 1514 Biodegradable and sustainable fibres Blackburn, RS 1 Directa TS1540/.B56
129 1515 Principles of analytical electron microscopy Joy, David 1 Directa TA417.23/.P75/1986

130 1516 Organic photovoltaics: concepts and realization Brabec, CJ 1 Directa TK8322/.O75/2003

131 1517 Fast ion transport in solids Scrosati, Bruno 1 Directa QD561/.F33/1993
NATO Advanced
Research Workshop
on Homogeneous
132 1518 Homogeneous and heterogeneous photocatalysis 1 Directa QD701/.N34/1985

133 1519 Physics of solid-state laser materials Powell, Richard C 1 Directa TA1705/.P69/1998

134 1520 Dairy chemistry and biochemistry Fox, PF 1 Directa SF253/.F69

The quantum mechanics solver: how to apply Basdevant, Jean-
135 1521-1522 2 Directa QC174.15/.B37/2006
quantum theory to Louis
136 1523 Electronic properties of materials Hummel, Rolf E 1 Directa QC176/.H86/2001
137 1524 Nanoindentation 1 Directa TA410/.F57/2004
Anthony C
Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray
138 1525 Goldstein, Joseph 1 Directa QH212.S3/.S29/2003
139 1526 Principles of quantum mechanics 1 Directa QC174.12/.S52/1994
International tables for crystallography: brief
140 1527 Hahn, Theo 1 Directa REF/QD908/.I56/2002
teaching edition volume A

141 1528 Properties of group-iv, ii-v and ii-vi semiconductors Adachi, Sadao 1 Directa TK7871.85/.P765

Adamson, Arthur
142 1529 Physical chemistry of surfaces 1 Directa QD506/.A3/1997
Electrochemical methods: fundamentals and
143 1530 Bard, Allen J 1 Directa QD553/.B37/2001
144 1531 Thin film analysis by x-ray scattering Birkholz, Mario 1 Directa QC176.83/.B57/2006
Surface and thin films analysis: principles, QC176.84.S93/.S87/200
145 1532 Bubert, H. 1 Directa
instrumentation, applications 2
146 1533 Concepts of modern catalysis and kinetics Chorkendorff, Ib 1 Directa QD505/.C46/2003

Short protocols in protein science: a compendium of

147 1534 Coligan, John E 1 Directa REF/QP551/.S536/2003
methods from Current protocols in protein science

148 1535 Basic one- and two dimensional nrm spectroscopy Friebolin, Horst 1 Directa
149 1536 Understanding nmr spectroscopy Keeler, James 1 Directa QD96.N8/.K4
150 1537 Physical chemistry of ionic materials Maier, Joachim 1 Directa
Biopolymers for medical and pharmaceutical Steinbchel,
151 1538-1539 1 Directa RS501.B56/.B56
applications Alexander
Course notes on the interpretation of infrared and
152 1540 Mayo, Dana W 1 Directa QD96.R34/.M55/2004
raman spectra
153 1541 Semiconductor electrochemistry 1 Directa TK7871.85/.M46/2001
154 1542 Solid state physics Mihpaly, Lszl 1 Directa QC176.515/.M54
155 1543 Principles of polymerization Odian, George 1 Directa QD281.P6/.O35/2004

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
No. ttulo

Nm. de
inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
156 1544-1545 The chemistry of nanomaterials 2 vols. Rao, CNR 2 Directa
Semiconductor material and device
157 1546 Schroder, Dieter 1 Directa QC611/.S335/2006
158 1547 Practical methods of optimization Fletcher, Roger 1 Directa QA402.5/.F57/1987
Introduction to the quantum world of atoms and
159 1548-1549 Dahl, Jens Peder 2 Directa QC174.12/.D34
160 1550-1551 Statistical physics: an introductory course Amit, DJ 2 Directa QC174.8/.A45/1999
161 1552 Clean electricity from photovoltaics Archer, Mary D 1 Directa TK1087/.C573/2001
Di Bartolo,
162 1553-1554 Classical theory of electromagnetism 2 Directa QC760/.D49/2004
Fundamentals of semiconductor physics and
163 1555 Enderlein, Rolf 1 Directa QC611/.E655
164 1556 Introduction to semiconductor physics Grahn, Holger T 1 Directa QC611/.G73/1999
Quantum theory of the optical and electronic
165 1557 Haug, Hartmut 1 Directa QC611.6.O6/.H44/2004
properties of semiconductors

166 1558 Introduction to amorphous magnets 1 Directa QC766.A4/.K37/1992
167 1559 Invitation to contemporary physics Ho-Kim, Quang 1 Directa QC21.2/.H65/2004
Handbook series on semiconductor parameters 2
168 1560-1561 Levinshtein, ME 2 Directa QC611.45/.H35
169 1562 thin films: heteroepitaxial systems Liu, WK 1 Directa QC176.83/.T45
170 1563 Physics of amorphous semiconductors Morigaki, Kazuo 1 Directa QC611.8/.M67/1999
Optical properties of low-dimensional materials QC611.6.O6/.O6628/19
171 1564 Ogawa, Tetsuo 1 Directa
volume 2 98

