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tions for Authors

Coding with LATEX

LATEX 2" Class

for Le ture Notes
in Computer S ien e
Version 2.3

Berlin Heidelberg NewYork
Bar elona Budapest Hong Kong
London Milan Paris
Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo
2 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

1 Introdu tion
Authors wishing to ode their ontribution with LATEX, as well as those who
have already oded with LATEX, will be provided with a do ument lass that
will give the text the desired layout. Authors are requested to adhere stri tly to
these instru tions; the lass le must not be hanged.
The text output area is automati ally set within an area of 12.2 m horizon-
tally and 19.3 m verti ally.
If you are already familiar with LATEX, then the LLNCS lass should not give
you any major di ulties. It will hange the layout to the required LLNCS style
(it will for instan e de ne the layout of \se tion). We had to invent some extra
ommands, whi h are not provided by LATEX (e.g. \institute, see also Se t. 5)
For the main body of the paper (the text) you should use the ommands of the
standard LATEX \arti le" lass. Even if you are familiar with those ommands,
we urge you to read this entire do umentation thoroughly. It ontains many
suggestions on how to use our ommands properly; thus your paper will be
formatted exa tly to LLNCS standard. For the input of the referen es at the end
of your ontribution, please follow our instru tions given in Se t. 17 Referen es.
The majority of these hints are not spe i for LLNCS; they may improve
your use of LATEX in general. Furthermore, the do umentation provides sugges-
tions about the proper editing and use of the input les ( apitalization, abbre-
viation et .) (see Se t. 4 How to Edit Your Input File).

2 How to Pro eed

2.1 How to Invoke the LLNCS Do ument Class
The LLNCS lass is an extension of the standard LATEX \arti le" do ument lass.
Therefore you may use all \arti le" ommands for the body of your ontribution
to prepare your manus ript. LLNCS lass is invoked by repla ing \arti le" by
\lln s" in the rst line of your do ument:
\do ument lass{lln s}
\begin{do ument}
<Your ontribution>
\end{do ument}

2.2 Contributions Already Coded with LATEX without the LLNCS

do ument lass
If your le is already oded with LATEX you an easily adapt it a posteriori to
the LLNCS do ument lass.
Please refrain from using any LATEX or TEX ommands that a e t the layout
or formatting of your do ument (i.e. ommands like \textheight, \vspa e,
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 3

\headsep et .). There may nevertheless be ex eptional o asions on whi h to

use some of them.
The LLNCS do ument lass has been arefully designed to produ e the right
layout from your LATEX input. If there is anything spe i you would like to do
and for whi h the style le does not provide a ommand, please onta t us. Same
holds for any error and bug you dis over (there is however no reward for this {

3 General Rules for Coding Formulas

With mathemati al formulas you may pro eed as des ribed in Se t. 3.3 of the
LATEX User's Guide & Referen e Manual by Leslie Lamport (2nd ed. 1994),
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, In .
Equations are automati ally numbered sequentially throughout your ontri-
bution using arabi numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side.
When you are working in math mode everything is typeset in itali s. Some-
times you need to insert non-mathemati al elements (e.g. words or phrases).
Su h insertions should be oded in roman (with \mbox) as illustrated in the
following example:

Sample Input

\left(\fra {a^{2} + b^{2}}{ ^{3}} \right) = 1 \quad
\mbox{ if } \neq 0 \mbox{ and if } a,b, \in \bbbr \enspa e .

Sample Output
 a2 + b2 
=1 if 6= 0 and if a; b; 2 IR : (1)
If you wish to start a new paragraph immediately after a displayed equation,
insert a blank line so as to produ e the required indentation. If there is no
new paragraph either do not insert a blank line or ode \noindent immediately
before ontinuing the text.
Please pun tuate a displayed equation in the same way as other ordinary
text but with an \enspa e before end pun tuation.
Note that the sizes of the parentheses or other delimiter symbols used in
equations should ideally mat h the height of the formulas being en losed. This
is automati ally taken are of by the following LATEX ommands:
\left( or \left[ and \right) or \right.
4 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

