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PROGRAM: Bsc. Mechanical Engineering



Tutorial/ Assignment.
1. Specify three ways to drive camshafts.
Geared belt transmission
Gear wheel transmission
Timing chain
2. Name two disadvantages of a geared belt transmission
They are sensitive to grease and oil
The timing belt must be replaced after a sometime otherwise, it will break
3. With combustion engines most of the energy is lost in the form of:
Exhaust emission

4. If the engine is in operation, which of the following parts has the highest temperature:
Valves and pistons

5. The cooling system which requires the least maintenance is:

Air cooling

6. With a vehicle that is standing still and an operating motor the cooling is in the first place
endangered by:
Indirect cooling
7. A ventilator and plating around the motor are used with:
Forced air cooling

8. The cooling system which dampens the noises of the engine in the best way is:
Liquid cooling

9. An accurate regulation of the engine temperature is a characteristic of:

Liquid cooling
10. The coolant pumps of combustion engines are usually of the following type:
Centrifugal pumps

11. Which part has the task of allowing the coolant to circulate:
Coolant pump

Fig 1
12. In figure 1, the delay time is indicated with the line section:
13. Which characteristic of diesel fuel is especially important at low temperatures:
Formation of paraffin
14. Diesel engines work with an air excess. The air excess:
Can be less as the degree of whirling of the air gets better.
15. There is fuel leakage with atomizers.
Leaked fuel lubricates the atomizers
16. Petrol is injected before the throttle valve in fuel systems with:
Central injection
17. No petrol is injected when the intake valve is opened in the case of:
Sequential injection

18. Petrol is injected into the cylinder chamber in:

Direct injection
19 Each injector opens once every crankshaft revolution in:
Sequential injection
20 Mixture enrichment is not required during:

21 Exhaust valves are usually made of:

Chromium-silicium steel
22 Intake valves are usually larger than exhaust valves because:
The gases that flow into the cylinder must encounter little resistance

23. Valve seats are usually cut at an angle of:

24. Compared to intake valves, exhaust valves have:
A wider sealing face because of the greater heat discharge

25. Describe the difference between a wall spreader and an air spreader injection.
With Wall spreader the fuel spray is sprayed against the walls of the
combustion chamber. A thin fuel film is created on the walls. As
a result of the high temperature and the rotation of the air, the fuel film
quickly evaporates whereas with air spreader the fuel is injected in the compressed
whirling air. The strong rotation of the air ensures a rapid evaporation of the fuel and
a good mixture of the fuel with the air

26. Describe the differences between whirl chamber engines and pre-chamber engines.
Whirl camber engines Pre-camber engines
A whirl chamber has a large volume, A pre-chamber has a small

2 1
(about 3 of the total combustion volume,(about 3 of the total

chamber) combustion chamber)

The whirl chamber is connected to the The pre-chamber is connected to the
combustion chamber through a relatively combustion chamber through a relatively
larger opening smaller opening

27. Differentiate between two types of gas turbine.

Open cycle gas turbine Closed cycle gas turbine
Working on Joule cycle or Brayton cycle Working fluid air is circulated continuously in
the machine
Air is compressed in a rotary compressor and Working fluid does not come into contact with
passed into the combustion chamber where the atmospheric air or fuel
fuel is burnt

28. A six- cylinder, four stroke petrol engine, having a cylinder bore diameter of 82.5mm and a
stroke of 80mm, develops maximum power at a speed of 4800 rev/min. the i.m.e.p at this speed
as determined by a Farnborough type indicator was found to be 1100KN/m2 , the engine being
coupled to a hydraulic dynamometer having a value of k = 16. The load on the dynamometer was
290 N. Calculate the indicated power, brake power and mechanical efficiency of the engine.



Length of the stroke(L)= 80mm = 0.08m

Diameter of the cylinder bore (D) = 82.5mm or 0.0825m

D 2 0.0825 2
Therefore, the area of the cylinder bore (A) = 4 = 4 = 5.346 x 10-3m2.

Maximum speed (N) = 4800 rev/min

Pm=i.m.e.p= 1100KN/m2

Force on the piston (F) = Pm x A =1100x103N/m2 x 5.346 x 10-3m2 = 5880.6N

Work done/ working cycle = force on the piston (F) x length of the stroke (L)

= 5.88 x103 x 0.08 = 470.45Nm

Work done/minute = Work done/ working cycle x number of working strokes (n)

Pm x A x L x n = 470.45x 14400 = 6774.480KJ/m

N 4800
number of cylinders 6
Where n= 2 = 2 = 14400
PmALn 6774480
i. Therefore the indicated power (i.p) = 60 = 60 = 112908 W

ii. The brake power (b.p) = k where W = 290N and N = 4800rev/min and k =16

290 ( 4800 )
b.p = 16 = 87000W = 87KW

b. p 87000
The mechanical efficiency = i.p = 112908 = 77.05%

29. A six- cylinder, four stroke petrol engine was coupled to a hydraulic dynamometer for
testing. The engine developed maximum power at a speed of 4800 rev/min and the combined
static load and spring balance reading was found to be 285 N. If the constant K for the
dynamometer is 16, determine:
a) The b.p developed by the engine
b) The torque transmitted.
Effective load (W) = 285N
Dynamometer constant (K) =16
Maximum power at speed (N)= 1800 rev/min
285 ( 4800 )
i. The brake power (b.p) = 16 =85500W =85.5KW

2 NT
ii. To find the torque, from b.p = 60 Where N and T are maximum power at

speed and Torque respectively.