172 1565-1566 Problems and solutions on electromagnetism Lim, Yung-kuo, ed. 2 Directa QC760/.P76

Problemas de electricidad con soluciones

173 1567-1569 Cidrac, Ch. de 3 Directa QC532/.D4214
detalladas 3 vols.
174 1570 Relatividad especial French, AP 1 Directa QC6/.F6818
175 1571 Mecnica newtoniana French, AP 1 Directa QC125.2/.F7418
176 1572 Introduccin a la fsica cuntica French, AP 1 Directa QC174.12/.F718
177 1573-1574 Statistical mechanics 2 Directa QC174.8/.M3/2000
Donald A.
Aditivos y auxiliares de fabricacin en las industrias
178 1575 Multon, JL 1 Directa TP455/.A3318/2000
179 1576 Extrusores en las aplicaciones de alimentos Riaz, Mian N 1 Directa TP373/.E9718
180 1577-1578 Optical properties of solids Fox, Mark 2 Directa QC176.8.O6/.F69
Fredrickson, Glenn
181 1579 The equilibrium theory of inhomogeneous polymers 1 Directa QD381.9.M3/.F74

Quantum physics: a first encounter interference,

182 1580-1581 Scarani, Valerio 2 Directa QC174.12/.S3213/2006
entanglement, and reality
183 1582 Principles of semiconductor devices Dimitrijev, Sima 1 Directa TK7871.85/.D54697
Fundamentos de mecnica cuntica: partculas,
184 1583-1584 Borowitz, Sidney 2 Directa QC174.2/.B6518
ondas y mecnica de las ondas

185 1585 Solar cells: materials, manufacture and operation Markvart, T 1 Directa TK2960/.S6523/2005

Cleveland, Cutler
186 1586 Dictionary of energy 1 Directa REF/TJ163.16/.D528
Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare
187 1587 Gschneider, Karl 1 Directa QD172.R2/.H26
188 1588 Chemistry and biology of hyaluronan Garg, Hari G 1 Directa QP702.P6/.Ch46
189 1589 Atomic transport in solids Allnatt, AR 1 Directa QC176.8.E4/.A37

190 1590 Electrical properties of polymers Blythe, AR 1 Directa QD381.9.E38/.B56/2005

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The physics of semiconductors with applications to
191 1591 Brennan, Kevin F 1 Directa QC611/.B75/1999
optoelectronic devices

192 1592 Structure and bonding in crystalline materials Rohrer, Gregory S 1 Directa QD921/.R64/2001

193 1593-1594 Principles of fuel cells Li, Xianguo 2 Directa TK2931/.L5

194 1595-1596 Physical chemistry: statistical mechanics Metiu, Horia 2 Directa QC174.8/.M45
195 1597-1598 Physical chemistry: kinetics Metiu, Horia 2 Directa QD502/.M49
196 1599-1600 Physical chemistry: quantum mechanics Metiu, Horia 2 Directa QC174.17.M35/.M45
Vitamins in foods: analysis, bioavailability, and
197 1601 Ball, George FM 1 Directa TX553.V5/.B358

Schaum's outline theory and problems of advanced

198 1602 Spiegel, Murray R 1 Centralizada TA330/.S6/1971
mathematics for engineers and scientists

Schaum's outline theory and problems of applied

199 1603 Beiser, Arthur 1 Centralizada QC21.2/.B4/2004
200 1604 Schaum's outline of calculus Ayres, Frank 1 Centralizada QA303/.A9/1999
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college
201 1605 Bueche, Frederick 1 Centralizada QC21.2/.B8/2006
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of fluid
202 1606 Giles, Ranald V 1 Centralizada TA357/.G5/1994
mechanics and hydraulics

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of

Langrangian dynamics: with a treatment of Euler's
203 1607 Wells, Dare A 1 Centralizada QA845/.W4/1967
equations of motion, Hamilton's equations and
Hamilton's principle

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of linear Lipschutz,

204 1608 1 Centralizada QA188/.L5/2001
algebra Seymour
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of partial
205 1609 DuChateasu, Paul 1 Centralizada QA374/.D8/1986
differential equations
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics
206 1610 Browne, Michael E 1 Centralizada QC21.2/.B7/1999
for engineering and science
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of
207 1611 Spiegel, Murray R 1 Centralizada QA273.25/.S6/2000
probability and statistics
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of
208 1612 Hsu, Hwei P. 1 Centralizada QA273.25/.H78/1997
probability, random variables, and
Schaum's oultine of theory and problems of
209 1613-1614 Peleg, Yoav 2 Centralizada QC174.12/.P45/1998
quantum mechanics

