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The Tenses

01. The Tenses: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

The Present Simple

Form: VB. Short Inf./ pers.III sg. +(e)s

+ I drink/ -I dont drink/ ? Do I drink?

+ He/ she/ it drinks/ -He/ she/ it doesnt drink/ ? Does he drink?

Orthography for es

- Vb.+ cons. + y => vb. + cons. + i+ -es (Verbele terminate in -y precedat de o consoana schimba pe -y in -i
si adauga -es la persoana a III-a singular)

He cries/ he tries

- Vb. + vowel + y + s (Verbele terminate in -y precedat de o vocala adauga -s la persoana a III-a singular)

He plays

- Vb. + -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -zz + -es (Verbele terminate in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -zz adauga -es la persoana a III-a

He kisses

He wishes

He watches

- Vb. o +es (Verbele terminate in -o adauga -es la persoana a III-a singular)

He goes

He does


1. Permanent actions/situations (actiuni/ situatii permanente):

E.g. She lives in Australia. (Ea locuieste in Australia.)

He ... fast cars. (Lui ii plac masinile rapide.)

a) likes

b) is liking

c) like

d) will be liking
2. Universal truths, laws of nature and proverbs (adevaruri generale, legi ale naturii si

E.g. Water freezes at 0 Celsius degrees. (Apa ingheata la 0 grade Celsius.)

The Earth ... round the Sun. (Pamantul se invarte in jurul Soarelui.)

a) moves

b) is moving

c) will move

d) move

Taylors ... clothes. (Croitorii fac haine.)

a) are making

b) make

c) makes

d) are being made

A friend in need ... a friend indeed. (Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste.)

a) is

b) is being

c) will be

d) is been

3. Repeated actions (actiuni repetate):

o S + ADV of Frequency + P -> (se situeaza intre subiect si predicat):

Adverbs of frequency: often (adesea), rarely (rareori), seldom (rareori), usually (de obicei), frequently
(frecvent), occasionally (ocazional), sometimes (cateodata), always (intotdeauna) -> stau un fata

E.g. She often talks on the phone. (Ea adesea vorbeste la telefon.)

o !!!!!!! S + TO BE + Adv. of Frequency -> (ATENTIE: adverbele de mai sus se situeaza DUPA

E.g. She is often late. (Ea este adesea in intarziere.)

She ... with her friends on the phone. (Ea vorbeste cu prietenii ei la telefon de obicei.)

a) usually talks

b) is usually talking

c) talks usually

d) usually is talking

My mother ... in a good mood. (Mama mea este de obicei in buna dispozitie.)

a) usually is

b) is usually

c) is usually being

d) is being usually

o S + P + Adv. of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency: once/twice a day/week/month/year (odata/ de doua ori pe zi/ saptamana/ luna/ an)
-> (se situeaza la finalul propozitiei):

e.g. We meet twice a week. (Noi ne intalnim de doua ori pe saptamana.)

o S+P+ Adv. of Time -> (se situeaza la finalul propozitiei):

Every day/week/month/year (in fiecare zi/ saptamana/ luna/ an), every other day (din doua in doua zile),
every other week/month/year (din doua in doua saptamani/ luni/din doi in doi ani), every now and then
(din cand in cand), from time to time (din cand in cand), every once in a while (din cand in cand), on
Sundays (duminicile), on Tuesdays (martile), at times (cateodata), at the weekends (in weekenduri), as a
rule (de regula)

E.g. She visits us every week. (Ea ne viziteaza in fiecare saptamana)

He ... her car from time to time. (El conduce masina ei din cand in cand.)

a) is driving

b) drives

c) drive

d) will be driven

4. Timetables (orare):

E.g. The train leaves at 5 tomorrow. (Trenul pleaca la 5 maine.)

The plane ... at 8:30 in the morning. (Avionul decoleaza la 8:30 dimineata.)

a) takes off

b) is taking off

c) will take off

d) will be taking off

The shop opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m. (Magazinul se deschide la 7 dimineata si se inchide
la 8 seara.)

5. Radio or T.V. sports commentaries (comentarii sportive radio sau TV):

E.g. Ronaldo passes to Messi who scores. (Ronaldo ii paseaza lui Messi care inscrie.)

6. Experiments, demonstrations, explanations (experimente, demonstratii, explicatii):

E.g. Now I mix the milk with the sugar and add a drop of vanilla essence. (Acum amestec laptele cu
zaharul si adaug o picatura de esenta de vanilie.)

From here you ... the road and then ... left. (De aici traversezi strada si apoi o iei la stanga.)

a) cross/ turn

b) are crossing/ are turning

c) will cross/ will turn

d) cross/ are turning

7. Exclamations (exclamatii):

E.g. Here/ There + Pronoun + P! -> Daca subiectul este un pronume atunci el sta in fata verbului.

Here she is!/ There he goes! (Iat-o!/ Iata-l ca pleaca!)

Here/ There + P + Noun! -> Daca subiectul este un substantiv atunci el sta dupa verb.

Here comes Mother!/ There goes the bus! (Iata ca vine mama!/ Iata ca pleaca autobuzul!)

8. Stage directions or narrations/ successive actions (indicatii de regie sau naratiuni/ actiuni

E.g. He stirs the fire, arranges some books, is restless, shivers slightly and settles to read.

(El atata focul, aranjeaza niste carti, este nelinistit, tremura usor si se aseaza sa citeasca.)

9. Assertions (verbs used in the first person to perform an action)(asertiuni => verbe folosite
la persoana I pentru a realiza o actiune):

accept (a accepta), agree (a fi deacord), apologise (a-si cere scuze), admit (a recunoaste), congratulate (a
felicita), declare (a declara), deny (a nega), beg (a implora), disagree (a nu fi deacord), forbid (a
interzice), forgive (a ierta), guarantee (a garanta), insist (a insista), intend (a intentiona), invite (a invita),
order (a ordona cuiva), predict (a prezice), promise (a promite), recommend (a recomanda), refuse (a
refuza), request (a cere), suggest (a sugera), thank (a multumi), warn (a avertiza)

E.g. I apologise for any inconveniences caused. (Imi cer scuze pentru orice neplacere cauzata.)

(I perform the act of apologizing)

10. Used in IF Clauses and Time Clauses (folosit in propozitii subordonate conditionale si

E.g. If I have time, I will visit you later. (Daca voi avea timp, o sa te vizitez mai tarziu.)

When she has time, she will visit you. (Cand ea va avea timp, o sa te viziteze.)


11. Newspaper headlines (titluri de ziare):

E.g. Plane crushes in fog. (Avion se prabuseste in ceata.)

M.P. (Member of Parliament) demands measures. (Membru al Parlamentului cere masuri.)

12. Used with verbs of communication (folosit cu verbe de comunicare):

Forget (a uita), hear (a auzi), gather (a intelege), understand (a intelege), learn (a afla), tell (a spune)

E.g. I hear youve married. (Aud ca te-ai maritat.)

Peter ... me youre engaged.(Peter imi spune ca esti logodita.)

a) tells

b) is telling

c) will tell

d) tell

The Present Continuous

Form: Present of TO BE + vb.-ing

+ I am drinking

- I am not drinking/ Im not drinking

? Am I drinking?
+ You are drinking

-You arent drinking

? Are you drinking?

+ He/she/it is drinking

-He isnt drinking

? Is he drinking?

Orthography for ing

- final consonant doubled when (consoana finala se dubleaza cand):

o vb. + vowel (stressed + short) + cons. + cons. (are in fata o vocala scurta si accentuata)

E.g. beg begging (a implora)/ begin - beginning (a incepe)

o vb. + -l + l (verbul se termina in l)

E.g. cancel - cancelling (a anula)

o vb. ap/ -ip (first syllable stressed) (cand verbul se termina in -ap sau -ip iar prima silaba din verb
este accentuata)

E.g. kidnap (a rapi) kidnapping/ worship (a venera) worshipping

- vb. ic + K + -ing (se adauga un k daca verbul se termina in -ic)

E.g. frolic (a face glume) frolicking/ panic (a panica) panicking

- final e disappears: e.g. have (a avea) having (-e final dispare)

- final y does not change: play (a juca)- playing/ cry (a plange) - crying (-y final nu se schimba niciodata)

- vb. ie => vb.y + -ing: die (a muri) - dying/ lie (a minti) - lying/ vie (a rivaliza) - vying (verbele terminate in
-ie il transforma in -y)


1. Temporary actions (actiuni temporare):

Adverbs: today, this week/ month/ year

E.g. He usually drinks coffee, but he is drinking tea this week. (De obicei el bea cafea, dar saptamana
asta el bea ceai.)
Jane ... my cat this week while I am on holiday. (Jane are grija de pisica mea cat timp eu sunt in vacanta.)

a) looks after

b) is looking after

c) will look after

d) is looked after

2. Action in progress NOW (actiune in progres in momentul vorbirii):


E.g. They are cleaning their room now. (Ei fac curat in camera lor acum.)

Why is the baby crying (now)? He is hungry. (De ce plange copilul? Ii este foame.)

The man who is passing by (now) is my father. (Barbatul care trece acum pe langa noi este tatal

They are sleeping at the moment. (Ei dorm in acest moment.)

She seems very happy. Why ...? (Ea pare fericita. De ce zambeste?)

a) does she smile

b) is she smiling

c) she is smiling

d) she smiles

3. Temporary behavior (comportament temporar):

Use TO BE with -ing (folositi verbul TO BE - a fi - cu terminatia -ing)

E.g. She is usually very polite, but today she is being rude to everybody. (Ea este foarte politicoasa de
obicei, dar azi ea este nepoliticoasa cu toata lumea.)

I find it very strange that she ... so nice with me today when she ... not. (Gasesc ca este foarte ciudat ca ea
este asa de draguta cu mine azi cand de obicei nu este.)

a) is being/ usually is
b) is/ is usually being

c) is being/ is usually

d) is/ usually is being

4. Action that annoys the speaker (actiune care enerveaza vorbitorul):

Adverbs: always, forever, continually, constantly

E.g. She is forever talking on the phone. (Ea vorbeste incontinuu la telefon.)

My little brother ... my toys. (Fratele meu mai mic imi ia jucariile in continuu.)

a) continually takes

b) is continually taking

c) is taking continually

d) takes continually

5. Changing situations (situatii in schimbare):

Adverbs: gradually (gradat), more and more (din ce in ce mai)

E.g. The weather is getting worse and worse. (Vremea este din ce in ce mai rea.)

It ... dark (more and more). (Se intuneca din ce in ce mai mult.)

a) is getting

b) gets

c) will be getting

d) is got

6. Action that extends over some time including the moment of speaking (actiune care se extine pe o
preioada de timp incluzand momentul vorbirii):

Adverbs: this week/ month/ year/ semester/ these days

E.g. They are studying hard this semester. (Ei studiaza din greu semestrul acesta.)
We ... English this year. (Noi invatam engleza anul acesta.)

a) are learning

b) learn

c) learning

d) are learned

7. Immediate personal plans, intentions or arrangements for the future (planuri personale imediate de
viitor, intentii sau aranjamente pentru viitor):

E.g. I am meeting Tom tomorrow. (Ma intalnesc cu Tom maine.)

Jane ... to work by bus tomorrow. (Jane merge cu autobuzul la servici maine.)

a) is going

b) goes

c) will be gone

d) is gone

8. Actions on the point of happening (actiuni pe punctul de a se intampla): use just

E.g. Hurry up! The train is just leaving. (Grabeste-te! Trenul tocmai pleaca.)

They ... the restaurant so we cannot go eat there anymore. (Ei tocamai inchid restaurantul asa ca nu mai
putem sa mergem sa mancam acolo.)

a) just close

b) are just closing

c) have just closing

d) are closing just


1. Permanent situations
2. General truths/ laws of nature/ proverbs

3. Repeated actions: always / often/ seldom/ usually/ never/ rarely/ frequently/ occasionally/
spmetimes/ EVERY .../ from time to time/ every once in a while/ once a day, week, year/ at the
weekends/ on Mondays/etc.

4. Timetables

5. Sports commentaries

6. Narrations

7. Exclamations

8. Assertions: invite/ thank/ apologise/ agree/ etc.

9. Time Clauses/ IF Clauses

10. Demonstrations

11. Newspaper headlines

12. Used with verbs of communication: Forget, hear, gather, understand, learn, tell


1. Temporary action

2. Temporary behaviour

3. Actions happening NOW/ RIGHT NOW/ AT THE MOMENT

4. Annoying actions: always/ forever/ continually/ constantly

5. Personal plans

6. Changing actions

7. Action on the point of happening: JUST

02. The Tenses: Verbs NOT normally used with -ING

1. Verbs of cognition/ thinking (verbe de cognitie/ gandire):

e.g. believe (a crede), know (a sti), think (a gandi), contemplate (a contempla), imagine (a-si imagina),
mean (a insemna), remember (a-si aminti), suppose (a presupune), forget (a uita), guess (a ghici/ a crede),
understand (a intelege), realise (a-si da seama), recognise (a recunoaste), doubt (a se indoi), expect (a se
astepta), feel (= think - a crede), intend (a intentiona), see (= understand - a intelege)

I think you are right. (Cred ca ai dreptate. - atunci cand verbul THINK arata opinia cuiva sau ce crede
cineva despre ceva, el nu se foloseste cu -ing)
I dont think shell come. (Nu cred ca ea va veni.)
What do you think? (Ce crezi?)
I understand what youre saying. (Inteleg ce spui.)
I want to do it like this. I see. (Vreau sa faca asta asa. Inteleg.)
I realise its a bit too much. (Imi dau seama ca e umpic prea mult.)

I am thinking about moving abroad. (Ma gandesc sa ma mut in strainatate.) (Atunci cand verbul
THINK exprima ideea de cantarire a situatiei, el se poate folosi cu -ing)
(I am considering the idea seriously) (Cantaresc situatia serios.)
What are you thinking about? (La ce te gandesti?)
I have been considering taking up riding. (Am luat in considerare sa ma apuc de calarit.)
You are imagining things, this house is not haunted. (Iti imaginezi lucruri, casa asta nu este bantuita.)

2. Verbs of perception (verbe de perceptie):

e.g. see (a vedea), hear (a auzi), smell (a mirosi), taste (a gusta), feel (a simti), seem (a parea), appear (a
parea), notice (a observa), look (= seem - a parea)

I see them coming. (I have the ability) (Ii vad venind.)

Shes seeing the doctor tomorrow. (she has an appointment) (Ea are programare la doctor maine.)
Mary is seeing a new guy at present. (she is going out with him) (Mary se vede cu un tip nou in
The tourists are seeing the castle. (they are visiting it) (Turistii viziteaza castelul.)
Youre seeing things, there is no ghost here. (you have the impression you see something) (Ai vedenii,
nu este nici o fantoma aici.)
She is seeing him off to the station. (she is accompanying him there) (Ea il conduce pe el la gara.)
Daca verbul SEE exprima perceptie senzoriala atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca este folosit cu
alte sensuri decat cel de perceptie, atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

I hear you loud and clear, you dont have to shout. (I have the ability) (Te aud clar si bine, nu trebuie sa
The judge is hearing the witness.(Judecatorul audiaza martorul.)
Daca verbul HEAR exprima perceptie senzoriala atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca este folosit cu
alte sensuri decat cel de perceptie, atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

These roses smell very nice. (they have a nice smell) (Trandafirii miros foarte frumos.)
The room smells of roses. (involuntary action) (Camera miroase a trandafiri.)
Why are you smelling the soup? Has it gone off? (why are you checking the smell/ intentional action)
(De ce mirosi supa? S-a stricat?)
Daca verbul SMELL exprima o actiune involuntara de a mirosi (ca atunci cand intri undeva si mirosul
din acel loc este simtit involuntar) sau o calitate permanenta atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca
este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune voita, pe care o fac in mod voluntar, intentionat, atunci se poate
folosi cu -ing)
This stew tastes delicious. (its flavour is good) (Aceasta tocana are gust delicios.)
I taste cream in this cake. (there is cream in this/ involuntary action) (Pot sa simt gustul de smantana
din aceasta prajitura.)
My mother is tasting the food for salt. (deliberate/ intentional action) (Mama mea gusta supa de sare.
-> ca sa vada daca este sarata.)
Daca verbul TASTE exprima o actiune involuntara de a gusta (ca atunci cand mananci ceva si simti
gustul ingredientelor) sau o calitate permanenta atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca este folosit
pentru a exprima o actiune voita, pe care o fac in mod voluntar, intentionat, atunci se poate folosi cu

This dress feels like velvet. (it has the texture of velvet/ involuntary action) (Rochia aceasta se simte de
parca este catifea.)
He is feeling her arm to see if its broken. (hes touching the arm intentionally) (El pipaie bratul ei ca sa
vada daca este rupt.)
Daca verbul FEEL exprima o actiune involuntara de a simti (ca atunci cand atingi ceva cu pielea si
simti textura) sau o calitate permanenta atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca este folosit pentru a
exprima o actiune voita, pe care o fac in mod voluntar, intentionat, atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

It appears the villa is empty. (it looks/ seems like it) (Se pare ca vila este goala.)
The actors are appearing at the Palladium. (they are performing) (Actorii joaca pe scena la Teatrul
Daca verbul APPEAR are sensul de a se parea atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca are sensul de a
aparea pe scena, a juca pe scena atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

Im noticing that she doesnt say much.

I notice that she doesnt say much. (Observ ca ea nu spune multe. -> verbul NOTICE nu se poate
folosi niciodata cu -ing)

It looks as if its going to snow. (it appears) (Se pare ca o sa ninga.) (Cand verbul LOOK are sensul de
a se parea atunci el nu se poate folosi cu -ing)
They are looking at the painting. (theyre examining it) (Ei se uita la tablou.) (Cand verbul LOOK are
sensul de a se uita atunci el se poate folosi cu -ing)

3. Verbs of feeling or wanting (verbe care arata sentimente si dorinte):

e.g. adore (a adora), desire (a dori), despise (a dispretui), detest (a detesta), dislike (a displacea), envy (a
invidia), hate (a uri), like (a placea), love (a iubi), loathe (a dispretui), need (a avea nevoie), pity (a-i fi
mila), prefer (a prefera), regret (a regreta), trust (a avea incredere), want (a vrea), wish (a dori)

I love going to McDonalds. (in general) (Iubesc sa merg la McDonalds.)

I am loving this food from McDonalds. (in particular) (Imi place foarte mult aceasa mancare de la
Daca verbul LOVE arata ce iubesc in general atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca arata ceva ce
iubesc in particular atunci se foloseste cu -ing)
Do you like her new dress? (do you find it beautiful?) (Iti place noua ei rochie?)
How are they liking the trip? (how are they enjoying it) (Cum le place excursia?)
Daca verbul LIKE arata ce place in general atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca arata ceva ce place
in particular atunci se foloseste cu -ing)

4. Verbs of having (possessing) and being (existing)(verbe care exprima posesia si existenta):

e.g. belong to (a apartine cuiva), have (a avea), own (a poseda), include (a include), involve (a implica),
lack (a-i lipsi ceva), possess (a poseda), contain (a contine), be (a fi), consist of (a consta din), exist (a

He has a beautiful house.(he possesses it) (El are o casa frumoasa.)

He is having fun with his friends. (he is enjoying himself) (El se distreaza cu prietenii lui.)
He is having a walk in the park. (he is taking a walk) (El se plimba prin parc.)
They are having dinner. (they are eating) (Ei iau cina.)
She is having a shower now. (she is showering) (Ea face dus acum.)
They are having a nice time. (they are enjoying themselves) (Ei se distreaza.)
Daca verbul HAVE arata posesia atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca arata altceva decat posesie
atunci se foloseste cu -ing)

Mary is polite. (it is her character to be polite all the time) (Mary este politicoasa. - in general)
Mary is being rude today. (she is behaving rudely which is temporary, its not in her character) (Mary
este nepoliticoasa/ obraznica azi. in particular, doar azi)
Daca verbul BE arata o situatie permanenta atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca arata un
comportament temporar atunci se foloseste cu -ing)

5. Other verbs (alte verbe):

e.g. weigh (a cantari), cost (a costa), resemble (a semana cu cineva), mean (a insemna), expect (a se

She weighs 70 kilos. (she has that weight/ involuntary action) (Ea cantareste 70 de kilograme.)
I am weighing the ingredients for the cake. (I am doing the action of weighing deliberately) (Cantaresc
ingredientele pentru prajitura.)
Daca verbul WEIGH arata o situatie permanenta atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca arata o
actiune voluntara, intentionata atunci se foloseste cu -ing)
!!! ATENTIE: nu confundati verbul care se scrie WEIGH = a cantari cu substantivul care se scrie
WEIGHT = greutate

How much does it cost? It costs 30 dollars. (Cat costa? Costa 30 de dolari.)
Petrol is costing more and more these days. (changing action) (Benzina costa din ce in ce mai mult in
ziua de azi.)
Verbul COST se foloseste fara -ing cand arata cat costa ceva, dar se poate folosi cu -ing atunci cand
arata o actiune in schimbare cu expresia "din ce in ce mai")
You resemble your parents. (Tu semeni cu parintii tai.)
You are resembling your mother more and more. (changing action) (Tu semeni cu mama ta din ce in
ce mai mult.)
Verbul RESEMBLE se foloseste fara -ing cand arata ca cineva seamana cu altcineva, dar se poate
folosi cu -ing atunci cand arata o actiune in schimbare cu expresia "din ce in ce mai")

What do you mean by that? (what does it suppose) (Ce vrei sa spui cu asta?)
Youre always meaning to call us, but you never do it. (you intend to do it) (Intotdeauna intentionezi sa
ne suni, dar nu o faci niciodata.)
Daca verbul MEAN are sensul de a insemna atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca are sensul de a
intentiona atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

I expect she is happy with him. (I suppose) (Presupun ca ea este fericita cu el.)
She is expecting (a baby). (she is pregnant) (Ea asteapta (un copil). - > este insarcinata)
Daca verbul EXPECT are sensul de a presupune atunci nu se foloseste cu -ing, dar daca are sensul de
a astepta un copil/ a fi insarcinata atunci se poate folosi cu -ing)

03. The Tenses: Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple

!!!!!!! Diferenta intre Prezent Perfect Simplu si Trecutul Simplu este ca la Prezent Perfect Simplu timpul
NU ESTE DAT sau ESTE VAG iar la Trecut Simplu timpul ESTE DAT.

I have played a computer game (recently). (Eu am jucat un joc pe calculator [recent]).

I played a computer game yesterday. (Eu am jucat un joc pe calculator ieri.)

My deskmate ... a lot. (Colegul meu de banca a mancat mult.)

a) has eaten

b) ate

c) have eaten

d) eat

My deskmate ... a lot an hour ago. (Colegul meu de banca a mancat mult acum o ora.)

a) has eaten

b) ate
c) have eaten

d) eat

Present Perfect Simple

Form: HAVE/HAS + vb.III/-ed (verbul HAVE la prezent plus verbul de conjugat la forma a treia daca este
verb neregulat sau verb la infinitiv plus -ed daca este verb regulat)

See saw seen

I have seen

You have seen

He/She/It has seen

We/You/They have seen

I/ You/ We/ They havent seen

He/ She/ It hasnt seen

Have I/ you/ we/ they seen?

Has he/ she/ it seen ?


1. Past action -> Time not given -> present effect: (Prezentul Perfect Simplu se foloseste atunci cand
actiunea s-a petrecut in trecut, dar timpul nu este dat si exista un efect in prezent => TRECUT -

E.g. I have seen Jane. (now I know what she looks like) (Am vazut-o pe Jane.) (si acum stiu cum arata -
desi timpul cand am vazut-o nu este specificat)

I have lost my key. (now I can't enter the house) (Am pierdut cheia.) (acum nu pot sa intru in casa -
timpul cand am pierdut cheia nu este specificat)

My father ... this book. Tatal meu a citit cartea aceasta.)

a) read

b) has read

c) have read

d) reads
2. Vague time: (Prezentul Perfect Simplu se foloseste atunci cand timpul dat este vag)

Adverbe specifice:

Just/ only just (tocmai):

E.g. We have just arrived. (Noi tocmai am sosit)

Already (deja):

E.g. She has already bought a car. (Ea deja a cumparat o masina)

Never/ ever (niciodata/ vreodata):

E.g. I have never seen such a house. (Eu nu am vazut niciodata o astfel de casa)

Often/ rarely (adesea/ rareori):

E.g. He has often thought of quitting his job. (El s-a gandit adesea sa renunte la slujba lui)

Always (intotdeauna):

E.g. She has always loved reading books. (Ea intotdeauna a iubit sa citeasca carti)

(Toate adverbele de mai sus se folosesc intre auxiliarul HAVE si verbul la forma a III-a sau cu -ed)

My brother ... for today. (Fratele meu a invatat deja astazi.)

a) already studied

b) has studied already

c) has already studied

d) studied already

Recently (recent):

E.g. We have spoken recently. (Noi am vorbit recent)

Lately/ of late (in ultimul timp):

E.g. I havent seen him lately. (Eu nu l-am vazut in ultimul timp)

So far (pana acum):

E.g. What have you done so far? (Ce ai facut pana acum?)

In my/ your/ his/ her life (in viata mea/ ta/ lui/ ei):

E.g. She has never lied in her life. (Ea nu a mintit niciodata in viata ei)
Yet (inca/ deja): (used only in negative/ interrogative sentences) (folosit numai in propozitii negative si

E.g. They havent left yet./ Have you finished yet? (Ei nu au plecat inca./ Ai terminat deja?)

!!! S + Verb Present Perfect negative + YET => S + HAVE + YET + Vb. Long Infinitive
I haven't eaten yet. => I have yet to eat.
NU am mancat inca. => Mai am inca sa mananc.

Since (de cand) (beginning of action):

E.g. She has slept since noon. (Ea doarme de la pranz. - arata de cand a inceput actiunea)

For (timp de) (duration):

E.g. She has slept for 10 hours. (Ea doarme de 10 ore. - arata durata actiunii)

In the last/ past day(s)/ week(s)/ month(s)/ year(s) (in ultimele zile/saptamani/ luni/ ani sau in ultima zi/
saptamana/ luna/ in ultimul an):

E.g. I havent seen her in the last month. (Nu am vazut-o in ultima luna.)

(Toate adverbele de mai sus se folosesc la finalul propozitiei)

We ... what to do about the party so far. (NU am decis ca sa facem in legatura cu petrecerea pana acum.)

a) haven't decided

b) didn't decide

c) aren't deciding

d) haven't decide

How long/ long (de cat timp/ (cat) de mult):

E.g. How long have you waited?/ Has he been here long? (De cat timp astepti?/ Este aici de mult?)

Its the first time/ This is the first time/ Its the second time/ This is the second time/ Its the third time/ This is
the third time/ Its the only/ last time (este prima oara/ este a doua oara/ este a treia oara/ este singura data/ este
ultima data):

E.g. Its the first time we have eaten at this restaurant. (Este prima oara cand am mancat la acest restaurant.)

(Toate adverbele de mai sus se folosesc la inceputul propozitiei cu exceptia lui long care se foloseste la

It's the last time I ... him with his problems. (Este ultima oara cand l-am ajutat cu problemele lui.)

a) helped

b) have helped
c) did help

d) have help

Past Simple

Form: vb.II/-ed (forma a II-a a verbului de conjugat daca este verb neregulat SAU verb la infinitiv plus
terminatia -ed daca este verb regulat)

see saw seen/ do did - done/ work - worked - worked

I saw/ I didnt see/ Did I see?

You saw/ You didnt see/ Did you see?

He saw/ He didnt see/ Did he see?

ATENTIE: la negativ si interogativ verbul se intoarce la forma de INFINITIV: I didn't work/ He didn't
see/ Did they do?


1. Past action -> Time given -> no present connection : (Trecutul Simplu se foloseste atunci cand timpul
din trecut cand actiunea s-a intamplat ESTE DAT/ SPECIFICAT si nu exista nici o legatura cu prezentul)

Adverbe specifice:

yesterday (ieri):

E.g. I saw Jane yesterday. (Am vazut-o pe Jane ieri)

the day before yesterday (alalteri):

E.g. She called me the day before yesterday. (Ea m-a sunat alalteri)

last week/ month/ year (saptamana trecuta/ luna tracuta/anul trecut):

E.g. We talked last month. (Noi am vorbit luna trecuta)

Three days/ weeks/ months/ years ago (cu trei zile/saptamani/ luni/ ani in urma):

E.g. She called five hours ago. (Ea a sunat acum cinci ore/ cu cinci ore in urma)

Once/ once upon a time/ in the past (odata/ a fost odata ca niciodata/ in trecut):

E.g. We met her once in the past. (Noi ne-am intalniat odata in trecut)

In 1990/ at 4 oclock/ in May/ on December 15th/ on Christmas Day (in anul 1990/ la ora 4/ in mai/ pe data
de 15 decembrie/ in ziua de Craciun -> daca se da un an/ o ora/ o luna/ o data se foloseste Trecutul

E.g. We visited them in July. (Noi i-am vizitat in luna iulie)

Just now (adineaori):

E.g. She talked with me just now. (Ea a vorbit cu mine adineaori)

When (Time Clause) (cand -> daca avem o temporala cu un verb la trecut in ea se foloseste Trecutul
Simplu in principala):

E.g. I saw her when I was in Paris. (Am vazut-o cand eram in Paris)

Location given (daca se da locul unde s-a petrecut actiunea atunci se foloseste Trecutul Simplu):

E.g. They met in London. (Ei s-au intalnit in Londra)

My sister ... her friends last week. (Soara mea s-a intalnit cu prietenii ei saptamana trecuta.)

a) has met

b) meets

c) is meeting

d) met

She ... . (Ea a vorbit cu mama ei adineaori.)

a) has just now talked with her mother

b) talked with her mother just now

c) is talked with her mother just now

d) just now talked with her mother

We ... her birthday on 23rd of September. (Noi am sarbatorit ziua ei de nastere pe 23 septembrie.)

a) celebrated

b) have celebrated

c) did celebrated

d) has celebrated

!!! Daca se foloseste DID in fata unui verb la Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca acctentuez pe actiune: E.g. I loved
him. (Eu l-am iubit) -> I DID LOVE him. (Eu chiar l-am iubit)

2. Repeated action in the past (actiuni repetate in trecut):

Adverbs: often (adesea)/ rarely (rareori)/ seldom (rareori)/ sometimes (cateodata)/ usually (de
obicei)/occasionally (ocazional)/always (intotdeauna)

E.g. We often went in the park as children. (Noi adesea ne duceam in parc atunci cand eram copii)

3. USED TO + verb Long Infinitive = WOULD + verb Short Infinitive (used to describe habits and
routines in the past) (obisnuiam sa se foloseste pentru a descrie obiceiuri din trecut):

E.g. We used to run in the park when we were younger. (Obisnuiam sa alergam prin parc cand eram mai

We would run in in the park when we were younger. (Obisnuiam sa alergam prin parc cand eram mai

!!! ATENTIE: only USED TO can be used to talk about STATES in the past (numai USED TO se poate
folosi pentru a vorbi despre STARI din trecut):

E.g. He used to love her. (El obisnuia sa o iubeasca)

He would love her. -> NOT POSSIBLE (nu este posibil sa folosim WOULD pentru a exprima o stare.
WOULD nu se foloseste cu cele 4 grupe de verbe care nu se pun in mod normal la aspect continuu)

They ... carols for Christmas when they were children. (Ei obisnuiau sa cante colinde de Craciun cand
erau copii.)

a) used to sing

b) would to sing

c) used sing

d) used to singing

She ... that he was the best. (Ea obisnuia sa creada ca el era cel mai bun.)

a) would believe

b) used to believe

c) used to believing

d) would to believe

o FOR can be used with both Present Perfect Simple (the action is still happening) and Past Simple
(the action happened in the past but there is no connection with the present)
o (FOR se poate folosi cu ambele timpuri, dar cu Prezent Perfect Simplu inseamna ca actiunea inca
se mai intampla iar cu Trecutul Simplu inseamna ca actiunea si durata de timp cand aceasta a
avut loc s-au terminat demult)

I have lived in London for 5 years. (I am still in London) (Locuiesc in Londra de 5 ani si inca
sunt acolo)

I lived in London for 5 years and then I moved to Paris where I have lived ever since. (I no longer
live in London) (Am locuit in Londra timp de 5 ani si pe urma m-am mutat in Paris unde locuiesc de atunci)

o This morning/ afternoon/ evening, today, this summer/ autumn/ winter/ spring can be used with
both Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple

o (Dimineata/ dupamaiaza/ seara aceasta; astazi; vara/ toamna/ iarna/ primavara aceasta se pot
folosi cu ambele timpuri, dar cu Prezentul Perfect Simplu inseamna ca inca mai sunt in perioada
de timp exprimata iar cu Trecutul Simplu inseamna ca perioada de timp s-a terminat)

Present Perfect if you are still during that time: E.g. I have had breakfast this morning. (it is still
morning) (Am luat micul dejun in aceasta dimineata si este inca dimineata)

Past Simple if the time is over: E.g. I had breakfast this morning, but now its 3 p.m. and I am
hungry again. (Am luat micul dejun dimineata aceasta, dar acum este 3 dupamasa si imi este foame din

o PRESENT PERFECT is followed by PAST SIMPLE (Daca avem Prezent Perfect Simplu in
principala atunci in secundare sau in propozitiile urmatoare acesta este urmat de Past Simplu)

E.g. I have met Mary recently. She told me that she was happy with the new job. (Am intalnit-o pe Mary
recent. Ea mi-a spus ca este fericita cu noua slujba)

SINCE si EVER SINCE introduc o subordonata temporala si pot sa aiba dupa ele atat Prezent Perfect
Simplu cat si Trecut Simplu:

ATENTIE: In principala trebuie sa avem intotdeauna un verb la Prezent Perfect

!!!!! Main Clause (EVER) SINCE Secondary Clause

Present Perfect (EVER) SINCE Past Simple (action happened ONCE in the past)

I have liked her since she moved here last week. (Imi place de ea de cand s-a mutat
aici saptamana trecuta)

In principala se foloseste Prezent Perfect Simplu care este cerut de SINCE iar DUPA SINCE in secundara se
foloseste Trecutul Simplu DACA actiunea s-a intamplat O SINGURA DATA in trecut.
My mother ... me to behave ever since she ... home from work. (Mama imi spune sa ma port frumos de cand
s-a intors de la munca.)

a) has told/ has arrived

b) told/ has arrived

c) told/ arrived

d) has told/ arrived

Present Perfect (EVER) SINCE Present Perfect (action is still happening)

I have liked this car ever since I have had it. (Imi place masina asta de cand o am)

She has been difficult ever since she has been here. (Ea este dificila de cand este aici)

He has loved her ever since he has known her. (El o iubeste de cand o cunoaste)

In principala se foloseste Prezent Perfect Simplu care este cerut de SINCE iar DUPA SINCE in secundara se
foloseste Prezentul Perfect Simplu DACA actiunea din secundara INCA SE MAI INTAMPLA.

I ... this job ever since I ... here. (Eu iubesc aceasta slujba de cand sunt aici.)

a) have loved/ was

b) loved/ have been

c) have loved/ have been (iubesc slujba de cand sunt aici si inca mai lucrez aici)

d) loved/ was

Ever since they ..., they ... together. (De cand s-au casatorit, ei locuiesc impreuna.)

a) married/ lived

b) have married/ have lived

c) married/ have lived (s-au casatorit odata in trecut, dar locuiesc impreuna de atunci)

d) have married/ lived

In subordonata temporala se poate folosi Prezentul Perfect Simplu DACA actiunea din temporala este
anterioara celei din principala:

!!!!! Main Clause - Time Clause

I will visit you when I have time. (simultaneity) (Te voi vizita cand voi avea timp. -> actiunile sunt simultane)
I will visit you once I have finished my work here. (anteriority first finish work then visit) (Te voi vizita
odata ce mi-am terminat munca aici. -> intai termin munca si pe urma te voi vizita, este actiune anterioara fata de



2. ADVERBS: just/ only just/ already/ always/ never/ ever/ often/ rarely/ seldom/ before/ lately = of
late/ recently/ so far/ yet (neg. & interrogative)/ for/ since/ ever since/ in my life/ its the first time/
its the last time/ its the only time/ how long/ long/ now = already)



2. ADVERBS: 5 years AGO/ LAST night, week .../ just now/ once/ once upon a time/ in the past/ in
December/ on 25th May/ on Christmas Day/ in 1996/ yesterday/ the day before yesterday/ when/ at
3 oclock/ that day/ etc.

3. Location given: in London

4. Repeated actions in the past

5. Used when talking about dead people

6. USED TO = WOULD (past habits and routines), BUT NO WOULD with past STATES

04. The Tenses: Present Perfect Continuous

FORM: Have/ has + BEEN + Vb.-ING

E.g. + I have been reading

You have been reading

He/ she has been reading

- I havent been reading

You haven't been reading

He/ she hasnt been reading

? Have I been reading?

Have you been reading?

Has he/ she been reading?

1. 1. Action which started in the past and is still continuing (Actiune care a inceput in trecut si inca mai

timp de/ toata, tot/ de mult/ recent/ in ultimele cateva luni)

E.g. We have been listening to music since noon. (Noi ascultam muzica de la pranz.)

He has been living in London for ten years. (El locuieste in Londra de zece ani.)

My father has been working in the garden all day. (Tatal meu a lucrat in gradina toata ziua.)

Have you been waiting here long? (Astepti aici de mult?)

o My parents ... all day. (Parintii mei s-au certat toata ziua.)

a) have fought

b) fought

c) have been fighting

d) are fighting

2. 2. A general activity in progress (no mention of time) (o actiune generala in progres fara mentionarea

E.g. I have been thinking about moving. (M-am gandit sa ma mut./ Ma gandesc sa ma mut.)

She has been doing a lot of progress with her piano lessons. (Ea a facut multe progrese cu lectiile ei de

3. 3. Repeated action (actiune repetata):

E.g. He has been calling me a lot lately. (El m-a sunat mult in ultimul timp.)

She has been sending letters over the last few months. (Ea a trimis scrisori in ultimele luni.)

I have been trying to call you. (Am tot incercat sa te sun.)

4. 4. Recently finished action which explains a present result (the effects of the action are still apparent)
(actiuni terminate recent care explica un rezultat in prezent - efectele actiunii sunt inca aparente/ vizibile):

E.g. Her eyes are red. She has been crying. (Ochii ei sunt rosii. Ea a plans.)

You are all sweaty. You have been running. (Esti transpirat tot. Ai alergat.)
His eye is black: he has been fighting. (Ochiul lui este negru: el s-a batut.)

The pavement is wet. It has been raining./ It has been raining, the pavement is wet. (Trotuarul este ud. A

The kitchen is a mess. Have you been cooking? (Bucataria este murdara. Ai gatit?)

You look tired. Have you been sleeping properly? (Arati obosit. Ai dormit cum trebuie?)

(the action started in the past => stopped recently => present result)

o I dont know whats happened to Tom because his eyes are black. I think he ... . (Nu stiu ce s-a
intamplat cu Tom pentru ca ochii lui sunt negri. Cred ca s-a batut.)

a) Has fought

b) Fought

c) Is fighting

d) Has been fighting

Present Perfect Simple vs.

Present Perfect Continuous

o I have lived here since 1990. (Eu locuiesc aici din 1990.) I have been
living here since 1990. (Eu locuiesc aici din 1990.)

(both possible Present Perfect Continuous stresses on duration - ambele timpuri sunt posibile dar
Prezentul Perfect Continuu accentueaza pe durata)

o Who has eaten my cake? (Cine mi-a mancat prajitura?) Who has
been eating my cake? (Cine mi-a mancat din prajitura?)

(there is no cake left [nu mai este prajitura deloc] -> completed action) (there is some cake
left [a mai ramas ceva din prajitura] -> incomplete action)

Cand folosim Prezent Perfect Simplu inseamna ca actiunea este terminata -deci nu mai este prajitura
deloc, iar cand folosim Prezent Perfect Continuu inseamna ca actiunea este incompleta -deci in acest caz
mai este ceva prajitura ramasa.

E.g. Do you know who ... my cookies? There is none left. (Sti cine mi-a mancat prajiturile? Nu a mai
ramas nici una.)

a) has been eating

b) ate
c) has eaten

d) is eating

o What have you done with my pen? (Ce ai facut cu stiloul meu?) What have
you been doing with my pen? (Ce i-ai facut stiloului meu?)

(I cannot find it/ I dont know where it is - nu pot sa il gasesc) (I have it

but it is broken - il am dar este stricat)

Daca folosim Prezent Perfect Simplu inseamna ca nu stim ce s-a intamplat cu obiectul, iar daca folosim
Prezent Perfect Continuu inseamna ca avem obiectul dar este stricat/ schimbat/ modificat)

E.g. Why is my pen bent? What ... with it? (De ce este stiloul meu indoit? Ce ai facut cu el?)

a) have you done

b) are you doing

c) did you do

d) have you been doing

o I have read ten books so far. (Eu am citit zeca carti pana acum.) I have been
reading ten books so far. (Eu am citit carti pana acum.)

(completed action done ten times - actiune completeta facuta de zece ori) (an incomplete
action - o actiune incompleta)

Putem folosi Prezentul Perfect Simplu pentru a spune de cate ori am facut o actiune (deci putem sa
folosim numere), dar nu putem sa spunem de cate ori am facut o actiune cu Prezentul Perfect Continuu
deoarece acesta arata o actiune incompleta (deci nu folosim numere cu el)

E.g. My little brother ... three toys so far. (Fratiorul meu a stricat trei jucarii pana acum.)

a) has broken

b) broke

c) has been breaking

d) is breaking

My little brother ... a lot of toys so far. (Fratiorul meu a sticat multe jucarii pana acum.)

a) has been breaking

b) is breaking

c) broke
d) breaks

05. The Tenses: Past Continuous


+ I was reading

You were reading

He/she was reading

We/ they were reading

I wasnt reading

-You werent reading

He/ she wasnt reading

We/ they werent reading

? Was I reading?

Were you reading?

Was he/ she reading?

Were we/ they reading?


