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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan

Name: Morgan Morse

Date: 4/4/17
Curriculum Theme:
Age: ___I ___T ___PS _X__K
Focus: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

Title of Lesson: Dancing Like Ourselves

I. Concept Statement
The children will enhance their perceptual and gross motor skills by participating in a dancing
___ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
___ Language and Literacy ___Language and Communication
___ Cognition ___ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
_X__ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Gross Motor

HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates control, strength, and coordination of large muscles.
Objective 1: The children will enhance leg and arm coordination by practicing dance
moves during a dancing activity.
HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Gross Motor
HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates control, strength, and coordination of large muscles.
Objective 2: The children will enhance balance by learning ballet, salsa, and jazz dance
steps during a dancing activity.
HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Gross Motor
HSELOF Goal: Child uses perceptual information to guide motions and interactions with
objects and other people.
Objective 3: The children will enhance their directionality by moving their arms and legs
in different directions during a dancing activity.

A. Materials
Photos of a salsa dancer, ballet dancer, and a jazz dancer.
Music samples from salsa, ballet, and jazz style dancing.
Video of each style of dancing.
My dance shoes
Photos of each dance move on a PowerPoint
Smart board and computer
Song selection for dance lesson and freestyle
B. Motivation
I will put some freestyle music on and ask the children to dance however the music
moves them.
I will ask the children how the music made them feel.
I will explain that music and dancing can help us express our feelings and make us
feel different emotions.
I will explain that dancing helped me express myself and made me feel confident.
I will explain that we will be talking about a few different styles of dance and I will be
teaching them a cool new dance.
Prior to lesson:
I will create a PowerPoint with the different dancers and music on it for easy
access and smooth transitions.
I will put together a dance with six easy dance moves and find pictures to
accompany the moves.

C. Steps
1. I will put the salsa picture on the screen and ask the children if they know what
style of dance the dancer represents.
2. I will explain that salsa is a dance that is part of the Spanish and Mexican culture.
3. I will show the children the video of salsa dancers.
4. I will do steps 1-3 for ballet and jazz.
5. I will ask the children if they want to learn to dance like the people in the videos.
6. I will have them stand up and give everyone around them lots of bubble room.
7. I will show them each move with its picture on the smart board.
8. I will do the move twice and the have the children try it.
9. I will help them by repeating the directions , right, left, forward, back.
10. I will add one move at a time until the children based on how fast the
children can put them together.
11. We will go through the dance a few times.

C. Conclusion and Transition

I will then ask the children if they want to make up their own dance.
I will play the freestyle music and ask the children to dance however they want to
express themselves
I will dismiss each child individually by asking them to dance away to their next activity
using their favorite dance move.


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