3.1 Itali and Roman Type in Math Mode

a) In math mode LATEX treats all letters as though they were mathemati al
or physi al variables, hen e they are typeset as hara ters of their own in
itali s. However, for ertain omponents of formulas, like short texts, this
would be in orre t and therefore oding in roman is required. Roman should
also be used for subs ripts and supers ripts in formulas where these are
merely labels and not in themselves variables, e.g. Te not Teff , TK not TK
(K = Kelvin), me not me (e = ele tron). However,
P do not ode for roman if
the sub/supers ripts represent variables, e.g. ni=1 ai .
b) Please ensure that physi al units (e.g. p , erg s 1 K, m 3 , W m 2 Hz 1 ,
m kg s 2 A 2 ) and abbreviations su h as Ord, Var, GL, SL, sgn, onst.
are always set in roman type. To ensure this use the \mathrm ommand:
\mathrm{Hz}. On p. 44 of the LATEX User's Guide & Referen e Manual by
Leslie Lamport you will nd the names of ommon mathemati al fun tions,
su h as log, sin, exp, max and sup. These should be oded as \log, \sin,
\exp, \max, \sup and will appear in roman automati ally.
) Chemi al symbols and formulas should be oded for roman, e.g. Fe not F e,
H2 O not H2 O.
d) Familiar foreign words and phrases, e.g. et al., a priori, in situ, bremsstrah-
lung, eigenvalues should not be itali ized.

4 How to Edit Your Input (Sour e) File

4.1 Headings
All words in headings should be apitalized ex ept for onjun tions, prepositions
(e.g. on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without, under) and de nite and indef-
inite arti les (the, a, an) unless they appear at the beginning. Formula letters
must be typeset as in the text.

4.2 Capitalization and Non- apitalization

a) The following should always be apitalized:
{ Headings (see pre eding Se t. 4.1)
{ Abbreviations and expressions in the text su h as Fig(s)., Table(s),
Se t(s)., Chap(s)., Theorem, Corollary, De nition et . when used with
numbers, e.g. Fig. 3, Table 1, Theorem 2.
Please follow the spe ial rules in Se t. 4.3 for referring to equations.
b) The following should not be apitalized:
{ The words gure(s), table(s), equation(s), theorem(s) in the text when
used without an a ompanying number.
{ Figure legends and table aptions ex ept for names and abbreviations.
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 5

4.3 Abbreviation of Words

a) The following should be abbreviated when they appear in running text unless
they ome at the beginning of a senten e: Chap., Se t., Fig.; e.g. The results
are depi ted in Fig. 5. Figure 9 reveals that . . . .
Please note : Equations should usually be referred to solely by their number in
parentheses: e.g. (14). However, when the referen e omes at the beginning of
a senten e, the unabbreviated word \Equation" should be used: e.g. Equation
(14) is very important. However, (15) makes it lear that . . . .
b) If abbreviations of names or on epts are used throughout the text, they
should be de ned at rst o urren e, e.g. Plurisubharmoni (PSH) Fun -
tions, Strong Optimization (SOPT) Problem.

5 How to Code the Beginning of Your Contribution

The title of a single ontribution (it is mandatory) should be oded as follows:
\title{<Your ontribution title>}
All words in titles should be apitalized ex ept for onjun tions, prepositions
(e.g. on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without, under) and de nite and indef-
inite arti les (the, a, an) unless they appear at the beginning. Formula letters
must be typeset as in the text. Titles have no end pun tuation.
If a long \title must be divided please use the ode \\ (for new line).
If you are to produ e running heads for a spe i volume the standard (of
no su h running heads) is overwritten with the [runningheads option in the
\do ument lass line. For long titles that do not t in the single line of the
running head a warning is generated. You an spe ify an abbreviated title for
the running head on odd pages with the ommand
\titlerunning{<Your abbreviated ontribution title>}
There is also a possibility to hange the text of the title that goes into the
table of ontents (that's for volume editors only { there is no table of ontents
for a single ontribution). For this use the ommand
\to title{<Your hanged title for the table of ontents>}
An optional subtitle may follow then:
\subtitle{<subtitle of your ontribution>}
Now the name(s) of the author(s) must be given:
\author{<author(s) name(s)>}
Numbers referring to di erent addresses or aliations are to be atta hed to ea h
author with the \inst{<no>} ommand. If there is more than one author, the
order is up to you; the \and ommand provides for the separation.
If you have done this orre tly, this entry now reads, for example:
6 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