1. An action in progress at a certain moment in the past (o actiune in progres la un moment dat in
Adverbs: at the time/ at this time yesterday/ this time last week/ at that time/ at six yesterday (la
vremea aceea/ ieri pe vremea asta/ saptamana trecuta pe vremea asta/ la acel moment/ ieri la ora

E.g. I was eating at five yesterday. (Eu mancam ieri la ora cinci)

He was travelling this time last year. (El calatorea anul trecut pe vremea asta)
At that time we were living in the country. (La vremea aceea noi locuiam la tara)

They ... computer games this time last week. (Ei se jucau la calculator saptamana trecuta pe vremea

a) played

b) were playing

c) have played

d) have been playing

2. An action in progress (Past Continuous) at a time when another action occurred (Past Simple)(o
actiune in progres, exprimata prin Trecut Continuu, care era in desfasurare intr-un moment cand o alta
actiune s-a intamplat, actiune exprimata prin Trecut Simplu):

E.g. The boys were playing in the garden when it started to rain. (Baietii se jucau in gradina cand a
inceput sa ploua)

I was walking in the park when I heard someone shout. (Mergeam prin parc cand am auzit pe
cineva strigand)

A car passed me by as I was crossing the street. (O masina a trecut pe langa mine pe cand traversam

We ... T.V. in the bedroom when the earthquake ... . (Noi ne uitam la televizor in dormitor cand s-a
intamplat cutremurul.)
a) Watched/ was happening
b) Were watching/ happened
c) Have been watching/ happened
d) Were watching/ was happening

3. Parallel actions in the past (actiuni desfasurate in paralel in trecut):

E.g. Mother was cooking while I was watching T.V. (Mama gatea in timp ce eu ma uitam la televizor)

The parents ... while the children ... in the bedroom. (Parintii mancau in timp ce copiii se jucau in

a) ate/ played

b) were eating/ played

c) were eating/ were playing

d) ate/ were playing

4. Used in descriptions without a time expression (Trecutul Continuu este folosit in descrieri fara a avea
o expresie de timp data):

E.g. It was a cold winter. Outside the wind was blowing. A fire was burning in the fireplace. (Era o iarna
rece. Afara vantul batea. Un foc ardea in semineu)

It was a beautiful summer day. The birds ... happily on the trees. The sun ... in the sky. (Era o zi
frumoasa de vara. Pasarile ciripeau in copaci. Soarele stralucea pe cer.)

a) chirped/ shone

b) were chirping/ was shining

c) were chirping/ shone

d) chirped/ was shining

5. An incomplete action in the past (Trecutul Continuu expria o actiune incompleta in trecut):

E.g. I was reading a book last night. (I didnt finish it) (Citeam o carte noaptea trecuta - dar nu am

I read a book last night. (I finished it) (Am citit o carte noaptea trecuta - si am terminat-o)

The soldier ... from the many wounds he had, but he was still breathing a little when the doctors arrived.

(Soldatul era pe moarte din cauza ranilor multe pe care le avea, dar inca mai respira putin cand doctorii
au sosit.)

a) died

b) was dying

c) has died

d) was dyeing

!!! Atentie: nu confundati verbul to die (a muri) care are forma in -ing => dying cu verbul to dye
(a vopsi) care are forma cu -ing => dyeing

6. Anticipated event the action was arranged (Trecutul Continuu exprima un eveniment anticipat, care
urma sa se intample deoarece a fost aranjat dinainte):

E.g. He was leaving for the country on Sunday. (Urma sa plece la tara duminica - pentru ca aranjase
asta ulterior)

The pupils ... on a trip the following weekend. (Elevii urmau sa mearga intr-o excursie weekendul

a) have gone
b) have been going

c) were going

d) was going

7. Action that annoyed the speaker ( Trecutul Continuu exprima o actiune care il enerva pe vorbitor in

E.g. He was always ringing me up late at night. (El ma suna intotdeauna noaptea tarziu)

She was asking questions all the time. (Ea punea intrebari tot timpul)

My grandparents ... me how to behave all the time which was very annoying. (Bunicii mei imi spuneau
cum sa ma port tot timpul ceea ce era foarte enervant.)

a) told

b) have told

c) were telling

d) have been telling

8. A casual, less deliberate action (Trecutul Continuu exprima o actiune care a fost facuta
intamplator, fara multe aranjamente dinaine):

E.g. I was talking to Tom the other day. (I happened to meet him and I talked to him) (Vorbeam cu Tom
ziua trecuta - s-a intamplat sa il intalnesc si am vorbit cu el)

I talked to Tom the other day. (deliberate action) (Am vorbit cu Tom ziua trecuta - l-am cautat in mod
special sa vorbesc cu el)

9. An action you intended to do, but didnt do in the end (Trecutul Continuu exprima o actiune pe
care ai intentionat sa o faci, dar pe care nu ai mai facut-o pana la urma):

E.g. I was going to phone/ was phoning you, but I forgot. (Voiam sa te sun/ urma sa te sun, dar am uitat)

They ... us a visit, but then they had a problem to solve so they didn't have time anymore.

(Ei voiau sa ne faca o vizita, dar apoi au avut o problema de rezolvat si nu au mai avut timp.)

a) paid

b) were paying

c) have paid
d) payed (!!! atentie formele verbului to pay sunt pay - paid - paid)

10. Polite forms (Trecutul Continuu se foloseste pentru o exprimare politicoasa):

E.g. I was wondering if you could come to the film with me. (Ma intrebam daca ai putea veni la film cu

!!! Atentie sa nu confundati wonder cu wander: verbul to wonder inseamana "a se intreba" iar
verbul wander inseamna "a hoinari"

06. The Tenses: Past Perfect Simple vs. Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Simple


+ I had eaten

-I hadnt eaten

? Had I eaten?


1. An action completed in the past before another point of time in the past or before another
activity in the past (o actiune completata in trecut inainte de un moment din trecut sau
inainte de o alta actiune din trecut):

Time markers:

o BEFORE/ BY/ UNTIL (inainte/ pana in/ pana)

E.g. I had never heard about him until yesterday. (Nu auzisem de el niciodata pana ieri.)

I had done my homework by five oclock. (Imi facusem tema pana in ora cinci.)

We had bought the tickets a few days before the concert. (Noi cumparasem biletele cu cateva zile inainte de

o BEFORE/ WHEN/ AS SOON AS/ AFTER/ BY THE TIME (inainte/ cand/ de indata ce/ dupa ce/
pana) + Subordinate Sentence

In Propozitia principala se foloseste Past Perfect pentru a arata anterioritatea fata de Propozitia secundara
in care se foloseste Past Simple:

S + Past Perfect + BY THE TIME/ BEFORE/ WHEN/ AS SOON AS + S + Past Simple

E.g. She had eaten before she went to school. (Ea mancase inainte sa mearga la scoala.)

I had finished my work by the time you called me. (Eu imi terminasem treaba pana m-ai sunat tu.)
I had left when they came by to visit me. (Eu plecasem cand ei au venit sa ma viziteze.)

Se poate pune Past Simple in propozitia principala si Past Perfect in propozitia secundara pentru a arata
ca actiunea din secundara s-a intamplat inainte de cea din principala:

S + Past Simple + AFTER + S + Past Perfect

She left the house after she had turned off the lights. (Ea a plecat de acasa dupa ce stinsese luminile. - intai a
stins luminile si dupa aceea a plecata de acasa)

o ALREADY/ JUST (deja/ tocmai)

E.g. He had already left when we arrived home. (El deja plecase cand noi am ajuns acasa.)

She had just fallen asleep when the phone rang. (El tocmai adormise cand a sunat telefonul.)

We ... our chores by 6 p.m. yesterday.(Noi terminasem treburile prin casa pana in ora 6 seara ieri.)

a) have finished

b) had finished

c) were finished

d) finished

My sister ... two pairs of shoes by the time I met her in town. (Sora mea cumparase doua perechi de pantofi pana
am intalnit-o in oras.)

a) has bought

b) had bought

c) bought

d) was buying

They ... after they ... their work. (Ei s-au intalnit dupa ce terminasera munca.)

a) have met/ finished

b) had met/ have finished

c) met/ had finished

d) met/ would finish

o HARDLY (when)/ SCARCELY (when)/ BARELY (when) (abia ... ca/ cand ...): I had hardly left when
a storm broke out. (Abia plecasem cand a izbucnit o furtuna.)

o NO SOONER (than)(abia ... ca/ cand ...): He had no sooner arrived than the phone rang. (El abia
sosise ca a sunat telefonul.)
They can be used in INVERSIONS for emphasis (aceste adverbe pot fi folosite in inversiuni pentru a
accentua pe idee):

ADV. (hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner) + HAD + S + Vb. III/-ED .... WHEN/ THAN + S + Past S

E.g. I had hardly got into the room /when the phone rang./ (Abia intrasem in camera cand a sunat telefonul.)

Hardly had I got into the room /when the phone rang./

My sister ... him when his mother ... the room. (Sora mea abia l-a sarutat ca mama lui a intrat in camera.)

a) had hardly kissed/ entered

b) has scarcely kissed/ entered

c) hardly kissed/ had entered

d) had no sooner kissed/ entered

She had scarcely fallen asleep /when a storm broke out./ (Ea abia adormise cand a izbucnit furtuna.)

Scarcely had she fallen asleep /when a storm broke out./

Mary had barely brushed her teeth when the electricity went out. (Abia s-a spalat Mary pe dinti ca s-a luat

a) Scarcely Mary had brushed her teeth when the electricity went out.

b) Scarcely had Mary brushed her teeth when the electricity went out.

c) Scarcely had Mary brushed her teeth than the electricity went out.

d) Scarcely did Mary brush her teeth when the electricity had gone out.

They had barely finished eating /when the guests arrived./ (Ei abia terminasera de mancat cand au sosit

Barely had they finished eating /when the guests arrived./

Abia au ajuns elevii la scoala ca au inceput orele.

a) Hardly had the pupils arrived at school than the classes started.

b) Barely had the pupils arrived at school when the classes started.

c) No sooner the pupils had arrived at school than the classes started.

d) Scarcely had the classes started when the pupils arrived at school.
We had no sooner left the shop /than it started raining./ (Noi abia am iesit din magazin ca a inceput sa ploua.)

No sooner had we left the shop /than it started raining./

No sooner had he said those words ... she started crying. (Abia a rostit el acele cuvinte ca ea a inceput sa planga.)

a) when

b) that

c) than

d) then

BECAUSE (pentru ca) (Used in Clauses of Reason)(folosit in cauzale)

E.g. He couldnt get into the house because he had lost his key. (El nu a putut sa intre in casa pentru ca isi
pierduse cheia.)

2. A past action which did not happen/ materialize (o actiune din trecut care nu s-a intamplat sau nu s-a

verbele specifice pentru aceasta folosire sunt: hope (a spera), intend (a intentiona), mean (a intentiona),
suppose (a presupune), expect (a se astepta), think (a crede), want (a vrea)

E.g. I had hoped to catch the 8:30 train, but found it was gone. (Sperasem sa prind trenul de 8:30, dar am aflat
ca a plecat.)

I had expected her to come sooner, but she was late. (O asteptasem sa vina mai devreme, dar a intarziat.)

Past Perfect Continuous


+ I had been eating

- I hadnt been eating

? Had I been eating

1. An action which began before a point in the past, continued up to it and may have continued after (O
actiune care a inceput inainte de un moment din trecut, a continuat pana in acel moment si poate a continuat si
dupa acel moment):

Time markers:

o SINCE/ FOR/ ALL/ LONG (duration)


E.g. He had been writing letters for an hour by the time we called. (El scria scrisori de o ora cand am sunat

I had been working for three years by January. (Eu lucram de trei ani inainte de ianuarie.)

They ... for three hours before we called them. (Ei au condus trimp de trei ore inainte ca noi sa ii sunam.)

a) had driven

b) had been driving

c) have been driving

d) were driving

They ... before we called them. (Ei condusesera/ au condus inainte ca noi sa ii sunam.)

a) had driven

b) had been driving

c) have been driving

d) were driving

!!! Daca durata de timp este specificata prin FOR/ SINCE/ ALL sau LONG, atunci se foloseste Past Perfect
Continuous. Daca nu se specifica durata ci actiunea este doar anterioara fata de alta din trecut, atunci se
foloseste Past Perfect Simple.

2. Resultative use it explains the cause of an effect (Clauses of Reason because)(Folosit pentru a explica o
cauza a unui efect - de multe ori folosit in cauzale):

E.g. He had a black eye because he had been fighting with the other boys. (El avea un ochi negru pentru ca se
batuse cu alti baieti.)

When I saw her red eyes I knew she ... . (Cand i-am vazut ochii rosii am stiut ca ea plansese.)

a) has been crying

b) had cried

c) had been crying

d) was crying
3. Repeated action in the past (Actiuni repetate in trecut):

E.g. I had been trying to get her on the phone. (Eu incercasem sa dau de ea la telefon.)




Before/ until/ till/ by .../ by the time/ already/ Before/ until/ till/ by .../ by the time/ when/ after

Just/ When/ after/ hardly/ scarcely/ barely/


Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous

He had eaten by the time we arrived. (El mancase pana am sosit noi.)

He had been eating for one hour by the time we arrived. (El manca de o ora pana am sosit noi.)

since noon (El manca de la prinz pana am sosit noi.)

all morning (El a mancat toata dimineata pana am sosit noi.)

Atat Past Perfect Simple cat si Past Perfect Continuous arata o actiune anterioara fata de alta din trecut.
Diferenta dintre ele este ca Past Perfect Continuous arata si durata si are in plus ca markeri de timp FOR,

07. The Tenses: The Future

Future Simple

FORM: SHALL/ WILL + Vb. Short Infinitive

+ I/ we shall leave - I/ we shant leave ? Shall I/ we leave? (SHALL se foloseste la persoana I singular si

You will leave You wont leave Will you leave? (WILL se foloseste la persoana a II-a si a III-a
singular si plural)

He will leave He wont leave Will he leave?


1. Future actions (actiuni viitoare):

Adverbs: NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (saptamana viitoare/luna viitoare/ anul viitor), TOMORROW
(maine)/ THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (poimaine), SOON (in curand)

E.g. They will come tomorrow. (Ei vor veni maine.)

2. Unpremeditated, immediate actions (on the spot decisions)(actiuni nepremeditate, imediate/

deciziit luate pe loc):

E.g. We have run out of bread. Ill go and buy some. (Am ramas fara paine. Ma duc sa cumpar.)

The phone is ringing. Ill answer. (Suna telefonul. Raspund eu.)

3. Used after verbs such as (Viitorul se foloseste dupa anumite verbe cum ar fi): think (a gandi),
believe (a crede), expect (a se astepta), doubt (a se indoi), hope ( a spera), suppose (a presupune) or
expressions like (sau expresii ca): Im sure/ certain (sunt sigur), its possible/ likely/ unlikely (e posibil/ e
probabil/ e improbabil)

E.g. I hope it wont rain. (Sper ca nu va ploua.)

I expect she will be late. (Ma astept ca ea va intarzia.)

I doubt whether she will come. (Ma indoiesc ca ea va veni.)

I think she will be angry. (Cred ca ea va fi manioasa.)

Atata SHALL cat si WILL se pot folosi ca verbe modale avand diferite sensuri:

SHALL used as a MODAL VERB can express (SHALL folosit ca verb modal poate exprima):

Determination (hotarare): e.g. I shall pass this exam. (Eu sunt hotarat sa trec acest examen)

Promise (promisiune): e.g. I shall buy you a car, I promise. (O sa iti cumpar o masina, iti promit)

Threat (amenintare) (2nd and 3rd person sg./ pl.): e.g. You shall be sorry! (O sa iti para rau!)

Offer (oferta): e.g. Shall I give you a hand? (Sa iti dau o mana de ajutor?)

Laws and regulations (legi si regulamente): e.g. Books shall be brought back in a week./ You shall not kill.
(Cartile trebuie aduse inapoi intr-o saptamana./ Sa nu ucizi.)

Asking for advice (cerere de sfat): e.g. Shall I buy a Ferrari or a Bentley? (Sa cumpar un Ferrari sau un

Suggestions (sugestii): e.g. Shall we go in the park later? (Sa mergem in parc mai tarziu?)

WILL used as a MODAL VERB can express (Will folosit ca verb modal poate exprima):
Promise (promisiune): e.g. Your father will buy you ice cream. (Tatal tau o sa iti cumpere inghetata)

Determination (hotarare): e.g. I will see this done. (O sa duc asta pana la capat)

Predictions (preziceri): e.g. She will make a good mother. (Ea va fi o mama buna)

Assumptions (presupuneri): e.g. The bell is ringing. That will be Jim at the door. (Suna la usa. Trebuie sa fie

Refusal in the present (refuz la prezent): e.g. I wont do it. (Nu voi face asta - refuz sa o fac)

Habit in the present (obiceiuri in prezent): e.g. She will drop things all the time. = She is in the habit of
dropping things. (Ea are tendinta sa scape lucruri din mana tot timpul)

Known facts (fapte stiute): e.g. We will miss the plane because we are caught in a traffic jam. (O sa pierdm
avionul pentru ca suntem prinsi in trafic)

Polite requests (cereri politicoase): e.g. Will you help me with this? (Vrei sa ma ajuti cu asta?)

Offers (oferte): Will you have some more cake? (Mai vrei prajitura?)

Invitations (invitatii): e.g. Wont you have a seat? (Vrei sa iei loc?)

Possibility (questions)(Posibilitate in intrebari) : e.g. Will it rain, do you think? (Crezi ca e posibil sa ploua?)

Willingness (vointa): e.g. The doctor will see you in a minute. (Doctorul o sa va vada intru-un minut)

WILL ca Verb Modal se poate folosi in Conditionale de tipul 1 cu urmatoarele sensuri:

1. willingness (vointa)

E.g. If you want to come to the party, Ill be glad. (Daca vrei sa vi la petrecere, voi fi bucuros.)

If you will come to the party, Ill be glad. (Daca vrei sa vi la petrecere, voi fi bucuros.)

2. refusal (refuz)

E.g. If you refuse to help us, Ill get upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

If you wont help us, Ill be upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

E.g. If you are kind enough to wait here, Ill announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va
voi anunta.)

If you will wait here, Ill announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va voi anunta.)

4. habit/insistence (obicei/ insistenta)

E.g. If you insist on/ keep on smoking so much, youll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/ continui
sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

If you will smoke so much, youll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/ continui sa fumezi atat de
mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)
Future Continuous


+ I/ we shall be leaving - I/ we shant be leaving ? Shall I/ we be leaving? (SHALL se foloseste la

persoana I singular si plural)

You will be leaving You wont be leaving Will you be leaving?(WILL se foloseste la
persoana a II-a si a III-a singular si plural)

He will be leaving He will be leaving Will he be leaving?


1. Action in progress at a certain point in the future (actiune in progres la un moment dat in viitor):

Adverbs: THIS TIME NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (saptamana trecuta/ luna viitoare pe vremea asta/
anul viitor pe vremea asta), AT 5 TOMORROW (maine la 5), SOON (in curand), IN 10 YEARS TIME (in
zece ani)

E.g. I will be sleeping at five tomorrow. (Eu voi dormi maine la cinci)

They will be travelling this time next week. (Ei vor calatori saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta)

2. Action which will follow naturally one in the present (actiune care va urma in mod natural uneia
din prezent):

E.g. The clouds are gathering. It will be raining soon. (Norii se aduna. O sa ploua in curand)

3. Polite questions about somebodys future intentions (intrebari politicoase despre intentiile de viitor
ale cuiva):

E.g. Will you be staying here long? (Veti sta mult aici?)

4. Events which are going to happen anyway (evenimente care se vor intampla oricum):

E.g. I wont fix a time to talk because we will be meeting anyway. (Nu o sa aranjez un timp sa vorbim pentru ca
oricum o sa ne intalnim)

5. Fixed arrangements and plans for the future (aranjamente si planuri fixe de viitor):

E.g. The band will be performing in London this summer. (Trupa va canta in Londra vara aceasta)

6. Routines (activitati de rutina):

Adverb: AS USUAL (ca de obicei)

E.g. I will be meeting the girls in town as usual. (O sa ma intalnesc cu fete in oras ca de obicei)
Future Perfect Simple


+ I shall have left - I shant have left ? Shall I have left?

You will have left You wont have left Will you have left?

He will have left He wont have left Will he have left?


Action that will happen in the future before another action or point in the future (actiune care se va
intampla in viitor inainte de o alta actiune sau de un alt moment din viitor):

Time markers:

Se foloseste Viitor Perfect in Principala si Prezent in Secundara introdusa prin BY/ BY THE TIME (pana
atunci)/ BY THIS TIME NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (pana saptamana/ luna/ anul viitor pe vremea
asta)/ WHEN (cand)/ BEFORE (inainte)

(+ Present Tenses)

E.g. We will have left by the time you arrive. (Noi vom fi plecat pana tu vei sosi)

She will have eaten when they call her. (Ea va fi mancat cand o sa o sune ei)

Future Perfect Continuous


+ I shall have been reading - I shant have been reading ? Shall I have been reading?

You will have been reading You wont have been reading Will you have been reading?

He will have been reading He wont have been reading Will he have been reading?


Action that will happen in the future for a period of time before another action or point in the future
(actiune care se va intampla in viitor pentru o perioada de timp inainte de o alta actiune sau de un alt
moment din viitor):
Time markers:


o BY (NOON/ 5 oclock)/ BY THE TIME/ WHEN/ BEFORE (+ Present Tenses)

E.g. I will have been reading for three hours by the time dinner is ready. (Eu voi fi citit de trei ore cand cina va
fi gata)

She will have been sleeping since noon when they arrive from the airport. (Ea va fi dormit de la pranz cand
ei vor sosi de la aeroport)

They will have been working all day before the guests come. (Ei vor fi muncit toata ziua inainte ca oaspetii
sa soseasca)



I shall have eaten by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi mancat pana ajungi
tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating for an hour by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi mancat de o ora
pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating since 2 o'clock by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi mancat de la ora
doua pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating all morning by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi mancat toata
dimineata pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

e.g. My aunt ... the house by the time you call on her. (by the time asks for Future Perfect but you choose
Simple because the duration is not given)

Matusa mea va fi curatat casa pana o vizitezi tu. (by the time cere Viitor Perfect Simplu pentru ca durata nu
este data)

a) will have cleaned

b) would be cleaning

c) will have been cleaning

d) shall be cleaning

They ... for three hours by the time they reach their destination. ( choose Future Perfect Continuous
because of BY THE TIME + DURATION -> for three hours)

Ei vor fi condus de trei ore pana vor ajunge la destinatie. (Se foloseste Viitor Perfect Continuu pentru ca este
data durata iar by the time cere un Viitor Perfect)
a) will have driven

b) will have been driving

c) are driving

d) will be driving

Other ways of expressing future actions

(Alte modalitati pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare)

Present Simple:

- Timetables/ schedules/ previous arrangements (orare/ arenjamente anterioare):

E.g. The train leaves at 5 p.m. tomorrow. (Trenul pleaca la 5 supamiaza maine.)

- Fixed events which are not simply the wish of the speaker (evenimente fixe care nu sunt dorinta

E.g. Tom retires in three years. (Tom se pensioneaza in trei ani.)

- Calendar reference (referiri calendaristice):

E.g. Christmas is on Tuesday next year. (Craciunul este marti saptamana viitoare.)

- Time Clauses/ IF Clauses (Subordonate temoprale si conditionale):

E.g. When we get there, we will have dinner./ If we have time, we will go to the movies. (Cand von ajunge
acolo, o sa cinam./ Daca vom avea timp, vom merge la film.)

Present Continuous:

- Future personal plans/ fixed arrangements (planuri personale de viitor/ aranjamente fixe):

E.g. I am seeing Tom tomorrow. (Ma vad cu Tom maine.)

- Used with JUST to describe something on the point of happening (folosit cu JUST pentru a
descrie ceva pe punctul sa se intample):

E.g. The train is just leaving. (Trenul tocmai pleaca.)

TO BE ABOUT TO - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. The film is about to begin. (Filmul este pe punctul sa inceapa.)

TO BE ON THE VERGE OF + Vb.-ING - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. The plane is on the verge of crushing. (Avionul este pe punctul sa se prabuseasca.)

TO BE ON THE POINT OF + Vb.-ING - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. Mary is on the point of crying. (Maria este pe punctul sa planga.)

TO BE TO (used to describe formal arrangements - folosit pentru a descrie aranjamente formale):

E.g. All students are to assemble in the hall at five. (Toti elevii trebuie sa se adune in hol la cinci.)

TO BE DUE TO (used to refer to scheduled times which are not necessarily fixed events):

(se foloseste pentru a se referi la orare care nu sunt neaparat evenimente fixe)

E.g. The play is due to start in five minutes./ The baby is due (to be born) in May./ The train is due to arrive at 5,
but it is a little late.

(Piesa de teatru trebuie sa inceapa in cinci minute./ Copilul trebuie sa se nasca in mai./ Trenul trebuie sa soseasca
la ora 5 dar este in intarziere.)


- Intention (intentie): E.g. I am going to buy a car next week. (Intentionez sa cumpar o masina
saptamana viitoare.)

- Future action which will happen due to a present event (actiune viitoare care se va intampla din
cauza unui eveniment din prezent):

E.g. You are driving too fast. We are going to have an accident. (Conduci prea repede. O sa ai un accident.)

08. The Tenses: The Sequence of Tenses

Concordanta timpurilor se refera la raportul dintre timpul din propozitia secundara si cel din propozitia
principala. In functie de timpul verbului din Propozitia Principala se pot pune numai anumite timpuri in
Propozitia Secundara.
Concordanta timpurilor se aplica la urmatoarele propozitii secundare:

1. Subordonate Completive Directe (Direct Object Clauses)

2. Subordonate Temporale (Time Clauses)

3. Subordonate de Scop (Purpose Clauses)

4. Subordonate introduse de IN CASE (in caz ca)

o FOR DIRECT OBJECT CLAUSES (Completive Directe)

Main Clause Direct Object Clause

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem Past Tense Simple si exista raport de simultaneitate intre actiuni atunci in
Compeltiva Directa se foloseste tot Past Tense Simple:

Past Simple simultaneity Past Simple

She said that she is was happy. (Ea a spus ca este/ era fericita.)

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem Past Tense Simple si exista raport de anterioritate intre actiuni atunci in
Compeltiva Directa se foloseste Past Perfect Simple:

Past Simple anteriority Past Perfect

She said that she saw had seen him before. (Ea a spus ca l-a vazut/ il
vazuse pe el inainte.)

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem Past Tense Simple si exista raport de posterioritate intre actiuni atunci in
Compeltiva Directa se foloseste Future-in-the-Past:

Past Simple posteriority Future-in-the-Past (would + Vb. Short INF.)

She said that she will would come the next day. (Ea a spus ca va veni
ziua urmatoare.)

EXCEPTIONS (exceptii):

1. Daca in Completiva Directa avem un adevar general atunci se foloseste numai Present Simple in

General Truths:

Past Simple Present Simple

The teacher said that oil never mixes with water. (Profesorul a spus ca uleiul
nu se amesteca niciodata cu apa.)

He said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. (El a spus ca prietenul la

nevoie se cunoaste.)
2. Daca actiunea din secundara urmeaza sa se intample atunci dupa Trecut in principala se foloseste Prezent

Past Simple Present Continuous

He said yesterday that he is coming tomorrow. (it is not tomorrow yet)

(El a spus ieri ca el va veni maine.) (inca nu este maine)

3. Regulile Concordantei timpurilor se aplica numai in Completive Directe. Daca avem o subordonata
Atributiva atunci se poate folosi orice timp prezent sau viitorul cu WILL dupa Trecut Simplu in principala:

Main Clause Relative Clause

He told her a lie which still upsets her nowadays. (El i-a spus ei o
minciuna care inca o supara si azi.)

OVERVIEW for The Sequence of Tenses in DIRECT OBJECT CLAUSES




PAST SIMPLE (simultaneity)

PAST PERFECT (anteriority)

FUTURE-IN-THE-PAST (WOULD +Vb. Short INF.)(posteriority)

e.g. He promised that he ... the money. (El a promis ca va aduce banii.)

a) will bring

b) would bring

c) is bringing

d) will be bringing

e.g. The teacher said that the Earth ... round the Sun. (Profesorul a spus ca pamantul se invarte in jurul

a) moves (General Truth)

b) is moving
c) moved

d) would move


Main Clause Time Clause

Future simultaneity Present Simple

I will call you when I finish here.

(Eu te voi suna cand voi termina aici.)

Daca folosim Prezent Simplu in secundara temporala atunci actiunile sunt simultane.

Future anteriority Present Perfect

I will visit you as soon as I have finished my work.

(Eu te voi vizita de indata ce imi voi fi terminat munca.)

Daca folosim Prezent Perfect Simplu in secundara temporala atunci actiunea din temporala este anterioara fata
de cea din principala.

Future-in-the-Past simultaneity Past Simple

He said/ that he would come/ when he finished his work.

(El a spus/ ca va veni cand el si-a terminat munca.)

Daca suntem in axa trecutului si avem Viitor-in-Trecut in principala atunci se foloseste Trecut Simplu in
temporala pentru a arata ca actiunile din principala si din temporala au fost simultane.

Future-in-the-Past anteriority Past Perfect

He said/ that he would come/ as soon as he had finished his work.

(El a spus/ ca va veni de indata ce el isi terminase munca.)

Daca suntem in axa trecutului si avem Viitor-in-Trecut in principala atunci se foloseste Mai mult ca perfect
Simplu in temporala pentru a arata ca actiunea din temporala a fost anterioara fata de cea din principala.


e.g. They will give you a call as soon as they ... in town. (Ei o sa te sune de indata ce sosesc in oras.)

a) will arrive
b) would arrive

c) arrive

d) had arrived

!!! WHEN poate sa introduca o Completiva Directa caz in care se poate folosi WILL sau WOULD dupa

Main Clause DO Clause

I want to know when he will arrive. (ce vreau sa stiu?) (Vreau

sa stiu /cand va sosi el.)

He wanted to know when she would come to the party. (ce dorea sa
stie?)* (El a vrut sa stie /cand ea va veni la petrecere.)

(*se aplica regulile Concordantei timpurilor pentru Completive Directe -> dupa trecut se foloseste Viitor-in-
trecut cu WOULD)

!!! WHEN poate sa introduca o subordonata relativa/ atributiva caz in care se poate folosi WILL sau

Main Clause RELATIVE Clause

That will be the moment when he will try to kill you. (care moment?)
Acela va fi momentul /cand el va incerca sa te omoare.)

o FOR PURPOSE CLAUSES (pentru subordonate de scop)

Main Clause Purpose Clause

Daca in principala avem urmatoarele timpuri: -> se foloseste will/ may/ can in secundara de

Present Simple/ Cont.


Imperative so that/ in order that (ca sa) will/may/can + Vb. Short Inf.

Present Perfect Simple/ Cont

e.g. She is studying so that she may pass the exam. (Ea studiaza ca sa treaca
Daca in principala avem trecuturi -> se foloseste would/might/could in subordonata
de scop (should este de asemenea posibil)

Past Tenses so that/ in order that (ca sa) would/might/could +Vb. Short Inf.
(should is also possible)

e.g. She left early so that she might catch the bus. (Ea a plecat devreme
ca sa prinda autobuzul.)

e.g. They are studying hard so that they ... the maximum grade at English. (Ei studiaza din greu ca sa
obtina nota maxima la engleza.)

a) would get

b) could get

c) may get

d) must get

o The sequence of Tenses also applies after IN CASE (NEVER USE WILL or WOULD after IN
CASE) (Concordanta timpurilor se aplica si dupa IN CASE - in caz ca/ de dupa care nu se
foloseste niciodata WILL sau WOULD)

Daca avem timpuri prezente, imperativ sau viitor in principala atunci dupa IN CASE se foloseste prezent
sau MAY sau SHOULD

Present or Imperative or Future + IN CASE + verb in the present/ may/ should

e.g. Take your umbrella in case it rains/ may rain/ should rain/ will rain/ would rain. (Ia umbrela in caz ca

Daca avem trecut in principala atunci dupa IN CASE se foloseste tot trecut sau MIGHT

Past + IN CASE + verb in the past/ might

e.g. I took my umbrella in case it rained/ might rain/ would rain. (Am luat umbrela in caz ca ar putea sa

e.g. They brought her with them in case they ... her help. (Ei au adus-o cu ei in caz ca o sa aiba
nevoie de ajutorul ei.)

a) might need

b) will need

c) would need

d) may need
09. Reported Speech

Direct Speech (Vorbire directa) Reported Speech (Vorbire indirecta)

He saw you there last night, she said. -> She said that he had seen me there the previous night.

(- El te-a vazut acolo noaptea trecuta, a spus ea. -> Ea a spus ca el m-a vazut acolo noaptea anterioara.)

There are three things that change when transforming a sentence from Direct Speech into Reported Speech:

(Sunt trei lucruri care se schimba cand se face trecerea din vorbirea directa in vorbirea indirecta)

The personal pronouns and possesive adjectives. (pronumele personale si adjectivele


The tenses of the verb. (timpurile verbului)

Time words. (adverbele de timp)

I. The personal pronouns and possessive adjectives change as follows (pronumele personale si
adjectivele posesive se schimba astfel):

First and second person => third person: eg. You are a liar he said to her. ->He
said (that) she was a liar.

(persoana I si a II-a trec in persoana a III-a) (- Tu esti o mincinoasa, el i-a spus ei.
-> El i-a spus ca ea era o mincinoasa.)

Second person => first person (when talking about yourself): eg. You are very smart. -> He said
(that) I was very smart.

(persoana a II-a trece in persoana I atunci cand vorbesti despre tine insati) (- Tu esti foarte destept. -> El a
spus ca eu eram foarte destept.)

II. The tenses of the verb change as follows (timpurile verbului se schimba in felul urmator):

Present Simple => Past Simple:

She sings well, he said. => He said that she sang well. (- Ea canta bine, a spus el. -> El a spus ca ea canta

Present Continuous => Past Continuous:

She is singing well, he said. => He said that she was singing well. (- Ea canta bine, a spus el. -> El a spus ca
ea canta bine.)

Present Perfect Simple => Past Perfect Simple:

She has sung well, he said. => He said that she had sung well. (- Ea a cantat bine, a spus el. -> El a spus ca ea
cantase bine.)

Present Perfect Continuous => Past Perfect Continuous:

She has been singing well, he said. => He said that she had been singing well. (- Ea canta bine, a spus el. ->
El a spus ca ea cantase bine.)

Past Simple => Past Perfect Simple:

She sang well, he said. => He said that she had sung well. (- Ea a cantat bine, a spus el. -> El a spus ca ea
cantase bine.)

Past Continuous => Past Perfect Continuous:

She was singing well, he said => He said she had been singing well. (- Ea canta bine, a spus el. -> El a spus
ca ea cantase bine.)
E.g. I saw Tom yesterday morning and he told me he was happy she said. (- L-am vazut pe Tom ieri
dimineata si el mi-a spus ca era fericit, a spus ea.)

a) She said she saw Tom yesterday morning and he told her he was happy.

b) She said she had seen Tom yesterday morning and he had told her he had been happy.

c) She said she had seen Tom the previous morning and he had told her he had been happy.

d) She said that she had seen Tom the previous morning and he had told her that he was happy.

E.g. He said that he had spoken with her the previous day and she had told him not to worry.

(El a spus ca el vorbise cu ea ziua anterioara si ea ii spusese sa nu se ingrijoreze.)

a) I have spoken with her the previous day and she has told me not to worry.

b) I spoke with her yesterday and she told me not to worry.

c) I have spoken with her yesterday and she told me not to worry.

d) I spoke with her the previous day and she has told me not to worry.

WILL => WOULD: She will sing well, he said. => He said that she would sing well.

(-Ea va canta bine, a spus el. - El a spus ca ea va canta bine.)

CAN => COULD: She can sing well, he said. => He said that she could sing well.

(-Ea poate sa cante bine, a spus el. - El a spus ca ea putea sa cante bine.)

CAN => WOULD BE ABLE TO (future reference): "I can visit you next weekend." => He said he would be
able to visit us the following weekend.

(daca CAN se refera la viitor se transforma in WOULD BE ABLE TO) (Pot sa va vizitez weekendul viitor. - El
a spus ca va putea sa ne viziteze weekendul urmator.)

MAY => MIGHT: It may rain later, he said. => He said it might rain later.

(-E posibil sa ploua mai tarziu, a spus el. - El a spus ca era posibil sa ploua mai tarziu.)

MUST (obligation) => HAD TO: You must try again, he said. => He said that I had to try again.

(cand MUST exprima obligatie se schimba in HAD TO) (-Trebuie sa incerci iar, a spus el. - El a spus ca trebuia
sa incerc iar.)

NEEDNT => DIDNT NEED TO/ DIDNT HAVE TO: You neednt worry about this thing, he said. => He
said I didnt need to worry about that thing.

(Nu trebuie sa te ingrijorezi de acest lucru, a spus el. - El a spus ca nu trebuia sa ma ingrijorez de acel lucru.)
NEEDNT => WOULDNT HAVE TO (future reference): She neednt leave tomorrow, he said. => He
said she wouldnt have to leave the following day.

(daca NEEDN'T se refera la viitor se schimba in WOULDNT HAVE TO) (-Ea nu trebuie sa plece maine, a
spus el. - El a spus ca ea nu va trebui sa plece ziua urmatoare.)

SHALL => WOULD (future reference): I shall be there, she said. => She said she would be there.

(-Voi fi acolo, a spus ea. -> Ea a spus ca va fi acolo.)

SHALL => SHOULD (asking for advice/ information): What shall I buy? he asked. => He asked what he
should buy.

(daca SHALL este verb modal folosit pentru a cere sfat sau informatii atunci se transforma in SHOULD)(-Ce sa
cumpar> a intrebat el. -> El a intrebat ce sa cumpere.)

COME => GO: Will you come to the party? she asked him. => She asked him if he would go to the party.

(- Vei veni la petrecere, l-a intrebat ea pe el. -> Ea l-a intrebat pe el daca o sa se duca la petrecere.)

HERE => THERE: She isnt here, he said. => He said she wasnt there.

(- Ea nu este aici, a spus el. -> El a spus ca ea nu era acolo.)

THIS => THAT: This is my sister, he said. => He said that was his sister.

(- Aceasta este sora mea, a spus el. -> El a spus ca aceea era sora lui.)

THESE => THOSE: These are my parents, he said. => He said those were his parents.

(- Acestia sunt parintii mei, a spus el. -> El a spus ca aceeia erau parintii lui.)

Tenses DO NOT change in Reported Speech when (timpurile nu se schimba la vorbirea indirecta atunci

1. the reporting verb (said, told, asked, etc) is in the Present, Future or Present Perfect.
(verbul care raporteaza este la Prezent, Viitor sau Prezent Perfect)

E.g. It is sunny today, he says. => He says that it is sunny today./ Hes said that it is sunny today.

(- Este insorit azi, spune el. -> El spune ca este insorit azi./ El a spus ca este insorit azi. (Prezentul Perfect ['s
said] se traduce prin trecut in limba romana)

2. the speaker expresses general truths. (vorbitorul exprima adevaruri generale)

E.g. Water never mixes with oil, she said. => She said that water never mixes with oil.

(- Apa nu se amesteca niciodata cu uleiul, a spus ea. -> Ea a spus ca apa nu se amesteca niciodata cu uleiul.)

3. the reported sentence is a conditional clause type 2 or type 3. (propozitia raportata este o
conditionala de tipul II sau III)

Type 1 If I have time, I will visit you, he said. => He said that if he had time, he would visit me.

(- Daca voi avea timp, te voi vizita, a spus el. => El a spus ca daca ar avea timp, m-ar vizita.)

Type 2 If I were rich, I would buy a house, he said. => He said that if he were rich, he would buy a house.

(- Daca as fi bogat, as cumpara o casa, a spus el. => El a spus ca daca ar fi bogat, ar cumpara o casa.)

Type 3 If I had seen her, I would have told her the truth, he said. => He said that if he had seen her, he
would have told her the truth.

(- Daca as fi vazut-o, i-as fi spus adevarul, a spus el. => El a spus ca daca ar fi vazut-o, i-ar fi spus

4. the reported sentence deals with unreal past (Subjunctive Mood). (propozitia raportata
are un Subjonctiv in ea)

The Subjunctive Mood is required by the following (Subjonctivul este cerut de urmatoarele verbe si

IF ONLY (ce-ar fi daca)

WISH => wished (wish devine wished)

timpuri sunt Subjonctive si NU SE SCHIMBA)

AS IF/ AS THOUGH (de parca)


It was time, It was hight time/ it was about time (era timpul)

SUPPOSE/ SUPPOSING (sa presupunem)

E.g. I wish I had more free time, she said. => She said she wished she had more time.

(- As dori sa am mai mult timp liber, a spus ea. -> Ea a spus ca isi dorea sa aiba mai mult timp liber.)

5. !!!!!!!!!!!!! the reported sentence contains a Time Clause with a PAST TENSE in it. (daca
propozitia raportata are o temporala in care timpul este la Trecut atunci Trecutul din
temporala nu se schimba)

E.g. I was there/ when the postman came, he said. => He said he was/ had been there when the postman

(- Am fost acolo cand a venit postasul, a spus el. -> El a spus ca era/ fusese acolo cand a venit postasul.)

I will be there when the postman comes. => He said he would be there when the postman came.
(- Voi fi acolo cand va veni postasul. -> El a spus ca va fi acolo cand va veni postasul. - daca avem prezent
in temporala atunci acesta trece la trecut)

E.g. He was sleeping while she was cooking dinner. (El dormea in timp ce ea gatea cina.)

a) Mother said that he slept while she was cooking dinner.

b) Mother said that he had been sleeping while she had been cooking dinner.

c) Mother said that he had been sleeping while she was cooking dinner.

d) Mother said that he was sleeping while she had been cooking dinner.

6. the sentence contains the modal verbs (daca propozitia contine verbe modale): might,
should, would, mustnt, ought to, must (deduction) or USED TO

E.g. I ought to go, he said. => He said he ought to go.

(- Trebuie sa plec, a spus el. -> El a spus ca trebuie sa plece.)

"We used to have lots of fun," he said. => He said that they used to have lots of fun.

(- Noi obisnuiam sa ne distram mult, a spus el. -> El a spus ca ei obisnuiau sa se distreze mult.)

