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presented at: National Gay and Lesbian Health Forum;

July 19, 1990.
HIV and AIDS Risk 800: 340 females and 460 males. The sam-
ple included 145 non-Hispanic Whites, 430
16. Young RM, Weissman G, Cohen JB. Assessing risk
in the absence of information: HIV risk among women
Behaviors in Juvenile African Americans, 223 Hispanics, and 2
youths who self-identified as other; 3.9% of
injection-drug users who have sex with women. AIDS
Public Policy J. 1992;7:175183. Detainees: Implications the eligible youths refused to participate. Ad-
ditional information on our methods is pub-
17. Case P, Downing M, Ferguson B, Lorvick J,
Sanchez L. The social context of AIDS risk behavior
among intravenous drug using lesbians in San Fran-
for Public Health Policy lished elsewhere.32
Interviewers (masters level or equivalent)
cisco. In: Program and abstracts of the IV International
Conference on AIDS; June 1216, 1998; Stockholm, | Linda A. Teplin, PhD, Amy A. Mericle, PhD, gathered HIV and AIDS risk data with the
Sweden. Abstract ThC1553. Gary M. McClelland, PhD, and Karen M. AIDS Risk Behavior Assessment, compiled
18. Young RM. Methodology at the margins: research- Abram, PhD from 2 widely used instruments (the Na-
ing lesbian health. Paper presented at: 121st Annual
tional Institute on Drug Abuse Risk Behavior
Meeting of the American Public Health Association;
October 2428, 1993; San Francisco, Calif. Abstract Assessment33 and the Adolescent Health
1170. HIV and AIDS are increasingly diseases of Survey34) and selected items from the Diag-
19. Hollibaugh RM, Vazquez C. The myth of invulner- minorities and the disadvantaged.1,2 These nostic Interview Schedule for Children, Ver-
ability: lesbians and HIV disease. FOCUS: A Guide to same groups are disproportionately involved sion 2.3.35
AIDS Research and Counseling. 1994;8:14.
in the justice system.3 Detained youths may We reduced the risk of type I error by set-
20. Cochran SD, Mays VM. Depressive distress among
homosexually active African American men and
be at particular risk. Sexually transmitted dis- ting our level to .01 and by performing spe-
women. Am J Psychiatry. 1994;151:524529. eases, related to HIV and AIDS,46 are preva- cific tests only when the overall test result
21. Zierler S, Krieger N. Reframing womens risk: so- lent among detained youths. Moreover, al- was significant.36 We weighted all estimates
cial inequalities and HIV infection. Annu Rev Public though HIV seropositivity is infrequent to reflect the detention centers population
Health. 1997;18:401436. among detained youths,4 studies of adult de- and used Taylor series linearization37,38 to
22. Latka M, Ahern J, Garfein RS, et al. Prevalence, tainees suggest that detained youths are at correct tests of inference.
incidence, and correlates of chlamydia and gonorrhea
among young adult injection drug users. J Subst Abuse.
great risk for developing HIV as they age.724
2001;13(12):7388. Although researchers have studied HIV RESULTS
23. Kapadia F, Vlahov D, Des Jarlais DC, et al. Does and AIDS risk behaviors among detained
bleach disinfection of syringes protect against hepati- youths,5,6,2531 our knowledge is still limited. We report rates of HIV and AIDS sexual
tis C infection among young adult injection drug
Few studies used random samples; many used and drug risk behaviors by gender and race/
users? Epidemiology. 2002;13:738741.
volunteers or referred samples.5,2830 Some ethnicity (Table 1) and by gender and age
24. Diaz T, Vlahov D, Greenberg B, Cuevas Y, Gar-
fein R. Sexual orientation and HIV infection preva- studies excluded females.5,26,30 Only 1 study (Table 2).
lence among young Latino injection drug users in examined differences by race/ethnicity.31
Harlem. J Womens Health Gender-Based Med. 2001;10: No study has examined differences by age.
Some studies investigated only sexual risk More than 90% of the males were sexually
25. Aaron DJ, Markovic N, Danielson ME, Honnold
JA, Janosky JE, Schmidt NJ. Behavioral risk factors for behaviors28,29 or a limited number of sexual active; 60.8% had more than 1 sexual part-
disease and preventive health practices among lesbians. and drug risk behaviors.25,27,31 ner in the last 3 months. Significantly more
Am J Public Health. 2001;91:972975. This study had (1) a stratified random sam- males than females engaged in many of the
26. Cochran BN, Stewart AJ, Ginzler JA, Cauce AM. ple large enough to compare rates by gender, examined sexual risk behaviors. Drug risk be-
Challenges faced by homeless sexual minorities. Am J
Public Health. 2002;92:773777.
race/ethnicity, and age and (2) comprehen- haviors were common among both males and
sive measures of sexual and drug HIV and females; none, however, varied significantly
27. Gilman SE, Cochran SD, Mays VM, Hughes M,
Ostrow D, Kessler RC. Risk of psychiatric disorders AIDS risk behaviors. by gender. More than 40% of both males and
among individuals reporting same-sex sexual partners females had been tattooed. However, injec-
in the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Public Health.
METHODS tion drug use risk behaviors were rare.
28. Gruskin EP, Hart S, Gordon N, Ackerson L. Pat-
terns of cigarette smoking and alcohol use among les- Participants were part of the Northwestern Race/Ethnicity
bians and bisexual women enrolled in a large health Juvenile Project, a longitudinal study of 1829 Among males, significantly more African
maintenance organization. Am J Public Health. 2001;
youths (aged 1018 years) initially arrested Americans than non-Hispanic Whites en-
and detained between 1995 and 1998 at the gaged in certain sexual risk behaviors. How-
29. Mays VM, Yancey AK, Cochran SD. Heterogeneity
of health disparities among African American, His- Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention ever, many drug risk behaviors, including
panic, and Asian American women: unrecognized influ- Center in Chicago, Ill.32 The random sample ever using drugs other than marijuana and
ences of sexual orientation. Am J Public Health. 2002;
was stratified by gender, race/ethnicity, age, recent use of drugs other than marijuana,
and charge severity. We began collecting were more prevalent among non-Hispanic
30. Meyer IH. Why lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-
gender public health? Am J Public Health. 2001;91: HIV and AIDS risk data 6 months after the Whites and Hispanics than among African
856859. larger study began. The sample size was Americans.

