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7f7/2016 Assigrrnents- Show

Eva lu ation
Student : Lauren Wu
Clinical Staff: Myrla Gonzales
Site: Detroit Medical Cen t er - Rehabilit ation Institute of Michigan - Crown Pointe
Evaluation Name : PTH 634 Summer 2016 - Class of 2018

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1. Profess i onal Practice Safety

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lau ren demonstrate consistency in developing proficiency in doing simple tasks such as Gon iometry
measurement, manual muscle testing, and using simple in t erventions such as therapeutic exercises.
applying HMP/CP, ES (IFC), manua l neck t raction initiat ed doing simple evaluation with CI supervision
75 to 90% of the time . She is also sharing patient's caseload wit h her CI. Lauren is very
conscientious of patient's safety, as well as other staff and herself.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren demonstrated entry level performance in this category. She is very mindful of patient's safety,
as we ll as others and herself. She is able t o work wit h patien t s with simple to complex diagnosis wit h
occasiona l superv ision from her CI.

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2. Professional Pract i ce Professional Behavior

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lau ren demonstrated positive professional behavior by greeting patien t 's, staff and patient's family,
wearing proper attire with badge everyday, She exhibits caring, compassion and empathy t o patient's
care by mon itoring pain before and after t x with supervision from her CI 75 % of the time. She also
ask appropriate clinical questions pertaining to patient's clinica l issue.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren always presen t herself as professional .She exhibits caring, compassion and empathy to
patient's care by monitoring pain and progress before, du ring and after tx. She is friendly and
courteous to everyone


Professional Self -2
Behavior CI + 12

3. Professional Practice Accountability

CI Mid- Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren always abides with policies and procedures of the clinica l setting by checking and consulting
with her CI regarding billing and insura nce questions, patient's confidentiality and modesty.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren follows clinic policies and procedure with occasional guidance from CI for billing. She always
maintains her professionalism in keeping patient's confidentia lity and modesty .

B AB < M ' B ~
~tt ~
CI + 11

4. Professional Practice - Communication

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7!7/2016 Assigrrnents - Shem
CI Mid- Ter m - Myrla Gonzales Lauren communicates verbally and non verbally, in a professional and timely manner. She initiates
communication in pleasant and well mannered way. She adjust style of communication according to
patient's need. Lauren continues to need supervision 75% in interpreting nonverbal communication
especially during initial evaluation. She seeks and responds to feedback from her CI appropriately. She
is always open to suggestions especially when it comes to improving patient's quality of care.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren communicates respect for the roles and contribution of participants in all our patient's care.
She listens actively and attentively , Engages in positive attitude towards other student and very open
to learning/ sharing knowledge. She evaluates effectiveness of her communication and modifies as
needed. She is more in tune picking up non verbal cues

I CommlaI~
. AB ' M ' ~ -3

S. Professional Practice Cultura l Competence

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren demonstrated good professiona l competence in cultural competence by always asking patient's
permission if they would allow student to observed thei r tx especially in cases of Pelvic floor patient's
due to the sensitivity of clinica l concern.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren incorporates good understanding of th e implications of individual and cultural differences and
adapts beha vior accordingly in all aspects of ph ysica l t herapy such in the case of pelvic floor patien t s.

Cultural Self -4
Competence CI + 11

6. Professional Practice Professional Development

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren shows initiative in learning new tech niques such as how to do Instrument assisted soft tissue
mobilization techn iques, practice joint mobilization, kinesiotaping, biofeedback (how it works). She
identifies strengths and limitations in clinica l performance. She seeks guidance from her CI 75% of
the time with regards to practicing new techniq ue to become proficient.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren takes initiative in learning new techniques such as High ve locity thrust using body drop
technique, assisted soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization.

Professional Self -2
Development CI + 12

7. Patient Management Clinical Reasoning

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is able to apply her current knowledge, theory, clinical judgement and patient's values/
perspective in managing simple cases wit h 50% guidance from her Cl. With more complex cases,
Lauren needed at least 75% . Lauren is current ly sharing a caseload with her Cl. her confidence is
improving everyday, she always asks appropriate clinical questions to help develop best PT practices.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren applies her current know ledge, t heory, clinica l reasoning in relation to patient's values and
management. She always seeks appropriate clin ical advise from her CI as well as other staff to help
patient's care effective and successfu l at all times.

Clinical Self -1
Reasoning CI +12

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7f7f2016 Assigrrnents - Sh<:M'

8. Patient Management Screening

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren has done medical history taking, R.O.M., manual muscle testing, simple joint play appropriately
with 75% guidance from CI especially with complex diagnosis.Lauren is sharing a caseload with her CI

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren pays attention to what patient's script indicated such as in the case of a patient needing OT
consult during an initial PT evaluation

B AB < A< ' B ~

Self -2
CI +11

9. Patient Management Examination

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is proficient in performing R.0.M. manual muscle testing , history taking with less cues from
her Cl. With regards to special testing, palpation, postural evaluation and plan of care, She still needs
75% guidance.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is proficient in doing simple to complex initial evaluation with some gu idance (25 % ) from CI
doing more complex or multi diagnosis .

Examination +11
L--- -- __J

10. Patient Management Evaluation

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren needed 75 % guidance with performing evaluation. She learns well by brainstorm ing with her
0 all her clinical findings . She makes appropriate clin ical judgement based on data she collected from

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren has become more proficient in doing examination, taking careful history, system review,
testing and measures to help make good clinical judgment.