!!!!!!!!!! If what we say is a LIE then the tenses change. (daca ceea ce spunem este o minciuna atunci
timpurile se schimba)

E.g. "America is a small country." => He said that America was a small country.

(- America este o tara mica. -> El a spus ca America era o tara mica.)

7. the action in the indirect speech IS STILL HAPPENING or IS GOING TO HAPPEN (daca
actiunea de la vorbirea insirecta inca se mai intampla sau urmeaza sa se intample):

E.g. "I am working on the details." => He said he is working on the details.

(- Lucrez la detalii. -> El a spus ca lucreaza la detalii. - el inca mai lucreaza la detalii)

" I am going on holiday in the morning." => She said that she is going on holiday in the morning.

(- Plec in vacanta dimineata. -> Ea a spus ca pleaca in vacanta dimineata. - ea inca nu a plecat in
vacanta, urmeaza sa faca asta)

III. Time words change as follows (adverbele de timp se schimba dupa cum urmeaza):

Tonight (diseara) => that night (acea noapte)

Today (astazi) => that day (acea zi)

This week/month/year (saptamana/ luna aceasta/ anul acesta) => that week/month/year (acea
saptamana/ luna/ acel an)

Now (acum) => then/at that time/at once/immediately (atunci/ in acel moment/ imediat)
Yesterday (ieri) => the day before/ the previous day (ziua anterioara)

Last night/week/month/year (noaptea/ saptamana/ luna trecuta/ anul trecut) => the previous
night/week/month/year (noaptea/ saptamana/ luna anterioara/ anul anterior)

Three days/weeks/months/years ago (cu trei zile/ saptamani/ luni/ ani in urma) => three
days/weeks/months/years before (cu trei zile/ ... inainte)

So far (pana acum) => until then (pana atunci)

Tomorrow (maine) => next day/ the following day (ziua urmatoare)

Next day/week/month/year (ziua/ saptamana/ luna/ anul viitor) => the following
day/week/month/year (ziua/ saptamana/ ... urmatoare)

The day after tomorrow (poimaine) => two days later/after two days (doua zile mai tarziu/ dupa
doua zile)

Reported Questions

Atunci cand trecem o intrebare din vorbirea directa in vorbirea indirecta in limba engleza cuvantul cu
WH (where/ what/ which/ etc.) se pastreaza dar nu se mai face inversiunea intre auxiliar si subiect,
subiectul se pune imediat dupa cuvantul cu WH si pe urma se pune verbul transformat:

Normal direct question: Wh-word + Aux + S + Verb?

Reported question: S + reporting verb + Wh-word + S + transformed Verb.

E.g. Where have you been? he asked. (- Unde ai fost, a intrebat el.)

He asked me where I had been. (El m-a intrebat unde fusesem.)/ He asked me where had I been. (nu faceti
inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

Daca intrebarea in limba engleza se face cu un auxiliar atunci la vorbirea indirecta se foloseste IF
sau WHETHER (daca) (!! atentile sa nu confundati cu WEATHER care inseamna vreme) dupa care
urmeaza subiectul si verbul transformat (din nou nu se mai face inversiunea intre auxiliar si subiect)

Normal direct question: Aux + S + Verb?

Reported question : S + reporting verb + IF/WHETHER + S + transformed verb.

E.g. Do you like cats? (-Iti plac pisicile?)

He asked me if/whether I liked cats. (El m-a intrebat daca imi placeau pisicile.)

!!!!!!!!!!! (Atentie daca aveti o intrebare la trecut, DID dispare iar verbul se pune la Mai mult ca

Did you see her? (- Ai vazut-o?)

He asked me if/ whether I had seen saw her. (El m-a intrebat daca o vazusem.)

Reported Commands/ Requests/ Suggestions

Ordinele, cererile si sugestiile se introduc la vorbirea indirecta prin verbe ca: advise, ask, beg, offer,
request, etc. care sunt urmate de Verb la Infinitiv Lung:

E.g. Go away, he said to me. => He ordered me to go away. (-Pleaca, el mi-a spus. -> El mi-a ordonat sa plec.)

Please dont shout, he said to me. => He asked me not to shout. (- Te rog nu tipa, el mi-a spus. -> El m-a
rugat sa nu tip.)

!!! Atentie: negatia la Infinitiv se face punand NOT in fata lui TO si nu intre TO si verb: NOT TO DRINK (a
nu bea) si nu TO NOT DRINK

!!!!!!!! Dupa verbul Suggest se folosesc urmatoarele structuri:

suggest + Vb. ing

suggest + that + S + should + Vb. Inf.

suggest + that + S + Vb. Short Inf

E.g. Lets see a film, he said. => He suggested seeing a film. (El a sugerat sa vedem un film.)

(- Hai sa vedem un film! a spus el.) He suggested that we should see a film. (El a sugerat sa vedem un

He suggested that we see a film. (El a sugerat sa vedem un film.)

He suggested to see a film. (Nu se pune Infinitiv dupa suggest)

Reported Exclamations are paraphrases of direct exclamations (exclamatiile se parafrazeaza in vorbirea


E.g. How nice to meet you! => He exclaimed he was delighted to meet me.

(-Incantat sa va intalnesc! -> El a exclamat ca era incantat sa ma intalneasca.)

What a terrible day! => He complained about the day.

(- Ce zi groaznica! -> El s-a plans de vreme.)

Good evening! => She greeted me./ She wished me a good evening.

(- Buna seara! -> Ea m-a salutat./ Ea mi-a dorit o seara buna.)

Indirect Questions (polite questions)

Direct question: Wh-word+Aux+S+Vb?

Indirect question: I wonder(ed)/I want(ed) to know (ma intreb/ ma intrebam/ vreau sa stiu/ voiam sa stiu)+Wh-

Could you tell me/ Do you know/Did you know (Ati putea sa imi spuneti/ Stiti/ Stiati)+ Wh-

Eg."How much does it cost?" => "Could you tell me how much it costs?"/ how much does it cost?

(- Cat costa? -> Ati putea sa imi spuneti cat costa?)

"Where did she live?" => "I wanted to know where she lived."/ where did she live.

(- Unde locuia ea? -> Doream sa stiu unde locuia ea.)

Diferenta intre Intrebarile raportate si Intrebarile indirecte in limba engleza este aceea ca Intrebarile
raportate sunt introduse prin "said, told, asked, etc." si sunt urmate de verbe care trebuie sa respecte
transformarile de la vorbirea indirecta pe cand Intrebarile indirecte sunt de fapt intrebari politicoase introduse
de expresii politicoase ca: "I wonder, I want to know, Could you tell me, etc." care nu sunt urmate neaparat de
verbe transformate.

Asemanarea dintre Intrebarile raportate si intrebarile indirecte este ca in ambele nu se mai face inversiunea
intre auxiliar si subiect.

Direct Speech Reported question Indirect question

"Where is she?" => He asked where she was. "I want to know where she is."

(- Unde este ea? -> El m-a intrebat unde era ea. Vreau sa stiu unde este ea.)

Special Introductory Verbs

Exista mai multe verbe care pot sa introduca vorbirea indirecta in limba engleza in afara de "say", "tell"
si "ask", dar unele verbe introductive cer anumite structuri dupa ele:

Dupa verbele: agree ( a fi de acord), demand (a cere), offer (a oferi), promise (a promite), refuse (a refuza),
threaten (a ameninta), claim (a pretinde) se foloseste Vb. Long Infinitive

E.g. Yes, Ill help you. => He agreed to help me (-Da, te voi ajuta. -> El a fost de acord sa ma ajute.)

=> He said that he would help me. (El a spus ca ma va ajuta.)

Dupa verbele: advise (a sfatui), allow (a permite), ask (a ruga), beg (a implora), command (a comanda),
encourage (a incuraja), forbid (a interzice), instruct (a in strui), invite ( a invita), order (a ordona), permit
(permite), remind (a aminti cuiva), urge (a indemna), warn (a avertiza), want ( a vrea) se foloseste un
pronume in Acuzativ (me/ you/ him/ her/ it/ us/ you/ them) + Vb. Long Infinitive

You should take an umbrella. => He advised me to take an umbrella.

(- Ar trebui sa iei o umbrela. -> El m-a sfatuit sa iau o umbrela.)

Dupa verbele: accuse somebody of (a acuza pe cineva de), apologise for (a-si cere scuze pentru), admit to
(a admite), boast about (a se lauda), complain to sb about (a se plange cuiva de), deny (a nega), insist on (a
insista), suggest (a sugera) se foloseste Vb. ING

You broke my glasses. => He accused me of breaking his glasses. (-Mi-ai spart ochelarii. -> El m-a acuzat ca
i-am spart ochelarii.)

No, I didnt steal it. => He denied stealing it. (-Nu, nu am furat asta. -> El a negat ca a furat asta.)

Iata cateva expresi si verbe modale impreuna cu verbele introductive specifice lor la vorbirea indirecta:

Would you like...? => offer

Would you like me to help? => He offered to help. (-Ati vrea sa va ajut? -> El s-a oferit sa ma ajute.)

Wont => refuse

I wont do it. => He refused to do it. (-Eu refuz sa fac asta. -> El a refuzat sa faca asta.)

Should => advise

You should learn more. => He advised me to learn more. (-Ar trebui sa inveti mai mult. -> El m-a sfatuit sa
invat mai mult.)

Can => allow

You can stay here. => He allowed me to stay there. (-Poti sa stai aici. -> El mi-a permis sa stau acolo.)

Lets/ How about/ What about/ Why dont we => suggest +vb. ing/ suggest + S + SHOULD + Vb. Inf/

Lets pay her a visit later. => He suggested paying her a visit later./ He suggested we should pay her a visit
later./ He suggested we pay her a visit later.

(- Hai sa ii facem o vizita/ sa o vizitam mai tarziu. -> El a sugerat sa o viziteze mai tarziu.)

Mustnt/ not be allowed to => forbid + somebody + Long Infinitive

You mustnt cheat during the exam he said. => The teacher forbade us to cheat during the exam.

(- Este interzis sa copiati in timpul examenului, a spus el. -> Profesorul ne-a interzis sa copiem in timpul

You are very beautiful. (Tu esti foarte frumoasa.)

He said that I was very beautiful. (El a spus ca eram foarte frumoasa.)

He said to me that I was very beautiful. (dupa say se pune TO)(El mi-a spus mie ca eram foarte frumoasa.)
He said me that I was very beautiful.

He told me that I was very beautiful. (dupa tell nu se pune TO)(El mi-a spus mie ca eram foarte frumoasa.)

He told to me that I was very beautiful.

10. Passive Voice and Causatives

I. Passive Voice

Diateza Pasiva in limba engleza se formeaza in acelasi fel ca in limba romana din verbul a fi (TO BE) care
trebuie sa stea la acelasi timp ca verbul din Diateza Activa plus Participiul Trecut (Verbul la forma a-III-a
sau cu -ed) al verbului de la Diateza Activa. In acelasi timp se foloseste ca Subiect gramatical unul dintre
complemente (direct sau indirect) iar subiectul propozitiei devine complement de agent (subiectul logic care face
actiunea) introdus de BY.

S + TO BE + VB. III/ -ED

She gave me a flower. (me este complement indirect iar a flower este complement direct)(Ea
mi-a dat mie o floare)

I was given a flower (by her). (Mie mi s-a dat o floare de catre ea.)

A flower was given to me (by her). (O floare mi-a fost data mie de catre ea.)

(Pentru ca timpul de la Diateza Activa este la Past Simple, atunci verbul TO BE trebuie sa stea tot la Past
Simple => WAS in acest caz)

!!!!!! (se prefera sa se puna persoana in fata si nu obiectul, deci daca aveti o grila in care aveti atat persoana cat si
obiectul pe post de subiect gramatical, alegeti grila cu persoana ca subiect)

e.g. They have given Mary a book. (Ei i-au dat lui Mary o carte.)

a) Mary was given a book. (nu este grila a pentru ca to be [care este la Past Simple aici] nu este la
acelasi timp ca cel de la diateza activa din propozitia data [care este la Present Perfect Simple])

b) A book has been given to Mary. (nu este aleasa grila b pentru ca subiectul gramatical este exprimat
printr-un obiect)

c) Mary has been given a book. (este corecta grila c pentru ca persoana (Mary) este subiectul gramatical
iar to be este la acelasi timp ca cel de la Diateza Activa)

d) A book had been given to Mary. (nu este aleasa grila d pentru ca to be [care este la Past Perfect
Simple aici] nu este la acelasi timp ca cel de la diateza activa din propozitia data [care este la Present
Perfect Simple])

I ... flowers and he ... a book by our teacher. (la genul acesta de grile trebuie sa folositi cunostintele de la
timpurile verbului si sa vedeti ce timp la diateza pasiva trebuie ales)

a) Have been given/ was given

b) Have been given/ has been given (ambele timpuri trebuie sa fie la Present Perfect pentru ca nu este dat
timpul cand actiunile au fost facute)

c) Was given/ was given

d) Had given/ has given

(Mie mi s-au dat flori iar lui i s-a dat o carte de catre profesorul nostru.)

Schimbarea verbului de la Diateza Activa la Diateza Pasiva se face dupa cum urmeaza:

Present Simple: She washes her car every week. (Ea isi spala masina in fiecare saptamana.) =>

The car is washed (by her) every week. (Masina este spalata in fiecare saptamana.)

(!!Atentie: complementul de agent nu se mai pune atunci cand este exprimat printr-un pronume .)
Present Continuous: They are cleaning the room now. (Ei curata camera acum.) =>

The room is being cleaned (by them) now. (Camera este curatata de catre ei acum.)

Present Perfect Simple: They have sent for the doctor. (Ei au trimis dupa doctor.) =>

The doctor has been sent for. (S-a trimis dupa doctor)

!!! Atentie: daca verbul este urmat de o prepozitie atunci aceasta se pastreaza atunci cand verbul trece la
Diateza Pasiva.

E.g. The doctor has operated on the patient. (Doctorul a operat pacientul.)

a) The patient was operated on. (nu este corecta grila a pentru ca timpul verbului TO BE nu este acelasi ca
cel al verbului de la Diateza Activa)

b) The patient has been operated. (nu este corecta grila b pentru ca nu are prepozitia on dupa verb)

c) The patient is being operated on. (nu este corecta grila c pentru ca timpul verbului TO BE nu este
acelasi ca cel al verbului de la Diateza Activa)

d) The patient has been operated on. (Pacientul a fost operat.)

(este corecta grila d pentru ca prepozitia on s-a pastrat si timpul lui TO BE este acelasi ca cel al verbului
de la Diateza Activa, adica Present Perfect Simple)

Past Simple: He stole a book last week. (El a furat o carte saptamana trecuta.) =>

A book was stolen last week. (O carte a fost furata saptamana trecuta.)

Past Continuous: The police were following him. (Politia il urmarea pe el.) =>

He was being followed (by the police). (El era urmarit de politie.)

Past Perfect Simple: She had bought a house. (Ea cumparase o casa. )=>

A house had been bought. (O casa fusese cumparata.)

E.g. A thief had already taken his money. (Un hot deja ii luase banii.)
a) Who has his money been taken by?

b) Who was his money taken by?

c) Who had his money been taken by? (De catre cine i se luasera banii?)

d) Who had his money been taken? (In intrebari la Diateza Pasiva trebuie sa avem prepozitia BY la final)

Future Simple: She will help them. (Ea ii va ajuta pe ei.) =>

They will be helped. (Ei vor fi ajutati.)

Future Perfect Simple: They will have finished their homework by tomorrow. (Ei isi vor fi terminat
temele pana maine.) =>

The homework will have been finished by tomorrow. (Temele vor fi fost terminate
pana maine.)

Modal Verbs: He must tell the truth. (El trebuie sa spuna adevarul.) =>

The truth must be told. (Adevarul trebuie spus.)

He may have bought the car. (E posibil ca el sa fi cumparat masina.) =>

The car may have been bought. (Masina e posibil sa fi fost cumparata.) (Verbul Modal se pastreaza)

Gerund: I hate people telling me what to do. (Urasc ca oamenii sa imi spuna ce sa fac.) =>

I hate being told what to do (by people). (Urasc sa mi se spuna ce sa fac.)

!! Verbul care cere un Gerund dupa el (de ex. hate, love, like, dislike, etc.) se pastreaza:

E.g. I love people giving me presents. (Iubesc ca oamenii sa imi dea cadouri)

a) I love to be given presents.

b) I love being given presents. (Iubesc sa mi se dea cadouri)(S-a pastrat verbul LOVE si de asemenea TO
BE are aceeasi forma ca giving care este un Gerund)

c) I love having been given presents.

d) I love to have been given presents.

TO BE GOING TO si TO HAVE TO ambele urmate de un verb la Infinitiv se pastreaza la Diateza Pasiva:


She is going to buy me a car. (Ea intentioneaza/ urmeaza sa imi cumpere mie o masina.) =>

I am going to be bought a car. ( Mie urmeaza sa mi se cumpere o masina.)

TO HAVE TO + Vb. Inf. -> TO HAVE TO + BE + Vb. III/ -ED

He has to deliver a parcel. (El trebuie sa livreze un pachet.) =>

A parcel has to be delivered. (Un pachet trebuie sa fie livrat.)

NEED + TO BE + Vb. III/ -ED = NEED + Vb. -ING

The roof needs to be mended. = The roof needs mending. (Acoperisul are nevoie sa fie reparat.)

O propozitie normala cu subiect si predicat se poate contrage punand o prepozitie urmata de Vb. -ing.
Aceasta la randul ei se poate pune la Diateza Pasiva dupa cum urmeaza:

Active Voice Passive Voice

After he bought the book, he left. => After buying the book, he left.=> The book being bought, he left.

(Dupa ce a cumparat cartea, el a plecat. => Dupa cumpararea cartii, el a plecat. => Cartea fiind cumparata, el a

Active Voice Passive Voice

He had given the money and then he left. => Having given the money, he left. =>The money having been
given, he left.

(El a dat banii si pe urma a plecat. => Dand banii, el a plecat. => Banii fiind dati, el a plecat.)

Diateza Pasiva in intrebari:

In intrebarile care incep cu un cuvant cu WH- (why/ who/ which/ where/ etc.) se pune cuvantul cu WH-
primul, dupa care se pune auxiliarul +S + restul verbului conjugat la Diateza Pasiva + prepozitia BY:

He discovered the mistake. (El a descoperit greseala.)

? Who was the mistake discovered by?/ By who was the mistake discovered?

(De catre cine a fost descoperita greseala? -> se pune BY la finalul intrebarii si nu la inceput)

+ The mistake was discovered by him. (Greseala a fost descoperita de catre el.)

!!Atentie: La Diateza Activa verbele de mai jos cer dupa ele un verb la Infinitiv Scurt dar cand sunt pasivizate
Infinitivul Scurt devine Infinitiv Lung:



See + pronoun + Short Infinitive: Short Infinitive => Long Infinitive


Hear Eg. I saw her leave. -> She was seen to leave. (Am vazut-o plecand. => Ea a fost vazuta

I heard them laugh. -> They were heard to laugh. (I-am auzit razand. => Ei au fost auziti

E.g. The man heard the child cry. (Barbatul a auzit copilul plangand.)

a) The child was heard crying.

b) The child was heard to cry. (Copilul a fost auzit plangand.)

c) The child has been heard to cry.

d) The child was heard cry.

!!!!!!!! Atentie: Verbul Let + Short Inf. se inlocuieste cu TO BE ALLOWED TO la diateza pasiva:

They let me go yesterday. => I was allowed to go. (permission) (Ei m-au lasat sa plec ieri. => Mi s-a permis sa
plec ieri.)

LET la Diateza Pasiva inseamna TO RENT (a inchiria): The apartment was let last week. (Apartamentul a
fost inchiriat saptamana trecuta.)

Exista cateva verbe say (a spune), tell (a spune), believe (a crede), expect (a se astepta), know (a sti), think
(a crede), suppose (a presupune), deem (a considera), consider (a considera), etc. care pot sa faca Diateza
Pasiva in doua feluri:

1. Cu IT impersonal: People say / that she has money./ (Oamenii spun ca ea are bani.) => It is said / that
she has money./ (in acest caz secundara ramane neschimbata) (Se spune ca ea are bani.)
2. In mod personalizat punand pronumele din secundara in fata si apoi verbul la Diateza Pasiva:
People say / that she has money./ (Oamenii spun ca ea are bani.) => She is said to have money. (Ea
este spusa ca are bani. - in limba romana nu suna natural dar in limba engleza este o constructie
normala) - in acest caz verbul din secundara trece la Infinitiv Lung

Formele Infinitivului sunt:

Infinitiv: to + verb: e.g. to drink (a bea)

Infinitiv Continuu: to be + verb-ing: e.g. to be drinking ( a bea)

Infinitiv Perfect Simplu: to have + verb III/-ed: e.g. to have drunk (a fi baut)

Infinitiv Perfect Continuu: to have been + verb-ing: e.g. to have been drinking ( a fi baut)

Pentru a doua situatie trecerea timpurilor la Infinitiv se face dupa cum urmeaza:

I. Prezentul Simplu si Viitorul Simplu vor trece intr-un Infinitiv Simplu (eg. to ask):

People say /that he is handsome./(Oamenii spun ca el este frumos.) => It is said /that he is handsome./
(impersonal) (Se spune ca el este frumos.)

=> He is said to be handsome.

(personal) (El este spus ca este frumos.)

E.g. They believe that she will live in Paris. (Ei cred ca ea va locui in Paris.)

a) She is believed to have lived in Paris.

b) She is believed to live in Paris. (Ea este crezuta ca va locui in Paris.)

c) She is believed that will live in Paris.

d) She was believed to live in Paris.

II. Prezentul Continuu si Viitorul Continuu vor trece intr-un Infinitiv Continuu (to be + vb.-ing => eg. to
be sleeping)

People say /that she is crying./ (Oamenii spun ca ea plange.) => It is said/ that she is crying./ (Se spune
ca ea plange.)

=> She is said to be crying. (Ea este spusa ca

III. Trecutul Simplu, Prezentul Perfect Simplu si Mai Mult ca Perfectul Simplu vor trece intr-un Infinitiv
Perfect Simplu (to have +vb.III/-ed => eg. to have eaten):

People say/ that he lived in Germany./ (Oamenii spun ca el locuia in Germania.) => It is said/ that he
lived in Germany./ (Se spune ca el locuia in Germania.)

=> He is said to have

lived in Germany.

IV. Trecutul Continuu, Prezentul Perfect Continuu si Mai Mult ca Perfectul Continuu vor trece intr-un
Infinitiv Perfect Continuu (to have been + vb.-ing => eg. to have been talking)

People say/ that they were stealing./ (Oamenii spun ca ei furau.) => It is said/ that they were stealing./
(Se spune ca ei furau.)

= > They are said to have been stealing.

Exista cateva verbe care exprima ideea de Diateza Pasiva dar au forma de Diateza Activa (ele se numesc
verbe ergative - ergative verbs):

The cat opened the window. (Pisica a deschis fereastra. - Diateza Activa)

The window was opened by the cat. (Fereastra a fost deschisa de catre pisica. - Diateza Pasiva)

The window opened. (Fereastra s-a deschis. - Verb ergativ - pare ca fereastra s-a deschis singura dar de
fapt a fost deschisa de catre cineva)

Other examples (alte exemple):

These blouses sell well. (These blouses are sold well by the shop assistant.) (Aceste bluze se vand bine. ->
Aceste bluze sunt vandute bine de catre vanzator.)

I photograph well. (Sunt fotogenic)

The soup boils fast. (Supa fierbe repede)

The snow melts in the sun. (Zapada se topeste la soare)

The book reads fast. (Cartea se citeste repede)

The letter writes that he misses us. (Scrie in scrisoare ca lui ii e dor de noi)

II. Causatives
Forma cauzativelor este: S + HAVE + OBJECT + VB. III/-ED => Cauzativele se folosesc pentru a spune
ca altcineva face actiunea pentru o persoana.

I cleaned the car. (I did it myself) (Eu am curatat masina. - Diateza Activa - fac actiunea eu insami)

I asked the man to clean my car. (L-am rugat pe barbat sa imi curate masina.)

I had my car cleaned (by the man, I didnt do it myself). (Am avut masina curatata de catre barbat - nu am
facut actiunea singur)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Atentie: The verb to have must stay exactly in the same tense as the verb in the Active Voice.



1. Se foloseste pentru a exprima nenorociri si accidente care s-au intamplat cuiva (Misfortunes and

A thief broke into my house. (Un hot mi-a spart casa.) ->

I had my house broken into. (Am avut casa sparta de un hot.)

2. Se foloseste pentru a spune ca altcineva face actiunea pentru tine (used to say that someone else
does the action for you):

Eg. Present Simple: She cleans my house every week. (Ea imi curata casa in fiecare saptamana.)

a) I have my house cleaned every week. (Eu am casa curatata in fiecare saptamana.)

b) I had my house cleaned every week.

c) I have had my house cleaned every week.

d) I am having my house cleaned every week.

Present Continuous: A mechanic is repairing my car. (Un mecanic imi repara masina.)
a) I have my car repaired.

b) I have been having my car repaired.

c) I will be having my car repaired.

d) I am having my car repaired. (Am masina reparata de un mecanic.)

Present Perfect Simple: They have painted his house recently. (Ei i-au vopsit casa recent.)

a) He has been having his house painted recently.

b) He has had his house painted recently. (El a avut casa vopsita recent.)

c) He had had his house painted recently.

d) He has his house painted recently.

Present Perfect Continuous: They have been cleaning her room for two hours. (Ei ii curata camera de doua

She has been having her room cleaned. (Ea are camera curatata de doua ore.)

E.g. We ... the house cleaned by the maid all day. (Noi avem casa curatata de catre servitoare toata ziua.)

a) have had

b) had been having

c) have been having

d) have been had

Modal Verb: She must tidy his room. (Ea trebuie sa ii ordoneze camera lui.)

He must have his room tidied. (El trebuie sa aiba camera ordonata.)

He may be mowing your lawn tomorrow. (E posibil ca el sa iti tunda peluza maine.)

You may be having your lawn mown tomorrow.(E posibil ca tu sa ai peluza tunsa maine.)

They should have delivered his parcel. (Ei ar fi trebuit sa ii livreze pachetul.)

He should have had his parcel delivered. (El ar fi trebuit sa aiba pachetul livrat.)
Gerund: I love her cooking my breakfast. (Iubesc ca ea sa imi gateasca micul dejun.)

I love having my breakfast cooked. (Iubesc sa mi se gateasca micul dejun.)

TO BE GOING TO: He is going to wash my shirt. (El intentioneaza sa imi spele camasa.)

I am going to have my shirt washed. (O sa am camasa spalata.)

TO HAVE TO: They have to wash her car. (Ei trebuie sa ii spele masina ei.)

She has to have her car washed. (Ea trebuie sa aiba masina spalata.)

Pentru ordine si imperative se poate folosi o constructie cu GET: S + GET + OBJECT + VB. III/-ED ->
orders and imperatives

Eg. Get your clothes washed! (Da-ti hainele la spalat!)

Get your hair cut! (Tunde-ti parul!)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exista trei verbe care pot sa fie inlocuite in felul urmator:

Insist => make : He insisted that I stay. -> He made me stay. (Make + Infinitiv Scurt)

(El a insistat ca eu sa stau.)

Ask => have: He asked me to stay. -> He had me stay. (Have + Infinitiv Scurt)

(El m-a rugat sa stau.)

Persuade => get: He persuaded me to work.->He got me to work. (Get + Infinitiv Lung)

(El m-a convins sa muncesc.)

My sister insisted that I clean all the dishes. (Sora mea a insistat sa spal vasele.)
a) My sister had me clean all the dishes.

b) My sister made me to clean all the dishes.

c) My sister got me to clean all the dishes.

d) My sister made me clean all the dishes. (Sora mea a insistat sa spal vasele.)

11. IF Clauses


Vb. Short Inf. Will + vb.Inf.


Vb.II/-ed should/ would + vb.Inf.


Had + vb. III/-ed should/ would+have+vb.III/-ed

Type I. IF PRESENT , FUTURE (tipul I se refera la viitor)

If I have time , I will go to the party.

Daca voi avea timp, voi merge la petrecere.

PRESENT , PRESENT (se folosesc atunci cand vorbim despre ceva adevarat in

If you burn yourself , it hurts.

Daca te arzi, te doare.

PRESENT PERFECT , IMPERATIVE/ CAN/ MAY (se foloseste Present Perfect cand
actiunea s-a terminat si are efect in prezent)

If you have finished eating, clean the table.

Daca ai terminat de mancat, curata masa.

E.g. If she ... me, I will be shocked. (Daca ma va suna, voi fi socat.)

a) called

b) will call

c) calls (daca avem viitor in principala atunci alegem prezent in secundara)

d) would call

Type II. IF PAST , PRESENT CONDITIONAL (tipul II se refera la prezent)

(should/would/could/might + Vb. Inf)

If I had money , I would/could/might buy a new PC.

Daca as avea bani , as cumpara un computer nou.

PAST , PAST (se folosesc pentru a vorbi de un adevar in trecut)

If you had a job in the past, you were happy.

(Daca aveai o slujba in trecut, erai fericit.)

E.g. If she ... dogs, she ... five. (Daca nu ar iubi cainii, nu ar avea cinci.)

a) didn't love/ won't have

b) didn't love/ wouldn't have

c) wouldn't love/ wouldn't have

d) hadn't loved/ won't have

Type III . IF PAST PERFECT , PAST CONDITIONAL (tipul III se refera la trecut)

(Had + Vb. III/ -ed) (should/would/could/might + HAVE + Vb. III/-ed)

If I had known , I would/could/might have come to help you.

Daca as fi stiut , as fi venit sa te ajut.

E.g. Daca ar fi fost bogat, el ar fi cumparat un Ferrari. (pentru ca se refera la trecut, se traduce prin tipul
III de conditionala)

a) If he were rich, he would buy a Ferrari. (aici avem tipul II de conditionala care se traduce: Daca ar fi
bogat, ar cumpara un Ferrari.)

b) If he had been rich, he would have bought a Ferrari. (tipul III de conditionala -> Past Perfect + Past

c) He will buy a Ferrari if he is rich. (aici avem tipul I de conditionala care se traduce: El va cumpara un
Ferrari daca va fi bogat.)

d) If he would have been rich, he would have bought a Ferrari. (nu se foloseste would dupa IF)

Inversiuni in Conditionale - se folosesc pentru a accentua pe idee:

In Conditionale inversiunea se face inlocuind IF cu SHOULD la tipul I si WERE la tipul II si III. Tipul III
mai poate inlocui IF cu HAD.

Type 1. IF + S + SHOULD + VB. INF. ... => SHOULD + S + Vb. INF. ...

If I should meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune
vestile.) =>

Should I meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.)

E.g. If you happen to see Sarah, give her my love. (Daca se intampla sa o vezi pe Sarah, transmite-i
dragostea mea.)

a) If you will see Sarah, you will give her my love. (nu se pune will dupa IF)

b) Should you see Sarah, give her my love.

c) If you were to see Sarah, you would give her my love. (tipul II de conditionala)

d) Will you see Sarah, give her my love. (nu se inlocuieste IF cu WILL ci cu SHOULD)
Type 2. IF + S + PAST SIMPLE + ... => WERE + S + LONG INFINITIVE + ...

If I saw her there, I would be surprised. (Daca as vedea-o acolo, as fi surprins.)

If I were to see her there, I would be surprised. (PAST SIMPLE se transforma in WERE + Long

Were I to see her there, I would be surprised.

!!! Atentie: nu se foloseste WAS in tipul II de conditionala ci se foloseste WERE pentru toate persoanele.

E.g. If I met him, I wouldnt say that . (Daca l-as intalni, nu as spune asta .)

a) Were I to meet him, I wouldnt say that.

b) Would I meet him, I wouldnt say that. (nu se inlocuieste IF cu WOULD ci cu WERE)

c) Were I to met him, I wouldnt have said that. ( constructia corecta este WERE + to Infinitiv, nu exista to

d) Were I to have met him, I wouldnt say that. (WERE + Perfect Infinitive se foloseste la tipul III de

!!! Pentru expresia: If I were you/ if I were in your place (daca as fi tu/ daca as fi in locul tau), inversiunea
este: Were I you/ Were I in your place

Tipul III de conditionala face inversiunea in doua feluri:

Type 3. IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => HAD + S + Vb. III/ -ED + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

Had I seen him, I would have talked with him.

E.g. If he had found out the truth, he would have been upset . (Daca el ar fi aflat adevarul, ar fi fost
suparat .)

a) Were he to find out the truth, he would have been upset. (WERE + Vb. Infinitiv lung se foloseste pentru
tipul II de conditionala)

b) Had he to have found out the truth, he would have been upset. (nu se pune HAD ci WERE in loc de IF
daca avem constructie cu infinitiv)

c) Had he found out the truth, he would have been upset.

d) Were he to have found out the truth, he would be upset. (nu avem timpul corect in principala, would +
VB. INF. se foloseste in tipul II de conditionala)
IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => WERE + S + PERFECT INFINITIVE (to have + Vb. III/ -ed) + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

If I were to have seen him, I would have talked with him. (Past Perfect se transforma in WERE + TO
HAVE + Vb. III/ -ED)

Were I to have seen him, I would have talked with him.

E.g. If she had learned more, she would have passed the exam. (Daca ar fi invatat mai mult, ar fi trecut

a) Were she to learn more, she would have passed the exam. (were + Infinitive se foloseste la tipul II de

b) Were she to have learned more, she would have passed the exam.

c) Should she learn more, she would pass the exam. (Should + Infinitive se foloseste pentru tipul I de

d) Were she to had learned more, she would have passed the exam. (Infinitivul Perfect are forma TO HAVE
+ Vb. III/ -ED si nu TO HAD)

De asemenea exista duoua expresii pentru tipul II si III de conditionala care formeaza inversiuni in felul

If it were not for (de n-ar fi) her, theyd be in trouble.

Type II Were it not for (de n-ar fi) her, theyd be in trouble.

But for (de n-ar fi) her, theyd be in trouble.

De n-ar fi ea, ei ar avea probleme. (dupa aceste expresii se foloseste un pronume sau un

If it hadnt been for (de n-ar fi fost) her, I would have died.

Type III Had it not been for (de n-ar fi fost) her, I would have died.

But for (de n-ar fi fost) her , I would have died.

De n-ar fi fost ea, as fi murit. (dupa aceste expresii se foloseste un pronume)

IF poate fi inlocuit cu:

UNLESS (daca nu), ON CONDITION THAT (cu conditia), SO LONG AS (atata timp cat), AS LONG AS
(atata timp cat), PROVIDING (cu conditia), PROVIDED (cu conditia), SUPPOSE (sa presupunem),
SUPPOSING (sa presupunem), OTHERWISE (altminteri), ONLY IF (doar daca), WHAT IF (ce ar fi daca),
EVEN IF (chiar daca), IN CASE (in caz ca)

I wont help you if you dont give me money. (Nu te voi ajuta daca nu imi vei da bani.)

I wont help you unless you give me money. (Nu te voi ajuta daca nu imi vei da bani.)

If I have time, I will come. (Daca voi avea timp, voi veni.)

I will come provided I have time. (Voi veni cu conditia sa am timp.)

!!! Atentie:

Daca incepem cu secundara si avem ONLY IF la inceput, atunci se face inversiune intre WILL si Subiect in

I will come only if I have time. (Voi veni numai daca voi avea timp.)

Only if I have time, WILL I come. (Numai daca voi avea timp, voi veni.)

Daca avem Prezent sau Imperativ sau Viitor in principala atunci dupa in case se foloseste present sau

Take your umbrella in case it rains/ may rain/ should rain/ will rain/ would rain. (Ia umbrela in caz ca

Daca avem Trecut in principala atunci dupa in case se foloseste past sau might:

I took my umbrella in case it rained/ might rain/ would rain. (Mi-am luat umbrela in caz ca ploua.)

!!!!! Dupa unless (daca nu) nu se folosesc negatii, will sau would:

UNLESS: Negative



E.g. Unless she ... us with the chores around the house, we wont give her money. (Daca nu ne ajuta cu
treburile in casa, nu o sa ii dam bani.)

a) will help

b) wont help

c) doesnt help
d) helps

La tipul I de conditionala se poate folosi WILL dupa IF DACA WILL este Verb Modal si exprima:

1. willingness (vointa)

E.g. If you want to come to the party, Ill be glad. (Daca vrei sa vii la petrecere, voi fi bucuros.)

If you will come to the party, Ill be glad. (Daca vrei sa vi la petrecere, voi fi bucuros.)

2. refusal (refuz)

E.g. If you refuse to help us, Ill get upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

If you wont help us, Ill be upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

E.g. If you are kind enough to wait here, Ill announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va
voi anunta.)

If you will wait here, Ill announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va voi anunta.)

4. habit/insistence (obicei/ insistenta)

E.g. If you insist on/ keep on smoking so much, youll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/ continui
sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

If you will smoke so much, youll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/ continui sa fumezi atat de
mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

La tipul II de conditionala se poate folosi WOULD dupa IF DACA WOULD este Verb Modal si exprima:

1. Willingness (vointa)

E.g. If you wanted to give me money, Id be grateful. (Daca ai vrea sa imi dai bani, ti-as fi recunoscator.)

If you would give me money, Id be grateful. (Daca ai vrea sa imi dai bani, ti-as fi recunoscator.)

2. Refusal (refuz)

E.g. If you refused to help, theyd be annoyed. (Daca ai refuza sa ajuti, ei ar fi enervati.)

If you wouldnt help, theyd be annoyed. (Daca ai refuza sa ajuti, ei ar fi enervati.)

3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

E.g. If you were kind enough to wait here, I would announce you. (Daca ati fi dragut sa asteptati aici, v-as

If you would wait here, I would announce you. (Daca ati fi dragut sa asteptati aici, v-as anunta.)

MIXED CONDITIONALS (Conditionalele mixate)

If Clause Main Clause

Type III ------------------------ Type II

Past Perfect Present Conditional

(had + Vb. III/ -ed) (should/ would + Infinitiv Scurt)

If you had helped me then, I wouldnt be in trouble now. (Daca m-ai fi ajutat atunci, nu as avea probleme

Aceasta combinatie se foloseste atunci cand o actiune din trecut are efect in prezent. (trebuie sa avem un
cuvant care sa arate ca suntem in prezent -> NOW)

E.g. Ea nu ar fi faimoasa acum daca nu ar fi castigat la loto.

a) She wouldnt have been famous if she hadnt won the lottery. (Type III)

b) She wouldnt be famous now if she hadnt won the lottery. (Type III then + Type II - now) (trebuie sa
avem un cuvant care sa arate ca suntem in prezent -> NOW)

c) She wouldnt be famous now if she didnt win the lottery. (TypeII:Pres.Cond.+Past S)

d) Had she not won the lottery, she wont be famous now. (Type III + Type I)

Type II .................................. Type III

Past Simple Past Conditional

(Vb. II/ -ed) (should/ would + have + Vb. III/ -ed)

If I were you, I wouldnt have married her. (Daca eram in locul tau, nu m-as fi casatorit cu ea.)

Type II ................................. Type I

Past Simple Future

(Vb. II/ -ed) (shall/ will + Verb Infinitiv Scurt)

If he trained hard, he will win the contest. (Daca s-a antrenat din greu, va castiga concursul.)

Rephrase with IF Clauses:

If it is necessary, I will tell a lie. => If necessary, I will tell a lie. (Daca este necesar, voi spune o minciuna.)

If you are in need, call the help line. => If in need, call the help line. (Daca esti la nevoie, suna linia de urgenta.)

If you are in trouble, give me a call. => If in trouble, give me a call. (Daca ai probleme, suna-ma.)

If the weather permits it, we will go for a picnic. => Weather permitting, we will go for a picnic. (Daca vremea
permite, noi vom merge la un picnic.)

If you are frightened, hold my hand. => If frightened, hold my hand. (Daca esti speriat, tine-ma de mana.)

If I am given the chance, I will do it. => Given the chance, I will do it. (Daca mi se da sansa, o voi face.)

If they ask you/ you are asked, tell them you know nothing. => If asked, tell them you know nothing. (Daca te
intreaba/ Daca esti intrebat, spune-le ca nu sti nimic.)

If you wash the dishes, I will clean the room. => You wash the dishes and I will clean the room. (Daca speli
vasele, voi curata camera. -> Tu spala vasele si eu curat camera.)

The car is beautiful although it is a little expensive. => The car is beautiful if a little expensive. (Masina este
frumoasa desi este umpic cam scumpa.)
12. The Subjunctive Mood

Subjonctivul este folosit pentru a descrie lucruri sau actiuni care sunt vazute ca fiind nereale, imaginate
sau improbabile. Se traduce in limba romana prin Conjunctiv.

e.g. I wish I were taller.

(As vrea sa fiu mai inalt. - dar nu sunt mai inalt)


o Past Simple (vb.II/-ed)/ Past Continuous (WERE + vb. -ing) ATENTIE: la Subjonctiv
se foloseste WERE pentru toate persoanele

o Past Perfect Simple (had + vb.III/-ed)

o Infinitivul Scurt care este verbul fara TO in fata => to eat (Infinitiv Lung) - eat
(Infinitiv Scurt)

o Should + Infinitiv

Formele Subjonctivului se folosesc dupa anumite expresii fixe sau dupa anumite verbe si adjective.


o Past Simple/ Past Continuous

o Past Perfect Simple

Aceste forme de trecut se folosesc dupa anumite expresii fixe si verbe pentru a descrie actiuni sau lucruri in
prezent, trecut sau viitor care sunt imaginate sau nu sunt reale.

Expresiile fixe si verbele dupa care se folosesc timpurile trecute ("unreal" past) sunt:

If only (daca/ ce-ar fi daca), Would rather (a prefera), Would sooner (a prefera), Its time (e timpul), Its high
time (e timpul), Its about time (e timpul), As if (de parca), As though (de parca), Suppose (sa presupunem),
Supposing (sa presupunem), What if (ce-ar fi daca), Wish (a dori) (vezi grilele 1 si 3)

PAST SIMPLE se foloseste cand ne referim la ceva imaginar, nereal in PREZENT:

e.g. I wish she gave me more money. (As vrea ca ea sa imi dea mai multi bani.)
It's time we went to bed now. (E timpul ca noi sa mergem la culcare acum.)