210 1615 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of statistics Spiegel, Murray R 1 Centralizada QA276.2/.S6/1999

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of

211 1616 Passow, Eli 1 Centralizada QA303/.P3/1996
understanding calculus concepts

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of vector

212 1617 Spiegel, Murray R 1 Centralizada QA433/.S6/2002
analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis

213 1618 Handbook of near-infrared analysis Burns, Donald A 1 Centralizada QD96.15/.H36/2001

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college Rosenberg,
214 1619 1 Centralizada QD41/.R6/1997
chemistry Jerome Laib

215 1620 An introduction to surface analysis by XPS and AES Watts, John E 1 Centralizada TP156.S95/.W38

Cahn FRS, Robert

216 1621 Concise encyclopedia of materials characterization 1 Centralizada REF/TA402/.C/2005
W, ed.
217 1622 CRC materials science and engineering handbook 1 Centralizada REF/TA403/.C7/2001
James F., ed
218 1623 Crystals and crystal structures Tilley, RJD 1 Centralizada QD605.2/.T5

219 1624-1625 Mathematical methods for physicists Arfken, George B 2 Centralizada QA37.3/.A74/2005

220 1626 Manual de datos para ingeniera de los alimentos Hayes, George D 1 Centralizada REF/TP370.4/.H318/1992

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
No. ttulo

Nm. de
inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
221 1627 Advanced engineering thermodynamics Bejan, Adrian 1 Centralizada TJ265/.B4/2006
Fractals, diffusion, and relaxation in disordered
222 1628-1629 Coffey, William T 2 Centralizada QD453/.A3/v.133
complex systems pte.A y pte.B
223 1630 Dictionary of engineering materials Keller, Harald 1 Centralizada REF/C/TA402/.K45
224 1631 Electrons and disorder in solids Gantmakher, VF 1 Centralizada

225 1632 Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer Incropera, Frank P 1 Centralizada QC320/.I4/2007

226 1633 Elementary dislocation theory 1 Centralizada QD945/.W4/1992
227 1634 Inorganic experiments Woollins, JD 1 Centralizada QD155/.I5/2003
228 1635 Introduction to dislocations Hull, Derek 1 Centralizada QD921/.H8/2001
229 1636 Mechanical science Bolton, W 1 Centralizada TA350/.B6/2006
230 1637 Physics Cutnell, John D 1 Centralizada QC23.2/.C8/2007
231 1638 Handbook of differential equations vol.2 Caada, A, ed 1 Centralizada QA371/.H3

Problems and solutions on thermodynamics and

232 1639-1640 statistical mechanics: a major American Universities Lim, Yung-kuo, ed. 2 Centralizada QC311.28/.M35
Ph D. Qualifyng questions and solutions

233 1641 The rietveld method Young, RA 1 Centralizada QD945/.R5

234 1642 The basics of crystallography and diffraction Hammond, C 1 Centralizada QD905.2/.H3

235 1643 Introduction to heat transfer Incropera, Frank P 1 Centralizada QC320/.I46/2007

Ingeniera de los procesos aplicada a la industria

236 1644 Jeantet, Romain 1 Centralizada SF250.5/.J418
Ibarz Ribas,
237 1645 Mtodos experimentales en la ingeniera alimentaria 1 Centralizada TP370.4/.M4

238 1646 Extrusin de alimentos: tecnologa y aplicaciones Guy, RCE 1 Centralizada TP370.5/.E918/2001

239 1647 Collins spanish-english, english-spanish dictionary Collins 1 Directa REF/PC4640/.C53/2003

Collins diccionario pocket francais espagnol-espaol-

240 1648 Collins 1 Directa REF/PC2640/.C53/2003

241 1649-1650 Classical mechanics 3rd. Ed. Goldstein, Herbert 2 Centralizada QA805/.G6/2002

242 1651 Sears & Zemansky's college physics Young, Hugh D 1 Centralizada QC23.2/.Y6/2006

243 1652 Precalculus 7th. Ed. Sullivan, Michael 1 Centralizada QA154.3/.S8/2005

244 1653 Introduction to electromagnetic theory Owen, George 1 Directa QC523/.O94/2003

245 1654 The theory of the electromagnetic field Cook, David M 1 Directa QC665.E4/.C6/2002
246 1655 An introduction to statistical thermodynamics Hill, Terrell 1 Directa QD501/.H573
Statistical mechanics principles and selected
247 1656-1657 Hill, Terrell 2 Directa QC174.8/.H556

248 1658 Scattering of light by crystals Hayes, William 1 Directa QC176.8.O6/.H37/2004

249 1659 Lehninger principios de bioqumica Lehninger, Albert L 1 Directa QD415/.L4418/2006