\author{Ivar Ekeland\inst{1} \and Roger Temam\inst{2}}

The rst name1 is followed by the surname.
As for the title there exist two additional ommands (again for volume editors
only) for a di erent author list. One for the running head (on odd pages) { if
there is any:
\authorrunning{<abbreviated author list>}
And one for the table of ontents where the aliation of ea h author is simply
added in bra es.
\to author{<enhan ed author list for the table of ontents>}
Next the address(es) of institute(s), ompany et . is (are) required. If there
is more than one address, the entries are numbered automati ally with \and, in
the order in whi h you type them. Please make sure that the numbers mat h
those pla ed next to to the authors' names to re e t the aliation.
\institute{<name of an institute>
\and <name of the next institute>
\and <name of the next institute>}
In addition, you an use
\email{<email address>}
to provide your email address within \institute. If you need to typeset the
tilde hara ter { e.g. for your web page in your unix system's home dire tory {
the \homedir ommand will happily do this.
If footnote like things are needed anywhere in the ontribution heading please
ode (immediately after the word where the footnote indi ator should be pla ed):
\thanks may only appear in \title, \author and \institute to footnote any-
thing. If there are two or more footnotes or aliation marks to a spe i item
separate them with \fnmsep (i.e. footn ote m ark sep arator).
The ommand
then formats the omplete heading of your arti le. If you leave it out the work
done so far will produ e no text.
Then the abstra t should follow. Simply ode
\begin{abstra t}
<Text of the summary of your arti le>
\end{abstra t}
or refer to the demonstration le lln s.dem for an example or to the Sample
Input on p. 10.
Other initials are optional and may be inserted if this is the usual way of writing
your name, e.g. Alfred J. Holmes, E. Henry Green.
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 7

Remark to Running Heads and the Table of Contents

If you are the author of a single ontribution you normally have no running
heads and no table of ontents. Both are done only by the editor of the volume
or at the printers.

6 Spe ial Commands for the Volume Editor

The volume editor an produ e a omplete amera ready output in luding run-
ning heads, a table of ontents, preliminary text (frontmatter), and index or glos-
sary. For a tivating the running heads there is the lass option [runningheads.
The table of ontents of the volume is printed wherever \tableof ontents is
pla ed. A simple ompilation of all ontributions ( elds \title and \author) is
done. If you wish to hange this automati ally produ ed list use the ommands
\titlerunning \to title
\authorrunning \to author
to enhan e the information in the spe i ontributions. See the demonstration
le lln s.dem for examples.
An additional stru ture an be added to the table of ontents with the
\addto mark{<text>} ommand. It has an optional numeri al argument, a digit
from 1 through 3. 3 (the default) makes an unnumbered hapter like entry in the
table of ontents. If you ode \addto mark[2{text} the orresponding page
number is listed also, \addto mark[1{text} even introdu es a hapter number
beyond it.

7 How to Code Your Text

The ontribution title and all headings should be apitalized ex ept for onjun -
tions, prepositions (e.g. on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without, under) and
de nite and inde nite arti les (the, a, an) unless they appear at the beginning.
Formula letters must be typeset as in the text.
Headings will be automati ally numbered by the following odes.
Sample Input
\se tion{This is a First-Order Title}
\subse tion{This is a Se ond-Order Title}
\subsubse tion{This is a Third-Order Title.}
\paragraph{This is a Fourth-Order Title.}
\se tion and \subse tion have no end pun tuation.
\subsubse tion and \paragraph need to be pun tuated at the end.
In addition to the above-mentioned headings your text may be stru tured by
subse tions indi ated by run-in headings (theorem-like environments). All the
theorem-like environments are numbered automati ally throughout the se tions
8 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

of your do ument { ea h with its own ounter. If you want the theorem-like
environments to use the same ounter just spe ify the do ument lass option
env ountsame:

