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Longitudinal axis: Rolling (aileron)

Lateral axis: Pitching (elevator/horizontal stabilizer)
Vertical axis: Yawing (Rudder/vertical stabilizer)

Wing: Dihedral & Unhedral

Wing type: Straight, Eliptical, Tapered, Rectangular, Sweptback, Delta
Flap type: Plain, Split, Slotted, Fowler(changed angle of attack and increase chord line)
Slat type : Droop nose , Sealed , Ventelated , krueger

Induced drag: Drag yg dihasilkan karena adanya daya angkat/lift

Parasite drag: -Form drag: Drag yg dihasilkan dari bentuk pesawat itu sendiri
-Skin friction: Drag yg dihasilkan dari permukaan pesawat
-Interference drag: Drag yg dihasilkan dari gabungan2 badan pesawat

Ground effect: Dihasilkan bila ketinggian pesawat terhadap suface/earth kurang dari panjang
wingspan pesawat. Selain itu bisa disebabkan oleh solar radiation dan thermal/terestrial

Torque effect(left turning tendencies) : Spiral slipstream, Torque reaction, Gyroscopic

precision, Asymmetric propeller loading

Density of air mempengaruhi performance pesawat

DME overhead station (slant distance):

6000ft = 1NM. If 1000ft = 0,2 NM. If 10000ft = 1,6 NM

Limitation: a/c limitation, Enviromental limitation, Self limitation

Flight time: 1.050hrs/year, 110hrs/month, 30hrs/week , 9hrs/day

Visual flight: -Pilotage (terbang melihat luar berdasarkan tanda2 di daratan)

-Deadreckoning (Computation of time, distance and speed)
-Vis more than 3SM or 4,8KM
-Alt 0-10000 5KM, alt >10000 8KM
-Max height VFR 11000 or transition altitude
-Res fuel: 30min

Instrument flight: -Terbang berdasarkan instrument navigation

-Res fuel: 45min

VMC: Visual Meteorological Condition

IMC: Instrument Meteorological Condition

Angle of Attack: Angle between chord line and relative wind

Angle of Incidence: Angle between chord line and longitudinal axis

Critical angle of attack: 15-16 deg

Every 30ft increase/decrease 1hpa/mb

1hpa = 1mb = 0.03InHg = 30ft

1 Knot: 1,2Mph or 1,8Kmh

1 Mile: 1,6Km
1 Mile: 5280ft
1 Meter: 3,28ft
1 Feet: 0,3meters
1 kg: 2,2pound
1 US Gal: 3,7ltr
1 Ltr: 0,3 US Gal
1 kg : 2.2 lbs

1 US Gal : 6 lbs

Convertion 1013mb to InHg = 13 x 3 = 39 + 53 = 92 (29.92InHg)

1009mb = 9 x 3 = 27 + 53 = 80 (29.80InHg)
Convertion 29.92InHg to mb = 92 - 53 = 39 :3 = 13 ( 1013mb)

Every 1000ft, temperature increase/decrease 1.98Celcius

Atmosphere: 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% other gases

Sea Level: 1013.2mb/hpa or 29.92InHg = 15Celcius/59Fahrenheit = 14.7psi. Speed of sound

662 Knots = 1.224km/h
36900ft = -56.5Celcius = 226.3mb/hpa

Troposphere- Tropopouse 26 - 60.000ft

Strartosphere 120.000ft (Lapisan ozone)
Mesosphere 300.000ft

-Low Cloud (Cummulus) 0-6500= Stratus, Startocumulus, Nimbostratus
-Medium Cloud (Stratus) 6500-20000= Altostratus, Altocumulus
-High Cloud (Cirrus) >20000 = Cirrus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus

Significant Cloud (Annex 3) : -Cummulo Nimbus (CB)

-Towering Cumulus (CU)

Life circle thunderstorm:

-Initial/ Cumulus stage: 5000-20000ft (updraft)
-Mature Stage: 5000-40000ft (up and downdraft)
-Dissipating stage: 5000-35000ft (downdraft)

Jetstream: Arus angin sempit dengan kecepatan tinggi yg berada di Tropopause. Kecepatan
100-250knots, kebanyakan bergerak dari barat ke timur

Precipitation: Pelepasan zat2 di awan bisa dalam bentuk padat/cair (rain,snow,etc)

Dew point: Titik dimana uap air mengalami titik jenuh lalu terjadi kondensasi
Kondensasi: Perubahan dari zat gas ke cair
Evaporasi: Perubahan dari zat cair ke gas
Virga: Precipitation yg menguap kembali sebelum menyentuh permukaan bumi

Windshear: Perubahan arah & kecepatan angin secara tiba2

Gusty: Fluktuasi kecepatan angin yang berubah signifikan
sublimaation : perubahan dari ice menjadi uap air atau dari uap air menjadi ice
melting : perubahan dari ice menjadi air
saturated : dimana dewpoint reached , kandungan air 100% of the moisture it can hold at
that temperature .