250 1660-1661 Electromagnetic theory Kovetz, Attay 2 Directa QC670/.K693

Fessenden, Ralph
251 1662-1663 Organic chemistry 2 Directa QD251.2/.F49/1998
252 1664 Mathematical physics Butkov, Eugene 1 Directa QC20/.B87

253 1665 Anuario Cinvestav 2005 Cinvestav 1 Donacin REF/LB1028/.C46/2005

254 1666-1667 Mathematical handbook of formulas and tables Spiegel, Murray R 2 Centralizada QA41/.S6/1999

Pgina 8 de 10
del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
No. ttulo

Nm. de
inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of Ediminister,
255 1668 1 Centralizada QC760/.E35/1993
electromagnetics Joseph A
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of
256 1669 Nelson, EW 1 Centralizada TA350/.M32/1998
engineering mechanics : statics and dynamics
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of
257 1670 Safier, Fred 1 Centralizada QA157/.S2/1998

258 1671 Homogeneous photocatalysis Chanon, Michel 1 Directa QD716.P45/.H66

259 1672 Adsorption and transport at the nanoscale Quirke, N 1 Directa TA418.9.P6/.A356
260 1673 Thin films on glass Bach, Hans 1 Directa TK7872.T55/.T456
261 1674 Dielectric properties of porous media Gladkov, SO 1 Directa QC173.4.P67/.G52
Ceramics: mechanical properties, failure behaviour,
262 1675 Munz, Dietrich 1 Directa TA455.C43/.M86
materials selection
263 1676 NMR spectroscopy of polymers Hatada, Koichi 1 Directa QD139.P6/.H38
264 1677 Handbook of fabrication processes Lascoe, OD 1 Directa TA460/.L37
Suaste Gmez,
265 1678 Cermicas piezoelctricas 1 Donacin TK7878.P54/.S83

266 1679 Anuario Cinvestav 2004 Cinvestav 1 Donacin REF/LB1028/.C46/2004

Synthesis and investigation of novel nanomaterials

267 1680 Chen, Xiaobo 1 Directa En proceso
for improved photocaty

268 1681 Processing and properties of nanocomposites Advani, Suresh G. 1 Directa En proceso

269 1682 The physics and chemistry of solids Elliot, SR 1 Directa QC176/.E55
Bassani, Franco,
270 1683-1688 Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics 6 vols. 6 Centralizada QC173.454/.E5/2005
Franoise, Jean-
271 1689-1693 Encyclopedia of mathematical physics 5 vols. 5 Centralizada QC19.3/.E5/2006
Pierre, ed.

Mtodos para evaluar la calidad maltera en
272 1694 Crdenas, Juan 1 Donacin SB191.B3/.F54
de Dios

Solid state physics: an introduction to principles of

273 1695 Ibach, Harald 1 Centralizada QC176/.I2313/2003
materials science

274 1696 Lehninger principles of biochemistry Lehninger, Albert L 1 Directa QD415/.L44/2005

275 1697 Por llegar Centralizada Pendiente

276 1698 Por llegar Centralizada Pendiente
277 1699 Por llegar Centralizada Pendiente
278 1700 Por llegar Centralizada Pendiente
279 1701 Elementary electronic structure Harrison, Walter 1 Centralizada QC1.8.E4/.H39/2004

Photocatalysis in a novel semiconducting optical

280 1702 Lin, Hongfei 1 Directa En proceso
fiber monolithic reactor for wastewater treatment

281 1703-1704 Problems and solutions on mechanics Lim, Yung-kuo, ed. 2 Directa QC174.15/.M356/1994

Mtodos para medir propiedades fsicas en Alvarado, Juan

282 1705 1 Directa TX541/.M48
industrias de alimentos de Dios, ed.
283 1706-1707 Bioqumica fundamental Conn, Eric E 2 Directa QP514.2/.C6518/2006
284 1708 Epidemiologa Gordis, Leon 1 Directa RA651/.G6718/2005
285 1709-1710 Diseo y anlisis de experimentos 2 Directa QA279/.M6718/2006
Douglas C.
Procesamiento de plsticos: inyeccin, moldeo,
286 1711 Morton-Jones, DH 1 Directa TP1087/.M6718
hule, pvc
287 1712 Qumica de los alimentos Belitz, HD 1 Directa TX545/.B4518/1997
Crookes, William,
288 1713 Michael Faraday: la historia qumica de una vela 1 Directa QD39/.F3618

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del 11 de octubre de 2006 al 27 de febrero de 2007
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inventario Ttulo Autor Ejemplares Compra Clasificacin

En proceso = Ya se estn en la Biblioteca pero se est realizando su proceso


Pendiente = Material bibliogrfico que est en proceso tcnico en Cinvestav-

Mxico y que est por llegar

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