\do ument lass[env ountsame{lln s}

If your rst all for a theorem-like environment then is e.g. \begin{lemma}, it

will be numbered 1; if orollary follows, this will be numbered 2; if you then all
lemma again, this will be numbered 3.
But in ase you want to reset su h ounters to 1 in ea h se tion, please spe ify
the do ument lass option env ountreset:

\do ument lass[env ountreset{lln s}

Even a numbering on se tion level (in luding the se tion ounter) is possible
with the do ument lass option env ountse t.

8 Prede ned Theorem like Environments

The following variety of run-in headings are at your disposal:

a) Bold run-in headings with itali ized text as built-in environments:

\begin{ orollary} <text> \end{ orollary}

\begin{lemma} <text> \end{lemma}
\begin{proposition} <text> \end{proposition}
\begin{theorem} <text> \end{theorem}

b) The following generally appears as itali run-in heading:

\begin{proof} <text> \qed \end{proof}

It is unnumbered and may ontain an eye at hing square ( all for that with
\qed) before the environment ends.
) Further itali or bold run-in headings with roman environment body may
also o ur:

\begin{definition} <text> \end{definition}

\begin{example} <text> \end{example}
\begin{exer ise} <text> \end{exer ise}
\begin{note} <text> \end{note}
\begin{problem} <text> \end{problem}
\begin{question} <text> \end{question}
\begin{remark} <text> \end{remark}
\begin{solution} <text> \end{solution}
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 9

9 De ning your Own Theorem like Environments

We have enhan ed the standard \newtheorem ommand and slightly hanged
its syntax to get two new ommands \spnewtheorem and \spnewtheorem* that
now an be used to de ne additional environments. They require two additional
arguments namely the type style in whi h the keyword of the environment ap-
pears and se ond the style for the text of your new environment.
\spnewtheorem an be used in two ways.

9.1 Method 1 (preferred)

You may want to reate an environment that shares its ounter with another
environment, say main theorem to be numbered like the prede ned theorem . In
this ase, use the syntax
\spnewtheorem{<env_nam>}[<num_like>{< aption>}
{< ap_font>}{<body_font>}
Here the environment with whi h the new environment should share its ounter
is spe i ed with the optional argument [<num_like>.

Sample Input
\spnewtheorem{mainth}[theorem{Main Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
\begin{theorem} The early bird gets the worm. \end{theorem}
\begin{mainth} The early worm gets eaten. \end{mainth}

Sample Output
Theorem 3. The early bird gets the worm.
Main Theorem 4. The early worm gets eaten.
The sharing of the default ounter ([theorem) is desired. If you omit the
optional se ond argument of \spnewtheorem a separate ounter for your new
environment is used throughout your do ument.

9.2 Method 2 (assumes [env ountse t do umentstyle option)

\spnewtheorem{<env_nam>}{< aption>}[<within>
{< ap_font>}{<body_font>}

This de nes a new environment <env_nam> whi h prints the aption < aption>
in the font < ap_font> and the text itself in the font <body_font>. The en-
vironment is numbered beginning anew with every new se tioning element you
spe ify with the optional parameter <within>.
10 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

\spnewtheorem{joke}{Joke}[subse tion{\bfseries}{\rmfamily}
de nes a new environment alled joke whi h prints the aption Joke in boldfa e
and the text in roman. The jokes are numbered starting from 1 at the beginning
of every subse tion with the number of the subse tion pre eding the number of
the joke e.g. 7.2.1 for the rst joke in subse tion 7.2.

9.3 Unnumbered Environments

If you wish to have an unnumbered environment, please use the syntax
\spnewtheorem*{<env_nam>}{< aption>}{< ap_font>}{<body_font>}

10 Program Codes
In ase you want to show pie es of program ode, just use the verbatim en-
vironment or the verbatim pa kage of LATEX. (There also exist various pretty
printers for some programming languages.)