PAST CONTINUOUS se foloseste cand ne referim la ceva imaginar, nereal in VIITOR:

e.g. I wish you were visiting us tomorrow. (As vrea sa ne vizitezi maine.)

PAST PERFECT se foloseste cand ne referim la ceva nereal din TRECUT:

e.g. I wish I had learned more last year. (As vrea sa fi invatat mai mult anul trecut.)

!!! ATENTIE: nu putem folosi o negatie dupa it's time:

e.g. It's time we didn't stay./ It's time we left. (E timpul sa plecam.)

!!! ATENTIE: in mod normal se foloseste WERE la toate persoanele atunci cand vorbim de situatii formale,
DAR se poate folosi si WAS numai ca in acest caz exprimarea este informala.

e.g. If I were you, I would study more. (Daca as fi in locul tau, as invata mai mult. - formal)

If I was you, I would study more. (Daca as fi in locul tau, as invata mai mult. - informal)

!!! ATENTIE: dupa WISH sau IF ONLY se poate folosi in propozitia secundara WOULD + Verb la Infinitiv
Scurt atunci cand vrem sa criticam sau sa ne plangem de ceva sau cand actiunea ne enerveaza (vezi grila 4):

e.g. I wish she would stop crying because it's getting on my nerves.

(As vrea ca ea sa se opreasca din plans pentru ca ma enerveaza.)

If only the sun would come out. (De-ar iesi soarele.)

I wish they would have told me the truth when I was younger.

(se foloseste WOULD HAVE + VBIII/-ed cand ne referim la trecut) (vezi grila 5)

(As vrea ca ei sa imi fi spus adevarul cand eram mai tanar.)

!!! ATENTIE: nu putem folosi WOULD dupa WISH daca avem acelasi subiect pentru WISH si pentru
actiunea din secundara (vezi grila 6):

e.g. I wish I would be more energetic. (nu se poate pentru ca subiectul lui wish si would este acelasi)

I wish I were more energetic./ I wish I could be more energetic. (As vrea sa fiu/ sa pot sa fiu mai energic.)
!!! ATENTIE: nu se poate folosi WOULD dupa WISH/ IF ONLY daca schimbarea pe care o dorim este
imposibila (de exemplu o situatie asupra careia subiectul nu are nici un control). Schimbarea pe care o dorim
trebuie sa fie posibila chiar daca este improbabila.

e.g. I wish sports cars wouldn't be so expensive. (As vrea ca masinile sport sa nu fie asa de scumpe.)

(Nu este corect pentru ca masinile nu au nici un control asupra pretului lor.)

I wish sports cars weren't so expensive. (As vrea ca masinile sport sa nu fie asa de scumpe.)

!!! ATENTIE: WOULD RATHER si WOULD SOONER se folosesc pentru a exprima preferinte, pentru a
da sau refuza permisiunea intr-un mod politicos sau pentru a face sugestii.

Daca dupa WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER AVEM UN SUBIECT atunci folosim Past (pentru
prezent) sau Past Perfect (pentru trecut). (vezi grila 2)


e.g. I would rather you didn't smoke in here. (As prefera ca tu sa nu fumezi aici.)

He'd sooner we went to the disco tonight. (El ar prefera ca noi sa mergem la discoteca diseara.)

I'd rather they hadn't made so much noise last night. (As prefera ca ei sa nu fi facut atat de mult zgomot
noaptea trecuta.)

Daca dupa WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER NU AVEM UN SUBIECT iar subiectul care exprima
preferinta este ACELASI cu subiectul preferintei atunci folosim Infinitiv Scurt (pentru prezent) si Infinitiv
Perfect Scurt (pentru trecut). (vezi grila 7)

S1 + WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER + Short Infinitive/ Perfect Short Infinitive

I would rather not smoke in here. (As prefera sa nu fumez aici.)

He'd sooner go to the disco tonight. (El ar prefera sa mearga la discoteca diseara.)

I'd rather not have made so much noise last night. (As prefera sa nu fi facut atat de mult zgomot noaptea

Exemple de grile:

1. It's time your brother ... your parents. (E timpul ca fratele tau sa ii ajute pe parintii vostri.)

a) helps
b) will help

c) helped (alegem Past Simple pentru ca avem referire la prezent)

d) must help

2. She would rather her brother ... last month. (Ea ar prefera ca fratele ei sa nu se fi casatorit luna trecuta.)

a) hadn't married (alegem Past Perfect pentru ca avem referire la trecut -> last month)

b) didn't marry

c) hasn't married

d) not have married

3. She behaves as if she ... something I don't know. (Ea se poarta de parca ar sti ceva ce eu nu stiu.)

a) know

b) knew (alegem Past Simple pentru ca avem referire la prezent)

c) will know

d) is knowing

4. She is always talking and Id like her to stop. (Ea vorbeste mereu si mi-ar placea ca ea sa se opreasca.)

a) I wish she would stop talking. (As vrea ca ea sa se opreasca din vorbit.)

b) I wish she had stopped talking.

c) I wish she should stop talking.

d) I wish she stops talking.

(alegem would pentru ca este o actiune care enerveaza in prezent si avem doua subiecte diferite)

5. I wish they ... teasing me when I was a pupil. (Imi doresc ca ei sa se fi oprit din a ma tachina cand eram elev.)

a) would stop

b) might had stopped

c) would have stopped (alegem would have +vb.III/ -ed pentru ca este actiune care enerva in trecut)
d) stopped

6. They wish they ... so much because it is a nuisance. (Ei ar dori sa nu studieze atat de mult pentru ca este o
bataie de cap.)

a) didnt study (alegem Past Simple pentru ca avem referire la prezent)

b) wouldnt study (nu se poate folosi WOULD pentru ca avem ACELASI SUBIECT)

c) hadnt study

d) not study

7. She would sooner ... on a trip last month. (Ea ar prefera sa nu se fi dus intr-o excursie luna trecuta.)

a) not go

b) didn't go

c) hadn't gone

d) not have gone (alegem Infinitiv Perfect Scurt pentru ca nu avem un al doilea subiect si avem referire la trecut
-> last month)

!!!!! ATENTIE: dupa AS IF si AS THOUGH se foloseste Past Simple sau Past Perfect Simple atunci cand
vrem sa spunem ca actiunea NU este reala:

e.g. He talks to the children as though they were stupid. (El le vorbeste copiilor de parca ar fi prosti. - dar nu
sunt prosti)

They are acting as if nothing had happened. (Ei se comporta de parca nimic nu s-ar fi intamplat. - dar ceva
s-a intamplat)

DAR se folosesc timpuri prezente (incluzand Present Perfect) dupa AS IF si AS THOUGH pentru a arata ca
este o posibilitate ca actiunea sa reflecte ceva REAL:

e.g. He sounds as if he knows what he's talking about. (Suna de parca stie ce vorbeste. - si chiar are idee despre
ce vorbeste)

You look as though you haven't eaten for days. (Arati de parca nu ai mancat de zile intregi. - si chiar e
posibil sa nu fi mancat)

De aceea la grila urmatoare asemanatoare cu cea care s-a dat in 2016 la sectiunea drept de la Academia de

Jane is about to cry. It looks as if Jonathan ... her birthday again. (Jane este pe punctul sa planga. Se pare ca
Jonathan a uitat de ziua ei de nastere din nou.)
a) had been forgetting

b) had forgotten

c) has been forgetting

d) has forgotten

raspunsul corect este d) si nu b). Actiunea de a uita s-a intamplat in realitate si de aceea Jane este pe punctul
sa planga. a) si c) nu sunt corecte pentru ca verbul to forget este un verb de gandire si deci nu se pune la aspect
continuu. Dar capcana este la grila b) unde in mod normal s-ar fi folosit Past Perfect dupa AS IF DACA
actiunea nu s-a intamplat in realitate.

It looks as if Jonathan had forgotten her birthday again. -> Arata de parca Jonathan ar fi uitat de ziua ei de
nastere din nou. (dar nu a uitat-o)

It looks as if Jonathan has forgotten her birthday again. -> Se pare ca Jonathan a uitat de ziua ei de nastere din
nou. (si a uitat-o in realitate, de aceea Jane e pe punctul sa planga)


o Short Infinitive

o Should + Short Infinitive

Infinitivil Scurt si Should se folosesc dupa urmatoarele adjective, verbe si substantive pentru a exprima
ideea ca ceva este necesar, important sau dorit.

o Its (este) good (bine)/bad (rau)/ necessary (necesar)/ unnecessary (nenecesar)/ odd (ciudat)/
strange (ciudat)/ amazing (uimitor)/ likely (posibil)/ unlikely (improbabil)/ great (grozav)/
advisable (recomandabil)/ desirable (de dorit)/ important (important)/ essential (esential)/ vital
(vital)/ preferable (preferabil) + THAT + S + Vb. Short Infinitive/ SHOULD + Vb. Short Infinitive
(vezi grila 1)

e.g. It's odd that they should say/ say that. (E ciudat ca ei sa spuna asta.) (referire la prezent)

It's odd that they should have had the same name. (E ciudat ca ei sa fi avut acelasi nume.) (referire la

o It's a shame/ it's a pity + THAT + S + Vb. Short Infinitive/ SHOULD + Vb. Short Infinitive

e.g. It's a pity that he should die/ die. (Ar fi pacat ca el sa moara.)

o Demand (a pretinde)/ request (a cere)/ suggest (a sugera)/ insist (a insista)/ urge (a indemna)/ propose
(a propune)/ ask (a cere)/ advise (a sfatui)/ recommend (a recomanda)+ THAT + S + Vb. Short
Infinitive/ SHOULD + Vb. Short Infinitive (vezi grilele 2 si 4)
e.g. They demand that she tell/ should tell the truth. (Ei cer ca ea sa spuna adevarul.)

o Lest (ca nu cumva sa) + S + should vb. Short Inf./ vb. Short Inf./ might vb. Short Inf -> !!!
ATENTIE: dupa LEST nu se foloseste negatie (vezi grila 6)

e.g. She is studying hard lest she should fail/ fail/ might fail the exam for the Police Academy. (Ea studiaza din
greu ca nu cumva sa pice examenul pentru Academia de Politie.)

o Substantiv (desire/ wish/ suggestion/ proposal/ dream/ etc.)+ THAT + S + Vb. Short Infinitive/
SHOULD + Vb. Short Infinitive (vezi grila 3)

e.g. My proposal, that he be/should be promoted , was rejected. (Propunerea mea ca el sa fie promovat a fost

Her dream, that they promote her, has not become reality. (Visul ei ca ei sa o promoveze nu a devenit

Their demands, that we should give them money, were not met. (Cererile lor ca noi sa le dam bani nu s-au

o Infinitivul Scurt se foloseste si in cereri (vezi grila 7):

e.g. Somebody help me! (Sa vina cineva sa ma ajute!) (dar nimeni nu vine in realitate)

Somebody helps me every day. (Cineva ma ajuta in fiecare zi.) (daca punem -s atunci verbul este la Indicativ
Present Simple si actiunea se intampla in realitate)

Somebody come and get this! (Sa vina cineva sa ia asta!)

o Infinitivul Scurt se mai foloseste intr-o serie de expresii (vezi grila 5):

e.g. Come what may! (Fie ce-o fi!)

So be it! (Asa sa fie!)

School be hanged! (S-o ia naiba de scoala!)

Far be it from me to want to kiss you. (Departe de mine sa vreau sa te sarut.)

Be that as it may. (Chiar daca e asa.)

God bless you! (Dumnezeu sa te binecuvanteze!)

Long live the king! (Traiasca regele!)

Suffice it to say (E de ajuns sa spun ...)

May you have a happy life! (Fie sa ai o viata fericita!)

May the Force be with you! (Forta fie cu tine!)

Heaven forbid! (Doamne fereste!)

If need be. (Daca este necesar.)

o Subjonctivul cu forma de Infinitiv Scurt se foloseste si in If Clauses de tipul I cand avem o conditie

e.g. If it be found so, he'll be punished. (Daca e sa se afle, el va fi pedepsit. - dar nu s-a aflat)

o Subjonctivul cu forma de Infinitiv Scurt se foloseste si in subordonate temporale:

e.g. The tree will wither long before he fall. (Copacul se va vesteji cu mult inainte ca el sa cada.)

Exemple de grile:

1. In future it will be vital that he ... the truth. (In viitor va fi esential ca el sa spuna adevarul.)

a) tells

b) should tell (alegem SHOULD + Infinitivul Scurt pentru ca avem expresia it will be vital)

c) will tell

d) had told

2. The judge insisted that she ... the questions. (Judecatorul a insistat ca ea sa raspunda la intrebari.)

a) answers

b) answered

c) will answer

d) answer (alegem Infinitivul Scurt pentru ca avem verbul insist)

3. Her wish, that he ... her, did not come true in the end. (Dorinta ei ca el sa se casatoreasca cu ea nu s-a implinit
in cele din urma.)

a) marry (alegem Infinitivul Scurt pentru ca avem un substantiv + THAT care introduce o atributiva in acre
actiunea nu este reala)

b) will mary

c) must marry

d) marries

4. Regulations require that civilians ... without a passport. (Regulamentele cer ca persoanele civile sa nu intre
fara pasaport.)
a) not enter (alegem Infinitivul Scurt pentru ca avem verbul require)

b) don't enter

c) hadn't entered

d) won't enter

5. So ...! I will do as you wish. (Asa sa fie! Voi face cum doresti.)

a) it be

b) it may

c) be it (expresia fixa este SO BE IT!)

d) it is

6. They are whispering lest they ... the child. (Ei soptesc ca nu cumva sa trezeasca copilul.)

a) don't wake up

b) shouldn't wake up

c) will wake up

d) should wake up (alegem should wake up pentru ca dupa LEST se pune SHOULD si nu se pune negatie)

7. Someone ... her a helping hand! (Sa ii dea cineva o mana de ajutor!)

a) give (alegem Infinitiv Scurt pentru ca este o cerere - actiunea nu se intampla in realitate)

b) gives

c) will giving

d) gave

!!! ATENTIE: dupa it's a pity/ it's a shame se pot folosi timpuri de la modul Indicativ (de exemplu Present
Perfect) cu conditia ca actiunea sa fie reala si nu o speculatie:

e.g. Its a pity that she hasnt come because she would have enjoyed herself.

(E pacat ca e nu a venit pentru ca s-ar fi distrat.) - (ea nu a venit in realitate)

Dupa Its a pity/ It's a shame se pune SHOULD + Verb Infinitiv Scurt/ Verb Infinitiv Scurt DACA
actiunea nu este reala.

e.g. Its a pity that she should not come/ not come because we would need her help.
(Ar fi pacat ca ea sa nu vina pentru ca am avea nevoie de ajutorul ei.) - (speculatie pentru ceva ce nu s-a

Subjonctivul cu may/ might:

Dupa WISH (a dori) , IT'S POSSIBLE (e posibil), WHOEVER (oricine), WHEREVER (oriunde),
WHENEVER (oricand), WHICHEVER (oricare), WHATEVER (orice) se poate folosi may sau might si
verbul la Infinitiv Scurt.

e.g. He wishes he might have met you. (El isi doreste sa fi fost posibil sa te intalneasca.) (referire la trecut)

Its possible that he may see you. (E posibil ca el sa te vada.) (referire la prezent)

No matter what you say, I wont help you. (Orice ai spune, nu o sa te ajut.)

a) Whatever you should say, I wont help you.

b) Whatever you may say, I wont help you.

c) Whatever you must say, I wont help you.

d) Whatever you say, I wont help you.

o I prefer sleeping to studying in general. (Vb.-ING + TO + Vb. -ING) (aceasta structura se

foloseste atunci cand ne referim in general)

(Prefer sa dorm decat sa invat./ Prefer dormitul invatatului.)

o Id prefer to sleep rather than study today. (Vb. Long Inf. + RATHER THAN + Vb. Short Inf.)
(aceasta structura se foloseste atunci cand ne referim in particular)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat azi.)

o Id rather sleep than study. (referire la prezent) (Vb. Short Inf. + THAN + Vb. Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat.)

o I would rather have slept than (have) studied yesterday. (referire la trecut) (Vb. Perfect Short Inf.
+ THAN + Vb. Perfect Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa fi dormit decat sa fi invatat ieri.)

13. Inversions and Emphatic Structures

Inversiunile se folosesc atunci cand vrem sa accentuam o idee sau o actiune.

Intr-o propozitie afirmativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

S + Aux + Adv + Vb. + ... : e.g. I have never seen her. (Eu nu am vazut-o pe ea niciodata.)

Intr-o propozitie interogativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

Wh-word + Aux + S + Vb. + ...?: e.g. Where have I seen her? (Unde am vazut-o?)

Intr-o inversiune ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este:

Adv + Aux + S + Vb. + ... : e.g. Never have I seen her. (Eu nu am vazut-o pe ea NICIODATA.)

Dupa cum observam topica intr-o inversiune este aceeasi ca cea din intrebari cu singura diferenta ca o
inversiune incepe cu un adverb iar o intrebare incepe cu un cuvant cu WH-.
Inversiunile se pot forma numai cu anumite adverbe si constructii:

Little: He knows little about her. (El stie putin despre ea.) Little does he know about her. (Putin stie el
despre ea.)

Seldom: She seldom spoke. (Ea rareori vorbea.) => Seldom did she speak. (Rareori vorbea ea.)

Rarely: They rarely help us. (Ei rareori ne ajuta.) => Rarely do they help us. (Rareori ne ajuta ei.)

Never: I have never lied in my life. (Eu nu am mintit niciodata in viata mea.) => Never have I lied in my
life. (Niciodata nu am mintit eu in viata mea.)

In vain: We had tried to help her in vain. (Noi incercasem sa o ajutam in zadar.) => In vain had we tried to
help her. (In zadar incercasem sa o ajutam.)

Hardly + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had hardly left when the phone
rang. => Hardly had she left when the phone rang.

Scarcely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had scarcely left when the phone
rang. => Scarcely had she left when the phone rang.

Barely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had barely left when the phone
rang. => Barely had she left when the phone rang.

No sooner + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + THAN + S + P (Past Simple): She had no sooner left than the phone
rang. => No sooner had she left than the phone rang.

(Abia a plecat ea ca a sunat telefonul.)

e.g. Little ... during the party. (A vorbit putin in timpul petrecerii.)

a) did she speak (avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) she spoke (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) she did speak (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

d) she is speaking (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

She had barely finished writing her letter when a storm broke out. (Abia a terminat de scris scrisoarea ca a
izbucnit o furtuna.)

a) Barely she had finished her letter when a storm broke out. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) No sooner she had finished her letter than a storm broke out. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) Barely had she finished her letter than a storm broke out. (barely se foloseste cu when si nu cu than)

d) No sooner had she finished her letter than a storm broke out. (este corect pentru ca avem inversiune si no
sooner se foloseste cu than)
So + adj./adv. + Aux + S + Vb.:

She is so nice that everybody likes her. (Ea este atat de draguta ca toata lumea o place.) So nice is she
that everybody likes her. (Atat de draguta este ea ca toata lumea o place.)

She spoke so well that we were amazed. (Ea a vorbit atat de bine ca am fost uimiti.) => So well did she speak
that we were amazed. (Atat de bine a vorbit ea ca am fost uimiti.)

Not only + Aux + S + Vb. , but also ... (nu numai... ci si ...)

She is not only nice but also beautiful. (Ea este nu numai draguta ci si frumoasa.) => Not only is she nice but
also beautiful. (Nu numai este ea draguta ci si frumoasa.)

e.g. They are so busy that they have no time for visits. (Ei sunt atat de ocupati ca nu au timp de vizite.)

a) So busy they are that they have no time for visits. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) So busy were they that they have no time for visits. (avem inversiune dar timpul verbului nu este bun)

c) So busy are they that they have no time for visits. (Atat de ocupati sunt ei ca nu au timp de vizite.) (avem
inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect iar verbul este la timpul prezent)

d) So busy have they been that they have no time for visits. (avem inversiune dar timpul verbului nu este bun)

Expresiile: On no account (sub nici o forma), Under no circumstances (in nici un caz), In no way (in nici un
fel) se pot pune in fata propozitiei si sunt urmate de verbe modale (must, should, can, could, be to) + S + verb

You mustnt lie under any circumstances. (Nu ai voie sa minti in nici un caz.) => Under no circumstances
must you lie. (In nici un caz nu ai voie sa minti.)

She shouldnt come on any account. (Ea nu ar trebui sa vina sub nici o forma.) => On no account should she
come. (Sub nici o forma nu ar trebui sa vina.)

They should not steal in any way. (Ei nu ar trebui sa fure in nici un fel.) => In no way are they to steal.
(In nici un fel nu trebuie ei sa fure.)

e.g. He shouldnt swear in front of her under any circumstances. (El nu ar trebui sa injure in fata ei in nici un

a) Under any circumstances should he swear in front of her.

b) Under no circumstances he should swear in front of her.

c) Under no circumstances should he swear in front of her.

d) Under no circumstances shouldnt he swear in front of her.

!! Atentie: in propozitia initiala negatia este la verbul modal si expresiile au ANY in ele (e.g. under any
circumstances) dar cand punem expresia in fata, negatia de la verbul modal il inlocuieste pe ANY si
astfel avem under NO circumstances, on NO account, in NO way.

!!! Should poate fi folosit idiomatic cu: "who" (cine), "where" (unde), "what" (ce) in expresii care exprima

e.g. I open the door and who should I see there but Tom. (Deschid usa si pe cine vad acolo, pe Tom.)

e.g. And in the middle of the forest come across but this enormous bear. (Si in mijlocul padurii peste ce dau,
peste un urs imens.)

a) what I should

b) what should I

c) what I might

d) what might I

SUCH urmat de verbul TO BE si apoi de Subiect (exprimat printr-un substantiv) poate fi folosit pentru a
accentua pe o idee:

S + TO BE + SO GREAT+THAT + Clause => SUCH + TO BE + NOUN + THAT + Clause

The power of the storm was so great that all the trees were down. (Puterea furtunii a fost asa de
mare, ca toti copacii erau cazuti.)

Such was the power of the storm that all the trees were down. (Atat de mare a fost puterea
furtunii, ca toti copacii erau cazuti.)

e.g. Her fear of darkness was so great that she always slept with the light on. (Frica ei de intuneric era atat de
mare, ca dormea intotdeauna cu lumina aprinsa.)

a) Such her fear of darkness was that she always slept with the light on. (nu avem inversiune, trebuie TO
BE imediat dupa SUCH)

b) Such great her fear of darkness was that she always slept with the light on. (nu se pune such great ci
numai SUCH)

c) Such was her fear of darkness that she always slept with the light on. (Atat de mare era frica ei de
intuneric, ca dormea intotdeauna cu lumina aprinsa.)

d) Such was she afraid of darkness that she always slept with the light on. (nu se foloseste subiect si
predicat ci TO BE + substantiv)
Uneori se schimba topica in fraza si propozitia secundara trece inaintea propozitiei principale. In acest caz
propozitia secundara introdusa prin: only when (doar cand)/ only then (doar atunci)/ only after (doar
dupa)/ only by + vb.-ing (doar facand ceva)/ only if (doar daca)/ not until (pana cand) este urmata de o
virgula iar INVERSIUNEA apare in PROPIZITIA PRINCIPALA, adica in a doua parte a frazei.

Main Clause / Secondary Clause Secondary Clause / Main Clause

I will not come /until you ask me to. Not until you ask me to,/ will I come.

(Nu o sa vin pana nu ma rogi.) -> (Pana nu ma rogi, nu o sa vin.)

They will not leave /if you dont help them. Only if you help them, /will they leave.

(Ei nu vor pleca daca nu ii ajuti.) -> (Doar daca ii ajuti, vor pleca ei.)

e.g. You can pass the exam only by studying hard. (Poti trece examenul doar studiind din greu.)

a) Only by studying hard you can pass the exam. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) Only by studying hard can you pass the exam. (Doar studiind din greu, poti trece examenul.)

c) Only by studying hard cant you pass the exam. (avem negatie la can)

d) Only by study hard can you pass the exam. (only by este urmat de un verb cu -ing)

AS (ca) este urmat de Verb Auxiliar, care trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala, si

S + P + AS + Aux. + S

She was very happy /as were all the others. (Ea era foarte fericita, asa cum erau toti ceilalti.)

He lied to me /as did you. (El m-a mintit, asa cum ai facut-o si tu./ El m-a mintit, ca si tine.)

e.g. She will help you with your homework as ... . (Ea te va ajuta cu tema ca si mine.)

a) Can I (auxiliarul nu este acelasi ca cel al verbului din propozitia principala)

b) I will (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) Would I (auxiliarul nu este acelasi ca cel al verbului din propozitia principala)

d) Will I (avem inversiune si acelasi auxiliar ca cel din PP)

SO (si) este urmat de Verb Auxiliar, care trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala, si

S + P + SO + Aux + S

I love her and so do you. (Eu o iubesc si la fel si tu.)

They have left early and so has she. (Ei au plecat devreme si la fel si ea.)

He hated me and so did his parents. (El ma ura si la fel si parintii lui.)

!!!!! Atentie: daca dupa SO nu avem inversiune ci avem S + P atunci se schimba sensul si inseamna ca esti
de acord cu ceea ce s-a spus.

You are sitting on my hat. (Stai pe palaria mea.)

So am I. (Si eu la fel.) (daca facem inversiune, spunem ca si noi facemi acelasi lucru)

So I am. (Asa este, ai dreptate) (daca nu facem inversiune, inseamna ca suntem de acord cu ceea ce s-a

In expresiile cu either si neither ordinea in propozitie este urmatoarea:

S + P + AND + NEITHER + AUX Positive + S (si nici ...)

They didnt like him and neither did I. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)

S + P + AND + S + AUX NEG. + EITHER (si nici ...)

They didnt like him and I didnt either. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)

!! Atentie: Verbul Auxiliar, trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala.

In Conditionale inversiunea se face inlocuind IF cu SHOULD la tipul I si WERE la tipul II si III. Tipul III
mai poate inlocui IF cu HAD.

Type 1. IF + S + SHOULD + VB. INF. ... => SHOULD + S + Vb. INF. ...

If I should meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune
vestile.) =>

Should I meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.)
Type 2. IF + S + PAST SIMPLE + ... => WERE + S + LONG INFINITIVE + ...

If I saw her there, I would be surprised. (Daca as vedea-o aici, as fi surprins.)

If I were to see her there, I would be surprised. (PAST SIMPLE se transforma in WERE + Long

Were I to see her there, I would be surprised.

Tipul 3 de conditionala face inversiunea in doua feluri:

Type 3. IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => HAD + S + Vb. III/ -ED + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

Had I seen him, I would have talked with him.

If + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => WERE + S + PERFECT INFINITIVE (to have + Vb. III/ -ed) + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

If I were to have seen him, I would have talked with him. (Past Perfect se transforma in WERE + TO
HAVE + Vb. III/ -ED)

Were I to have seen him, I would have talked with him.

In limba engleza ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este fixa si nu se poate schimba. De aceea atunci cand se
produce o schimbare de topica in propozitie, aceasta suna diferit acest lucru fiind folosit pentru
accentuarea pe idee.

Daca incepem propozitia cu un adverb de loc urmat de predicat si subiect (lucru numit fronting in limba
engleza) atunci se accentueaza pe idee:

S + P + Adv. de loc => Adv. de loc + P + S

Three policemen came into the room. (Trei politisti au intrat in camera.) => Into the room came three
policemen. (In camera au intrat trei politisti.)

Adverbele se pot folosi pentru accentuare in felul urmator:

Adverbele: in/ out/ up/ down/ round/ over/ back/ forward/ away sunt urmate de Pronume + Predicat

e.g. Away you go! (Du-te!/ Pleaca!)

Off you go! (Du-te!/ Pleaca!)

In he came. (Inauntru a intrat!)

He got tired of the misery in his town, /so away he went to find a better future. (El s-a saturat de nefericirea din
orasul lui asa ca dus a fost sa gaseasca un viitor mai bun.)

Adverbele: in/ out/ up/ down/ round/ over/ back/ forward/ away sunt urmate de Predicat + Substantiv

e.g. Away went the dog! (Dus a fost cainele!)

In came Tim. (Inauntru a intrat Tim!)

Down fell the apples. (Jos au cazut merele!)

Emphatic Structures

Propozitiile emfatice in limba engleza se folosesc pentru a scoate in evidenta partea de propozitie pe care vrei sa
accentuezi. O propozitie normala cu un subiect si un predicat se divide in doua propozitii, fiecare cu subiectul si
predicatul ei.

O propozitie - Doua propozitii

Mary broke the vase. It was Mary /who broke the vase./

(Mary a spart vaza.) - (A fost Mary cea care a spart vaza.)

!!! Atentie:

Who (care/ cine) se foloseste pentru oameni

Which (care) se foloseste pentru animale, plante sau lucruri

That (care) se foloseste pentru animale, plante, lucruri sau oameni

Whose (a/ al caruia, careia/ ale carora - genitiv) se foloseste pentru posesie

Where (unde) se foloseste pentru locatie

When (cand) se foloseste pentru timp

Propozitiile emfatice incep intotdeauna cu IT si sunt urmate de verbul TO BE + partea de propozitie pe care
vrei sa accentuezi + who/ which/ whose/ that/ where/ when + restul propozitiei.

IT + TO BE + Cuvant accentuat + THAT/ WHO/ WHICH/ WHOSE/ WHERE/ WHOM + ...

Tim took his sister to a party on Sunday. (Tim a dus-o pe sora lui la o petrecere duminica.)


Accentuare pe Subiect: It was Tim that/who took his sister to a party on Sunday. (A fost
Tim cel care a dus-o pe sora lui la o petrecere duminica.)

Accentuare pe complementul indirect: It was his sister that/who Tim took to a party on Sunday. (A fost sora
lui cea pe care Tim a dus-o la o petrecere duminica.)

Accentuare pe adverbul de loc: It was to a party that/where Tim took his sister on Sunday. (A fost la o
petrecere unde Tim a dus-o pe sora lui duminica.)

Accentuare pe adverbul de timp: It was on Sunday that/when Tim took his sister to a party. (A fost
duminica cand Tim a dus-o pe sora lui la o petrecere.)

!! Atentie: aceasta constructie merge pentru toate partile de propozitie mai putin pentru predicat.

!!Atentie: THAT se poate folosi pentru toate partile de propozitie

Pentru accentuarea pe actiune (predicat) se foloseste o structura care incepe intotdeauna cu WHAT urmat de
Subiect si verbul TO DO + TO BE + Verb Infinitiv (scurt sau lung)

WHAT + S + DO (do sta la acelasi timp cu verbul initial) + TO BE + Vb. INFINITIVE + ...

Accentuare pe predicat: What Tim did was (to) take his sister to a party on Sunday. (Ce a facut Tim a fost sa
o duca pe sora lui la o petrecere duminica.)


Alte cuvinte care se pot scoate in fata pentru accentuare sunt what/ all/ this/ that/ the thing urmate de S + P +
verbul TO BE:

What we are /is happy. (Ceea ce suntem noi e ca suntem fericiti.)

What she is /is stupid. (Ceea ce este ea e proasta.)

In aceste doua cazuri se intalnesc doua verbe TO BE. Primul este predicatul pentru prima propozitie care la
randul ei devine subiect pentru a doua propozitie. A doua propozitie are IS/ WAS ca predicat tot timpul.

All we need is love. (Tot ce avem nevoie este dragoste.)

What I want is money. (Ceea ce vreau sunt bani.)

The thing I need is love. (Lucrul de care am nevoie este dragoste.)

SAU: This/ That/ These/ Those + TO BE + WH-word/ the thing(s) + S + P:

This is what I want. (Asta este ce vreau.)

That is where you fail. (Asta este unde gresesti.)

That is the thing which bothers me. (Acela este lucrul care me deranjeaza.)

Those are the things he loves. (Acelea sunt lucrurile pe care le iubeste.)

Urmatoarele cuvinte se pot folosi emfatic de asemenea: whatsoever (catusi de putin)/ whoever (oricine)/
whatever (orice)/ whyever (oare de ce)

e.g. Whatever happened to her, do you know? (Ce s-o fi intamplat cu ea, sti cumva?)

I am in no mood to help her whatsoever. (Nu am chef sa o ajut catusi de putin.)

14. The Infinitive, The Gerund & the Participial Constructions


Formele Infinitivului sunt:

Diateza Activa:

Infinitiv: to ask (a intreba)

Infinitiv Continuu: to be asking (a intreba)

Infinitiv Perfect : to have asked (a fi intrebat)

Infinitiv Perfect Continuu: to have been asking (a fi intrebat)

Diateza Pasiva:

Infinitiv: to be asked (a fi intrebat)

Infinitiv Perfect: to have been asked (a fi fost intrebat)

Infinitivul este folosit:

- pentru a exprima un scop folosind: so as to/ in order to (ca sa), to Infinitiv: e.g. You are studying to pass/ so
as to pass/ in order to pass the exam. (Tu inveti ca sa treci examenul.)

- dupa: happy (fericit), glad (bucuros), sorry (scuze), good (bine), delighted (incantat), loath (potrivnic),
etc. e.g. I am glad to meet you. (Sunt bucuros sa te intalnesc.)

- dupa: would like (mi-ar placea)/ would love (as iubi)/ would prefer (as prefera) pentru a arata o preferinta
specifica: eg. I would prefer to watch TV tonight. (As prefera sa ma uit la televizor diseara.)

- dupa constructii cu too/enough: e.g. I havent studied enough to pass this exam. (Nu am invatat destul ca sa
trec examenul.)/ This is too difficult to do. (Asta este prea dificil de facut.)

- in constructia: it+be+adjectiv (+ of + substantiv/ pronume): e.g. It was nice of you to help me. (A fost dragut
din partea ta sa ma ajuti.)

- cu so + adjectiv + as: e.g. Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? (Sunteti atat de amabil sa imi spuneti
cat este ceasul?)

- cu only pentru a arata un rezultat nesatisfacator: e.g. She worked hard only to realise her life was
passing by. (Ea a muncit din greu doar ca sa-si dea seama ca ii trecea viata.)

- dupa: be + the first/second/next/last/best (a fi primul/ al doilea/ urmatorul/ ultimul/ cel mai bun): e.g. He
was the last to leave. (El a fost ultimul plecat.)

- dupa: to be + superlativ si dupa can't bear (nu pot sa suport): e.g. He is the best man to ever cross my path.
(El este cel mai bun om pe care l-am intalnit. (lit. care mi-a trecut in cale)/ I can't bear to live like that. (Nu pot sa
suport sa traiesc asa.))

- in constructia: for + substantiv/pronume + to-Inf.: e.g. This is for you to say. (Asta este pentru tine sa
spui.)/Its time for her to go to bed. (E timpul ca ea sa mearga la culcare.)

- in expresii ca: to be honest (sa fiu onest), to tell you the truth (sa-ti spun adevarul), to begin with (sa incep
cu), etc.: e.g. To be honest, I dont like whats happening here. (Sa fiu honest, nu imi place ce se intampla aici.)

- dupa verbele: appear (a aparea), agree (a fi de acord), decide (a decide), expect (a se astepta), hope (a
spera), plan (a planui), promise (a promite), refuse (a refuza), prove (a dovedi), seem (a parea), turn out (a
se dovedi) etc. : She appears to be healthy. (Ea pare sa fie sanatoasa)/ We were expected to have told a lie. (Se
asteptau ca noi sa fi spus o minciuna.)

- dupa TO BE TO (trebuie): e.g. She is to arrive tomorrow. (Ea trebuie sa soseasca maine.)/ She was to have
been awarded a prize, but she refused it. (Urma sa i se fi acordat un premiu, dar l-a refuzat.) !!! Atentie: was/
were to have + Vb. III/ -ed este o constructie care la fel ca Past Continuous si Past Perfect Simple arata o
actiune care nu s-a mai facut/ materializat: e.g. She was to have phoned me, but she forgot.(Urma sa ma sune,
dar a uitat.)/ She was phoning me, but she forgot. (Voia sa ma sune, dar a uitat.)/ She had hoped to phone me,
but she couldn't. (Sperase sa ma sune, dar nu a putut.)

-in constructia numita Acuzativ + Infinitiv: S + P + Substantiv/pronume in Acuzativ (me/you/ him/her/ it/ us/
them) + vb. Infinitiv

e.g. I want her to tell a lie. (Vreau ca ea sa spuna o minciuna.)

Aceasta constructie este ceruta de urmatoarele grupe de verbe:

- verbe de perceptie: feel (a simti), hear (a auzi), notice (a observa), observe (a observa), perceive (a percepe),
see (a vedea), watch (a privi) + Vb. la Infinitiv Scurt

e.g. They watch us clean the room. (Ei ne-au privit cum curatam camera.)

- verbe cauzative: have (a avea), make (a face), set (a lasa/ a pune), force (a forta), put ( a pune), let (a lasa)
+ Vb. la Infinitiv Scurt

e.g. They made him take the exam. (Ei au insistat ca el sa dea examenul.)

- verbe care exprima dorinta sau intentia: choose (a alege), desire (a dori), intend (a intentiona), mean (a
insemna), wish (a dori), want (a vrea) +Vb. Infinitiv Lung

e.g. They wanted me to be a teacher. (Ei doreau ca eu sa fiu profesor.)

- verbe de gandire: believe (a crede), consider (a considera), expect (a se astepta), imagine (a imagina), know
(a sti), suppose (a presupune), think (a gandi), understand (a intelege), trust (a avea incredere) + Vb. Infinitiv

e.g. They expect her to arrive soon. (Ei se asteapta ca ea sa soseasca in curand.)

- verbe care exprima sentimente: like (a placea), dislike (a displacea), love (a iubi), prefer (a prefera), hate
(a urai) + Vb. Infinitiv Lung (aceasta constructie arata sentimente pentru actiune particulara)

e.g. I dislike him to drive like this. (Imi displace ca el conduce asa.)

!!! Atentie: daca dupa aceste verbe care arata sentimente punem un verb- ing (Gerund) atunci aratam un
sentiment in general

e.g. I dislke driving. (Imi displace sa conduc - in general)

- verbe care exprima ordine, permisiuni sau cereri: allow (a permite), ask (a intreba/ a ruga), command (a
comanda), demand (a pretinde), order (a ordona), require (a cere), beg (a implora), propose (a propune), urge
(a indemna), insist (a insista), request (a cere) + Vb. Infinitiv Lung

e.g. She allowed him to go to the party. (Ea i-a permis lui sa mearga la petrecere.)

He demanded them ... the truth. (El a cerut ca ei sa spuna adevarul.)

a) to tell

b) should tell
c) tell

d) telling

!!! Atentie: verbele din ultima grupa pot fi folosite si ca verbe care cer Subjonctivul dupa ele, dar atunci ele
sunt urmate de THAT + S + Should + Vb. Inf. Scurt/ Verb Infinitiv Scurt si nu de un pronume + Verb
Infinitiv Lung. Comparati:

He demanded THAT she should arrive early. (El a cerut ca ea sa vine devreme.) -> Modul Subjonctiv

He demanded HER to arrive early. (El a cerut ca ea sa vina devreme.) -> Acuzativ + Infinitiv


Gerundul este un verb urmat de terminatia -ing. Formele gerundului sunt:

Diateza Activa:

Indefinite Gerund: Do you mind my smoking ? (Te deranjeaza fumatul meu?/ Te deranjeaza daca fumez?)

Perfect Gerund: I regret having said that. (Regret ca am spus asta.)

Diateza Pasiva:

Indefinite Gerund: I look forward to being given more money by my father. (Astept cu nerabdare sa mi se dea
mai muti bani de catre tatal meu.)

Perfect Gerund: He disliked having been helped by his parents. (I-a displacut faptul ca a fost ajutat de parintii

!!! Atentie: Gerundul se poate traduce si ca substantiv si ca verb deoarece el poate sa fie precedat de un
adjectiv posesiv sau de un substantiv care arata posesia DAR in acelasi timp un gerund este urmat de un
adverb ca toate verbele.

e.g. I dislike Tom's driving. (Imi displace condusul lui Tom./ Imi displace cum conduce Tom.)

I look forward to her coming back. (Astept cu nerabdare intoarcerea ei./ Astept cu nerabdare ca ea sa se

I regret shouting loudly. (Regret ca am strigat tare.)

I. Gerundul este folosit dupa urmatoarele expresii si verbe:

- to look forward to (a astepta cu nerabdare) + vb. ing

- in addition to (pe langa asta/ in plus)

e.g. I look forward ... you. (Astept cu nerabdare sa te vad.)

a) to seeing

b) to see

c) seeing

d) to be seen

- to get used to (a se obisnui cu)

- to get accustomed to (a se obisnui cu)

- to be used to (a fi obisnuit cu)

- to be accustomed to (a fi obisnuit cu)

e.g. They are accustomed ... early in the morning. (Ei sunt obisnuiti sa se scoale devreme dimineata.)

a) waking up

b) to waking up

c) to wake up

d) wake up

They used to ... to work by bus. (Ei obisnuiau sa mearga la lucru cu autobuzul.) => used to + Vb. Inf. =
obisnuia sa

a) Go

b) Going

c) Having gone

d) Being gone

They are used to ... to work by bus. (Ei sunt obisnuiti sa mearga la lucru cu autobuzul.) => be used to
+Vb.-ing = a fi obisnuit cu
a) Go

b) Going

c) Gone

d) Being gone

- to prevent from (a impiedica sa) e.g. He prevented her from killing herself. (El a impiedicat-o
sa se sinucida.)

- to insist on (a insista)

- to go on (a continua)

- to disapprove of (a dezaproba)

- to approve of (a aproba)

- to accuse of (a acuza de)

- whats the use of (ce rost are) e.g. Whats the use of studying so much? (Ce rost are sa inveti atat
de mult?)

- to be afraid of (a-i fi teama de)

- to be prone to (a avea tendinta sa)

- to be mistaken in (a gresi)

- to be wrong in (a nu avea dreptate)

- to have difficulty (in) (a avea dificultati/ probleme sa) e.g. They have difficulty (in) learning
poems. (Ei au dificultate sa invete poezii.)

- there is no point in (nu are rost sa)

- to succeed in (a reusi)

- to take pride in (a se mandri cu)

- to be good at (a fi bun la ceva)

- to be bad at ( a nu fi bun la ceva)

- to be worth (a merita) e.g. This book is really worth reading. (Cartea chiar merita sa fie

- to be busy (a fi ocupat)

- cant stand (nu pot sa suport) e.g. I cant stand looking at you. (Nu pot sa suport sa ma uit
la tine.)

