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Final Reflection

Globalization can be a beautiful thing. It can lead to sharing of other

cultures and increases technology use so that people can further
communicate with others. It can also be disastrous when it comes to
indigenous peoples culture, specifically economic globalization. Indigenous
people are greatly spiritual and believe that the land is a gift for us to
appreciate, not destroy. They teach members of their tribe to respect the
land and be grateful for what the land produces for them during crop
seasons. In a world where were destroying our planet every day, one can
only imagine the impact that it has had on indigenous peoples everyday life
and their culture.
In Montana is where the Blackfeet Indian Reservation is located.
Adjoined to the reservation is the Badger-Two Medicine Area. This area of
land is sacred to Blackfeet, it embodies their creation story, its where they
hold their Sun Dances, and its home to many wildlife in the surrounding
area. Thats what they used that land for before the government decided
they wanted to drill on the Badger-Two Medicine Area. Solonex LLC was
pursuing oil and gas exploration on their land. The companys development
would harm their cultural and religious practices, their water quality, hunting,
and the wildlife. Economic globalization is often forced upon indigenous
people because they government honestly doesnt care about them because
they havent assimilated. The leases that the Blackfeet people had were
suspended in 1985 because the tribe suspected that they were permitted
illegally without consulting the tribe. When the government forces
themselves upon others land it creates distrust between the natives and
them. The natives are distinctly categorized as others in the situation
because theyre not being treated rightfully. The natives of this country are
more entitled to this land than any one of us, yet they get abused by the
government just for standing up for what is rightfully theirs. Fortunately, it
was announced that the Solonex lease would be cancelled in their medicine
Now, this fiasco started about thirty-two years ago and was just
resolved two years ago. Putting these people through war over their land for
three decades is unbelievable. Were not respecting the Native Americans.
They had to fight vigorously and continuously because they refused to just
adapt to a quality of life they didnt believe in. Economic globalization should
be heavily reviewed, especially when it comes to interfering with the Natives
land. People shouldnt have to fight for their rights because their rights
shouldnt be infringed upon in the first place. We should be protecting Native
Americans, theyre the greatest asset to this country and obtain the only
true, historical American traditions this country really has. This country
started with them so they should be acknowledged and appreciated.

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