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My answer

Irony is a vague expression which always requires audience and control but a
lot of people don't like it especially those who fail to understand it and claim it
makes life complicated by giving a wrong sense of intellectual superiority to
some people who use irony.

Content: 2 Provides a good summary of the text. All relevant aspects


Form: 1 Is written in one, single, complete sentence

Grammar: 2 Has correct grammatical structure

Vocabulary: 2 Has appropriate choice of words

Overall: 7/7 well-done

Summarize Written Text
One sentence of up to 75 words optimum amount is between 35 to 55

When people describe themselves as tone deaf, having no rhythm or no

ear for music, they generally think of these things as defining characteristics.
They are talents you are born with or not. However, there is a variety of
research on skill development which questions this. Carol Dwecks research
shows that people who believe that skill can be developed will be far more
successful, evidence supporting the old saying, Whether you believe you can
or cant, youre right.

Along similar lines, Anders Ericsson found that what separates the experts
from the amateurs in any field is about 10,000 hours of deliberate practice.
The most important lesson, of course, is that change is possible. People can
become something they arent and change who they are. Talent, even one like
music, can be cultivated. However, this is not to say that natural talent does
not exist.

One often overlooked study by Edwin Gordon showed that talent accounted
for about half the differences in musical skill development in a group of
students after three years of studying. So although anyone can become a
musician, not everyone can become the best musician.

Model answer: Many people believe that you are born with an ear for
music, and there is no doubt that many are born with natural talent,
however, recent research has shown that this skill can be developed,
and through long hours of dedicated practice, positive changes can
evolve and talented musicians can be cultivated.

My Answer
Many researches support the view that talents such as music can be
developed by voluntarily practice and learning, however, to become an
extraordinary musician, a natural hidden talent is required but still a lot of
skills can be learnt by believing that the change is feasible.

Content: 2 Provides a good summary of the text. All relevant aspects


Form: 1 Is written in one, single, complete sentence

Grammar: 2 Has correct grammatical structure

Vocabulary: 2 Has appropriate choice of words

Overall: 7/7 well-done

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