Sample Input (of a simple ontribution)

\title{Hamiltonian Me hani s}

\author{Ivar Ekeland\inst{1} \and Roger Temam\inst{2}}

\institute{Prin eton University, Prin eton NJ 08544, USA

Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud,
Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'{e}rique, B\^{a}timent 425,\\
F-91405 Orsay Cedex, Fran e}

\begin{abstra t}
This paragraph shall summarize the ontents of the paper
in short terms.
\end{abstra t}
\se tion{Fixed-Period Problems: The Sublinear Case}
With this hapter, the preliminaries are over, and we begin the
sear h for periodi solutions \dots
\subse tion{Autonomous Systems}
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 11

In this se tion we will onsider the ase when the Hamiltonian
$H(x)$ \dots
\subsubse tion*{The General Case: Nontriviality.}
We assume that $H$ is
$\left(A_{\infty}, B_{\infty}\right)$-subqua\-dra\-ti
at infinity, for some onstant \dots
\paragraph{Notes and Comments.}
The first results on subharmoni s were \dots
Assume $H'(0)=0$ and $ H(0)=0$. Set \dots
\begin{proof}[of proposition
Condition (8) means that, for every $\delta'>\delta$, there is
some $\varepsilon>0$ su h that \dots \qed
\begin{example}[\rmfamily (External for ing)
Consider the system \dots
\begin{ orollary}
Assume $H$ is $C^{2}$ and
$\left(a_{\infty}, b_{\infty}\right)$-subquadrati
at infinity. Let \dots
\end{ orollary}
Assume that $H$ is $C^{2}$ on $\bbbr^{2n}\ba kslash \{0\}$
and that $H''(x)$ is \dots
Let $X$ be a Bana h Spa e and $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$ \dots
We shall say that a $C^{1}$ fun tion $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$
satisfies \dots

Sample Output (follows on the next page together with examples of the above
run-in headings)
Hamiltonian Me hani s
Ivar Ekeland1 and Roger Temam2
Prin eton University, Prin eton NJ 08544, USA
Universite de Paris-Sud, Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique, B^atiment 425,
F-91405 Orsay Cedex, Fran e

Abstra t. This paragraph shall summarize the ontents of the paper in

short terms.

1 Fixed-Period Problems: The Sublinear Case

With this hapter, the preliminaries are over, and we begin the sear h for periodi
solutions . . .

1.1 Autonomous Systems

In this se tion we will onsider the ase when the Hamiltonian H (x) . . .

The General Case: Nontriviality. We assume that H is (A1 ; B1 )-subqua-

drati at in nity, for some onstant . . .

Notes and Comments. The rst results on subharmoni s were . . .

Proposition 1. Assume H 0 (0) = 0 and H (0) = 0. Set . . .

Proof (of proposition). Condition (8) means that, for every 0 > , there is some
" > 0 su h that . . . ut
Example 1 (External for ing). Consider the system . . .

Corollary 1. Assume H is C 2 and (a1 ; b1 )-subquadrati at in nity. Let . . .

Lemma 1. Assume that H is C 2 on IR2n nf0g and that H 00 (x) is . . .
Theorem 1 (Ghoussoub-Preiss). Let X be a Bana h Spa e and  : X ! IR

De nition 1. We shall say that a C 1 fun tion  : X ! IR satis es . . .

LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 13

11 Fine Tuning of the Text

The following should be used to improve the readability of the text:
\, a thin spa e, e.g. between numbers or between units and num-
bers; a line division will not be made following this spa e
-- en dash; two strokes, without a spa e at either end
-- en dash; two strokes, with a spa e at either end
- hyphen; one stroke, no spa e at either end
$-$ minus, in the text only

Input 21\,$^{\ ir }$C et .,

Dr h.\, .\,Ro kefellar-Smith \dots
20,000\,km and Prof.\,Dr Mallory \dots
1950--1985 \dots
this -- written on a omputer -- is now printed
$-30$\,K \dots
Output 21 C et ., Dr h. . Ro kefellar-Smith . . .
20,000 km and Prof. Dr Mallory . . .
1950{1985 . . .
this { written on a omputer { is now printed
30 K . . .