Transition altitude 11000ft. Transition level FL130 (Indonesia) , untuk timur FL 200
transition altitude.
MSA: Minimum Sector Altitude (25NM fromVOR, obstacle clearence 1000ft)
MEA: Minimum Enroute Altitude (Course dev 4NM L/R, terrain clear 1000ft)
MOCA: Minimum Obstraction Clearence Altitude (22NM from VOR)

MORA: Minimum Off Route Altitude (below 6000ft clearence 1000ft, above 6000 clearance
2000 from highest obstacle) 10NM L/R from enroute
Grid MORA: Obstacle tertinggi dalam sebuah long & lat dalam bentuk persegi 4
TORA: Take-off Run Available
TODA: Take-off Distance Available - TODR (Stopway +clearway)
ASDA: Accelerate Stop Distance Available - ASDR (runway+stopway)
ETOPS: Extended Range Twin Engine Operation

Absolute Altitude: The vertical distance of an a/c above the terrain or AGL
True Altitude: The actual height of an object above MSL
Pressure Altitude: The altitude indicated when the altsetting is adjusted 29.92InHg (ISA)
Density Altitude: Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandart temperature

QFE: Quarry Field Elevation (AGL, Absolute Altitude)

QNH: Quarry Nautical Height (MSL, True altitude)
QNE: Quarry Nautical Elevation (ISA: International Standart Atmosphere,

Vmcg: Minimum control speed on the ground

Vmca: Minimum control speed on the air
Vmba: Max brake energy
V1: Decision speed/Engine failure recognition speed
Vr: Rotating speed
V2: Take-off safety speed/Initial climb (Vs x 1.2)
V3: Flap retraction speed
V4: Steady intial climb speed
Vref: Landing refrence speed or The Threshold crossing speed

(Vs x 1.3)
Vx: Speed angle of climb (short distance)
Vy: Speed best rate of climb (short time)

Rate One Turn: 10% speed + 7 80kts = 8+7= 15deg bank

Max 5min T/O thrust (Jet)

max deflect VOR : 10 degree
max deflect ILS : 2.5 degree

CDI: Course Deviation Indicator (1 dot = 2.5deg)

OBS: Omni Bearing Selector

VASI: Visual Approach Slope Indicator

PAPI: Precision Approach Path Indicator

FAF: Final Approach Fix

VDP: Visual Descent Point. HAT : 300 = NM (+ dist station from threshold)
Rumus glideslope: G/S x 6 = Rate of descent (3.5deg)
G/S x 5 = Rate of descent (3deg)
G/S x 4 = Rate if descent ( 2.5deg)

ILS CAT 1 : 200ft Vis 800m

CAT2: 100ft Vis 300m
CAT3: 50ft Vis 50m
Glide slope angle 3deg

RVR: Runway Visual Range

AWR: Airborne Weather Radar

ACN: Aircraft classification number

PCN: Pavement classification number

Radar: Radio detection and ranging

Emergency: Fly the aircraft, select the field, gliding speed, call tower, check for cause

Type emergency : Planned, unplanned

Flight plan:

60knot = 60Nm/hrs = 1Nm/min. 90knot = 90Nm/hrs = 1,5Nm/min

Time = (distx60) : GS = min

GS = (60xdist) : time = kts
Dist = (timexGS) : 60 = Nm

GSH = 2 x TAS - GSO = kts

CP = (D x GSH) / (GSO+ GSH) = dist

PNR = (Endurance x GSH) / (GSO + GSH) = time to PNR

CP: Suatu titik diantara point keberangkatan dan point kedatangan yg apabila kita kembali
atau meneruskan perjalanan, TIME'nya akan sama.

PNR: Titik terjauh dari point keberangkatan, apabila kita kembali FUEL'nya masih

LNAV : Radial and DME

VNAV : Altitude

Squawk number:
7500 Hijack
7600 Comm fail
7700 Emergency

Ils app: holding pattern flap 1, one half dot before flap 2 + ldg gear down, final flap 3
Approaching minimum: 100 above DA/MDA
non-precision app : flap 1 , outbound holding , flap 2 FAC + ldg gear down , flap 3 runway

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