B AB < A< ' ~

~ CI + 11

11. Patient Management Diagnosis and Prognosis

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren needed 75% clinical supervision for simple diagnosis, she is able to established diagnosis for
physical therapy intervention with 75 % help and support from her CI. She knows how to integrate
collected data to help her arrive to accurate prognosis and tx management.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is able to integrates data collected and arrives at an accurate prognosis with regard to intensity
and duration of intervention and discharge status with m inimal supervision from her 0

Diagnosis and Self -1
Prognosis CI + 11

12. Patient Management Plan of Care

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is able to establish physical therapy Plan of care in collaboration with patient's preference. With
simple diagnosis , Lauren needed 75 % gu idance . With complex cases, she needed more.She always

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7!7/'2016 Assigrrn ents - Show
monitor and adjust treatment and plan of care according to patient's response.

CI Final - My.-la Gonzales Lauren establishes appropriate plan of care in collaboration w ith patient's need. Lauren needed mostly
25 % gu idance for more complex diagnosis

-- Self
8 AB < M ' ~
+ 11

13 . Patient Management Procedural Interventions

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Laure n is able to performed simple in t erven t ions such ES, HMP, CP, inst ructing pat ient in doing
exercises with 25 % to 50% cues. Wit h manua l t herapy such as instru m ent assisted soft tissue
mobilization, functional soft tissue mobilizat ion, t raction joint play,kinesiotaping she needed 75 -90 %
guidance .

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren show confidence in doing standard intervention such as modalities, joint mobilization, with
advanced manual techniques such as muscle energy techniques, IASTM, kinesiotaping, high velocity
thrust Lauren still needed more guidance

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is able to provide instruction to patient's w ith simple diagnosis with 50 % gu idance from her
CI.For more complex condition she needed 75% -90 % guidance, especia lly with modifying a home
exercises to help patient m anage symptoms at home

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren is more confidence in teachi ng her pat ient's about home exercises.

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Educational __
Interventions CI + 11

15. Patient Management Documentation

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren produces hand written as well as electronic medica l recording accurat ely and in timely manner
wit h 75 % guidance from her Cl. She produces legible and correct medical abbrevia t ion. Her
documentation always reflects what care delivery was provided that justify PT serv ices.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren produces quality documentation in a t imely manner using electronic medical recording as well
as hand written notes .Lauren is proficient in documenting simple to complex diagnosis plan of care
and accurately describing appropriate physical therapy care.

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16. Patient Management Outcomes Assessment

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren applies, interprets and reports results of assessment throughout patient's episode of care with
75% clinical supervision from her CI. She always assessed patient's response to the intervention to
make sure that patient's goal is being met.

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7f7/'2016 Assigrrnents - Show
CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren demonstrated proper application, interpretation of patient's reports with the delivery of
physica l therapy care with minima l supervision from CI.

B AB l Al ' B ~
+ 11

17. Patient Management Financial Resources

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren always makes use of her time efficien t ly, adheres to utilizing appropriate codes, billing with 75
% su pervision from 0 to make sure billing and documentation is done in timely manner and accurate
following insurance guidelines.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren always tries to accommodate patient's request for change of schedule, submits billing charges
on time and adheres to reimbursement guidelines established by regulatory agencies, payers and

Financial Self +l
Resources CI + 12

18. Patient Management Direction and Supervision of Personnel

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren has been instructed on how to ut ilize or seek help of other personnel such as PTA in taking
care of patient and how to monitor those pat ien t s . She seeks feedback from other staff as well as
demonstrate effective interpersona l skills.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren works well with PTA as well as S PTA, she listens, directs, and supervise patient and other staff
as required to help meet patient's goa ls and clinic situation

Supervision of Self +1
Personnel CI +12

19. Summative Comments I Caseload I Days Absent

Areas of Strength
CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren's areas of clin ical strength are as follows : Commit ment to learning- She is always eager to
learn new th in gs, ways to help improve her know ledge and broaden her skills for her PT Tool box. Her
interpersonal skills is great, treats everyone with respect. She is also responsible, displays awareness
of sensitivity t o diverse populations, offers help in keeping clinic in order without prompting.She also
presents herself in professional manner, always wear badge , greets everyone with a smile, wear
appropriate dress code.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lau ren 's areas of strength remains to be her willingness to learn new things, techn iques to help
improve her knowledge. Her inter persona l skills is great . She is respectful, responsible and sensitive
to diverse popu lation that we treat in the clinic. She always comes in prepared and professional. She is
very helpful with everyone, she takes initiative in helping out Other therapist/PTA with patient care a
swell as t idying up the clinic at the end of tx session. She is a well rounded student

Areas for Further Development

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Lauren will need to continue working on improving her clinical reason in g, PT evaluation and
assessment, plan of care and intervent ion for more complex condition.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales Lauren will still need to keep working on her clinical reasoning, evaluation and assessment, plan of
care and intervention for more complex condition

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Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of
managing at this time?
CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales with 10 hour schedule 10 to 12 patient's Lauren is sharing 6-8 patient's right now with her CI

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales on a 10 hour/day 10-12 patients

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales Continue practicing more evaluations varying from simple to complex, brainstorm PT condition and
what interventions can be used, practice manual techniques, Read/ review PT books as reference
during down time. keep asking questions related to clinical situations.

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales continue working on doing evaluations, and practice treating patient with simple diagnosis every 1/2
hour. continue asking clinical questions to help improve clinical reasoning .

Mid-Term Days Absent CI: O days

Final Days Absent CI: O days

Reason for Absence

CI Mid-Term - Myrla Gonzales N/A

CI Final - Myrla Gonzales n/a

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