12 Spe ial Typefa es

Normal type (roman text) need not be oded. Itali ({\em <text>} better still
\emph{<text>}) or, if ne essary, boldfa e should be used for emphasis.
{\itshape Text} Itali ized Text
{\em Text} Emphasized Text { if you would like to emphasize a de ni-
tion within an itali ized text (e.g. of a theorem) you should
ode the expression to be emphasized by \em.
{\bfseries Text} Important Text
\ve {Symbol} Ve tors may only appear in math mode. The default LATEX
ve tor symbol has been adapted1 to LLNCS onventions.
$\ve {A \times B\ dot C} yields A  B  C
$\ve {A}^{T} \otimes \ve {B} \otimes
\ve {\hat{D}}$yields T

^ B D

If you absolutely must revive the original LATEX design of the ve tor symbol (as an
arrow a ent), please spe ify the option [orive in the do ument lass line.
14 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

13 Footnotes
Footnotes within the text should be oded:
Sample Input
Text with a footnote\footnote{The footnote is automati ally
numbered.} and text ontinues . . .
Sample Output
Text with a footnote2 and text ontinues . . .

14 Lists
Please ode lists as des ribed below:
Sample Input
\item First item
\item Se ond item
\item First nested item
\item Se ond nested item
\item Third item
Sample Output
1. First item
2. Se ond item
(a) First nested item
(b) Se ond nested item
3. Third item

15 Figures
Figure environments should be inserted after (not in) the paragraph in whi h
the gure is rst mentioned. They will be numbered automati ally.
Preferably the images should be en losed as PostS ript les { best as EPS
data using the eps g pa kage.
If you annot in lude them into your output this way and use other te h-
niques for a separate produ tion, the gures (line drawings and those ontaining
The footnote is automati ally numbered.
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 15

halftone inserts as well as halftone gures) should not be pasted into your laser-
printer output. They should be en losed separately in amera-ready form (orig-
inal artwork, glossy prints, photographs and/or slides). The lettering should be
suitable for reprodu tion, and after a probably ne essary redu tion the height
of apital letters should be at least 1.8 mm and not more than 2.5 mm. Che k
that lines and other details are uniformly bla k and that the lettering on gures
is learly legible.
To leave the desired amount of spa e for the height of your gures, please use
the oding des ribed below. As an be seen in the output, we will automati ally
provide 1 m spa e above and below the gure, so that you should only leave
the spa e equivalent to the size of the gure itself. Please note that \x" in the
following oding stands for the a tual height of the gure:
\vspa e{x m}
\ aption[ {...text of aption...} (Do type [ )

Sample Input
\vspa e{2.5 m}
\ aption{This is the aption of the figure displaying a white
eagle and a white horse on a snow field}

Sample Output

Fig. 1. This is the aption of the gure displaying a white eagle and a white horse on
a snow eld

16 Tables
Table aptions should be treated in the same way as gure legends, ex ept that
the table aptions appear above the tables. The tables will be numbered auto-
mati ally.
16 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

16.1 Tables Coded with LATEX

Please use the following oding:
Sample Input
\ aption{Criti al $N$ values}
${\mathrm M}_\odot$ & $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\mathrm 6}$ & $\gamma$
& $N_{\mathrm{ rit}}^{\mathrm L}$
& $N_{\mathrm{ rit}}^{\mathrm{Te}}$\\
30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 & 320 \\
60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 & 340 \\
120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 & 370 \\

Sample Output

Table 1. Criti al N values

L Te
M 0 T 6 N rit N rit

30 0.82 38.4 35.7 154 320

60 0.67 42.1 34.7 138 340
120 0.52 45.1 34.0 124 370

Before ontinuing your text you need an empty line. . . .