906 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Teplin et al. American Journal of Public Health | June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6
TABLE 1HIV and AIDS Sexual and Drug Risk Behaviors, by Gender and Race/Ethnicity

Males, % Females, %
Non- Overall Specific Non- Overall Specific
African Hispanic Test of Tests of African Hispanic Test of Tests of
Total American White Hispanic Race/ Race/ Total American White Hispanic Race/ Race/ Tests of
N = 460a n = 205 n = 101 n = 153 Ethnicity Ethnicity N = 340a n = 225 n = 44 n = 70 Ethnicity Ethnicity Gender b

Sexually active 91.0 93.2 75.3 85.8 P < .01 African American > non-Hispanic White 86.7 86.1 93.3 82.9 NS NS
Multiple partners: > 1 in past 3 mos 60.8 64.7 32.7 53.1 P < .001 African American > non-Hispanic White; 26.3 22.9 38.2 18.8 NS P < .001
Hispanic > non-Hispanic White
Multiple partners: > 3 in past 3 mos 37.3 41.9 14.9 23.9 P < .01 African American > non-Hispanic White 5.0 6.3 6.7 0.0 NSc P < .001c
Ever had vaginal sex 90.7 92.9 75.3 85.9 P < .01 African American > non-Hispanic White 69.2 66.3 86.5 65.1 NS P < .001
Recent (past mo) unprotected 35.0 33.7 32.1 40.8 NS 41.3 35.5 61.8 42.5 P < .01 Non-Hispanic White > African American; NS
vaginal sex Non-Hispanic White > Hispanic
Ever had vaginal sex with high-risk 21.5 22.5 11.3 20.6 NS 10.9 8.4 25.9 13.1 P < .01 Non-Hispanic White > African American P < .01

