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Meydiana Citra Utami

Mohamad Ziaurrahman
Yogis Nur Ismayadi




Number 1

Source information:
Date 2014 (140720)
Title Interview With U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry;
Source SPOK: CBS

Expanded context:

will still have the backstop of the United States and its economy behind
them. SCHIEFFER# You know, beyond the diplomacy and maybe below the
diplomacy, this scene of what is transpiring there out in that field, where you
heard the secretary say, drunken rebels were out there, you know, going through
these bodies and the stench must have been almost unbearable, at least they have
gotten them into refrigerated area. But apparently, Margaret, there were reports
also taken of some of the black boxes, the recording devices out of that. That
is obviously of great concern to the administration. BRENNAN# It is. And the
Ukrainian government has alleged that those black boxes they say they have
recordings of planning between militants on the ground and what they say is
Russian help saying get those black boxes back to Moscow, don't let the monitors
on the ground from a group called the OSCE get them first. But it is unclear
whether that black box is really going to be intelligence that tells us what we
already presume here and what the secretary laid out

That is obviously of great concern to the administration.

masih akan memiliki pagar dari Amerika Serikat dan ekonomi di belakang
mereka. SCHIEFFER # Kau tahu, di luar diplomasi dan mungkin di bawah
diplomasi, adegan ini dari apa yang berlangsung ada di lapangan itu, di mana
Anda mendengar sekretaris mengatakan, pemberontak mabuk berada di luar sana,
Anda tahu, akan melalui badan-badan ini dan bau harus telah hampir tak
tertahankan, setidaknya mereka mendapatkan mereka ke daerah didinginkan.
Namun ternyata, Margaret, ada laporan juga diambil dari beberapa kotak hitam,
perangkat rekaman dari itu. Yang jelas perhatian besar untuk administrasi.
Brennan # Ini adalah. Dan pemerintah Ukraina telah menuduh bahwa kotak-kotak
hitam mereka mengatakan mereka memiliki rekaman perencanaan antara militan
di tanah dan apa yang mereka katakan adalah bantuan Rusia mengatakan
mendapatkan orang-kotak hitam kembali ke Moskow, jangan biarkan monitor di
tanah dari kelompok disebut OSCE mendapatkan mereka pertama. Tetapi tidak
jelas apakah yang kotak hitam benar-benar akan menjadi intelijen yang
memberitahu kita apa yang sudah kita anggap di sini dan apa sekretaris ditata

That is obviously of great concern to the administration.

ini adalah jelas besar dari perhatian untuk administrasi

This is obviously of great concern to the administration.

Ini adalah jelas besar perhatian bagi pemerintahan.


[S [NP That] [VP is] [Adv obviously] [PP [P of] [NP [Adj great] [N concern]]]
[PP [P to] [Det the] [N administration]]]
Number 2

Source information:
Date 1997 (19970209)
Source SPOK: NBC_MeetPress

Expanded context:

of Alabama in 1998 or 2002? MR-BARKLEY: What I want to do, Tim, I want to

go to Alabama and get on television every day and tell the black people there and
the poor people there that they can be whatever they want to be in life if they,
number one, educated themselves and push themselves as hard as they can.
There's nothing wrong with going to high school, getting a diploma and getting
married. But for me, I think they should push themselves harder. I think the blacks
are obviously at a disadvantage because of the way the South is. I want to tell
them they can be whatever they want to be, but they have to push themselves and
build up pride and self-esteem. That's what I want to do. I don't really care about
winning the governorship, but if I can get on TV every day and beat it in their
head that they can be successful, the governor -- Bill Clinton, the president of the
United States, the person I have respect for, is

I think the blacks are obviously at a disadvantage because of the way the South
Formula :

[S [NP I] [VP [V think] [NP [Det the] [N black]]] [VP are] [Adv obviously] [PP [P
at] [^NP a disadvantage]] [Conj because] [PP [P of] [NP [Det the] [N way]]] [NP
[Det the] [^N South is]
Number 27

Source information:
Date 2006 (20060222)
Publication A SECTION; Pg. A-08
Title Taking a gamble on their fate Stakes are high for juveniles and
parents who don^t understand key aspects of the legal system
Author Kevin Simpson Denver Post Staff Writer
Source NEWS: Denver Post

Expanded context:

n't be an option because, at that time, it didn't accept offenders with Class 2 felony
convictions, which included second-degree murder. (The program expanded to
include some such crimes in 1999.) # But the optimistic view held that because of
Beckius' age - 14 at the time of the crime - he'd likely get between 16 and 20 years
and actually serve six to 10. # " I pondered it, " Beckius says. " When everybody
around you says to take the deal, when you've got a lawyer
who's obviously not on your side, I started thinking that losing six to 10 years
was nothing compared to a life sentence. " # He took the deal. # Scott Reese, then
a young lawyer who'd studied under Furman at CU, served as co-counsel and a
sounding board for Beckius. # " When I sat down with him on the day he took the
plea, he was a terrified young man, " says Reese, who had represented Beckius on
some juvenile matters. " He certainly did

when you've got a lawyer who's obviously not on your side, I started thinking
that losing six to 10 years was nothing compared to a life sentence.