For further information you will nd a omplete des ription of the tabular
environment on p. 62 . and p. 204 of the LATEX User's Guide & Referen e
Manual by Leslie Lamport.

16.2 Tables Not Coded with LATEX

If you do not wish to ode your table using LATEX but prefer to have it reprodu ed
separately, pro eed as for gures and use the following oding:
Sample Input
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 17

\ aption{text of your aption}
\vspa e{x m} % the a tual height needed for your table

16.3 Signs and Chara ters

Spe ial Signs. You may need to use spe ial signs. The available ones are listed
in the LATEX User's Guide & Referen e Manual by Leslie Lamport, pp. 41 . We
have reated further symbols for math mode (en losed in $):
\grole yields > < \getsto yields !
\lid yields <= \gid yields > =

Gothi (Fraktur). If gothi letters are ne essary, please use those of the rel-
evant AMS-TEX alphabet whi h are available using the amstex pa kage of the
Ameri an Mathemati al So iety.
In LATEX only the following gothi letters are available: $\Re$ yields < and
$\Im$ yields =. These should not be used when you need gothi letters for
your ontribution. Use AMS-TEX gothi as explained above. For the real and
the imaginary parts of a omplex number within math mode you should use
instead: $\mathrm{Re}$ (whi h yields Re) or $\mathrm{Im}$ (whi h yields Im).

S ript. For s ript apitals use the oding

$\math al{AB}$ whi h yields AB
(see p. 42 of the LATEX book).

Spe ial Roman. If you need other symbols than those below, you ould use the
bla kboard bold hara ters of AMS-TEX, but there might arise apa ity prob-
lems in loading additional AMS-TEX fonts. Therefore we reated the bla kboard
bold hara ters listed below. Some of them are not estheti ally satisfa tory. This
need not deter you from using them: in the nal printed form they will be re-
pla ed by the well-designed MT (monotype) hara ters of the phototypesetting
ma hine.
\bbb ( omplex numbers) yields C \bbbf (bla kboard bold F) yields IF
\bbbh (bla kboard bold H) yields IH \bbbk (bla kboard bold K) yields IK
\bbbm (bla kboard bold M) yields IM \bbbn (natural numbers N) yields IN
\bbbp (bla kboard bold P) yields IP \bbbq (rational numbers) yields Q
\bbbr (real numbers) yields IR \bbbs (bla kboard bold S) yields S
\bbbt (bla kboard bold T) yields T \bbbz (whole numbers) yields ZZ
\bbbone (symbol one) yields 1l



18 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

17 Referen es
There are three referen e systems available; only one, of ourse, should be used
for your ontribution. With ea h system (by number only, by letter-number
or by author-year) a referen e list ontaining all itations in the text, should
be in luded at the end of your ontribution pla ing the LATEX environment
thebibliography there. For an overall information on that environment see
the LATEX User's Guide & Referen e Manual by Leslie Lamport, p. 71.
At the moment there is no spe ial BibTEX style for LLNCS { sorry. But if
you plan to use BibTEX as you are ustomed to do so, please spe ify the option
[oribibl in the do ument lass line, like:
\do ument lass[oribibl{lln s}
This will retain the original LATEX ode for the bibliographi environment and
the \ ite me hanism that many BibTEX appli ations rely on.

17.1 Referen es by Letter-Number or by Number Only

Referen es are ited in the text { using the \ ite ommand of LATEX { by number
or by letter-number in square bra kets, e.g. [1 or [E1, S2, [P1, a ording to your
use of the \bibitem ommand in the thebibliography environment. The oding
is as follows: if you hoose your own label for the sour es by giving an optional
argument to the \bibitem ommand the itations in the text are marked with
the label you supplied. Otherwise a simple numbering is done, whi h is preferred.
The results in this se tion are a refined version
of \ ite{ lar:eke}; the minimality result of Proposition~14
was the first of its kind.
The above input produ es the itation: \. . . re ned version of [CE1; the min-
imality. . . ". Then the \bibitem entry of the thebibliography environment
should read:
\bibitem[CE1{ lar:eke}
Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
Nonlinear os illations and boundary-value problems for
Hamiltonian systems.
Ar h. Rat. Me h. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
The omplete bibliography looks like this:
LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e 19