June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6 | American Journal of Public Health

partner d
Ever had oral sex 42.2 42.3 49.3 39.0 NS 26.3 21.8 49.4 17.4 P < .001 Non-Hispanic White > African American; P < .001
Non-Hispanic White > Hispanic
Recent (past mo) unprotected oral sex 31.5 31.7 35.9 28.4 NS 20.5 16.5 44.9 7.4 P < .001 Non-Hispanic White > African American; P < .01
Non-Hispanic White > Hispanic
Ever had oral sex with high-risk 7.6 6.8 6.0 11.3 NS 2.1 1.3 9.4 1.9 NS NS
partner d
Ever had anal sex 11.9 11.9 10.2 12.7 NS 6.7 3.1 9.0 1.2 NS P < .001
Recent (past mo) unprotected anal sex 2.9 2.7 5.3 3.3 NS 1.4 1.3 4.5 0.0 NSe NSc
Ever had anal sex with high-risk 2.0 2.0 2.8 1.9 NS 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... . . .e
Ever had sex when drunk or high 67.8 71.1 56.6 55.9 NS 52.3 46.8 73.6 53.6 P < .01 Non-Hispanic White > African American; P < .01

Non-Hispanic White > Hispanic

Ever had unprotected sex when drunk or high 32.9 30.8 35.5 40.2 NS 33.6 27.7 48.3 36.8 NS NS
Ever traded sex and drugs 2.7 2.5 4.3 2.9 NS 3.3 4.1 2.2 1.4 NS NS
Ever used alcohol 87.8 85.2 93.5 97.8 P < .001 Non-Hispanic White > African American; 90.6 88.8 100.0 91.2 NSc NSc
Hispanic > African American
Used alcohol before age 13 28.2 25.7 46.3 34.2 NS 32.4 24.9 42.7 44.3 P < .01 Hispanic > African American NS
Recent (past mo) use of alcohol 58.3 57.4 60.9 60.9 NS 53.8 51.4 70.8 65.4 NS NS
Frequent use of alcohol 48.0 45.0 56.9 57.7 NS 46.2 39.8 56.2 56.3 NS NS
(> 3 times in past 3 mos)
Ever used marijuana 93.9 95.2 90.8 88.6 NS 90.7 88.8 100.0 91.6 NSc NS
Used marijuana before age 13 27.6 26.0 37.9 32.2 NS 28.5 22.8 33.7 34.5 NS NS
Recent (past mo) use of marijuana 77.9 78.9 75.2 73.7 NS 67.8 63.3 73.0 77.0 NS NS
Frequent use of marijuana 68.9 68.8 69.7 68.7 NS 60.7 53.9 76.4 72.2 P < .01 Non-Hispanic White > African American; NS
(> 3 times in past 3 mos) Hispanic > African American


Teplin et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 907


Among females, significantly more non-

Hispanic Whites than African Americans or

. . .e

. . .e




Hispanics engaged in several of the sexual

Reported Ns are the total number of subjects in each column. Some rows have missing data, but no row is missing more than 14 cases. Two subjects who self-identified as an other race were excluded from analysis of racial/ethnic
risk behaviors. As among males, drug risk be-
Non-Hispanic White > African American;

Non-Hispanic White > African American;

Non-Hispanic White > African American

haviors, including ever using drugs other than

Hispanic > African American

Hispanic > African American

marijuana and recent use of drugs other than
marijuana, were more prevalent among non-
Hispanic Whites and Hispanics than among
African Americans.
Some drug risk behaviors were more prev-
alent among non-Hispanic White and His-
panic females than among African Americans.
P < .001

P < .001

P < .001

. . .e

. . .e


Our choice of categories was guided by

High-risk partners include persons who have ever worked as a prostitute, persons with HIV or AIDS, persons who inject drugs, and persons whose sexual history is not well known.






empirical analyses.39 Among males, even in

the youngest age group (1013 years), 62%






to 76% had vaginal sex, used alcohol, or used

African American, non-Hispanic White, and Hispanic reports are all zero. Only females in the other racial/ethnic group reported anal sex with a high-risk partner.
marijuana. Many behaviors were higher in
the 14-to-15 and the 16 years and older age






groups than in the 10- to 13-year-old group.

