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Qualities of a Good Friend


In the following article we are going to learn many new adjectives which describe peoples

The old saying is true: good friends are hard to find. It can be hard to not only maintain
friendships but also to determine if a friendship is a healthy one. There are many qualities
of a good friend to consider, and the following are just a few you should consider when
spending time with old friends and making new ones.

Be real. Are you trying to be friends with someone to be accepted into a certain clique, or
because you'd like to get to know someone else that he or she knows? Every new person
you meet has the right to be accepted (or not) on his or her own merits, it's better to just
be yourself than let anyone else influence you into being someone you are not. Remember,
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be liked for who you aren't. Actors are very
easy to see through. Stop acting, start being yourself.

Be honest. A dishonest person has no chance of having true friends. Keep your promises;
do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly, don't lie! Lying is when you say
"Okay, I will...", but you never do: people will eventually figure you out. People aren't
stupid! Don't underestimate your friends. You'll stay without them and it will be a great loss.

Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't talk about it to anyone else.
Don't discuss your friend behind his/her back except when it involves the other person, and
you won't just make it worse. Nobody likes a gossip or backstabber. But, you can't play
both sides of a game or of the fence. Agree with one or the other not with both sides! But
don't accuse either one without a real reason. Always think through carefully before any
actions. Don't regret after.

Be respectful. Things you and your friend discuss should be treated with care. Your friend
is not sharing this information with just anyone, and may not want to. She or he shared it
with you, and only you, as far as you know. If you are asked not to tell, stay consistent and
don't share the information.

Pitch in for friends during times of crisis. If your friend has to go to the hospital, you
could help pack his or her bags, if her/his dog runs away, help to find it, if he/she needs
someone to pick him/her up, be there. Don't make any excuses if you really don't have the
real ones.

If your friend is going through a crisis, don't say: "Everything is going to be all right." if it's
not going to be. It's hard not to say that sometimes, but false reassurance can often be
worse than none, and it may undermine your friend's ability to get through the crisis. Stay
honest, but upbeat and positive. Even a stranger would appreciate a sincere word or
possibly a gesture of a "quick" hug, or a hand rubbed across the back for just "a moment,"
but don't overdo it. It can be misinterpreted. You never know how somebody will react.
Being moderate is always the best choice.

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Give advice, add perspective. Don't judge your friend, but do advise to stay out of
dangerous situations where one may harm oneself or others. Tell him/her how you perceive
his/her situation, and what you might do in the same circumstances. Avoid saying "You
should...". That may feel like you are imposing "shoulds" upon your friend. You will probably
sound like his or her mother. Nobody likes that.

Give your friend space. Understand if he/she wants to be alone or hang out with other
people. Allow it to happen. Don't become obsessive, clingy or needy. Friendship doesn't
require that you always have to be paired together. Allowing one another the time to hang
with other friends gives you much-needed breathing room.

Don't be selfish. Grabbing, stealing, envying and/or begging are big No's in the rules of
friendship. The friend will soon get tired of this and eventually move towards more selfless
people. Bear that in mind.

Don't expect, demand or abuse generosity or "wear out your welcome." When your friend
does something nice for you, then reciprocate quickly. Money isn't, or doesn't have to be,
an issue. Surprise your friend when he or she least expects it.

Don't compare labels, prices, size and value.

Don't let your friend pay every time you go out, even if it's offered.

Go home when it seems like the time is right, don't be like furniture. Reach for the
doorknob and say "Bye." turn the knob, leave... No one wants to be friends with a moocher
or to feel used.

If you borrow something from a friend, take good care of it and then return it
without being asked. Don't use that awful phrase: "Oh, I'll bring it tomorrow" and you
never do that. A good friend never does that.

Slika 9.1. Friends

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Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

clique druina, grupa maintain odravati

merit vrlina, zasluga, odlika, vrednost determine odluiti, odreivati, utvrditi
influence uticaj consider smatrati, uzeti u obzir
confidence poverenje, pouzdanje figure out shvatiti
gossip ogovaranje play of the fence ograditi se
backstabber neko ko drugom zabija accuse optuiti
no u lea (idiom) pitch in pomoi
reassurance ubeivanje, uveravanje undermine minirati, potkopati,
ability sposobnost, vetina naruiti
gesture gest appreciate ceniti
circumstance prilika, okolnost overdo preterati
generosity velikodunost, dareljivost judge suditi
issue pitanje, tema require zahtevati
label etiketa, nalepnica grab zgrabiti
doorknob kvaka envy zavideti
moocher besposliar, vucibatina, beg moliti
dokoliar, gotovan demand zahtevati
henpecked husband papuar abuse zloupotrebiti
reciprocate vratiti, oduiti se
underestimate potceniti

Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions

(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):

dishonest nepoten -
eventually konano, najzad
respectful utiv, pun potovanja
upbeat optimistian
sincere iskren
consistent dosledan
clingy nametljiv; kad se neko prilepi,
ne eli da se odvoji od vas (deca npr.)
needy siromaan, oskudan, nikakav,
selfish sebian
persistent uporan
selfless nesebian

Tabela 9.1.

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Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

clique group, set, crowd, pack, circle, maintain preserve, save

crew (informal) determine decide
merit worth, virtue, quality consider think, see, believe
influence impact figure out puzzle out, solve, lick, work
confidence trust, belief, faith, out, work
dependence, reliance, credence accuse incriminate, impeach
gossip hearsay, tittle-tattle pitch in to cooperate or contribute
backstabber betrayer, Brutus, double- undermine weaken, compromise
crosser, fink, informer, Judas, quisling, appreciate value, regard, respect, prize,
snake in the grass admire
ability capability overdo exaggerate, overstate, overuse
circumstance situation judge evaluate, rank, value
generosity unselfishness require need, want
issue matter, topic, subject grab catch, grasp
doorknob door-handle envy be jealous (of), begrudge, covet
moocher cadger beg call for, request
demand call for, request,want
abuse ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mistreat
reciprocate return, respond

Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions

(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):

dishonest dishonorable, deceitful
eventually in the end, finally, after all
respectful polite, civil, mannerly,
upbeat positive, optimistic, promising,
sincere honest, genuine, real, true,
frank, open
consistent constant, persistent
needy destitute, impoverished
selfish self-centred, self-interested,
greedy, egoistic
persistent determined, dogged
selfless unselfish, altruistic

Tabela 9.2.

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In summary, good friends are hard to find and also hard to keep. In this text
excellent advice can be found regarding how to preserve friendship. You have come
across the translation of the underlined words into Serbian as well as the synonyms
of the underlined words. Hope you have enjoyed the text!

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Kako biste to bolje usvojili gradivo, uz ovu lekciju dostupni su testovi za vebu, koji se
odnose na razumevanje teksta i vokabulara iz ove nastavne jedinice.

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