Referen es
[CE1 Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Nonlinear os illations and boundary-value problems for
Hamiltonian systems. Ar h. Rat. Me h. Anal. 78 (1982) 315{333
[CE2 Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Solutions periodiques, du periode donnee, des equations
hamiltoniennes. Note CRAS Paris 287 (1978) 1013{1015
[MT1 Mi halek, R., Tarantello, G.: Subharmoni solutions with pres ribed minimal
period for nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems. J. Di . Eq. 72 (1988) 28{55
[Ta1 Tarantello, G.: Subharmoni solutions for Hamiltonian systems via a ZZ p pseu-
doindex theory. Annali di Matemati a Pura (to appear)
[Ra1 Rabinowitz, P.: On subharmoni solutions of a Hamiltonian system. Comm.
Pure Appl. Math. 33 (1980) 609{633

Number-Only System. For this preferred system do not use the optional
argument in the \bibitem ommand: then, only numbers will appear for the
itations in the text (en losed in square bra kets) as well as for the marks in your
bibliography (here the number is only end-pun tuated without square bra kets).
Subsequent itation numbers in the text are ollapsed to ranges. Non-numeri
and unde ned labels are handled orre tly but no sorting is done.
E.g., \ ite{n1,n3,n2,n3,n4,n5,foo,n1,n2,n3,?,n4,n5} { where nx is the
key of the xth \bibitem ommand in sequen e, foo is the key of a \bibitem with
an optional argument, and ? is an unde ned referen e { gives 1,3,2-5,foo,1-3,?,4,5
as the itation referen e.
\bibitem { lar:eke}
Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
Nonlinear os illations and boundary-value problems for
Hamiltonian systems.
Ar h. Rat. Me h. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333

17.2 Author-Year System

Referen es are ited in the text by name and year in parentheses and should look
as follows: (Smith 1970, 1980), (Ekeland et al. 1985, Theorem 2), (Jones and Ja e
1986; Farrow 1988, Chap. 2). If the name is part of the senten e only the year
may appear in parentheses, e.g. Ekeland et al. (1985, Se t. 2.1) The referen e
list should ontain all itations o urring in the text, ordered alphabeti ally by
surname (with initials following). If there are several works by the same author(s)
the referen es should be listed in the appropriate order indi ated below:
a) One author: list works hronologi ally;
b) Author and same o-author(s): list works hronologi ally;
) Author and di erent o-authors: list works alphabeti ally a ording to o-
If there are several works by the same author(s) and in the same year, but whi h
are ited separately, they should be distinguished by the use of \a", \b" et .,
e.g. (Smith 1982a), (Ekeland et al. 1982b).
20 LATEX 2" Class for Le ture Notes in Computer S ien e

How to Code Author-Year System. If you want to use this system you have
to spe ify the option [ iteauthoryear in the do ument lass, like:
\do ument lass[ iteauthoryear{lln s}
Write your itations in the text expli itly ex ept for the year, leaving that up
to LATEX with the \ ite ommand. Then give only the appropriate year as
the optional argument (i.e. the label in square bra kets) with the \bibitem
Sample Input
The results in this se tion are a refined version
of Clarke and Ekeland (\ ite{ lar:eke}); the minimality result of
Proposition~14 was the first of its kind.
The above input produ es the itation: \. . . re ned version of Clarke and Eke-
land (1982); the minimality. . . ". Then the \bibitem entry of lar:eke in the
thebibliography environment should read:
\begin{thebibliography}{} % (do not forget {})
\bibitem[1982{ lar:eke}
Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
Nonlinear os illations and boundary-value problems for
Hamiltonian systems.
Ar h. Rat. Me h. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
Sample Output

Referen es
Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Nonlinear os illations and boundary-value problems for Hamil-
tonian systems. Ar h. Rat. Me h. Anal. 78 (1982) 315{333

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