However, few significant differences were






found between the 2 older age groups.

Among females aged 10 to 13, more than
Non-Hispanic White > African American;

Non-Hispanic White > African American;

Non-Hispanic White > African American;

half were sexually active, more than 40% had

Non-Hispanic White > Hispanic

Hispanic < non-Hispanic White

Hispanic > African American

Hispanic > African American

vaginal sex, more than 80% used alcohol,

and more than two thirds used marijuana.
Many risk behaviors were more prevalent
among older females. Almost 95% of the fe-
males aged 16 and older were sexually active,
more than half had recent unprotected vagi-
nal sex, more than 90% used alcohol or mari-
juana, and more than half had been tattooed.
Tests were computed with 1 less parameter because of presence of cell frequencies of zero.
P < .001c
P < .001

P < .01

P < .01

. . .e

. . .e







Tests were not computed because of presence of cell frequencies of zero.

Our findings confirmed that HIV and AIDS






risk behaviors are a substantial problem

among detained youths, posing a challenge to





the justice system and to the larger public

Tests of gender differences controlling for race/ethnicity.

health system.5,6,2531,4044 The rates found in






our study are much higher than those in the

differences but are included in total columns.

general population45 and confirm prior find-

ings of racial/ethnic differences.4547 Ninety-
Used other substances before age 13

Ever shared needles in a risky location

Ever shared needles without cleaning

(injection drug use or tattooing)

(injection drug use or tattooing)

(injection drug use or tattooing)

Frequent use of other substances

five percent of our sample engaged in 3 or

Ever shared needles or equipment
(> 3 times in past 3 mos)
Recent (past mo) use of other

more risk behaviors reported in this brief;

TABLE 1Continued

Ever used other substances

65% reported 10 or more risk behaviors.

Note. NS = not significant.

Subjects may have exaggerated their be-


Ever injected drugs

Ever been tattooed

haviors or underreported them. Moreover,

this study used only 1 site and pertains to
only urban youths. Nevertheless, our data
have important implications for research and



public health policy.

908 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Teplin et al. American Journal of Public Health | June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6

TABLE 2HIV and AIDS Sexual and Drug Risk Behaviors (Percentage), by Gender and Age

Males Females
1013 1415 16 Overall Specific 1013 1415 16 Overall Specific
n = 139a n = 132 n = 189 Tests of Age Tests of Age n = 30a n = 185 n = 125 Tests of Age Tests of Age

