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Tips de escritura

De Andrew Kevin Walker

Heres what Andy had to say about how to improve your writing:

1. Structure lets readers know theyre in good hands.

And finishing a draft is just the start. Writing is rewriting.

2. Surprise comes from knowing the expectations of

your audience and then turning them on their head.

3. The best writers know how to balance the negativity of

perfectionism with the optimism that keeps them going.
Making sure you have small wins can help.

4. Collaboration is about suspending your ego. Stop

thinking about yourself and focus on what would
objectively make the piece better.

5. Making a reader feel something is about honesty. You

dont have to come from the future to write science fiction
but there does have to be something of yourself in the story
for that emotion to show through.

Dos tips bsicos que muestran que eres Bueno.

1 )theres a sense of structure

Tener un inicio, un desarrollo y una estructura

Que uno construya las bases del siguiente

Tener la sensacin de que se est llegando a algun lugar
Knowing where youre going is key
Escribir todo en direccin hacia el final, que posiblemente cambie
pero sirve de brjula, y adems, tener en cuenta la serie de
elementos que sern una constante durante todo el escrito (incluso si
estos cambian tambin).
Las buenas historias se escriben alrederor del pero(but) y no del y
(and). Para que haya giros y controversias y este enlazado lo que
viene y lo estaba.

2) Siempre revisar los escritos. La primer versin nunca es la

ltiiima. Regla de oro: ESCRIBIR ES REESCRIBIR. Completar,
regresar, volver a completar. por qu? Porque una cosa es bajar el
argumento a las pginas y otra es componerla en buena prosa. Es
muy difcil que alguin pueda hacer las dos cosas en el primer

Los dos siguientes para capturar la atencin de tu

audiencia y sorprenderla

Desde power point a ensayos has dos cosas: define expectativas

dependiendo de o que tu audiencia esta esperando leer. Es decir,
construye tus expectativas en relacin al genero del trabajo.
Its precisely the fact that things are not what they seem that makes
a story interesting.

1) SE NEGATIVO Si eres feliz, quizs lo ests haciendo mal.

Are you enjoying putting those words on the page? Is it making you
smile? Congrats, youre screwing up. Heres Andy:
When youre writing, if youre super happy and having a fun time
youre probably doing something wrong. Good writing means being a
perfectionist. And that means being at least semi-miserable. But
thats a good thing. Perfectionism leads to rewriting. Now
you can get so depressed over writing that you get in your own way,
but a happy writer probably isnt pushing themselves hard enough.



Antes de mostrar tus escritos, se tan duro contigo mismo como te sea
posible y pregntate si esto que acabas de escribir es de verdad lo
mejor que puedes hacer.
Es la prctica deliberativa, ms que el siempre deseable flujo de las
ideas lo que te va poner en la rn la orilla de tu zona de confort.
2) MANTENTE POSITIVO No es contradictorio, ser pesimista
ayuda, pero mucho pesimismo mata el autoestima, el carcter y las
ganas de hacer las cosas.

Its like selective memory. If you cant tamp down the bad
experiences youve had writing and theyre numerous almost
actively forget them and refueling your optimism each time, then
youll just stop Im as optimistic about writing now as I was at the
beginning which is completely delusional. Embracing delusion is
really important.

Andy keeps that ruthless perfectionism brewing but he makes sure

he feels hes making progress on a regular basis

One of the things thats important is to create a daily or weekly sense

of completing something. Im not going to be done with this script
for months or years. It may not get made into a movie. If it does itll
be years from now. I cant finish this script today but I can finish
sweeping the floor. I cant finish this novel today but I can finish this
submarine sandwich. I can finish this nap. Every little bit of
distraction or procrastination that has closure to it is a small reward
for the person whose main journey of writing has its reward so far
away and on such uncertain terms.

nothing is more motivating that the feeling of progress

Se un maestro para suspender tu ego al momento de dar
- De verdad escucha
- De verdad colabora
- Se muy espcifico con tus aportaciones
- No te desesperes por poner tu sello en algo
- Da a las personas la oportunidad de contribuir en las reas que
sabes que son mejores que tu. Really good actors like Morgan
Freeman, and Brad and Kevin, will always take your worst stuff
and make it a thousand times better than it was on the page.
And so the lesson is, when it goes from the page to fruition, less
is better. In the right hands, youll be amazed how much better
it gets. Poco de lo que tu sabes puede ser transformado en algo
cien veces mejor en manos de otro experto. De una persona a
otra, es mejor dar poco que mucho. No impresionar con lo que
no puedes y no dar ms por parecer mejor.



Thats what made Seven work. Now Andy didnt literally follow the
old advice of write what you know. He was never a cop or a serial
killer for that matter.
But the script was honest regarding what he was feeling about New
York City while he was writing it.

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