- cant help (nu pot sa ma abtin)

- do you fancy (ai chef sa)

- how about (ce-ar fi sa) e.g. How about going in the park tomorrow? (Ce-ar fi sa
mergem in parc maine?)

- what about (ce-ar fi sa)

- its no use (nu are rost)

- there is no (nu se poate ...) e.g. There is no telling what will happen. (Nu se poate spune ce se
va intampla.)

- as well as (ca si)

- feel like (a avea chef sa)

- to object to (a obiecta)

- to admit to (a recunoaste/ a admite) e.g. He admitted to stealing her bag. (El a admis ca i-a
furat geanta.)

- to take to doing something (a se apuca de)

My sister has taken ... to the cinema every weekend. (Sora mea a inceput sa se duca la cinema in fiecare

a) Going

b) To go

c) To going

d) Go

- have trouble (a avea probleme)

- have a hard time (a-i fi greu sa) e.g. She had a hard time learning at history. (Ei i-a fost
greu sa invete la istorie.)

- have a difficult time (a-i fi greu)

- anticipate (a anticipa)

- appreciate (a aprecia)

- avoid (a evita)

- allow (in general - a permite) e.g. They dont allow smoking in the public places. (Ei nu permit
sa se fumeze in locuri publice.)

- consider (a considera) e.g. Would you consider coming for dinner? (Ai lua in considerare sa vii
la cina?)

- continue (a continua)

- delay (a intarzia)

- deny (a nega) e.g. He denied seeing her in town. (El a negat ca a vazut-o in oras.)

- discuss (a discuta)

- detest (a detesta)

- escape (a scapa)

- excuse (a se scuza) e.g. Please excuse my being late. (Va rog sa ma scuzati ca am intarziat.)

- explain (a explica)

- fancy (a avea chef)

- finish (a termina)

- forgive (a ierta) e.g. If youd forgive my interrupting you, Id like to say a few words. (Daca ma
iertati ca va intrerup, as vrea sa spun cateva cuvinte.)

- imagine (a-si imagina)

- involve (a implica) e.g. She kept telling him what to do. (Ea a continuat sa ii spuna ca sa faca.)

- keep (a continua)

- mean (a insemna)

- mention (a mentiona)

- mind (a deranja)

- miss (a-i lipsi/ a-i fi dor)

- need (a avea nevoie) e.g. The roof needs mending. (Acoperisul are nevoie sa fie reparat.)

!!! Atentie: need + verb-ing se poate reformula cu o constructie la Diateza Pasiva la Infinitiv: to be +
Vb. III/ -ed

The roof needs mending. (Acoperisul are nevoie de reparatie.) => The roof needs to be mended.
(Acoperisul are nevoiesa fie reparat.)

- pardon (a ierta)

- postpone (a amana) e.g. They postponed paying us a visit last week. (Ei au amanat sa ne faca o
vizita saptamana trecuta.)

- put off (a amana)

- practise (a exersa)

- quit (a renunta)

- recall (a-si aminti)

- recollect (a-si aminti)

- report (a raporta)

- resent (a detesta)

- resist (a rezista)

- risk (a risca) e.g. I would never risk being killed. (Nu as risca niciodata sa fiu ucis.)

- save (a salva/ a economisi)

- stand (a sta)
- suggest (a sugera)

- spend (a petrece) e.g. You spend too much time sleeping. (Petreci prea mult timp dormind.)

- understand (a intelege)

- waste (a risipi)

- like (a placea), detest (a detesta), enjoy (a se bucura), dislike (a displacea), hate (a uri), love (a
iubi), loathe (a dispretui), dread (a-i fi groaza): aceste verbe se folosesc cu Gerund atunci cand
vorbim in general.

e.g. I dislike her to take my clothes for this party. (referire in particular -> Imi displace ca ea imi ia
hainele pentru petrecerea asta.)

I dislike others/ people/ my sisters/ her taking my clothes. (referire in general -> Imi displace ca
altii/ oamenii/ surorile mele/ ea sa imi ia hainele.)

II. Gerundul se foloseste dupa prepozitii: after (dupa), without (fara), as (ca), since (din/ de), upon (cand),
on (pe/ cand), before (inainte), by +vb. -ing (facand o actiune), etc.

After his leaving, I called my mother. -> After he left, I called my mother. (Dupa ce a plecat, am sunat-o pe

On seeing that, he laughed. -> When he saw that, he laughed. (Cand a vazut asta, el a ras.)

After meeting her, I decided to tell her the truth. (Dupa ce am intalnit-o, am decis sa ii spun adevarul.)

By studying hard, you will pass the exam. (Studiind din greu, vei trece examenul.)

On hearing the news, she fainted. (Auzind stirile/ cand a auzit stirile, ea a lesinat)

I said that without realising he was present. (Am spus asta fara sa imi dau seama ca el era prezent.)

Daca dupa verbele de perceptie (see, hear, watch, etc.) folosim constructia Acuzativ+Inf., atunci inseamna ca
toata actiunea a fost vazuta/ auzita, etc.

I saw her cry. (Am vazut-o plangand. - de la inceput pana cand s-a oprit din plans)

Daca dupa verbele de perceptie (see, hear, watch, etc.) folosim un verb -ing, atunci inseamna ca doar o parte
din actiune a fost vazuta/ auzita, etc.

I saw her crying. (Am vazut-o plangand. - doar o parte din actiune)
I was there and I saw her ... the ring and put it in the bag. (Am fost acolo si am vazut-o cand a furat inelul si l-a
pus in geanta. - am vazut toata actiunea de a fura)

a) Stealing

b) Steal

c) To steal

d) Stolen

Exista o serie de verbe care sunt urmate si de Gerund si de Infinitiv dar cu schimbare de sens:

REMEMBER (a-si aminti)

Daca dupa remember se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca iti aduci aminte de ceva din trecut:

e.g. I remember seeing her yesterday. (Imi amintesc ca am vazut-o ieri.)

Daca dupa remember se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca trebuie sa iti amintesti sa faci ceva in viitor:

e.g. I have to remember to buy her flowers tomorrow. (Trebuie sa imi amintesc sa ii cumpar flori maine.)

e.g. I must remember ... some cake next week. (Trebuie sa imi amintesc ca aduc niste prajitura
saptamana viitoare.)

a) bringing

b) to bringing

c) to bring

d) having brought

FORGET (a uita)

Daca dupa forget se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca ai uitat de ceva din trecut:

e.g. I won't forget talking to him for the first time. (Nu voi uita ca i-am vorbit pentru prima oara.)

Daca dupa forget se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca uiti ceva ce urmeaza in viitor:

e.g. I forgot to talk to him the next day. (Am uitat sa vorbesc cu el ziua urmatoare.)

e.g. Oh, I forgot ... bread, now I have to go out again. (Oh, am uitat sa cumpar paine, acum trebuie sa ies

a) to buy
b) buying

c) having bought

d) to buying

GO ON (a continua)

Daca dupa go on se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca actiunea continua fara intrerupere:

e.g. She went on talking for hours on end. (Ea a continuat sa vorbeasca ore in sir.)

Daca dupa go on se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca actiunea continua dupa o intrerupere sau ca ceva s-a
terminat si se continua cu altceva:

e.g. First she talked about America and then she went on to talk about England. (La inceput a vorbit despre
America si apoi a continuat sa vorbeasca despre Anglia.)

I finished writing one letter and then I went on to write another. (Am terminat de scris o scrisoare si apoi
am continuat sa scriu alta.)

e.g. After a 10-minute break the committee went on ... the days agenda. (Dup o pauza de zece minute
comitetul a continuat sa discute agenda zilei.)

a) discussing

b) to discuss

c) being discussed

d) to have discussed

REGRET (a regreta)

Daca dupa regret se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca regreti ceva facut in trecut:

e.g. I regret talking like that to you yesterday. (Regret ca ti-am vorbit asa ieri.)

Daca dupa regret se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca dai o veste proasta:

e.g. I regret to tell you that you have failed the exam. (Regret sa iti spun ca ai picat examenul.)

e.g. Now I regret ... her all my secrets. (Acum regret ca i-am spus toate secretele mele.)

a) to tell

b) to have told

c) being told
d) telling

STOP (a se opri)

Daca dupa stop se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca actiunea a incetat sa mai fie facuta total:

e.g. I stopped smoking 5 years ago. (M-am lasat de fumat acum cinci ani.)

Daca dupa stop se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca te opresti cu scopul de a face ceva:

e.g. I stopped to smoke and then I continued my work. (M-am oprit ca sa fumez si pe urma mi-am continuat

e.g. We stopped ... food on the way home and then we called you. (Ne-am oprit ca sa cumparam
maincare in drum spre casa si pe urma te-am sunat.)

a) buying

b) to buy (cu scopul sa cumparam)

c) having bought

d) to buying

TRY (a incerca)

Daca dupa try se pune Gerund atunci inseamna ca faci o incercare sau un experiment:

e.g. I tried taking an aspirin for the headache to see if it would pass. (Am incercat sa iau o aspirina pentru
durerea de cap sa vad daca o sa treaca.)

Daca dupa try se pune Infinitiv atunci inseamna ca faci un efort:

e.g. I tried to talk to her but in vain. (I made an effort) (Am incercat sa vorbesc cu ea/ Am facut un efort sa
vorbesc cu ea, dar in zadar.)

e.g. The flashlight wont work anymore. Try ... new batteries, maybe it will work then. (Lanterna nu mai
merge. Incearca sa pui baterii noi, poate o sa mearga iar.)

a) putting in

b) to put in

c) to putting in

d) having to putting in

MEAN (a insemna)
Daca dupa mean se pune Gerund arati ce implica/ presupune situatia:

e.g. Being accepted at the Police Academy means studying a lot. (Sa fi acceptat la Academia de Politie
inseamna/ presupune sa inveti mult.)

Daca dupa mean se pune Infinitiv arati o intentie sa faci ceva:

e.g. I meant to call you. (Am intentionat sa te sun.)

e.g. We need more money which means ... extra hours. (Avem nevoie de mai multi bani ceea ce
inseamna/ presupune sa muncim mai multe ore.)

a) to work

b) having worked

c) working

d) to have been working

HATE (a uri)

Daca dupa hate se pune Gerund arati ca iti pare rau pentru ceea ce faci pe moment:

e.g. I hate causing you so much trouble. (Urasc ca iti cauzez atatea probleme.)

Daca dupa hate se pune Infinitiv arati ca urasti ceea ce urmeaza sa faci:

e.g. I hate to interrupt you, but could you give me a hand with this? (Urasc ca trebuie sa te intrerup, dar ai
putea sa ma ajuti cu asta?)

e.g. I hate ... you this, but you are bad at math. (Urasc sa iti spun asta, dar nu esti bun la matematica.)

a) telling

b) having told

c) to be told

d) to tell

WANT (a vrea)

Daca dupa want se pune Gerund arati ce este nevoie sa fie facut(are nuanta de Diateza Pasiva):

e.g. This house wants painting. (Casa aceasta are nevoie sa fie vopsita.)

Daca dupa want se pune Infinitiv arati ce vrei sa faci:

e.g. I want to stop playing computer games. (Vreau sa ma opresc sa mai joc jocuri pe calculator.)
e.g. Your room wants ... . (Camera ta are nevoie sa fie ordonata.)

a) tidying up

b) to tidy up

c) tidy up

d) to be tidying up

BE SORRY (a-i parea rau)

Daca dupa be sorry se pune Gerund inseamna ca iti ceri scuze pentru ceva sau iti pare rau de ceva ce ai

e.g. She was sorry for being so mean to you. (Ea s-a scuzat/ Ei i-a parut rau pentru ca a fost asa de rea cu

Daca dupa be sorry se pune Infinitiv exprimi regret pentru ceva rau care s-a intamplat:

e.g. I am sorry to tell you that your request has been declined. (Regret sa va spun ca cererea dumneavoastra
a fost respinsa.)

e.g. We are sorry ... you that your flight has been cancelled. (Ne pare rau sa va anuntam ca zborul
dumneavoastra a fost anulat.)

a) for announce

b) to announce

c) announcing

d) to be announced

Urnatoarele verbe pot fi urmate si de to-infinitive si de gerund fara schimbare de sens:

-Begin (a incepe), continue (a continua), intend (a intentiona), start (a incepe):

e.g. He began speaking/ to speak. (El a inceput sa vorbeasca.)

!!! Atentie: nu folositi doua forme cu -ing impreuna: He is beginning speaking beginning to speak. (El
incepe sa vorbeasca.)

-Advise (a sfatui), allow (a permite), encourage (a incuraja), permit (a permite), require (a cere):

e.g. She doesnt allow them to talk during the exam. (Ea nu le permite sa vorbeasca in timpul examenului.)

She doesnt allow talking during the exam. (Ea nu permite sa se vorbeasca in timpul examenului.)
Constructii cu Infinitivul si Gerundul:

I prefer sleeping to studying in general. (Vb.-ING + TO + Vb. -ING) (aceasta structura se foloseste
atunci cand ne referim in general)

(Prefer sa dorm decat sa invat./ Prefer dormitul invatatului.)

Id prefer to sleep rather than study today. (Vb. Long Inf. + RATHER THAN + Vb. Short Inf.)
(aceasta structura se foloseste atunci cand ne referim in particular)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat azi.)

Id rather sleep than study. (referire la prezent) (Vb. Short Inf. + THAN + Vb. Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat.)

I would rather have slept than (have) studied yesterday. (referire la trecut) (Vb. Perfect Short Inf. +
THAN + Vb. Perfect Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa fi dormit decat sa fi invatat ieri.)

Participiul si Constructiile Participiale

Participiul Prezent (verb -ing) arata o actiune sau stare continua si are urmatoarele forme:

Diateza Active:

Participliul Indefinit: asking (intreband)

Participiul Perfect: having asked (intreband)

Diateza Pasiva:

Participliul Indefinit: being asked (fiind intrebat)

Participiul Perfect: having been asked (fiind intrebat)

Participiul Trecut arata actiunea ca rezultat si are formele:

Verb la forma a III-a pentru verbele neregulate:

To eat ate eaten (mancat)

Verb cu terminatia -ed pentru verbe regulate:

To work worked - worked (muncit)

Participiul se foloseste in constructia Acuzativ + Participiu:

S + P + substantiv/ pronume in Acuzativ + vb. Participiu Prezent/ Participiu Trecut

e.g. I can see him coming on the alley. (Pot sa il vad pe el venind pe alee.) (Acuzativ + Participiu Prezent)

I can see him hidden behind the door. (Pot sa il vad pe el ascuns dupa usa.) (Acuzativ + Participiu Trecut)

Aceasta constructie se foloseste dupa:

1. verbele de perceptie: feel (a simti), look at (a privi la), notice (a observa), observe (a
observa), perceive (a percepe), see (a vedea), smell (a mirosi)

e.g. I saw smoke coming through the windows. (Am vazut fum iesind pe ferestre. -> actiune in progres - am
vazut parte din actiune)

She felt her secret revealed to everybody. (Ea a simtit secretul dezvalui la toata lumea.)

2. verbele: find (a gasi), keep (a tine), leave (a pleca), catch (a prinde), send (a trimite), spot
(a repera), discover (a descoperi):

e.g. They caught me eating their ice cream. (Ei m-au prins mancandu-le inghetata.)

He found his clothes worn by his brother. (El a gasit hainele purtate de fratele lui.)

3. verbele cauzative: have, get, set, start

e.g. She will get things going eventually. (Ea va face lucrurile sa mearga in cele din urma.)

I will have her calling you. (Am sa o rog sa te sune.)

You should have your car repaired. ( Ar trebui sa ai masina reparata. - constructie cauzativa)

I got my finger caught in the door. (Mi-am prins degetul in usa.)

4. verbe care exprima dorinta: wish (a dori), want (a vrea), prefer (a prefera), like (a
e.g. They wanted her killed. (Ei o voiau pe ea ucisa.)

He prefers her dressed in red. (El o prefera pe ea imbracata in rosu.)

Daca pasivizam aceste forme obtinem constructia numita Nominativ + Participiu:

Pronume/ Substantiv in Nominativ + Verb Diateza pasiva + Participiu Prezent/ Participiu Trecut

They saw him running down the street. (Ei l-au vazut alergand de-a lungul strazii.) -> He was seen running
down the street. (El a fost vazut alergand de-a lungul strazii.)

They kept the girls hidden in the basement. (Ei au tinut fetele ascunse la subsol.) -> The girls were kept hidden
in the basement. (Fetele au fost tinute ascunse la subsol.)

They have caught Tom drinking beer. (Ei l-au prins pe Tom band bere.) -> Tom has been caught drinking
beer. (Tom a fost prins band bere.)

Expresii Participiale:

Subiectul nu este mentionat, dar este acelasi ca cel din propozitia principala:

e.g. Singing loudly, Ramona entered the room . (Cantand tare, Ramona a intrat in amera.)
Being popular, he will win the election for sure. (Fiind popular, el va castiga alegerile.)
Tired from work, Mary went to bed very early. (Obosita de la munca, Mary s-a dus la culcare devreme.)
Having read the book, she returned it to the library the next day. (Citind cartea/ Pentru ca citise cartea, ea a
returnat-o la biblioteca ziua urmatoare.)
Disappointed in love, he decided to kill himself. (Dezamagit in dragoste, el a decis sa se sinucida.)

Constructia Participiala Absoluta:

Aceasta constructie are doua subiecte diferite, unul pentru constructia participiala si unul pentru propozitia

e.g. Everybody having arrived, they started the meeting. (Toata lumea sosind, ei au inceput intalnirea.)

It being too late, they stopped watching films. (Fiind prea tarziu, ei nu au mai privit filme.)

The party being over, the guests started leaving. (Petrecerea fiind terminata, oaspetii au inceput sa plece.)
15. Modal Verbs

Can/could Need/ be to/ dare


Must/ought to



Verbele Modale au urmatoarele caracteristici:

1. Nu primesc S la persoana a III-a singular:

he cans / she wills

he can / she will/ he must

2. Sunt urmate de un verb la Infinitiv Scurt, cu exceptia lui OUGHT TO si HAVE TO

(e.g. You ought to study more. - Trebuie sa inveti mai mult.)

She must go to school now. (Ea trebuie sa se duca la scoala acum.)/ I can tell lies if I wish. (Pot sa spun
minciuni daca vreau.)

3. Isi formeaza singure negatia si interogatia la fel ca verbele auxiliare:

e.g. Can you speak louder, please ? No, I cannot/ cant speak louder. (Poti vorbi mai tare te rog? Nu, nu pot sa
vorbesc mai tare.)
4. Un Verb Modal poate exprima mai multe lucruri in functie de context:

e.g. I can read in German. (ability) (Pot sa citesc in limba germana.)

Everybody can make a mistake. (possibility) (Toata lumea poate sa faca greseli.)

Can I help you? (offer) (Pot sa te ajut?)

Can I come in? (asking for permission-informal) (Pot sa intru?)

We can go in the park today if you wish. (suggestion) (Putem sa mergem in parc azi daca vrei.)

5. Verbele Modale nu primesc terminatii ca -ed sau -ing, prin urmare nu au forma de trecut sau viitor. Nu se
pot folosi ca atare la alte timpuri decat la prezent.

e.g. I will can go.

He musted learn.

They canning read.

DACA vrem sa folosim Verbele Modale la alte timpuri atunci exista doua posibilitati: pot fi inlocuite
cu o expresie echivalenta sau pot fi folosite in structuri fixe.

I. Folosirea unei expresii echivalente:

a) CAN cand exprima abilitate se poate inlocui cu -> to be able to

e.g. Prezent: I can drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)

I am able to drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)

Trecut: I was able to = managed to drive a car when I was 13. (Am fost in stare/ am putut sa conduc o
masina cand aveam 13 ani.) (eveniment realizat cu succes)

I could drive a car when I was 18. (Puteam sa conduc o masina cand aveam 18 ani.) (abilitate in
general in trecut)

Prezent Perfect: I have been able to drive a car. (Am putut sa conduc o masina.)

Viitor: I will be able to drive a car. (Voi putea sa conduc o masina.)

!!! ATENTIE: Atunci cand folosim was able to atunci inseamna ca actiunea s-a realizat cu succes iar daca
folosim could atunci inseamna ca exista abilitatea de a face ceva in general dar actiunea nu s-a realizat
neaparat in realitate.

e.g. She ... this mountain two years ago and now she boasts about it all the time. (Ea a fost in stare sa urce
acest munte acum doi ani si acum se lauda tot timpul.)

a) was able to climb

b) could climb

c) has been able to climb

d) can climb

He ... climb mountains when he was younger, that's how fit he was. (El putea sa urce munti cand era
mai tanar, atat era de in forma.)

a) was able to climb

b) could climb

c) has been able to climb

d) can climb

He ... Japanese fluently. (El poate sa vorbeasca japoneza fluent.)

a) cans speak

b) can speak

c) might speaking

d) can to speak

He ... very fast if it is quiet. (El poate sa citeasca foarte repede daca este liniste.)

a) may read

b) must read

c) can read

d) ought to read

b) MAY cand exprima permisiune se poate inlocui cu > be allowed to

e.g. Prezent: I may go to the party. (Am voie sa merg la petrecere.)

I am allowed to go to the party. (Am voie sa merg la petrecere.)

Trecut: I was allowed to go to the party. (Am avut voie sa merg la petrecere.)

Viitor: I will be allowed to go to the party. (Voi avea voie sa merg la petrecere.)

e.g. I ... on the trip if I get good grades at school. (Am voie/ pot sa merg in excursie daca iau note bune la

a) will allow to go

b) was allowed to go

c) may go

d) will may go

c) MUST cand exprima obligatie se poate inlocui cu > to have to

e.g. Prezent: I must help her (Trebuie sa o ajut - pentru ca asa consider eu) - cand folosim MUST la prezent
insemana ca este o obligatie interna

I have to help her because my parents asked me to. (Trebuie sa o ajut pentru ca ma-au rugat parintii
mei.). - cand folosim HAVE TO atunci inseamna ca este o obligatie externa

Trecut: I had to help her. (A trebuit sa o ajut.)

Viitor: I will have to help her. (Va trebui sa o ajut.)

e.g. They ... more or their parents will get upset. (Ei trebuie sa invete mai mult sau parintii lor sa vor

a) must study

b) have to study

c) must be studying

d) had had to study

II. Folosirea unei structuri fixe:

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Prezent Simplu sau Viitor Simplu folosim structura: Modal Verb + Vb. Short

e.g. O propozitie la Prezentul Simplu fara verb modal: She cooks every day. (Ea gateste in fiecare zi.)
O propozitie la Prezentul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She can cook every day. (Ea poate sa gateasca in
fiecare zi.)

She may cook every day. (Este posibil ca ea gateste in

fiecare zi.)

She must cook every day. (Ea probabil ca gateste in

fiecare zi.)

She should cook every day. (Ea ar trebui sa gateasca in

fiecare zi.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu fara verb modal: She will arrive tomorrow. (ea va sosi maine.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may arrive tomorrow. (E posibil ca ea sa soseasca

She must arrive tomorrow. (E probabil ca ea sa soseasca


She should arrive tomorrow. (Ea ar trebui sa soseasca


Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Prezent Continuu sau Viitor Continuu folosim structura: Modal Verb + BE +

e.g. O propozitie la Prezentul Continuu fara verb modal: She is sleeping now. (Ea doarme acum.)

O propozitie la Prezentul Continuu cu Verb Modal: She may be sleeping now. (E posibil ca ea sa doarma

She must be sleeping now. (Probabil ca ea doarme acum.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Continuu fara verb modal: She will be sleeping at 5 tomorrow. (Ea va dormi
maine la 5.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may be sleeping at 5 tomorrow. (E posibil ca ea
va dormi maine la 5.)

She must be sleeping at 5 tomorrow. (Probabil ca ea va

dormi maine la 5.)

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Trecut Simplu, Prezent Perfect Simplu sau Trecut Perfect Simplu folosim
structura: Modal Verb + HAVE + VB III/-ed

e.g. O propozitie la Trecutul Simplu fara verb modal: She was there yesterday. (Ea a fost acolo ieri.)

O propozitie la Trecutul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may have been there yesterday. (E posibil ca ea sa
fi fost acolo ieri.)
She must have been there yesterday. (Probabil ca a fost
acolo ieri.)

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Trecut Continuu, Prezent Perfect Continuu, Trecut Perfect Continuu
folosim structura: Modal Verb + HAVE + BEEN + VB ing

e.g. O propozitie la Trecutul Continuu fara verb modal: She was sleeping when you called. (Ea dormea cand
ai sunat.)

O propozitie la Trecutul Continuu cu Verb Modal: She may have been sleeping when you called. (E
posibil ca ea dormea cand ai sunat.)

She must have been sleeping when you called. (Probabil ca

ea dormea cand ai sunat.)

Perhaps they were watching TV. (Poate ca se uitau la televizor.)

a) They may be watching TV. (Verb Modal + BE + vb.-ing => Prezent Continuu sau Viitor Continuu)

b) They may have been watching TV. (Trecut Continuu => Modal Verb + HAVE + BEEN + VB ing)

c) They may have watched TV. (Verb Modal + HAVE + Vb. III/ -ed => Trecut Simplu, Prezent Perfect Simplu
sau Trecut Perfect Simplu)

d) They may watch TV. (Verb Modal + Vb. Infinitiv Scurt => Prezent Simplu sau Viitor Simplu)

Functii ale Verbelor Modale si expresii/ cuvinte modale echivalente

Verbele modale pot exprima urmatoarele lucruri:

Ability/ Abilitate

- can (prezent): I can speak German well./ I am able to speak German well. (Eu pot sa vorbesc germana bine.)

- could (trecut): I could speak German well. (Puteam sa vorbesc germana bine.)

I was able to (managed to) go on a trip last year. (Am reusit/ am fost in stare sa ma duc intr-o
excursie anul trecut.)

e.g. My sister ... very beautifully. (Sora mea poate sa deseneze foarte frumos.)

a) must draw b) can draw c) may draw d) mustnt draw

Possibility/ Posibilitate

-Can (90% certain): Everybody can make mistakes. (Toata lumea poate face greseli.)

-Could (50% certain): She could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-May (50% certain): She may be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-Might (30% certain): She might be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa, dar nu este sigur.)

Posibilitatea se poate exprima si prin cuvinte sau expresii care pot inlocui verbul modal. Sensul ramane acelasi.

-it is likely: Its likely she is at home.=> She may/could be home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-it is possible: Its possible she is at home.=> She may/could be home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-Perhaps: Perhaps she is at home..=> She may/could be home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-Maybe: Maybe she is at home. => She may/could be home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

!!! ATENTIE: Atunci cand avem intrebari, posibilitatea se exprima cu might, could sau will, DAR NU CU

-Will/ could/ might: May/ Will/ Could/ Might it rain later? = Is it possible to rain later? (E posibil sa ploua
mai tarziu?)

!!! ATENTIE: atunci cand exprimam posibilitatea in limba engleza, trebuie sa tinem cont de gradul de
certitudine. Unele verbe modale exprima un grad de certitudine mai mare decat altele si deci sunt folosite in
functie de cat de siguri santem ca actiunea este posibila sau nu. De aceea avem gradul de certitudine aratat in
paranteza dupa fiecare verb modal care exprima posibilitatea.

!!! ATENTIE: could/ couldn't se folosesc cu adjective la comparativ pentru a exprima posibilitate sau


e.g. She is the nicest girl Ive ever met. (Ea este cea mai draguta fata pe care am intalnit-o vreodata.)

a) The girl couldnt be nicer.

b) The girl may not be nicer.

c) The girl might be nicer.

d) The girl shouldnt be nicer.

e.g. They ... be sleeping, but I am not so sure. (E posibil ca ei sa doarma, dar nu sunt sigur.)

a) may b) must c) ought to d) might

Its possible he likes her. (E posibil ca el o place.)

a) He must like her.

b) He will like her.

c) He may like her.

d) He should like her.

... it rain tomorrow, do you think? (Crezi ca e posibil sa ploua maine?)

a) May b) Can c) Will d) Must

Probability/ Probabilitate

- Will (100% certain): He will be on the plane by now. (El este in avion acum cu siguranta.)

- Should (90% certain): He should be there. (El trebuie sa fie acolo.)

- Ought to (90% certain): She ought to be at work now. (Ea trebuie sa fie la munca acum.)

- Should have +vb.III/-ed: He should have arrived by now. (El ar fi trebuit sa soseasca de acum.)

- Ought to have + vb.III/-ed: The course ought to have started by now. (Cursul ar fi trebuit sa inceapa pana

!!! ATENTIE: probabilitatea tine de asemenea cont de gradul de certitudine.

e.g. Its 9:30 so my parents ... at work by now since they always start at 9. (E 9:30 asa ca parintii mei sunt
la munca de acum din moment ce intotdeauna incep la 9.)

a) may be b) can be c) might be d) will be

Logical assumption; deduction/ Presupuneri logice sau deductii

-Must (positive) = Im sure/certain +vb. positive:

Im sure you are tired after working all day. (Sunt sigur ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit toata ziua.)

You must be tired after working all day. (Probabil ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit toata ziua.)

!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb pozitiv se poate reformula cu verbul modal MUST.

-Cant (negative) = Im sure/certain + vb. negative:

Im sure she isnt serious. (Sunt sigur ca ea nu este serioasa.)

She cant be serious. (Ea nu se poate sa fie serioasa.)

!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu verbul modal CAN'T.

-Couldnt (negative) = I dont think/ believe:

I dont think they are on a trip. (Nu cred ca ei sunt intr-o excursie.)
They couldnt be on a trip. (Nu se poate ca ei sa fie intr-o excursie.)

!!! Expresia I don't think/ I don't believe urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu verbul modal

e.g. That ... Mary because she hasnt returned from her holiday abroad yet. (Nu se poate sa fie Mary
pentru ca nu s-a intors inca din vacanta din strainatate.)

a) mustnt be b) shouldnt be c) will be d) cant be

Youve been yawning for the last 10 minutes. You ... very tired. (Casti de 10 minute. Probabil ca esti

a) cant be b) must be c) may be d) could be

Im sure she is driving that car. (Sunt sigur ca ea conduce masina aceea.)

a) She must have driven that car.

b) She must be driving that car. (Probabil ca ea conduce masina aceea.)

c) She must have been driving that car.

d) She must drive that car.

Permission/ Premisiune (giving or refusing permission) -> atunci cand exprimam permisiunea se tine cont de
gradul de formalitate

- Can (informal, giving permission): You can go to that party. (Poti sa mergi la petrecerea aceea.)

- Could (more polite, asking for permission): Could I be excused? (As putea sa fiu scuzat?)

- May (formal, giving permission): You may come in. (Puteti intra.)

- Might (more formal, asking for permission): Might I inconvenience you with a question? (As putea sa va
inoportunez cu o intrebare?)

- Cant/ mustnt (informal, refusing permission): Im afraid you cant stay out after ten./ You mustnt go there.
(Ma tem ca nu poti sa stai in oras dupa ora 10./ Nu ai voie sa te duci acolo.)

- May not (formal, refusing permission): Customers may not smoke in the public areas. (Clientii nu au voie sa
fumeze in locurile publice.)

- Was/were not allowed to (past, refusing permission): He wasnt allowed to enter. (Lui nu i s-a permis sa intre.)

- Was/were allowed to (past, giving permission): He was allowed to enter. (Lui i s-a permis sa intre.)

e.g. Mom, ... I go out with my friends tonight? (Mama, pot sa ies cu prietenii mei?)

a) can b) should c) might d) will

Obligation/ Obligatie

- Must (obligatie interna): I must eat less or Ill gain weight. (Trebuie sa mananc mai putin sau o sa ma ingras.)

- Have to (obligatie externa): I have to do my homework or Ill get a four. (Trebuie sa imi fac tema sau o sa iau
un 4.)

- Ought to (folosit cand vrem sa spunem ca este lucrul corect de facut, dar nu il facem intotdeauna): You ought
to help the poor more. (Ar trebui sa ii ajuti pe saraci mai mult.)

- Had to (past): I had to get more exercise because I was out of shape. (A trebuit sa fac mai multa miscare pentru
ca nu mai eram in forma.)

e.g. I think I ... her the truth as she is my sister. (Cred ca trebuie sa ii spun adevarul pentru ca este sora

a) have to tell b) must tell c) must have told d) would tell

Necessity/ Necesitate

- Must: I must read this book. (Trebuie sa citesc cartea asta - pentru ca asa consider eu)

- Have to: I have to read the book for the test. (Trebuie sa citesc cartea pentru test- sunt obligat de circumstante

- Need: The flowers need watering/ to be watered./ The flowers needed watering/ to be watered. (Florile au
nevoie/ aveau nevoie sa fie udate.)

- (Dont) Doesnt have to/ doesnt need to (folosit cand altii spun ca nu e nevoie)/ neednt (folosit cand tu
spui ca nu e nevoie):

She doesnt have to/ doesnt need to be there at five. (others say so, I just give the information)(Ea nu trebuie
sa fie acolo la 5 - altii spun asta, eu doar dau informatia)

She needent be there at five. (I say so, I made the rule/ decision) (Ea nu trebuie sa fie acolo la 5 - eu spun
asta, eu am facut regula sau am luat decizia)

- Ought to: We ought to reply to her invitation. (Noi trebuie sa raspundem invitatiei ei.)

- Didnt have to/ didnt need to (folosite cand nu era nevoie sa facem ceva si deci NU AM FACUT acea
actiune): She didnt have to work on Sunday. (Nu a trebuit sa munceasca duminica - si nu a muncit.)

- Neednt have +vb. III/-ed (folosit cand nu era nevoie sa faci ceva, DAR AM FACUT acea actiune): You
neednt have helped me but thank you. (Nu era nevoie sa ma ajuti, dar multumesc.)

e.g. You ... to help us, but thank you. (Nu era necesar/ nu era nevoie sa vii sa ne ajuti, dar multumesc.)

a) mustnt have come

b) didnt need to come

c) neednt have come

d) neednt have to come

Advice/ Sfat

- Should (general advice): You should try and study more. (Ar trebui sa incerci sa inveti mai mult.)

- Ought to (most people believe this): You ought to respect the traffic signs. (Trebuie sa respecti semnele de

- Had better (advice on a specific situation): You had better take the pill. (Mai bine ai lua pastila.)

- Shall (asking for advice): Shall I take this road? (Sa iau drumul asta?)

- Should have + vb. III/-ed (advice in the past): You should have read the book. (Ar fi trebuit sa citesti cartea.)

- Ought to have + vb.III/-ed (advice in the past): She ought to have booked earlier. (Ea ar fi trebuit sa rezerve
mai devreme.)

- Would have been better (advice in the past): It would have been better if you hadnt said that. (Ar fi fost mai
bine daca nu ai fi spus asta.)

e.g. We think you ... more if you wish to pass the exam. (Credem ca ar trebui sa inveti mai mult daca vrei
sa treci examenul.)

a) may study b) can study c) ought study d) should study

Criticism/ Critica

- Could (present): She could at least help me. (Ar putea macar sa ma ajute.)

- Should (present): They should tell us the truth. (Ar trebui sa ne spuna adevarul.)

- Ought to (present): He ought to be more polite. (Ar trebui sa fie mai politicos.)

- Could have + vb. III/-ed (past): You could have told me the truth. (Ai fi putut sa imi spui adevarul.)

- Should have + vb. III/-ed (past): You should have learned more. (Ar fi trebuit sa inveti mai mult.)

- Ought to have + vb. III/-ed (past): You ought to have been more polite. (Ar fi trebuit sa fi mai politicos.)

e.g. You know, you ... a longer skirt. What you have on is a disgrace. (Sti, ai putea sa porti o fusta mai
lunga. Ce ai pe tine e o rusine.)

a) could be wearing b) may wear c) must be wearing d) can be wearing

Requests/ Cereri - se tine cont de gradul de formalitate

- Can I use your cellphone? (informal) (Pot sa iti folosesc celularul?)

- Could I use your cellphone? (polite) (As putea sa folosesc celularul dumneavoastra?)

- May I use your cellphone? (formal) (As putea sa folosesc celularul dumneavoastra?)

- Might I use your cellphone? (very formal) (Ar fi cumva posibil sa folosesc celularul dumneavoastra?)

- Will you give me a helping hand? (very friendly) (Imi dai o mana de ajutor?)

- Would you mind helping us? (polite) (V-ar deranja daca ne-ati ajuta?)

Offers/ Oferte - se tine cont de gradul de formalitate

- Can I do anything for you? (informal) (Pot sa fac ceva pentru tine?)

- Shall I help you? (informal) (Sa te ajut?)

- Would you like me to help you? (more polite) (Ati dori sa va ajut?)

- Will you have some more pie? (Ati dori mai multa placinta?)

e.g. ... we give you a hand with that? (Sa te ajutam cu asta?)

a) May b) Shall c) Must d) Need

Suggestions/ Sugestii

- Shall we see a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- We can see a movie if you wish. (Putem vedea un film daca vrei.)

- We could see a movie if you wished. (Am putea vedea un film daca ai vrea.)

Alte expresii care exprima sugestii sunt:

- Lets see a movie! (Hai sa vedem un film!)

- How about seeing a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- What about seeing a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- Why dont we see a movie? (De ce n-am vedea un film?)

e.g. How about going in the park? (Ce-ar fi sa mergem in parc?)

a) Should we go in the park?

b) Must we go in the park?

c) We could go in the park.

d) Can we go in the park?

Prohibition/ Interdictie

- Cant: You cant wear jeans at the office. (you are not allowed to) (Nu poti/ nu ai voie sa porti jeansi la birou.)

- Mustnt: You mustnt light a match near gas. (its forbidden = este interzis) (Nu ai voie/ e interzis sa aprinzi un
chibrit lianga gaz.)

- May not: You may not cheat during the exam. (formal) (Nu aveti voie sa copiati in timpul examenelor.)

- Could not (past): We couldnt go because we were too young. (Nu am avut voie sa ne ducem pentru ca eram
prea tineri.)

e.g. Pupils ... during exams. (Elevii nu au voie sa copieze in timpul examenelor.)

a) shant cheat b) mustnt cheat c) oughtnt cheat d) may cheat

Reproach/ Repros

- Might have +vb. III/-ed: You might have told me the party started earlier. (Ai fi putut sa imi spui ca petrecerea
a inceput mai devreme.)

- Could have +vb. III/-ed: You could have told me the party started earlier. (Ai fi putut sa imi spui ca petrecerea
a inceput mai devreme.)

e.g. She ... me that my boyfriend was cheating on me since she was my best friend.

(Ar fi putut sa imi spuna ca prietenul meu ma insela din moment ce era peietena mea ce mai buna.)

a) must have told b) may have told me c) should have tell d) might have told

Habit/ Obicei

- in the present - Will: She will break things all the time. (= she is in the habit of + vb.-ing) (Are obiceiul sa
strice lucruri tot timpul.)

- in the past - Would: He would bring flowers every day. (= he used to) (Obisnuia sa aduca flori in fiecare zi.)

e.g. They are in the habit of going to parties.(Ei au obiceiul sa meraga la petreceri.)

a) They would go to parties.

b) They will go to parties.

c) They shall go to parties.

d) They can go to parties.

We used to ride in the park when we had horses. (Obisnuiam sa calarim in parc atunci cand aveam cai.)

a) We would ride in the park when we had horses.

b) We could ride in the park when we had horses.

c) We should ride in the park when we had horses.

d) We will ride in the park when we had horses.

Moral duty/ datorie morala

-Ought to: Children ought to listen to their parents. (Copiii trebuie sa asculte de parintii lor.)

Assumptions/ Presupuneri

-Will (must/ should) (in the present):

The telephone rings: - That'll be Frank./ That must be Frank./ That should be Frank./That could be Frank./ That
might be Frank./ That may be Frank.

(Suna telefonul: trebuie sa fie Frank.)

-Would have + vb.III/-ed (in the past):

Someone was here an hour ago. (A fost cineva aici acum o ora.)

That would have been Sally. (Trebuie sa fi fost Sally.)

Willingness/ Vointa

- Will (present): The doctor will see you in a minute. (Doctorul va va vedea intr-un minut.)

- Would (past): He said he would help us. (El a spus ca ne va ajuta.)

Typical action/ Actiune tipica

- Would: It's typical of her to lie. => She would lie. (E tipic pentru ea sa minta.)

Refusal/ Refuz

-Wont (present): The car wont start. (Masina nu vrea sa porneasca.)

-Wouldnt (past): He said he wouldnt do it for me. (El a spus ca nu vrea sa faca asta pentru mine.)
e.g. He refused to help me. (El a refuzat sa ma ajute.)

a) He wont help me

b) He cant help you.

c) He wouldnt help me.

d) He couldnt help me.

Threat/ Amentntare

- Shall (2nd and 3rd person pronouns): You shall be sorry. (O sa iti para rau.)

e.g. You ... sorry if you dont obey me. (O sa iti para rau daca nu ma asculti.)

a) will be b) may be c) should be d) shall be

Rules and regulations; orders and instructions/ Reguli, ordine si instructii

- Shall: The referees decision shall be final. (Decizia arbitrului este finala.)

e.g. You ... kill! That is one of Gods commandments. (Nu ai voie sa ucizi! Aceasta este una din poruncile
lui Dumnezeu.)

a) will not b) shall not c) cannot d) may not

Surprise/ Surpriza

- Should: se foloseste idiomatic cu "who", "where", "what" in expresii care exprima surpriza: (trebuie sa

e.g. I open the door and who should I see but Tom. (Am deschis usa si pe cine vad, pe Tom.)

e.g. And in the middle of the forest come across but this enormous bear. (Si in mijlocul padurii peste ce
dau, peste ursul asta enorm.)

a) what I should

b) what should I

c) what I might

d) what might I

Irony/ Ironia
- Might have + known/ imagined/ thought/ realized + S + WOULD (se foloseste cand vrem sa exprimam
in mod ironic actiuni tipice)

e.g. I might have known that he would tell a lie. (Ar fi trebuit sa stiu ca va spune o minciuna.)