Sexually active 62.4 86.9 98.1 P < .001 1415 > 1013; 53.6 86.3 94.9 P < .001 1415 > 1013;
16 > 1415; 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Multiple partners: > 1 in past 3 mos 41.7 63.8 61.9 NS 16.0 22.2 34.4 NS
Multiple partners: > 3 in past 3 mos 30.7 41.9 35.4 NS 7.2 3.9 6.0 NS
Ever had vaginal sex 62.0 86.2 98.0 P < .001 1415 > 1013; 42.8 66.2 79.3 P < .01 1415 > 1013;
16 > 1415; 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Recent (past mo) unprotected vaginal sex 16.2 37.3 36.7 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 18.7 34.8 55.5 P < .01 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Ever had vaginal sex with high-risk partner b 8.1 34.5 15.5 P < .01 1415 > 1013 16.0 10.3 10.4 NS
Ever had oral sex 15.6 45.0 44.7 P < .001 1415 > 1013; 6.0 21.7 37.3 P < .05 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Recent (past mo) unprotected oral sex 9.5 40.9 28.9 P < .001 1415 > 1013; 6.0 15.7 30.5 NS
16 > 1013
Ever had oral sex with high-risk partner b 4.0 9.2 7.1 NS 0.0 1.6 3.3 NS
Ever had anal sex 16.8 16.4 8.3 NS 0.0 5.3 10.2 NS
Recent (past mo) unprotected anal sex 6.5 5.4 0.8 P < .01 1415 16; 0.0 2.2 0.5 NS
1013 16
Ever had anal sex with high-risk partner b 1.0 5.1 0.2 NS 0.0 0.0 9.1 . . .c
Ever had sex when drunk or high 29.0 66.3 74.7 P < .001 1415 > 1013; 16.3 49.4 64.1 P < .001 1415 > 1013;
16 > 1013 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013
Ever had unprotected sex when drunk or high 12.1 31.2 37.1 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 10.2 28.1 46.4 P < .01 16 > 1415;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Ever traded sex and drugs 1.0 0.3 4.4 NS 0.0 3.6 3.6 NS
Ever used alcohol 69.0 87.0 91.4 NS 80.4 90.2 93.6 NS
Used alcohol before age 13 53.1 26.3 25.5 P < .01 1013 > 1415; 66.0 30.4 27.5 P < .001 1013 > 1415;
1013 16 1013 16
Recent (past mo) use of alcohol 33.2 54.5 64.7 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 39.1 57.1 52.5 NS
16 > 1013
Frequent use of alcohol 24.1 49.7 50.7 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 13.2 45.7 54.3 P < .001 1415 > 1013;
(> 3 times in past 3 mos) 16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Ever used marijuana 76.1 94.2 96.5 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 68.7 92.1 93.8 P < .001 1415 > 1013;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Used marijuana before age 13 54.8 37.1 17.3 P < .001 1415 16 44.2 29.4 23.5 P < .001 1013 > 1415;
1013 16
Recent (past mo) use of marijuana 60.1 78.8 80.1 NS 40.6 69.7 71.4 NS
Frequent use of marijuana 50.7 76.7 66.8 NS 27.4 59.6 69.8 P < .01 1415 > 1013;
(> 3 times in past 3 mos) 16 > 1013
Ever used other substances 5.4 15.5 15.5 NS 7.5 17.5 28.7 NS
Used other substances before age 13 2.1 1.4 0.4 P < .01 1013 16 7.5 1.7 0.6 NS
Recent (past mo) use of other substances 2.0 8.9 7.4 NS 2.4 7.8 10.8 NS
Frequent use of other substances 1.8 6.5 2.9 NS 2.4 3.9 16.8 NS
(> 3 times in past 3 mos)


June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6 | American Journal of Public Health Teplin et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 909

TABLE 2Continued

Ever injected drugs 0.0 0.2 0.1 NSd 0.0 1.4 1.2 NSd
Ever tattooed 20.4 40.3 47.7 P < .01 1415 > 1013; 22.9 41.2 56.4 P < .01 1415 > 1013;
16 > 1013 16 > 1013
Ever shared needles or equipment 1.0 3.8 2.8 NSd 0.0 1.4 1.2 NSd
(injection drug use or tattooing)
Ever shared needles in a risky location 0.0 3.8 0.0 . . .c 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . .c
(injection drug use or tattooing)
Ever shared needles without cleaning 0.0 3.8 0.0 . . .c 0.0 0.0 0.6 . . .c
(injection drug use or tattooing)

Note. NS = not significant.

Reported Ns are the total number of subjects in each column. Some rows have missing data, but no row is missing more than 14 cases.
High-risk partners include persons who have ever worked as a prostitute, persons with HIV or AIDS, persons who inject drugs, and persons whose sexual history is not well known.
Tests were not computed because of presence of cell frequencies of zero.
Tests were computed with 1 less parameter because of presence of cell frequencies of zero.