[S [conj [when]] [NP [you]] [VP [^V have got] [NP [Det [a]] [N [lawyer]]] [NP
[who]] [VP [V [is]]] [Adv [obviously]] [PP [^P not on] [^NP your side]]] [NP I]
[^VP started thinking] [conj that] [PP [VP [V losing] [NP six] [PP [P to] [^NP 10
years]]]] [VP [V was] [VP [N nothing] [V compared]]] [PP [P to] [^NP a life
Number 58

Source information:
Date 2008 (080521)
Publication SPORTS; Outdoors; Pg. 62
Title Answering the casting call; Payton students learn nuances of how
to use a fly rod
Author Dale Bowman, Special to The Chicago Sun-Times
Source NEWS: Chicago Sun-Times

Expanded context:

fishing and tying; a session on the gadgetry: rods, reels, vests and other tools; a
session on reading water, learning the life cycle of fish and how to intuit the needs
of fish; and the casting sessions. // There came some aspects unique to an urban
fishery. //' We had them role-playing catching a fish,' Seger said. // That's right,
one would hold the end of the line, and another student would practice fighting
and landing the' fish,' the fellow student. //' Obviously in an urban setting, very
few had even done any fishing,' Seger said.' What is hard to do in an urban setting
is visualize the beauty of the sport and what it entails.' // Gill was a rare student
who had fly fished in Oregon. //' I learned proper technique more than anything,'
he said.' I was up in Oregon kind of throwing the line around. Seger taught us to
cast, roll cast, and what kind of bait to use.'

Obviously in an urban setting, very few had even done any fishing

[S [Adv obviously] [PP [P in] [NP [Det an] [^N urban setting]]] [^NP very few]
[VP [^V had done] [^NP any fishing] [Adv even]

Number 120
Source information:
Date 2003 (20030914)
Title Interview: Singer Steve Winwood discusses his career in music
Source SPOK: NPR_Sunday

Expanded context:

) Off out into the distance now, someday she is on her way to bring us all together
now. Hold on to what my father said. Take it to the final hour. Hold on to what my
father said. Take it to the final hour. Yeah. HANSEN: Do you still feel at all
connected to that adolescent Stevie Winwood that played, you know, " Gim me
Some Lovin " with the Spencer Davis Group? Mr-WINWOOD: Well, I don't
know whether I feel connected to my adolescence,
but obviously as a song it seems to stand the test of time fairly well, and we've
been doing different arrangements of it, and the song seems to live on. HANSEN:
Hmm. But does that young Stevie Winwood seem to be, you know, so far in the
past or do you think we can still see him in... Mr-WINWOOD: Well, it is quite a
long way in the past. HANSEN: Yeah. Yeah. Mr-WINWOOD: And, I mean, I
have no control over that

Well, I don't know whether I feel connected to my adolescence,

but obviously as a song it seems to stand the test of time fairly well.

[S [Adv Well] [NP I] [VP [V don't] [NP know]] [conj weather] [NP I] [^VP feel
connected] [PP [P to] [^NP my adolescence]] [conj but] [adv obviously] [PP [P as]
[^NP a song]] [NP it] [VP seems] [PP [P to] [NP stand]] [NP [Det the] [N test]]
[PP [P of]] [^Adv time fairly well]

1. That is obviously of great concern to the administration.

Arti per kata : Itu adalah jelas dari besar perhatian untuk itu administrasi.
Arti per kalimat : Itu adalah jelas jelas perhatian yang besar untuk pemerintah

2. I think the blacks are obviously at a disadvantage because of the way the
South is.

Arti per kata : Saya berpikir hitam-hitam adalah jelas di sebuah kerugian karena
dari jalan itu Selatan adalah.

Arti per kalimat : Saya pikir orang kulit hitam jelas berada dalam posisi yang
kurang menguntungkan karena berada di Selatan.

3. When everybody around you says to take the deal, when you've got a lawyer
who's obviously not on your side, I started thinking that losing six to 10 years
was nothing compared to a life sentence.

Arti per kata : Kapan semua orang sekitar kamu mengatakan untuk mengambil itu
berurusan, ketika anda sudah mendapat sebuah pengacara siapa jelas tidak di anda
sisi, saya mulai berpikir bahwa kekalahan 6 untuk 10 tahun adalah tidak ada
dibandingkan untuk sebuah kehidupan kalimat

Arti per kalimat : Ketika semua orang di sekitar anda mengatakan untuk
mengambil alih sebuah kesepakatan, ketika itu anda memiliki seorang pengacara
yang jelas tidak berada di pihak anda, saya mulai berpikir bahwa kehilangan 6
sampai 10 tahun tidak berarti apa-apa dibandingkan dengan hukuman seumur
hidup .

4. Obviously in an urban setting, very few had even done any fishing.

Arti per kata : Jelas di sebuah perkotaan pengaturan, sangat beberapa memiliki
bahkan matang apa saja penangkapan ikan.

Arti per kalimat : Jelas- jelas di daerah perkotaan, sangat sedikit yang melakukan
penangkapan ikan
5. Well, I don't know whether I feel connected to my adolescence,
but obviously as a song it seems to stand the test of time fairly well.

Arti per kata : Baik, saya tidak tahu apakah saya merasa koneksi untuk saya masa
remaja, tetapi jelas sebagai sebuah lagu itu tampaknnya untuk berdiri itu uji dari
waktu cukup baik.

Arti per kalimat : Yah, saya tidak tahu apakah saya merasa terhubung dengan
masa remaja saya, tapi yang jelas seperti sebuah perumpamaan yaitu tahan ujian
waktu dengan cukup baik.

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