Urmatoarele expresii se pot reformula cu verbele modale may (daca avem prezent) si might (daca avem trecut):

Although I try hard => Try as I may (Desi incerc din greu => Oricat incerc)

Although I tried hard => Try as I might (Desi am incercat din greu => Oricat am incercat)

e.g. Although I tried hard, I couldn't smile. (Desi am incercat din greu, nu am putut sa zambesc.)

a) Try as I might, I couldn't smile.

b) Try as I may, I couldn't smile.

c) Try as I could, I couldn't smile.

d) Try as I should, I couldn't smile.

It would be all the same => May (as) well/ Might (as) well (Imi este egal/ Tot aia e)

e.g. It would be all the same if you left. => You might as well stay. (Poti la fel de bine sa stay.)

To be sure/ to be certain => to be bound to (E sigur sa se intample)

e.g. Its sure to rain tomorrow. (E sigur ca va ploua maine.)

a) Its bound to rain

b) It may rain tomorrow.

c) It must rain tomorrow.

d) It should rain tomorrow.

!!! ATENTIE: SHOULD se foloseste in fata verbelor de gandire - think, imagine, believe, etc.

e.g. I should imagine she is very rich. (Imi imaginez ca ea este foarte bogata.)

!!! ATENTIE: may/ might se folosesc in Concesive:

e.g. Although she is nice, I don't like her. => She may be nice, but I don't like her. (Desi este draguta, nu o plac.)

She ... your mother, but this doesnt mean she can order you when you are 40. (O fi ea mama ta, dar asta nu
inseamna ca poate sa iti ordone cand ai 40 de ani.)

a) can be b) will be c) may be d) must be

16. The Article

I. The Indefinite Article: A/ AN (Articolul nehotarat)

A este folosit inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana: e.g. a book (o carte)

- este folosit inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu sunetul [ju]: e.g. a uniform (o uniforma)/ a universe (un
univers)/ a university (o universitate)/ a U.F.O. (un OZN)
- este folosit inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu un diftong: e.g. a year (un an)

An este folosit inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala: e.g. an apple (un mar)

- este folosit inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu h mut: e.g. an hour (o ora)/ an heir (un mostenitor)/ an
heiress (o mostenitoare)/ an honour (o onoare)
- este folosit inaintea literelor si numerelor pronuntate sau scrise cu o vocala: e.g. an M (un m), an N (un
n), an S (un s), an 8 (eight) (un opt)

1. se foloseste cu substantive numarabile la singular:
e.g. a coat (o haina)

2. articolul nehotarat, a/an, se foloseste pentru a introduce un element nou dupa care se foloseste
articolul hotarat, the:

e.g. A boy and a girl were waiting at the door. The boy was smiling while the girl looked nervous.

(Un baiata si o fata asteptau la usa. Baiatul zambea in timp ce fata arata nervoasa.)

3. folosit cu sensul de one, any, it doesnt matter which (unul/ una, oricare, nu conteaza care):

e.g. My sister has a black dress. (Sora mea are o rochie neagra.)

4. folosit cu sensul de a certain (un anumit/ o anumita):

e.g. A Mr. James is asking about you. (Un {oarecare} domn James intreaba de tine.)

5. folosit cu sensul de the same (acelasi):

e.g. Birds of a feather flock together./ We are of an age. (Cine se aseamana se aduna./ Noi avem aceeasi

6. folosit pentru a exprima un exemplu dintr-o clasa de lucruri:

e.g. An elephant never forgets. (Un elefant nu uita niciodata.)

7. folosit pentru a exprima masuratori:

e.g. a hundred, a thousand, a minute, a mile, a couple, a score (= 20)

8. folosit dupa not:

e.g. not a word, not a trace, not a thought

9. folosit in expresii:

e.g. one at a time, at a draught = in one gulp(dintr-o inghititura)

10. flosit pentru a exprima distributie:

e.g. once a month, twice a year, three times a week, 40 miles an hour, 5 euro a kilo

11. folosit inaintea substantivelor care denota o professie, nationalitatea, sexul, functia, religia, etc.

e.g. She is a singer./ He is a man./ I am an Orthodox.

!!! Dupa verbele to elect, to appoint, to name se foloseste articolul zero atunci cand substantivul denota o
functie detinuta de o singura persoana la un moment dat:

e.g. He was appointed president of the company.

!!! Dupa verbul to turn se foloseste articolul zero:

e.g. She started out as a teacher but turned dancer.

12. se foloseste in fata lui few si little care obtin un inteles pozitiv:

e.g. Few (used with countable nouns) pupils (meaning not many) want to learn more nowadays./ Quite a
few pupils (many pupils) want to study to become doctors nowadays.

Little (meaning not much- used with uncountable noun) is known about UFOs. / I know a little (much)
about what happened that night.

13. folosit cu quite si rather + a/an +adj. + substantiv

e.g. She is quite a nice person. / It is rather a good idea.

14. folosit in urmatoarele constructii: a lot of/ a plethora of/ a flurry of/ a wealth of/ a great deal of/ an
amount of/ a great many + noun plural/ many a + noun singular ( all of them mean a lot of)
e.g. She has a plethora of friends/ a lot of friends/ many a friend/ a great many friends. = Ea are multi

II. The Definite Article: THE (Articolul hotarat)


Articolul hotarat este folosit:

1. before a noun which has been introduced before:

e.g. Mary has bought a puppy. The puppy is black.

2. before a noun thought of as unique or names of buildings, monuments or places associated

with the idea of uniqueness (this includes historical references):

e.g. the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the air, the Bible, the Lord, the universe, the Milky Way, the
French Revolution, the Second World War (BUT: World War II), the Ice Age, the
Renaissance, the Sphinx, the Acropolis, the Taj Mahal, the equator, the Arctic, the Anctartic,
the South, the North, etc.

3. before one, other, rest, last, first, only, next:

e.g. Leave the new ones here, but bring the rest with you.

The first to enter the room was Tom.

4. before superlative adjectives:

e.g. She was by far the best at English.

5. before ordinal numbers:

e.g. The second thing we did was eat.

The twentieth century/ the tenth floor

6. before names of ships, trains, planes:

e.g. the Queen Mary, the Titanic, the Orient Express, the Comet

7. before names of newspapers and magazines:

e.g. the Sun, the Times, the Guardian BUT: Time

8. before names of theatres, museums, concert halls, galleries, cinemas, clubs, hotels:

e.g. The Odeon, The British Museum, the Tate (Gallery), The Patria, the Ritz Hotel, etc.

9. before some geographical names:

- oceans, seas, rivers, canals, lakes that include OF in the name, bays that include OF in the
e.g. the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Danube, the Suez canal, the Lake of Constance

- deserts:

e.g. the Sahara, the Gobi Desert

- mountain ranges (BUT NOT individual mountains: e.g. Mount Everest):

e.g. the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Himalayas, the Carpathians, the Rocky Mountains



- groups of islands (BUT NOT NAMES FOR ONE ISLAND: e.g. Easter Island):

e.g. the Bahamas, the Caribbean, the Orkney Islands, etc.

- straits:

e.g. the Bering Straits

- forests

e.g. the Black Forest

- names of countries that are in the plural, countries that have OF in the name or unions of
smaller entities:

e.g. The Netherlands, The Republic of Indonesia, The United States of America

- some names of countries and cities:

e.g. The Sudan, The Congo, The Argentine (Republic), The Vatican, The Hague

10. before musical instruments and dances:

e.g. to play the clarinet/ the piano/ the harp

to dance the tango/ the rumba/ the waltz

11. before singular nouns to make a generalization about a species:

e.g. The rose is a beautiful flower.

12. before adjectives used as nouns:

e.g. The rich should help the poor.

13. before family names to refer to the whole family:

e.g. The Browns are very rich.

14. before nationalities ending in sh, -ch and ese:

e.g. the Welsh, the Dutch, the Chinese

15. before titles (BUT NOT IF THE NAME COMES WITH THE TITLE: e.g. Queen Mary,
King John, President Regan, Professor Brown):

e.g. the King, the Queen, the President, the Prince of Wales

16. !!!!! in constructions with OF:

e.g. the top of the mountain, the edge of the cliffs

17. after prepositions:

e.g. in the house, at the table, to the cinema/ theatre, in the sky, at the radio, in the village, in the
morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night, etc

BUT NOT: on TV, at sea, at work, at home, at dawn, at dusk, at noon, at night, at midnight, by
day/ night, at 5 oclock, on holiday, by car/ bus/ train, on foot


e.g. This is the Jane I told you about.

The lunch I had with you was very good.

NOTE: "THE" IS OPTIONAL WITH SEASONS: summer/ the summer

e.g. I was at the seaside in (the) summer.

III. The Zero Article (Articolul zero)


Articolul zero este folosit:

1. If the noun denotes a title or an office held by one person at a time:

E.g. James Thompson was chairman of the Committee.

2. after the nouns rank and title as well as the verbs to turn(= to become), elect

e.g. He gained the rank of captain.

I used to be a teacher but then I turned interior designer.

3. when the noun denotes a relationship and the stress is laid on the social position:

e.g. She was daughter of the late PM.

James Smith, father of twins, was here today.

4. in clauses of concession with though and as:

e.g. Child though she was, she knew a lot of things.

5. with the words man and woman taken in general sense:

e.g. Man is mortal.

6. with words such as : father, mother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, cook, counsel,
prisoner taken as peoper names:

e.g. Where is Father?

7. with names of institutions such as Congress, Convocation, Parliament:

e.g. Parliament is in session.

8. with collective nouns such as humanity, mankind, posterity, society:

e.g. Mankind is on the brink of destruction.

9. in prepositional phraseological combinations:

e.g. by hand, at hand, on foot, from head to foot, from top to toe, by chance, by mistake, at
present, at first sight, for ages, hand in hand, day by day, arm in arm, from cover to cover, from
corner to corner, face to face, from dawn to dusk, from beginning to end, from right to left, from
west to north, husband and wife, cheek to cheek, on deck etc.

10. in the nominative absolute construction (it stays between commas):

e.g. He entered the room, cigar in mouth, looking very displeased.

11. before abstract and uncountable nouns in the singular used in a general sense:

e.g. Love is wonderful when there is still hope.

Chinese literature can be fascinating.

Advice is not always welcome.

12. with concrete nouns in the plural used in a general sense:

e.g. Cats hate water.

Lions live in prides.

13. with names of persons when they stand alone OR if they have a descriptive adjective like old,
little, young, dear, poor, honest with which they form close units:

e.g. I know George from school.

Poor, old John always talks too much.

14. if the proper name is preceded by a title:

e.g. Professor Smith will replace Dean Mitchel.

15. with names of universities and colleges:

e.g. Oxford University, Harvard University, Trinity College

BUT: The University of London

16. with phrases concerning games:

e.g. to play tennis/ football/ volleyball

17. with names of languages:

e.g. English, French, Spanish

BUT: the English language, the Spanish language

18. with names of colours:

e.g. My favourite colour is red.

19. with names of festivals:

e.g. Easter, Christmas

20. with names of meals, days and months:

e.g. We always have lunch together on Monday.

May is a wonderful month to get married.

21. with certain geographical names:

- continents, countries, counties, towns even if premodified:

e.g. (eastern) Europe, (central) France, Kent, London

EXCEPTIONS: The Sudan, The Congo, The Vatican, The Argentine (Republic), The Hague,
The Netrerlands, The Republic of Indonesia, The Bronx

- Names of individual mountains and islands:

e.g. Elbrus, Vesuvius, Mont Blanc, Everest, Cyprus, Rhodes, Corfu, Easter Island, Hawaii

EXCEPTIONS: The Matterhorn, The Jungfrau, The Mount of Olives

- Names of lakes and bays:

e.g. Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, Loch Lamond, Hudson Bay

BUT: The Lake of Constance because it includes OF in the combination

- Names of streets, parks and squares (!!! If they are in foreign countries they take THE: e.g.
The Rue de Rivoli in Paris):

e.g. Oxford Street, Pall Mall, Hyde Park, Russell Square, Washington Square

EXCEPTIONS: The High Street, The Strand

- Names of bridges and stations:

e.g. Tower Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Victoria Station

EXCEPTIONS FOR BRIDGES: The Golden Gate Bridge, The Severn Bridge

22. with numbers of buses, gates and chapters:

e.g. I have to take bus 23.

Please procede to gate 4.

I am at chapter 3 of the book.

23. with the words: bed, church, college, university, school, court, hospital, prison, sea when
we refer to the purpose for which they exist:

e.g. He goes to the church on Monday to talk with the priest.

He goes to church on Sundays to pray.

24. with diseases both the zero article and the definite article are used:

e.g. She has flu/ the flu.

BUT: Hes got pneumonia./ He's got malaria.

The indefinite article is sometimes used in expressions such as:

e.g. to have a cough/ a headache/ a sore throat

still there are cases when the indefinite article may be either used or omitted:

e.g. to catch (a) cold, to have (a) toothache, to have (an) earache, to have (a) stomach-ache, to have
(a) backache

The definite article is used with: THE PLAGUE

NO ARTICLE IS USED WITH THE PLURALS: measles, mumps, shingles (zona zoster), high
blood pressure, gout, hepatitis, influenza, rheumatism, pneumonia.

25. with names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels which have the name of the
founder and end in s or s OR two-word names which begin with the name of a person or place:

e.g. Jims Cafe, Harrods,Lloyds Bank, Glasgow Airport, Edinburgh Castle, Windsor Castle

BUT: The Puss in Boots (pub) (because it is not the name of the founder)
17.00 The Noun

17.01 The plural of countable nouns

Pluralul substantivelor numarabile se formeaza adaugand -s la final:

dog (caine) dogs (caini)

cat ( pisica) - cats (pisici)

flower (floare) - flowers (flori)

Substantivele numarabile se folosesc cu: few/ many/ some/ a lot of/ lots of

e.g. I have many cats. (Am multe pisici.)

Diferenta dinte FEW si A FEW:

few inseamna ca nu ai deajuns, apropape ca nu ai nimic: I have few freinds, so that's why I am lonely. (Am
putini prieteni, de aceea sunt singur.)

a few inseamna ca ai deajuns, ai mult: I have a few friends, so I can't complain. (Am ceva prieteni/ destui
prieteni, asa ca nu ma pot plange.)
Ortografia pluralului:

Daca substantivul se termina in -s, -ss, -z, -zz, -sh, -ch, -x atunci se adauga -es:

bus (autobuz) buses, kiss (sarut) kisses, box (cutie) boxes, bush (tufa) - bushes, church (biserica) -

Daca substantivul se termina in -o precedat de o vocala atunci se adauga -s:

radio (radio) radios, embryo (embrion) - embryos

Daca substantivul se termina in -o precedat de o consoana atunci se adauga -es:

potato (cartof) potatoes, tomato (rosie) - tomatoes, Negro (negru) Negroes

!!! EXCEPTII: grotto (grota) grottos, proviso(s) (clauza), canto(s) (canto), tango(s) (tango), tabacco(s)
(tutun), memento(s) (amintire), piano(s) (pian), solo(s) (solo), soprano(s) (soprana), concerto(s) (concert)

!!! ATENTIE: abrevierile terminate in -o adauga -s indiferent de ce litera este inaintea lui -o: photograph
(fotografie) photo photos, kilogram (kilogram) kilo - kilos

Daca substantivul se termina in -f(e) atunci f se schimba in v si adauga -es:

wife (sotie) wives, wolf (lup) wolves, life (viata) - lives

!!! EXCEPTII: roof (acoperis) roofs, chief (sef) - chiefs, belief (credinta) - beliefs, cliff (stanca) - cliffs,
proof (dovada) - proofs, safe (seif) - seifs, strife (incaierare) - strifes, fife (flaut mic) - fifes, still life - still
lifes (natura moarta in tablouri)

!!! ATENTIE: unele substantive care se termina in -f(e) pot face pluralul atat in -ves cat si in s:

Wharf wharves/wharfs (debarcader)

Hoof hooves/hoofs (copita)

Scarf scarves/scarfs (esarfa)

Staff staves/staffs (toiag)

Handkerchief handkerchieves/handkerchiefs (batista)

Dwarf dwarves/dwarfs (pitic)

Daca substantivul se termina in -y precedat de vocala atunci se adauga -s:

boy (baiat) boys, toy (jucarie) - toys

Daca substantivul se termina in -y precedat de o consoana atunci y se schimba in i si adauga -es:

puppy (catelus) puppies, dasy (margareta) - dasies

!!! ATENTIE: numele proprii primesc un -s chiar daca -y este precedat de o consoana: Mary Marys

!!! ATENTIE: daca substantivul se termina in -quy acesta se transforma in -quies: e.g. colloquy (colocviu)
- colloquies

Pluralul substantivelor neregulate:

Sg. Pl.

Man (barbat) men (barbati)

Woman (femeie) women (femei)

Tooth (dinte) teeth (dinti)

Foot (picior) feet (picioare)

Goose (gasca) geese (gaste)

Louse (paduche) lice (paduchi)

Mouse (soarece) mice (soareci)

Ox (bou) oxen (boi)

Child (copil) children (copii)

Die (zar) dice (zaruri)

Pluralul zero: pluralul are aceeasi forma ca la singular

Fish (peste) fish (pesti)

carp ( crap) - carp

trout (pastrav) - trout

pike (stiuca) - pike

cod (cod) - cod

salmon (somon) - salmon

!!! ATENTIE: daca punem -es la fish -> fishes atunci insemna specii de pesti

Fruit (fruct) fruit

!!! ATENTIE: daca punem -s la fruit -> fruits atunci inseamna sortimente de fructe

Sheep (oaie) - sheep (oi)

Deer (caprioara) - deer

Swine (porc) - swine

Species (specii) - species

Series (serie) - series

Means (mijloc) - means e.g. A car is a means of transport. (O masina este un mijloc de

Aircraft (avion) - aircraft

Homework (tema) - homework

Substantive cu doua forme de plural:

Brother (frate) - brothers (frati care au aceeasi mama/ tata)

- brethren (frati intr-o fratie/ membrii intr-o colectivitate)

Cloth (material) - cloths (bucati de material)

- clothes (haine)

Cow (vaca) - cows (vaci)

- kine (vite)

Penny (peni) - pence (moneda britanica)

- pennies (monedele individuale)

Staff (personal/ toiag) - staffs (departamente in armata)

- staves (toiage)


Sg. Pl.

-us -i

Bacillus (bacil) bacilli

Cactus (cactus) cacti/ cactuses

Focus (epicentru) foci/ focuses

Fungus (ciuperca) - fungi

Radius (raza) radii

Terminus (terminal) termini

Nucleus (nucleu) nuclei

Stimulus (stimul) stimuli

Genius (geniu) genii (spirit)/ geniuses (genii)

DAR: bonus (bonus) bonuses, virus (virus) - viruses

-on -a

Phenomenon (fenomen) phenomena

Criterion (criteriu) criteria

DAR: demon (demon) demons, neurone (neuron) neurones, proton (proton) protons, ganglion
(ganglion) - ganglions

-is -es

Analysis (analiza) analyses

Axis (axa) - axes

Basis (baza) bases

Crisis (criza) crises

Diagnosis (diagnostic) - disgnoses

Thesis (teza) theses

Paranthesis (paranteza) parantheses

Hypothesis (ipoteza) hypotheses

-um -a

Addendum (adenda/ adaos) - addenda

Bacterium (bacterie) bacteria

Datum (data) data

Medium (mediu) media

Memorandum (memorandum) - memoranda

Stratum (strat) strata

Symposium (simpozion) symposia

DAR: museum (muzeu) museums, asylum (azil) asylums, stadium (stadion) - stadiums

-a -ae

Alga (alga) algae

Larva (larva) larvae

Formula (formula) formulae/ formulas

Antenna (antena) antennae/ antennas

Vertebra (vertebra) vertebrae/ vertebras

DAR: arena (arena) arenas, dilemma (dilema) dilemmas, diploma (diploma) diplomas, encyclopaedia
(enciclopedie) encyclopaedias, era (era) eras, retina (retina) retinas, villa (vila) - villas

-x -ces

Index (index) indices (indici)/ indexes (tabela de continuturi)

Appendix (apendice) appendices (apendice in carti)/ appendixes (apendice - anatomie)

Matrix (matrice) matrices

ALTE SUBSTANTIVE: genus (gen) genera, stamen (energie) stamena

Italian: bandit banditti/ bandits, virtuoso virtuosi/ virtuoso, confetto - confetti

French: beau (barbat) beaux, bureau (birou) - bureaux

Pluralul substantivelor compuse:

Pluralul in primul element:

Adaugam s la cuvantul principal care primeste intrebarea "ce fel de?":

e.g.mother-in-law - mothers-in-law (soacra - soacre)

father-in-law - fathers-in-law (socru - socrii)

man-of-war - men-of-war (vas de razboi/ nava militara)

court-martial - courts-martial (curte martiala)

Plural in ambele elemente:

Knight-Templar - Knights-Templars (cavaler templier)

Lord Lieutenant - Lords Lieutenants (guvernator)

Lord Chancellor - Lords Chancellors (cancelar)

Lord Justice - Lords Justices (judecator)

Plural in elementul final:

step-son - step-sons (fiu vitreg)

fountain pen fountain pens (stilou)

workman workmen (muncitor)

footstep footsteps (urma)

goldsmith goldsmiths (aurar)

trade-union - trade-unions (sindicat)

boyfriend - boyfriends (prieten)

attorney-general - attorney-generals (procuror)

Substantive compuse care primesc s la final:

Merry-go-round merry-go-rounds (calusei)

Forget-me-not forget-me-nots (floare de nu ma uita)

Gin-and-tonic - gin-and-tonics (bautura alcolica)

Grown-up grown-ups (adult)

Close-up - close-ups (cadru)

Take-off - take-offs (decolare)

On-looker on-lookers (privitor)

Frying pan frying pans (tigaie)

Castaway - castaways (exilat)

Handful handfuls (mana plina)

Spoonful - spoonfuls (lingura plina)

Touchdown touchdowns (atingere)

Breakdown breakdowns (cadere nervoasa)

!!! Passer-by passers-by (trecator)

Pluralul substantivelor compuse cu MAN si WOMAN:

(se pune plural in ambele elemente atunci can man si woman indica genul)

Woman doctor > women doctors (doctorita)

Man doctor > men doctors (doctor)

Man-servant > men-servants (servitor)

Woman-servant > women-servants (servitoare)

Woman-cook > women-cooks (bucatareasa)

Man-cook -> men - cooks (bucatar)

DAR: man-eater (canibal) - man-eaters/ woman hater (misogin) woman haters (man si woman aici nu
indica genul)
-man -> -men/ -woman -> -women:

Postman postmen (postas)

Fireman firemen (pompier)

Gentleman gentlemen (domn)

Policewoman -> policewomen (politista)

Daca avem un titlu urmat de nume pluralul se poate pune si la titlu si la nume:

The Misses Brown / the Miss Browns (Domnisoarele Brown)

Pluralul abrevierilor, numerelor si literelor alfabetului:

Dot your is (pune punctele pe i-uri)

Two ands too many (ai doi de "si")

Cancel your 4s (anuleaza cifrele patru)

In the 1990s (in anii 90)

Bro. (brother) bros. (brothers)

Dr. (doctor) drs. (doctors)

Lb. (pound) lbs. (pounds)

Ms. (manuscript) mss. (manuscripts)

M.P. (Member of Parliament) MPs or MPs (members)

PhD (doctor) PhDs or PhDs (doctors)

Substantive cu sensuri diferite la plural si singular:

Air (aer) airs (infumurare): to put on airs (a-si da aere/ a fi infumurat)

Compass (compas) compasses (busole)

Copper (cupru) coppers (banuti din cupru)

Force (forta/ putere) forces (armata)

Good (beneficiu) goods (bunuri)

Return (intoarcere) returns (statistici)

Substantive cu doua sensuri la plural:

Colour (culoare) colours (culori/ steagul unui regiment)

Custom (obicei) customs (obiceiuri/ vama)

Effect (efect/ rezultat) effects (rezultate/ bunuri)

Glass (pahar) glasses (pahare/ ochelari)

Hair (par) hairs (fire de par)

Scale (scala) scales (scale/ cantar)

Paper (hartie) papers (hartii/ documente)

Wood (lemn) woods (lemne/ padure)

Work (munca) works (opere de arta)

Rain (ploaie) rains (anotimp ploios/ ploi)

Experience (experienta) experiences (experiente/ aventuri)

Substantive cu doua sensuri la singular:

Abuse (wrong use/ reproaches) abuses (wrong uses)

Foot (part of the body/ infantry) feet (parts of the body)

Horse (cavalry/ a quadruped) horses (quadrupeds)

People (a nation/ persons) peoples (nations)

17.02 Uncountable nouns in the singular

Substantivele nenumarabile la singular au urmatoarele caracteristici:

- NU SE NUMARA si NU PRIMESC -S la plural:

e.g. an information, two informations, three informations

- Au forma invariabila si DACA vrem sa le numaram folosim un partitiv care se numara in locul

e.g. information (informatii in general) -> I need information from you. (Am nevoie de informatie de la tine.)

a piece of information (o informatie)

two pieces of information (doua informatii) -> I have two pieces of information for you. (Am doua
informatii pentru tine.)/ I have two informations -> NU SE POATE

three pieces of information (trei informatii)

ATENTIE: a piece of (o bucata de) este un partitiv care se foloseste cu foarte multe substantive nenumarabile
dar exista si alte partitive specifice pentru anumite substantive care trebuie invatate pe dinafara: e.g. a loaf of
bread (o paine), a tuft/ blade of grass (un fir de iarba), a stretch of road (o bucata de drum), etc.

- Se folosesc numai cu verbul la SINGULAR:

e.g. Money is dirty. (Banii sunt murdari.)

- Sunt inlocuite cu pronumele IT:

e.g. Where is my money? It is in the wallet. (Unde sunt banii mei? Ei sunt in portofel.)

- Se folosesc cu: some/ much/ little:

e.g. I have some information. (Am niste informatii.)

He has much advice to give. (El are multe sfaturi de dat.)

There is little milk left. (Este putin lapte ramas.)

Diferenta dintre LITTLE si A LITTLE:

Cand folosim LITTLE inseamna ca aproape nu mai este deloc sau ca ceva nu este suficient pentru a-l folosi:

e.g. I have little money left, so I can't buy the book. (Am foarte putini bani ramasi/ Nu am suficienti bani ramasi,
asa ca nu pot sa cumpar cartea.)

Cand folosim A LITTLE inseamna ca este destul, suficient pentru a face ceva:

e.g. I have a little money left, so I can buy a car. (Am ceva bani ramasi, asa ca pot sa cumpar o masina.)

In limba engleza substantivele nenumarabile la singular sunt:

Numele de obiecte de studiu:

economics (economie), physics (fizica), history (istorie), maths (matematica), chemistry (chimie), literature
(literatura), etc.


Substantivele care denumesc nume de stiinte, ocupatii sau arte terminate in ics

- sunt urmate de verb la singular daca ne referim la ele ca stiinta, ocupatie, arta::

e.g. Economics is a difficult science. (Economia este o stiinta dificila.)

- sunt urmate de verb la plural atunci cand particularizeaza, cand se refera la o aplicatie practica (in acest
caz vor avea the, this, his, her in fata): His mathematics were very bad. (Cunostintele lui de matematica erau
foarte proaste.)

Acoustics ... a science which deals with sounds. (Acustica este o stiinta care se ocupa de sunete.)

a) is (este corect sa folosim verb la singular pentru ca acustica este o stiinta aici)

b) are

c) were

d) have been

The acoustics of this room ... very good. (Austica acestei camere este foarte buna.)

a) is

b) are (este corect sa folosim verb la plural pentru ca aici acustica este particularizata, este vorba doar de
acustica camerei)

c) was

d) has been

Numele de boli:

mumps (oreion), measles (pojar), small-pox (varicela), rickets (rahitism), flu (gripa), pneumonia
(pneumonie), chickenpox (bubat), tuberculosis (tuberculoza), consumption (tuberculoza), etc.

Numele de jocuri:

football, soccer (fotbal), darts, billiards (biliard), dominoes (domino), ninepins (popice), checkers (joc de
dame), backgammon (table), golf, rugby, cricket, etc.

e.g. a game of chess/ a match of football (un joc de sah/ un meci de fotbal)

Spanish, English, French, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, etc.


A loaf of bread (o paine -> ATENTIE pluralul de la loaf este loaves: two loaves of bread = doua paini)

A slice of bread (o felie de paine)

A cube/ block of ice (un cub/ bloc de gheata)

A piece/ slice of toast (o bucata/ felie de paine prajita)

A pound of beef/ pork/ mutton (un paund de carne de vita/ carne de porc/ carne de oaie)

A chunk/ roast/ piece of meat (o bucata mare/ friptura/ bucata de carne)

A rasher of bacon (o feliuta de sunca)

A packet of butter (un pachet de unt)

A jar of jam (un borcan de gem)

A slice of cheese (o felie de branza -> ATENTIE cheeses inseamna sortimente de branza)

A bar of chocolate (o ciocolata)

A bowl/ grain of rice (un castron/ bob de orez)

A lump/ pound/ kilogram of sugar (un cub/ pound/ kilogram de zahar)

A pinch of salt (un varf de sare)

A whiff of garlic (o adiere de usturoi)

An ear of corn (un stiulete de porumb)

A pound of flour (un paund de faina)

A packet of biscuits (un pachet de biscuiti)

!!! Atentie: pound-ul este o unitate de masura specific englezeasca echivalentul a 0.45359237 kilograme

e.g. I have eaten three rashers of bacon and two slices of toast. (Am mancat trei felii de sunca si doua felii
de paine prajita.)
Lichidele si bauturile:

A bottle/glass/ pint/ crate of beer (o sticla/ un pahar/ o halba/ o lada de bere)

A bottle/ glass/ splash of water/liquid (o sticla/ un pahar/ o improscatura de apa/ lichid)

A bucket of water (o galeata de apa)

A drop of blood (o picatura de singe)

A sip/ cup/ pot/ kettle of tea/coffee (o sorbitura/ o ceasca/ o oala/ un ceainic de ceai/ cafea)

A mouthful/ handful/ spoonful/ bucketful of water/ liquid (o gura plina de/ o mana plina de/ o lingura
plina de/ o galeata plina de apa)

A glass/ bottle of wine/ champagne (un pahar/ o sticla de vin/ sampanie DAR wines/champagnes inseamna
sortimente de vinuri si sampanii)

Fenomenele naturii:

A beam of light (o raza de lumina)

A spell of weather (o vreme)

A clap/ bolt/ roll of thunder (un tunet)

A flash of lightning (un fulger)

A gust of wind (o rafala de vant)

A column/ ribbon/ puff/ wisp of smoke (o coloana/ o panglica/ un puf/ un firicel de fum)

A breath of fresh air (o gura de aer proaspat)

A drop of rain (o picatura de ploaie)

!!! ATENTIE: Nu se pune niciodata A in fata substantivului WEATHER (vreme) What a nice weather we
have! dar putem spune What a spell of nice weather we have! (Ce vreme frumoasa avem!)


A tuft/ blade of grass (un fir de iarba)

A piece/ strip/ acre of land (o bucata/ o fasie/ un acru de pamant)

A stretch of road (o intindere de drum)

A piece/ stick of chalk (o bucata de creta)

A pile of rubbish (o gramada de gunoi)

A block of concrete (un bloc de beton)

A scrap/ sheet/ piece/ pad of paper (o bucatica/ o foaie/ o bucata/ un top de hartie)

A piece of luggage/baggage (un bagaj)

An article of clothing (un articol de imbracaminte)

A tube of toothpaste (un tub de pasta de dinti)

A piece/ set/ an article of furniture (o bucata/ un set/ un articol de mobila)

A piece of equipment (un echipament)

A grain of sand (un bob de nisip)

A stack of hay (o capita de fan)

A ball of string (un ghem de ata)

A lump/ piece of coal (o bucata de carbune)

A bar of soap (o bucata de sapun)

A set of cutlery (un set de tacamuri)

A speck of dust (un fir de praf)

An ounce of gold/ silver (o uncie/ un gram de aur/ argint)

A head/ strand/ lock of hair (un cap/ o fasie/ o bucla de par)

A piece of jewellery (o bijuterie)

Substantive abstracte:

A(n) piece/ item of news (o stire)

A piece/ word/ bit of advice (un sfat)

A piece/ stroke/ spell of work (o munca)

A burst/ peal/ roar of laughter (o izbucnire de ras)

An attack of nerves (un atac de nervi)

A hint of trouble (o problema)

An attack of fever (un atac de febra)

A course of treatment (un curs de tratament)

An item of business (o afacere)

An ounce of energy (un strop de energie)

A(n) piece/ item of information (o informatie)

A word of abuse (o injuratura)

A piece of evidence (o dovada)

A stroke/ piece of luck (un noroc)

A state of emergency (o stare de urgenta)

A piece/ spot of music (o bucata de muzica)

A wink of sleep (un somn)

A feat of endurance (o rezistenta)

A feat of passion (o pasiune)

A term of imprisonment (un termen de inchisoare)

!!! gallows (spanzuratoare) se foloseste cu verbul la singular -> The gallows looks menacing.
(Spanzuratoarea arata amentintator.)

17.03 Uncountable nouns in the plural

Substantivele nenumarabile la plural au urmatoarele caracteristici:

- Se folosesc numai cu un verb la plural:

e.g. Your trousers are dirty. (Pantalonii tai sunt murdari.)

- Sunt inlocuite de ponumele THEY:

e.g. Your trousers are dirty. They need washing. (Pantalonii tai sunt murdari. Ei au nevoie sa fie spalati.)

- Daca vrem sa le numaram se foloseste partitivul: a pair of (o pereche de)

e.g. I have bought two pairs of trousers. (Am cumparat doua perechi de pantaloni.)
Substantivele nenumarabile la plural sunt:

- substantive care denumesc lucruri formate din doua parti egale unite intre ele:

breeches (bretele), drawers (lenjerie intima), pantaloons (lenjerie intima), pants (pantaloni/ chiloti),
trousers (pantaloni), overalls (salopeta), shorts (pantaloni scurti), glasses (ochelari), spectacles (ochelari),
compasses (compas), scales (cantar), binoculars (binoclu), tongs (cleste), scissors (foarfeca), shears
(foarfeca mare), suspenders (ciorapi cu jartiera/ bretele), pyjamas (pijama), pincers (penseta), tweezers
(penseta), pliers (cleste), flannels (lenjerie de flanela), tights (colanti), braces (bretele) + vb la plural

His scissors ... broken, so he has decided to buy ... scissors. (Foarfeca lui este stricata asa ca a decis sa
cumpere doua foarfece noi.)

a) are/ two new

b) is/ two new pairs of

c) are/ two new pairs of

d) is/ two new

- altele:

Annals (letopiset), arms (arme), alms (pomana), archives (arhiva), ashes (cenusa), bellows (foale), customs
(vama), credentials (recomandari), dregs (sedimente), drys (zat), outskirts (periferie), savings (economii),
looks (aspect), premises (perimetru), clothes (haine), surroundings (imprejurimi), troops (trupe), funds
(fonduri), stocks (stalpul rusinii), grafitti, bowels (intestine), brains (desteptaciune), giblets (maruntaie),
amends (compensatie), movables (bunuri mobile), oats (ovaz), regards (salutari), spirits (bauturi alcolice),
slums (mahalale), tropics (tropice), victuals (mancare), banns (of marriage), contents (continut), cross-
roads (intersectie), fireworks (artificii), goods (bunuri), manners (maniere), nuptials (nunta), odds (sanse),
particulars (informatii), headquarters (cartier general), remains (ramasite), spoils (prada de razboi),
valuables (obiecte de valoare), wages (salariu saptamanal), earnings (castiguri), sweepings (resturi), doings
(fapte), filings (pilitura), lodgings (locuinte), going-ons (intamplari), winnings (castiguri), beginnings
(inceputuri), tidings (vesti), eaves (zori), riches (bogatii) + vb la plural

- substantive proprii la plural:

The Alps

The Bahamas

The Himalayas

The Pyrenees

The Midlands
The Canaries

The Highlands

The Rockies

The East/West Indies

The U.S.A.

- adjective care arata nationalitatea terminate in (i)sh, -ch, -ese: British, Irish, Spanish, Welsh, Danish,
French, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese + vb la plural

e.g. The Chinese are a hard-working people. (Chinezii sunt un popor muncitor.)

- substantive colective:

Police (politie), army (armata), cattle (vite), vermin (daunatori), the clergy (preotii), people (oameni),
poultry (pasari de curte), gentry (nobilime) + vb la plural

e.g. The police ARE coming. (Vine politia.)

The cattle are grazing on the field. (Vitele pasc pe camp.)

These vermin do much harm. (Acesti daunatori fac mult rau.)

- substantive formate din the + adjectiv care exprima o clasa de oameni:

e.g. The young (tinerii), the sick (bolnavii), the poor (saracii), the rich (bogatii), the blind (orbii), the deaf
(surzii), the dead (mortii), etc. + vb la plural

e.g. The rich never understand the poor. (Bogatii nu ii inteleg niciodata pe saraci.)

- substantivele team (echipa), committee (comitet), crew (echipaj), jury (juriu), audience (public), class
(clasa), council (consiliu), crowd (multime), family (familie), government (guvern), press (presa), public
(public), staff (personal), etc.

o se folosesc cu verb la singular atunci cand vedem grupul ca pe un intreg: The staff works very
hard. (Personalul munceste din greu. -> personalul ca un singur grup)

o se folosesc cu verb la plural atunci cand vedem the grupul ca indivizi luati fiecare in parte: The
staff were given a rise for Christmas. (Fiecarui membru al personalului i s-a dat o marire de
salariu de Craciun.)
Grupurile pot fi numarate cu urmatorii partitivi:

Grupuri de lucruri:

A bunch of grapes (un ciorchine de struguri)

A bouquet of flowers (un buchet de flori)

A pack/ deck of cards (un pachet de carti de joc)

A crate of beer (o lada de bere)

A flight of stairs (un rand de scari)

A clump of trees (un palc de copaci)

A cluster of stars (un manunchi de stele)

A fleet of taxis (o flota de taxiuri)

A fleet of ships (o flota de vapoare)

A bundle of rags (o legatura de carpe)

A string of beads (un sir de margele)

Grupuri de animale:

A gaggle of geese (un card de gaste)

A plague of locusts (un stol de lacuste)

A pride of lions (un grup de lei)

A colony of ants (un musuroi de furnici)

A swarm of bees (un roi de albine)

A pack of wolves (o haita de lupi)

A pack of hounds/dogs (o haita de caini)

A flock of birds (un stol de pasari)

A flock of sheep (o turma de oi)

A herd of deer/cattle/elephants (o cireada de caprioare/ vite/ elefanti)

A school/shoal of fish (un banc de pesti)

A litter of puppies/kittens (un grup de catelusi/ pisicute)

A pod of dolphins (un grup de delfini)

Grupuri de oameni:

A panel of experts (un grup de experti)

A troup of dancers (o trupa de dansatori)

A staff of teachers (o catedra de profesori)

A bevy of girls (un grup de fete)

A company of actors (o companie de actori)

A gang of thieves (o banda de hoti)

A mob of rioters (o gloata de rasculati)

A board of directors (un consiliu de directori)

A crew of sailors (un echipaj de marinari)

A crowd of people (o multime de oameni)

A tribe of Indians (un trib de indieni)

A desire of suitors (un grup de pretendenti la mana unei femei)

17.04 The gender and case of nouns

Genul substantivelor

Limba engleza are trei genuri: masculin (pentru barbati -> he), feminin (pentru femei -> she) si neutru
(pentru animale, plante, lucruri -> it).

Animalele au si ele masculin si feminin pentru mascul si femela dar mai exista si genul comun folosit pentru
un substantiv care denumeste atat masculul cat si femela. De exemplu horse (cal) se foloseste si pentru mascul
si pentru femela, dar in acelasi timp pentru mascul avem armasar (stallion/ stud) si pentru femela avem iapa
(mare). De asemenea limba engleza are denumiri diferite pentru puii de animale.
Genul Masculin Feminin Comun Puiul

Stallion/stud (armasar) mare (iapa) horse (cal) colt (m)/filly (f) (manz)

Bull/ox (bou) cow (vaca) cattle (vite) calf (vitel)

Dog (caine) bitch (catea) dog (caine) puppy (catelus)

Tom-cat (motan) Tabby-cat (pisica) cat (pisica) kitten (pisicuta)

Boar (vier) sow (scroafa) pig/ swine (porc) piglet (purcel)

Billy-goat (tap) Nanny-goat (capra) goat (capra) kid (ied)

Ram (berbec) ewe (oaie) sheep (oi) lamb (miel)

Drake (ratoi) duck (rata) duck (rata) duckling (boboc de rata)

Gander (gascan) goose (gasca) goose (gasca) gooseling (boboc de gasca)

Rooster/cock (cocos) hen (gaina) - chicken/ chick (pui)

Cock-pheasant (fazan) hen-pheasant (fazanita) pheasant (fazan) chick (pui de fazan)

Stag (cerb) doe/hind (caprioara) deer (caprioara) fawn (pui de caprioara)

He-wolf (lup) she-wolf (lupoaica) wolf (lup) wolf-cub (pui de lup)

Fox (vulpoi) vixen (vulpe) fox (vulpe) fox-cub (pui de vulpe)

He-bear (urs) she-bear (ursoaica) bear (urs) bear-cub (pui de urs)

Bull-elephant (elefant) cow-elephant (femela elefant) elephant baby-elephant (pui de elefant)

Femininul se poate forma adaugand terminatia -ess la forma de masculin, dar mai exista substantive care au
forme diferite pentru masculin si feminin:

Masculin Feminin

actor actress (actor/actrita)

waiter waitress (chelner/chelnerita)

lion lioness (leu/leoaica)

god goddess (zeu/zeita)

prince princess (print/printesa)

host hostess (barbat gazda / femeie gazda)

adventurer adventuress (aventurier)/aventuriera)

duke duchess (duce/ducesa)

master mistress (stapan/stapana)

emperor empress (imparat/imparateasa)

negro negress (negru/negresa)

marquis marchioness (marchiz/marchiza)

chauffeur chauffeuse (sofer/soferita)

czar czarina (tar/tarina)

hero heroine (erou/eroina)

aviator aviatrix (aviator/aviatoare)

widower widow (vaduv/vaduva)

groom bride (mire/mireasa)

bachelor spinster (burlac/fata nemaritata)

landlord landlady (proprietar/proprietareasa)

manservant maidservant (servitor/servitoare)

boyfriend girlfriend (iubit/ iubita)

Cazul substantivelor

Genitivul in 'S:

Posesia in limba engleza se exprima adaugand 's dupa substantiv daca acesta este la singular sau doar '
(apostrof) daca substantivul este la plural:

Sg. Pl.

