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Adam: Hi Id like to see the doctor, please

Hola me gustara ver al doctor por favor

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment? Tienes una cita

Adam: No
Receptionist: When would you like an appointment Cundo desea una cita?
Adam: Is today posible? Es posible hoy?

Receptionist: Yes. Today is fine. What time you like? S. Hoy esta bien. A qu hora te gusta?

Adam: As soon as posible. My stomach really hurts

Tan pronto como sea posible. Me duele el estomago

Receptionist: Please wait a momento. Ill see if the doctor is available Por favor, espere un
momento. Voy a ver si el mdico est disponible
Adam: ok
Receptionist: Sorry, hes with a patient rigth now. Its probably going to be about another 30
minutes. Would you mind waiting a Little longer?

Lo siento, est con un paciente ahora mismo. Probablemente va a ser alrededor de otros 30
minutos. Te importara esperar un poco ms?
Adam: No problem
Receptionist: May i see your insurance card please Puedo ver su tarjeta de seguro por favor?
Adam: Here are you Aqui est
Receptionist: Thanks . Thats going to be 25 dollars fot todays visit Gracias . Eso va a ser 25
dlares para la visita de hoy
Adam: Really? I didnt think it would be that much
De Verdad? No pens que sera mucho
Receptionist: I know how you feel
se como te sientes
Adam: Ill pay with cash
Pagar con efectivo

Receptionist: Thank you

Adam: Would you please turn on the head? Its really cold in here
Podras por favor encender la cabeza? Hace mucho fro aqu

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