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Year 2: Term 2 Week 1 8 th January 2017

TOPIC: Roots and Routes

We will be covering the following work in Numeracy, Literacy, Science and Social Studies.

Numeracy We are still learning about measurement.

This week we will be measuring volume News:
by using millilitres and litres. Children
will estimate the capacity of different Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the winter
objects. holiday and we wish you a very Happy New Year.
We hope you are as enthusiastic about Term 2 as us
There will be NO Maths homework this
We are welcoming Ms. Liani, our new 2B teacher.
These are some useful websites you can She was a Year 3 teacher in Term 1, so she is not
use to support your child at home: new to the school. She is an excellent teacher and a
http://resources.woodlands- great asset to our team. 2B children already love her.
There will be no English or Maths homework this
week. Children will get new spelling words and Maths homework on Sunday.
Reading books will be sent out on Monday and
Literacy Children will go to their new RWInc children will be expected to bring them back the
teachers this week. The names of their following Sunday. Please make sure your children
new teachers will be in their diaries by the dont lose or damage the books.
end of the week. Our classes are now
There will be a Year 2 Coffee catch-up very soon.
streamed with Year 1 classes. Therefore
We will give you more information about this next
some children will have RWInc lessons week. If you have any suggestions about the topics
with Year 1 teachers. you would like to discuss with us, please email Ms.
Ana (ana.korac@diyafahinternationals
There will be no spelling words or and we will try to answer most of your questions.
reading books this week.
These are some useful reading and
comprehension websites you can use at Please note that our e-mails have changed. Use our
home to support your child: new e-mail addresses since the old ones wont be in
function anymore.
2A Ms. Pam
m 2B Ms. Liani
2C Ms. Lois
lois.conley@diyafahinternati 2D Ms. Ana
2E Ms. Delia
This week we will be learning about delia.aguiar@diyafahinternati
Science Plants. Children will be expected to name 2F Mr. Padraig
parts of a plant (flower, stem, leaves and padraig.devine@diyafahinternati
roots) and explain the function of each of
these parts (e.g. roots take food and water Please ensure that you have downloaded the
from the soil etc.) communicator onto your computer, tablet or
phone to receive ALL up to date information
from school. Any personal queries please feel
free to contact the class teacher via email.

Social Studies This week we will learn about different

types of Weather. Children will be
expected to know what it is like when its
sunny, rainy, cloudy etc. They will learn
why it is important to know what the
weather will be like the next day and they
will compare the weather in the UAE to
the weather in their home countries.

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