60 x ( b . p ) 60 x ( 85500 )
Therefore T= 2 N = 2 x 4800 = 170.09 Nm
30. A diesel engine developing an indicated power of 37.5 KW consumes fuel of calorific value
45400 KJ/kg at the rate of 9kg per hour. If 8.5 kw are absorbed by friction and pumping losses
within the engine, determine:
a) The brake power
b) The brake specific fuel consumption
c) The mechanical efficiency
d) The indicated thermal efficiency
e) The brake thermal efficiency of the engine.
Let the indicated power (i.p) = 37.5KW
Fuels calorific value is 45400KJ/kg
Mass rate = 9kg
Frictional power (f.p) = 8.5KW

Brake power of a system (b.p) => from the equation f.p = i.p- b.p => b.p = i.p - f.p
Therefore b.p = 37.5-8.5 = 29KW

For the specific fuel consumption (SFC), the fuel mass rate = 9kg/h
The brake power = 29x103KW,
=>SFC= 29 = 0.310kg/KWh

Therefore, SFC = 0.310kg/KWh

b. p 29
100 100
The mechanical efficiency (ME) = i.p =>ME = 37.5 = 77.33%

Indicated thermal efficiency = kg of fuel = = 0.33 =33%
CV 0.0025 x 45400000

Brake thermal efficiency of the engine = indicated thermal efficiency of the engine x ME
= 0.33 x 0.7733 = 0.255 = 25.5%
31. Describe an experiment using a compression ignition engine to determine the thermal
efficiency. A compression ignition engine consumes 8.1 kg of fuel per hour and has a brake
efficiency of 32%. If the CV of the fuel is 44500kj/kg, calculate the indicated power if the
mechanical efficiency of the engine is 75%
In order to determine the efficiency of a compression ignition engine, results of the engine are
obtained at full load under varying speeds and the brake mean effective pressure is plotted
against the fuel consumption per kilowatt hour and this will help in finding the indicated thermal
efficiency, braking thermal efficiency and the like. The thermal efficiency is however dependent
on some factors like; mixture strength, throttle opening, engine speed and timing to mention a
b. p
From the eqn mechanical efficiency (ME) => ME = i.p

Indicated thermal efficiency = Kg of fuel (1)

But brake thermal efficiency (BE) = 32%, CV= 44500kj/kg and kg of fuel in seconds =
44500kg/h = 2.25x10-3kg/s
BE 32
From the eqn BE = IE x ME => IE= ME = 75 = 0.4267 = 42.67%

From (1), i.p = IE x kg of fuel/s x CV = 0.4267 x 2.25x10-3 x 44500 = 42723.33 = 42.723kj/s

Q5. Finding the indicated power of the engine
=> i.p = 21(4) (14.1+13.5+13.9+18.2)
=> i.p = 84 59.7 = 24.3W

b. p
x 100
From the mechanical efficiency eqn ME = i.p where b.p = 21W
x 100
=> ME = 24.3 = 86.42%

Q6. The mean effective pressure is the quantity relating to the operation of a reciprocating engine
and is a valuable measure of an engines capacity to do work that is independent of engine
The mean effective pressure (Pm) = 7 bar = 7x105N/m2
7 15
The length of the stroke (L) = 1 8 = 8

D 2
Where D = diameter of the cylinder => area of the cylinder = 4

Pm= the mean effective pressure = 7bars = 7x105N/m2

Engine speed = 2500 rev/min.
PmLAn w
x number of cylinders
From the equation, i.p = 60 ..(*) where n= 2 and i.p =

n= x 4 = 5000 rev/min.
700000 x D x DxDxn
substituting values into eqn *, 38.5x103= 8 4

60 ( 38500 ) 15
= D x 2 -4 3
700000 x 5000 8 4 D => 6.6x10 = 1.473D

Therefore, D3= 6.6x10-4/ 1.473 = 4.482x10-4

D= 3 0.004482 = 0.0765m = 76.5mm

The diameter of the cylinder = 76.5mm

Q7. Length of the stroke = 75mm

Diameter of the cylinder = 60mm
Engine speed = 4200rev/min
Engine load/m2 = 850KN/m2
The engine speed is also the same as the indicated power (i.p) = 60

N 4200
x number of cylinders x4
Where n= number of working strokes per minute = 2 = 2

= 8400rev/min and A= 4 x 0.062 = 2.827x10-3m2

850 000 x 0.002827 x 0.075 x 8400

Therefore i.p = 60 = 25.230 kW

b. p MExi . p
x 100
To find the torque, from the equation ME= i . p => b.p = 100 =

80 x 25230.975
100 20.18 kW

2 NT
From b.p = 60 (3) where T= the torque and N= engine speed = 4200rev/min

b . px 60 20184.78 x 60
Therefore, from eqn (3) T= 2 N = 2 x 4200 = 45.893Nm.

Rev/Min Load, W Brake Power/kW
1000 104 5.2
1500 108 8.1
2000 110 11
2500 110 13.75
3000 105 15.75
3500 96 16.8
4000 86.5 17.3
4500 77.2 17.37
Engine Performance Curve
25 120



Brake Power/kW 60 Engine Load/N



0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000


b.p curve gradient line engine load curve

From the graph, the maximum power of the engine is the peak point of the b.p curve. The speed at which
this occurs is approximately 4500 rev/min.
From the above graph, the maximum torque occurs at where the gradient line and the engine load line
intercepts the brake power curve. The speed at this point is approximately 4500 rev/min.

Therefore, both the maximum engine power and the maximum torque occurs at the same speed.

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