The girls doll (papusa fetei) the girls dolls (papusile fetelor)

Daca substantivul este neregulat atunci se foloseste 's si pentru singular si pentru plural:

The mans dog (cainele barbatului) the mens dogs (cainii barbatilor)
Genitivul in s este folosit cu:

oameni: the girls puppy (catelusul fetei)

nume proprii: Washingtons statue (statuia lui Washington), Dickenss books (Cartile lui Dickens)

continente: Europes future (viitorul Europei)

tari: Chinas development (dezvoltarea Chinei)

orase: Londons parks (parcurile Londrei)

universitati: The University of Minnesotas President (presedintele Universitatii din Minnesota)

institutii: St. Andrews Cathedral (Catedrala Sfantului Andrei)/ St. Giles Hospital (Spitalul Sfantul Giles)

rauri: the rivers bank (malul raului)

oceane : the oceans foam (spuma oceanului)

expresii de timp/ spatiu/ marime/ distanta/ greutate/ cantitate: yesterdays newspaper (ziarul zilei de ieri)/
a two miles walk (o plimbare a doua mile)/ the weeks pay (plata saptamanii)

substantive abstracte: loves torments (chinurile dragostei)

nume de anotimpuri/ luni/ zile: summers end (sfarsitul verii)/ winters day (ziua iernii)

animale: the cats paw (laba pisicii)

sarbatori: Guy Fawkess Day (ziua lui Guy Fawkes)/ St. Agnes Eve (ajunul Sfintei Agnes)

Pentru anybody else (altcineva/ altcuiva), nobody else (nimeni altcineva), no one else (nimeni altcineva),
who else (cine altcineva), anyone else (altcineva) s se pune dupa else:

e.g. Is this somebody else's car? (Este aceasta masina altcuiva?)

s poate sa denumeasca:

- Institutii ca restaurante, biserici, teatre, spitale, etc.

e.g. Lets have lunch at Torellis. (Hai sa luam pranzul la [restaurantul] Torelli. -> faptul ca avem un 's inseamna
ca este un restaurant)

St. Pauls was damaged during the war. ([Catedrala] Sfantul Paul a fost deteriorata in timpul razboiului. ->
's arata ca este o catedrala desi se poate spune si St. Paul's Cathedral)

- O casa:

e.g. Were you at Jims (place)? (Ai fost la Jim [acasa]?)

She went to her fathers (home).(A fost la tatal ei [acasa])

- Un magazin: the stationers (papetarie), the chemists (farmacie), the drapers (magazin de perdele), the
confectioners (cofetarie), the barbers (frizer), the greengrocers (aprozar), the butchers (macelarie), the
grocers (bacanie), the hairdressers (coafor), the fishmongers (pescarie), the tabacconists (tutungerie),
the cleaners (curatatorie)

e.g. She is at the dressmakers. (Ea este la croitorie.)

Ill go to the butchers (shop) later. (Ma voi duce la macelarie mai tarziu.)

!!! ATENTIE: daca punem 's dupa doua nume: Tom and Marys parents, insemana ca cei doi sunt frati (parintii
lui Tom si Mary). Daca punem 's dupa fiecare nume, inseamna ca au parinti diferiti: Toms and Marys parents
(parintii lui Tom si parintii lui Mary).

Genitivul dublu are si apostrof s si of in el:

e.g. A nephew of Aunt Tinas (un nepot al matusii Tina)

An old colleague of my sons (un vechi coleg al fiului meu)

Se foloseste cu:

Plural indefinit lyrics of Donnes (versuri ale lui Donne)

Numeral + OF + NOUNS two friends of Jacks (doi prieteni ai lui Jack)

Interogativ indefinit what friends of my fathers (ce prieten al tatalui meu)

Pronume demonstrative that wife of your fathers (acea nevasta a tatalui tau)

A portrait of Rembrandt ( one portraying him - un portret al lui Rembrand, care il are pe Rembrand pictat)

A portrait of Rembrandts (one painted by him or belonging to him - un portret al lui Rembrand -> care a fost
pictat de el sau care ii apartine lui)

A criticism of Shaw (opinion about Shaw - critica despre Shaw)

A criticism of Shaws (opinions by Shaw - critica exprimata de Shaw)

Genitivul cu Of se foloseste cu obicte: the leg of the table (piciorul mesei), the roof of the house (acoperisul
18.00 The Adjective & the Adverb

18.01 The Adjective

1. Adjectivul in limba engleza sta de obicei IN FATA unui substantiv: a beautiful girl (o fata frumoasa) dar
exista cateva adjective care stau DUPA substantiv:

e.g. galore (mult/ multi/ multe), proper (propriu-zis), designate (desemnat), elect (ales):

We have money galore = We have a lot of money. (Noi avem multi bani.)

The president elect (Presedintele ales)

The Prime Minister designate (Primul Ministru desemnat)

The town proper (Orasul propriu-zis)

Ordinea adjectivelor in fata unui substantiv este: OSASCOMP

Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose Noun

(opinie) (marime) (varsta) (forma) (culoare) (origine) (material) (scop) (substantiv)

A beautiful big new round brown Spanish oak dining table

(o masa mare, noua, rotunda, maro, spaniola, din stejar, pentru cina)

!!!!! Daca avem doua sau mai multe adjective care exprima opinia atunci adjectivul general sta in fata
celui specific: e.g. a kind gentle lady

e.g. They have bought ... mansion. (Ei au cumparat un conac superb, imens, italian, pentru vacanta.)

a) a gorgeous huge Italian holiday

b) a huge gorgeous holiday Italian

c) a gorgeous holiday huge Italian

d) a holiday Italian huge gorgeous

!!!!! Exista o ordine a adjectivelor mult mai detaliata:

Opinion Size Quality or Character Age Shape Colour Participles Origin Material Type
Purpose Noun

Fantastic soft grey leather seats

(locuri fantastice, moi, gri, din piele)

Small old French carriage clocks

(ceasuri mici, vechi, frantuzesti, de buzunar)

2. Adjectivul mai poate sta dupa verbe copulative: e.g. She is beautiful. Verbele copulative in limba engleza

- Be (a fi): e.g. He is smart. (El este destept.)

- Become (a deveni): e.g. They have become rude. (Ei au devenit obraznici.)
- Turn (a deveni): e.g. Your face has turned red. (Fata ta a devenit rosie.)

- Grow (a deveni): e.g. I am growing old. (Eu imbatranesc/ devin batran.)

- Appear (a parea): e.g. They appear happy. (Ei par fericiti.)

- Seem (a parea): e.g. You seem tired. (Tu pari obosit.)

- Look (a parea) : e.g. She looks pale. (Ea pare palida.)

- Get (a deveni): e.g. I am getting angry. (Eu devin manios.)

- Feel (a simti): e.g. We feel happy about it. (Noi ne simtim fericiti in legatura cu asta.)

- Sound (a suna): e.g. This sounds interesting. (Asta suna interesant.)

- Smell (a mirosi): e.g. Something smells good in here. (ceva miroase bine aici.)

- Taste (a gusta): e.g. The food tastes delicious. (Mancarea are gust delicios.)

- Stay (a sta/ a ramane): e.g. Children stay calm. (Copii ramaneti calmi.)

!!! Atentie: dupa restul verbelor se foloseste un adverb de mod. Adverbele de mod se formeaza de obicei
adaugand -ly la adjectiv.

She is beautiful. (Ea este frumoasa.) (verb copulativ + adjectiv)

She sings beautifully. (Ea canta frumos.) (verb predicativ + adverb de mod)

Present Participle (Participiul Prezent => vb. + -ing) & Past Participles (Participiul Trecut => vb. III/ + -ed)
pot fi adjective:

The course was boring. (Cursul era plictisitor. - se refera la cum era cursul)/ I was bored. (Eu eram plictisit. - se
refera la cum simte cineva)

The film is interesting. (Filmul este interesant. - se refera la cum este filmul)/ She is interested in buying. (Ea
este interesata sa cumpere. - se refera la cum simte cineva)

Adjectivele compuse:

1. Adj + Present Participles (vb. -ing): long-lasting relationship (o relatie de durata), long-playing show (un
shou care dureaza mult), nasty-looking cut (o taietura care urata)

2. Past Participles (vb. III/ -ed): cut-off jeans (jeansi taiati), undercooked meat (carne care nu este gatita bine),
rolled-up carpet (covor rulat)
3. Number + noun (sg): a tree-year contract (un contract de trei ani), a two-week course (un curs de doua
saptamani), a 5-year-old child (un copil de cinci ani)

4. Well, badly, ill, poorly (adv) + Past Participle (vb. III/ -ed): a poorly-kept garden (o gradina prost
intretinuta), a well-timed joke (o gluma bine plasata)

5. Adjective + noun + ed: a long-legged woman (o femeie cu picioare lungi), a blue-eyed man (un barbat cu
ochi albastri), a fair-haired girl (o fata blonda)

6. Noun + Present Participle (vb. -ing): heart-breaking story (o poveste care iti rupe inima), back-breaking
work (munca care iti rupe spatele/ este grea)

7. Noun + Past Participle (vb. III/ -ed): hand-made basket (cos facut de mana), tailor-made suit (costum facut
la croitor), home-made bread (paine facuta in casa)

e.g. They have gone on a ... trip. (Ei s-au dus intr-o excursie de cinci zile.)

a) five-days

b) five day

c) five-day

d) fives-day

Yesterday we saw a beautiful ... girl. (Ieri am vazut o fata frumoasa cu ochi verzi.)

a) green-eyes

b) green-eye

c) green-eyed

d) green-eyeing

Exista o serie de adjective care se pot pune NUMAI dupa verbe copulative. Ele nu stau niciodata in fata
unui substantiv.

- afraid (temator)

- alike (asemanator)

- alive (in viata)

- alone (singur)

- aloof (distant)

- ashamed (rusinat)

- asleep (adormit)

- ajar (intredeschis) e.g. The door is ajar. / an ajar door

- askew (stramb/ pe o parte) (Usa este intredeschisa/ crapata.)

- content (multumit)

- glad (bucuros)

- ill (bolnav)

Daca vrem sa folosim adjective care exprima acelasi lucru in fata unui substantiv atunci folosim
sinonime ale acestor adjective:

e.g. an ill child/ a sick child/ the child is ill (Un copil bolnav./ Copilul este bolnav. -> sick = ill)

Exista o serie de adjective care se pot pune NUMAI in fata unui substantiv. Ele nu stau niciodata dupa
verbe copulative.

- Chief (principal)

- Eldest (cel mai in varsta)

- Elder (mai in varsta)

- Former (anterior/ fost)

- Indoor (interior)

- Inner (interior)

- Main (principal)

- Only (doar)

- Outdoor (exterior) e.g. an outdoor swimming pool/ the pool is outdoor

- Outer (exterior) (o piscina exterioara)

- Principle (principal)

- Upper (superior)
Unele adjective se pot folosi metaforic:

Silky skin (skin like silk - piele matasoasa) vs. Silk dress (dress made
of silk - rochie facuta din matase)

Stony look (disapproving look - privire dezaprobatoare) vs. Stone wall (wall
made of stone - zid facut din piatra)

Golden eagle (an eagle with gold like colour - un vultur cu culoare aurie) vs. A gold ring (a ring
made of gold - inel facut din aur)

Feathery snowflakes (soft like feathers - fulgi de nea usori ca niste pene) vs. A feather pillow (a
pillow with feathers - o perina facuta cu pene)

Metallic paint (paint which looks like metal - vopsea care are culoare metalizata) vs. Metal box (a box
made of metal - o cutie facuta din metal)

Leathery meat (meat too firm to cut - carne care e foarte tare si greu de taiat) vs. A leather coat (a coat
made of leather - o haina facuta din piele)

A leaden sky (dark sky, the colour of lead - cer innorat/ de culoarea plumbului/ plumburiu) vs. Lead pipes
(pipes made of lead - tevi facute din plumb)

A steely character (strong characte - caracter puternic/ otelit) vs. A steel-plated tank (a
tank with steel covering - tanc placat cu otel)

e.g.This plant has soft ... leaves. (Aceasta planta are frunze moi care arata ca niste pene.)

a) feather

b) feathering

c) feathery

d) feathered

My bosss ... expression showed that something was wrong. (Expresia dezaprobatoare a sefului meu arata ca
ceva era in neregula.)

a) stone

b) stoning

c) stony

d) ston

I have received ... earrings for my birthday. (Am primit cercei de aur de ziua mea.)

a) golden

b) gold
c) golded

d) golding

Gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor in limba engleza:

I. Positiv:

Adjective monosilabice: eg. big (mare), small (mic)

Adjective plurisilabice: eg. beautiful (frumos), interesting (interesant)

II. Comparativ:

1. de inferioritate: not so + adj. + as e.g. no so big as (nu la fel de mare ca)

less + adj.+ than (pentru adjective plurisilabice) e.g. less beautiful than (mai putin frumos

2. de egalitate: as + adj. + as e.g. as big as/ as beautiful as (la fel de mare ca/ la fel de frumos ca)

3. de superioritate:

a) pentru adjective monosilabice: adj + -er than e.g. bigger than/ smaller than (mai mare decat/ mai mic

b) pentru adjective plurisilabice: more + adj than e.g. more beautiful than (mai frumos decat)

III. Superlativ:

1. Relativ: a) pentru adjective monosilabice: the + adj -est e.g. the biggest (cel mai mare)

b) pentru adjective plurisilabice: the most + adj e. g. the most beautiful (cel mai frumos)

2. Absolut: very + adj e.g. very big/ very beautiful (foarte mare/ foarte frumos)
Formele adjectivelor neregulate

Positiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ

Good (bine/ bun) better (mai bine/ bun) the best (cel mai bine/ bun)

Bad/ill (rau/ bolnav) worse (mai rau/ mai bolnav) the worst (cel mai rau/ cel mai

Much/many (mult) more (mai mult) the most (cel mai mult)

Little (putin) less (mai putin) the least (cel mai putin)

Little (putin) lesser (nu atat de important)

Old (batran) older (mai batran) the oldest (cel mai batran)eldest

Old (batran) elder (mai mare - despre frati) the eldest (cel mai mare - despre

(!!! elder/ eldest se folosesc cu "son, daughter, brother, sister" si stau numai in fata substantivului,
niciodata dupa verbe copulative)

Far (departe) farther (mai departe) the farthest (cel mai departe - se
folosesc cand vorbim de spatiu)

Far (departe) further* (aditional/ mai departe in mod figurativ) the furthest (cel mai distant -
se folosesc cand vorbim de ceva abstract)

* I need further information. (Am nevoie de informatii suplimentare.)/ Let's go further with the lesson. (Hai sa
mergem mai departe cu lectia.)

Late (tarziu) later (mai tarziu) the last (ultimul)

Late (tarziu) latter (al doilea din doi) the latest (cel mai recent)

Fore (anterior) former (primul din doi) the foremost (principal/ care este

!!! Atentie:

I have two friends: the former is a pilot and the latter is a doctor. (Am doi prieteni: primul din cei doi este
pilot si al doilea din cei doi este doctor.)

I have three friends: the first is a doctor, the second is a teacher and the last is a pilot. (Am trei prieteni:
primul este doctor, al doilea este profesor si ultimul este pilot.)
!!!!!! Cand comparam DOI termeni folosim THE (de la Superlativ Relativ) si Comparativul de Superioritate
al adjectivului:

Of the two girls Mary is the more beautiful. (Dintre cele doua fete Mary este cea care este mai frumoasa.)

Comparati cu: Of the three girls Mary is the most beautiful. (Dintre cele trei fete mary este cea mai frumoasa.)

Of the two boys Tom is the taller. (Dintre cei doi baieti Tom este cel care este mai inalt.)

Comparati cu: Of the three boys Tom is the tallest. (Dintre cei trei baieti Tom este cel mai inalt.)

Constructii cu gradele de comparatie:

1. The + Comparative 1 + S + P, the + Comparative 2 + S + P. (cu cat ..., cu atat ...)

The more you learn, the smarter you become. (Cu cat inveti mai mult, cu atat devi mai destept.)

2. Comparative + AND + Comparative/ Ever + Comparative (din ce in ce mai ...)

This is getting better and better. (pentru adjective monosilabice) (Asta devine din ce in ce mai bine.)

This is getting ever better. (pentru adjective monosilabice) (Asta devine din ce in ce mai bine.)

She is more and more interesting. (pentru adjective plurisilabice) (Ea este din ce in ce mai interesanta.)

She is ever more interesting. (pentru adjective plurisilabice) (Ea este din ce in ce mai interesanta.)

3. MUCH/ FAR + Comparative (mult mai ...)

She is much/far smarter than I thought. (Ea este mult mai desteapta decat am crezut.)

4. EVEN + Comparative (chiar mai ...)

He is even taller than you. (El este chiar mai inalt decat tine.)

5. Comparative + BY FAR (... de departe)

This situation is better by far. (Situatia este mai buna de departe.)

6. Twice/Three times/Four times etc./Half + AS + Positive degree + AS (De doua ori/ de trei ori/ de patru
ori/ jumatate mai ... ca/ decat)

She speaks twice as much as you. (Ea vorbeste de doua ori mai mult ca/ decat tine)

He is only half as interesting as you are. (El este doar jumatate atat de interesant ca tine.)

Expresii cu adjectivul:

SUCH A/AN +ADJ.+NOUN+THAT: She is such a nice girl that everybody likes her. (Ea este o fata atat de
draguta incat toata lumea o place.)

SO + ADJ. + A/AN + NOUN: She was so beautiful a woman. (Ea era o femeie atat de frumoasa.)

MANY A/AN + NOUN sg.: Many a thing has happened lately. (Multe lucruri s-au intamplat in ultimul

(merge doar cu substantiv la singular dar se traduce prin plural)

A GREAT MANY + NOUN pl.: Id like to discuss about a great many things. (Mi-ar placea sa discut
despre multe lucruri)

(merge doar cu substantiv la plural si se traduce prin plural)

ADJ. + THOUGH + S + P: Beautiful though she is, I still wont marry her. (Desi este frumoasa, tot nu o sa
ma insor cu ea.)

18.02 The Adverb


(In mod normal adverbele descriu verbe, adjective, alte adverbe sau propozitii intregi.)

e.g. She speaks beautifully. (Ea vorbeste frumos.)

She is extremely smart. (Ea este extrem de desteapta.)

They walk incredibly quickly. (Ei merg incredibil de repede.)

Fortunately, they were all alive. (Din fericire, ei erau toti in viata.)

There are six types of adverbs (Exista sase tipuri de adverbe):

Adverbs of manner (how?) formed from adjective + ly (adverbe de mod care raspund la
intrebarea cum? si se formeaza adaugand terminatia -ly la adjectiv):
e.g. He walked carefully. (El a mers cu atentie.)

Adverbs of place (where?)(adverbe de loc care raspund la intrebarea unde?) e.g. here (aici), there
(acolo), near (langa), somewhere (undeva),etc.:

e.g. He is working in the garden. (El munceste in gradina.)

Adverbs of time (when?)(adverbe de timp care raspund la intrebarea cand?) e.g. now (acum),
then (atunci), soon (curand), tomorrow (maine), etc.:

e.g. They arrived yesterday. (Ei au sosit ieri.)

Adverbs of degree (how much?/to what extent?) (adverbe de grad care raspund la intrebarile cat
de mult?/ in ce masura?) e.g. extremely (extrem de), quite (destul de), just (tocmai), very (foarte),
too (prea), enough (destul de/ destul), rather (mai degraba/ cam), etc.:

e.g. He was extremely rude. (El a fost extrem de obraznic.)

!!!!!! ATENTIE: cand este adverb ENOUGH sta dupa adjectiv: e.g. beautiful enough (destul de
frumos); cand este un determinant sta in fata unui substantiv: e.g. There are enough apples. (Sunt destule

Adverbs of frequency (how often?) (adverbe de frecventa care raspund la intrebarea cat de des?)
e.g. sometimes (cateodata), often (adesea), monthly (lunar), yearly (anual), etc.:

e.g. She usually studies in the morning. (Ea invata de obicei dimineata.)

!!! ATENTIE: adverbele de frecventa: often (adesea), rarely (rareori), seldom (rareori), usually (de
obicei), frequently (frecvent), occasionally (ocazional), sometimes (cateodata), always (intotdeauna) stau
un fata verbului DAR DUPA VERBUL TO BE

E.g. She often talks on the phone. (Ea adesea vorbeste la telefon.) / E.g. She is often late. (Ea este
adesea in intarziere.)

Attitude adverbs (adverbe de atitudine care exprima atitudinea fata de ceva) e.g. clearly (clar),
honestly (cinstit), obviously (evident): e.g. Youve obviously eaten too much. (Evident ca ai mancat
prea mult.) & Sentence adverbs (adverbe care descriu intreaga propozitie si care stau de obicei la
inceputul sau la finalul propozitiei si sunt despartite prin virgula) e.g. apparently (aparent),
fortunately (din fericire), by the way (apropo), etc.: e.g. Incidentally, I noticed you looked tired.
(Intamplator, am observat ca arati obosit.)
Ordinea adverbelor in propozitie:

(Adv. de timp) + S frecventa + P + Complement Direct + Complement Indirect + Adv. de mod +
Adv. de loc + Adv. de timp

(Yesterday) He worked hard in the

garden yesterday.

[(Ieri) El a muncit din greu in gradina (ieri).]

S + Adv. de frecventa + P (vb. de miscare) + Adv. de loc + Adv. de mod + Adv. de timp

She usually goes to school on foot in the morning.

(Ea de obicei se duce la scoala pe jos dimineata.)

!!! ATENTIE: daca verbul este de miscare (e.g. go, run, walk, etc.) atunci se pune complementul de loc
inainte de cel de mod.

Adverbs of manner are very flexible and can stay in various positions in the sentence:

(Adverbele de mod sunt foarte flexibile si pot sta in diverse pozitii in propozitie)

- la inceputul propozitiei: Solemnly the minister addressed the congregation. (In mod solemn preotul s-a adresat

- inainte de verb: The minister solemnly addressed the congregation. (Preotul in mod solemn s-a adresat

- dupa verb si complementul direct: The minister addressed the congregation solemnly. (Preotul s-a adresat
congregatiei in mod solemn.)

Formarea adverbelor:

o Adverbele de mod se pot forma in felul urmator:

-Adj. + -ly: careful -> carefully (atent - cu atentie)

e.g. It was easy to do it. -> I did it easily. (A fost usor sa fac asta. -> Am facut asta cu usurinta.)

-Adj. + -s: unaware -> unawares (inconstient - in mod inconstient)

e.g. I was unaware of the consequences. -> You caught me unawares. (Am fost inconstient de consecinte. -> M-
ai prins nepregatit.)

-Substantiv + -wise/ -fashion/ -ways/ -style: clockwise (in sensul acelor de ceasornic), schoolboy-fashion (moda
de elev), sideways (pe o parte), cowboy-style (in stil de cowboy)

e.g. Turn the arm clockwise. (Intoarce bratul in sensul acelor de ceas.)

o Unele adverbe de frecventa se pot forma in felul urmator:

- Substantiv + -ly: Day -> daily (zilnic)

Fortnight -> fortnightly (din doua in doua saptamani)

Hour -> hourly (din ora in ora)

Month -> monthly (lunar)

Week -> weekly (saptamanal)

Year -> yearly (anual)

e.g. He is paid monthly. (El este platit lunar.)

o Unele adverbe de loc se pot forma in felul urmator:

- Substantiv + -ward(s): home -> homeward (catre casa), west -> westward(s) (catre vest), south -> southwards
(catre sud)

e.g. The window faces southwards. (Ferestrele dau spre sud.)

o Alte adverbe:

- Substantiv + -wise: e.g. price -> price-wise (in ceea ce priveste pretul), health -> health-wise (in ceea ce
priveste sanatatea)

!!! Pentru punctele cardinale putem sa punem most dupa adjectiv si obtinem locatia: southernmost (cel
mai din sud), northernmost (cel mai din nord)

Ortografia adverbelor:

Adjectivele terminate intr-o consoana + Y schimba pe y in i si adauga ly: - consonant + y -> ily:
cosy (comod) -> cosily (comod), happy (fericit) -> happily (in mod fericit)

DAR: sly -> slyly (in mod siret), coy -> coyly (in mod rusinos)

Adjectivele terminate in ic adauga ally: drastic -> drastically (in mod drastic), frantic -> frantically
(in mod frenetic)

DAR: public -> publicly (in mod public)

Adjectivele terminate in le schimba pe le in ly: horrible -> horibbly (in mod oribil), terrible ->
terribly (in mod teribil)
Adjectivele terminate in e adauga ly si il pastreaza pe e: scarce -> scarcely (abia)

DAR: whole -> wholly (intreg/ total), true -> truly (cu adevarat), due -> duly (in mod corespunzator)
(aceste adverbe nu il pastreaza pe e)

Participiile trecute adauga terminatia edly: learned -> learnedly (invatat)

Adjectivele terminate in ly (friendly - prietenos, lovely - minunat, motherly - mamos, ugly - urat,
elderly - in varsta, fatherly - tatos, lonely - singur, silly - prostut, etc) formeaza adverbul cu: in a(n) ...
way/manner. (intr-un mod ...)

e.g. She is very friendly with newcomers. (Ea este foarte prietenoasa cu persoanele nou venite.)

a) She behaves in a very friendlyly way with newcomers.

b) She behaves very friendlily with newcomers.

c) She behaves very friendly with newcomers.

d) She behaves in a very friendly manner with newcomers. (Ea se comporta intr-un mod prietenos cu
persoanele nou venite.)

Exista unele adjective si adverbe care au aceeasi forma:

e.g. best (cel mai bun), better (mai bine), cold (rece), daily (zilnic), dead (mort), deep (adanc), direct
(direct), dirty (murdar), early (devreme), easy (usor), far (departe), fast (repede), free (liber/ gratis),
further (mai departe), hard (greu/ din greu), high (inalt), hourly (ora de ora), inside (inauntru), kindly (in
mod dragut), last (ultim), late (tarziu), long (mult), low (jos), past (trecut), right (corect), straight (drept),
sure (sigur), thick (gros), tight (stramt), well (bine), wide (larg), wrong (gresit), etc.

You were our last (adj) hope. / You came in last (adv). (Tu erai ultima noastra speranta./ Tu ai intrat ultimul.)

This is a fast (adj) car. / The car runs fast (adv). (Aceasta este o masina rapida./ Masina merge repede.)

This is the wrong (adj) answer. / You did me wrong (adv). (Acesta este raspunsul gresit./ Tu mi-ai facut rau.)

!!!!! ADVERBUL lui GOOD este WELL

e.g. She is a good girl. - The girl sings well.

(Ea este o fata buna. - Fata canta bine.)

Adverbe cu doua forme si intelesuri diferite:

English adverbs with two forms are written as those that end in ly and those that dont.
(Adverbele cu doua forme sunt scrise ca cele terminate in -ly si cele care nu sunt terminate in -ly)

e.g. hard versus hardly

We work hard during the summer. (Noi muncim din greu in timpul verii.)

Hard este adverb de mod, arata faptul ca actiunea cere mult efort si se foloseste NUMAI DUPA VERB.

We hardly work during the summer. (Noi abia muncim in timpul verii.)

Hardly este adverb de frecventa sau grad, arata cat de mult sau cat de des se face actiunea si sta NUMAI IN

high versus highly

John is flying high at his new job. (Lui John ii merge foarte bine la slujba.)/ "He threw the stone high in
the sky." (El a aruncat piatra sus in cer.)

High este adverb de mod care arata cum ii merge lui John sau in al doilea caz arata locatia si este adverb de

Since starting the new project, the staff have been highly motivated. (De cand a inceput noul proiect,
personalul este foarte motivat.)

Highly este adverb de grad si arata cat de motivat este personalul.

fine versus finely

He is doing fine in his new job. (Lui ii merge bine la noua slujba.)

Fine este adverb de mod si arata cum ii merge cuiva.

You need to finely detail the contract. (Tu trebuie sa detaliezi contractul in amanuntime.)

Finely este adverb de grad si arata ca trbuie mult detaliu pentru contract.

late versus lately

I hate it when people arrive late. (Urasc cand oamenii sosesc tarziu.)

Late este adverb de timp si arata ca ceva se intampla tarziu.

What have you been doing lately? (Ce ai mai facut in ultimul timp?)

Lately este de asemenea un adverb de timp, dar inseamna in ultimul timp.

most versus mostly

What do you like most about working here? (Ce iti place cel mai mult in legatura cu munca aici?)

Most este adverb de grad si exprima ce este cel mai bun din ceva.

He has lived in many countries, but mostly in Europe. (El a locuit in multe tari, dar mai ales in Europa.)

Mostly inseamna mai ales/ in general/ pentru cea mai mare parte.

sure versus surely

Can you come with me to the party? Sure I can! (Poti veni cu mine la petrecere? Sigur ca pot.)

Sure este un adverb folosit pentru a arata ca da, esti de acord cu ceva.

Surely you can see that this is a bad idea. (Cu siguranta poti sa vezi ca asta este o idee proasta.)

Surely comenteaza asupra unei situatii si se foloseste pentru a spune ca ceva este evident.

wide versus widely

Could you tell me why the door to my office is wide open? (Poti sa imi spui de ce usa biroului meu este
larg deschisa?)

Wide arata gradul.

I am lucky enough to have widely travelled throughout Asia. (Sunt destul de norocos sa fi calatorit pe
scara larga/ extins/ foarte mult prin Asia.)

Widely este adverb de grad si arata cat de mult.

wrong versus wrongly

This year started well but then it all went wrong. (Anul acesta a inceput bine dar apoi totul a mers

Wrong este adverb de grad si sugereaza ca ceva rau/ gresit s-a intamplat si se pune numai dupa verb.

I apologise. I wrongly accused you of being lazy. (Imi cer scuze. Te-am acuzat pe nedrept ca esti lenes.)

Wrongly este adverb de mod si inseamna din greseala/ pe nedrept si se pune numai in fata verbului.

free versus freely

He walked free from the courtroom. (El a iesit liber de la curtea de justitie.)/ "We entered the disco free.
(Noi am intrat la discoteca pe gratis.)

Free este adverb de mod si arata ca cineva este liber si nu e restrictionat in nici un fel sau ca ceva este gratis.

She married him freely. (Ea s-a maritat cu el de buna voie.)/ He moved freely in the room. (El s-a miscat
nerestrictionat prin camera.)

Freely este de asemenea un adverb de mod si arata ca cineva face ceva de buna voie sau fara probleme,

deep versus deeply

He took the ring deep into the Misty Mountains. (El a dus inelul adanc in Muntii Cetosi.)

Deep este adverb de loc si arata ca ceva este undeva intr-un loc adanc.

I am deeply in love with him. (Sunt extrem de indragostita de el.)

Deeply este adverb de grad si inseamna foarte, extrem de.

easy versus easily

"Take it easy." (Ia-o usor.)

Easy este adverb de mod si arata ca ceva trebuie facut usor sau incet.

"I did it easily." (Am facut asta cu usurinta.)

Easily este tot adverb de mod , dar arata ca ceva este facut fara dificultate.

direct versus directly

"We flew direct to Paris." (Noi am zburat la Paris direct, fara escala.)

Direct este adverb de mod si arata ca o calatorie este facuta fara escale.

"Ill be there directly." (Voi fi acolo imediat.)/ Youll be directly responsible for him. (Vei fi raspunzator in
mod direct pentru el.)

Directly este tot adverb de mod si inseamna imediat sau in mod direct, fara altcineva care sa interfereze.

full versus fully

"You know full well I dont like this." (Si foarte bine ca nu imi place asta.)

Full este adveb de grad si inseamna foarte, total.

"I am fully aware of the consequences." (Sunt total constient de consecinte.)

Fully este adverb de mod si inseamna complet, total.

last versus lastly

"He came last in the race." (El a iesit ultimul din cursa.)

Last este adverb de mod si arata ca ceva este facut dupa toate celelalte/ toti ceilalti.

"Lastly, Id like to say that we have the final results." (In sfarsit, as vrea sa spun ca avem rezultatele

Lastly inseamna in sfarsit se refera la toata situatia.

near versus nearly

"That was a near miss." (Am scapat ca prin urechile acului. / Aproape ca m-a prins.)

Near inseamna aproape si arata ca ceva este evitat in ultima secunda.

"He nearly killed the bird." (El aproape ca a ucis pasarea.)

Nearly este adverb de mod si arata cat de aproape era actiunea de a fi facuta.

pretty versus prettily

"You know pretty well why I dont like you." (Sti destul de bine de ce nu te plac.)

Pretty este adverb de grad si inseamna destul de.

"She dresses prettily." (Ea se imbraca dragut/ frumos.)

Prettily este adverb de mod si arata ca ceva este facut in mod frumos.

short versus shortly

"He stopped short./The arrow fell short of its target./ He caught me short./ He cut the meeting short./ He
cut me short during the meeting."

(El s-a oprit deodata./ Sageata a cazut departe de tinta./ El m-a prins nepregatit./ El a scurtat intalnirea./
El m-a intrerupt in timpul intalnirii.)

Short inseamna deodata/ abrupt, departe de tinta, nepregatit, scurt, din scurt/ intrerupt.

"Ill see you shortly." (Te voi vedea in curand.)

Shortly este adverb de timp si inseamna in curand.

sharp versus sharply

"Be there at 5 oclock sharp." (Fi acolo la 5 fix.)

Sharp se foloseste pentru a exprima ore fixe.

"He addressed me sharply." (El mi s-a adresat intr-un ton/ mod dur.)

Sharply este adverb de mod si inseamna intr-un ton dur.

close versus closely

"He came close to winning." (El aproape ca a castigat.)

Close se foloseste pentru a arata ca actiunea aproape ca s-a intamplat.

"The teacher watched the pupils closely." (Profesorul a urmarit elevii cu atentie.)

Closely este adverb de mod si inseamna ca ceva este facut cu atentie marita.

right versus rightly

"Turn right at the crossroads./Try to do it right this time!" (Ia-o la dreapta la intersectie./ Incearca sa fcai
asta corect de data aceasta.)

Right arata directia (la dreapta) sau ca actiunea este facuta in mod corect.

"The tribunal rightly condemned the criminal." (Tribunalul l-a condamnat pe criminal pe drept.)

rightly este adverb de mod si arata ca ceva a fost facut in mod corect/ pe drep in opinia vorbitorului.

They work ... for their money. (Ei muncesc din greu pentru banii lor.)

a) hardly

b) hard

c) hardlier

d) very hardly

The coach watched the swimmers ... . (Antrenorul i-a urmarit pe innotatori cu atentie.)

a) close

b) closely

c) more close

d) closerly

The spring went ... under the mountain. (Izvorul curgea adinc sub munte.)

a) Deeply

b) Deep

c) Deeperly

d) More deeply

!!!!! Adverbele au grade de comparatie la fel ca adjectivele:

Daca adverbul este plurisilabic:

He drove carefully. (El a condus cu atentie.)

He didnt drive as carefully as his father. (El nu a condus la fel de atent ca tatal sau.)

He drove as carefully as she did. (El a condus la fel de atent ca ea.)

He drove more carefully because of the fog. (el a condus cu mai multa atentie din cauza cetii.)

He drove the most carefully of all. (El a condus cel mai atent dintre toti.)

He drove very carefully. (El a condus foarte atent.)

Daca adverbul este identic ca forma cu adjectivele monosilabice (late, long, quick, high, fast, hard, deep,

He drives fast. (El conduce repede.)

He doesnt drive as fast as you. (El nu conduce la fel de repede ca tine.)

He drives as fast as you. (El conduce la fel de repede ca tine.)

He drives faster. (El nu conduce mai repede ca tine.)

He drives the fastest. (El nu conduce cel mai repede.)

He drives very fast. (El conduce foarte repede.)

!!!! ATENTIE: adjectivele monosilabice devin adverbe plurisilabice atunci cand se adauga terminatia -ly
si prin urmare fac comparativul de superioritate si superlativul relativ ca adverbele plurisilabice:

e.g. adj. easy -> easier -> the easiest: This is the easiest task. (Aceasta este cea mai usoara insarcinare.)

adv. easily -> more easily -> the most easily: I did this more easily. (Am facut asta mai usor/ cu mai mare

Comparatia unor adverbe neregulate

Pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ

Badly worse the worst

Well better the best

Little less/ lesser the least

Far farther/ further the farthest/ the furthest

Much more the most


inseamna complet (folosit cu: full, empty, finished, wrong, right, sure, certain, ready, etc): e.g. The
bottle was quite empty. (Sticla era complet goala.)

insemana mai putin decat - less than: e.g. The play was quite good. (= moderately good) (Piesa a
fost moderat de buna.)

folosit in comentarii favorabile: e.g. He's quite good at Maths. (El este chiar bun la matematica.)
!!! ATENTIE la scriere: QUITE (chiar) si QUIET (liniste)


folosit pentru a arata dezaprobare: e.g. The tea is rather hot. (too hot for the person who drinks
it) (Ceaiul este cam fierbinte. - prea fierbinte pentru a-l bea)

folosit in comentarii defavorabile: e.g. She is rather bad at Maths. (Ea nu prea e buna la

folosit cu sensul "to an unusual degree" (intr-un grad neobisnuit): e.g. The meeting was rather
interesting. (Intalnirea a fost mai interesanta decat m-am asteptat/ interesanta intr-un grad

folosit cu comparatii: e.g. She's rather taller than me. (Ea este mai inalta decat mine.)

folosit cu sensul "foarte": e.g. She is rather clever. (Ea este foarte desteapta.) folosit cu: good,
well, pretty, clever, amusing, etc.

PRETTY este folosit pentru a arata neutralitatea: e.g. The tea is pretty hot. (Ceaiul este fierbinte.)

FAIRLY este folosit cu: good, nice, well folosit pentru a exprima un compliment mai mic decat cel
exprimat cu quite:

e.g. How is her English? (Cum este engleza ei?)

Excellent very complimentary (Excelenta.)

Good neutral (Buna.)

Quite good complimentary (Chiar buna.)

Fairly good less complimentary (Destul de buna.)

LIKE se foloseste:

pentru similaritati: e.g. He works like a mule. (He isn't a mule.) (El munceste ca un catar. - dar nu
este un catar)

se foloseste dupa: feel, look, smell, sound + noun: e.g. He looks like his father. (El arata ca tatal

se foloseste cu substantive, pronume sau verbe cu -ing pentru a exprima similaritati: e.g. You look
just like your Mum. (Arati exact ca mama ta.)/ It's like walking on air. (E ca atunci cand mergi
prin are.)/ This fish tastes just like chicken. (Pestele asta are gust de pui.)

AS se foloseste:
pentru a arata ce face cineva in realitateto ca slujba sau ce rol au: e.g. He works as a teacher. (El
munceste ca profesor. - este profesor)

in expresii: as usual (ca de obicei), as ... as (asa ... ca), as much (atat), such as (cum ar fi), the same
as (la fel ca): e.g. You're late as usual. (Ai intarziat ca de obicei.)

dupa verbele: accept, be known, class, describe, refer to, regard, use: e.g. He's regarded as an
expert on music. (El e privit ca expert in muzica.)

cu sensul "IN THE WAY THAT" (in felul in care): e.g. You must write the poem as she has shown
you. (Trebuie sa scrii poezia in felul in care ea ti-a aratat.)

19. The Pronoun


1. Personal Pronouns

2. Possessive Pronouns

3. Reflexive/Self- Pronouns

4. Reciprocal Pronouns

5. Demonstrative Pronouns

6. Interrogative Pronouns

7. Relative Pronouns

8. Indefinite Pronouns

1. Personal Pronouns

In Nominative (subject pronouns):

I 1st person sg. (always written with a capital letter)
You 2nd person sg./ thou (old for of you) e.g. You are./ Thou are.
He - 3rd person sg. (for masculine-only people)
She - 3rd person sg.(for feminine only people)
It - 3rd person sg. Used:
- for animals, plants, objects, ideas, actions, anything else BUT people.e.g. I have bought you a
rose. It smells wonderful.
- for baby, infant, child when the sex is not known e.g. What a cute little baby it is!)
- with find out, forget, know, manage, mind, refuse, remember, show, tell, try, understand
referring to a fact already mentioned. E.g. It all happened a long time ago. / I was angry and he
knew it./ Forget it.
- as an anticipatory factor (referring to a part of a following clause): e.g. It was unbelievable:
they actually smiled./ I hate it when he says such things./ I love it that shes coming with us./ It is a
pity to make a fool of yourself.
- in the construction: FIND/THINK + IT + (BE): e.g. He thought it (would be) better to keep
quiet./ He found it impossible to laugh.
- in statements concerning time, distance, weather, weight: e.g. It is raining./ It is Sunday./ It is
late./ It was July./ It was a long way from home./ It is heavy./It is 7 oclock.
- as a subject for impersonal verbs: e.g. It appears./ It is said./ It seems./ It happens that I know
her./ It looks like rain.
- as a demonstrative it in the construction IT + BE + Predicative: e.g. Who is it? It is I/ me./ It
was Tom that told the truth./ It is today that he arrives.(cleft sentences).

!!! The difference between THERE and IT

- THERE introduces a new notion and is used to show location, existence (there is = there exists)
and events. SO the expressions with there state the existence of something at a particular
place. The usual formula is:
There [is/are/was/were] [ Noun ] [ Phrase of location ].....
e.g. There is a picture on the wall./ There is (= there exists) a Santa Claus./ There are five people
waiting for you.
You cannot substitute it for there in any of the following examples.
There is [ ice ] [ on the road ] today.
There was [ snow ] [ on the roof ] yesterday afternoon.
There is [ something wrong ] [ with my car ].
There is [ a strange sound ] [ in the engine ].
There were [ hundreds of people ] [ at the meeting ].
- IT introduces expressions of time, distance, weight or is used in impersonal statements OR is
used if you refer to something you mentioned before.
e.g. It is late./ Its too far away./ It is believed that he has vanished./ There is a blue pen on the
table. It is mine.

