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Change simple sentence into complex or

compound sentence
In order to transform a simple sentence into a complex sentence, we have to expand a word or phrase into a subordinate clause.
Study the example given below.
Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.
This is a simple sentence because it consists of just one clause.
We can change it into a complex sentence by expanding that participial phrase into a subordinate clause.
The boy woke up when he heard the noise.
We can also transform the given simple sentence into a compound sentence.
A compound sentence consists of two or more main clauses. The clauses in a compound sentence are connected using coordinating
conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or, nor, yet, for, so)
The boy heard the noise and woke up.
Transform the following simple sentences into complex or compound sentences.
1. Knocking at the gate, he demanded admission.
2. Blinded by a dust storm, they lost their way.
3. Deceived by his friends, he lost all hope.
4. Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread.
5. Overwhelmed with grief, the poor widow killed herself.
6. The sea being smooth, we went for a sail.
7. Weather permitting, the match will be held tomorrow afternoon.
1. He knocked at the gate, and he demanded admission.
2. As they were blinded by a dust storm, they lost their way.
3. As he was deceived by his friends, he lost all hope.
4. Because he was driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread.
5. As she was overwhelmed with grief, the poor widow killed herself.
6. Because the sea was smooth, we went for a sail.
7. If weather permits, the match will be held tomorrow afternoon.


Although she wasn't the most skilled at changing light bulbs, she needed to be able see. As she turned
the bulb, a

bolt of electricity shocked her system. She'd left the power on! She was dazed and confused, but she
was ok.

She thought she should probably stick to teaching English

Find one simple, one compound and one complex sentence in the passage above.








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