Directions for Future Research protected sex while drunk or high). Interven- Contributors
Research is needed to examine how psy- tions with younger adolescents could avert L. A. Teplin, the principal investigator, planned the
study, directed the project, and crafted the presentation.
chosocial factors common among delinquent the most serious risk behaviors. A. A. Mericle developed the HIV and AIDS risk assess-
youthssexual abuse, poor family functioning, Target specific patterns of risk based on gen- ment, supervised interviewer training and data prepara-
mental disorders, lifetime trauma, and cogni- der, race/ethnicity, and age. For example, fe- tion, conducted much of the data analysis, and drafted
some sections of the brief. G. M. McClelland directed
tive and functional impairment48affect the male detainees, although relatively few in the data operation and data analysis and oversaw
development of HIV and AIDS risk behav- number, require special programs. Sexual risk preparation of the tables. K. M. Abram directed the field
iors. Information is especially needed on behaviors may place females at greater risk study. All authors participated in the preparation of the
final manuscript.
structural factors that are commonly associ- than males because they are more likely to
ated with delinquency among youths: pov- contract HIV from unprotected vaginal
erty, poor education, and neighborhood disin- sex.5557 Moreover, females behaviors place Acknowledgments
tegration.4952 Longitudinal studies would their unborn children at risk. This work was supported by National Institute of Men-
tal Health grants R01MH54197 and R01MH59463
provide data on onset, persistence, desistance, (Division of Services and Intervention Research and
and recurrence of HIV and AIDS risk behav- Providing HIV and AIDS interventions to Center for Mental Health Research on AIDS) and
iors and whether specific patterns of risk pre- juvenile detainees could reduce HIV and grant 1999-JE-FX-1001 from the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Major funding
dict seroconversion. AIDS among general population youths. Most also was provided by the National Institute on Drug
detainees return to their communities within Abuse, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Ser-
Implications for Public Health Policy 2 weeks.3 Moreover, many youths at particu- vices Administration (Center for Mental Health Ser-
vices, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Center
The public health system must lar risk for HIV and AIDSyouths who use for Substance Abuse Treatment), the Centers for Dis-
drugs, youths who trade sex for money or ease Control and Prevention (National Center on In-
Provide interventions for detained youths. Be- drugs, and runawayswill eventually cycle jury Prevention and Control and National Center for
HIV, STD and TB Prevention), the National Institute
cause many detainees are truant,53 they may through the detention center. HIV and AIDS on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Insti-
miss school-based interventions. Interven- risk behaviors among juvenile detainees are a tutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Womens
tions could improve HIV and AIDS knowl- public health problem, not just a problem for Health, the NIH Center on Minority Health and
Health Disparities, the NIH Office on Rare Diseases,
edge, attitudes, and behavioral skills.27,30,54 the juvenile justice system. the William T. Grant Foundation, and the Robert
Intervening with detained youths could re- Wood Johnson Foundation. Additional funds were pro-
duce the likelihood of the onset of the most vided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Chi-
risky HIV and AIDS risk behaviorshaving About the Authors cago Community Trust. We thank all our agencies for
unprotected anal sex, using or sharing nee- The authors are with the Psycho-Legal Studies Program, their collaborative spirit and steadfast support.
dles, and trading drugs for sexthat are still The Feinberg School of Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry Many more people than the authors contributed to
and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, Chi- this project. This study could not have been accom-
relatively rare. cago, Ill. plished without the advice of Ann Hohmann, PhD,
Intervene early. The youngest age group Requests for reprints should be sent to Linda A. Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD, and Heather Ringeisen,
(1013 years) had lower rates of the most Teplin, PhD, Psycho-Legal Studies Program, 710 N PhD. Jacques Normand, PhD, Helen Cesari, MS,
Lakeshore Dr, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60611 (e-mail: Richard Needle, PhD, Robert Booth, PhD, David
risky behaviors (e.g., multiple sexual partners, Huizinga, PhD, and David Ostrow, MD, PhD, gener-
vaginal sex with high-risk partners, and un- This brief was accepted November 25, 2002. ously offered their expertise in developing our instru-