We 1st person pl. (also used by rulers, the royal we e.g. We, the Queen of England, decrete that
You 2nd person pl.
They 3rd person pl. (for both masculine and feminine)

In Accusative or Dative (object pronouns):

Me - 1st person sg. E.g. Give me the money.
You 2nd person sg./ thee (old form of you) e.g. I love you/ thee.
Him- 3rd person sg. (for masculine-only people)
Her - 3rd person sg.(for feminine only people)
It - 3rd person sg.(for animals, plants, objects, anything else BUT people)

Us - 1st person pl. e.g. She told us everything.

You - 2nd person pl.
Them - person pl (for both masculine and feminine)

The verbs: describe, mention, propose, introduce, listen, prescribe, announce, suggest, prove,
explain are always followed by TO
e.g. Listen to me for a moment.
Let me introduce you to my aunt, Sarah.
Prove it to me.
!!! write, sing and play :
I wrote to her.(no Direct Object then use TO)
I wrote her a letter yesterday. (Direct Object then do not use TO)/ I wrote a letter to her.
Read to me. I read her a story./ I read a story to her.
2. Possessive Pronouns
The Possessive Pronoun vs. The Possessive Adjective
Mine 1st person sg. my (cat)- 1st person sg.
Yours 2nd person sg. your (cat)- 2nd person sg.
His 3rd person sg. his (cat) 3rd person sg. (masculine)
Hers - 3rd person sg. her (cat) 3rd person sg. (feminine)
- its (cat)- 3rd person sg. (not for people)
Ours 1st person pl. our (cat)- 1st person pl.
Yours 2nd person pl. your (cat)- 2nd person pl.
Theirs 3rd person pl. their (cat)- 3rd person pl.

The car is mine. This is my car.

My best wishes for you I dislike his borrowing money. (Gerund)
and yours from me and mine.
Yours sincerely/ faithfully He lives on his own.
He is a friend of mine not one She bought her own house.
of yours.

3. Reflexive/Self- Pronouns

Possessive adjective + self (sg.)/ selves (pl.) for 1st and 2nd persons
Object pronoun + self (sg.)/ selves (pl.) for 3rd person
Myself - 1st person sg.
Yourself 2nd person sg.
Himself 3rd person sg.
Herself 3rd person sg.
Itself 3rd person sg.
Ourselves - 1st person pl.
Yourselves - 1st person pl.
Themselves 3rd person pl.


reflexively: e.g. He is washing himself.

emphatically: e.g. He himself went to oversee the project.
With verbs such as: absent onself from, avail oneself of (make use of), betake
oneself (=move, travel), pride oneself on: e.g. He prides himself on his cars.
I availed myself of the house.
In a reciprocal sense: e.g. They were arguing among themselves.
After as, like, but, except: e.g. For somebody like myself (me) this is a big


Alone or without help: e.g. The girl travelled by herself.

Without help in the construction: ALL + BY + reflexive pronoun: Dont you feel sad living
all by yourself?
Even/ not even: Einstein himself could not explain this.
No less: e.g. It was a portrait that Rembrandt himself (= no less a painter than Rembrandt)
could have painted.
4. Reciprocal Pronouns

EACH OTHER (for two persons) and ONE ANOTHER (more than two persons)
The two men greeted each other. The five students helped one another.

5. Demonstrative Pronouns

This (sg)/ these (pl) That (sg)/ those (pl)

used to take the place of a noun: Is this (seat) taken?
used to suggest position: this/ these (nearer in space), that/ those (more distant): There is a
seat here, near me, and there is that in the first row.
used with determinative reference (only that/ those): That which annoys me most is his smile./
Those who are lazy will never pass the Police Academy exam.

The former/ the latter

Used when TWO objects are implied: e.g. Sleeping at regular hours and eating well are good
for your health: the former (sleeping) gives you rest and the latter (eating) gives you
The first and the last are used when we mean more than TWO persons or things.

The same
Expressions: I did the same./ The same boy came yesterday./ Same here (si eu/mie)./ Its all
the same to me. (mi-e egal)/ all the same (cu toate acestea)

Expressions: Such is life./ I have had such a busy day./ On such and such a day/ month/ year
(in cutare zi/ luna/ an)/ A lot of fruit such as oranges and lemons are bad for your
stomach./ He gave me his word, such as it was. ( but it wasnt of much use)

Used after say, think, hope, believe, suppose, expect, hear, tell, imagine, fear, be afraid to
stand for an affirmative statement: Is she very rich? I think so.
Used to stand for a negative statement: I dont think/ believe/ suppose so.
Used with TO DO to refer to a preceding verb: I told him to leave and he did so.
Used with TO BE, TO REMAIN, TO SEEM, TO MAKE : It was very useful and I hope it will
be so (=helpful) in the future
So = also: I love English and so does my sister.
Used in idioms: Miss so and so (= domnisoara cutare)/ so, so (asa si-asa)

It can be a pronoun (the plural in this case is some): One cannot work so much.
It can be a noun: Write 102 with one one.
It can be a numeral: One day was ok but two days was too much.
used impersonally: One cant believe that./ One can only do ones best.
used to take the place of a previous noun: Which dress do you want? The red one or the blue
One = only, single: The one man who could have made me happy has left.
Used to express vague time: One day he will come back./ One of these days Ill go to Paris.
Used in idioms: He can go or he can stay, its all one to me. (it makes no difference)/ He was
liked by one and all. (everybody)

6. Interrogative Pronouns

WHO (used only for people in the Nominative form): Who is there?
WHOM (used in the objective form): Whom did you see?
WHOSE (the possessive form): Whose are these gloves?
WHICH (used for things and persons, sg. and pl., subject or object): Which dog do you like?/
Which will you have: tea or coffee? (choice from a limited number)/ Which girls do you like
best? vs. What girls do you like best? (what type-choice from an unlimited number)
WHAT (used for things, an activity, to ask about a profession or nationality, in constructions
What ... like?, to choose from an unlimited number): What is this?/ What are you doing?/ What
is that man talking to your mother? Hes Spanish./ What is he like? He is tall, blond and
gorgeous./ Whats he like as a pianist? Hes not so good./ Whats his work like? Its quite good./
Whats the weather like? Fine./ What type of beverage do you like?

to introduce a direct question: What happened after that?
to introduce an indirect question: He asked me what had happened after that.
In idiomatic expressions:

What about a glass of water? (= Would you like? Shall we have?)

Theres Mr. Whats-his-name
Its a what-do-you-call-it
What with high prices and with the economic crisis
It was so dark I couldnt tell who was who.
The twins are so alike that I cant tell which is which.
There are so many people I dont know at this party, you have to tell me whos who.
Youll find his name in Whos Who.
Hes clever, he knows whats what.
What is the English for
What about you
He bought apples, tea, coffee and what not.
Who on earth is that man?

7. Relative Pronouns

WHO (Nominative for people): The man who helped me is here.

WHOM (Objective): The man whom I love.
WHICH (used for objects, animals, etc but NOT people unless its a collective noun, to replace a
whole sentence): The dog which was lost has been found./ The team, which played well, has
returned./ He invited us for dinner, which was very nice of him.
THAT (for both persons and things): The woman that helped you is here.
This is the dog that bit me.

The choice of what relative pronoun to use depends on the RELATIVE CLAUSE (AT) in which it
DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE necessary ideas, if left out the sentence does not
make complete sense; the pronoun can be omitted if it is in the objective case: e.g.
The man [(that/ who) you spoke to] was my brother. (the information seems
incomplete)/ The man [who/ that spoke with you] is special.(here who/that is the
subject for spoke so it cannot be omitted)
NON- DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE the ideas could be omitted and the rest of the
sentence would still make sense, they stay between commas, the pronoun is NEVER
omitted: e.g. Shakespeare[, who that wrote many plays,] died in 1616. (the sentence
still makes sense even if you omit the Relative Clause)
The dog[, which that bit my sister,] belongs to you.

There are many people in the house some of whose children you can see here.
There were many beautiful women there none of whom looked at me.
He who/ she who/ the one who/ that which/ those who
He who laughs last laughs best./ That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

8. Indefinite Pronouns
Each/ every (-body, - thing, - one) + vb. Sg.: e.g. Everybody is here.
Everybody/ everyone are replaced by THEY: e.g. Everybody knows that they have to come
early./ Everyone knew it, didnt they?
Everything => IT: e.g. Everything is fine, isnt it?
Every vs. Each:
- every gathers the separate items into a whole, we think of things as a group, every = all
(usually used for a large number: e.g. I want to visit every country in the world = all the
e.g. Every sentence must have a verb. (all sentences)
-each disperses the unity and focuses on the items individually, separately, one by one (usually
used for a small number: e.g. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different
e.g. Study each sentence carefully.(one by one)
They were each given a book.

1. Each is used when there are two objects; here every is not used:
e.g. He wore multiple bracelets on each hand (note: singular noun).
There were two of them. They each carried backpacks, and each backpack (note:
singular noun) contained invaluable souvenirs.
!! In case there are more than two objects, either of the two may be used.
e.g. He wanted each/every item on the catalogue.
There is a bathroom in each/every room.

2. Each can be used as a pronoun, but every cannot.

e.g. The students were waiting for the question sheets to be handed out.
Each was in a state of great nervousness.
The students were waiting for the question sheets to be handed out.
Every student/one of them was in a state of great nervousness.
(each replaces the noun student. Every does not; it requires to be followed by the noun,
or by one of them)

3. !!! With adverbs (practically, nearly, almost, etc), only every in used. In the following
sentences, every cannot be replaced by each:
e.g. She knew practically every detail of his daily routine.
Nearly every fruit on the cart was spoilt.

4. Every is used to refer to repeated, regular events or used in expressions:

e.g. We meet every so often.
I get a health check-up done every six months.
I met them every other day/ every two days.
I see her every now and then.
This is every bit as good as the real one.
He is every inch a gentleman.
You have every right to be angry.
There is every reason to think he will get upset.
All used as a pronoun + vb. sg: All is not gold that gliters./ All is good.
+ vb. pl.: All were present at the meeting.
- used as an adjective + vb. sg.: All the money is spent.( = the whole of)
+ vb. pl.: All the pupils were present there.

Either/ neither
Either + vb. sg.= one or the other of TWO: Which one of the two apples do you want?
Either will do.
Neither + vb. sg.= not this and not the other of TWO: I have two friends and neither is here
Neither +S1 +nor +S2 +vb. (agreement with S2) = nici ... nici :
e.g. Neither Tom nor his sister is at home.
Neither Tom nor his sisters are at home.
Either +S1 +or +S2 + vb. (agreement with S2) = ori ... ori ...
e.g. Either Tom or his sister is at home.
Either Tom or his sisters are at home.
Neither + positive verb + S: I dont like him and neither does my sister.
S + negative verb + either: I dont like him and my sister doesnt either.

Both = vb. plural: Both books are interesting.

Both +S + and +S +Vb. Pl. = si ... si... : e.g. Both Tom and James are students.

None/ no (-body, -thing, - one)

No used before nouns: He is no fool./ Have no fear./ You may stay out till ten, but no
longer./ He has no friends.
None is the pronoun form of no. None means not one or not any. Used as a pronoun to
replace countable and uncountable nouns; used as subject or object:

e.g. She seemed to try to find some strength which would let her speak. But none came. (No
strength came.)
My mother had two brothers. My father had none. (My father didnt have any brothers.)
!!!! When none is the subject, the verb is either singular or plural depending on what it is
referring to.
e.g. Im always looking for inspiration. None ever comes.
Shes always looking for ideas. None ever come.
None of + noun/ pronoun(this, that,my, your):
e.g. None of his old friends knew what had happened to him.
It doesnt matter. None of it was your fault.
None of this matters.
!!! We dont use none of when there is already a negative word (not, nt):
e.g. She doesnt remember any of us.
Not: She doesnt remember none of us.
Nobody/ no one + vb. sg. but replaced by THEY: Nobody is here. They all left home.
Nothing + vb. sg.; replaced by IT: Nothing is forever, is it?

Some (-body, -thing, - one)

- used with uncountble nouns: Some advice is good.
- used in questions when there is an invitation/ a request or when you expect the answer
yes: Will you have some more tea?/ Would you like some coffee? Yes, please.
- used with persons + vb. pl. : Some boys were early.
Somebody/ someone + vb. sg. but replaced by THEY: Somebody is asking about you. They
wont tell their name.
Something + vb. sg.; replaced by IT: Something is there, isnt it? It expresses comparison: He
is something like his father.
Somewhat + of: He is somewhat of a wizard.

Any (-body, -thing, - one) (usually used in negative and interrogative sentences)
Any about persons + vb. pl. : Any who cheat will be punished.
Any + adjective/ too: He isnt any different from you./ I am not any too eager to go there.
Hardly/ scarcely/ barely + any: I have hardly any time to waste.
Any = no particular one/ practically every: Any woman knows that.
Any of: Any of these men would help.
Anybody/ anyone + vb. sg. but replaced by THEY: Anybody knows that.
Anything of: Have you seen anything of Mary lately?
Much/ many/ less/ (a) few/ (a) little

Many and few -> used before plural countable nouns: I have many/ few books.

Much and little -> used before uncountable nouns (vb. sg.): I havent got much money.

Few (the lack of something) vs. A few (something still remains) + countable nouns:
There are few sweets left in the jar.(We should be careful not to eat them too quickly because
they are almost gone.)

We have a few minutes left in class. Do you have any questions? (We still have time so we
should use it.)

Little (the lack of something) vs. A little (something still remains) + uncountable nouns:
I have little money left, I cant buy that book. (There isnt enough money to buy the book)

I have a little money so we can go to the restaurant. (There isnt very much money but
enough to go to the restaurant)
There is still a little snow, we can build a snowman. There is little snow, we cant build a

Another/ other
Another + noun (sg.): She became another woman.
Another as a pronoun: One girl was singing, another was playing the piano.
Other + noun sg. or pl.: Other women saw this, too./ I saw a cute puppy the other day.
Other than: He never forced me to lie other than I wished.
Every other: They meet every other day/ week.
Other + -s: Others have seen this film.

Enough/ several
Enough + noun (pl.)/ uncountable noun (sg.): There are enough people here./ We have enough
good food.
Adjective + enough: She is beautiful enough.
Several + noun (pl.): He has made several mistakes.

One = people in general (as an indefinite pronoun): One would think theyd have more
One of + noun/ pronoun + relative pronoun: She is one of the few teachers I know who can
teach you this.
One of + Superlative adjective + noun pl.: She is one of the most beautiful girls I know.
One of -> he, she, it: One of my friends said he enjoyed himself at the party.
One (impersonal) -> ones, oneself: One can never know oneself/ ones soul.

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns

I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves
20. The Numeral

1. The cardinal numeral

0 zero/ nil (used in football, ice hockey, etc.)/ love (used in tennis)/ duck (used in cricket)/ naught

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine
10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

30 thirty

40 fourty -> forty

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 ninety

100 one hundred / two hundred/ three hundred(no s when using a number)

1,000 one thousand/ two thousand

1,000,000 one million/ two million (no s)

Hundreds of people (use s when there is no number given)

Two of them (number + of + pronoun/ noun)

Five of them/ the children
They came in tens but then in hundreds of thousands.
They entered in twos. (meaning groups comprising these numbers)
She seems to be in her early/ mid/ late thirties.
Your 4s are very well written.(plural for numbers: number+s)
Gate three/ chapter five/ bus 23

Expressions :
He went down on all fours.
This crew are all at sixes and sevens (= confused)
They were dressed up to the nines (= smartly/ elegantly) for the party.
He is ten times better than you.
She was talking nineteen to the dozen. (= talk rapidly and energetically)
He was having his forty winks.(=sleeping)
The hundred and one problems of the company were solved.
I have a thousand and one things to look after.
Send a thousand thanks to Mary.
All five of us were afraid.
A boy of seven (a 7-year-old boy) was playing outside.
Cut the cake in four.
She was an extremely lovely girl in her teens(in her aloscence).
A four (= a boat rowed by four)
There is a 32 (= a bus 32)
The two of trumps (in card games)
He hit a four (in cricket)

!! Ten dollars is a lot of money for a child. ( use the verb in singular to refer to the total number as a

!! Expressing a rough common concept with about, or so, some, odd:

e.g. I want about twenty kilos.
There was a theft some three years ago.
The book has two hundred odd pages.
I will be busy in the next four hours or so.

2. The Ordinal Numeral

The first 1st

The second 2nd

The third 3rd

The fourth 4th

The fifth 5th

The sixth 6th

The seventh 7th

The eighth 8th

The ninth 9th

The twelfth 12th

The twentieth 20th

The twenty-first 21st

The thirty-second 32nd

The forty-third 43rd

The fifty-fourth 54th

Expressing dates:
7th February 2014/ the 7th of February 2014/ February 7th, 2014/ February the 7th, 2014

Every second day/ every third day
After the twenty- somethingth attempt I decided to give up.
For the umpteenth time she did Swan Lake. (very many)
To have a second sight (clairvoyance)
To have a sixth sense
I know it from a third party.
To be in the seventh heaven.
He is the second youngest son.
It is the third largest city in the world.
India is the second most popular tourist attraction.

3. The adverbial numeral

Three times/ thrice
Four times
Five times
Expressions: She will pay four or five times as much if she has to.
Two times three is six. (2X3=6)
They do this twice a week.

4. Fractions

Cardinal number -> numerator AND Ordinal number -> denominator + (s)
E.g. Two thirds/ three eights/ one third/ one tenth
A quarter = one fourth
Half = 1/2

!! Expressions:
Half naked
Half a gale
Half baked
Its not a quarter as good as it should be
A two-thirds majority ( fractions keep the plural when used as adjectives)
Three and three-eighths inches
A three-quarter majority (quarter is not in the pl.)
Two miles and a half/ two and a half miles
One hour and three quarters
A population of only two and a half millions

5. Collectives numbers

They express the numerical idea of plural under the form of singular:
- couple a couple of hours ( two)
- pair a pair of shoes ( two)
- brace two brace of duck (two of a kind : pair ->several brace of quail)
- dozen twelve ( I want to buy two dozen eggs)
- score (a group of 20 things often used in combination with a cardinal number <fourscore>)
There were fourscore of people in the yard.
- yoke two a yoke of oxen
- span a pair of animals (as mules) usually matched in appearance and action and driven
together: e.g. a span of horses

6. Multiplicative/ distributive numbers

- Multiplicative numerals express the extent to which a quantity grows or an action is fulfilled:
E.g. fourfold(impatrit), tenfold, single, double, triple

- Distributive numerals express distribution in equal groups:

E.g. One at a time
By tens
Two by two/ three by three
By the dozen
In twos/ in fours/ in tens
Two and two

Expressions: Lets try to solve the problems one at a time.

First they came in twos but later in tens.

6. The use of punctuation marks and special signs

- Use a comma:
1,000,000/ 2,000/ 1,500
- Use a period:
5.50/ 1.25/ 0.58 grams
$ 3.40 3.40 dollars
5.25 5.25 euros
- Use apostrophe:
1974 -> 74 (contraction for years)
I was born in the early 1970s. (plural for years) (It can also appear as 1970s)
- Use hyphen:
Twenty-one (between 20 and 100)
7. Concord with the verb:

- Terms of measurement in the plural take the singular of the verb:

Nearly thirty pounds was paid for a bag.

Four years seems a long time.
Here is five shillings. (It refers to the amount)
Here are five shillings. (It refers to the coins)
Twenty divided by five equals four.
Three plus three equals (are) six.
Three times three is (are) nine.
Three and three make (are) six.

21. Tag Questions

Intrebarile disjunctive se traduc cu "nu-i asa" in limba romana.

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem verb pozitiv atunci se foloseste auxiliarul timpului din Propozitia Principala
la negativ:

She is nice, isnt she? (Ea este draguta, nu-i asa?)

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem verb negativ atunci se foloseste auxiliarul timpului din Propozitia Principala
la pozitiv:

She isnt nice, is she? (Ea nu este draguta, nu-i asa?)

Present Simple: We love Star Wars, dont we?/ We dont like Star Trek, do we? (Noi iubim filmul Razboiul
Stelelor, nu-i asa?/ Noi nu iubim filmul Star Trek, nu-i asa?)

Present Simple: He loves girls, doesnt he?/ He doesnt like fish, does he? (El iubeste fetele, nu-i asa?/ Lui nu-i
place pestele, nu-i asa?)
Present Simple: !!! I am happy, arent I/ am I not?/ I am not satisfied, am I? (Eu sunt fericit, nu-i asa?/ Eu nu
sunt satisfacut, nu-i asa?)

(La persoana I singular pentru verbul TO BE se foloseste ARE la negatie. Se poate folosi si forma lunga AM

Present Continuous: I am talking now, aren't I?/ am I not? (Eu vorbesc acum, nu-i asa?)

Present Continuous: They are coming tomorrow, arent they? (Ei vin maine, nu-i asa?)

Present Continuous: She is talking on the phone, isnt she?/ She isnt playing the computer, is she? (Ea vorbeste
la telefon, nu-i asa?/ Ea nu se joaca la calculator, nu-i asa?)

Present Perfect Simple: You have seen her already, havent you?/ You havent eaten yet, have you? (Tu ai
vazut-o deja, nu-i asa?/ Tu nu ai mancat inca, nu-i asa?)

Present Perfect Simple: She has already left, hasnt she?/ She hasn't eaten, has she? (Ea a plecat deja, nu-i
asa?/ Ea nu a mancat, nu-i asa?)

Past Simple: They saw her yesterday, didnt they?/ They didnt eat lobster, did they? (Ei au vazut-o pe ea ieri,
nu-i asa?/ Ei nu au mancat homar, nu-i asa?)

Past Continupus: They were running, weren't they?/ I wasn't sleeping, was I? (Ei alergau, nu-i asa?/ Eu nu
dormeam, nu-i asa?)

Past Continuous Passive Voice: They were being followed, werent they? (Ei erau urmariti, nu-i asa?)

Past Perfect Simple: They had left, hadn't they?/ They hadn't arrived, had they? (Ei plecasera, nu-i asa?/ Ei nu
sosisera, nu-i asa?)

Future Simple: She will help you tomorrow, wont she?/ She wont come early, will she? (Ea te va ajuta maine,
nu-i asa?/ Ea nu va veni devreme, nu-i asa?)

Future Simple: I shall be there, shant I?/ I shall not/ shant see to it, shall I? (Eu voi fi acolo, nu-i asa?/ Eu nu
ma voi ocupa de asta, nu-i asa?)

!!! HAVE TO si HAS TO fac negatia cu DO si respectiv DOES:

You have to be more careful, dont you? (Tu trebuie sa fi mai atent, nu-i asa?)

You dont have to be more careful, do you? (Tu nu trebuie sa fi mai atent, nu-i asa?)
She has to come early, ...? (negatia este: She doesnt have to come) (Ea trebuie sa vina devreme, nu-i asa)

a) Doesnt she

b) Does she

c) Hasnt she

d) Didnt see

!!! Atentie: daca avem Prezent Perfect atunci folosim auxiliarele HAVE si respectiv HAS:

She has arrived late, ...? (negatia este: She hasnt arrived late.) (Ea a sosit tarziu, nu-i asa?)

a) Has she

b) Hadnt she

c) Hasnt she

d) Doesnt she

We have arrived, haven't we? (Noi am sosit, nu-i asa? -> Present Perfect Simple)/ We have to arrive, don't
we? (Noi trebuie sa sosim, nu-i asa? -> Constructie cu have to)

She has arrived, hasn't she? (Ea a sosit, nu-i asa? -> Present Perfect Simple)/ She has to arrive, doesn't
she? (Ea trebuie sa soseasca, nu-i asa? -> Constructie cu have to)

!!! HAD TO face negatia cu DIDN'T:

I had to leave earlier, didnt I? (A trebuit sa plec mai devreme, nu-i asa?)

I didnt have to leave earlier, did I? (Nu a trebuit sa plec mai devreme, nu-i asa?)

Nu confundati cu Past Perfect unde negatia se face cu auxiliarul HAD:

I had seen her before she left, hadnt I?

!!!!!!! USED TO face negatia cu DID:

I used to walk in the park, didnt I? (Eu obisnuiam sa ma plimb prin parc, nu-i asa?)

I didnt use to walk a lot, did I? (Eu nu obisnuiam sa merg mult, nu-i asa?)

!!!!!! Expresiile HAD BETTER si WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER fac prescurtarea in acelasi fel,
'D, ceea ce poate crea confuzii:

Youd better leave, ... (Mai bine ai pleca, nu-i asa?)

a) hadnt you? (Youd better = you had better = tu mai bine ai ...)

b) wouldnt you? (there is NO would better BUT would rather)

c) havent you?

d) had you?

Youd rather stay, ... (tu ai prefera sa stai, nu-i asa?)

a) wouldnt you? (Id rather = I would rather/ would sooner=eu as prefera)

b) hadnt you?(there is NO had rather BUT would rather)

c) would you?

d) had you?

!!!! MUST poate exprima deductie, obligatie sau interdictie. In functie de ce exprima se alege auxiliarul.

1. Daca MUST exprima DEDUCTIE atunci se ia in considerare verbul de dupa MUST si se pune
auxiliarul BE sau DO in functie de verb :

You must be happy, arent you? (deduction/ assumption) (Tu trebuie sa fi fericit, nu-i asa?) - aici verbul BE
urmeaza dupa MUST deci este YOU ARE si folosim ARE in intrebare

She must be the new teacher, isn't she? (deduction/ assumption) (Ea trebuie sa fie noua profesoara, nu-i asa?) -
aici verbul BE urmeaza dupa MUST deci este SHE IS si folosim IS in intrebare

I must be crazy to like him, arent I? (deduction/ assumption) (Trebuie ca sunt nebun sa il plac, nu-i asa?) -
aici verbul BE urmeaza dupa MUST deci este I AM si folosim ARE pt. negatiein intrebare

Wow, Robert is a flight attendent, he must fly a lot, doesn't he? (deduction/ assumption) (Wow Robert este
stuadez, trebuie ca zboara mult, nu-i asa?)- aici verbul FLY urmeaza dupa MUST deci avem HE FLIES si
folosim DOES la negatie

They must like children since they have so many, dont they? (deduction/ assumption) (Trebuie ca le plac
copiii daca au asa de multi, nu-i asa?) - aici verbul LIKE urmeaza dupa MUST deci avem THEY LIKE si
folosim DO la negatie

2. Daca MUST exprima obligatie atunci se foloseste MUSTN'T:

She must come tomorrow, mustnt she? (obligation) (Ea trebuie sa vina maine, nu-i asa?)

3. Daca MUST exprima interdictie atunci se foloseste MUST:

You mustnt leave, must you? (prohibition) (Tu nu au voie sa pleci, nu-i asa?)

Daca avem OUGHT TO putem face negatia in intrebare cu SHOULDN'T sau OUGHTN'T:
She should be ok, shouldnt she?/ She shouldnt be OK, should she? (Ea ar trebui sa fie OK, nu-i asa?/ Ea nu ar
trebui sa fie OK, nu-i asa?)

You ought to listen to him, oughtnt you/ shouldnt you? (Tu trebuie sa il asculti, nu-i asa?)

MAY face negatia in intrebarile disjunctive cu MIGHTN'T sau MAY ... NOT:

She may be ill, mightnt she?/ may she not? (E posibil ca ea sa fie bolnava, nu-i asa?

They might come sooner, mightnt they? (Ei s-ar purea sa vina main devreme, nu-i asa?)

!!!ATENTIE: daca avem o negatie intr-o propozitie din fraza atunci toata fraza se considera negativa si se pune
auxiliar pozitiv in intrebarea disjunctiva:

I dont think / that she was happy, was she? (Nu cred ca era fericita, nu-i asa?)

I think / that she wasnt happy, was she? (Cred ca ea nu era fericita, nu-i asa?)

Urmatoarele cuvinte sunt considerate negative si deci cand sunt folosite in propozitie se ia verb pozitiv in
intrebarea disjunctiva: hardly, scarcely, barely, little, few, rarely, never

I can hardly (-) talk, (+) can I? (Abia pot sa vorbesc, nu-i asa?)

I have little (-) sugar left, (+) do I? (Am putin zahar ramas, nu-i asa?)

They like few (-) films, (+) do they? (Lor le plac putine filme, nu-i asa?)

!!!!!!!!!! LET'S (hai sa) sau LET US (hai sa) vor folosi SHALL WE in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Lets go to the cinema, shall we?/ Let us procede, shall we? (Hai sa mergem la cinema!/ Hai sa incepem!)

Let us adjourn the meeting, ...? (let us = lets) (hai sa incheiem intalnirea!)

a) Shant we

b) Will we

c) Shall we

d) Can we

Daca avem alte pronume decat us dupa let (de ex. her/ him/ them) atunci se considera ca este un ordin
si pentru ordine se foloseste WILL:

Let her go out, ...? (let her = allow her) (Las-o sa plece, te rog!)
a) Will you (order)

b) Shall you

c) Can you

d) Wont you

Have a cake, wont you? (invitation) (Pentru invitatii se foloseste WON'T)

Give me a hand, could you? (request) (Pentru cereri se foloseste COULD)

Go away, will you? (order) (Pentru ordine se foloseste WILL)

Close the door, would you? (polite request) (Pentru cerere politicoasa se foloseste WOULD)

Dont do that again, will you? (polite request) (Pentru cerere politicoasa se foloseste WILL)

Give Jill a lift, can you? (informal request) (Pentru cerere informala se foloseste CAN)

Keep quiet, cant you? (informal request) (Pentru cerere informala se foloseste CAN'T)

!!! Atentie sa nu confundati HAD cu WOULD pentru ca ambele fac prescurtarea in 'D, dar dupa HAD se
foloseste Verb III sau cu - ed si dupa WOULD se foloseste Verb la Infinitiv:

Id left already, hadnt I? (I had left) had + vb.III/-ed (Eu plecasem deja, , nu-i asa?)

Id like to see her, wouldnt I? (I would like) would +vb. Inf. (Mi-ar place sa o vad, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca avem somebody (cineva), someone (cineva), everybody (toata lumea), everyone (toata lumea),
nobody (nimeni), no-one (nimeni) (care se folosesc cu verb la singular) atunci se foloseste pronumele they in
intrebarea disjunctiva:

Somebody told you the answer, didn't they? (Cineva ti-a spus raspunsul, nu-i asa?)

No-one called while I was out, did they? (Nimeni nu a sunat cat timp am fost placat, nu-i asa?)

Everyone has a dreadful day, don't they? (Toata lumea are o zi groaznica, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca avem nothing sau that/this, atunci se foloseste pronumele it in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Nothing is wrong, is it? (Nimic nu e gresit, nu-i asa?)

That was a nice show, wasnt it? (Acela a fost un spectacol frumos, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca folosim there is (exista/ se afla/ se gaseste), there are (exista/ se afla/ se gasesc), there was (exista/ se
afla/ se gasea), there were (existau/ se aflau/ se gaseau) etc, pronumele este there:

There are two TV's, aren't there? (Exista doua televizoare, nu-i asa?)

There is a man in the garden, isnt there? (Se afla un barbat in gradina, nu-i asa?)

There was little (-) milk left, (+) was there? (Este putin lapte ramas, nu-i asa?)

The noun is replaced by a pronoun in Tag Questions (Substantivul este inlocuit de un pronume in intrebarile

Mary was cleaning the room, wasnt she? (Maria curata camera, nu-i asa?)
22. Word Order and Subordinate Clauses


(Adv.Time) + S +Adv.Frequency + P + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv.of Time

(Yesterday) He worked with his father hard in the garden yesterday.

S + Adv.Frequency + P (vb of movement) + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Manner + Adv.of Time (if we have a
verb of movement then the place comes before the manner)

She usually goes to school on foot in the morning.

Adverbs of manner are very flexible and can stay in various positions in the sentence:

- Solemnly the minister addressed her congregation. (at the beginning)

- The minister solemnly addressed her congregation. (before the verb)

- The minister addressed her congregation solemnly. (after the verb and the Direct Object)


Wh-word + Aux + S + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Time +


Why did I see her with her father in the garden yesterday morning?

What are you looking

Aux + S + + Adv. of Frequency + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of
Time + Preposition?

Does she usually work hard in the



What + A/AN + Adjective + Noun + S + P!

What a wonderful day it is!

What a cute dog you have!

What + Adjective + A/An + Noun + S + P!

What beautiful a dress it is!

What interesting a story she told!

How + Adjective + S+ P!

How interesting she is!

How wonderful the day has been!


Adverb +Aux + S + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Time

Never have I seen her in the park before.

Seldom do we talk with strangers in the street.


A sentence is made of main and subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses can be:

Noun Clauses: e.g. I know that he will come later.

Relative Clauses: e.g. Give me the book which you took.

Adverbial clauses:

Of time: e.g. I will see you when you arrive tomorrow.

Of manner: She treats me as if she were my mother.

Of reason: e.g. I didnt go there because I was afraid of him.

Of result: e.g. It is such a nice dress that Id like to buy it.

Of purpose: e.g. They are studying so that they may pass the exam.

Of concession: e.g. She bought the car although it was expensive.

Of condition: e.g. I will give you money if you help me. (see If Clauses)


WHO (used for people): e.g. The man who helped me is here.
WHOM (Objective): e.g. The man whom (pe care) I love.
WHICH (used for objects, animals, etc but NOT people unless its a collective noun, to replace a
whole sentence):
e.g. The dog which was lost has been found.
The team, which played well, has returned.
He invited us for dinner, which was very nice of him.
THAT (used for both persons and things, it can replace who, whom or which but it is never used
after commas or prepositions):
e.g. The woman that/who helped you is here.
This is the dog that/which bit me.
WHOSE (used for possession): This is the woman whose dog bit me.
WHEN (used for time): e.g. 1990 is the year when she was born.
WHERE (used for place): e.g. Thats the house where she lived for a while.
WHAT (used to mean the thing which): e.g. I havent forgotten what you told me.
WHY (used for reason): e.g. Thats the reason why I called you.


- it gives necessary information (if left out of the sentence it does not make complete
-It is NOT put between commas
-the pronoun can be omitted if it is in the objective case(Direct Object, Indirect Object):
e.g. The man [(that/ who) you spoke to] was my brother. (the information seems
incomplete if you stop at to: The man who you spoke to.)

!!! that/ who can be omitted because it is an Indirect Object: The man [you spoke to] was
my brother.
The man [who/ that spoke with you] is special.(here who/that is the subject for spoke so it
cannot be omitted)

Other examples:
I met the woman/ (who/ that) you were talking about./
The dress/ (which/ that) she bought/ was gorgeous./


- the ideas could be omitted and the rest of the sentence would still make sense
- they stay between commas
- the pronoun is NEVER omitted:

e.g. Shakespeare[, who that wrote many plays,] died in 1616. (the sentence still makes
sense even if you omit the Relative Clause) => Shakespeare died in 1616.
The dog[, which that bit my sister,] belongs to you.
Our garden, which that catches the morning sun, is delightful to look at.


Non-defining Realtive Clauses can also be formed as follows:

There are many people in the house, some of whose children you can see here.
There were about twenty women, all of whom were gorgeous.
The trees, several of which had apples, were a pleasant sight.

Prepositions in Relative Clauses

!! Normally prepositions are not used before Relative Clauses:

The house in which she lives is downtown. (formal not usual)

The house which she lives in is downtown.

The house she lives in is downtown.


They are introduced by:

AFTER I will call you AFTER I will finish/ have finished here.

AFTER I finish/ have finished here, I will call you.

AS (+Past C/ Present C) I saw Mary AS I was crossing the street.

AS I was crossing the street, I saw Mary.

AS LONG AS I will help you AS LONG AS you will help me.

AS LONG AS you help me, I will help you.

JUST AS (+Past C/ Present C)) She called me JUST AS I was getting in the house.

JUST AS I was getting in the house, she called me.

ONCE Do the laundry ONCE you have done the dishes.

ONCE you have done the dishes, do the laundry, too.

WHEN I will give you the money WHEN you ask for it.

WHEN you ask for it, I will give you the money.

(EVER) SINCE (+Present Perfect S) I havent eaten SINCE I left home.

SINCE I left home, I havent eaten.

S + P (Present Perfect) + (EVER) SINCE + S + P (Past Simple the action happened once in the past)

I have liked him SINCE I have known him.

SINCE he has had this car, he has liked it.

S + P (Present Perfect) + (EVER) SINCE + S + P (Present Perfect the action is still happening)

BEFORE WILL/ WOULD They had already left BEFORE we arrived.

(+ Past Perfect S) BEFORE we arrived, they had already left.

BY THE TIME He will have finished his work BY THE TIME we visit

(+ Future Perfect) BY THE TIME we will visit him, he will have finished work.
WHILE (+Past C/ Present C) He was listening to music WHILE he was driving.

WHILE he was driving, he was listening to music.

UNTIL/TILL I wont come to your place UNTIL I have finished here.

UNTIL I have finished here, I wont come to your place.

THE MOMENT THAT I will jump into action THE MOMENT you tell me.

THE MOMENT you tell me, I will jump into action.

WHENEVER She is going to ask for money WHENEVER she sees you.

WHENEVER she sees you, she is going to ask for money.

EVERY TIME I will give you money EVERY TIME you ask for it.

EVERY TIME you ask for it, I will give you money.

IMMEDIATELY I talked to her IMMEDIATELY I saw her.

IMMEDIATELY I saw her, I talked to her.


!!!!!!! (EVER) SINCE is always used with Present Perfect/ Past Perfect in the Main Clause

e.g. I have known him (ever) since he moved here.

They had known each other (ever) since they were kids.

!!!!!! BY THE TIME is always used with Future Perfect for future reference OR Future-in-the-Past
Perfect/ Past Perfect for past reference in the Main Clause

e.g. I will have finished here by the time you call.

By the time you arrive, they will have left.

He would have left by the time they arrived.

By the time they called, he would have run away.

They had left by the time we called.

S + Future Perfect/ Future-in-the-Past Perfect + BY THE TIME + S + Present/ Past NEVER WILL/

!!!!!! AS, JUST AS, WHILE are used with verbs with continuous aspect (Past Continuous/ Present
Continuous, Future Continuous)

I saw a beautiful man as I was driving.

The children were playing while their parents were having lunch.

Just as I was entering the house, the earthquake started.

She is drinking while you are cleaning her room.

I will be drinking beer on the beach this time next week while you are working/ will be working.

!!!!!! WHEN - can introduce a TIME CLAUSE + Present S/ Present C/ Present Perfect S/ Past S/ Past C/

e.g. I will be there when you arrive.

They came when you had already left.

She was there when you were cleaning the house. (Respect the Sequence of Tenses)

-can introduce a DO. Clause (WILL or WOULD can be used after it then)

e.g. I want/ will want to know when she will be here.

He wanted to be told when she would arrive. (Respect the Sequence of Tenses)

-can introduce a direct question + WILL/ WOULD

e.g. When will she be here?

When would you come to us?


They are introduced by:


e.g. He got a taxi as he was late for work.

I was there because I wanted to discuss with her.

I didnt tell him the truth, for I didnt trust him.(FOR is always used after a comma)

BECAUSE OF/ DUE TO + NOUN/ -ing form: She was late because of heavy traffic.

BECAUSE OF/ DUE TO + THE FACT THAT + S + P: All roads were closed because of the fact that it
had been snowing all day.


They are introduced by:

Such/ so ... that , (and) as a result, (and) as a consequence, consequently, so

e.g. The sea is so cold that they cant swim in it.


SUCH A(AN) + adjective + sg. countable noun: She had such a beautiful dress that I envied her.

SUCH + adjective + uncountable noun/ pl. noun: It was such a horrible weather that we postponed the

SUCH + A LOT OF + noun: There were such a lot of students that I couldnt find you.

SO + adjective/adverb: She runs so fast that no one can catch her.

SO + MUCH/ MANY/ LITTLE/ FEW + noun: She has so much money that she doesnt know what to do
with it.

SO + adjective + A/AN + noun: It was so beautiful a dress that I had to buy it.

As a result/ therefore/ consequently/ so + clause: I didnt have any money and as a result I couldnt buy

PURPOSE CLAUSES / expressing purpose

Purpose is expressed with:

So as to + Vb. Short Inf.

She is studying so as to pass the exam.

She is studying so as not to fail the exam.

In order to + Vb. Short. Inf.

She is studying in order to pass the exam.

She is studying in order not to fail the exam.

Verb Long Inf.

She is studying to pass the exam.

She is studying not to fail the exam.

For + -ing vb.

She is studying for passing the exam.

For + noun

She is studying for the exam.

With a view to + vb. ing

I am studying with a view to passing the exam.

With the aim of + vb-ing

She is studying with the aim of passing the exam.

Prevent + noun/ pronoun + (from) + vb. ing

She put her hat on to prevent the rain from ruining her hair.

Avoid + vb.-ing

She took a cab to avoid being late.

Lest + should/vb. Short Inf./ might

I am helping him lest he should get upset with me.

For fear + might (should)

I am whispering for fear I might wake her.

For fear of something/ doing something

She gave him all the money for fear of being beaten.

The clauses are introduced by:

So that

In order that + Clause

!!! They follow the rule of the Sequence of Tenses

Main Clause Purpose Clause

Present Simple/ Cont.


Imperative so that will/may/can + Vb. Inf.

She is studying so that she may pass the exam.

Past Tenses so that would/might/could +Vb. Inf.

She left early so that she might catch the bus.


They are expressed with:

Although/ even though/ though + Clause: Although it was expensive, she bought the car.
While/ whereas/ but/ on the other hand/ yet + Clause: She was tired, yet she kept working.

Nevertheless/ however + Clause: He is intelligent; however, he is absent-minded.

However/ no matter how + adjective/ adverb + S + (may) + vb.: However clever you are/ may be, you
wont trick me.

Whatever/ no matter what + Clause: Whatever she may say, dont believe her.

Adj./ adv. + THOUGH + S + vb. (may + Short Inf.): Beautiful though she is, I wont talk with her.

Adj./ adv. + AS + S + vb.: Tired as I was, I couldnt disappoint her so I went to the party.

Despite/ in spite of + noun/ vb.-ing + Clause: Despite her fear, she entered the dark room.

Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that + S + P: In spite of the fact that he is rich, he has no friends.

!!!! A comma is used when the Clause of Concession either precedes or follows the Main Clause:

Whatever she says, he wont believe her.

He wont believe her, whatever she says.

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