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Course 611
Submitted by
Azeem Dilawar
METN 2201475
ICK MS-14-037


Question: Process reengineering needs to be
autocratically imposed in order to overcome employee
resistance. This runs directly counter to the model of
contemporary Manager who is a good listener, a coach
motivates through employee improvement and possesses
strong team support skills? Can these two positions be

Answer: The managers job is to lead and may need to

resort to more autocratic approach in beginning when the
employees are resistant to change. However as process
reengineering begins to take hold employees jobs are
often more interesting than before and they prefer the
new challenges. Often they are now a part of flexible
teams and more autonomous allowing the manager to be
more coach as opposed to the director.

Question 2: Participation is an excellent method for

identifying differences and resolving conflicts? Do you
agree or disagree. Discuss with suitable examples.

Answers: Yes participation is an excellent method for

identifying differences and resolving conflict. Participation
is a method clearly favored and spoken of by businesses
and governing bodies as the optimum tactic to be used in
bringing about resolution and dealing with issues of
conflict in the work place for example relationships are
strengthened when two groups can discuss and work
through problem in order to come to an agreement about
an issue which is even better than a compromise

Participation forces the two parties to work through the

issues that separate their own ideas and often result in
the best of both becoming part of the finished product. If
in a business scenario, it is this very tension with in a
team that is essential for creative thinking and provokes
individuals to see alternative solutions. It is not
guaranteed solution, However like noted above however,
participation is only the best strategy and it is not always
necessarily the strategy that brings about resolve in a
situation. The ideal of collaborating to produce the best
result and also improve moral within the team can
sometimes take up time and resources that are just not a
luxury. Compromise rather than collaboration is
sometimes the only way to resolve and issue in order to
meet a deadline. In that sense the strategy participation
can be too time consuming and even then the two parties
may result in having a compromise, a strategy always
used as back up because it still produces some kind of
result. Understanding on how to navigate a conflict is
necessary. Implementing the strategy of participation
does not stand alone as a skill in conflict management
however. It must come from a basis of understanding of
how to handle conflicts creative stimulation , the ability
to put side personal agendas and insecurities to handle
others emotions to listen and to identify when and if a
resolution via this strategy is attainable .Only then it is
an excellent method in dealing with differences and

Question: Do you think conflict and competition are

different? Explain
Although competition and conflict are the disintegrative or
dissociative social processes, we find difference in their
nature, types and functions. So these two social processes
should not be confused with each other. The distinction
between these two may be indicated in the following

Competition is continuous. It can never end. So it is

called a never ending social process. Competition is an
impersonal process. The competing individuals do not
have personal contact what-so-ever. Competition is an
unconscious Process because the individuals or the groups
are not aware of it. Their attention is mainly fixed on the
object of competition. I.e. a reward or a prize. Competition
is a peaceful and non-violent process. There is absence of
coercion or violence. In competition all the competitors
derive benefit from it. Competition, when becomes
rigorous, results in conflict. Competition and co-operation
can go together simultaneously Competition does not
stand in the way of co-operation and vice-versa.
Competition encourages hard work. Competition observes
social laws. Competition is productive.

Conflict lacks continuity. It is an intermittent social

process. lt takes place suddenly and comes to an end
quickly. It is an ever-ending social process. Conflict is a
personal process. The conflicting parties know each other
personally and try to defeat the opponent. Conflict is a
conscious process. Because the parties involves in conflict
are aware of it and make deliberate efforts to reach the
goal which takes place on a conscious level. Conflict is
generally a violent process as people engaged in conflict
use violent methods. In conflict people suffer heavy
losses. Competition when becomes personalized, leads to
conflict. It is conflict, which puts brakes on co-operation
for a short period. Conflict discourages efforts.9. Conflict
disregards social laws. Conflict is non-productive.

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