910 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Teplin et al. American Journal of Public Health | June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6

ments. David Stoff, PhD, Grayson Norquist, MD, and 11. Cotten-Oldenburg NU, Jordan BK, Martin SL, 28. Morrison DM, Baker SA, Gillmore MR. Sexual risk
Delores Parron, PhD, provided support and encourage- Kupper L. Women inmates risky sex and drug behav- behavior, knowledge, and condom use among adoles-
ment. Celia Fisher, PhD, guided our human subjects iors: are they related? Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1999; cents in juvenile detention. J Youth Adolesc. 1994;23:
procedures. 25:129149. 271288.
We thank all project staff, especially Amy Lansing, 12. Cotten-Oldenburg NU, Martin SL, Jordan BK, Sad- 29. Gillmore MR, Morrison DM, Lowery C, Baker SA.
PhD, for supervising the data collection. We also thank owski LS, Kupper L. Preincarceration risky behaviors Beliefs about condoms and their association with in-
Laura Coats, our expert editor and research assistant, among women inmates: opportunities for prevention. tentions to use condoms among youths in detention.
and Kate Elkington for her meticulous library work. We Prison J. 1997;77:281294. J Adolesc Health. 1994;15:228237.
also greatly appreciate the cooperation of everyone
13. Schilling R, El-Bassel N, Ivanoff A, Gilbert L, Su 30. Magura S, Kang SY, Shapiro JL. Outcomes of in-
working in the Cook County systems, especially David
KH, Safyer SM. Sexual risk behavior of incarcerated, tensive AIDS education for male adolescent drug users
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ation, this study would not have been possible. Finally,
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we thank the participants for their time and willingness
to participate. 14. Bond L, Semaan S. At risk for HIV infection: in- hauser E, Marquis DK, Watts LL. Health risk behav-
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Women Health. 1996;24:2745. the United States. J Adolesc Health. 1995;17:334344.
Human Participant Protection 15. Mahon N. New York inmates HIV risk behaviors: 32. Teplin LA, Abram KM, McClelland GM, Dulcan
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versity and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Am J Public Health. 1996;86:12111215. nile detention. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;59:
institutional review boards. We obtained informed con- 16. Vlahov D, Brewer TF, Castro KG, et al. Preva- 11331143.
sent from all participants aged 18 and older. For partici- lence of antibody to HIV-1 among entrants to US cor- 33. Needle R, Fisher DG, Weatherby N, et al. Reliabil-
pants younger than 18, we obtained assent from the rectional facilities. JAMA. 1991;265:11291132. ity of self-reported HIV risk behaviors of drug users.
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June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6 | American Journal of Public Health Teplin et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 911

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BMJ. 1992;304:809813. All sexual partners
Total 19.5 18.1, 21.0 5743
1996 20.5 18.0, 22.9 2088
1998 18.3 15.9, 20.7 1869

Condom Use and HIV 2000

Ongoing relationship sexual partner
19.7 17.1, 22.3 1786

Risk Among US Adults Total

16.1, 19.0
16.0, 20.8
1998 16.5 14.1, 19.0 1685
| John E. Anderson, PhD
2000 17.5 14.9, 20.1 1605
Other sexual partners
HIV prevention programs seek to increase Total 42.9 36.4, 49.4 478
the use of condoms among persons at risk 1996 47.7 36.1, 59.4 152
for acquiring HIV.1 In recent years, the im- 1998 37.0 26.6, 47.4 167
portance of condoms for prevention has re- 2000 44.5 32.9, 56.0 159
mained high as the epidemic has shifted to
Note. CI = confidence interval; n = number of observations.
have more impact on women and persons Differences by year not significant, P < .05.
subject to infection through heterosexual Based on the question: The last time you had sex, was a condom used? By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex .
contact.2 Data from surveys indicate increas-

912 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Anderson American Journal of Public Health | June 2003, Vol 93, No. 6
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